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If your favorite character isn't ULTIMATE level they are a fraud.
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We still haven't seen Abenganes offensive nen beast yet btw.
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>never developed an actual Hatsu
>pinnacle of technique
Would most of /a/ be conjurers and transmuters? With a few manipulators thrown in maybe
general posters are emitters and conjurers. waifu/pedo spammers lean enhancement
Why? Emitter is a chad category is it not?
i'm not being critical, there are just a lot of emitters in the threads
Yeah but what makes you say that
I would've said most posters are transmuters (fickle liars driven by their interests, basically the archetypal 4chan poster) or conjurers (neurotic autists)
relatively mellow threads that can quickly turn into spergouts or fall for bait easily
kek, fair enough
I guess we mostly lack manipulators and specialists
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reminder Shoot tanked multiples blow from the second physically strongest character in the story and he survived.
>I would've said most posters are transmuters
Fujo pedos and gay posters are trannymuters, so yes you're right.
Not all.

And im still right about chrollo being weaker now.
>And im still right about chrollo being weaker now.
cant make this shit up
>is an enhancer
Checks out
>retarded shonen spic can't into reading comprehension

Agreed except for Leorio. Who gives a shit? Such an uninteresting character. "I need to become a hunter to ... make money to ... study medicine ... to treat poorfags with easily curable conditions (like my poorfag CF)." Truly one of the dumbest people to feature in the manga.
I'm an Enhancer and I'm neither of those.
>no u
lmao even

Keep coping.
>tanked multiples blow
LMAO, no. He got knocked senseless by mere grazes (or even just full-on misses). He tanked fuck-all. Actually, it was probably him punching himself that did it, kek.
What do you think "pi" means in Japanese? It's electronic presses/startups, aka "beep". Do you understand that "beep" is onomatopoeia? Because it's the same exact thing.
I am not prone to educate ESLs, but if you're going to be retarded across multiple threads I will force you to learn something.
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>Never the guy
>Never drew a dime
>Never had a good battle before Greed Island and even then was carried by his vastly superior teacher
>Never cut a memorable promo
>Never put anyone over
>Never had the balls to step out his comfort zone even when Nobunaga offered him to join the Troupe
>Main evented the lowest drawing "fight" at Trick Tower
>Main evented the lowest drawing fight at Heavens Arena
>Tanked the buyrate of Greed Island in 2003 so hard the anime was some low budget hack job
>Was barely ever in Yorkshin because he was never a big enough deal
>Only the 2nd best member of the GI trio
>Only the 4th best member of the Hunter Examinees
>Only the 8th best member of the CA Extermination Team
>His backstage clique "1 in 10 mill talent" was utterly BTFO by the Troupe and achieved nothing notable except inflicting Biscuit on us
>His auction cosplay was cringeworthy
>His NGL cosplay was cringeworthy
>Unironically calls his hatsu """"""""JAJANKEN""""""""
>Shit taste in women
>Shit hairline
>Has his absent father's fishing rod
>Failed at the 5th phase so badly that he resorted to Hanzo feeling sorry for him and letting him win
>Only significant achievement was accidently being booked to have a 1v1 fight vs a Royal Guard
>Is the Nen-user equivalent of that one insufferably mediocre MC whose sole professional """""""achievement"""""" is being the same retard for 25 years
>Drew so poorly in his 1999 Heavens Arena run that Kurapika of all people had to take MC role off him spent the latter part of his career burying better written characters
>The biggest impact he had on the story was sitting around in the back deluding himself about Kite not being dead and telling one of his no-draw buddies that he was going to fix him, only to basically kill himself in the process
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>picrel test
>Do you understand that "beep" is onomatopoeia?
The claim was that the shape of the ピ itself (Slopgashi's sloppy handwriting) was an onomatopoeia, pitiful tardnon. As in, its sloppy appearance was meant to somehow convey some property of the sound.

Now stop embarrassing yourself.
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Yes, the shape contributes to how it's meant to be read. The maru is the source of the 'p' and is shaped like the button Mito presses. Someone with an IQ at or above 95 can figure out why the scream is done shakily here and bleeding into itself, but you're still scratching your head wondering why he couldn't keep the pen straight. Don't make us suffer over your own shortcomings.
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>The maru is the source of the 'p' and is shaped like the button Mito presses. Someone with an IQ at or above 95
More like it takes an IQ of 95 or below to come up with an idea that stupid. Bet you're the type of nitwit schizo to argue that picrel is direct proof of her being in the Illuminaughty, too.
There's enough info in the pic to find it yourself on Jewgle, spoon-craving anon.
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>Why does the size keep changing, what idiot made this?
>Can I imagine an apple in my head? How would an apple ever get in there you fucking schizo?
>How would I feel if I didn't eat food today? I already had food today, you retard.
Uvogin beats 99% of the verse. Most won’t be able to even hurt him without hax like Kurapika.
What does "draw" mean in this context?
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>t. retarded pedoclowntard HMfat
Fuck off cancered cuckshipper. Your shitty ship if fucken DEAD, deal with wtih ugly femcel HMfat
>even more unhinged schizo babbling
OK, thanks for confirming.
>Tw*tter tranny is so enraged by this OTP xir can't even spell anymore
What quiz?
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I will continue to defend Jajanken as one of the best enhancer hatsus in the series. The bar is pretty fucking low for enhancer hatsus generally speaking, and Gon wouldn't want some utility power like Bill's, so he did a pretty good job with his, especially for a kid. Jajanken allows him to become a fighting game shoto, able to use the signature enhancer unga punch while also use a projectile and an option for dealing slashing/stabbing damage. It's no Godspeed Whirlwind but it's very well-rounded and effective.
Also the way it got its name was clever and cute writing.
See >>267976021.
It's not bad, but it really does orient his efforts around setting up the hit over some of the standard gyo punches. At least RC only seems like it would require a bit of keepaway to set up a massive hit and not use Ko during the windup itself
Because it's likely a very high-tier enhancement skill. Komugi is categorized as a genius level enhancer (which means she is considered as proficient in enhancement as the likes of Uvogin), her brain enhancement appears to be her dedicated hatsu, and she also has a strong restriction placed on it where she dies if she ever loses a game of gungi to further power it up and make it work. Your average enhancer could not do that unless they trained a ton and also came up with a strong restriction, and then they'd only be able to do that. Most enhancers are simple-minded and prefer to power up their unga punch, especially if they're a guy.
There's also the whole "ability to match the personality" aspect to consider. Most Enhancers just don't value or vibe with that mindset and would have lesser results if they attempted the same thing.
Jajanken is good and fits Gon.
But there's lots you can do with enhancement.
Selective enhancement especially, increasing the power. Having power come at a condition is also one. Ritualistic enhancement strats etc

I'm a slow starter and slow to anger so I would pick a counter-type ability. The more you do against me, the worse it will get for you, and so on.
Weak as baseline but growing in power.
>beeg brain = beeg emotions
What a smol brain take.
That's true. And I will say, the likes of Wing, who is a very basic and traditional enhancer who seems to think they don't even need hatsus, would probably be well-suited to a brain-enhancing ability. Since he's so rigid and reserved and apparently not going to be designing a hatsu for anything anyway. But in his case, he's probably not creative enough for that to even occur to him. Komugi as a greater genius just pulled it off unconsciously because it was what she needed.
Hunter X Hunter is over.
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The best Zoldyck
Abengane victim
Killua mogs him in looks
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what did Machi mean by this? aren't they already childhood friends? and Chrollo isn't saying anything out of the ordinary either for her to say this
They haven't seen him in a long time
Does the change in his facial expression between panels not make it clear enough?
Speaking of the flashback, what kind of useless fucking hatsu was that "Embalming" ability? Just straight-up trash tier.
Out of the original members of the spider we were first introduced to, I think only Phinks, Feitan and Machi survive to the end of the series.
They'll all die. Every single one. Togashi even said so himself.

