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Im gonna miss them
how many brazilian wives have been imported to japan because of this sex demon
>part of me wanted to show off my figure in front of everyone for you
femcels explain
Has to do with possession
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Reposting the bad ending cafe because I think it's neat someone found it
women exist to make men horny, angry, and jealous. if they can manage all 3 at once, they’ll have reached the peak of their aesthetic. doing that should accomplish it.
Why is that it? Post some comparison
>Bad ending in a Starbucks
What did Nanashi mean by this?
America is NTR
Naga nails
>Bad ending Cafe.
The hwat?
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Gamo's Gamos
See ch 107
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But I dont wanna
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>previous thread OP was not Nagatoro
>archived before reaching bump limit
>Many such cases. Only our resident gremlin can do it.

Oh no!
OP image was from S2 kek
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Unfortunately the photo was taken at the wrong angle but the sign, seating and pavement all matches
>meta observation about previous thread dying instead of introducing a topic
Nagatoro loves Lomo Saltado
"La Marée de Chaya" means "The Tide of Chaya".
It's the name of a pâtisserie brand.
>OP could save other threads from death
>but not himself..
Is that place close to Hayama? Otherwise I wouldn't say this is convincing enough
What about it
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So I threw this into img2img, then did some inpainting on the result and got this.
>What about it
Nothing in particular.
Oh, tides are connected to water like how Nagatoro's name is.
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Alternate version.
These repaints make her look eerily creepy
Where are they eating where that’s appropriate attire?>>267991559
She IS a little creepy, though. She's an awkward little weirdo.
Ah the French patisserie has always been noted for its excellence
Hey I recognize this artist
Idc imma say i when I discover the author made hentai I wanted a ntr cuck queen ending.

some random chick steal senpai first kiss. It could have went down as the greatest shit post of romance manga ending history
You know you have to be 18 to post here right
Someone post the list of 'firsts' stolen by other women
bad bait
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Are we going to get an epilogue with Nagatoro overreacting to a girl who keeps teasing their son?
Gotta go fast!
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>Senpai, you're way past cool.
It's actually ending? Did it have a good end?
I think ritual posts are dumb but I like boobs.
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Artist? Saucenao gives me nothing
So far it's great
we live in an era of cucks
so much so, that even women believe that exposing themselves is somehow to the benefit of their man
Repost the other one
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This is allegedly the cafe from volume 1 but I have no fucking clue where the comparison is, maybe inside?
At least the starbucks matched the shape of the bad end cafe
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>Otherwise I wouldn't say this is convincing enough
I'm convinced
A dark pilgrimage
Damn, I dislocated one of my toes. I can't do much or go anywhere far for a few weeks. Maybe I should work on this dumb idea for greentext I have of a "Bad Ending".
Maybe you should do something else
Now I know where to write my NTR manga whenever I'm in Hayama.
By showing off her figure while out with her man she is signaling to others that her lanky ass bf gets to smash that every night. Additionally she gets to show up other women by saying that a man finds her body hot enough to smash and theirs isn't good enough.
seeing how Nagatoro is just a tanned gal probably none
I second this
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Nagatoro if she was Latina
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Better version
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You should make the Senpai and Yoshi get killed by machine gun fire in a gangster hit gone wrong ending
>do something else
Nah, I don't think I will. Then again it's just an idea and I have several weeks before I fully recover. I might have another idea. We are approaching a good ending so might as well make a bad ending. The worst one. Something beyond NTR.
>Naga doesn't die
That's what OP gets for being smug.
Never do this shit again.
>Senpai and Yoshi get killed by machine gun fire
Man that was pretty close except for the Yoshi part. I need a few days, a Smithsonian documentary series, and China news to think it over.
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This was a cute Gamo. I'm going to pretend she's standing next to me and smiling, not Nagatoro's brother.
I like it.
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But that's totally Taiga and not (You). Gamo always looks cuter around Taiga.
This guy draws nagatoro NTR btw.
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Are you calling Sana a whore? How dare you!
>Looking for images of Sana
>Stumble upon this:
What the fuck? Has anyone seen this?
>FANFICS have their own wikis now
You know they did the deed. Misaki included.
>Misaki included
That sash is pretty loose, I'd say
Why do all NTR artists have the same style?
Shit is a broad spectrum
In a side story the sniffers and Shikki have to stage an intervention when Orihara starts referring to herself in the third person and makes a label for her locker marked “The Great One”
Most Brazilians are tanned too
Checked and contemplated
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Checked. That sounds good.
>Orihara: "The Great One does not appreciate Hayacchi having the Senpai all for herself. The Great One wants some of that ass."
>Shikki: "We need to talk, Orihara-chan..."
>Orihara: "The Great One appreciates club prez's concern, but declines her offer for help!"
>Shikki: "Fujimin, Asaka...get the rope and chair.."
>The face of an absolute winner
Love it
Now I want this. Masked Nude Girl versus The Great One.
Sorry I refuse to have sex with women on birth control.
I read it, it's literally the opposite of ntr, the two guys just bully senpai and then naga decides to cheer him up and show him how important her relationship with senpai is to her
So wholesome.
>dropped this garbage ages ago
>never looked back
feels good
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4th wall breaking NTR
>The heart
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Based Naga nails poster

