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Blender General - Aren't all /3/ threads *really* about Blender tho edition

Previous: >>984313
I'm thinking about buying Grant Abitt's course but I can't focus while I have easy access to time wasting sites (this one, youtube etc)
Would it be weird to ask for a download of the course if I pay? Otherwise I have to resort to piracy.
why the fuck did they get rid of face sets in edit mode? i can't use a vertex group. this fukking sucks
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n00b here
i need to play a gif (or maybe a video, haven't decided yet) during a blender animation for a little project of mine, but i want them to start playing at a certain point in the timeline, how can i do that?
i have put the image on a plane by assigning it a material and then an image texture (by clicking the dot near base color)
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literally what the sequencer is for
think in a simple way: edit the fucking gif, and don't ask a CGI software to be a gif editor
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more progress, if you could call it that
original plan was to have him get up and use a 3d cursor thingy to spawn a default cube and crush the red guy but idk if I can handle that lmao it's already been almost a month off and on with this and I only have 3 seconds to show for it
I'm so tired of drawing softwares not letting me customize their shortcuts to use blender style navigation (alt-click to pan, ctrl-alt to zoom, F to resize brush, etc)
If blender had a lasso select tool for texturing, I wouldn't use another drawing software
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I'm a newfag and i'm trying to practice basic rigging, but keep encountering this, what basic shit am I fucking up here?

I select the objects, then the rig, then I parent them with automatic weights and then the rig doesn't work and I have these lines that just run to the center point.

Anyone able to tell me how I fucked up?
rigify is retarded, the first step is to stop using it. the second step is to make sure you've applied scale, parented correctly, etc.

I've used it before and it just worked, suddenly i'm encountering this. I don't know what you mean by 'applied scale' and I seem to be parenting correctly as far as I can tell.
I figured it out, I was trying to parent a lot objects at once and I apply all transformations aka scale and such.
How to make Eevee look good? Every tutorial I see just says "if you tinker with it, you can make it look good" but never explains how to do it
1. use something else
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hehe you can't
but what you can do however, is to look at eevee as some versatile renderer for games, that way you maybe can produce something kinda good with it using the tricks made for said industry
it's perfectly doable, but you need to tinker quite a lot with it
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Thanks very much. Really appreciate your response
>you should absolutely make your own individual thread when you finish your donut
Kek, A thread of my donut? Will it be worth it anon? What if my donut is bad?

It does seem both you and that other anon suggested following blenderguru's tutorials if I want to learn Blender with no prior knowledgeso that seems to be the tutorial to go with. Thanks.

I also appreciate the link to the courses and especially the recommendation. The trouble with having lots of courses to pick from is you can also pick a bad one, but your rec is the one I will go with once if I make my donut and want to continue.
Unless it's too advanced in which case any beginner animation tutorials are welcome as well.
What's up with the fact that most of Blender usage is dominated by Russians, Indians, Koreans, and Japanese? Where are the Americans? The English?
Auto-Rig Pro is free for today only:

>What if my donut is bad?
no such thing, donuts are ALWAYS cool and based and you should make a donut thread at every available opportunity
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Am I hopeless if it takes me hours to pose characters and in the end it's shit? I don't understand the human body
Dude, c'mon. You're basically spreading throughout the board.
Take this thread. You literally have two paid courses teaching you about rigging. Why not download one of them?
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I can't. I don't have the skill, I don't have the talent, confidene or self esteem to even try. I'll fail. I've failed.
A guy did the poses I wanted in 30 minutes
don't you already have your own containment thread you fucking faggot
I wasnt getting answers.
Tell me, why did I fail? I know its not nornal to be unable to pose after hours
I mean 5 hours I mean 6
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I have decided it doesn't matter how long it takes, as long as I do a little bit every day and finish it eventually. idk what to do in the sort of idle pose before he winds up the punch. experimented with a few things but none of them felt good.
The problem is very apparent to the outside eye. Maybe you can't see because you've been at it for weeks now.

The doll receiving the punch is acting like a badly trained stunt who's obviously expecting to receive a punch. It takes a step back and then stops before getting punched. Make it so that the doll is taking another step back, basically making it take the punch WHILE in the process of walking back another step.