Machi will survive longest as the clown's personal fucktoy but even she'll bite the duest eventually (during a too intense bungee gum lovemaking session).
Bite the dust, that is.
What is a "Nen"?
>Togashi even said so himself.
This line even got brought up during last year's TV segment as an example of Togashi's humor. Some people really need everything spelled out for them
She can probably manipulate corpses after embalming them or something, I'd bet it's just part 1 of the ability.
Or she's just a fucking idiot who wasted her hatsu. There have to be some people like that.
>When the random civilian doesn't dedicate their powers towards combat and instead towards providing their broken community with a sense of peace
Machi got a similar power and can fight with it anyways, but that's besides the point.
This is the plot device that is going to shoehorn Killua to the Dark Continent (and back into the story), right?
Who ?
Nanika and Alluka. Nanika being some sort of entity from the dark continent that lives inside Alluka and Alluka being Killua's sibling that Killua has devoted his life to protecting.
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>people actually think Melody is going to die
Lol. Lmao, even. Togashi loves his “transformations” and “alternate forms.”

Kite is a 30 year old man reborn as a cute rat girl. Palm comes back as a mermaid-scaled ant. Gon’s forced evolution. Chibi Youpi. Biscuit Krueger. Etc. There’s way more in his earlier series too

No way Melody dies, he wants to complete her arc eventually and restore her to a beautiful human form, if only temporarily. If anyone’s going to die it’s gonna be Hanzo / Basho (Pokkle 2.0)
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Duo Sexo
The last we see of the Spiders is the final two survivors walking towards Meteor City at dusk. Its Machi riding Franklin’s shoulder. (This was revealed to me in a dream)
Basho sure, but Hanzo has more plot armor than Melody. Not that Melody has to die, but the idea that she used to look different isn't a major selling point, she could revert with her death even.
ik18166181ik… you are light
Razor could easily 1v1 any spider
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>If I do it, you’ll promise to hand over the eyes?
>If anyone’s going to die it’s gonna be Hanzo / Basho (Pokkle 2.0)

This shouldn't happen because of Pokkle's death (and the other girl that died with him). It relegates the other hunters from Gon's class as fodder that dies off while the main characters live. Melody doesn't need to die but using Honzo as Pokkle 2.0 is a waste. Kill off beard bro with the haiku nen or Kurapika's teacher.
And really, it's too late for a Pokkleing. Pokkle was killed at the start of CA to establish stakes, while we're roughly halfway through SW by this point and aware of all the dangers. Hanzo, Bisky, and Melody are established characters. Even Basho and Izunavi have more development than Pokkle got, so their deaths would have to tie into something more than "dying for shock value".
Yeah, if Togashi really wants a few deaths to up the stakes and sense of hopelessness on the boat then he should just kill off a few more Spiders, some of the princes and some of their bodyguards (NOT Theta) introduced in this arc.
Before the Troupe flashback did you think all of the members were close childhood friends or were they mostly a ragtag group of strong/talented people who lived in Meteor City?
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My levels of dark continent lore/autism are low I hope Togashi shows something in the next batch
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I’m guessing he was away from the trouoe whether for training, searching through the underbelly of society on his own, etc.

I still think the elders (not the religious fucks but the ones we saw during the CA arc/the sun and moon persons team) trained Chrollo, same way that woman probably trained Machi
Every living being has a life force, or aura.
Nen is the art of controlling and manipulating that life force.
I thought they were childhood friend (only the founding members) considering that one page where they were kids throwing around the tape
>. Most Enhancers just don't value or vibe with that mindset and would have lesser results if they attempted the same thing
Enhancers are "simple and determined". It has nothing to do with intellect. Ging is most likely an Enhancer.
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I thought they were a collective of weird ubermensch with a ritualistic bent.
It was sort of disappointing to find out that they were just a bunch of theater kids.

Funnily enough I remember watching the ‘99 anime way back when and thinking the Troupe were literally carnival / clown themed villains. And I also thought they wouldn’t show up until like the 10th arc (classic shonen nonsense). It was surprising seeing them as early as Heavens Are a
Hmmm, I guess that was something I never thought to deeply about but I feel like I assumed they slowly and organically met one another along the way of Chrollo's journey. I definitely didn't think Chrollo's journey (and theirs) began in childhood.

I'm going to miss Chrollo when he dies but it seems he has a lot of dead friends (with more on the way) so I suppose being reunited with them in death suits him.

Machi is definitely a survivor. Based dream.
The fact that they turned out to be a bunch of wannabe actors larping as villains definitely makes it feel like the group is styled after various kinds of popular movie antagonists. I'm not saying it works for all of them, but it does for a lot of them.
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What are the funniest 2011fetus stories you’ve seen?
>Who the fuck is Kite
>How did Hisoka turn that guy’s arms into butterflies?
>Did Killua… kill those two guys? It was hard to tell…
>Wowee look at these crazy strong guys in the opening… The Floor Masters look so powerful!!
>And oh shit, Zushi and Wing are an evil duo like the Toguro Brothers!!
>Huh? Who the fuck is Gyro? Wait… And “the king” was just born… Meruem is that Gyro guy?
I did not say they're stupid or whatever, I said the typical Enhancer would not value that, and on average they certainly don't. Enhancers being meatheads is an in-universe stereotype and Kurapika says male Enhancers very rarely have support powers.
>ch of wannabe actors larping as villains definitely makes it feel like the group is styled after various kinds of popular movie antagonists. I'm not saying it works for all of them, but it does for a lot of them.
>Anonymous 06/21/24(Fri)19:02:28 No.267981058▶
>File: IMG_6577.png (239 KB, 640x465)

99 had beautiful animation but I still like 2011
>year twenty twenty four
>retarded children unaware of the pre-streaming era still don't know 136's preview would traditionally run after a commercial break
I did, and I thought it was shit. But having it confirmed ruins most of the allure of meteor city. Hopefully the gyro/meteor city arc is canned complteley (not like we’ll ever get to it regardless)
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Yeah "2011fetuses" know about the Toguro brothers lmao.
Imagining retards in your head to make fun of again?
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>Talks as if he has ever watched japanese tv
Commercial breaks happen during the halfway episode cut. Previews are played just as you see on streaming.
The dumb 136's preview was played right after that scene in the original broadcast too, the commercial break argument is just some cope someone came up with.
Kurta women owe me sex
Is Leorio x Cheadle a decent ship or are we grasping at straws with this one?
there are currently 0 left
never happened, there's only one commercial break and its mid episode
sounds funny, please link the original broadcast
No. Disgusting age gap relationship. Equivelant level of shit as Kurapika X Oito
Kurapika's mom owes me sex.
They probably don't know what they're talking about or are intentionally lying to cover their asses. I'd like to see the original broadcast too because to me it seems pretty obvious that HxH was braodcasted with a commercial break post-credits. Major evidence being that they say "Coming up next, Huncyclopedia", have a cutaway, then say "It's time for the Huncyclopedia" after the cut. And Japan does not have one specific way to air commercials, I've seen older works that are uploaded as the full 30 mins and it has commercials throughout.
Nen is weird since you can make a contract “with yourself” and the cast is absolutely certain that no outside arbiter / god / The Force interferes in the process.
Example: Gon gives up his future and his life in exchange for extreme power. But he’s exchanging it with himself, since Nen is based on willpower and drive. Whereas in most series he’d be offering up his potential as an abstract payment to “Nen” itself, here he is simply “spending” it.
Very uniquely Japanese take on spirituality, since in HxH all spiritual powers are 100% derived from humanity and human characteristics.
Ging fucked a dark continent nen beast to make gon
Gon’s mom is a Kurta
Gon will unlock his Scarlet Eyes and use “Emperor Janken” to sink the Black Whale (after being teleported there by Nanika who also wished to be age 20 and busty)
That Kurta? Pariston. Who is? Sheila. Who is? From the DC.And is? Dons daughter
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Kurapika is a woman because I say so
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>Gon’s mom is a Kurta
Gon will unlock his Scarlet Eyes and use “Emperor Janken” to sink the Black Whale (after being teleported there by Nanika who also wished to be age 20 and busty)
>since in HxH all spiritual powers are 100% derived from humanity and human characteristics.
Aura is present in all living beings. Abenigger harnesses aura from animals and trees.
But the rest is correct and I don't see it as weird at all.
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Imagine if the Ants had been good.
>Meruem and Beyond planning to explore the DC together and acquire miracle resources for humanity
>My wife Pitou helping the science / medical team during the voyage
>Pouf helps compress Kurapika’s 2 week Nen class into 3 days, max.
>Youpi chilling with Woble. First Prince’s soldier peeks in, says Fuck That, and runs
Mereum would only care about playing with Komugi.
It's a crackship.
Leorio is obviously meant to get together with Sanbica.
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>Equivelant level of shit as Kurapika X Oito
Sorry but OitoPika is canon.
The arc opened with Kurapika saying "He had nothing left. No home to return to and no one to greet him back."
Now all of a sudden he has a family. It's pretty obvious how this will play out.
>but muh single mother
>but muh used goods
Yeah, like Kurapika deserves any better. He probably slept with more old men than Oito by this point.
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You really fucking think Togahsi is gonna make a 19YEAROLD Kurpaika (whose goal should be what Pairo said “enjoying the adventure with friends” ) settle down with a used goods mother and a child? Yea, Togahsi isn’t that much of a cuck. Gon, nor Leorio, won’t let that happen. If they find Kurpaika settled down with Oito she’s as good as dead.
Leorio is gonna give Oito a second baby
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>You really fucking think Togahsi is gonna make a 19YEAROLD Kurpaika (whose goal should be what Pairo said “enjoying the adventure with friends” ) settle down with a used goods mother and a child?
Yes, very much so.
Kurapika is for melody or neon
>divorced two months later
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Does Kurapika deserve hate for being such a bad friend to everyone, especially when he ignores them? Do you find him justified in his moodiness, or is it just incessant self-pity?
Are YOU ultimate level, though?
I have a ton of self restrictions my nen is MAXIMUM
He’s barely a bad friend. WHOOPTY DOO my friend missed my calls this one Day, HE SHOULD GO TO HELL

