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I honestly think I was able to reach the level I admired in pixel art when I was 20.

but with 3D.
Best artist on /3/, maybe the only artist of this entire board
did he ever get a decent rig? i offered him my 1080ti but i already sold it.
Guy can’t pixel art and uses Blender shaders to fix his mistakes is not good enough for pixel artist or better than real pixel art.
i think it has a unique style
Maybe some day can be as good as him, keep working on your art.
I'm going to be honest with you, this looks actually good, good job Cris, the rest of the things you do are pretty trash though
When are you achieving a day without Escitalopram and Trazodona?
you should check her skin color, she looks like a zombie
her belt is floating for some reason too
also check how the DeadCells guys did their 3D animations with their pixelart filter
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Cris are you still taking SSRIs?
I don't think this is a True and Honest Cris thread.
I take paliperidone.
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I love how my chibi style is very close to amerindian clay dolls and some totems from oceania like new zealand tribal art.
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It's so tiring, my dear darling.
That I tried to hard, and couldn't impress the braggarts.
That made a mockery of my fuckery, what a trickery of my attempts at defeating the destiny of the archons.

I am trully not happy with the missunderstanding, that causes a standing againts my desire, for I have a fire, to cause an ire, on the demons that torment me.

But happy not am I, chuds.
I need now, am afraid.
To develop a new method, which that beto wont be able to deny, is a great job leny, he would claim.

But stronger must be I.
To overcome my limits, my dear timmys.
And you still are taking hrt? Or you came to the conclusion that you will never be a woman
what's the point of a general if you spam your shit everywhere, anyway?
why don't the mods do something about this retard?
reported, etc. but I have little hope at this point
Looks 90% good for me, almost good, just a bit of dithering feels kinda off, but just slightly.
There are people that do this kind of stuff (pixelart from 3d in blender via shaders) that are widely considered genius and are super popular.
This guy for example: https://www.reddit.com/r/blender/comments/1faf76d/flooded_by_lowtrippy/
Reinventing your "workflow" again nigga
Still looks awful, speed is too fast, colors incorrect, no reflection and lighting is nonsense in terms of a flooded area. They are not smart, they’re dumb youngsters who never seen pixelated art.
Lul, nobody tries to do physically correct lighting in pixel art. It's all about what looks cool, no matter how wrong.
> colors incorrect,
And the colors are meant to be extremely reduced too. If you do physically correct lighting and rich color palettes in pixel art you will get something that looks like pixelated non-pixel art, which lacks its own style and just looks like lofi version of something else instead of a thing of its own.
bro is onto nothing
>Own thing
Pixel artists limits are the reasons why they have that feel and their style is from colors they’re using. Zoomers like you have zero understanding of color theory if you think everything needs boxed shapes and no anti lasting.
> Zoomers like you have zero understanding of color theory
I only understand some general principles that apply to this field as well.
Like the fact that using less different colors/shades can make it cleaner and easier to comprehend.
If color theory prevents you to appreciate something that other people who don't know color theory enjoy, that's just sad.
> boxed shapes
Kek, we see how much color theory you know calling dithering that.
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This is how a real pixel artists limits are looks like. What kind of nonsense you blender people is nothing but false information. Trying too hard to recreate the gif era that 4chan went through.
Too much colors, here is how real limits look like!
My style is better than yours, this is the only true pixel art, everything else is fake!
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>speed is too fast
That's the fucking point of all my art styles, you fucking retards.

I need to become even faster.
that sprite took the same amount of time It takes me to finish one of my chibi models and texture and rig it.
Cris, you're mentally ill and you're doomed to become a woman the more you hang around with the jannies.
Maybe but then again >>1000307 looks good while your "chibi" look like shit. They look like they just soiled themselves and I can't get over those cum drenched mittens you make them wear.
Cris, you're gullible and the jannies will find a way to put you on HRT just for the lulz. When that happens don't tell me I didn't warn you.
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>retard that doesn't know the diference between something done for animation and something done for illustration
Cris, illustration or animation doesn't matter because the stuff you make unusable for any purpose. And you've already practiced for 10 years. It's way, way past time to stop for you.
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I don't think you're faster than me, so feel free to cope.
Cris, how old are you and are you already on HRT?
35 and I'm not trans.
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And do you think it's normal for a 35 years old man to be doing this all day?
why do you assume my art style isn's a rejection of traditional autistic graphic fag whores?

