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Bara Characters in the current season's anime and the year 2024. Post them here in this format:
1. Photo of the character (portraits/fullbody/screencaps)
2. (Full) Name/Job title(for no name BGC)
3. Anime title
4. (Optional) Synopsis/Why do you like him?

The criteria for guys that can be posted here are as follows:
1. MC, Antagonists, Protagonist, Side Character, Background Character
2. Muscular/Gachimuchi
3. Human, Human-like, Monsters with prominent humanoid physique, Kemonomimi
4. Any degree of beard+touche length, Clean-shaven
5. Daddy, uncle, young adult only. Character's canon age doesn't matter as long as the depiction are within 18 - 80 years old.

(Beautiful bishi men with lean body is in the other thread)

Keep the thread drama free and civil by not engaging, hiding and reporting spams including no picture and unrelated picture bumps.
noor and rick are sexoo i wish they had more fanart
Neither of them are in the Bara Season, woman. You fucking don't know real bara characters bitch
Go fuck your pozzed hairy assholes somewhere else, cunt.
not bara
have real bara, u girlyman
kinnikuman is more bara

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