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Chapter 160 raw from a few months ago
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Last page
So it's the autumn of Yunocchi's third year.
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And I think she's just finished with her college entrance exams. It's over very soon.
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Ume-tentei's art became so droopy.
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Vol 1 doesn't count.
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original broadcast anime is the most soulful Hidamari artstyle
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pls live until translator anon gets here
nobody cares about the manga anymore huh
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People just want to listen to Yoshinoya-sensei's slippers, but they have gone quiet.
The manga was never as popular as the anime on /a/, and any chapter dump threads have usually died pretty quickly, translated or not.
Thank you for posting, OP.
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It'll be different this time
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What if Ume-tentei drew a hardboiled manga about majan?
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Do you think Oyasan scored some big hands that night?
I wonder if she knows mahjong. Then again I think I've read like more than 1 time in comedy manga the joke that you don't actually need to know mahjong in order to draw mahjong manga.
I'd read it.
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>reading manga
I'd read it but I'm not caught up on the manga YET ;(
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I'm reading it now and it feels way more worse after rewatching the graduation arc
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>the graduation arc
No Kirara manga has been popular on /a/. We're here only to discuss anime and cooming on fanarts
We will make it.
The Kirara site hasn't updated yet despite the 26th being the day the magazine comes out this month. I want to know if there's a new chapter this month.
What's going to happen afterwards?
Yuno and Miyako college adventures?
third-years Nori and Nazuna welcoming new first-year tenants?
the end?
Probably this. College manga is more likely than Hidamari Sketch without Yuno and Miyako though, but I feel like 20 years is enough time spent on one manga, and Ume has said that she has plenty of ideas for other manga she wants to draw.
But she also said she was thinking about continuing with Hidamari Sketch. It's not unheard of that mangaka keep working on the same title (almost) their entire lives.
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>Yuno and Miyako college adventures?
Yes, and she immediately spent it all on beer, cigarettes and good food.
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I wonder what the delay is.
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so, did Hidamari do the Sketch?
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a Yuno denied her cchi
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>not Yuno I am
one job
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Cute dork.
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I hope a translator anon notices this thread.
Don't you think it's already time for these girls to get boyfriends?
You mean me?
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I heard Hidamari used to have a bunch of alcoholics.
But Sae is already Hiro's boyfriend.
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Yeah but all the alcoholics moved away so we're normal now.
They all died from liver failure.
How many strong zeroes have you swept tonight?
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Based principal.
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Wide stream in 16 hours.

If you need the link just ask.
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no translation ever
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Sae is so manly she's got two wives.
High speed chase.
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Why not someone of this place just use one ocr software + translation? It will be better than nothing
>...but you can call me Yuno.
Opening line of a manga about Yunocchi returning to Yamabuki as a teacher. She's filling in for Natsume-sempai who is going on maternity leave again and the two work together.
That's too much of a leap. I want college Yuno and Miya.
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What is this series about?
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It's a Meduka spinoff.
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It's hard to explain.
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Stream in one and a half hour.
Don't mislead the poor n00b; PMMM is a Hidamari Sketch spinoff.

>In short, I wrote the screenplay as if Yunocchi is to be put as the protagonist. … I imagined all the other characters by starting from “Madoka = Yuno”.
Since the other anon disappeared I ended up doing a quick translation. Or maybe they're typesetting the images while I'm being lazy and just dumping the text here.

It's important to make your work easy to understand! It's especially important when you have multiple things as your motifs, so decide who will be the "star" of the show!

(...Is what sensei told us.)

1. Consider if there is anything that will pop out and draw your attention...?

For example, in my case, perhaps my cute face...?

Or perhaps...

2. Kyaaah! This is too hard! There's too many things you could focus on!

(I'm only remembering pointless things...)

3. Hachoo!

4. Is someone spreading rumors about me...?

It's probably because it's the middle of the winter and you're wearing something like that...
[Everyone thought that.]

1. Good job!

Did you wait for us?

Yep, let's go back together.

2. Whew that was tiring. I wanna eat something sweet!

I get that!

Yeah me too kinda...

3. Afternoon's practical exam was really hard, huh?

4. I knew it! It was right!?

It was so hard!

Ahh I thought it was just me...
[I... tried my best...]

5. *grab*

6. Igarashi-san? What's up?

7. I'm picking up the beautiful fallen leaves of Usami University...

8. It's like the dirt in Koshien...

We don't know the results yet!

>Losing at Koshien hurts, of course. But, there is a great tradition that helps ease the pain. Every time a team loses, each member gathers a handful of dirt from the field to take back home and keep forever.

I did not know this.
[I can't say that!]

1. What about the written test? What was your answer for the last question of the English section?

Ahh... Yeah I was stuck on that! Which on did you pick...?

