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This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

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So how is it going my friends? This lady is 1 week old
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>That is not what I meant.
>canabis is deeply rooted in european and the kind the druggies use in indian spirituality.
>You are supposed to use it for self improvement and comunication with the devine. Not for "amusement"
>And if arent indian, you arent supposed to use it at all.
>In Europe we have pic related assigned directly to THE Goddess and some other mushrooms and plants if you are feeling brave. I dont know much about them though.
i get what you are saying, i dont think its only for indians tho. it has spiritual usage roots dating back to the scythians even. i havnt looked into it for a while, but i wouldnt be surprised if ancient europeans used it further west also. you can use it for spiritual reflection, without going full indian. some white girl smokes weed once and then goes to india to find herself doing yoga and gets raped. many such cases.

also your pic related, we have here also, we call it "mugwort". its known as a pretty useful medicinal herb as far as I know but not too strong.
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We're legal now too (as all states in the US should be)..they only let us have 6 plants but pic rel is how we make the most of it
>I can't wait until you people perfect Marijuana
>>Godspeed Krauts

Krauts will create a marijuana that gets people off the couch and makes them work.
That reminds me of when in old europe they charged taxes on how much square feet your house had so they built houses with smaller foundations that branched out like trees.

Who was in the wrong here?
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whomever blew up the building.
>t. Gay jew
Wrong? It worked exactly as planned and took the heat off Clinton.
The feds.
You can’t bomb a fucking day care.

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>have a dutch fiancé
>move to the netherlands to get away from black worship in burgerland
>white and tall so I think i'd fit in
>failing to keep a job and feel like an outcast for not being able to speak the language

Is this the cost to get away to have a better life? I left my family and few friends behind for this. Does it get better dutchbros?
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In dat geval kan je geaccepteerd worden. Een accent maakt niet uit als je blank bent.
No, only when non-Dutch speakers are around, if we respect them enough to not make them feel excluded. In fact most of the dumb people and older people speak terrible English or not at all.
Learn Dutch dummy. simple as trying harder.
>Not learning a country's language before moving
Nigger tier
>The language is Dutch, literally the single easiest language for English speakers to learn
Invertebrate tier
It should not be hard to live in NL as a native English speaking person. Probably 80% of the country can hold a casual conversation in English. Hell each time I go to NL, they always speak back in German to me, so surely they know English too.

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Thats gotta be a british prophecy of some kind
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It was done on purpose. Freemason symbolism or some such bollocks.
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It's ketchup!
If I had to venture a guess I'd say the horse has burst a blood vessel in a lung and is spraying out misted blood with it's breath which is then coating everything from there back. A very serious condition and possibly fatal, "running a horse to death" situation.
They let black people on here?

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Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

>16k banner 1
>16k banner 2

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Novomikhailovka, DNR, has been liberated by the Russian Armed Forces- https://archive.today/hRCfB
>According to "Kyiv" post, Grisha is scamming people via custom /chug/ & Chinese shells - https://archive.today/Gnz3n

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Operation judenfrei
Did hohols really started to bomb refineries again after the new aud was through? They probably also got the memo that Trump is AIPAC's preferred candidate.
>they moved the gear in days ago
It's been there awhile. They knew this would pass because they bought the speaker.
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There's a rail line all through Russian territory now so vandalising the bridge is just autistic britbong sore-loser rage.
operation chihuahua neuter

Giving passports to all Ukrainian males living in Poland was blocked by order of Ukrainian government. Maidan-tier feelings in the angry crowd, they shout that they want comfy life, they dont want to die for Ukraine, thats why they moved to Poland in first place. When asked who should fight for Ukraine then, they say they that Zelensky should do the fighting.

According to recent estimates, up to 4 million hohol males in draft age might be residing in Poland currently

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There are some who love Poland and are generally good citizens
Yeah, the ukrainan is loyal. To his country, not yours. Even if they dodge draft they still consider their country better than yours.
Consuls are not, only embassies are.
so they just become poles
I mean I did that. People did that. I protested hard and I'm still getting harassed by pigs because of my actions during that time.
Nobody had to take it who didn't want it. That is just what faggots who gave in say to cope. "oh I had no choice". faggots all of them.

