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This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

Off-topic and /b/-tier threads will be deleted (and possibly earn you a ban, if you persist). Unless they are quality, well thought out, well written posts, the following are some examples of off-topic and/or /b/-tier threads:

>Red pill me on X. (with no extra content or input of your own)
>Are X white?
>Is X degeneracy?
>How come X girls love Y guys so much?
>If X is true, then how come Y? Checkmate Z.

The variety of threads allowed here are very flexible and we believe in freedom of speech, but we expect a high level of discourse befitting of the board. Attempts to disrupt the board will not be tolerated, nor will calls to disrupt other boards and sites.

If you want a place to discuss topics not related to news, world events, or politics, please try /bant/ - International/Random,

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Check the catalog before posting a new thread!

Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one. New users who do not abide by this principle will be temporarily blocked from creating threads. Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice. Don't bitch because your twitter screencap thread got deleted; there are probably other threads about it. Go look!

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Previous: >>482144283
Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, DENOUNCE and fully CONDEMN the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)
*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof

>Pager attack done prematurely due to Hezbollah members finding out
>Rumors of random iPhones exploding all around Lebanon
>Air France, Lufthansa, and British Airways have cancelled all flights into Israel until tomorrow
>Lebanon invasion Soon(tm)


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>thousands of the mid level management of your enemy becoming severe cripples for life
>a bad result
you have consumed 10 cannisters of copium at least
Thread 1715 where Muslims should stick to their youth league football clubs and not do anything that will have any political impact whatsoever in the Middle East.
My feeling is, it mostly hurt non-combatant administrators and other civilians. Only speculating of course as I don't know all the details, but I don't think it was as targeted as israel is attempting to portray.
dont lie Ahmed i know you can read it
You need some more copium from jidf moshe.

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I think If we're being honest here, in regard to immigration, America’s probably the luckiest out of anybody

Can't say I wouldn't support mass deportation though
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The fat fag has even drawn a Swastik on his cigarette box lmao. Hitler might have used him instead of Tiger as the main heavy tank hahaha
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>if i'm not white, nobody can be
what a cope
Mr nom nom guy
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this is from brazil south america though

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The average 4channer is 40 years old.
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I was on /pol/ back in 89. But, we didn't call it /pol/. Back then it was called the bathroom stall at the 7/11.
true, but I was talking only about imageboards.
that's not true. the new iPhone 16 Pro Max is the best iPhone EVER made
The neighbor part is easier with kids though because if the neighbors have them too, it makes for easy convo starters.

your parents money stretched further then because say, a meal for all 5 of yall at McDonald's back then would be $25. Now it'd be $50 easily
Daily reminder I was raised by my mother and extended family and never saw a daycare and didn't see a gay black tranny until I was well into my 30's, while you likely had one changing your diaper at whatever day care your parents shoved you in.

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Previous: >>482182936
Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Russian army to be increased by 180,000 troops to 1.5 million active servicemen - https://archive.today/bwzMt
>“We have been fighting with our last guard, and have thrown our logistics guys into the trenches.” - https://archive.today/KrBmX
>Russian forces have liberated the town of Novogrodovka in the DPR -
>Russian forces have liberated Kalinovo in the DPR - https://archive.today/yDLQn
>Zelenskyy launches biggest cabinet reshuffle (purge) since start of SMO - https://archive.today/wrqmp / https://archive.today/0BxbO
>US says striking deep in Russia "no game-changer" after Zelenskyy pleas -https://archive.today/RQ1BX

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>. Where does that put Ukraine's ambitions of joining post war?

damn do pass our best regards to him
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good day to you sir grab a helmet we're storming
They hate women, men and diddle children. What did you expect?
Why are people with ancom flags a bunch of faggots that should kill thrmselves

hezbollah has announced the deaths of 30+ of its members in the past 36 hours
>t-they targeted muh civilians!!
>the civilians:
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>weak faggots
dont forget your blankey moshe
So 30 over 3000 explosions? 1% success rate?
4000 injured so less
Fuck ADL and fuck SPLC
they didn't detonate a kilo of C4 for each hezbollah, bro
given the size of those pagers and batteries it's almost bizarre to see this much carnage

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99.9% of people on this board don't know one fucking iota about logic and argumentation.
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Fallacy of composition
that's cool anon, you're a nigger!
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everybody and their moms are too entrenched in their opinions and ideologies since covid. this is the stage of the play where the contestants just hurl insults at each other.
protip: just look up the /pol/ welcome sticky if you need to be part of the internet special olympics of arguing about stuff.

christchads won
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what race was the egyptian pharaoh ramses and how the fuck did he get there?
>why does it bother you
I don't like getting shit stuffed down my throat
You have no european identity. Just as subversive and rootless as a jew. Go away with your christian nationalism
What? I dont care about egypt either
you are coping and seething, i provided you scritptural proof jesus was whiter than milk and you are crying and shitting your pants.