2. A...

Oh no! I picked C...

Yuno: (Phew...)

3. Phew...?

4. Yuno-san, which did you pick...?

Which one of us do you trust more?

Wah! Sorry!
[Ready to use]

1. Two days later.

YOSHINOYA-SENSEI! Why are you still wearing that vulgar outfit, it's been 3 days in a row now!
I will never understand what's going through your head...

Mr. Principal!? I have a good reason for this!

2. Today is the last day of Usami University's 3 day entrance exams!

So this is because of Usami sounds like usagi! [TL note: usagi means bunny]

3. I see. So you're saying you're wearing something related to Usami. Why exactly?

Yes! Because it helps to show support to our students.

4. Also it makes me look cute!

I see... (grip tightens)
[Have fun!]

1. Beep beep.

The exams are over.

Please stop and place your work on your desk before leaving.

2. Phew! We're done with entrance exams now!

Me too....

Oh! Good job!


3. Okay! Do you wanna go to karaoke with us then!?


4. Uh...!? Wait... Ma-san! Na-san!


[The End]

1. A few days later.

2. Beep beep. Okay, time is up. Please stop working!

3. It's... over...!

4. I'm home!
[She did not expect that]

1. Yuno-san, congrats, you've finished with the exams now! Miyako-san is getting there too, right?

Yeah! The last one is two weeks from now!

2. Well, Yuno-san! What's the first thing you wanna do now since you don't have to worry about exams anymore?

Uh... well...

3. I guess I wanna sleep for a few days straight, and just roll around without thinking anything.

...Uhh yeah... that's what expected...

4. So I prepared a bunch of games we can play together and have tons of fun!!!


[From loss to loss]

5. Bleep bloop

Take that!



6. I win!


7. Goal!


8. This makes me feel like I have no chance of passing the entrance exams either...

Okay let's stop!
[Every cloud has a silver lining]

1. C'mon Yunocchi! Be happy, we're supposed to celebrate you finishing your entrance exams!

T-that's true! Thank you Miya-chan!

2. So play games and GRASP the victory!
(Hey c'mon!)

Huh!? Arm wrestling!? No way I'll win that!

Just try it!

3. ...

4. I think I hurt my wrist...

At least it's after your entrance exams!


[By any means necessary]

5. It's getting late, maybe we'll have to call it a night!

Yeah! Well, once again...

6. Yuno-san, you've worked hard on the exams so congratulations!

Yunocchi good job!

(Clap clap clap clap)

7. (Scissors)

8. I win! <3

(That's cheating!)
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Thank you anon!
Why did this manga suddenly start to get ~3 threads per day a month ago? Did the girls fuck each other's brains out or something?
Arigato, TL anon.
I'm moving in here, the madoka thread up on /a/ at the moment is garbage.
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nobody will ask for the link and you will suffer
wideamari on cytu-be
>the madoka thread up on /a/ at the moment is garbage
isn't it always?
It's the same thread from a month ago, but you just see it 3 times per day.
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If Nori were meguca...
If Nazuna were meguca...
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>The snack at 3:00 makes me a girl innovatively
What happens if Yuno doesn't have a snack at 3:00? Does she turn into a boy?
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If Yunocchi were considering being meguca…
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>Stay away from my Yuno
Nah Nyanta would be more like:
>talking about cats
>suddenly remember the cats in sketchbook