The Spider-Man clone punch is too rigid. You've to make the whole process more fluid, with a push and pull effect. As it is the character is just placing his fist forward, stopping the first midair, then in that exact same positing of the fist dragging his hands down. It feels mechanical. He needs to push his first forward then pull his arm back and only then place his hand down.
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What's the diagnosis? Why cant I ever learn 3D?
Hours wasted on poses that should take minutes
>As it is the character is just placing his fist forward, stopping the first midair, then in that exact same positing of the fist dragging his hands down.
as I understand it, you referring to the pose after the punch? sorry
practice gesture drawing
get those books by walt stanchfield, they're on libgen
Yes, precisely.
After the punch make the character pull his arm closer to his body before relaxing and rest his arm down. Like a proper boxe would do after punching forward.
ah yeah
like recoil or something? I'll get on it, thanks
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I tried that years ago.
Same issue, I dont underatand motion, volume or the body.
what's a good CAD software to use alongside Blender? I tried to make a box the other day and the process of creating 30 degree bevels is hinting that I do not want to use Blender for that in the future
Remember to get autorig pro for free for probably a few more hours
>I can't. I don't have the skill
Take your time to learn
So I tried basic stuff to understand gesture >>987487
How do I learn for real? I am just playing virtual barbie,to be fair. I got no work done today due to depression and whining
Blender Market is shitting itself D:
Could anyone upload all 10 freebies? <3
does anyone here know anything about substance painter? shit is confusing as fuck
I've been using it for a few months intermittently, it's a pretty good program. The layer system is a little weird and confusing at first, I guess, but there are tons of youtube tutorials for it
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I'm trying to follow up this video, but I have no idea how to form the head and make the neck without making these double spikes. I just wanna elongate and shape stuff into shape. halp. also is there a place where all sculpting techniques and written in detail so I don't end up asking a billion questions?
mask the neck area, invert the mask, move it down, remesh.
The mask and then invert technique is very useful for all kinds of extrusions in sculpt mode, like neck, ears, limbs if you want to do them that way
>sculpt and/or model
>test for proper deformations etc
>rigging and scripting
is this the character pipeline (for animation)? am i missing anything or have stuff in the wrong order?
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scrapped that pose altogether. didnt make sense now that I think about it. why would he look tired after one punch? Truly retarded. think I maybe need more bend in the arm but that is something for the next day
big improvement
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Is Blender 4.1 and .2 sculpting also laggy for you guys?
I just opened an older project with around 2 million polygons and holy fuck, each brush stroke takes like 1 or two seconds to register. What the fuck?
I still have Blender 3.6 and 4.0 so I tested the file with them and it's butter smooth with these versions.
They must have fucked something up with 4.1 that isn't fixed in the 4.2 Beta
Blender sucks for sculpting. I got my 11 million mesh off zbrush which worked butter smooth into blender to retopologize it with an addon and it eats all of my ram, including each action taking up to 10 seconds to do.
32 GB, 31.2 of usage, 16gb usage during retopology
4.1 is fine to me at 12 million triangles, do you have modifiers on the mesh?

You can find ways to work around the polycount, I work on a laptop so I have to, for example use a 0.1 decimate modifier while you're doing your retopo
So about add ons
A plague on the Blender community, a bunch of hungry parasites
>search for a blender tutorial
>how to do XYZ in blender
>seems legit, check it out
>it's a paid addon showcase
at this point I only use default blender addons purely out of spite. fuck youtubers and their shitty undisclosed ads. may your ik joints always snap and your textures never save, niggers.
The anon failing at Blender here

I couldnt even do this little challenge

>Try this:
>Pose a character sat in some sofa, looking outside and holding a mug.
>The picture is bright, light coming from the window, the character is comfortable and relaxed. Think of cozy, comfort. And dont fucking get back to posting or reading any board until you have an image that reads this.
>If you can't nail something as simple as this, you wont be able to do some studio lightning with anatomy deformation and contact with other bodies.

Be honest with me, is it over?
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Yo bros, I asked this elsewhere and got 0 answers so far, lets see if /3/ can beat the reddit and discord.

1. How to make playback animation length change automatically in timeline? When switching from one animation to another I always have to do it manually in timeline, for some reason timeline doesn't automatically pick up new animation's length after switch.