The best kissus.
she's certainly not chaste, let alone wife-material
She's talking to me.
t. brown annoying gremlinoid
Made her repulsive with one addition
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Daily diet and muscle training naga-bros.

Greek yogert and granola for breakfast, protein shake post work out, left over BBQ for lunch, and about 1lb of strawberries as a snack. Going to eat like shit at a bonfire later so I'm banking my calories.

Did a light biceps/triceps/forarms today and realized I'm pretty gassed out. Found another IRL Naga-bro in the gym though which is always cool.

>>267955536 #
Sucks about the pain but resting is a good call. Better to feel antsy for a few days then wind up with a chronic issue.
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Went to the dojo today. Sparred with someone of the same rank. Dude was extra aggressive for some reason. Still recovering from a strike to ribs from last week, so can't really fight back. Dislocated my toe while sparring. Kept going until the fight ended (even using it to kick him because I'm retarded). Dude has to pop it back to place. Mom got worried after seeing my toe get discolored. Had to go to an orthopedic doctor. Found out sparring partner fixed it anyways and requires northing more but usual treatments (ice, a splint). Won't be able to exercise or practice Shotokan for awhile. This sucks.
Pork chops, spicy cup noodle, and mung bean soup with pork and vegetables.
>Naga GF
Doctor who checked me is very pretty. It's the first time in months I have gone face to face with a beautiful woman. The only thing I faced for awhile now are flying fists and feet. Also saw her bikini pic (It's the screensaver of her phone that's in front of me). Also decided that having random sexy dreams of women I know is a bad omen that signals an injury. This is the second time this has happened.
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Just started reading this.
The irony of Nagatoro consistently making fun of senpai for having unrealistic fantasies, while being the main attraction of a "I want a tan skinned little girl to bully me until I cry" fantasy manga is not lost on me, and has been very entertaining to think about so far lol

Still waiting for Nagatoro to get some kind of comeuppance though, or at least make any effort into anything instead of the story just giving her what she wants at every turn, it's a little annoying. That arc where she can apparently just casually start an entire fad around the school off-screen, just to make Senpai win the contest against the prez was kind of insane.
The manga is trying to make the argument that Senpai is the one that needs to work on himself, but it feels unfair when things are infinitely easier for Nagatoro at every turn. It's a little unsatisfying as a story in that regard.
I'm also not super happy about the manga quickly mellowing down Nagatoro's bullying as it goes, instead of giving it some consequences that Nagatoro has to deal with and learn from. I don't mean to say she should stop acting the way she does, I do like a bickering couple, it's fun, but as it is they're not really a bickering couple, it's just a bickering girl. There isn't much drama, it often feels like there are a lot of missed opportunities to turn the tables on Nagatoro every now and then. Maybe make it so that Nagatoro's bullying convinces senpai that she doesn't actually see him that way, so gradually it becomes harder for Nagatoro to get close to him or get reactions from him.
But I doubt that's gonna happen, it feels like the manga just wants senpai to always be the one chasing after Nagatoro and being the active one, ironically enough.