Ahhh now I'm in the mood to re-watch it.
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Lol kyouko has no power here, at least here i can post Mami as miyako.
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for me it's WGI
t-tth... thank y- y- yo~ou....
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Or else.
Wilicon Graphics, Inc?
Widelicon Graphics, inc.
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WIDEamari sketch.
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Yu no it!
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It'll be all right.
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I forgot about that one.
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How about this one?
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How does she keep getting away with it?
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Ume version when?
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Hidamari x Thief cross-over when?
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I made an attempt.
That's from someone on Flickr. They have more.
Well considering it is taking Ume 5 years to fill a tank I guess the end.
I love it, anon.
It's perfect. Just the right amount of effort.
Miyako is the sunshine in Sunshine Sketch!
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God I want to be hip-checked by Yoshinoya so bad...
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>hip-checking Hiro
That's dangerous. If you lose the surprise factor she could kill you.
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Wide Chika!
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I made a funny picture
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Hello fellow wide.
Good morning.
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>by Ume
Very nice.
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Big Miyako.
i approve this message
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How come Sae gets to have two wives?
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Cute gay dork.
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It's true!!!
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>when your new diet doesn't work
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It's too hard to wrap my head around these complex figures, isn't there an analysis that's a little easier to make sense of?
See >>266021063
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I've got you.
Thank you, just the right amount of information presented in a way that an average anon can understand.
I do think it's very cute but women really can get away with being childish a lot more.
The neoteny pays off.
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Sleepy Yuno.
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Love all width.
That's adorable.
Or being grannies (70+). Those are also cute (if they behave cute and are silent).
I suppose people go out of their way for grannies too to an extent. It's not the same though.
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Do you drink coffee?
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I've never cared for coffee.
The duality of wide-anons.
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At least the show isn't really about coffee so we can probably avoid a civil war.
That's a lucky cat.
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i'm drinking coffee right now
yuno's cute tight butt and this very hairy pussy seem ill-matched
Chika is the cutest.
Yeah, if it had been Hiro that cat would be fucking dead.
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What is the widest genre of music?
Surely we can go wider than that.
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according to many fans of gusic, jazz is too wide to be tolerable although i'm not certain if it's necessarily the widest genre
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did somebody say gusic?
>page 10
Stay wide.
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This always works in girls' manga.
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thank you OP!
always love raw threads and am working through hidamari sketch right now
Yuno is cute!
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don't die!
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I love Yoshinoya sensei!
Nursing handjobs after class from Yoshinoya-sensei.
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Hilarious American sitcom featuring Yuno.
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We're watching episode 9 today! In 1 hour!
cytu DOT be/r/wideamari
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Chika tile!
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the cutest
Very nice. Thank you, tile-anon
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Is my wife Yuno here?
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Whoa there, buddy. She's MY wife.
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Actually, she's my wife.
i am busy reimagining Hidamari-sou as being NARROW like kouchou instead of wide
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We are?
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is this the power of breast massage?
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Which scene is this? It doesn't look like it's from the show.
The ultra rare perfectly wide eclipse.
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Thanks for the chapter and the translation
So, we jigglin?
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It's one of the end cards for season 1. I'm not sure if any of the other releases besides the TV broadcasts have them. They're just a drawn extra thing they show at the end while they read sponsors (or something I guess) and they're usually from a mangaka, and not just a staff member or something.

Picture related. Zoku Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei end card.
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Another end card.
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I wish that I could attend a Chika Gyouza Party™.
The trick is to ignore what Sae says and plan it without her.
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any day's a party day with Chika
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Every day.
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I took a shot a typesetting chapter 160.
I've only ever typeset a few snek chapters before
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The end.
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Nice, thanks!
Many thanks!
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You're welcome.
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Why did she do it?
Life was too narrow.
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That's really interesting. Thanks for sharing.
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Shinbo came up with the artist showcase sponsor eyecatch for PPD or Moonphase.
It's always nice when they try to do *something* other than just a still frame.
Yuno is one of those Hidamari-sou weirdos I keep hearing about.
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fukkin saved
Protect Yuno.
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Sleepy Nori.
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no thoughts
head empty
Cute little stumps.
They are pondering life and watermelons.
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i'm thinken 'bout cake
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kek, I didn't expect to see that
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Yuno's day soon...
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Everyday is Yuno's day!
We must be ready to celebrate.
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Dude, a lot of people care.
I care.
I secretly hope I die of natural causes before the manga ends, so I don't have to see it end.
I also care. Yuno's manga is very important and I'm glad it hasn't ended yet.
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I love this dork.
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I'm older than Ume-tentei so it'll probably happen.
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Widestream in 2 hours at the usual place.
I want to make a new thread for Yuno day but this thread will be going for a while.
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Yeah, but it's probably better for peace to keep it contained.
Could always speed the thread up.
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It's 5/5 in Japan. I think this is the hashtag now

i am on the 8th episode of the final season, so far all of Hidamari Sketch has been a 10/10 for me.

however. this is probably the hardest show i’ve ever watched, i can’t really figure out why, but it’s like i blink once and it feels like i’ve missed like half of the context for jokes and story beats.
i’ve had to force myself to pay attention to every single frame to understand what’s going on in each episode.
this show makes Monogatari look like a piece of cake to watch and understand what’s going on.

my favorite character is Miyako, and she might be in my top three favorites of all time. i literally officer k myself to sleep every night after watching a couple episodes, wishing i had a friend like her.

i did tear up a bit when Hiro was sad about Sae and their future together after graduating, that was a nice moment.
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Do you feel like Honeycomb is less hectic than the first 3 seasons? I feel like it adapted the manga with less of their usual flourishes, but maybe it's just that they didn't feel like adding the usual season long "plot" (Yuno's butterfly, mystery of room 203, morning exercises and tomatoes) since Sae's and Hiro's upcoming graduation already served as one.
Honeycomb does feel less hectic yes, the first season especially was like “i literally don’t understand anything” and i had to rewatch a couple of episodes, though each season got a bit easier to follow along, maybe it just took me some time to adjust to the pacing/story telling method.
Honeycomb almost feels a tiny-bit laidback, not as energetic as previous seasons but that’s not bad.
Thanks, good to know.
S1-2 were in very scrambled achronological order and had a whole bunch of anime original material and stories. S3 a bit less so but S4 especially has no anime original storylines and is a lot more temporally straightforward. Same thing happened with Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei which started the same year as Hidamari too, where the first two seasons are completely insane and Shaftastic as hell, while S3 (2009) is pretty much just a straight adaptation of the manga. Seems there was a shift in Shaft's culture around that time.
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Hidamari has a very relaxed setting but the show itself is very dense. It really makes the most of the anime format by rapid-firing frames with relatively simple art interspersed with the occasional high quality animation.