2. How to make playback animation length change automatically in NLA? When viewing multiple animations it's convenient to switch between them in NLA by pressing star icon, you can quickly go between animations this way, but the problem is: they all loop for the same duration of timeline even though all animations have different lengths.

3. What is the best way to change current animation when working in timeline or graph editor? I use at least 2 right now: one is to go to "Dope Sheet" and pick it from dropdown in "Action Editor", another is to go to NLA and press star icon next to animation. But I mostly work with animations themselves in Timeline or Graph Editor, weird I couldn't find a way to just switch current animation there.
I'll extend what >>987406 said by adding that eevee is also useful for some type shaders that can't work on cycles or npr renders, it's not completely useless, but trying to make a photorealistic, good-looking render on eevee is just masochism. We'll see if the next version of evee will change things, but personally I'd prefer if it gets more optimized for stylistic renders and cycles remains for the more realistic stuff.
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I'm retarded and don't know how to fix this... just want both alphas to be transparent
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nodes for reference, would appreciate any anon kind enough to save me!!
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How does one do something like this in your rig?
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figured something out, but I'm sure there's more to it than just constraints
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What's an easy way to make my model on the left look like the actual plant on the right?
I would try mixing the alpha using the screen blending mode. It's like the inverse of multiply blend mode, combining 1 with 0 = 1.
How did you do that?
He probably used the Damped Track constraint.

I get pretty similar results to >>987909 using influence of 0.85
protip in case you didn't know: use alt while setting the value to affect all selected bones at once instead
damped track constraints. 1 targets 2, 2 targets 3, etc. can mess with the influence to get different looks, this one in particular was with .75
forgot pic kek
nigga beat me to it by a mere 30 seconds
oh, I was thinking of it.
But I guess this has the same dependency limitation as other bone chains. So it probably wouldn't work well for a whole mesh pattern.

Unrelated: I've been trying to think of a way to measure the distance between points in geometry nodes. The most basic way, is to sample nearest. And then you can iterate to sample the second nearest and the 3rd nearest, etc. This is limited by how many iterations you bother to make.

A more advanced way, is to create a list of all points to all other points, and then delete all points that aren't in range of each other. This doesn't have the iteration limitation, but it's costly. Because the initial creation of the list, means creating an exponential amount of points first, before deleting the ones you don't need. So even if you mesh is as small as 10,000 verts, it has to create 100,000,000 verts first, then delete them down. After deletion, they'll be a manageable number like 25,000 or something like that. But even so, the initial creation of the points is taxing. Slows everything down.

So I'm trying to think of a method that doesn't create so many points in the first place, but still capable of testing distance. So far, I'm thinking that it would require creating sort of "containers" of space. Creating an ID for every container. And then doing math on every point to figure out which container each point resides inside. 1 point could reside in multiple containers. It would count all the containers it's inside, and then only create as many points as containers it counted.

I don't know, my head is swimming thinking about this.
>measure the distance between points
Do you mean, for a given point, you want to know all points within a given distance?
If so, it seems like using blender's internal spatial query system by means of sample nearest or some other node should be the cheapest way (other than running a python script)
Isn't there a way to loop until some threshold is exceeded with geo nodes?

If you wanted to do use this for the purpose referenced in the filename, you might only want to run constraints based on polygon edges anyway
>Do you mean, for a given point, you want to know all points within a given distance?
Yes, exactly.

>If so, it seems like using blender's internal spatial query system by means of sample nearest or some other node should be the cheapest way
Right. I know how to do that.

>Isn't there a way to loop until some threshold is exceeded with geo nodes?
Kind of, they created a simple loop node. It can only loop as many times as you tell it to loop. You can plug in some math nodes to determine the amount of loops(iterations). But it doesn't allow you to create conditions for multiple variables. So you can't have one thing loop 4 times, and another thing loop 6 times. Everything that goes inside of the loop, loops the same amount. If you're savvy, then you can create threshold conditions inside of the loop. So say one of your things should stop at 4, you can do some wacky math to make max out at 4, and then ignore the last 2 iterations.

The loop node is actually alright under a certain number of iterations. I used it to get the strings working here: >>986784 The repeat node is correcting the distance. However, there are about 10 points per string. So the loop is only doing 10 iterations. If I were to bump it up to 50 iterations, it would slow down by a lot. So the loop node wouldn't be good for a mesh wide distance calculation.

