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Great movie. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
English subs when?
What? It's been out fot 2 months

The subber is using this RAW
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So is it a monster of the week show? The cute girls had me intrigued, but I am a plotfag and a 60s manga could just be MOTW.
I'm interested in this movie, do I need to know anything about the series beyond the basic premise? I've heard of it but never interacted with it.
All you need to know is that Kitaro is a yokai kid that protects humans from dangerous yokai. This movie is specifically a prequel to the 2018 season, but it's darker than the show in themes and visuals.
But is it a properly translated subs or just MTL subs from the official japanese subs?
Hm, I might just watch the 2018 season and then the movie then, I am interested in it as a whole, saw a lot of Japanese people I follow go crazy over the movie so it made me curious.
It's a really good movie, but we both know what made it so popular.
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my wife
Kitarou is good. Hakaba Kitarou and the most recent TV anime are good entry points to the franchise
You should just know the birth of Kitaro.
Or just watch the first 5 minutes of this video:

Also, DO NOT SKIP the credit of this movie.

It's a mystery movie. It's similar to Higurashi.
Dunno about that.
>similar to Higurashi
Does it really get that dark?
Based on the number of revisions I would be confident it's shitsubs. Might be enough for kids anime
weird how kids anime still gets bad subs all the time though
Everything else gets official subs nowadays
I watched the ones posted on Tumblr, are those the same or done by different ppl ?
Yes. In Japan was rated PG12
It's just an unfortunate fact of the day.
Is there yuri in this at least?
It's neither yuri nor fujobait. The story is pretty damn heterosexual.

Yeah. It has sexual theme & some gore scenes.
This looks awesome, but can I watch any of this without watching the old original? Is the original even subbed?
They're mostly kids shows that lean heavily into Japanese mythology, so the MOTW angle is a given. If you can't handle that it's just not for you.
See this >>267989153 if you just want to watch the movie
See this >>267989041 if you want to follow the franchise
>Is the original even subbed?

Some of it is.

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Watch the 90s version of the show
it's a buddy movie and most, if not all the fanbase is all about the two leads, with merch events and such. so yeah, it's definitely aimed to a certain fanbase: women who likes hot men in a buddy movie.
tell that to this >>267989058 guy
I only ever read the manga, and I didn't remember much action there
it's because the yaoi and it's actually very good, i still remember seeing in the first month quite many BL mangaka authors drawing fanart of the movie.
in one of the latest big doujinshi event genazo had 1136 circles (people who bought a seat to sell their doujinshi under a fandom).
probably if it wasn't a mature buddy movie, with two male leads and that kind of ending, it wouldn't become that popular.
wtf a fight scene where i can follow character's movements? i demand more cube slices
Oh the raws are out? Nice.
I figured it'd be more similar to the Akuma-kun sequel that came out last year.
We need more translations.


We only got this weird amalgamation
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/a/ needs a revolution
How hard is Sazae-san compared to say Pretty Cure or Aipri
Different people. I recommend the tumblr subs.
I'm just rather confused as to what's in the single 30-ish dollar volume. Presumably it's not the same content as the other single volumes since the page count doesn't add up.
Post the link
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If you want to get into Shin-chan check this First

Crayon Shin-chan EPisode 01 to 32 + Special 01

Crayon Shin-chan episode 33 to 57 + Special 02

All Super Shiro episodes

The First Movie;
Crayon Shin-chan Movie 1: Action Mask vs. Leotard Devil
nintama rantaro yaoi is pretty good and a new movie is coming up this christmas?
>a new movie is coming up this christmas?
>Kitaro/Gegege no Nazo thread that didn’t die after 5 posts
>Akuma-kun mentioned too
Finally, a good thread.
These subs are a bit off/“localized” in places, but the TL notes are a plus. I can’t speak for the Tumblr subs.
They’re both buddy mysteries and have an overall darker tone than their parent anime series, so your comparison is apt. And Mizuki makes a cameo in the Akuma-kun sequel.
Kitaro 2018 is probably the best starting point, especially regarding Nazo. Hakaba is great, but viewers need to know it’s an adaptation of the original rental manga.
This too.
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It's not particularly action heavy but there's still a fair bit.
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the tumblr subs are pretty nice and the person who made them wrote several interesting meta posts about the setting
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This post made me appreciate the movie much more on a second watch.
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Daily reminder Akuma-kun anime is getting subs

but we still need manga translations


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>You need an account to see this blog
Guess I’ll make one later just to check this out. Cheers.
I thank Inka Subs every day for giving the anime the love and attention it deserves.
I have raws for the Comic Bonbon version, which the anime is based on, sitting in my laptop. Sennen Okoku too. But they’re low res and I’m not sure anyone could work with them; I currently don’t have the time or means. If there’s interest, I could just storytime dump them.
France anons are officially getting one of the versions, if they haven’t already.
here the link to the sub
but it's worth reading their notes after you watched the movie because like that anon said makes you appreciate it even more, after a second or third watch
>but it's worth reading their notes after you watched the movie because like that anon said makes you appreciate it even more, after a second or third watch
Yeah, see >>267988817
looks cool
>What? It's been out fot 2 months
/a/ is lost
>the Comic Bonbon version
is that good?
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I watched it a few months ago and thought it was decent enough. Nothing earth-shattering and I'm not sure why it got so much more attention than the Akuma-kun sequel.
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I've been keeping up with them.
>Nothing earth-shattering and I'm not sure why it got so much more attention than the Akuma-kun sequel.
because it was earth-shattering

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