I find also funny my style also will be the logical conclusion to AI.
Cris, what's the point of rejecting the concept of the human mouth?
my style has evolved over time to be less demanding on skill and effort and I have focused more on it being cheap to make.

I think it looks pretty nice.
Cris, you know you're special, right? Don't you think that perhaps the jannies who tell you that your garbage looks nice are doing so for entertainment purposes and to distract themselves from the terrible and irreparable damage that they've done to their bodies?
I never said it looked like professional art.

I literally say it was cheap.

Why don't you google the meaning of cheap on google.
Cris, I know you're not full trans yet, but did the jannies make you try HRT, like, did they send you a sample? You have to know that behind your back the jannies go: "haha, maybe the retard took it lol". And that they're the only ones who think it's funny.
dunno where you got the idea I'm gay or trans.

but no.
I'm not autistic so I can't be trans.
I got the idea that the jannies may be grooming you because how many other people do you see around who have a thread dedicated to them? But if you're not autistic and if it's that's so then good for you. You just have to find another hobby.
I think you confuse having a hobby with something like I need to get better so I can make money or have a job.
You're not going to make money or find a job by doing art. The jannies may have told you so, but again they're doing it because they themselves don't have a future.
there wont be any money in art after AI becomes better and cheaper than any human.
whats the point of focusing on cheap art if you don't actually make anything
Making a game is hard.

I've been mostly leveling up last few months.
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gonna stop using the word cheap and use the word bootleg now to describe my art.
Cris, this is a good idea. If you aim for a bootleg aesthetic on purpose your art will go from "most people think it looks bad" to "this is charming." Great option, please pursue it.
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Actually I am happy with this webm.
you would be much better off just making 1 model, one background, and a couple facial texture swaps and making those poses yourself. You could even add post-effects which are a great way of making an easily-produced piece into a professional-looking piece.
Take your ai junk elsewhere, you didn’t try to keep the details to a minimum and was too easy to spot it.
Well, is possible to do more autismo with img2img and controlnets that fix a lot of your issues.

I just wanted to try something new.
try getting some pussy
I'm not an npc.
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I like Cris. He grows on you. You think he is an idiot at first but then you realize this is a guy who will never stop. It's admirable to be so determined that you don't quit no matter how much people shit on you. I feel like for that reason alone he will win in the end.
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Man, I found a 100% cool model that works 100% in synergy with my own XL style lora.
Holy shit... Fluids Fighter has accepted Cris... Do you still aspire to dethrone him?
>he conceded in the retard pissing contest
Well it's fine if you're just experimenting but you should probably try and focus on learning how to finish projects. You really could have made several games by now, and undoubtedly have been at least somewhat successful. Your ideas are sometimes quite fun, like that bootleg angle. Kaliina could work quite well if you finished it and polished it as an example.
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What is even the point of sharing my art on the internet or progress if all I'm gonna get is hate, and people trying to argue with me the same shit I'm tired of explaining over and over in /ic/ and /3/ and overall I waste 3-4 hours trying to argue with other retards on the internet about my own personal beliefs.

Honestly, I'm tired of that shit.

I don't even want now to share my progress on the internet.
I'm tired of 4chan and discord.

I only receive hate when I post my OC here.
and also I am tired of having to discuss why I draw the way I draw.

Tired of the same discussions over and over.

I'm quitting most internet.
I simply don't want to deal more with people telling to kill myself or that my art is complete dogshit and I should kill myself.

I am simply tired.
Cris, nobody ever asked you to post your complete dogshit.
Took a nap, now feels better.