>you might only want to run constraints based on polygon edges anyway
Yeah, but how? Chains are essentially edges. Layering edges creates a mesh. So I need to be able to manipulate a large amount of edges at the same time. And in a way where they all react to each other. Which I could probably do, if I could capture their distance from each other all at once.
that worked!! thank you anon!
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cock inspections mate
heeheee your dick is my niw starter file
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How do I make better shadows with eevee rendering?
why is he so greasy? eeww
is that why he makes his blender donuts look greasy too? hmm
really makes you cringe
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How can I achieve this look or something similar?
I feel like the new hair curves/geo nodes system has flopped
I get its potential but what we currently have is very barebones in terms of actual features
They basically opened the hood and invited everyone to tinker with it but no one did anything helpful yet
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turn on AO, turn on bloom, turn on screenspace reflections
turn up your shadow resolution, consider if soft shadows or hard shadows would look better or do an extra render with the shadow render pass isolated (view layer properties -> passes) and blend them in photoshop
adjust the bias of your lights so they properly cast shadows through stuff like hair or use contact shadows (these can create weird visual artifacts)
use reflection planes and cubemaps on things which are reflective (mirrors, shiny floors) but keep in mind sometimes the reflections don't play nice with screenspace reflections
use irradiance volumes (and bake the lighting) for better diffuse lighting/shadows
eevee has limitations and will never be cycles but you can still do good stuff with it
Lookup how to make L-systems with geometry nodes. This particular one looks like you can just use a noise texture into xyz coordinates afterwards.
Depending on your definition of easy that won't be though.
If that's the case you can draw curves and use the elastic deform tool to distort them into the 3rd dimension.
can you generate hair curves from existing hair mesh/cards and then use that to make particle hair?
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flip the green, frenchie
idk what that means, but i tried the multires modifier and after 4 subdivisions it crashes my PC when i sculpt shit. It's over
You could keep the axe mid-poly, uv-unwrap it, and then add the displacement/normal-map details with texture painting, which will have no performance problems and allows very high detail. Or just use zbrush.
>add the displacement/normal-map details with texture painting
idk how to do that, i don't even know how i'm gonna shade it. It's over
Is there much point to me learning Blender with the hopes of getting a job in 3D animation at some stage?
From what I gather a lot of animation is outsourced for cheap anyway and no longer done in house. Both 2D and 3D. I've not used any of this kind of software before either and I ain't exactly young either.

So to that end, would it be quite fruitless and more something just to do as a hobbyist? I don't really know how the process works if I'm honest.
no reason not to expand your knowledge if you have time and it's something that interests you. You can't know if it's "worth it" and you can't predict the future, all you know is that if you start learning you'll have that knowledge
Not out of the box.
Theoretically you can make a node system that does that automatically.
And that would be a major undertaking, only worth it if you want to convert a big library of mesh hair.
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Hey guys I'm new to blender and started working on my own custom project zomboid player model.
I've been using the elastic deform tool when fitting all the clothing to the body but it definitely takes a little time doing this since there's 1000's of different pieces of clothes so I do a dozen or so each day then take a break.

So I was wondering if there's any methods to speed this up or is this just how everyone refits armor/clothing to custom vidya models?
would it really be that big of a task? i'm not familiar with geonodes other than some very basic shit but i see a mesh to curve node with some kind of selection thing to map the start/end
can i not like.. separate the hair mesh into disconnected pieces, work out some way of selecting the start and end sides of the mesh (the UVs perhaps?) and putting it through the mesh to curve node?
Depends on how you want to do the conversion I guess.
The simplest way is to find all edges that go along the length of the hair cards/tubes and mesh to curve those.
You might want make sure the direction of the generated curves is correct, so that the point closest to the scalp is the start and the other one the end.
That's the easy part. If you want more hair you'd have to interpolate them based on the existing ones somehow.
Hopefully you can use this for it:
It'll all depend if you get to feed the interpolate node all the info it needs.
I did forget to mention, most of the new hair stuff needs a surface mesh (scalp) where the hair grow out of.
If you generate your curves and not use the standard way you'd have to create that data somehow.
You might be able to get the surface normal by proximity to the scalp mesh and raycast transfer of the scalp mesh normal.
chopping the scalp off the model i'm trying to convert the hair of should be fine i think. you're right that making sure the curves are in the right direction is probably the hardest part, i'll have a play around with it and see what i can do. ty
Holy shit, this is so cool, I thought I had to animate my dude's cloak manually.
when hollywood finally comes out with the donut movie, /3/ gonna be eatin good!
Except for the chair faggot nerd
it has as many uses as it does drawbacks. use with caution and don't be surprised if your cloak doesn't turn out the way you wanted it to
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which bone would this ball joint belong to? kind of a cartoony arm
Blender texture painting fucking sucks
any better alternatives for texturing?
I've been considering picking up substance painter on steam
would love a decent free alternative though
Ucupaint greatly improves texturing in blender, supporting layers and procedural masks so that you can use a very roughly substance-like workflow. It lets you easily drive effects with AO or cavity masks
It's free https://extensions.blender.org/add-ons/ucupaint/