Man you people are selfish. No one has asked what Kurapika feels, just BUT FRIENDS

In all other situations Kurpaika put this friends before the mission
I'm STRONG level
The Kurapika “bad friend” hate reads like first time college students .
>OMG my close friends whole family was genocided, has been struggling to deal with it , maybe should get therapy but fuck do I know, he is a grown adult who can make his own decisions? By the way, we called him to come to this party but he was too busy to answer the call. He’s such an asshole, amirite?
It mostly has to do with people preconceptions about how the "main group" should behave. In most of these battle shounen (and also YYH) they're all best buddies, even if they sometimes argue or get on each other's nerves for gags. In HxH it's more like the main four just happen to be colleagues, who go their separate ways after meeting and getting along well in the first arc. With the obvious exception of Killua latching on to Gon and them staying in contact as best friends (though even they have currently parted ways). That sort of colleague relationship feels weird and disconnected to a lot of shounen people, and not exactly "nakama" enough.
>or were they mostly a ragtag group of strong/talented people who lived in Meteor City?
This one. I figured a few of them knew each other prior to the troupe being formed and the rest were picked up along the way.
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He’s pretty objectively been not a good friend. He wasn’t answering potentially important calls because he was collecting eyes, and he still didn’t call Gon even though he knows what happened now. He also endangered their lives in Yorknew.
Reminder that Kurapika is a crossdressing girl.
>he also endangered their lives in Yorknew
Kurpaika didn’t initially want to bring them along, Gon was the one who was Adamant about it and the other 2 followed with him. He didn’t just grab them up and tell

>wasn’t answering potentially important calls
holy shit! A grown adult with a busy life wasnt answering calls at one moment! Everyone, call 911, Kurapika didn’t answer the phone! Too bad he wasn’t psychic enough to know Gon went on a life or death ant mission. You’re right anon, not answering calls is all it takes to be a bad friend.
We also have no idea how much he knows about gons situation and/or if he contacted him.
Correct me if I’m wrong on that though.
Woble reaching for Pika is definitely the cheesiest page in HxH. Everyone being shocked and amazed is just laying it on too thick.
How exactly is Kurapika a bad friend but Gon is not?
Not that anon but it’s possible they consider both to be bad friends
Who is the worse father, Ging or Nasubi?
LMAO, Togashi
Isn't Neon alluded to being dead? On the Expedition ship Chrollo says he can't use the ability he got from Neon and one of the Spiders mentions when Chrollo's abilities in his book no longer work, that suggests the person he took the ability from died. Am I remembering this wrong?
Kurapika found an exrocist to solve the problem
Is this canon or cope? I admittedly haven't read the last 10 (maybe 20?) chapters.
There really isn't. There's a NewWorldReview thumbnail, but simply searching up that name with Nen quiz or whatever doesn't really lead you to where you need to go. There are a couple of possibilities, but it's not really reasonable to go looking through everything while hoping to hit the right one.
Cope. Neon is 100% dead.
Chrollo's nen is less powerful than Pika's chain jail so there's no reason it couldn't get exorcised, and Neon has the connections.

Her dad had a straight up mental breakdown when she lost her nen. Why is Kurapika still part of that mafia family?
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This. But it’s heavily implied Kurpaika fucking despises flesh collectors even if they’re relatively clueless like Neon. And it’s not like they bonded during Yorknew, so I doubt it happened off screened.
I think light kept Kurpaika around, but lost himself when it was clear neon didn’t have her powers. He either killed neon out of psychotic depression, or neon killed herself out of depression from becoming useless. Kurpaika goes “heh, wow, alright” then becomes new boss of the Nostrade to keep the underground connections
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>eng dub
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Neon parallels Oito, if he left Neon for dead then Woble reaching for Kurapika wouldn't make a lot of sense. Also, he never personally acted against Neon, which thus means that she wasn't an object of revenge for him because revenge is basically Kurapika's whole motivation to begin with. Furthermore, letting Chrollo potentially walk around with future vision (even if it's unknowingly) simply to be spiteful would portray Kurapika in an uncharacteristically negative and incompetent light. The reason Neon's fate is ambiguous is because of the aforementioned Oito parallel, the reader knowing that Kurapika went out of his way to help her would make his actions in the current arc too obvious.
This breaks the KurapikaOito fag. Kurapika will leave Oito (or she will die), and Kurapika will return to neon as husband and Lead patriarch of the Nostrade family

In all seriousness you make a good point, but it’s still possible any of the light Nostrade -neon murder suicide, neon suicide, light-neon killed by mafia completion; etc options are possible if Kurapika wasn’t immediately available. Not saying those are guaranteed , just saying those options are perfectly believable
You know what, I actually think this theory that Neon is alive and Chrollo lost her ability through nen is true. That was an overpowered ability that would cause Kurapika a lot of trouble in his quest for revenge. Also, I think this point is overused, but as they say, Togashi likes to subvert tropes/expectations to some extent.
The other reason Neon is very unlikely to die is because she's obviously a form of author insert, having the ability to write out the fates of the characters in the story. Those types of characters rarely lose out by the end. Chrollo stealing the ability from her is thematic of him trying to take control of the narrative themselves, but in the process he ends up being the one who gets them killed. Furthermore Chrollo might have lied about the ability vanishing since he kept getting bad fortunes.
Gon and Killua are the worst in the 2011 eng dub. Just grown women barely trying to sound like boys. 99 dub sounded kino though https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=X9cjIzVfhAc
I'm so happy the manga moved on from Gon and Killua. They are great but they became so overdone by the end of the election arc and 2011 "cute boy" emphasis. I feel like the manga currently is in a better cast situation with Ging, Paristan, the Zodiacs and the Spiders being the focus.
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>So overdone
Nigga, they're the protagonists
Man I hate Raskolnikov, he became overdone by the end ofC&P. Why the hell do authors have protagonists in the first place ? who created that stupid concept?
Yeah, it's not like HXH has two other neglected main characters that hadn't been touched in 10 real life years and 200 manga chapters. Sorry, I can have more panels and chapters of Killua sucking on lollipops while he dreamily watches Gon react to the most basic things with an expression of wonder?
I agree, but I feel the reason I like those character so much because they contrast with Gon and Killua. The story wouldn’t work as well without them as the initial protagonists.
I’ve given it alot of thought. I can see myself as any type but most likely conjurer or specialist. Leaning toward specialist. It’s a gut feeling.
Gon and Killua's stories aren't done and them returning is inevitable(outside of the fact that hiatus is a thing). But they have nothing to do with SW and shouldn't return or be cut away to during it.
Their stories aren’t done but Togashi will never get back to them because of his outour rate so they might as well be gone. The best hope for Gon and Killua fags is that they have an arc after the SW, and/or THE current DC expedition gets destroyed early (or just is very short). neither I see happening.
You giant retard. Kurapika killed neon
Why would Kurapika kill neon you brain rotten troglodyte ? Where is that even implied or consistent with Kurpaika’s character you lobotomite?
I suspect the succession war plot gets derailed/usurped by the spiders/mafia stuff soon. There's a bunch of throwaway princes that have even less screentime than random mafia literalwhos at this point, and Nasubi's strange phrasing about who will be king is obviously going to invoke some kind of twist in the affair.
As a user of charge chracters in fighting games, i approve of jajanken.
He's le manipulator and logician.
Killing neon in some subtle way ensures the takeover of nostrade clan, robs chrollo of gamebreakingly overpowered ability etc etc
She's also morally repugnant to kurapika, personally
Do we really have to wait a gorillion chapters to know about Ging and Pariston's whereabouts?
Yes. How about some more Kenny smiling at rando's on level 2?
The Popeye looking guy in Beyond's crew must be a sailor, they should have their own ship, no need to use the black whale.
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Holy fucking shit look at this
You need to stop posting this picture before the japanese government shuts this website down
Morel is only ranked as Great even though he was only operating at 30% health during the Chimera Ant Arc due to lack of sleep and food? Imagine Morel if he was given the chance to sleep and eat before the Chimera Ant Arc.
Morel is powered by his big vape pen it wouldn't have changed much
Those rankings mean jack shit
He never said they would die during the manga's run time. Meaning all he said was that they are mortal and will die eventually, aka a way of giving a non-answer to the question
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Delusional she will kill Hisoka
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>those lines
something really bad is happening
Death flags for the troupe are extremely numerous lol