I will simply stop replyying the retarded trolls that insult me.
wow you just realized why being an attenionwhore is retarded for you and everyone invilved, good job it only took you several years, btw, keep up the 3d pixelated art, like the one in the OP, it's legit good
He didn't realize anything
>I don't even want now to share my progress on the internet.
fucking finally
I don't know what drugs you started taking, but you are finally self-aware
fuck off and never come back, you absolute fucking idiot
>I only receive hate when I post my OC here.
Your art looks ugly. You know about it. You want it to be, you want it to be "cheap". You refuse to learn the way good artists learn, so stop whining
cris do you take requests? i wanna see porn animations of your low poly 3d models
I made two as a joke, but the models werent naked.

This guy is Cris 2: reforged
Question Cris. What's your goal with art, if you have one? You have said before that you're not trying to make top tier art, and being cheap is the target. Do you have any big plans like making money with your hyperoptimized workflows or whatever? I know you've done some game dev stuff in the past, do you plan on ever releasing a game? Or is the fun for you all in the process, "leveling up", etc

I'm very curious. Your approach to this stuff is radically different to how the rest of the board view growth in art.
my approach is similar to speedrunners.

I like to view it as speedrunning art.


Because 30 minutes drawing is much cheaper than one where I spent 20 hours?


Because videogames always need a massive amount of assets to be made.
So making them cheaper and faster is a good idea.

I'm not an AAA worker in a massive studio, so need to find cheaper ways to make stuff.
Also the goal is to increase quality as well.

Also, is the same fun as speedrunning in general.
post a catbox link please
you should rig those models and make an animation
My goal rig now is to generate cheaply 2D HD art.

Those models are meant to be ingame, not cutscene ones.

I need to figure out a cheap way to generate the 2D HD models.
I thought you were leaving
but that was just another autistic attention whoring moment
fuck off cris
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>check in on chris from AGDG after like 10 years
>STILL hyperfixated on "quick workflow"
>hasn't created shit

Wish I had his conjoined-evangelion-girl shit saved to laff at
it's so funny the Roblox child-labour kids go further than this guy with his AI workflow. Like one of them went on to make Lethal Company
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I honestly think this looks pretty amazing.

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Cris when are you finally gonna achieve your "final" workflow
Or are you still gonna be chimping out screeching about the latest thing you learned for another 10 years
I have a mature workflow.

My issue is to get the cheap 2D HD art workflow.
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I just realized I can make a low poly waifu and keep her like a psx character, but make her tits and face and knees separate meshes with 3-4 times more vertex into those sexy areas.
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I think I have a cool original idea.

What if you make most of the model using my cheap 3D style.

But the face, the fingers, the breast, ass, hips and knees were actually diferent vertex budgets.

Basically these were made into separate meshes, then sculpted, then retopoed and then combined with the original mesh.

Something like mixels for but for vertex budgets of the same character.
I can't believe a human being can be this fucking stupid
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It actually worked.

I went from 4 days to make a similar model to 6 hours.
You could just learn how to make clothing and accessories instead of fully building a model with clothing attached.
imagine if cris spent 10 years making a game instead of running around in circles, he could´ve been the next toby fox
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Wait a second.

What if I start from a Vroid basemesh instead of making it from scratch?

I could save 4 hours that way.
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I think I did it chuds.

I think I finally did It.

Finally a cheap style that imitates the quality of much more expensive methods and workflows.

This took me 3.5 hours.
So I'm really really happy about it.
It's only 2.5 times more expensive than my cheapest style which is around 50 minutes.

Really, really happy with this,
cris just use vroid
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spent 2 hours on this.
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can /3/ even compete with cris 2015 level?
can 2024 cris compete with 2015 cris?
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Developed a new workflow and got PS2 level.

Need to do a secondary pass to fix the texture.
How big is her cock?
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I just learned that you can bake your render setting into a texture you can use later as normal map or difusse.

And then you can bake, then edit in Krita and save that way, days of work.