I think Hidamari Sketch might be the single most screen-cappable show in existence.
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The usual Yuno's birthday tags might still be used too, but I'm still not sure how Twitter works.
>original broadcast anime
is it still around somewhere?
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Is it weird that the passing of Yoshinoya's VA made it hard for me to enjoy Hidamari, even the Manga? I just feel sad every time I'm reminded.
nyaa or some old xdcc bot might have it
Probably not. People feel differently about things. For example for me when Athena's VA passed I wanted to rewatch ARIA again.
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Yuno is in her 30s now.
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I bring you this artifact.
I'm just like Yuno!
except closer to 40
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thank you widefriend
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wait she died? oh man, i’m watching it right now and i always found her VA work the best it always made me smile
if i remember right she had just said something publicly about doing her best to get married soon, then she got pneumonia and her body just couldn't fight it off
that was in 2015, she was 38
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It was already a "thing" people talked about when Asumi Kana (Yuno's VA) got married too
It makes sense. Ume was very attached to her as well. She was a perfect fit.
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He's kind of a wide guy.
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Nazuna, Sae, and Miyako can frequently hear Nori masturbating to porn on her computer but are too embarrassed to say anything about it.
Did she already have blue-green hair when she born? If not, why did her parents name her after edible seaweed? Have you ever eaten nori?
It's Yuno Day motherfuckers. Post some goddamn cute Yunos.
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How the birthdays for Hidamari characters came to be (Y: This is a long story...)

-When Shaft started making the anime version they asked me what their birthdays are. I hadn't decided, so I made something up in my reply. This was for Yuno, Miyako, Sae and Hiro.
-I forgot all about that
-Later on, on 5th of May of some year, I started seeing tweets like "Yunocchi happy birthday!"
-I had forgotten about all that so I thought they might've seen it mentioned in one of the anime art books, so I just replied with "Thank so much for celebrating her birthday!"
-Somehow Miyako, Sae and Hiro all got tweets like that too. I didn't question it and just thanked people.
-When we were planning the Aoki Ume Exhibition in Tokyo, one of the organizers asked me if they should do something since the birthdays for Madoka and Miyako seemed to be during the exhibition.
-I finally decided to check what I had replied to Shaft way back then, just to be sure.


-Hardly anyone knows what the original dates were... so I thought it would be okay to stick with the dates most people know.
-There's a scene in the first season where Yunocchi is listening to horoscopes being read on TV, and she misses hers... even though she sees Taurus (4/20-5/20) being read.
->So the anime is inconsistent if her birthday is really on 5/5! (sweat)

(Even if it's not her birthday) let's keep 5/5 widely known as "Yunocchi's Day"... I'm sorry for this mess...

Still, thank you all the people who are celebrating today as her birthday, and don't feel bad if you've celebrated her birthday today over the years!
...I'll probably not reveal what her birthday was originally supposed to be since it would just complicate things. Thank you and sorry again.

(TL notes: quick and messy translation, probably plenty of mistakes but the main points should be correct enough)
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Happy birthday Yuno!
Thank you for the write up.
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Happy birthday yuno!!!!!!
yu no, yuno!
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aw, yuno, yu no who yuno is!
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Yuno's inconsistently drawn Yunos
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Become wide.
How many kinos out of 10 would you give the anime?
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10 Yunos out of 10.
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The highest amount.
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She was a very friendly and drama-free person. Fellow seiyuus liked her as a sempai, sounding board or just supportive friend.

That thread was full of shaftfags, fate/fags, nyarutards and people who had just lost a couple of gallons to seasonal flavor Anna.
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Fresh Yunocchi
canon yunocchi feet
Single track mind.
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I hate xitter.
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We have been blessed.
Thank you. Cute final gag.
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always rember yuno day
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What are the traditional activities to partake in on Yunocchi Day?
i think i'll make stew
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Do Yuno things. Sketch, visit an art gallery, drink tea, laze around, bathe. There's a wide range of activities you could do.
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yuno yuno yuno ho ho ho oiii
i will enjoy yuno day.
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Hang out with your friends.
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Drawing art, making stew, paddling in a pool.
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Yuno sure has a nice, wide butt.
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