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>The cope
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-50 fag points to your ass eating bitch nigger credit score

wow bro gonna get some miles huh
-10 points to your normally impressive ability to deepthroat donkey sized nigger cocks

China should flex hard and take Hawaii while the US Navy cucks for Israel.
Kek. The best thing is that the reason why some of the elite supported and especially allowed brexit was to become a hub for the yuan. But after it went through, the Americans launched a massive anti-China campaign and blocked your path. When you have friends like that...
+20 blessings by the jews added to your american social credit score

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You could disappear tomorrow and no one will notice
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Well that's because the world would end.
Once you go black, we don't want you back.
It's a great shame to be with a niggerlover.
Because everything we are involved with is high quality and everything you rats are involved with is low quality. Simple as.
If you dont ghost a bitch when you find out she fucks niggers get out my face
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>You could disappear tomorrow and no one will notice
This is some of the saddest projection I've ever seen.

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He keeps doing nothing and still keeps winning, anon.
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obviously anon meant supply chains with a heavy western/kike component like in this case - Hungarian front company responsible for designing, manufacturing and shipping its own products under a Taiwanese brand name.
Now it's reported that solar panels and fridges are exploding too, let's see if they are also Taiwan and Japan brands.

The whole point of Hezbollah buying these old techs are because they are reliable, compared to modern smartphone.

Look like the jews are still one step ahead.
>There are no western supply lines
Out of the countries with major electronics industries, there is China and then there are American puppets. The latter are usually referred to as "the west"

> the supply chain is global
The supply chain of Huawei and some other Chinese manufacturers is almost 100% Chinese. This has been guaranteed by the Americans themselves.
The chinese aren't selling their own equipments, they are hired to manufacture designs. You use software to make your chip design and they make the physical thing for you. Just look it up kek
Correct. Easier to implement that code at the factory/test level.

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

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i do wonder if there will be an added push by democrats come october as they start to freak the fuck out at those numbers
That matches Florida's numbers, big decline in dems as a percentage, whites up in turnout, etc.
Looking at the overall decline in mail in ballots there isn't going to be much to work with relative to 2020.

The real debate is which of the following is true
>the missing mail in democrats never existed
>Harris shit the bed in her turnout operations
>people hate Harris so much that 500k Democrats are not voting out of spite
he either doesn't care if he's lying or not, or he's losing his mind

either way pretty sad that he doesn't care that he's lying to his supporters
it's also
>people aren't stuck at fucking home 24/7 with nothing to do but vote
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there's a lot of that going around it's always very amusing
i think the outlier event of swapping to harris changes a lot of assumptions that models are sticking to. people are posting the teamsters thing a lot because of polemical reasons, but i'm paying more attention to that shift from biden to trump. could be noisy methodology poll for sure, but idk
i have some ideas that could explain possible election numbers but people might take them as too much h/copium so i will wait until i see results

> Of course, he is coping
"I shaved my hair. I don't care that I'm a bald 19 year old. I feel I look better than ever! I know I look better than ever. If anything, people think I look better". You'd think that the problem is the goyslop we eat today. But no.
> father: bald
> uncle (mom's brother): bald
> grandfather (maternal side): bald
What are the political implications of such delusional men having voting rights? Dude was a 6/10 and now he is a -1/10 and he is coping so hard. His forehead is massive (e.g 12:21). How can such a mentally unstable individual be trusted with having an important responsibility like electing a representative? How did his ancestors manage to reproduce? Is "sexual selection" as scam? Aren't women supposed to find balding repulsive? Since "sexual selection" does not work, don't you think that me most ethical thing we can do is ban bald individuals from reproducing? Balding will be erased from the gene pool and all future boys will be happy. Also turkroaches will go bankrupt with no one to support their hair transplant industry which is always a plus
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For me, you're a faggy brown faggit lol
Yes. Look at how dysgenic he looks. Him balding is just a cherry on top.
Rest In Peace, mate. Fate went hard on you.
its an evolutionary response to shampoo
your hair is supposed to keep your head cool but when you shampoo out the natural oils it does the opposite and heats your head. people with overheated heads are much less likely to reproduce. bald people excel in all areas because of the cooler head.
give it a try, dont use shampoo for a month and see how cool your head is even in the sun. rinsing hair with just water every day or every other day if its longer. go for a run and see how nice and cool your head is.
Also, it's never the males of his line that were disgusting - they simply fucked the first woman willing to have sex with them, so a complete genetic bottom barrel. It's always the women carrying the family-ending genes when a boy is born with genetics that will make sure he never impregnates a woman.
Drink more water and less booze. I barely touch the stuff while everyone I know who drinks beers everyday is losing their hair.

