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GH thread


Previous thread
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Next Classic
Next Mythic
Next Seasonal?
Third one is definitely not Seasonal. Those are POA guys so maybe it's a banner for Cumback.
The banner has the same background as the previous Hot Assembly. Maybe they used the wrong guys and those 2 will be in the market or it will be a revival mega for the anniversary.
And the videos.
Oh fuck, cock cage content, rare.
You're a creep.
If you are gonna kink shame people at least do it for something that isn't as tame as cock cages.
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Heavenly Daddy Angel
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Nostalgic Vran
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>cuckcage fag gets called out
>spams Fillion shit
kek I knew it.
The mythic video

holy fuck what the hell is that face LMAO
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Who dis? He cute.
The fuck is this metallic guy's supposed to be?
Steffan is a Steven Stone parody. That's the explanation.
Pimmel, parody of Himmel from Frieren

Mega Metagross. They should've gone with the non-mega version and given him just 2 arms.
The pokemon parodies are just weird in general.
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is there a filter for the offtopic pics
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Just watched Frieren and I didn't recognize that, guess I'm retarded.
Thanks for the shares.
No, just ignore them or it gets worse.
You can click on the triangle next to the post number, then hide post. You could also report them, but it seems this board has no janitor.
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Double Penetration
I has a request.

Could some anon make a pic of a sixty feet tall black man stomping some nazi tanks?

I asked over at the AI request thread but they were not able to do it.

A secondary request would be a dark haired 27 year old man with a sleek swimmers body climbing up out of a pool wearing nothing but a transparent black thong.
>a sixty feet tall black man
I meant to qualify 'a sixty foot tall NUDE black man'
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What the fuck is wrong with you gtfo
Legendary Contest
Ryu, nice. That's 4 out of 6 champions.
I'd be completely fine with never getting Romero and Whaty desu.
Anyone know what happened to the nutaku version of GH? Went to log back in after a year of not playing, and it's just gone. And I can't find any mention of it online.
Folder updated.

Thanks and great job anons.

>Missing Guys List
KC- Angelo
LAB- Arrin
PoA- Mathias, Dean, Fighter Lewis, Dark Timothy
PoV- Solomon, Artemis
Seasons- Geil
HA- Bleiz, Weston, Falco, Carter
Seasonal- Griffin, Solstice Winter

If someone's missing or there's a mistake, inform me.

It tends to disappear from time to time, more akin to the porn ban of some countries.
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Falta "Wesley" de Legendary Days.
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Path of Attraction
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Next Classic
Nice, but I want a Clynt alt already.
Looks like another Tanned event.Those 2 + Fabian and Craig(? I think?) are confirmed too.
Next Mega Event
Next Mythic
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Who are the mega guys supposed to be?
Honkai: Star Rail parodies

They are definitely Gepard and Ratio. It also means that the Sampo parody shown in discord's art-review will also be in the Mega.
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why is this the only western artist that doesn't draw terrible gay porn
Hope to GOD that the 4th HSR parody is Gallagher
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Falco and Bugsy videos
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New event replacing BB, Lively Scenes
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Legendary Contest guy
Looks hot. Who is he parodying?
The lower face looks really fucked
His counter looks like Quinella from SAO so I think this is Bercouli.
faltan escenas
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tanned sheng le faltan 2 escenas alguien las tendra ademas falta las escenas de devilish den
this thread needz fillion
Tanned Sheng is missing 2 scenes, someone will have them, and the Devilish Den scenes are missing.
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Folder updated.

Thanks and great job anons.

>Missing Guys List
Adventure- Daddy Angel
LS- Devilish Den
PoA- Mathias, Dean, Fighter Lewis
PoP- Gillian
Seasonal- Griffin, Solstice Winter, Leopard, Seppo, Flynn

If someone's missing or there's a mistake, post it.


Nice smack.

Go >>>/b/ack
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Are you able to post the lively scenes from them?
Path of Attraction
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thiz tread needs patric fillio
Fighter Lewis scenes?
Classic Event
Who the fuck is that?
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Next Mythic
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Wow, that’s so spery the platypus.
Next Nega event
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Blow's Video
Good to see he’s finally going the style of Fillion with these huge meaty sperior cocks.
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Double Penetration
>no Alexander to go with Napoleon
They had one job
Tell me if anyone have Sexy Jerry, otherwise I'll unlock him tomorrow and update the folder.
I got him
Who's the bishie a parody of?
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Folder updated.

Thanks and great job anons.

>Missing Guys List
Adventure- Daddy Angel
Lab- Elio
League- Chao
PoA- Mathias, Dean, Fighter Lewis
PoP- Gillian
S- Theodor

Seasonal- Griffin, Solstice Winter, Flynn
LR- Cumpire Wolfgang, Mummy Sigmund, Werewolf Negima, Frankenstein Devin

If someone's missing or there's a mistake, post it.

Thanks anon.

I'm with you, but that guy's not of Grand Order.

Wow, they changed the mega guys order without notice, that's some new level of nasty.
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Legendary Contest
Anyone know who he is?
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