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Last: >>3052921
Why is the board moving so fast..
Fillionschizo realized her fake draw thread got nuked and is mad
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Gwen says yes to trans rights.
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Spidey's tiny penis. :3
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itty bitty!
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Will they finally show this in the next film?
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More please.
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shit taste
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not marvel
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wrong, tranny. of course the spamming braindead monkey has no idea what she's talking about LOL
kys spammer
How embarrassing, Filliontranny doesn't even like the shit she spams enough to recognize it.
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Out of all the posts you quote one that obviously is. Dipshit.
the spammer is known to be a braindead ban evading roastie that hates all men and male hobbies so it's unsurprising
It's obvious lmao.
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yummers cocklet
I dreamed there was a Marvel man named Sharkeesha. He was half man half shark.
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Can we get this back on topic or is this thread just a lost cause, also I'm not opposed to femboys but it would be nice if it wasn't exclusively femboys
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Also keep that AI shit at >>3055817
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Oh fuck off retard.
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Seriously this board would be dead if not for AI, especially the western art threads. What a retarded bitch thing to complain about.
>21 seconds between posts on one of the slowest boards on the site
You need to try a little harder at pretending you're not just one schizo guy
Take your antipsychotics, spammer.
lmao called it there she goes
None of these characters are marvel, they're Patrick Fillion's OCs. If you're going to cry and shit your adult diaper over AI at least be consistent in concern trolling.
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Need a gay superhero with black latex and a fat ass so badly
nobody wants to click your virus dumbass
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Imagine how much happier Peter would be if these 2 were guys
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