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This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

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Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one. New users who do not abide by this principle will be temporarily blocked from creating threads. Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice. Don't bitch because your twitter screencap thread got deleted; there are probably other threads about it. Go look!

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Last month my mom called me crying about it how there are no trick or treaters outside and she only got three the entire night apparently she called her friends and they said because their kids parents having kids and despite what she thought I was not an anomaly. She was baffled asked me why I or any of my peers don’t want to have kids despite me telling her repeatedly for ten years now which is the primary ones, everything is expensive, woman are whores, shit parenting, society sucks, life keeps getting worse, circumcism, vaccines, mass migration. She of course then ignored everything I said and started rambling about how great children are and they’re a blessing no matter what even if they have a harder future apparently. I didn’t want to waste my time with another pointless conversation so I just hung up. So how is the gen x generation members you know reacting to no more kids?
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Previous: >>489088283
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council, you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition and you acknowledge that the Golan Heights belong to Syria

>Biden allows Ukraine to use ATACMS within Kursk region - https://archive.today/90wAD / https://archive.today/9LF0k
>Ukraine to face power cuts after massive air strike on power grid - https://archive.today/QnCzq / https://archive.today/qxSoK
>Russian forces organizing logistics, ammo delivery in Kupyansk - https://archive.today/nUnwr
>Russian forces storming Kupyansk outskirts - https://archive.today/ssNos / https://archive.today/Pfl1o
>Zelensky unhappy over Putin-Scholz call - https://archive.today/nxKUc / https://archive.today/0zuFu
>German Chancellor Olaf Scholz calls Putin for first time since 2022 - https://archive.today/nfukZ / https://archive.today/5hImV
>North Korea to start mass production of FPV drones - https://archive.today/y28mN

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sorry, I don't really want to talk about the crime itself, as it is something pretty heavy, though I guess I'm setting up myself for it by talking about being in prison in the first place, haha
fair, I remembered not knowing what happened but I didn’t remember whether there was a reason as to why I didn’t know
Thanks. I wish you success in your endeavours. 'The spice must flow' to quote a bad movie and decent book.
I never said don’t take Odessa as well
In fact
Odessa is non negotiable, one of capitols of the governorates of novorossiya back in the day also as retribution for Odessa trades union warehouse massacre
It is a shit proposition and Hungary is doing all they can not to do it.

One can't help but notice the body language here. She is sitting there with a disgusted look on her face with her arms folded as to protect herself from the retardation he is spewing. He is siting like a schoolboy, all loose and uncommanding, undeserving of respect. She has nothing but contempt for him and deep down he knows he deserves it.
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A lot of people want him to step aside. I personally want him to stay on until the next election just to see him lose by historic margins to be humbled.
>i can't wait to be assfucked by the next party of Indian loving cocksuckers
he isn't capable of being humbled. look at the US the libs there. they, and he, will invent a reason to protect their ego, the principal skinner meme
ya i know i know. pierre wuill fuck us too but for christ sakes at least he wont talk like an absolute fag and will fuck us a little better than this bumbling buffoon.
I like Meloni

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Previous: >>489066642

▶Day: 1001 — Daily battlefield assessment:http://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 released, ruspidor seething off the charts
>General Prosecutor's office of Ukraine: russian troops executed 2 Ukrainian POWs at Pokrovsk direction
>US sending Ukraine $275 million in security assistance - part of the surge Biden announced back in September
>Ukraine’s armed forces fire British-made Storm Shadow missiles at military targets inside russia for the first time
>President Joe Biden has authorized the provision of antipersonnel land mines to Ukraine - WP
>Ukraine struck Bryansk GRAU arsenal, reportedly for the first time with ATACMS missiles.
>Putin signed a decree in which he updated the nuclear doctrine
>"Denmark will allocate more than 130 million euros for the Ukrainian military-industrial complex." - Mette Frederikson.
>Borrell confirms that the US will allow Ukraine to attack up to 300 kilometers inside russian territory
>Zelenskyy visited Kupiansk and Pokrovsk

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fook roosia they bombarded whorKrine
shame or no shame
>So when the nukes arrive? They are 9 hours and 30 minutes late by now.
dumb puke, no need to advertise your incompetence,... LOL
zelensky-kun, who do you want nuked on the front line? is the proverbial re incarnation of Uriah the Hittite?
For me it's Cossacks 2
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Damn, it's day 1001, I wonder how many more palindromes the three-day special military operation will have in store. How do I calculate the number of palindromes for every number up to a specific value without just bruteforcing it?

