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Dear Citizen:

Thank you for your loyalty. You've no doubt noticed that the world is a troubled place. People are apathetic, lazy, unmotivated. You've probably asked yourself:


Rest assured that measures are being taken. Beginning immediately, we will randomly select different citizens each day who will be killed within 24 hours of notification. We believe this will help remind all people how precious life is and how important it is to be a productive, active member of society.

Thank you for your continued attention and your cooperation and participation...

Episode 13: Act 3: Photo of the Deceased
Previous Ikigami: >>267864201
Too bad he will get an Ikigami later too.
Man it hurts. He really accurately portrayed how prideful obstinate yet lovable older men behave.
It hurts so goddamn bad, bros
>how is the photo studio doing
Why are you invested, boss-san, I thought we were supposed to be hands-off couriers doing 9-5 to hit that 800 dead kids a month quota?
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And that's all for today. All it took for the shop in the end was a little bit of compromise. At least his new assistant probably won't get ikigamied, what would be the odds really.
Are you good at acting normal?
>Are you good at acting normal?
I can manage in public and private pretty well depending on how stressed I am but I can't un-bad my brain.
For relevance to this ending: this kind of format absolutely persists. There's a famous woodblock printmaker in Asakusa who stayed afloat using a mailing list and pumps out new and old designs and has been able to expand by using streaming, videos, and Patreon. This kind of adaptation for the medium is beautiful.
This fucker just can't handle women kek
I get the feeling this woman is genuine.
That was spoilered by accident, I promise there's no miscreant content in that image.
>Are you good at acting normal?
I've been fooling people my whole life.
Natural shots like these turn out so much better than those forced poses and smiles


Thanks, OP. Hahahahahahha of course I'm normal. ;)
>Are you good at acting normal?
I try but I fold under no pressure
Wow, what an asshole.
Thank you for posting.
Thanks for the read, OP
I maintain, simple as
That pose.
Love this ending. Quite an optimistic story
>an optimistic story
It's odd that this manga manages to do that.
There is meaning to be found even in death and dire circumstances, even if engineering them is fucking retarded
Beautiful sequence.
Thx mate.
This thread hasn't received an ikigami yet
But it has been noted for miscreant activity.
I'm not miscreant
Then why are you posting on /a/?
Only when I'm prepared in advance.
this made me tear up a bit.
It's done really well.
Episode 14: Act 1: The Dream I Tried to Make Real
Cool dad.
This is some North Korean level of gov dicksucking
And that's all for today. I'm glad we're all eating healthily and getting regular exercise. Surely nothing good comes from sitting at your computer all day.
So can you dance?
Maybe I was too harsh on his boss.
I've only recently started following this so I missed several chapters, but aren't the Ikigami victims mostly (not sure if all) males?
Absolute UNIT
>Thinking that you're too good for coaching
Those types need a wake-up call at some point.
25k in a year!?
Dude, lay off the books.
thanks OP! i...i think i'm going to go to the gym after this.....
>So can you dance?
nah, i just fuck around and go with whatever. the last time i went to a club, i just copied some mortal kombat moves as my "dance". autistic, but if you just own it and have fun, it works pretty well
It's pragmatic, but I mean is it really that bad?
He is still letting him do what he likes.
Imagine the balding boomer with a cushy government job, coming to your door to tell you your life, 18-24 years young, must immediately come to an end.
there was at least two girl I can remember, the girlfriend of the film director with the life extending drug and the mom with the racing obsessed dad
It's bad only in terms of the dude only ever "supported" his son's interest in a way that would keep him in the family business, and in a way to "legitimize" something to protect his investment. He only cares about the optics, not the art. There being some bad people who also have this interest doesn't automatically disparage the art form in the same way that dancing in a studio isn't automatically more authentic or valid. He's speaking exclusively from his assets, the pragmatism is an excuse to get what he wants. That is one of the best things Ikigami does: it shows how fragile structures of support and ideas become when there is no fucking tomorrow for someone with potential, but the advance warning gives room for character growth of the survivors.