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>trying to give a loan to Israel
Oh thanks for clearing that up I didn't know "America First" actually meant loaning out money we already gave away.
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>lolcow doesn’t understand why he’s the lolcow
lol, John McCain simps are hilarious to point and laugh at
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It's mighty interesting how many kike media outlets and GOP faggots keep claiming Trump had something to do with the bill, but Trump neither took credit for it, nor endorsed it, which is incredibly unlike him not to boast of what he made happen. Almost like the media and politicians are lying. I wonder why? Maybe it has to do with Trump's actual track record.

Aid to Israel:
>Obama: $38,000,000,000
>Biden: $100,000,000,000
>Trump: $225,000,000

Also inb4 shills blame Trump for not vetoing King Nigger's 38 billion, which would have been easily overridden by 95% or more of Congress.

And by the way, is Trump POTUS? Then who is going to sign the Ukraine bill into law? Oh... that's right. Biden.

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it's always a "loan" because we have to track "aid". so we give Israel a "loan" and forgive it. its has always been this way.
you have any idea the huge amount of import rules for cars? if it wasn't for government trying to protect dumb fuck Amirian auto makers we would have brand new chines evs for 10k
Trump wanted this bill and he gave Johnson the go ahead. Ukraine is attacking Russian oil making gas prices go up, High gas prices on election day will help Trump get elected

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How are normalfags coping with their lives collapsing around them in real time?

They all seem 100% broke and on drugs
woman... boobs... me want
With pussy

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The shaded half of male American adults is unable to solve this. The unshaded half is proud of itself for being able to do it. Political implications of this state of affairs?
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This test only indicates whether or not you are homosexual. If you shade any prt of the square you are gay.
See >>466031027. Like it or not, that's how it is.
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it says "a square". i see 2 squares.
>implying you can't reduce it to a ratio and have it apply the same on any square

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Is it even legal? Here it's 20m3 minimum.
Why does RuZZia want me to live in ze pod?
Would all of these British roses
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How long does this country have left, realistically speaking?
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That's fair, but not laughing at disabled people is inexcusable
Assuming it was really made by a woman, I'd say it means anything not left of center
>Mossad back door and that’s it.
okay pajeet
I only have 4. 5 if you count the free space.... you should probably count the free space.
literally thousands of years
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No win for me

According to the State of New York, paying a prostitute to not kiss and tell while you're running for office should come from the Campaign fund and not your own personal fund.
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Can anyone give me a quick rundown about this? What are they accusing him of? Using campaign money to pay the pornstars so she didn't speak?

Why would he use campaign money to do that and not his money?
Yeah it's pretty funny. It's like they're mad he had the money to do it because they have to use their campaign funds for everything.
Yes, that is the underlying charge. Falsifying business documents does not exist without the campaign finance charge, because the document becomes true and accurate (paid his lawyer for work instead of paid his lawyer for crime).
The whole thing is complete bullshit.
Using your personal money to pay someone to sign a NDA and then listing it as a personal legal expense in your accounting records is legal and common.
Using campaign funds to pay someone to sign a NDA and listing it as a campaign expense is also legal and common.
The prosecution is claiming that Trump broke the law because he did the first one instead of the second one. That's it.
The Federal Election Commission already looked into this stuff and said that Trump didn't do anything wrong or break any federal campaign laws.
Preventing bad press from getting out can be campaign related

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Violence is never the answer…except to all of America’s problems.

Maybe if something solved >50% of all issues in human history, it shouldn't be the last possibility you contemplate is should be the first.

I was listening to Common Ground with @whatifalthist
and Malcolm of @SimoneHCollins
famediscussing the cllapse in birthrates and the dating market…

and the entire conversation revolved arround what young guys should do who’ve been structurally delegated to status level multiples lower than their academic, economic, IQ and general competence would suggest by DEI, Affirmative action, Economic cartelization, and a feminist and family court regime EXPLICITLY designed to destroy family formation… and every time it came to basically dating advice, or “welp thems the breaks, guess you’ll have to settle for a single mom 3 rungs lower than you in economic status and watch your bloodline get destroyed by dysgenics even as you sacrifice everything to make it work”

Ya young men might do that… or they might kill 10-50 million people in the next 10 years.

