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Reminder if you are anti-Israel you are a monkey eating shit skin third world subhuman
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Hamas attacked first and Israel simply retaliated. What do you cowards consider a “measured and appropriate” response to being attacked?
Literally the only good thing that niggerkike Lula did in his whole life.
i'm anti-brownoid
Keep repeating it, maybe everyone will believe you, kike.
>Hamas attacked first and Israel simply retaliated.

whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep at night

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You need to realize that Jews invented Christianity to groom people into serving them. Christianity exists solely to keep Jews in positions of absolute power such as banks.

Even Romans understood that wherever a Christian walks, a Jew is sure to follow.
It wasn't gentiles who spread Christ's message in Rome. It was Hebrews, and they targeted women and Poor's because they knew how retarded they were.
Before Christ, the Jews were kicked out for forming subversive cults 100 years prior.

Our entire history of Christian Europe is a lie.
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christ is king and you are a faggot
King of the jews. Not my king.
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Jews just happened to be expelled from Christian ruled countries over 100 times (including entire Jewish population from Britain during middle ages if you are Anglo and not Pajeet).

No Jew ever ruled here in Balkans, but hey good thing that Canada was never a theocracy, so you don't have to worry about that lmao the state of this faggots.
This would make sense if atheists weren't also the biggest shabbos goy on earth (well and if you know 0 history about Christianity that expelled Jews from Europe over and over again lol)

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How do some many here simp for Russia when Russia is clearly Jewish-led controlled opposition?
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>Actually! Communism is Christian Nationalism like Hitler or whatever!
We've heard it all before. You say the opposite on twitter and normie websites..
You’re watching this jew self destruct.
He’s out of options to convince you to not bolster the enemies of these people here:
Who come out and tell you they are exterminating your race and that it’s a good thing for you to be exterminated.

You are dealing with psychopaths and sociopaths who are trying to kill you and your families. You need to kill these jews first while you still outnumber them.

Anyone who kills jews goes to heaven. Teach this poster a lesson.
I'm Christian that's why i support Christian country.
Hey where's the fucking Dugin qoutes commie fucktard? You made a promise to prove your lies about, "the Kremlin has declared Israel an enemy" and then you go on to just call people Jews.

Fucking liar got BTFO
You're Communist

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These 3 non-white chads are doing more to destroy the jew and save the white race than all you wignat nazi-larpers combined.

You have no rebuttal to this fact.

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There are no superfluous words there. Try reading it again, dumbski.
>And I caused that.
>Jake's awakening is the result of a sustained campaign that started here to identify right leaning terminally online quasi celebrities and bring them to our side.
> I've been working on Gordon Ryan as well but nobody helps me.
Regardless of the outcome, the attempt is admirable.
>I also did this to Chris Langan, who I knew about long before he because a big deal as I grew up where he was a facilities maintenance dude and was always sending him "little known facts about the Nazis" and went from there.
I like Langan.
Whites are not even allowed to speak anywhere except for 4chan. And well, here we are.
but why?
Whites can speak on twitter, wignats are just to retarded to have successful political movements IRL.

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For some reason, Jews can not be stopped.
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Oh yes I'm sure that was chosen because she's a good singer and not because she's Jewish and the owner of Eurovision is Jewish.
>ing ... of the Irish state broadcaster RTÉ is British/Jewish former Ofcom regulator Kevin Bakhurst. The current chairman of the BBC is also Jewish

Fuck surely there can't be nepotism there. Huh, why would a Jewish president select a Jewish singer from Israel in a Eurovision TV network show that is meant to be European?
>Did you guys bribe the judges of Eurovision? Please don't answer if the viewers have to vote.
The owner is Jewish, unironically.
I don't think you understand their frame of mind, lol. She's going to win. They don't know how to NOT double down - it's their basic shortcoming. They can't stomach it. They can't give one, single inch. She will absolutely win and everyone will be mortified and enraged.

This is how they lose control every, single, time. They cannot take a dive when they need to. They refuse. Even when the dive is the only thing that would save their sorry skin, and then act shocked and act the victim when the revolution against them begins.

Are you the fucker from a couple of years ago who gloated about living in luxury and finding it amusing to see the littles guys trying to harm you people?