I do feel I've discovered like an entire new branch of 3D art autismo.

uhm... HOT
Oh god he terrorizes /3/ too? I'm so sorry.
Stay in your containment Cris.
I remember a dude doing a vid for a brown /vt/umor (as in the model had dark skin)
the guy changed the shape (you can use blendshapes) depending on the camera angle using a driver-constraint or something like that

I remember getting lot of stuff like that from the Blender-NPR account on twitter
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I just learned that blender 4.3 beta has EEVEE supporting light and shadow linking.


too much autismo power that is.
acknowledge my post you congolombian sperg>>1001260
I realized that I can simulate that by using a nose bone and two cheek bones as well.
A nose bone.
yeah, because you need to push the nose on the profile view.
Cris https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prosopagnosia read it.
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Man, I dont give a shit.

What I want is this fucking piece of shit bug fixed.
Cris, nobody gives a shit about you either. Only the jannies who want to make fun of you. And you're not even funny. And they're not even women.
I don't give a shit about 4chan losers.
Please stop posting here then.
>Cris, nobody gives a shit about you either
I do
You don't. If you did you would stop tormenting him and giving him false encouragement.
simply close my threads.
Cris, you post in a lot of threads on multiple boards. Who do I block you?
Also, >>1001275 So why are you posting at all. Why don't you stop?
let me alone.
Why? This is not your blog.
then stop complaining.
Stop posting so I won't complain.
>Who do I block you?
how. it's how, you IESLB retard
it literally is
I had to google what "IESLB" means. And what about the other boards? Because Cris posts everywhere. How do I block him?
Maybe you can stop being a faggot and keep scrolling
But if I keep scrolling then I see your posts. Because you insist on posting outside your containment.
maybe is time to start being mentally a teenager, faggot.
so what´s the plan, now that you´ve found *the* workflow?
learn shaders now.
Cris, you're a genetic defect vector.
I do, even if Cris goes I have everything that he made archived, and I will post it here every time I can, Im also training an ai model with his artwork.
Cris will live forever on this board and you can't do anything about it
And Cris, you better stop calling me names because I may decide to tell you what I really think of you. And you can't stop me.
I'm not Cris, but to you everyone is Cris, stop being so obsessive
Good for you. Please post all that material on the Blender Market to make it available for future generations.
If you're not Cris, then stop posing as Cris and I'm not going to have anything to say to you.
No, I'm posting it only here if he goes, Cris is the soul of /3/
Or maybe you can stop posting on a Cris thread if you don't want to read his posts.
But we both know that that's not the case, you are envious of him because nobody cares about you
The truth is that you are an attention whore.
>Cris is the soul of /3/
That you're opinion. You're entitled to it. I'm entitled to criticize it.
And he's entitled to post how much he wants, and you are entitled to keep scrolling, so stop being a faggot and keep scrolling.
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I literally made a general to not spam the board with my threads.

Faggot still complain I post here.
>you can stop posting on a Cris thread if you don't want to read his posts
Again. Cris has been posting everywhere outside of his containment. How do I block Cris so I don't have to deal with him?
You made a general about yourself but you also fell free to post outside of it at will Cris. That's the issue.
I only make other threads if is really a major thing, not for smaller stuff.
Cris, you're a liar. You post on other boards too. You posted on /g/ yesterday.
this is not your fucking website, here everyone can post in whatever thread he wants, if you don't like it, you are free to make your own image board
those aren't /3/ and don't have the issue of being so slow as this board.

threads last one day on /g/ so there's not need to make a general there.
Stop being an attention whore, work on your art and maybe anons would care about you
Sure. And I'll criticize those posts because the material in them looks like shit and I'm going to say it when I see it.
Cris, why do you need generals for yourself. Nobody else does. Why do you think that is?
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Because at some point half of /3/ were my threads.
You can criticise whatever you want, nobody fucking cares about you anon
And? I don't follow your logic. Why do you need generals in several boards when nobody else does?
Do you want me to make a daily thread on /3/?
Yes. And on other boards too, so you can finally get permabanned like you deserve.
other boards dont have the issue of threads lasting 2 months.
I made my own thread for my sculpture before they wiped the board, multiple Anons have thread for themselves.
Why is that your problem, Cris?
Even if he gets banned because faggots like you, I will keep posting his art again and again
I'm being polite to make a thread to avoid spamming the board.