Its already over. It was over when they laser focused on their culturally influenced revenge quest (meteor city nigger blood feuding) instead of being bandits and shit like what worked well for them before.

Kurapika + hisoka shenanigans will be the death of them.
Also waltzing into the boat without knowing about the nen ritual succession spells doom already.

Hopefully, if I'm lucky, I will get to watch Benjamin delet a dumb spider
It's about reaching the max potential of your ability.
Morel is not a fighter, stop wanking him. He is strong sure, but he isn't some exceptional fighter or anything.
Morau is fucking great. What do you consider a top tier if not him?

Already by existing he essentially nullifies numerous others. He and knov are essential support elements that act as force multipliers
Hopebros we are winning.
It looks like the effect of a conjurer's object appearing.
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this is halkenburg
>Everyone being shocked and amazed is just laying it on too thick.

This part never happened though.
I do agree it's kind cheesy, but it works. i like this scene
It's Tserri's 3rd nen beast.
Biscuit stronger than the gay clown confirmed?
Biscuit is like top 5 strongest Nen users alive
Benjamin is stronger, physically speaking, than biscuit
No matter how physically strong you are, a gorilla will always win against a human
>your favorite character
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Machi will make a deal with Kurapika. The troupe will not touch him and will help stop the ritual by stealing a magical artifact to save Woble, and Kurapika will help Machi eliminate Hisoka
Not with her shit Hatsu
All out Zeno? Comfortably above clowncuck and cuckloro
In practice, her hatsu works like roids. And she's been cycling Cookie juice all her life. Why do you think she ended up such a gorilla. She's just lucky she managed to nen magic her way into her cutesy alternate appearance.
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ngl, I need to re-read the entire arc again from the start once hxh is back.
> favorite character
I'm not sure if I have one.
Killua, Melody, Pitou, Kumugi, Meruem, Pica.
Hell, Welfin and Ikalgo are awesome too.
I'm ok with being a fraud
>and can fight with it anyways
Yeah, "fight" against non-Nen users, LMAO. We've never ever seen her hatsu being useful against actual fighters.
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>settle down with a used goods mother and a child?
I don't see why not.
Except for the settling down part, though.
Also he should have a harem.
And I don't see how it impedes his abilty to have an adventure with his friends.
It sure as hell didn't impede Ging.
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Stupid sexy Gon
>Meruem as ultimate emitter
Man I wish we could have seen some of it. He just bumrushes Netero until the gungi autism breaks through his defenses.
>Bring back Kite
>Never ever use him again
bravo togashi
How's daily life like as someone this mentally ill?
Reminder that YWNBAW.
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>Man I wish we could have seen some of it
Searching the first sentence of the result in quotes gives you literally only a single result and it's a tweet that used the share feature of that website. Skill issue, loser.
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>part of
Huh? What? Didn't he take it over?
>then Woble reaching for Kurapika wouldn't make a lot of sense
LMAO, it's a fucking baby, not a psychic.
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It's a royal baby. They're just built different. Blue blood gives you superpowers.

Keep telling yourself that. "H-he w-was just j-joking". LOL, yeah, sure.
Knov being mindbroken while infiltrating the palace was probably the most empathetic scene for me in a whole HxH, so most likely a Conjurer.
Yeah, kill him in his 90s by riding his dick too hard maybe.
Is that supposed to be bad?
Looks kind of cute.
lmao even
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Did they ever bothered to explain pic related?
I just couldn't enjoy the rest of the arc after this exact moment cause it throws all pre-established norms out of the fucking window and some people just led it slide.
What's here to explain exactly?
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Volume 36 in the background. Is it a sign we get volume 38 news soon.
Also she provides an amazing utility for any team when it comes to prolonged trips.
I don't see why people are so obsessed with 1v1
The “explanation” is that stronger ants are born with an instinctive (but untrained) knowledge of Nen. Zazan and her manslave can use Gyo passively
Thats why Pitou already has a fuckton of Nen after birth, and Meruem as well

Yes it does kind of suck. The scene where Rammot gets Nen-baptized by mistake should have had more narrative weight than it actually did
The ant being able to catch as see the nen arrow without ever having any previous contant with nen
>see the nen arrow
So can 9 years old Machi. The ant officers are simply naturally gifted in nen.
>catch as see the nen arrow
You don't need nen to be able to interact with nen.
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I think spider was a squadron leader and for some reason squad leaders can use gyo
just like grandpas dragon dive
High-level ants learn Nen natually. Just like, say, Gon learned perfect Zetsu just by being sneaky.
All of the royal guards could use it the second they are born, and Meruem was so offended by the implication that he is yet to figure out Gyo that he tried to kill Pitou on a spot.
We also never see Zazan go through the baptizing despite obviously being quite proficient with Nen.
So that one either had the ability from the very start - which is supported by her line that low-level soldiers just don't see it - despite being a bit slow, or she was baptized by Zazan.
No need for Gyo unless Pokkle was using In to hide his aura, which I highly doubt cuz why the fuck would he do that when he assumed they don't know nen. I also doubt he's good enough for In, dude was struggling with his Ren practice. Ain't a good indicator for his future progress on advanced techniques.
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Same but with Gon threatening pitou/being mindbroken he can't squash pitou like a bug
hunterscholars, which chapter is he looking at on that volume?
Start-middle of the first chapter.
Kill it with fire
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I remember when this came out and Razorsissies had a huge meltdown
If anything, it makes him more amazing, not less.
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Meruem slaps Pitou over something similar "Im aware if I focus my eyes I can see their lifeforce" or whatever
Tries to execute on a spot
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Canonically, Killua was fed laxatives every day in order to build a tolerance
Desu I still don't know how Morel "most flexible manipulation ability in the series" Mackernasey is only great, but whatever I guess.
I think it's plausible. His ability greately benefits from his abundant creativity.
I also think that these levels aren't static. In both directions.
For example, no way in hell Netero started as an Ultimate.
He gained his abilities through the absurd training that facilitated his spiritural rebirth as well as a physical one.
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Razorchad here and no, I don't remember us having a "huge meltdown" but I do remember that the other categories, especially transmuter fags, cried like a whiny bitches because Togashi "reconnected" Silva, Zeno, Knov and Meruem as emitters (Ging coming soon btw) and we went from having a category of "jobbers" to the best and most balanced category in the nen system with teleportation included... cof* cof* conjured elevator doors lol
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pic rel me and my bitch
Which is which?
Togashi studying his old volume.
Damn, so Gon was THAT guy for real? Impressive.
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>Benjamin is stronger, physically speaking, than biscuit
God that one female bandit was so sexy. Shame she never got any fanart whatsoever
I would have actually liked to see all the sports matches between Nen-using bandits and Gon’s team, but I think Togashi was sick of Greed Island by that point
Hunter x hunter is over lol
Morel is manipulating smoke, which should require less mastery to do than manipulating other living beings.
I still think it's bullshit though. There are many things wrong in that chart (namely, Knov, Knuckle and especially Ikalgo).
I love this brainlet filter.
>H-how c-could he have p-possibly known about t-this?
>"Oh, wow, guess this bedtime story about how gramps could do magic and summon dragons of pure light energy wasn't bullshit after all."
You know that Killua made that, right?