I haven't read beyond where the thread is at but this instance feels like a fantastic counter to what Examiner Kaga is saying. Wow, the dad might appreciate the art after this and keep the studio free of charge or something? The NWA didn't fucking inspire that by killing his son, it prompted that by putting a gun to his son's head. If the ONLY welfare can come from the actual death buildup and none is otherwise gained, then it's saying "this kid's life is a worthy gamble for some abstract unit of national welfare."
is this the most supportive pre-Ikigami parent so far?
Putting the street in street dancing
thanks, OP. Simply enough, but not to impress anyone
bumping so i can read
bumping so he can read
Insightful post
Thanks for the read, OP
I can do the chicken dance for Oktoberfest.
>implying I go to events where people dance
Thanks, OP...
Thank you for posting.
>So can you dance?
Kinda but not really.
Not yet.
Thanks OP
>school's survival depends on him
Oh no.
that's an ugly face
That sounds like something a miscreant would say.
I recommend digging back. It's worth it.
I agree.
This thread... must LIVE!
>I can do the chicken dance for Oktoberfest
If they don't get it then it mean they're that good.
He's not a handsome man.
oy vey
Women get hit too. Probably won't be long before we see another one.
Prove it.
Episode 14: Act 2: The Dream I Tried to Make Real
If that's a necessary component to the delivery why the fuck is that not in training.
Ah, buddy...that's not how you do this.
And that's all for today. A whole year of effort straight down the drain, it's funny to think about how different things could have been if you only had an advance warning.
Did you keep many of your old textbooks? I still have the more useful/interesting ones on my shelf.
pretty funny spread ngl
At least he only lost one year
Howdy, OP
oh no, she's getting in on him
thanks, OP. I pirated the majority of my college textbooks, and so I only kept the physical textbooks relevant to my career and my cool history classes that I like to reread
See? Without the glorious National Welfare Act, he would never have realized that!