How is that an issue when I do that to being polite with the rest of the board?
He's an attention whore Cris, he's salty because nobody cares about him, so he spergs on you
It's 3 or 4 people with OCD who do that, that's true but again, Cris has his own thread but he also feels free to post outside of it. And that's the issue.
Cris, you post outside of your thread a lot.
No, you are the issue, keep scrolling
You have no idea how I am. I'm the reason Cris became obsess with human models in the first place. Just so you know.
You could do the same and get out of here.
You have no clue this thread is to avoid spamming the board with a daily thread.

But you do spam this and other boards with daily threads anyway Cris. That's the issue.
Nobody fucking cares who you are, don't you get it?
You are nobody here, like the rest of us, post something Interesting and other anons would care about you.
Nobody likes an attention whore
You didn't read.
It's less of an issue on faster boards.
cris what do you think about loli?
Don't go there. If you were here before the whole board had to be wiped you know the answer to that question.
the fuck are you on about? loli didnt have anything to do with the great wipe
To me it looked like the jannies didn't want to answer questions about Cris and some other of their grooming targets but I'm just speculating.
You have 14 active threads rn, Cris.
lolis are cute and they are a profitable niche.

But I usually fap to casting of 20 year old girls videos, if the question is more about if I fap to lolis.
You spam /ic/ constantly even though your last 4 threads arent at bump limit and because of you or some retards they cannot die.
that's an issue of retards bumping them until they hit bump limit.

It's hardly an spamming if there's literally 2-3 weeks between threads.
But Im not the one complaining, why I would get out of here?
Are you mentally ill?
Somebody call the police, Cris posted on another thread, I can't believe that happens, what's next? Cris posting outside 4chan?
Take your meds faggot
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parce, what crap, what I needed to learn was not so much mathematics, it was to learn some linear algebra stuff like dot, cross product, some qlias functions like step, smoothstep, pow, sqrtinverse, exp, exp2, log, log2, the boolean operations stuff like equal, not equal that don't use the normal programming syntax, and to learn the OpenGL views stuff.

Fucking BS that was less math I needed to learn and more to learn the syntax of GLSL.
He spams constantly. I dont care if he posts in other threads, but he makes 10 fucking threads for himself
We all know Jannies should delete all his crap and rangeban Colombia.
Chris, I also need this. Do you give masterclasses? What's your hourly rate?
It's just 2D anime skills.
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Took me an entire fucking day, but I did it.

I learned shaders, chuds BTFO.
Cris, how much antidepressant do you have to ingest every day to continue to do this?
none, idiots think that insulting me affect me in some way.
It wasn't an insult. I just want to know how much antidepressant does it take to do what you do. My guess is a lot.
Actually I don't suffer from depression, but more like being mentally tired.
What's the difference between being depressed and feeling "mentally tired"? Sounds like you trying to spit hair with a 70 IQ.
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got this working today.

going to sleep.
You got it working but what does that do?
being depressed is more like wanting to giving up, being sad, feeling nothing is worthy and that It would be better to just not do nothing and maybe commit suicide.

mentally tired is similar, but the feelings it generates is apathy, being physically tired, being sleepy, want to quit and give up whatever takes effort.

How do I know?

I've had both.

It's a low poly pants.
I didn't ask you what that is. I asked you what does it do. What is its purpose?
depression is the result of feeling stagnated in life and being aimlessly drifting without a goal.

mentally tired is the result of burnout.
I hope you get the help that you need before you start transitioning Cris. You have all the red flags.
Actually, I'm not trans or autistic.

I seem autistic because I'm obssesed with improving while being faster.
I didn't say you're either trans or autistic.I've said that you are at high risk of being swindled into transitioning by some evil janny.

Fuck, this tutorial is literally a game changer.
Now I know what do a cavity map, thickness map, AO map, curvature map do and also how to isolate one the rgb values of a normal map to get a fucking directional map.


I'm not a impressionable teenager anymore.
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I mean, now I wonder why nobody on the industry hand paint a cavity map, and then use it to control and sculpt the shadow area of a toon shader, which you can get by simply having a 2 shade black and white ramp shader.
Then you simply do a mix mulltiply operation with the color ramp mask and the hand painted shadow mask.
Then you use that mask to control a third mix operation where you overlay the middle light tones of the model.