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Why did he flee to New Zealand?
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oh i will add some 5/4 to that
Why do these people escape to ZOG aligned countries that will obviously hand them back to ZOG?
>And I'll repeat, I'm saying it's the jews AND the cabal. You're saying 'its not teh cabal'
only one party is trying to remove culpability from anyone, and it's you.
oh and btw here you blatantly lied as pic rel left middle arrow proves

self-proclaimed le hacker was already a meme here in the late 90's. though you gotta respect how far he made it with his bullshitting
Why didn't he go to Russia or China or another country that's hostile to America? Why go to a western Anglo country like New Zealand?

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Neo-Nazis are relatively quiet, and their views are in no way popular among Republicans; however, the back the blue psychos have a pretty substantial hold on Republicans, and they are pretty fringe. Most Americans aren't retarded bootlickers, so these freaks scare off a ton of independent voters. No sane civilized person wants to live in a country with psychopathic roided up police who have no respect for anyone and are completely full of themselves. I recently learned that this form of love of authority is something that is frowned upon in European countries like Germany. People, including police officers, will literally view you as a freak if you have this American style back the blue mentality.
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Criminal thread. Lets all compare rap sheets guys! Remember we only hate police because of the fucked up retarded decisions we made but we act like were oppressed little bitch victims. But dont tell anyone that!
>he got in trouble for it was because he kept talking about it
jeez, what a bonehead.
One cop I used to lift with was definitely on them.
He was let go from the force when some smug asshole tried to bust his balls a bit during a routine traffic stop.
He pulled him through the window, breaking his collarbone in the process.
I thought he was just roid raging at the time until he showed me that guy's facebook. Fuckin' hilarious.
The guy's facebook was 100% about him starting shit with other people "cuz they ain't gonna do shit".
We are all thought criminals here.

lmao you gullible retard
Who do you think is enforcing all the libtard edicts on your way to communism?

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And I have lost my meme folder, please help. The world still can not seem to grasp that there were black "nazis" let alone ones from India such as Azad Hind's fighters under Chandra Bose. Please share the redpills frens.
As always.
Praise Kek!
Heil Hitler!
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So what happened to those millions of Slavs, Gypsies, etc. who apparently weren't exterminated?
Did they all move to New York with the Jews who apparently weren't exterminated?
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>noooo you can't evaluate material on your own you have to learn everything from globohomo
>y- you just have to, ok?!
Or you could just read Mein Kampf

The numbers are inflated, as per census records. 3.8 million jews became 6 million dead and millions of survivors. I assume they did the same with gypsies and slavs.
>Or you could just read Mein Kampf
Even better, thank you, because many nazis claim that what Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf is not representative of his thinking.
so the official census is fake but your sourceless screenshot is real
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Like who? Like what?

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>The Society of Protectors (SOP) is a secret group created by Keith Raniere to teach men how to be men

>It is an organization where men pay a fee to learn the truths of manhood according to Keith Raniere, a man who cannot function without the aid and assistance of a group of female sycophants. All the members of SOP must sign an agreement wherein they promise never to speak to anyone – male or female – about the teachings they receive from Raniere

>Its website claims it “helps men to become more powerful and influential members of society by giving them tools and a network of honorable men for support. SOP is not only curriculum, it involves practical tests to strengthen us with respect to readiness, responsiveness, character, honor, strategic thinking and leadership.”

>Among the teachings are:

>Men control the world. Women are subordinate to men

>Men are polygamous by nature. Women should accept the polygamy of men

>The stronger the man, the more women he can own and control

>Men cum on women’s face or bodies to claim ownership of them. If a woman accepts his cum, he owns her

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Not only her, Cally (and her former wife, Allison Mack) was also in the cult.

1927 -
Umehara and his friend Sakai Kiyoshi spend a year in Shanghai, getting into opium and Chinese hookers, and generally trying to out-do each other in feats of degeneracy. They launch KAMASHASTRA, an ero-guro magazine specifically for Japanese living in the colonies. It’s about what you think it’s about.

KAMASHASTRA starts a new trend which catches on in all the ero-guro magazines: drug reports! “I traveled to an actual, no-foolin’ opium den with crazy Chinese junkies!!!” type of gonzo journalism. These gritty, dirty, grimey accounts of Chinese junkies were a new way to shock and titillate Japanese ero-guro audiences. And again, this new layer of grotesque came FROM the colonies INTO Tokyo “modern” society.