Thanks, OP. I've given them all away.
Thank you for posting.
Thanks OP
>Did you keep many of your old textbooks?
I kept my old notebooks and textbooks. Sometimes I look at the scribblings I did in the former but I've never bothered revisiting the latter.
There's been a mistake officer! that dude in the picture doesn't resemble him at all
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Imagine Izuko having to process ikigami victims.
what would she even do? they already did their character growth arc.
Revenge arc.
Wrong attitude.
The "sorry for the inconvenience" still gets me.
Thx mate.
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he aged 20 after hearing the news lol
Double dubs of disappointment.
I concur.
I hope it doesn't end badly in the next chapter.
Well... In the next chapter he dies.
Please tell me it ain't so...
Damn, I did not see that coming.
Spoilers dude
It's funny that he brought this upon himself for reporting the psychologist
Episode 14: Act 3: The Dream I Tried to Make Real
It's like karma.
Ohayo, OP.
Bonjour, anon.
I bet 50$ that he's so fat he just breaks his arm trying to dance and dies on a hospital bed.
>and then everybody clapped
And that's all for today and all for this volume, only three more to go now. It's funny how boss man can sound sensible when they're talking about something besides National Welfare.
Do you still try when there's a 0% chance of winning?
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>fatzo became honest about his passion
>dad finally realized the value of dancing
>teammates started respecting him for his drive
>his dad and his friend will inherit his will and make the dance club
>citizens are now more open to street dancing
>all thanks to the GLORIOUS national welfare act
Patriots just can't stop winning.
Thanks, OP. Probably not lol
Thanks OP
>Do you still try when there's a 0% chance of winning?
If the 0% are guaranteed, probably not.
Fucking based ojisan, trying at the very least to make Fujimoto reflect on things and see them through different perspectives instead of taking everything at face value. Too bad Fuiimoto is having a victim complex right now
Thank you for posting.
He wide
Clap for the cow
Thanks for the read, OP
>do you still try when there's 0%
I mean, fuck else is there to do with the day anyways
This thread lives still.
This fukken guy learnt nothing from his son's death.
section chief san is the real mvp of this series.
So it goes.
>learning nothing from an honorable death
somebody should report that social miscreant to the NWP!
Howdy, OP
thanks, OP. Of course not, I try to use my skills where I have a chance
He's too old to ikigami.
why are the police chasing them? i know it happens irl in japan too, i've seen a video of cops chasing a couple of youngters who were just gathering in a public space and doing nothing bad
Yo, anon.
Yes, but you're never too old for some reeducation!
Loitering/trespassing probably. Truancy laws might be different as well.
Certain laws allow you to detain/arrest almost anyone. Like stuff about gatherings in public.
Yes, but only out of spite.
thanks OP!
>Do you still try when there's a 0% chance of winning?
no but only because it's rare for there to truly be a 0% chance of winning. low odds, maybe, but there's not many cases i think where there's truly no hope of winning. so long as you're willing to put a sincere effort, that alone constitutes more than a 0% chance of winning. also, something about the journey not the destination and all that, success isn't the only important thing in life or whatever
>put the elderly in reeducation camps
I'd vote for that.
that dancing kid? Albert Einstein
boss man is odd
like, a lot of his national welfare takes can be read as just trying to protect fujimoto from developing wrongthink and being killed, but I'm not sure if he believes it himself
it's time to stop stupidying ikigamis
He's going to win in the end.
I think he's meant to be enigmatic at this stage.
All I can do is laugh about it.
Dump in two hours, right??
My take is that he's just a normal guy going with the flow and thinking as the people around him do.
It's just that his sensible thoughts about street dancing and his "sensible" thoughts about national welfare are sensible to the people around him.
Boomer sees the world through the lens of boomer logic. Makes sense.
why the fuck is there no anime for this?
Episode 15: Act 1: Crime and Punishment
fuck, this chapter ;_;
Nice speech

He really is a good guy
And that's all for today. Feel free to catch a cold if you want, apparently that's an excuse to get out of housework.
Do you have any amends to make?
Wait I'm sorry- SEVENTY-ONE?
Probably an epic translation fail.
Thinking about it, it's kind of a pisser that they only deliver at 24 hours on the dot and not 5 minutes earlier
The least they could do is hook them up with some stimulants so they're awake the 24 hours
I think what he's doing is pretty obvious but it feels insane that it hasn't already been done, but, that's bureaucracy.
I feel for her but justice has already been served. Not legal justice, though serving his sentence after an accidental death is minimum, but the justice of the soul. He feels complete remorse for what he's done and it's destroyed his life. Clinging to what you think he deserve doesn't fix anything.
>I feel for her but justice has already been served. Not legal justice, though serving his sentence after an accidental death is minimum, but the justice of the soul. He feels complete remorse for what he's done and it's destroyed his life. Clinging to what you think he deserve doesn't fix anything.
Yes. To be fair she can't see how desperate he is to fix things... But he did write a lot of letters and is clearly trying to reinsert. So there are at least some outward signs that he wants to atone.
Thanks, OP. I'm a saint.

Honestly 2 years just for a clear-cut accident is crazy. That guy got fucked hard.
hey, I've read that one!
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>wine arc
Jesus, what a panel.
aw fuck
oh shit
If only more people understood this.
Thank you for posting.
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>If only more people understood this.
sweet release.
Howdy, OP
well i guess he's not getting an ikigami
thanks, OP. Nothing relevant to atone for these days
Yeah, that seems weird to me too. I know the Japanese criminal justice system is very different to America's system. If that happened over here, he probably wouldn't be charged at all unless he was driving drunk or very recklessly.