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So I’d say I’m around 5% draftable due to certain conditions and my age
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I guess I'll have to improvise
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Pee pee poo poo, shit in my shoe, won't fight for a jew.
don't get picked up is the advice I'd give. Don't go to the supermarket
I will not be shooting the designated enemies, I will instead be shooting you.
you'll be getting droned by a chink

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I’m not a biologist but worrying about the birth rate has to be the most retarded thing you can do. Life produces to its fullest potential. This is true of all living things. It is a self correcting problem. The people that don’t have children will be replaced by people prone to have children. Life will always produce as much of itself as it can.
cope, the world will go to shit because it will be full of wogs. end of.
The problem isn't 'humans' dying off, it's intellectuals being bred out of existence by pieces of garbage
>Life will always produce as much of itself as it can.
This is true for wild animals in a natural environment. Humans live in a very unnatural world.
cogito, ergo goon

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Is there a reason stalin created a cute little baby russia after raping poland
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Literally the only nice part of Russia btw
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Chimpanzegroids let it decay as they do with all things.
I agree that Ukraine is a fake country jewish mafia state but you don't need to end the world over it
Memel was seemed to Germany by Lithuania before wwii. Not really sure why Russia didn't return it to them or give it to Poland.
Fuck that house, entire germany should've been like that. Hate how Russians had mercy.

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> It’s unclear whether they left with a pizza.
The MOD squad strives to ensure every customer is satisfied.
if you can see a nigger within a 1 mile radius to you, you fucked up and relaxed too hard and the toll will be paid.
This, he'll probably die from hospital bacteria
Believe it or not that shit's not supposed to be outside your body
you can die from heart infection from a fucking tooth infection.
The amount of jewishness of this article literally is making me seethe so fucking hard.
its not that simple. every service job is open to niggers coming around, or seeing niggers on the job. federal law prohibits racial discrimination.

even though everyone knows how dangerous the blacks are, we are all required to ignore this because "it racist"

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Ursula Haverbeck passed away ate the age of 96.

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Why now? Why didn't they come out 10 years ago?
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When have you seen mass deportations, shillbot? Also what airforce base are you at?
>Tapping meme means since Trump won I will now go die for Israel which is retarded and not based in reality
It literally is happening as we speak. War escalations are happening in Israel and now against Russia. They are becoming extremely desperate, and there's nothing more dangerous than a desperate Jew. They want white men to fight yet another global Jewish war project, for the third time. I don't trust these rollbacks for one second!
Not only the economy every institution and government. Including every institution where safety is critical (for example, air traffic controllers). Enjoy your next flight.
the only time I smile is when kikes die, complain in hindu is directed to kikes and the us government
its what the kikes want to happen dummy, you should not accept any of it.

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Why no plagues?
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They are the plague
What are you talking about? They CONSTANTLY have plagues.
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>How did he stand the itching though?
He probably wallowed in the dirt.
same reason jews have no more plagues. they ARE the plagues
how do you think all those native americans died?

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You wouldn't democratically elect an airline pilot.
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that's great, can you show me the technical evaluative process for political leadership?
i'll wait
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>Anchorage Alaska elected an Alaska Airlines pilot
>as mayor
Ask China
If the passengers elect a shitty pilot they all deserve to die.
I wouldn't hire a woman of color as an airline pilot either.

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Elon Musk finishes Diablo politically in under 2 minutes. You aren't worse than Elon, right chud?
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>elon plays vidya!
>wow, elon's so rich!
>elon took a shit today!
Fuck off with this overexposed crypto-kike already.
Gamer fags, is he elite at Diablo or does he paypiggy? I never played it
Reaching rank 1 is just a norm to me.
I dont play video games but speedrunning sounds like the most retarded thing ever. Well done, you finished the game in 2 seconds, fag. Who cares?
How is that fun? Rushing through a game. I'll never understand the appeal of speed gaming. Also diablo 2 is the only good diablo

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Why are American "men" like this? America women deserve better
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"white men bad" low effort spam thread #99183831135
Why do European men let their women get gang raped?
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This isn't a thing right? This is just two gay guys being funny?