Edogawa Ranpo publishes THE STRANGE TALE OF PANORAMA ISLAND (PANORAMA TOUKIDAN), a horror novel about a guy who fakes his own death in order impersonate a rich kid who inherits his own island. And then he populates the island with the taxidermied bodies of his murder victims, turning it into a “sculpture garden”.

A financial crisis fucks up the economy, and subways are installed in Tokyo. Massive increase in vagrants sleeping in Asakusa park.

1928 –
Umehara starts an ero-guro journal called PERVERSE MODERN DOCUMENTS (HENTAI SHIRYOU). To get around the censors, he makes it a special-order, subscriber-only affair. A zine, if you will. In a harbinger of things to come, one feature of issue #1 was a reprint of some German anti-war photos (dead bodies, missing limbs, the suffering of war!) . . .but with the German captions taken out and new Japanese captions mocking the victims and making fun of everything. Decadent nihilism! Aren’t we terrible?!? This shift from grotesque to outright war porn, marks a gradual political shift from “shocking revolutionaries” to “right-wing war cheerleaders.”
The Kalachakra Tantra monks that Keith Raniere knew through the Dalai Lama not ironically did something like this.

>Kalachakra Tantra, an 11th-century Tibetan Buddhist tradition, is divided in fifteen stages

>Out of the eight higher stages, for the first four the apprentice must bring the lama a young woman of ten, twelve, sixteen, or twenty years of age as karmamudrā

>In the ninth, the apprentice is blindfolded or made to leave temporally. The master has intercourse with the woman and ejaculates, and the resultant mixture of both male and female sexual fluids (sukra) is tasted by the apprentice. In another version, the apprentice tastes the master's semen (bodhicitta) directly from his penis

>In the tenth, the apprentice is offered a woman. He must have intercourse with her without ejaculating

>The eleventh stage is internal, referring to the apprentice's resultant enlightening.The rest take place in a ganachakra, where ten young women of between twelve and twenty form a circle. They adopt the names and roles of the apprentice's female relatives, with one of them becoming symbolically his wife, and other being chosen by the master as his own wife (shabdavajra). The women perform naked and with their hair loose, and hold kapala with taboo substances

>In the twelfth stage, the master has intercourse with his woman in the center of the circle, after which places his penis filled with bodhicitta in the apprentice's mouth. Then he gives the apprentice his own wife

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Joe Rogan namedropped 4chan in his latest podcast episode and accused y'all of racism
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Oh no, not that! >>482178416
Feds do that fake sperging
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He has a quarterly humiliation ritual podcast with a former Cuck-IA britfag because he thinks it makes him CIA. Even his guest told him to his face that one of the tactics they use when speaking is to extend the conversation and just describe things at long to avoid answering questions and Joe Rogan just sat there like he was watching a sissy hypno video like the cuck that he is. Don't forget his sons, stucco, fuckso, and cuckso and his gay ass wood panel station wagon. What a weird fuck.

Then he brings on these UFO cucks to bore us for hours on military psyops to hide new stealth aircraft and drones. The sad thing is Joe Rogan actually tries to convince people about UFOs being real at his comedy club and everyone laughs at him for being an idiot and falling for ufos.
Politics are theater for the slave class, merely Jewish soap opera designed to convince the non-Jews that there's a peaceful/political solution. It's really that simple.

Only 2 things really matter before anything else can get fixed:

1) all zionists (Jew and non-Jew alike) need to be deported or hanged for treason (Israel sells US secret military tech to China and that makes supporting Israel treason) even if it takes a civil war;

2) all Talmudists and their advocates and collaborators need to be deported or hanged for promoting crimes against children (the Jewish sacred Talmud tells Jews that they can fuck kids AND the Jewish sacred ritual of the circumcision is forced genital mutilation of 8 day old male babies).

Proof that Israel sells US secret military tech to China here:

Proof that the Jewish sacred Talmud promotes pedophilia here:

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Why does none of the so called "good jews" have ever denounced this?

Rabbi Ovadia Yousef, who was publicly described as a "much loved" "giant of Jewish thought" was worshipped by Jews in Israel and across the world (10% of the total population of all of Israel attended his funeral):

"800,000 attend last procession for revered leader of Sephardi Jewry; 300 require medical treatment — but no serious injuries… and one birth; worried police chief had feared disaster as crowds swelled; public figures send condolences, recall a giant of Jewish thought"

So what did this much loved giant of Jewish thought had to say about the relation between Jews and non-Jews?


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Remember the audience at the debate? If not then you are a commie.

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