Doing that, you get literally perfect 2D anime or cartoon shadows that actually follow the logic of a 2D artist.

I fucking wonder why nobody do this.
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I really love this new workflow, chuddies.
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my haters BTFO.
This is actually smart, thank you for posting this here. when I make something I'll post the results here
I do feel most shader fags lack the kind of mindset a 2D fag will have to paint and draw.

So I naturally think as a 2D fag, then I took my 2D mind to design an NPR shader.

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I did it.

I got the level of pixel art of SOTN.

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>the level of pixel art of SOTN
were is the asscrack then?
that is done with a texture mask, lol.
are you legally blind?
I'm starting to think you're not really this stupid and you're just trolling everyone
that progress post in /ic/ went too far
but man. the way you write. this absolute fucking delusion you have that you figured something new about non-photorealistic rendering when it's a vast field where people far smarter than you have been making beautiful art and tools for years
and then you post this shit
it sounds stupid enough to be true
It's not finished, look at her skirt and shirt.
He's on a lot of medication and there are cruel people (jannies) who encourage him for their own entertainment.
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Spent the entire days doing a dungeon generator editor.
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I think I got something special here.
Cris, https://www.mapeditor.org/ and please go away.
that doesnt have the features I want.

I'm not making a tilemap editor.
Cris you need another hobby.
We have adobe photoshop and Gimp easier applying the method. You just wasted time on something a bad copy cat like Gimp can do.
It's much easier to paint on the model than to do it on a 2D app.
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I'm going to leave this here in relation to >>1001502 At least look at it, Cris.
For context :
>cris has been doing this shit for 10 years.
>yes, he's a 30+ retard
>he's retarded, but also trolls because he thinks he "owns" everyone by doing it
>he's been a plague in 7 different boards
I was looking for another thread in /3/ but I thought I might warn you people, if you didn't know about him already.
I'm unsure why "his" thread is even allowed. It's not about 3D, it's literally him shitposting or posting about his life.
the issue is that such AO maps follow realistic or math formulas.

And that doesnt work for anime.
Anime is simply too weird to be baked by an algo.

It's much better if it's hand painted.
>I'm unsure why "his" thread is even allowed. It's not about 3D, it's literally him shitposting or posting about his life.
It's funny. The new workflow shit will never get old. Sometimes I do get sad looking at this because he is clearly passionate but is too retarded or prideful or lazy to just learn from other people and do what everybody does and build his own identity on top of that
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Something funny that anons can't understand is that I want to build my own unique original style.

Like the simpsons style.
Or mafalda style.
Or Dragon ball style.
Or Tin tin style.

Something trully diferent to what already exist.

Can't do that if I try to copy other anons styles, or if I use reference, like they advice.

It would be less of me, and more like what already exist.
Why do you give a shit about this surface level shit? all style no substance for decades
tiring man
what do you mean by surface shit?
>It would be less of me
That's another red flag for transitioning, Cris. You're a narcissist and yet you're technically a monster.
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are you aware of the kusoge aestethic?

>kusoge aestethic
No, I have no idea what that is. Does it mean "retarded narcisist" in japanese?
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kusoge means literally crappy videogame.

Think of shit like kof 2002 magic plus 2, or Street Fighter rainbow edition, or literally unplayable SNES era showelware arcade garbage fighters, like shang fu or the Street fighter with prerendered photos.

Look up hong kong 97 for the most famous example of kusoge.

In cinema, some examples would be Ed wood and Wakalywood.
Cris doesn't want to "his own identity". It's a childish psychological phase normal people go through when they 6 to 9 years old. Cris instead is going through it at 35.
It's better to have an unique style that is crappy but will be remembered because is unique, to being the artstation god #9999 that looks like it was made by AI trained on AAA concept art.
Cris, you'll not be remembered of missed either way.
same as you.
Same as everybody, Cris. You're not special. You're just especially retarded.
style, it doesn't matter
It's the visual identify of my art.
It matters.

I want to develop my own style.

