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This is not jayce face or hair
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Wrong board
Take this shit to /d/
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Anyone like Silco/Viktor?
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uncensored version?
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every new pairing, retards keep trying to shove cuntboy crap in this board, just fuck off already
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How do you classify robo-Viktor with an onahole
pussy-adjacent and boring
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league jayvik
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Finished ver.
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if they had included a jayvik sex scene in the show, how and when do you think t would have been shown?
definitely during the space scene before they poofed into space dust.
astral cosmic sex
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It won't happen, one of the creators said they don't love each other like that, but if they weren't a bunch of coward faggots they'd have done it when they saw the infinite, but then again soul merging with your super special bestest friend in eternity while holding hands is probably a million times gayer then actual gay sex, so whatever.
There are hardworking fujos out there recreating their models so that's the closest we'll get.
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>tfw can't escape PIV even on /y/
I thought this board of all places would delete the troonwashing
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The mods and jannies are nonexistent on this board lel
Heavy Jayce agenda fucking rocks, this fucker weighs 230lbs and cums molten lead.
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I want a cute skinny work autist Viktor bf.
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Same. I would do terrible things to him
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I want Viktor to plow my hole, I wanna feel him squirm in pain as he thrusts like a animal in rut.
Cringe, Viktor is made to take cock.
What's cuter, the attractive crippled twink being the bottom again for the umpteenth time, or watching his face cycle through pain, pleasure, embarrassment, and predatory lust as he tries to physically dominate you.
>the attractive crippled twink being the bottom again for the umpteenth time
Retard, people make him top because it's more woke to have the smaller half of a yaoi ship top and if they do make them bottom they give them a vagina to virtue signal. Modern fujos are such cancer
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Want chronically ill bf so bad uwaaaaaaaaa
Troonshit though :(
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Damn sauce on this artist?
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The only way I can see it happening is in the timelines where jayce didn't shoot viktor and stayed with him in the commune.
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contribootyng take 2
I can see this is cuntboy shit from a mile away, come on
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Fucking the sweet narrow mouth of my dying bf <3
any nsfw jayvik fic recs?

something degenerate preferably, I can't digest wholesome shit
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need the source / artist / twitter pls, reverse google image search isnt working
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Is there any fic like this?
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Kachapow on Twitter
Astraeusskies on bluesky
Supermuuhcow on bluesky
I also posted the last one but couldn't find it, probably got it from some popiku from Twitter, but it's too far into my likes to see it
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Tried finding it again but ig they deleted it
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Becebeceb on Twitter
Turns out they didn't delete lol
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Hate to be obnoxious, but sauce?
Much appreciated
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No problem.
It's jeje3 on blue sky and dmmd_jj on Twitter, same person different handle.
start a new thread you dense motherfuckers
>t. Newnigger
/y/ is so slow that it's widely accepted to not make a new thread until page 9 or the thread has maxed images. We're only on page 2 and 9 posts away from maxing, retard, there's no need for a new thread.
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im_not_here134 but no boy parts sadly
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We've maxed out images.

New the thread

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