Though maybe it's to early to tell, I'm only at around chapter 60 something so far, maybe more interesting stuff will happen later on.

Sorry for the rambling, just came across this thread and thought I'd write down some thoughts.
Naga does get her own development and becomes more active, but it mostly starts from chapter ~80 onwards
As for drama, don't expect anything major that lasts more than a chapter, two at most. It is a romcom and it does not try and disseminate the intricacies of a bully/bullied relationship dynamics. Hope you keep reading and enjoy the journey anon.
Keep reading
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So this is what happens when you feed her after midnight. Also checks of terror
trips of terror*
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I wish Yupiel had more than three fanarts on Pixiv. Like I know it's just a two-shot doujin but three?
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>Pretty cool!
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Thanks for letting me know anon, that makes me excited to read the rest of this.

Yeeeah I figured as much, the few hangups I have about the writing in this I can tell is likely intentional, it's just not what I would've liked to see.
It is still fun though, but every now and then I really wish I could just reach inside the manga and kinda just slap Nagatoro, although that may be the intended experience lol

My biggest hangup so far has been how the manga seems to really want me to forget just how awful she really was in the first few chapters, I really would've liked it better if the manga actually adressed that at some point, but I don't expect that to happen since that was already so far back.
Now most of the time she just feels like a clingy little kid saying stupid shit literally banging on senpais back like my little cousin does on mine sometimes lol
I don't dislike that though, I like a good tsundere.

Will do, it's comfy
Did you watch the anime first?
Nah, I'm reading the manga from the beginning.
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Extras between the first chapters
NTR soon.
Yes, NTR is wholesome
You don't understand prideful flaunting?
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Keep reading.
You won't be disappointed.
I've consumed a LOT of J-Schlock in my laps around the sun, but there's a reason why this is the story that not only got me back into following bi-weekly chapter releases after 12 years.

The character writing for both of the leads is some of the best I've seen in a while. They actually behave like real people, and grow in a way healthy individuals in a similar dynamic actually do. They're far from perfect, but that's part of the charm.
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Proto-Naga deserves better.
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>slap Nagatoro
Setting aside that you'd dare to strike such a precious treasure, a beautiful maiden in love; you're totally right that it's intended.

I'm currently the dad to a teen, and they really are this acoustic. Even the ones that arent actually...acoustic. Not a week goes by that I don't see some sort of interaction between my son and an IRL female that boggles my fucking mind and makes me cringe with how needlessly dumb one of them is being.
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Honestly, you can do them in tandem. That's how I did S2 and the jokes landed fine even when I knew the punchline.
What happens if you post the whole image of some of these faces here?
She ain't heavy she's my bully
You go on a nice long vacation
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The jannies give you a short-term vacation and you have to shitpost from a different device.
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Woof. About the toe and the dream omens. Still, at least the damage isn't going to require anything major to fix and you have a signal to work with.

After chatting with the IRL Naga-bro yesterday I went to do some pullups on a new rig, did not look above me, and cracked the hell out of my head on a steel support. Not only did I look like an ass infront of Naga-bro, I got blood all over my favorite tank top.
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tl;dr of the ending? did senpai finally snap and end nagatoro?
They were all called by a tsunami in a shocking twist except for Shikki whose breasts let her float to safety. She decided it was her duty to tell the tale and the last panel is her drawing the first panel of Chapter 1 of the manga
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fuck me I meant I killed not "called", I think I've gone slightly retarded in recent years
wtf the one I read has the same start but goes into a completely other direction