When can we see another Gamestop trading stock event thing to see you people panic that you need to have both parties in Congress pass laws prohibiting everyday(not so rich) people from trading stocks?
jew lauds jew
I have no doubt this jew is going to be deemed the winner

This "solar storm" is going to be the new global psyop, isn't it. Coronavirus (which doesn't exist, btw) scamdemic was a test to see how easily can they lock us inside our homes and now they're gonna take the internet and electricity from us too.
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Thanks for the bumps, glownigger kikes.
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>Thanks for the bumps, glownigger kikes.
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>This "solar storm" is going to be the new global psyop, isn't it. Coronavirus (which doesn't exist, btw) scamdemic was a test to see how easily can they lock us inside our homes and now they're gonna take the internet and electricity from us too.
Seething vaxcucks.
There's a predictive programming movie by Obama about this, ''leave the world behind''. Didn't watch it I don't care anymore

>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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I just wanna go fast.
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us media is controlled by the Cia. she's a fookin plant
>I readily admit to being a gullible little sheep boy with no real critical thinking or self-reflection skills of my own
idk if this is the flex you think it is, unless you're trying to go for utterly pathetic or incompetent? That former president did mention that he really likes the uneducated--do you suppose that could be for...*gasp*...some type of REASON, maybe? That they're...I don't know...EASILY MANIPULATED, maybe? Noooo, no way that could be it, haha no he wouldn't do that haha
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Goldberg was Aviciis former girlfriend, they divorced when Avicii died in 2018

she died yesterday from a stroke, she was sleeping at home and suddenly stroke, she was 28 year old, a good year for stroke


Miss Goldberg worked on music industry in a studio, this is how she met Avicii the first time
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>sudden stroke
she was raped to death by a bbc
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Good. One less jew to worry about.
>that speck in the middle of the eyes
Kill yourself JustPassingThrough.

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Continuation from >>467637592

What happened?
>During the news conference Joost asked why Isreali singer won't answer questions about risking everyone's lives

>After the conference Israeli delegation followed Joost and made fun of his parents' deaths. Joost hit someone from the Israeli delegation

>EBU banned him from rehearsals: "The Netherlands' Eurovision entry Joost Klein is under investigation by the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) due to an unexplained "incident" - and will not be rehearsing again until "further notice"."

>Joost deleted all the Eurovision Highlights in his Instagram

Joost's song for those that not watch Eurovision:

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There is no "it's" about it, Klein.
genociding white people is bad
genociding sandniggers is good
>Jews ban our contestant from our own show
>I'm gonna support them
Oh, that's clever
no sweaty, it's not that klein

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Anyone else here struggling with alcohol? This shit should be banned
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Stopped drinking and I feel like shit
I felt like shit when I was drinking, too, but at least I was drunk and didn't notice it most of the time
Now I still feel like shit but without the breaks in between
>of yours.
they're not mine
they are the effects of alcohol
Just stop drinking.
>How does sobering up improve your life?
Simple question. Never been answered.
The whole “don’t do xyz vice” is a just world cope, typically spouted by delusional christcucks who never risk anything. The fact is that many Americans live comfortably due to the immense suffering of others, often foreign. The idea that they shouldn’t smoke, gamble, drink, fuck whores to tolerate their conditions is just childish cope from a person that wouldn’t last but a few months in solitary without some type of vice.

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I’m Jewish and I genuinely, 100% believe that I am superior to every single non-Jew. You are all inferior to me.

I know this is upsetting to hear but the facts are on my side:

>we control your governments
>we control your politicians
>we control your banks
>we control your media
>we control your technology

We control every aspect of your lives. How could we have achieved this unless we are genetically superior to non-Jews?

The cold hard truth is that the average Jew possesses cognitive and intellectual capabilities that non-Jews cannot even comprehend. The gap in cognitive ability between a Jew and Goy is basically as big as the gap between Goy and neanderthal. Jews are significantly more evolved humans, to the point that we are basically a different species.

We are always going to rule over you. You will never be able to out-think us, we will always be 100 steps ahead of you.

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>tips fedora
I know you're larping, but you're the very definition of cattle
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if you superior then
why you NEED to control my gov, politicians, banks, media, etc..?
why don't you make your own?
without those, what are you superior at?
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Superior my ass. Go back to sucking your children's mutilated dicks and giving them herpes, foreskinless kike.
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>I'm a Jewish Supremacist
Enjoy molesting negro boys in your tunnel you vile little Neanderthal kike.

Cletus here, so i’ve been thinking. There are a lot of worthless yankees moving to the south and living in the south here lately. When are we going to get together and start deporting these yankee motherfuckers?

>Contribute nothing to society
>Move away from a shithole and attempt to change the south into a shithole
>most yankees are gay
>bring their gay accents to the south
>scared of hard work
>buy land just to develop it with subdivisions

They are completely worthless. I say we start deportation ASAP. Fuck yankee scum. Long live Dixieland and down with the yankee invaders.

