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This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

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Previous: >>466400170
Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

>16k banner 1
>16k banner 2

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Poland and Lithuania are planning/considering respectively to send back military age Ukrainian men -https://archive.today/6EeJH
>Drone attack on Minsk has been prevented by KGB -https://archive.today/zcMRX

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its gonna be like 10k drone operators and EW.
Replace all those drinks with just 2 L’s of water, preferably frozen solid .
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video of abraps being evacuated to moscow apparently. can someone download and catbox this i can't watch without TG account:

Any other interpretation is sheer obscurantism. No matter how many roided up SEALs start flogging T-shirts, they were defeated by goatherds.
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It’s a massive whitepill for us when you think about it
>more Irish in the US
You mean the 8% Cherokee, 12% Irish mutts who can supposedly track their great-grandmother back to "Gyalwaey"?
Millenials, Gen X and even boomers that were born in Ireland and crossed the pond have pretty much all come back
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Pff, as if snivelling Englishmen would have the bottle to launch an insurgency against the US military. No, your days are over.
>no true Scotsman fallacy
fallacy fallacy

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Did any of these protestors bother to fill out the paperwork and ask daddy government for permission to speak in a free speech zone (conveniently out of sight of anyone and in a location where it will inconvenience no one, hence allowing everyone to ignore it)?
Because if not they totally deserve to be gulag'd for daring to speak freely without permission from their betters.
imagine sucking on her milkplaps in a pornoshitty motel in Plaptown, Plappystani.
>blonde don't look down
...it's a guy, isn't it?

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Admit it POL, you just dont want it bad enough!
You just dont have it in your, that iron will. That will where you rather break than bend.
this poem motivated you so much, that you immediately dropped work to post on 4chan to bait for replies
1/10 wouldn't read, 1 point for the effort

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So once US gave hohols expensive longrange missiles, at the time hohols are losing one pigshed after another, would you expect them to use those missiles to somehow help their fellow piggers dying in droves at the collapsing frontline?
Nope. They've only used the missiles to target AA positions in Crimea, and announcing a large attack at the fucking bridge. Which hasn't been used for military purposes for a while, cause Russia has already built roads in the frontier long time ago, but which has been extensively used by civilians who don't want to move through the frontier.
That's the exemplary terrorism.
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We simply look at the world in a different way, two different brains. Flying a nazi flag has a purpose of glorifying the regime, it's not shown in a museum. It's a regime that killed Serbs, directly or by proxy.
Serbs do not (or rather shouldn't) have a choice to be opposed to Serbs themselves - either respect our cohesion, the socio-historic continuum and the decision, or die in the dirt.
A distinct Ukrainian national identity is being formed as we speak. They're willing to fight and die for it, which is what makes it real.
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That doesn't even happen in your own country you fucking retard. You have far more neo nazi's beating people and its all over the internet. What are you even talking about?

All these mental fucking gymnastics because your government is too pussy to just admit they are doing a war of conquest, and your people are such obedient little bootlickers that you will say even shit this absurd to not contradict it.

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>did ukranians not elect a jew as their president
Btw I understand you Americans, you've developed in such a way you don't understand Europeans, let alone if those Europeans are Balkaners or eastern Europeans, you're on your own secluded continent where you faced no opposition other than native Americans (that you killed and stole territory from, which is kind of a doublethink, but I don't simp for them, might makes right). You just don't face our problems, all of your problems ever had to do with the internal leadership.

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Neighbor girl playing the flute again.
She's so kind, smart and innocent.
She is the reason why I still have hope in humanity.
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uhuh... "her"
the rare punjabi who is against pedos, I've seen everything now
1 year more and she will be legal in your country anon!
If I repremand you for sexualizing a child, I will be accused of anti-semitism.
If I dont, the community will ruin the life of the child to cover your intentions.

Spread this song for more hope.

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Moon landing denial is a kike psyOp.

White men went to the moon and (((they))) don't like it and nigs are jealous because they're too dumb and White Aryan Men btfo everyone else daily.
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you got a lunar map to prove this right ?
The Kubrick film was a backup in case the broadcast from the lander was completely unserviceable. Unfortunately lazy government retards used them interchangeably afterwards.
Don't need one. Even children who've ever seen a mountain learn pretty much immediately that you can drive dozens of miles in any direction and have the same apparent view of that mountain, and if you crop pictures just right it'll look like it's the same exact view in the background whether you're 50mi north or 80mi east. You're not stupider than a child are you kike?
Project Paperclip
Americans were helped by German National Socialist scientists to get on the moon

Wernher Von Braun invented rockets as we know them today, he was a member of the NSDAP and commissioned SS Officer. He developed the Saturn V booster rocket which helped man to finally touch the moon, in July 1969.
That skinhead chick is hot. I want to smell her butt hole.

I am an Irish American. I have done my genealogy and I can trace my linage to landowners who were unjustly displaced by Cromwell in 1649. If I turned up in Ireland with all my documentation and demanded the current residents turn over that land to me, I would end up in a psych ward. Zionists in Palestine don't even have documentation. Why are their claims taken seriously?
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They're Satan's chosen, of course he will reward them
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They went over there and conquered the land. Now there's like 10 million of them living there. It's theirs de facto unless you're planning to physically remove them.
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Western civilization is currently 80% about the Jews:
>what the jews don't like about us,
>how we should shut up in criticizing jews,
>how much jail time we should take if we criticize the jews,
>how much more money we should give to the jews,
>how strong is the duty we have to let the jews slaughter palestinians,
>how many millons of times we should hear about Auschwitz
and so on.
They are 15 damned millions the world over, and all the discourse is about them 24/7.
Will this satanic Sabbath ever end ?
Will we ever see an atomic mushroom on Tel Aviv ?
its actually contradictory with kikery, their whole essence is being refugee outsider with no homeland

dumb kikes

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Imagine not getting the special batch.
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It will not just be "just another incident". This event will have political and social ramifications for decades to come. What I don't believe is that it will be as apocalyptic as many want to make it out to be. Like the US descending into a civil war full of warlords armed with nukes. It will be chaos for just a few weeks and then things will go back to "normal".
I suspect such an event will happen right after the conclusion of the Russo-Ukrainian war and the Israel thing in order to add to the current dissatisfaction of the masses. The flame that burns twice as bright lasts half as long.
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Imagine my surprise?