And send-pie takes off glasses and grows out hair and does enough LSD and pot to tone down the energy and increase the sensuality
>Having ass
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Made for impregnation by Sana's big futa cock.
Possibly might be my favourite panel in the whole thing
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Passed my block exam yesterday so didn’t bother with any proper dieting today. Had myself a donair and rice for lunch then a burger and salad for supper all with a nice couple glasses of whiskey.
Legs were sore as shit from yesterday so figured I’d help them a bit and go for a run. Ran about 6-7km then walking back to my car, saw a good tree for pull-ups so just did 4 or 5 sets till failure.
Sucks to that your toe got fucked up anon. That shit can take you out for a while. Hope you can get back to good health soon though.
That’d hurt. But now you’ve got good potential for a running joke between yourself and Naga-bro. Get better soon anon
AI is wonderful!
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I missed Nagamonday and even Nagatuesday for various reasons but that anon was spot on with that festival prediction
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Knaga Knees
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Let's be honest, if she were real she'd be slobbering all over a BBC while that Cuck-pai (litchurally You) jerks off in a corner
>tries to insult other people
>cant even spell
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Nice! Way to go on passing anon! Live it up. As Arnold says "whats the point of being discipline most of the time if you can't go wild on special occasions.
Legit workout btw. Nothing but palms where I run.