Also, smashing mere rocks with Nen for a couple of days straight isn't exactly impressive.
CHADsmuters got Youpi in the trade thoughbeit.
>Ging coming soon btw
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Im so proud of your shitposting. Picrel is me holding (You)
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>You know that Killua made that, right?
No he didn't,
He asked Bisky to do it.
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>Ging coming soon btw
Ging is an Enhancer.
No he probably saw it firsthand and thought to himself how the fuck did he do that. His family can do shit normal people would think it's magic even without nen.
Wobble has been able to detect threat against her in some way throughout most of the manga so far, it may just be a baby but she got some extrasensorial stuff going on.
>still arguing about the ratings
It's written right there it's not a nen power scaling. It's more of an efficency rating, whereas one having the perfect balance between body, mind and nen to squeeze the most power out every ounce of aura.
For example, Biscuit's nen is very proficient since it can keep her transformation up 24/7 without that much of a drawback. Meruem for example was far from his maximum potential but due to his incredible talent he had top tier efficency in his aura usage.
Netero and Zeno are probably the same, by polishing their skills they reached the highest proficiency in their nen categories.
However that doesn't necessarily translate to actual combat. For example if two enhancer ultimates fought but one had 10x the aura of the other guess who would win?
It's a makeshift garrote, can be sewn through someone offensively, set up traps, etc.
The whole Troupe dying isn't far-fetched. The part that should make it clear to non-trolls/retards is that it says "they will all die" in reference to the Troupe and Kurapika, and Kurapika isn't dying or Togashi wouldn't spoil that. He wouldn't spoil that for the Troupe either but again, obvious joke.
Another proof is Gon's emission training where he clearly had enough aura to do the hand stand jump but he couldnt properly emit it at first.
Doing a jump that should cost 50 aura with 150 is inefficient. Doing with 50 is ultimate.
>It's more of an efficency rating
It's your skill level regarding the full potential of your ability. Netero, Zeno and Biscuit reached the peak of their Hatsu while there is more room for development for others who aren't in Ultimate. It has nothing to do with raw power, just skill.
This doesn't seem to add up with Meruem, who had barely scratched the surface of his potential when he died.
That's a more specific element of what that anon(and the chart) is detailing. Maximizing your ability's efficiency is an element of maximizing your general proficiency.
How so? He just grew that fast. After eating Pouf and Youpi he became even stronger and developed his photon Nen and stuff.
That wouldn't make sense because most advanced abilities use multiple categories of nen. Does 100% your conjuring hatsu make you also an ultimate in emission? Not a chance.
You only reach the attribute circles and can go deeper once you are at a certain level in your main category. Everyone can use 100% of their main category. That's not what it's about. You learn to master your category enough, so that you can refine and perfect your hatsu. And why does an ability have to be advanced? Uvo is in Genius tier his ability is a straight punch. His master of Enhancement is that good.
>You only reach the attribute circles and can go deeper once you are at a certain level in your main category.
Correction, there is also the possibility to open an Attribute Circle when you are in between but it's not like your proficiency for the category close to your innate one can reach 100% efficiency(Killua, Machi, Kite, Hanzo).
World's smallets penis or monster cock hiden by genius tier tucking abilities?
Grower, not a shower.
He's also cold due to having no clothes and losing a lot of blood -> adrenaline and precursor to blood shock causes blood to be concentrated in vital organs, muscles and brain, ergo a lack of blood in the periphery
I'm re-reading the succession war arc right now. Started at the World Tree scene with Ging and Gon. At the part when Leorio and Kurapika become Zodiacs and Ging becomes recognized as Number 2 in in Beyond's excursion team. This arc always amazes me. It's fantastic, there's just so much dialogue and so many characters.
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>anon admitting that he considers his dick "not a vital organ"
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>Togashi opening this page
Why was there a 2 page spread of Cheadle masturbating in Chapter 398
Are Bisky and Killua endgame?
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Reminder that my wife Marione is so powerful that Ging assumed she had to be the boss.
I think Ging's kindness and humanity has been virtually forgotten due to "bad father" meme. He rescued Razor's soul. He elevated Leorio's life and standing in the Hunter association by seeing his value and potential. He told the bro with the sister who has a lot of medical debt that he couldn't let him die in the dark continent after learning of his situation. He can be a little distant and matter-of-fact with Gon, but that creates opportunities for Gon to grow. He expects the best from Gon. Ging really ought to be the main character after this succession war business wraps up.
Anyone remembers that retarded theory that she was Pariston's nen beast?
Is this an actual robot or a human larping as one?
Never came across this one, but I remember the one that says she's Milluki's hatsu.
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yeah, that one's pretty likely
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>that one's pretty likely
Anon, I...
His photon en counts as emission I think
The timeline of Marione being a Hunter doesn't really add up with Milluki but it's the same girldoll punchline and Milluki is obviously some sort of machine Manipulator who we now know has a Specialist lean. It writes itself. Alternatively it's a girl who modified herself, but even her voice is robotic so those would be some pretty extreme modifications if so.
It would break the series and make Milluki one of the strongest of the verse (conjuration of a nen beast stronger than Pariston and control over it from half the world away).
Milluki can't even Manipulate a fucking mosquito
Now you're mixing it up with the nen beast theory. She wouldn't be conjured and autonomy could vary. Pariston also isn't a benchmark for raw power. Milluki or not, Marione's ability is probably tied to an energy/fuel condition.
No way in hell Mereum is an emitter. He eats people and gains their strength. That is specialist by any definition.
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Not how nen works. Abilities are developed to control specific things, and are best when developed to control something they have a connection to.
Pic related.
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Filthy jinzōningens
So, if Meruem used an ability like that, instead of his canon one. I see
Pic related.
It's on the same level of retardation as Pariston being Sheila
Yeah, if he used aura absorption instead of his canon aura absorption.
Based robot lover
All of the abilities he developed after eating someone were emission
>She wouldn't be conjured and autonomy could vary

I gave it some thought and wether or not she is conjured actually doesn't matter. It has aura, which means that Milluki is sending aura to this thing somehow. That is a massive emission feat no matter what conditions you apply. Reminder that it would be out of character for Milluki to be anywhere but the Zoldyck mansion.