More of a Watsonan explanation, the author is trying to get you to feel sorry for the character, or have another instance where someone is actually happy to get an ikigami.
>the family of your victim will know your address
...What? Why?
So they can hara- I mean, stay away from you, ofc.
Only to the dead.
I'd assume the system there would take his complete admission of guilt seriously rather than look at the actual circumstances, or something like it.
A quick google search says that in case of car accident causing a kill you may get sentenced up to 7 years, so maybe 2 years is actually "reasonable" from their perspective. There's also a lot of variables, such as how the justice system works, and also someone may argue that their laws are different. We're reading it about a Japan with an oppressive government who randomly kills citizens and tries to crush any dissent, so who knows how bad killing a citizen gets perceived there regardless of circumstances
You make a salient point.
We don't know if he confessed to anything. It goes accident -> funeral -> sentencing. We don't see anything between those steps. I read it as the government treats even an accidental killing as some sort of manslaughter. I say manslaughter and not murder, because the government would have labeled him as a "social miscreant" and disappeared him if it was a straight up murder.

You are not wrong. The government in Ikigami is a different entity than the government in real life Japan. I overlooked that part. Part of the reason why this manga feels "grounded". It's not real, but feels like something that could be real.

I also feel like this manga is super political, but not "political" in the sense of American culture war stuff. Like, it deals with domestic Japanese politics and it would go over our heads since we don't live in that country.
This manga in a nutshell.
>I also feel like this manga is super political
What gave that away?
Quota is tight in 10 years
It's a sizeable amount of people who die from it.
Pride is truly the worst enemy you can have.
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We aren't due yet.
I'm starting to think that they are preparing him to be a scapegoat.
There is a live action. I think that format is better for this kind of story.
Fucking nosy bitches. Worst part is that there is indeed people like them.
Compeletly dead.
Come on, girl. This helps no one.
>Life is so shit that death is a relief.
Thx mate.
That must be the first thank you he has ever gotten.
This is his second thank you
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Don't forget this National Welfare miscreant.
Damn, I guess I should dig back for the first.
They'd fail at translating a number?
Sleep gieh, Ikigigame thread.
A few more hours.
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Episode 15: Act 2: Crime and Punishment
Respect to the boss here. Cutting to the chase would be cutting off Kitamura entirely as not worthwhile, but keeping it back until she's actually threatening the livelihood of the business is much more elegant and doesn't throw him under the bus.
The boss is a real G
LMAO even moreso
Fuck landlords.
Another mistranslation, from 4:30 2 pages ago to 4:10
And that's all for today. Make sure you drive safely.
Do you keep a clean house, are will you be leaving a mess for people to go through, should you die unexpectedly?
I don't keep clean enough by most standards but I do try and get around at dishes within the day I make them now and empty the trash when I can't add anything else. I've improved, barely.
Love the author's total disdain for landlords.
Thanks OP!
Thank you for posting.
I figure the people going through my stuff are going to trash most of it anyway.
I called that meeting when the guy started pedalling faster.

Q: I'd say I'm keeping reasonably clean except for places I don't use which just acquire a thick patina of dust.
>it is an honor
I don't see them honoring those selected. All they get is free movie tickets and people giving them stares.
Howdy, OP
he's a very close 14 minutes.
my cats make sure to keep it untidy, but at least I keep my things organized into their storage spaces
Tezuka once made a Crime and Punishment manga
That's interesting.
Thanks for the read, OP
I keep a clean house, as that's where I serve guests, but my personal bedroom is a nightmare. Anyone that knows me will know to climb over the trash, pick out the computer, and then shovel the rest out the window and into a dumpster.
Based. Roastie btfo

Thanks, OP. I'm not ever dying, so that's not a problem.
Damn, dude went back in time
This thread still has life in it.
Yo, anon.
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Imagine wasting your last hours on that.
>kill someone for revenge before they die a national hero
Truly a one of a kind narrative.
There's quite a few mistranslations it seems.
Post kot

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