And thanks. No cuncussion so nothing hurt but my pride lol.
litchurally is a cultural reference Mr. Literal retard.
absolute sign of autism
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Nah, gotta side with the other anon here. Just comes off as an inopportune typo.
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Canonically stacked
And cannonically shaved.
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What's the "bad ending Cafe"? I haven't kept up with this manga, is there a route split?
Wow that looks pretty gr-
Into the trash it goes
Big fanfics and fan projects have had their own Wikis for yonks
A cafe paisen thought up in an imaginary scenario where he didn't pursue Nagatoro. They went separate ways after he graduated and met again years later at that cafe, her having moved on past him and him still hung up on her.
>and him still hung up on her.
How lame, just let both parties move on if you're gonna do that
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>+70kg of boobs
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>+70kg of butt
It wasn't a literal flash forward into the future. It was a nightmare scenario based on his fear of letting her go so of course he'd feel that way.
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Best outfit. and picrel is best angle
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>+70kg of Shikki!
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Same energy
nta but i dropped the anime after the first ep because of how grating nagatoro was, despite being familiar with the source doujins. Should i give it another try, i really think shes cute
Look for a dub if you can't stand screechy high pitched japanese women
it wasn't really her voice more she was just being a cunt and it was irritating, i like when shes being a flirty cunt but just being mean is meh
That's nasty
Seeing her button undone annoys me
Sex chapter not happening is it?
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Kek I remember this, I reported this pathetic cuckold twitter account and he actually got banned for it.
why's nerdtoro brown?
>Look at the hot piece of ass this dweeb has all for himself
>Are you mad? Are you jealous?
>You wish you could stole me from this dyel and take me all for yourself don't you?
>Well too bad.
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Fixed it
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what do you mean?
She mellows out a bit after the second episode, give it another go
if she's an introverted nerd one would assume she wouldn't be into sports or any activity that would allow her to get tanned
Nerdtoro is okinawan.
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Fine. Fine. Would your prefer "caked out?"
Christ. It's all over the manga. Plus, since Naga swims, and well, it's going to develop her glutes. That's just how it goes.
"Stacked" means busty, anon.
A thread dedicated for Hayase's puddings
Go back and take that gay shit with you
How wet does Naga get when Senpai shows some spine?
Too late, Senpai is about to father triplets now.
Her son gets teased by her daughters, his sisters, that won't allow him to have a normal love life
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No, you're right. I was thinking of "built" which could mean either tiddys, ass, or both.
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>Confusing/conflating tomboys and femboys
I never understood this meme. Is it a bad thing because she's embarrassing him or a good thing because she's fighting for him?
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>Nagatoro: I heard Orihara was trying to get ahold of my Senpai. I'm here to lay down the law an-
>Looks into the Judo club, sees pic related
>Orihara: The Great One is curious to what The Great One's rival Hayacchi has to say, but Fujimin and Asaka were first.
>Fujimin: Actually, the chair was to check on the clubroom's lighting!
>Asaka: And Fujimin wanted to practice her knot tying! For bondage!
>Nagatoro: ... Actually I think I'm just going to lock Senpai up for a while until this all blows over. I think that'll be safest.
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By a mile.
And that, given Neko-toro, Demon-toro, Swimsuit-toro, and Spats-toro, is saying something.
It's all one story. The NTR shit goes in the beginning and is Senpai's nightmare. That's why Nagatoro mentions him thinking about his bad dream and how she wants to make him not feel so insecure, hence why she hops on his dick.
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Classic Sana
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Senpai would never encourage his alcoholic wife.
He did say if she was Latina, guys.
The real joke is to say Latina and 25 years old and then make her a whale
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Hachioji-Sama...I kneel...
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wtf is that filename
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it won't be one girl. it'll be several of them thirsting over her boy. she'll go extra primordial eldritch noodle mode to scare off the succubi. not only that but all the Aunties preying on her boy too. Sakura, Yoshi, the Bunnies, Machida, Shikki and her lackeys, etc.
retribution for her seductive lewd ways.
I'd be okay with Yupiel serialization
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The logic is to show off that she belongs to him but it's also inherently cucked to invite men to look at your woman's body.
>how many brazilian wives have been imported to japan because of this sex demon
japan was already full of BRs and filipinos
they're the 2 largest ethnic groups there
the largest Japanese population outside of Japan is in Brazil
Just some cute file names I come up with for anons that look at those sorts of things. The name is so my organization is a little easier and so I don't have to hunt through very specific folders within folders
Actually this particular one I think is from another anon, I liked it so I took it for myself.
What different phrases would a talking plush doll of Sana say when squeezed?
>same style?
They don't, You've only seen the popular slop
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>That hug was full of love and passion! Show me more!
>And what is wrong with Nudity?
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>I may only be a humble artist, but I am prepared to fight for freedom of expression!!
>Yes...the creative urge is welling up in me.
>This humiliation will bring me to a new form of liberation.
>Very well, I shall remove this costume.
>I was joking.
Ouch! Damn, anon. I hope you get well soon too.
>Hachioji-SENSEI paints nude pieces of his best student
>Smokes a pipe like a boss
>Best student becomes a sensei herself
>Ara-ara's Machida's son
So Naoto is Nicolas Cage?
what’s the socio-economic explanation for this?
A lot of japanese emigrated from the country at the beginning of the 20th century and for some reason they decided to go to Brazil in particular and from there they kept a close history.
very interesting thanks
Digits of truth!
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I'm a dumb retard and missed the thread the day ch. 152 came out, can't find it in the archive, can someone link me to it?
here >>267821961
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Instant sex
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this girl's nude vigilante adventures consistently made me laugh, they were entertaining to read lol
just her gigantic tits flopping around everywhere with a fucking school bag over her head while she fight bullies around the school lol
Mighty kind of you, thanks anon
Cute dorks
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Come on dude, that’s uncalled for.
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It's a long video, but it explains pretty well the story behind the japanese and Brazilian relationship.
OP's pic is actual cuckoldry shit.
Brazilians and Filipinos are Uber weebs?
>+70kg of a fat bitch that needs to wrapped in chicken wire and thrown into the Genges
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Volume 2 Story Time tomorrow!
Its a puddings thread, of course its called for
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>Enjoying AI Anon's Sana X Naoto story
>Damn this is so good!
>Like a rom com Harry Potter without the haram demonic witchcraft and faggotry
>Sharing husbands is a Sunomiya family tradition
>Wait what?
It was at that moment I knew Naga truly is the best girl. Good story though. I'm gonna still listen to it til the end.
Certified homosexual moment
>thrown into the Genges
Pajeets are so gay.
Really looking forward to this.
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>shocked that sharing husbands is a Sunomiya family tradition
Anon, that should have been obvious the second Hana showed up, ready to strip for Naoto. It was always the Rabbit end game if Naga fucked up, it was just a question of whether Hana or Sana would have made the first move.
It's a good story though, binged about 8 parts in a single night of relaxation, but I'm a sucker for all the greentexts, stories, and art people make of the manga.
Fujimin is such a great character for the little we see of her. I just wish we got more of her. Well her and Shikki too. Asaka is cute as well.
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Well get more of her in the inevitable Shikki spin-off
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It’s like that Sopranos webm
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I wanna bite it.
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great webm. I ended up watching past episode 1 this morning and already like the gremlin, you guys were right
How do you think will be the last 2 chapters? Connected or single episodes?
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Based unfiltered anon
The race swapped Nagas are weird
Ugly as shit and given dreads
At least still looks like her, but the NTR shit and tattoo makes her shit
>white or Indian
Have yet to see either but I can’t imagine they’re good
desperately needs more doujins
can americans be nuked off the face of the earth already?
Congrats on getting through the filter arc anon. A fantastic romcom now awaits you
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>breakup in less than one month
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Exactly what went through my mind when I read that page.
And how would you get the plush to speak?
My hero.
Needs creampie correction.
White Nagatoro is fine, I mean she basically is already just with a tan
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Did Nagatoro ever spoke out senpai's actual name?
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I fixed Nagatoro. No need to thank me.
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Hell no
Bring guro 774 back.
nothing feels better than hear that a cuck account I reported got banned after it happened across my feed, an unfortunate side affect of following nonwhite artists
Half/Quarter Brazilian retunees are very common. Probably most common after people growing up in the US/Hawaii
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Hey, been a long time, but does anybody have the link or know anything about the fancomic of senpai who gets teleported to different wars, from civil war up to iirc korean? I remember reading it a while back and liking it, and originally got it from these threads.
Enjoy your read
Thanks anon, looking at the pages seems I stopped around 2 years ago, and almost 100 pages came out after that, last one this month, so looks like its still continuing.
Yeah he still posts, though less frequently.
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>[autistically screaming]Tell me your n-name.
>Sure. “Naga” as in long, and “toro”
>[rubs chest with finger] You write it like “Toro”. Call me Nagatoro from now on.
>Ok…y-yeah! My name is…
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More or less. But better in that over time he gets less retarded/annoying as opposed to more.
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Personally I had no problem with Nagatoro in the first episode
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The zoo chapter gives me PRSD. Being familiar with 774's "back catalog" I still remember the dread I felt for the two weeks between the announcement and the actual chapter.