Unless that thing is actually not a robot but a real girl controlled by nen, and the aura comes from her somehow. But that's extremely fucked up. Also Milluki would need to maintain the control from the zoldyck mansion, which is once again, an emission feat.
Ok so I just cought up on HxH and it seems it's really boring. I think Togashi wrote himself into a corner by starting a really boring arc that he doesn't want to finish. Finale he planned is probably great as usual but the path there is very unsatisfying. I think this is why he lost interest in writing. I think it would be best if he somehow sped up the arc or straight up ditched it by having the boat crash or something and just have another arc be better. Also Nen kind of became really boring. By overexplaining it over time he kind of demistified it and it became mundane in the universe, it lost it's freshness and wonder. But he's sort of stuck with it now. He could replace it by introducing a system that hard counters nen but maybe his ego won't let him ditch it entirely so he does shit like the guardian beasts that are basically stands but also nen.
When the fuck is the next chapter
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Those that argue that Marionne is Milluki are JJK retards with no proper understanding of the Nen system.
They are the same ones who tried pushing the "transmuted smoke" meme.
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You didn't "catch up on HxH". You experienced a small portion of HxH after watching the bastardization known as Hunter x Hunter Kids.
Did Feitan really have to smash Owl's balls?
rent free
>You didn't "catch up on HxH"
I did
>You experienced a small portion of HxH after watching the bastardization known as Hunter x Hunter Kids.
No I read the whole thing. That's what I'm talking about, the succession war.
>No I read the whole thing
You're not fooling anyone, 2011 nigger.
based paranoid schizophrenic
The main distinction for conjuration vs creation is that having to make the actual robot would be a step in qualifying the power while learning to conjure it would be adding more drawbacks/consuming Milluki's memory limit.
>It has aura, which means that Milluki is sending aura to this thing somehow.
As a pure Manipulator it would definitely be an involved process. But the Specialist lean gives alternatives, ie "breathing life" into machines. If Milluki had his own version of a Specialist state akin to Kurapika, his would manifest during the creation process and allow him to imbue what he makes with special properties, ie machines that are able to pool aura for personal use. Instead of regaining aura via rest it would restore battery power. To simplify, the aura would come from Specialization, and the programming would be Manipulation.
In spite of all this I'll repeat that the timeline for Marione to be a Hunter doesn't match up with Milluki's thoughts about Hunters in Yorknew. It's more of a thought experiment spurred on by odd coincidences. The default answer for now is that she's a girl who turned herself into a cyborg and gained power in return.
I-I thought Marione was just the fat soldier's puppet...
That emitter one is absorbing aura from long range.
Meruem eats people.
Any predictions on when new chapters are releasing? I still need to reread Jojolion before rereading everything from the current arc.
Name the first guy over 190cm that Lynch punches on Tier 3. You have exactly 2 minutes to respond. If you don't, it means you haven't read the arc.
Absorbing aura is the end result. Terebellum warps damage via direct contact, Lynch links the inner voice via direct punches, and that's still Emission.
it's over, hisoka has finally unleashed bungee world...
Any anime similar to hxh? The writing is really fun
not him but isnt it some black guy?
Absorbing something through digestion is not separate from your body.
Emission is in regards to things that are separate from your body.
I've listed Emission abilities that require direct contact. If something is disjointed it generally needs Emission, but Emission is not restricted to that. Meruem making the aura his own is Emission. You can more easily understand the type as establishing and/or maintaining links.
but all of these are in the anime
not really no
If the robot is part of a nen ability, it might be collaborative like Greed Island.
Maybe several guys power different parts of a robot gf

Some emission guy sends power to the system, some guy creates hyper efficient cooling, some guy conjured a reactor, some guy made nen microchips etc etc

Maybe the pilot is also involved. Who fuckin knows.

Could be hxh version of "/a/ collab thread" that a bunch of anons
Yeh, and I'm the ideas guy in control of the robot. Thanks peons, watch me break my fucking dick at 300 thrusts per second with its top grade nen enhanced vagina.
Rate Gon's Hatsu
I think it's probably one of the worst ones in the series
The concept isn't bad, but it needs a lot of work
not like it matters now, though
I actually dislike Kurapika's chains the most outta the main four. Simply because Judgement Chain is too unconditionally powerful, Heal Chain shouldn't be available to him and Steal Dolphin is a meme stealing power, I hate those.

Restricting and enforcing Zetsu on Spiders chain? Balanced and understandable, fits his character. Dousing Chain? Super useful general purpose tool, makes sense.

The other three are too strong or too far removed from what should be accessible to a conjurer, because meme fucking emperor eyes.
Remove emperor eyes, if he can't use a chain without it, it's badly designed.
Enhancement means he doesn't really need a hatsu.
Charging a big fist can be useful and he has plenty of ways to use it, potentially, as knuckle explains
I can see your perspective but I actually think the Succession War is incredible and arguably the best arc. It's a spiritual successor to the Yorkshin arc. Kurapika is the main character of both arcs, both arcs tie into mafia business, they include the Spiders and Hisoka conflict and have a very strategy-focused approach to combat. There is a ton of text and new characters thrown into this arc. I can see why that would turn people off to it. I can understand not feeling the arc. But the opinion that the arc is bad? I just completely disagree. It's not everyone's cup of tea but the quality of it, the premise, the setting, the tension, it's top-tier stuff. I do think it's possible Togashi may be tired of creating it, but I don't think he wrote himself into a corner.
Gon is weak to anal
It's not great, but I do like how he added Paper and Scissors to make use of his two adjacent nen categories.
I'll probably end up agreeing with you on an eventual re-read, if it's ever finished. But following it as it's being released has been a real headache because I guess I'm just kind of retarded and can't keep track of all the different characters and princes and their bodyguards and the relationships between them.
He performed hatsu twice without any training
>Simply because Judgement Chain is too unconditionally powerful
Do people forget that it involves wrapping the chain around the heart in the first place? It's not something he can surprise attack with, it's for extorting people he's already captured.
I got Emission
That's surprising, but I'll take it
I get the feeling that Ging is an Emitter, actually
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Killua too
Raildex;Toaru Majutsu No Index and Toaru Kagaku No Railgun
>Emitters: impatient and not detail-oriented.
"I don't have any of them yet. But I'm not in any special hurry. I'm enjoying the journey."
I don't really take Hisoka's personality test as gospel though
It works for pretty much everyone
Razor didn't strike me as impatient
Tell that to Bopobo
Then there's no point in speculating about his type.
Ging has shown incredible proficiency with Transmutation and Emission. What type had the easiest time with both?
Ging also said he can replicate any "strike-type" ability. What are the categories of "strike-type" abilities? Enhancement, Emission, Transmutation.
Which type has the easiest time with those?
>headcanon rankings
KEK good point.
He's also not detail-oriented.
He's pretty impatient and impulsive. When it comes to actual doing things, he cuts through all the red tape and takes the most direct route.

Your quote just details his personal philosophy, which can coexist with a frantic and active mindset. He clearly has an outlet for any impatience.
Ging giving us a glimpse into Leorio's nen development. I love how effortlessly Togashi writes Ging's intelligence and expertise on nen. Best character in the series.
Hm, OK good point
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Marion’s could feasibly work. I just don’t see how it’s fair or possible for it to be
>the strongest in the room from Ging intuition
>just be a puppet controlled with the owner halfway across the globe

There has to be some sort of major fuel limit, or maybe whatever damage the robot takes goes to Milluki, or something. Or maybe even extrmely limited control options on the robot.