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> people should do this.
> People should do that.
Fuck off.
Pfffff. The system is too Undesirable to pull a draft without consequences or any gargantuan social concessions being made before it. Which they won't.

Maybe, and I mean maybe, they can force European people to fight if they put explosive collars on them, a la Battle Royale.
Absolute garbage.

White men are not the ones suffering. Hispanic/Black men are. If you're worried about a revolution it should be coming from them.

White men are not incels. White men are not doing the worst in terms of jobs/relationships or property ownership.

Maybe the losers on this board are though.
>White men are not the ones suffering. Hispanic/Black men are. If you're worried about a revolution it should be coming from them.
>White men are not incels. White men are not doing the worst in terms of jobs/relationships or property ownership.
Listen, op is a foreign glowie we all know that. But Black and Hispanic men are the last people to be incels. They are having all the sex. More white women have jumped to black men than ever before in history.
These problems don't exist in a vaccum, white men are being sorted out and they and everyone else is starting to notice.
>Hispanic/Black men are. If you're worried about a revolution it should be coming from them.
They have been already defused with integration into the system and quite literally won't do shit anymore.
"Sorry I can't come to the George Floyd 2 protests, Laqueesha landed a cozy DEI job and I can't afford her losing it by giving the ick to our jewish boss"

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Only racists can be atheists by definition. Nigger equality is a faith based religious belief that defies the core tenants of evolutionary theory. There is 0 evidence for nigger equality. Nigger equality has its own churches, priests, holy texts, saints and miracles. Nigger equality is a full fledged religion. Any data you have on "atheists" is bunk unless the study screened "atheists" for believing in nigger equality. Anyone calling themselves "atheist" that also believes in nigger equality is factually wrong about being atheist.
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The definition of every word is absolute
Well then they're not racist how you implied it. Perhaps "racist" unbeknownst to themselves but not consciously.
The ancient Greeks could own women as literal property. Sometimes you owned two women, one who was wife material and then a 2nd wife who did chores.
You cannot have a fetish about niggers being sexually superior without imagining them as being very different to other races
I don't think BBC porn necessarily needs to establish it's taking place in an alternate universe where white guys with big dicks don't also exist.

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You've Been Found Out
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Most of the names are just German/Russian/English etc lol not even Hebrew
Oh so Hollywood was nepotism all a long.
Because they're fake names you fucking moron. Seriously you fucking dipshits will believe anything if some fucking low iq storm fag made it up. Leme just start calling every I hate oh look it's smith, must be smithowitz. Fucking moronic. Thyere all openly Jewish you fucking counts. It's not like they're trying to pull some fast one on you.

Trumps going down get over it you lost in 2020 to a free and fair election you absolute brainlett cucks.
lol, you mad, jew?
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b-b-but guys.....we're not actually gonna gas Jennifer Connely, right? Guys?

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He’s the only man who deserves the epithet “the Great”.
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>eyes same color.
very good depiction otherwise
He conquered world before he was 30.
I would rather say death is horrible.
Probably true. But I still got a lot of life in me!
>He’s the only man who deserves the epithet “the Great”.
The Great Greaseball

Jury cucks in agreement.

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another adult with a triple digit IQ. thanks, anon
That's not what that word means, anon.
Do you not know how to speak your own language?
>apply for the permit that would have allowed
>you have to apply for a license to exercise your rights

news flash buddy we already have that license, it's called inalienable rights, and they're recognized by the constitution of this country
it's already the rule of law that we have the right to "make" (if you call buying premade parts and putting them together making) our own firearms at home

why do you fucking idiots think the government gets to tell what what rights you do or do not have and how you're allowed to engage in them, or that you need their permission first
that isnt a right, that's a revokable privilege
the constitution is a living document, sweetie. it's open to interpretation, with new insights and understanding informed by a modern context.
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>the permit
this is the permit.


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come watch niggers beg to be freed

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>All his kids are Daddy's kids

So they're all going to grow up to be criminals too?
Oh god, he's probably telling the fucking trruth, or she's lying too. God. Fucking God I hope these people are not actually polluting the gene pool.

Eugenics NOW!
Man this bitch couldn’t even stop tweaking for her nigger’s parole board hearing.
>I believe in second chances
>3rd time felony offender
Something tells me Brittany has had a lot of exposure to lead...

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