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Poor guy is having quite the hard time over at Bluesky. I hope he feels better soon.

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Can you post nigger there or is the site against free speech
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the real redpill for everyone that voted Harris-Walz―millionaire celebs/shills or not―having virtue-signal slapfights on social media, visualizing themselves as righteous warriors of one flavor or another:
is that they were brainwashed hook-line-&-sinker for 8 straight years by corporate mass media and deep administrative state D.C. establishment swamp 5Eyes propaganda.
If they are honest with themselves, and can look deeply at themselves in the mirror that is.
(or, the celebs among them can redeem by going to Mar-a-Lago and crawl around Trump's office as Mika & Joe of MSNBC did the other day)

Historically this era and Nov 2024 will be viewed similarly to Colin Powell and the NYT's Judith Miller selling the Iraq invasion, early 2003.
No, but in my experience it takes a lot to get banned and they mainly rely on users to curate their own feeds. That was a while ago though so they're probably way more sensitive now that they're getting big.
Rob Reiner went insane long ago. South Park used to make fun of him for being a morbidly obese anti-smoking crusader back in mid 2000s.

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g'day lads

>BREAKING: the officially titled ‘Social Media Minimum Age Bill 2024’ will be introduced into the Parliament today by Communications Minister Michelle Rowland.
> 7News has reported that social media companies will be fined up to $50 Million if they do not comply with the age limit restriction of 16.

>Australia’s social media ban for under 16s could put children at greater risk

>Australia to ban social media for all children under 16

>UK government moves to follow Australia’s social media bans for children aged under 16
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did you go the hotdog or the pizza?
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>did you go the hotdog or the pizza?
no nothing.
Even the staff are mystery meat.
It's disgusting.
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Even the whites I did see were either boomer couples on their deathbeds of fat houso slags.
There's no hope left for this place.
Hey, at least we arent speaking German, r-right?
>They should just legislate
They should just fuck off and die. None of this is solving any real issues in this country and its obvious the government just wants even more control over the population. If you're in favour of it you should quite literally do a backflip off a bridge.

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Niggers are just going to ruin it anyway.
The point is no one is going anywhere
more stuff = more fun
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You mean Indian Hindu rape rats
Other planets means more space for people to live. Meaning less overcrowding of earth, meaning less strain on the resources here, and the other planets can also provide resources for earth, too. It's a win/win and only short-sighted retards disagree with space colonization.
We'll dump all the poos on Io and turn that moon into a flaming shitball.

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>the war will end when russia says so!
>please god let trump end the war in january 2025
>please world we must deescalate now!!
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you're literally a brownoid thirdie stop larping like a westerner you cringe faggot your granmas pension is 200 euros
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Did the evil West cause this too with their evil sanctions?
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always ugly shitskins like brandon moortinez and thirdie polenigs and roomanians simping for zog west
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All the Anglo-Saxon scum will get what's coming to them for messing with BRICS nations. We haven't forgotten why you swindled your way to success. You exploited us with your racism, now that's about to end. You will have the wrath of Allah upon you right after Ukraine is destroyed.
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average wage in pooland is 500 euros a month
this NEET polenig larping as an embarrassed millionaire CEO fuck off retard

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what are political implications of this?
those nicotine patches are disgusting.
firstly theyre uncomfortable, secondly they start burning your gums, then they start producing saliva which apparently you shouldnt swallow? and if you do swallow it it fucking stings your throat and gives you heartburn. only zoomers could have such brainrot to enjoy them.
they're addictive. if you are already addicted to nicotine, or use them for more than a few days, your brain will start to associate them with a nicotine delivery system and you will begin to enjoy them. that's why smoking is disgusting but when you're a smoker a cigarette tastes delicious.
They aren't putting them in their mouths though. This will have its own problems
Nicotine is one of the best nootropics

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