I just don’t see how one can create a super strong robot ability while keeping themselves out of complete danger without having massive amounts of men.
A trend with Emitters is that they're usually pretty chill, but have snapping points.
Note, "special hurry", as opposed to "hurry"
Could be a group effort
If someone else even TOUCHES the robot, Milluki dies.
There's your restriction that fits with a waifu figure fag.
>There are still people who think Hisoka's chart is something perfectly accurate
This is stupid. Even he said that it's not. It's cool for world building and theories when we don't know someone's abilities. How does Machi fit the description of a Transmuter?
She's playing coy with Hisoka, even though she loves him. Prime transmuter trait, see Bisqe when she first meets Hisoka.
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All I am saying is that it's not an exact science. Seeing people seething or being surprised because X's Nen type isn't Z is retarded. Many were like this when this chart was revealed.
I get emitter on every quiz I take and that's fairly accurate
I can't think of a good Hatsu though
Homing fart clouds. Make women cry in public due to all the beans and eggs you eat.
My favorite character is Melody.
She's not a traditional hatsu. She's a weapon that combines the resources and efforts of the Zoldyck family, and Milluki is the pilot.
Milluki would totally skeet on it in his room though. Not send it off to the DC.
it's funny you say that because I was thinking of an ability where basicall the "restriction" is that you have to constantly smell terrible no matter where you go, but when people smell it it slowly poisons them or something
stinky stinky
That's true, everyone thought Knuckle was an emitter, Knov a conjurer, and so on. Hisoka's test is literally like astrology, you can make it fit anyone because the stated traits are vague enough that they can fit anyone. Everyone is sometimes impulsive, impatient, high-strung, whimsical, lies, logical, whatever. Barnum effect
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One of his hatsu conditions is nofap
It's important to make your hatsu fit your character.
Milluki would never do nofap. Never ever ever.
>How does Machi fit the description of a Transmuter?
Machi is a canon tsundere. Togashi himself listed it as one of her perceived charms (though the English translation put it as "hot and cold").
There are many contradictions in her actions and words for attentive readers.
We caught her lying onscreen when she said Hisoka had paid her in advance, even though she actually never accepted any money.
Machi has the same personality type as Killua: Enneagram type 6w5.
He'd be cheating on his robowife if he fapped while she's on a mission.
That's a mega strong condition thoughever
He wouldn't send his robowaifu on a mission. That's why I'm saying it can't be Milluki, cuz he'd make it vibrate on his cheetodust-covered dick and use a normal bomb mosquito for assassinations instead.
The one to have a huge meltdown was Knov, the one who was always irritable was Knuckle. The fact that most people could conceive of them as the other type proves your point, but I do think it's something Togashi broadly takes into account and they weren't actually textbook examples of their misattributed types. I think it lines up just good enough for it to be a reliable metric to judge people by, but unless someone is super flamboyant/developed then typing will be somewhat unreliable.
Just some examples of random untyped characters I'd type (mostly) on the basis of personality traits, some more reliable than others.
Kanzai - Emitter
Cashew - Transmuter
Yushohi - Transmuter
Gelato - Manipulation
Goback Girl - Specialist
>Machi has the same personality type as Killua: Enneagram type 6w5.
How would you make enneagrams (or MBTI) correlate with Nen types?
It would be kinda cool if Marionne was revealed to be Milluki's ability.
Our point is that it's not that we wish it isn't the case, but that it makes no sense both from a mechanical perspective in terms of Nen and from a narrative perspective considering what we know about Milluki.
I think my example is sufficient here. >>268000225
It simply wouldn't be an outpouring of constant aura from Milluki, but his ability allowing the robot to convert something into aura(electricity, oil, etc).
I still think the timeline does not add up, but motivation is easily handwaved. The Dark Continent has so many potential mcguffins. Even by what's known the electric rocks would be great for Milluki.
>Kanzai - Emitter
More than that. His outfit is a reference to a baseball team. A baseball related ability is likely emission type.
It doesn't offer anything Milluki would care about, no it doesn't make sense. You're trying to make it make sense because you're convinced this would be a kino twist, stop trying to force this.
>dumb cunt talking to himself
Kys cuck craskshipper
If Milluki had a robot he'd make a super hot one with curves and big assets. Marione's design is too plain. She is probably older than him. Beyond has been preparing this team for a while.
Fair but I'm not renaming filenames to satisfy people here.
4chanX lets you randomize filenames
Coincidentally, 4chanX also allows you to randomize other people's filenames. If you're sick of seeing tumblr filenames... Just do that. It's all just gibberish to me, and that's how I like it.
Self-responsibility. If you don't like something, either change how you feel about it, or change the thing yourself. Asking others to change is giving others power over how you feel. That's basedpilled.
Damn that screenshot’s pretty crispy, did they rerelease the 99 anime on BD or is this an upscale?
Anon, reread. I don't think it will happen because of a story contradiction, that doesn't mean the mechanics and drive aren't there. Specifically explain why he not want nigh infinite energy in this scenario? The DC can accommodate just about any demand by its very nature.
Yeah, like I said there's other stuff factored into it, but you could argue that the baseball getup is still personality/characterization. Though really, you could make a baseball-themed power for any type fairly easily.
Because he'd rather game and jerk off and buy waifu pillows with money earned through remote assassinations using some whack ass technology.
You don't understand what kind of character he's portrayed as.
He's highly motivated for stupid reasons, he doesn't have to loop the same few things we see him do. His mad dash to get GI should make that clear enough.
For what reason would Milluki get tilted enough to see readily engage in combat against Ging?
It's simply too OOC.
*to so easily
While I could see some reasons(ie Milluki being unable to tell how tough Ging is and thinking he could just beat him up to make him leave) I think the robot would have its own personality and default actions. It would ultimately be subservient to Milluki, who could issue commands via the headphones, but otherwise act out the persona Milluki wants it to have.
There are definitely interesting ideas in it and it has great potential but the setting feels plain and even oppressive and the story right now seems mundane and I can't relate. The setting feeling oppressive is especially unpleasant to me since in all the previous arcs I felt like hxh is transporting me to a magical world in the midst of incredible events. The boat is a place I don't want to transport myself to because I'd be bored to death while the story is a deathmatch where I don't root for anyone. Feels like another election where I can only sit and watch which dipshit is elected and I'm the kind of person to never absorb a single political information around election time. So yeah perhaps it's just not for me but in my opinion hxh became mundane in this arc for Togashi too. For some reason I really enjoyed the tv series Succession though so I know I could enjoy this kind of story.
hell I even enjoyed the election arc, it was much better and it's not dissimilar
gings nen ability? The perfected jajanken.
the succession war will be better in retrospect
even though I'm its critic I'm certain Togashi has an amazing plan for it that will make it all pay off but holy shit is this a pain right now
I think whatever he has must be very versatile because if he's smart he must have prepared for the task of finding and exploiting weaknesses of beasts in the dark continent which must be hyper specific like for the monsters on Greed Island
>I'm certain Togashi has an amazing plan for it that will make it all pay off
Unless Togashi pull a mass revival and save all the dead princes.
The seeds for that are already planted if that's the route he wants to go.
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There's a fan remaster of 99. It's a pretty good upscale all things considered, but naturally the dream would be a BD with an HD rescan
He's still a kid and his Hatsu is still a work in progress not sure why people expect him to suddenly have hax hatsu, Uvogin who's the first proper enhancer we saw Hatsu seem to amount to just punching harder than anything. He's an enhancer there isn't much he can do to begin with with his hatsu, Netero who has reached the peak of enhancing hatsu consisted in summoning a giant statue to just punch in his place.
Only after absorbing his royal guard essence and gaining their abilities, before that Meruem was just all max aura and sturdy.
If Gon ever got to the point he's able to charge Jajanken as fast as Uvo can charge BBI, he would be a menace.
Imagine you see him charging. If you try to get away he hits you with a strong emissive blast. If you try to charge in his direction he can slice you in half. If you try to tank it he hits you with a lethal punch.
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Level E
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Imagine Kurapika and Baise sex
Is the Level E anime good and faithful to the manga?
Can somebody post the other nen graphic?
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This one?
any week now
Yes thank you.
She is totally gonna die. Machi is going to live though.
Probably. One thing she has going for her is the 'next generation' angle.
Shizuku's hips
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I conjure up nen cum to splash my victims with a sticky stinky goopy fluid. It makes them orgasm so hard they DIE
Don't compare the GOAT Ronald CHADdonald to a fraud like hisoka ever again
What an absolute garbage power system.
You're just saying that because Hunterchads make you seethe :)
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This guy is a boss. He knows you follow the family plan above all. The best Zoldyck child.
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According to Balsamilco this is the CANON secret meta that good manipulators are tapped into to preclude yourself from being manipulated by another. He probably did.
LMAO. I've been reading HXH since like 2005 and I still remember my first time going through the Yorkshin arc. This was the arc that turned me into a devoted fan. I'm happy to see so many plot points attached to this arc being followed up in the current arc.
I wonder what the level of manipulation is to counter that. Like if something as simple as "every 100 days my left hand twitches" is enough of an effect to negate coercive manipulation from working on you. I don't think Illumi's needle in Killua would necessarily protect him from manipulation.
The main character of Hunter X Hunter. Golden Gods, we won. Gon literally went mind broke and lost nen. While Kurapika has been through hell, he has always been able to avoid doing something so stupid as Gon.
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"My hatsu is called "Joyride"!! It has the ability to place someone under my control once I touch them with my hands, but only if they're already under the effect of a manipulator nen other than my own...!!!!!"
I don't think an ability to overcome a facet of nen would be such an easy thing to create!
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"Conventional logic would be that a hatsu like "Joyride" is impossible...!! This is because someone that's already under the control of another manipulator cannot be manipulated themselves!! However, my "Joyride" is different..! Rather than using my nen to control the person I touch, it instead takes control of the nen of the original manipulator!!! This way, I can both erase the original manipulator's control while taking control myself....!!!!!!!!"
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It's time to admit that the manipulator combat metagame is the most unique and fun.
>It's a makeshift garrote
Nen proficiency ratings are based on how much they've mastered their own potential, not how much potential they have.
Anyone with an ULTIMATE rating has peaked and will never get any stronger.
Honestly, I don't like the confirmation that Meruem is Ultimate. I know he's the strongest overall, but I always assumed that he could've gotten stronger if he lived longer, which this disproves.
Would kuillas God speed self programming manipulation override the needle?
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For me, it's the fodder sniper bitch from the exams.
Post the link subhuman nenless troons
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gone too soon
its a shame how most of the examinees with the most potential that didn't pass just died during the test
we don't really know how good some of the offscreen'd losers were(kenmi, ryu, shishito) besides the fact that bodoro was better than ryu and amori+umori were enough to beat kenmi and shishito
Can't you see how his body's moving? His dick is clearly leaning back between his legs as his body is strafing forward.
Did she die without knowing the properties of a condom? [SPOILER] rubber and gum [/spoiler]
fission mailed
Killua manipulating his own aura (by giving it commands) isn't the same as manipulating Killua himself through the brain like Illumi's needle did, so they likely don't interfere with each other. Besides, Killua has to consciously decide and program the attack patterns ahead of time to use whirlwind, and if his aggression were restricted by the needle, he wouldn't devise more aggressive whirlwind attacks anyway.
The needle is soliciting anyways, the manipulation seems to only go so far as triggering Illumi's orders/speaking through his brain
He lost years of his life to a cockroach KEK
Love that they actually showed her death scene in ‘99
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Which will be the most frightening calamity? Also granted I’m sure the goal is to
The calamities. But if they want the special treasures they’re probably going to have to go past them.
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Holy shit, a 19 year old has better reasoning skills than a 12 year old! Everyone, get the cookies for Kurapika !!! He did it! He outsmarted a 12 year old! Hoorah!
>FRAUDrapika fags getting uppity again
Genthru comeback when?
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We love Machi here
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Pitou sex
She or Pakunoda owes me sex.
It's relatively faithful (not 100%), but it removes a few things, and most importantly, the comedy is not translated that well into the anime format.
I recommend the manga first.
His happy meal has the properties of both obesity and diabetes.
You’re gonna fuck a corpse?
I thought Pika is 14.
What the heck made you think that?
The hunter exam arc. Aren't Gon and Killua 12, Pika 14 and Leorio 19? I thought these are the ages given in the hunter exam arc.
There are no official ages for Kurapika and Leorio as far as I know. Just for Gon and Killua.
Common opinion puts Kurapika in 16-20, Leorio 18-22
my favorite hatsu is INDOOR FISH
I will not elaborate
Those fish disappear if the room is no longer considered closed off.
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Mateys nen divinated bathwater
Imagine the sweetie taste
> Netero who has reached the peak of enhancing hatsu consisted in summoning a giant statue to just punch in his place
Netero's Hatsu is just insane, it's an Enhancement type but still manages to incorporate Conjuration and Manipulation from the farthest away categories on the chart in both directions
And Emission for Zero Hand