Ironically AI pushed it to a level that I really enjoy a lot more than my manual art.
So you are not inventing anything original either? What the fuck have you been doing?
do you realize everyone has influences?
Your visual identity doesn't matter if you have nothing to say
that's why I also studied literature, world history, world myhology and philosophy.
Okay, what do you want to say with your work?
I want to make arcade games like 1980 games, but closer actually to something like kof 97 arcade mode, but with the aesthetics of SOTN.

About the core message, dunno.
Maybe explore the lore I was writing as a joke about a fantasy world with only females and a single male sun god.
And the "single male sun god" would be you, right Cris?

It's basically ash ketchup, but with the skin of a tanned okinawan male.
Cris, if the most important thing is to have fun, then why do you need so much medication to get through the day. Looks like you're not having fun.
>ash ketchup
almost the meme that I invented once and nobody followed, but it was "ass ketchup"
I get paliperidone injections, lmao.
I'm fine.

Almost like Sonichu, isn't it?
Cris, people who are fine don't need Paliperidone injections.
I'm fine because I;m not in jail or in a mental hospital or under a bridge.
>want to make arcade games like 1980 games, but closer actually to something like kof 97 arcade mode, but with the aesthetics of SOTN.
So literally this is all about surface level aesthetics?
what do you think drawing, 3D animation, pixel art and shaders are?

they're superficial visual shit.
That makes sense but there has to be something that you can do about your habits that will allow you to get off medications some day.
I already take medications.
shit, didn't read properly.

Why should I get off my meds?
For two reason: 1. Side effects 2. Your medications are clearly not working anyway
Incorrect, they all stem from a person having something to tell and seeking best ways to do it and everything else arises from that sole fact. You are going the other way, you have a pet aesthetic you want to replicate and nothing else, you think you can just tack it on and everything will work out fine. It's like ai fags that desperately try to steal someones artstyle
Been on the same medication since I was 13.

No because I want to improve in my art skills and develop good art.

The other areas are more suitable for /tg/ /g/ and /lit/ for me to discuss.
Cris why are you skimping out on your daily does of estrogen after transitioning
Cris the jannies grow impatient with your lack of gratuity lately. Unless your gonna resume sucking their dicks and making humiliation ritual vids in public they might be forced to start doing their jobs soon
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what do you think of this pacifica render?
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Cris unless your gonna actually finish your game or give the janny a BJ and stop fucking around with "AI workflows"
I'm afraid your mother will have start working in your stead again
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I finished today the core code of my app.

I simply need to add better tiles, and add a screenshot export and is done.
Cris I've heard you can get government aid for help in transitioning you should look into to it to further promote yourself in DEI places
>you did say you were gonna own the chuds right?
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I finished a beta version of my dungeon generator app.

It lacks a single algorithm and a finished spritesheet, but hopefully most of the core shit is functional.

My app is finshed, lmao.
Cris, all I see in that picture is a garbled mess not unlike what must be in your brain, lmao
Running around at the speed of sound
Got places to run gotta follow my rainbow.
Can't stick around, have to keep running
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yes, I found them again.


These are moche dolls.

They look like my cheap style in 3D.
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What if I use my cheap 2D workflow to create a bunch of layered sprites similar to a VN CGI layered system, but project them in 3D model similar to painting in a 2D canvas, but is a 3D model?

That’s called 2.5 it’s been made into many software programs.
>They look like my cheap style in 3D
you flatter yourself too much
nta, second, after effects, and some other similar, more suited for specifically compositing 3D and post processing, like nuke and inferno, and others
>layered sprites
>but project them in 3D model
the fuck are you smoking?
is he talking about live 2D? the other use iv seen of 2.5D is in 3D platformers like Tomba!
>project 2d into 3d
I'd swear I've seen that in /3/ before once
cristopher for fuck´s sake, you already found a workflow last week, stick to it and make vidya
I'm trying to develop a 3D/2D HD anime workflow.
Cris Ill make the same shit you're doing but better just to prove a point that you can't have any progress because of yourself
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using blender to get biometric measures of skull box shape measures by age.