After working with it for a little while, I realized how much better substance painter really is, it's simply much more powerful and versatile. Yeah, you can get (almost) the same results for free in blender, but it will take hours to get something you could get with 20 minutes in painter.
Still a great addon, though.
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ok after many blender/windows crashes, i managed to improve it a bit. I think my CPU can't handle sculpting/drawing mask with multires modifier higher than 3, constant crashes. But whatever, done now. Question: how would you shade this ? i need different colors in the sunken, raised and normal parts. Only doable by selecting those faces manually or is it possible with UV somehow ?
can someone please review my portfolio ;-; thank you in advance

Bake ambient occlusion and normal maps to use as a guide in your image editing or drawing app then draw the albedo/emissives. I think you can also bake material nodes output to textures but it requires setting up a destination mesh iirc, might not tho. You can also use vertex painting or texture painting which requires small setup and it's best used with a tablet. All of this is assuming u have ur UVs unwrapped
after reading this i concluded that i might not be able to shade this
You can make a custom material with a depth or normal-direction threshold to render a mask for the details.
Might require compositing multiple render passes with different parameters for the different areas, but it should be pretty quick and save you a lot of time over manually painting everything.
Could also just bake the AO like the other anon suggested, and then use photoshop or some AI tool to extract the features
well the problem is i am very new to Blender and 3d in general and i don't really understand any of this
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>update to 4.2
>test render a sequence
>taking more than twice as long per frame as 4.1
>stop, check render settings
>eevee is totally different
what happened to ambient occlusion? how do i get just plain ambient occlusion, without any of this physically based raytracing global illumination gobbledygook, on all non-emission materials?
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gonna start a product animation after this, any ideas on what to base it on? i am thinking of doing headphones since its perfect mix of organic and hardsurface modelling. and any thoughts on wip?
you're not very bright, are you
no, but as i said here >>988335 i am very new to blender and i don't know how to do any of what was recommended to me.
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r8 my low(ish) poly sci fi gun/cannon? Any suggestions or tips?
How do I convert hair object that consists of nothing but vertices and edges to have faces?
im polishing it then im gonna bake it and put it on 2s because fuck you
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version 2
is there any good telegram group for blender addons?
(and this is okay by the way, due to blender licenceing downloading blender addons for free is fully legal)
Looks more like a scifi racing spaceship than something that shoots.
Gonna ask yourself: What does it shoot, where does it come from (the sphere), how can it be aimed, where can you hold it or where does it swivel.
If the sphere is supposed to focus a beam of energy, make it look like a lens or a crystal.
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You hold it on your shoulder. The cube thing at the back is the shoulder rest. Your right arm goes straight forward. and is placed on the grip directly under the ball thing. Your left hand goes on that protruding handle under the "barrel" of the gun.

The spiky thing at the back is a fusion reactor. The ridges are cooling fins. The back of the fusion reactor should have a hose/cable connecting it to a back-mounted power pack, which supplies the fuel.
The ball is meant to be a ball of white hot plasma, kept in place via magnets. When fired, the fusion reactor shoots more plasma into the ball. The ball grows, glows more intensely, then after a short delay, fires a beam of plasma down the barrel of the gun.