memory overload can get fucked
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Reminder that 90% of the names aren't actually spelled the way you think because Togashi is a lunatic.
I'm aware how it works
Pika is 17 in the Hunter Exam. He was 12 when the Kurta massacre happened, 5 years prior to the start of the series.
That’s only said in the data book, right? Is that actually canon?
Netero's Buddha is Buddha-shaped emitted aura, not a Conjured Buddha.
Regular people probably wouldn't be able to see it.
So Guanyin uses Emission and Transmutation, which makes sense for an Enhancer.
Yes, it's canon that the Kurta massacre was 5 years prior to the start of the series, and Kurapika looked and talked like a 12 year old in the flashback, not 9.
Ah, that does make a lot more sense
For what it's worth, the wiki says it's Manipulation, Emission, and Enhancement
Manipulation to control the hands too, but a point is made of how each hand only has a single simple movement. Which Meruem just had to reveal all of to guarantee victory. Checks out with Netero's lower manipulation proficiency.
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Wonder if this thread will survive til tweet time
But I suppose it doesn't matter since it'd just be the numbers 18/19/20 and a couple squiggly lines
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GI OVAs got a bad reputation but I do like the way a lot of the characters are sometimes drawn in it
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Reminder Death of the Author is a thing and an author can be wrong about his own work.
Reminder media literacy is at an all time low, so it's up to us hunterchads to drag the unenlightened masses of /a/ above the board average. Be better.
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why didnt Abengane just whoop this clown? he has more proficiency so he is stronger
Wasn't paid enough to care
Wait, Komugi is an enhancer? Lmao the translation I read claimed she was a specialist
He easily removed his bomb, he could have dealt with him but just didn't feel like it.
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I hate JJK and JJK fags so much, it's unreal.
Gege never had a single original idea in his life.
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I'm an Enhancer apparently so I came up with a Hatsu that incorporates that category along with Transmutation and Emission

The idea is simple, aura is transmuted into an approximation of a "medicinal hotspring" as the japs are so fond of. It can't heal drastic wounds, but it can soothe aches and pains, and allow somebody to operate at their best as if they'd just had a HOT SPRINGS VACATION. Or are currently having one. It can be used on myself, or "passed" to another person (this is why it involves emission) and they get the effect for let's say 24 hours, a day at the hot springs to rejuvenate yourself.
Scaling it up to the HxH universe, it would obviously be more therapeutic than just being in a hotspring. It'd probably be able to mend stuff like sprained joints, or leech out poisons, or cure minor illnesses and shit like that.

The condition placed on it to be more effective is that the effects are much weaker if used on myself. If used on somebody else, Emission comes into play and the effect cannot be cancelled by myself for the full 24 hours. During that time my own Aura Pool is drastically reduced.
it is a power purely meant for healing and support

rate my oc donut
in RPG terms it's like having a Regen spell on yourself for a day
I came up with it because I was thinking about how Morel was only at 35% of his full capacity before the chimera ant raid
I thought it would've been really handy if somebody had an ability that can just make you temporarily feel like you're rejuvenated again, as a passive buff

Also since I'm an enhancer, I don't even need a Hatsu anyway. So a support one is fine.
More confirmation that my hero, Biscuit, would mog Hisoka.
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tweetbros? we get some breadcrumbs this morrow?
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>No.412, character inking completed. No.413, started.
>Ominous squiggles
Exciting things happening
Best New Characters
>Prince Tserriednich
I was guessing serialization would start again in August, but it’s been over 2 weeks since we got an update on 405, so I doubt it.
Is that my nigga Beyond?
Isn't that literally Bisky's ability?
It's an inferior version of it, because I wouldn't be on Bisky's level
Also it's more based in emission, I don't think bisky's ability can travel with you
whereas I could grant somebody the regen effect and it wouldn't end for 24 hours no matter what or how far away they went or if I was in contact with them

but yes it's her ability but worse
>I wouldn't be on Bisky's level
Don't underestimate yourself anon
I know myself
Maybe you'd be ULTIMATE tier. Who knows?
Also, her Hatsu is a bunch of different kinds of massages, that cure different maladies
Mine is a catch-all regenerative effect
Hers relies on Conjuration, and even Manipulation, and I'm pretty sure she has to be in contact with the person
Mine is much simpler and can simply be "passed" to a person. I'll call it VACATION PASS

So you can either have Bisky give you massages and special treatment during downtime, or I can tag you once and say "VACATION PASS" and you get an all-around passive regen effect for 24 hours - no cost - it's free real estate
You just feel at your best like you're soaking in the best medicinal hotspring for 24 hours

The abilities are different enough, I think
Plus like I said I'm an Enhancer so a Hatsu is really more like a hobby than a necessity
Maybe, if I workshop it a little bit
If killua can go faster by transmuting aura into electricity, why didn't he just transmute it into light to go even faster?
he got tazed a lot as a kid so he identifies with electricity
Anyone can identify with light, just go sunbathing
so you're saying killua just needs to sun his balls to become ultimate
there's a new thread btw

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