>pic related
>me chillin innawoods
>my favorite tree stand
>my grandpas shotgun

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Yankees are a bigger issue than the mexicans, but they are next.
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You will click, reply and bump the next thread like the bitch you are. I don't know why people like (You) even pretend to act like you're above it. This site is a panopticon for watchlist types, accept it or continue to retard.
Again, they own everything down here now and no one is going to do shit about it.
oh really? so the holocaust was a genocide of yankees?
how retarded are you?
Yes. It's fairly common here in the countryside. Shotgun registration is difficult, and after I think 5, maybe 10 years of safely owning one you can upgrade to a rifle. Police can drop by to inspect your guns & ammo (stored in a safe ofc) at any time, randomly.
Bow hunting isn't a thing as far as I've seen really, as broadheads etc. are illegal (although bows themselves are legal). Crossbows are also illegal I think.
Most of the hunters I know use big steel traps to catch wild boar and deer, then use a spear to kill it safely. Sometimes they keep them alive like a pet for awhile until a big event (BBQ) etc. calls for it. Deer meat is actually sold like normal meat here and jerky is readily available (boar or deer), and sometimes bear meat is also cooked at events. But there is still an overabundance of deer and they really need to do something about it.
Situation is totally different in the cities, of course, and everyone acts like deer meat is some wild delicacy (despite them eating raw horse).

>Actress Sarah Jessica Parker says that she will vote for Joe Biden.

>Asked on MSNBC's Morning Joe whether she will vote for Biden in November, Parker responded "Yes."

>“I think the issue right here is I’m gonna do everything I can to defeat Donald Trump," she said.
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>Family original surname was Bar-Kohen
Parker, Schmarker.

How does this make you feel?
Happy or sad?
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Also arguably the most racist generation of Americans. Some of us remember when our grandparents would short circuit and say what they really thought about niggers and spics...

Killing Japanese in the Pacific back then was like killing an evil type of sub-human bug people to that generation.

The kikes and hippy generation were fighting this WW2 generation for all of the diversity and things we're enjoying today.
>How does that make you feel?
100k of them are pushing 100 years old? Damn. I guess modern medicine is nice
Apperantly America was never there in WW2, according to Israel so...When do we start collecting on those loans?
At least we are not speaking German.

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When will you chuds realise 6 MILLION JEWISH LIVES were lost at the hands of your precious Nazi's?

JEWS are the cream of the crop of any civilisation, they run the banks which give you mortgages to buy homes, they run the media that keeps you entertained, they are scientists that develop vaccines (such as the recent one against the DEADLY COVID-19 VIRUS), researchers, lawyers, doctors, social rights activitists, I could go on....

And yet chuds like you call for their demise. No wonder the MOST VULNERABLE group in our society feels threatened by white men.

What do you have to say for yourselves?
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Shut the fuck up you cheesy bastard, the jews tried to take Europe after fucking Russia up and genociding an estimated 50 odd million Russian men women and children.. you fucking started ww2.
>Words words words
I admit Australia has seen less immigration than planned... We need to increase the amount to sufficiently neuter the threat to Jews there.

Jewish influence kept Churchill in power long enough to win WW2 Nigel. You should be thanking them that you're not speaking German right now.

Fuck off dullard, you know nothing you myopic cunt
You know im right Nigel... no need to get so annoyed. It will all be over soon.

>It literally means absolutely nothing but "we are good you are bad"
Yes. We are good and YOU are bad.

You did
Abolishing Jewishness has never been more urgent.

I'm just against the idea of a chosen people that is supremacy

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So much for your dynasty

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66% of Western men are single and without any friends. In the past getting a girlfriend and friends was something that happened effortlessly and it was a normal part of life. Why don't these men befriend each other? What is going on?
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No offense and everything, but you looking at big anime titties is probably not the issue on which the world turns. I understand that it's an important issue to you. But in the larger context.
Doesn't everyone realize we are simply drifting back to the norm? For most of history, a small percentage of men controlled almost all of the women. We are animals at the end of the day and women prefer pack leaders, not betas and omegas.
I legitimately feel I am about to die if I do not get human touch soon. I always heard of "dying from loneliness" but I thought it was bullshit. I feel if I don't have someone touch me soon my heart and lungs are just going to fucking give up. And I'm only slightly upset about that, because I cannot jerk off when I'm dead. This really fucking sucks.
Either I worded my comment retardedly or you misunderstood what I was saying because I looked at big butts, not big tits, and my whole point was that I didn't think it was a big deal, even less so now than a few years ago
Damn bro it would be real nice to hold a girls hand out for a walk or cooking a meal together and laughing, she is smiling and doesn't get weird and let's you two act like kids together joking and having fun.

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How about a compromise all of us patriotic moderates can agree on? The pro-Russia Republicans and the pro-Hamas Democrats should all be shipped off to work camps in Alaska.
Both of these sides are anti-American traitors rooting for the end of the empire, which will leave themselves, and all the rest of us, impoverished as 80% of our wealth disappears.
Put these traitors in concentration camps, gulags, or whatever you want to call them.

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