The heat isn't a problem since a normal human would be unable to lift this weapon in the first place, it's meant to be used by a robot, or a person with power armor. The weapon is supposed to be a repurposed space mining tool, with engineers taking the base fusion reactor and figuring out a way to make it fire a single destructive burst of plasma, rather than a steady beam for cutting rocks.

this >>988345 isn't me
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ah, makes sense.
In that case I'd make the sphere a torus, magnetic fields lines have to go somewhere and a degenerate torus is a sphere. You can also animate a torus easier if you want that, more interesting looking deformation.
You can look at diagrams of real tokamaks on the arrangement of electromagnets, see picrel and
If the gun is attached to a robot or mech suit consider make reactor look like it's liquid cooled, fins won't do much in that power range. Not that it's about realism but it makes more intuitive sense and you can use technobabble to justify why some exotic liquid can remove so much heat.
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A friend of mine (yes really) has recently downloaded Blender in order to try his hand at SFW/NSFW 3D art. This is is his first time doing something like this and he's confused when it comes to applying the correct textures. Here's one of the models he recently got his hands on. He's absolutely stumped and hasn't been able to find any guides that could explain in detail on what goes where and in what order. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
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how is my weight painting looking? shits hard man
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the painting. that one loop seems to ignore weights. it only follows the one directly above it, unless I remove all weights from it altogether. anyone know what to do there? not a huge deal but it makes the neck look a little fucky from the right angle
i fixed it by involving the chest as well. kinda weird how that works though but idk. I'm assuming then it's good practice to involve both bones that are connected to the one you're working on? for more flexible organic shapes like this one
I don't really care for the extension thing they're working on
Agreed, the Grease Pencil task force is where it's at right now.
Should a clueless retard learn SFM or Blender? Got no experience in 3D animation, and strictly hobbyist. I just want to make cool epic animations
Avoid SFM, it is beyond dead.
Any recommended character design tutorials?
I already know the basics in blender and want to get good at modelling characters
rendered these breast physics using surface deform and cloth physics and they're not rendering at all. what retard mistake did i make, bros?
sfm is for severely autistic pornographers that are literally incapable of handling change and valve employees
and I'm pretty sure even valve has moved on
sfm has a better animation system and tons of free premade assets. more retardproof than blender's convoluted idiosyncratic bullshit if you just want to jump right in and move characters around for fun and/or porn
plus you can make tweaks from pre-made models rather than just starting from scratch with a process that makes you want to kill yourself.
it's time to move on old man. sfm is dead. barely anyone ports models to it anymore and it does not have a better animation system, you're just comfortable using it
File: neck.webm (1.58 MB, 1280x720)
1.58 MB
1.58 MB WEBM
getting a little easier, had to figure some stuff out but im happy with how it ended up.
Good job anon, I like the weight painting.
blander says i've run out of gpu memory. how do i fix this. if i have to render for 2 hours using cpu again im going to blow my brains out
turn on the status bar (Window -> Show Status Bar) and look at your vram usage
resize some excessively large textures or something
>resize some excessively large textures or something
by how much?
until everything fits in the vram of course
you can also just use the simplify settings, there's a texture resolution limit there and you can cap all the subdivisions which may also help
thanks anon. that worked. lifesaver. hope you have a fantastic day.
from the animator's point of view, what matters other than the animator's comfort? i'd already been using blender since 2.42 and have continuously been animating in blender since then, but spent a few weeks with sfm maybe 10 years ago and it was much more comfortable to animate in than blender is even today. like a night and day difference.
sfm's "sampling" paradigm is unfortunately unique, but objectively better for the animator than blender or any conventional function curve animation system because of the way you can seamlessly and nondestructively do layering, space switching and reparenting. having to fight the rig to do basic, intuitive stuff like that has been the bane of 3d animators forever, and those valve devs got it right because they started from scratch with this in mind. the basis of stuff like akeytsu, cascadeur, anzovin's ephemeral rig tools, and project baklava (RIP) is trying to shoehorn the way sfm does animation into other production pipelines.
>valve creates something truly unique
>does absolutely fucking nothing with it
>it fades away into obscurity
tale as old as time. wish steam flopped so they'd be forced to innovate to stay alive instead of resting on their laurels for the last 20 years
Newbie here. Does GPU rendering only really scale well for larger scenes? I have a 5950X and an RX 7800 XT. I was rendering a single simple snapshot at 1080p. Took 4.6 seconds on CPU and 4.6 seconds on GPU. I'm guessing GPU benefits start coming into play with much larger projects?

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