with jews you always lose.
>Everyone that tries to shill this crap is my enemy. I'm never going to forget.
Your sentiments are not unreasonable.
I already said above im not going to do a thing by force because they gives them precedence to react even though they tried to kill everyone already so you can fuck off with your "you're a federal agent" bullshit. do something, now. doesnt mean murder them all, but also doesn't mean im against it and nor is half of the public because I know from first hand experience what people actually thing about everything since 2020.
and then trying to start ww3

but god forbid I DO SOMETHING about it or even think it.

I lost family, dont fucking tell me how to feel. fuck you.
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No. They would be literally fellating Israeli Jews during the State of the Union.
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>vague reference to "God the Almighty" to appease his christian majority population

oh wow, such devout christian
>You fucking jews need to die.
they won't while idiots like you exist
But Hadrian never finished the job and as a butterfly effect half the world is abrahamic now. There is a deep seated reason of judeo-roman kinship after all behind that. The oldest remains of a Synagogue ever uncovered outside the middle east is located in Ostia just outside Rome. Caesar pawned off Gallic women and children to Levantine sex traffickers.
I am not Jewish first of.
And by doing what the likes of Robert Bowers do you are actually helping them. You are being the Esau to their Jacob they want you to be for them.
You said Christians were brainwashed jew lovers.

Why is it a Christian was the only one inspired enough to KILL JEWS?
I said a specific subset of you are jew lovers. Another subset (your deranged CI ilk) are controlled opposition "haters" that only elevate their victimhood status by doing what Robert Bowers did. Just like Ishmaelite Hamas only plays into Israels hands in the end.

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Just as numerous, rapey, and filthy as jeets, just as violent and stupid as niggers.
Why is nobody talking about the mexican problem?
They'll be gassed accordingly

The video to the right is the one she was watching.
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pretty sure many of this mental degenerates are satanists.
Buy and ad
She was supposedly lesbian this shows he was a gay man

lost a fren today
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crypto nerds will seethe
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kek. I've been in crypto since 2013 and literally went through multiple 95% draw downs. One point I went from 1.2 million to $20k. What type of chud ropes over fake and gay numbers on a screen? I'm well off now because after multiple cycles you become resilient and learn from trial and error, but roping from losing shekels is the kekkiest kek tier shit I could ever imagine.
People need to be really careful with the new meme coins and airdrop bullshit.

I see many streamers advertising them to their young viewers. Most of them probably aren't even trying to scam anyone, but they're just in over their heads.
good riddance sucker

What percent of politics ultimately comes down to sex/regulation of sex?

Wait, why do we hate George Soros again???
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He's literally globohomo incarnate; pro-Ukraine, pro-immigration, pro gender bullshit, pro-EU and antinationalist.

A known corruptor of systems, judiciaries primarily, the buckbteaker of the bank of England and the very manifestation of all baf jewish stereotypes.

And don't mistake his friendship for anything of value either, he had no issue selling out his own just to survive in the second world war.
Soros being the chicken is quite a good observation. People who shout Soros tend to ignore Wolfowitz, Kagan, and their pack of neocon kikes. Tell them that Wolfowitz is behind Iraq and Afghanistan, and he's the one pushing the wars against Russia and Iran, and they will not believe you. Soros might be a subversive liberal that pushes his agenda through his open society NGO's, but he's not responsible for a single war.
people will get mad at you in their lust for anti-semitism, but this is the truth.

the ultimate problem is jewish bolshevism, that is the obsession with the destruction of nations.

this has been bred into the bones of so many jews that they literally do it against their own ethnostate as well.
Actually Soros literally intervened several times on behalf of Ukraine, such as during our referendum on the EU association treaty with it.
Sorts is a rothchild middle man boogeyman. This is a trick. They think if they blame it on Sorts the right will support Israel more.

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Can a selective breeding program fix India?
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Hell no, there's just way too many of them, combine that with India being the inpotence capital of the world and the shit soaked soil they walk on already having no hope for any sort of green comeback whatsoever, things aren't looking very bright for them. Even if the white man tries to help.
There's no national level grassroots programs in Australia. Why don't Aussies bathe in feces and gang rape tourists? The economy in Argentina is terrible. Why don't they eat spicy curried cow dung?
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They are 100x whiter and more masculine than your whole mutt race
Ay chup, madarchod mleccha. You are even lower than dalits. Better learn to respected us, your jobs your women all belong to us.
>Microdick squeaking intensifies
If you little guys didn't play with poop so much you might actually be kind of adorable.

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I’ve heard about people taking large doses of aspirin and it turns their eyes blue. Something about a chemical inside the pill that prevent melanin from developing in the iris. Is this true? Or is it just retarded bullshit?
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>I’ve heard about people taking large doses of aspirin and it turns their eyes blue.

Dune was about aspirin poop from giant sandworms. Seriously, this is just bullshit.
>Post nose
Fpbp. NSAID poisoning is a horrible way to die.
guys holy shit a bottle of aspirin just flew over my house!
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She's so perfect, bros :( Must have literally thousands of guys ready to marry her :(
Yeah, but she’s waiting for a multi-millionaire or billionaire to marry.
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everything is fake. I don't give a shit

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