Cris I'll give you 2 weeks before handing you the rope to do the needful
Looking at a near 15 years of life wasted seeing your ass
>The definition of NGMI is just gonna be your name
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Man, artists are really the inferior teacher of anatomy.
time to learn medical anatomy to properly draw humans.

I'm growing stronger.
there a anatomy books online
artist anatomy books doesnt have the fucking measures.
who the fuck cares the only thing that matters is how they look not how they measure

The issue is getting the measure correct.
Cris, you absolutely don't need or want to know about medical anatomy in order to draw or model. Those who insist you need it are jannies who want to make you think about your own anatomy and the possibility of changing it.
No, I will actually learn proportions.

Fuck the ratio system.
It's inferior and produce inferior results.

It's an inferior mental tool to draw.
Cris, what's the difference between a ratio and a proportion?
cris you will suffer by your ignorance
and you will fail
ratio is the mathematical term.

proportion is basically the ratio between elements used to spaced them or measure them in art.

They're synonimous.
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a math friend told me to divide 1 by 9.
I didn't realize it was the meme.


I actually found a neat aproximation to divide using drawing.
And what's the difference between a ratio and a measurement?
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I mean, if you combine my ideas with the ones used by loomis to measure depth.

You can pretty much do basically any measure calculation in a drawing, using only the pencil and a ruler.


measurement is simply getting the measures of an object.
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this shit works.
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not efficient
you'll waste time
one must imagine cris happy
I dont think you can sculpt a skull
or can you cris?
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my issue is getting the proportions right.
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it´s sad to see someone sabotage themselves out of fear of failure
The only issue is yourself
you're stopping yourself from becoming greater
I didnt need to overcomplicate things
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>tracing babies
...anything you want to say to us, cris?
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It's much easier for me to use convoluted methods.

anime girls use baby proportions.
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I just discovered how to draw using triangulation, lmao.

cris haters BTFO.
I hax023d my way around this like this:
1. make drawing
2. re-arange drawing on top of the face of keanu reaves
the fuck are those for..?
>my issue is getting the proportions right
just separate the head in thirds vertically and fifths horizontally, that's the very first thing Loomis teaches you

Otherwise you might want to look into anthropometry.
The tranny behind the character design in the latest DeusEx knew said measures by heart.
xhe took that info from the freely available "2012 Anthropometric Survey of U.S. Army Personnel" pdf
beware, the measures most have are the ones in the middle, not the top or bottom of the list
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that was from yesterday.

I actually figured out a way to triangulate the face features starting from a square.
I sat next to Japanese cris on the shinkansen today. He was old and balding and programming a game of some sort in fortran on his macbook. Then he fell asleep.
He was pretty cool I think.
it isnt easy at all to you to use convoluted methods it's waste of time
Please listen to the people here.
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loomis method requires too much guessing.
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for the record.

2005-2009 Start drawing in HS.
2008 I start to read the hero's journey and robert mckee the story.
2009 I start to learn how to draw manga pages
2010 I make my first game using game maker 8.1 pro
2011 I start to get into digital drawing
2012 I open blender and start doing pixel art
2013 I start to learn coding with XNA, made breakout
2014 I being to low poly model, also begin to animate in pencil2D
2015 I use unity 4.5
2016 I learn libgdx, learned the basics of digital painting
2017 I start with godot 2.1, also start with music composition
2018 I make my first godot games like Aurelio X hunter
2019 I spent the year learning to write
2020 I spent the year learning music theory
2021 I start learning my pixel art low poly style
2022 I learn 3D rigging and learn 3D animation
2023 I learn graphic design and html, css, seo, AI art
2024 I learn music production, drawing ocult magical shit, learn danbooru tags
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I can now draw fertility goddesses.
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haters BTFO
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what the fuck are those legs? female legs arent at it's widest at the head of the femur but a bit lower, because of a fatpad. the one on the left looks really manish
that one is even worse... leg wise I mean. they look like a grandma's
also "fertility goddesses" wouldnt have visible abs but a skin fold or two
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This is my daily progress.
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I can now make 3D waifus.
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Nah I am still trying to take his empire. Still him being my enemy doesn't mean I don't respect the guy.

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