Only time I ever bought into the Doomcoin.
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God did/do I love this OP. It's like every fraim was tailored to be a wallpaper.
She bullies senpai relentlessly, smirks in his face like a psychopath while he cries, then sadistically wipes his tears while continuing to mock him to his face.
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"You wipe that smug grin off right fuckin now Naga. You see Sopranos-anon postin here you show him some fuckin respect, you hear me?
You say thank you.
You sling him his "you."
He's earned it.
Fucking out here starting a whole God-Dammend ritual post single handedly... What the fuck have you done today???"
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Daily reminder that love won.
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Nah I thought it was funny, Senpai was too sensitive. I will say though my introduction to the series was some compilation of her getting annoyed when girls hassled Senpai, so I did have some inkling that she may have missed him.
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Thanks anon. That gave me a good chuckle.
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Speaking of I hear Shikki's getting a +70kg mole removed from her azz
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What if next chapter picks up right where we left off and we're still in the festival
oh yeah I forgot we had the fish scene after, damn it Nanashi I wanted even more festival!
I had the feeling that these might be cerimonial clothes for marriage, but I'm not sure
I was right. White Nagatoro doesn’t look good
The best sniffer
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> haha we look like a couple here Senpai-don't we?
>A couple of besties
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7 days left
You just know she’d print and frame that picture
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The wait is long.
Yet the time is short.
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>The wait is long.
>Yet the time is short.
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I still find funny and sweet that they've never ever defined themselves just as friends, which is a huge barrier that many couples put in most of the romcoms.
Naga and Senpai have always felt something since the beginning and even if they coped in other ways, they didn't want to reduce it as simple friendship.
I suppose it's the unique way they started with her bullying him. They're either bully and bullee or something else but they aren't really friends of course that was put aside for many, many chapters and they were just in a quasi grey area
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Nagatoro is now available on Gameboy Color!
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I thought that was an Aladdin thing first and they on a magic carpet from the thumbnail
I raffed
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Dogger's Overlook was strangely quiet this year round
So...will 774 do a hentai chapter showing the conception of their kid?
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Don't be so sure he might have wriggling, unsure sperm
There might be the canon sex chapter, but even if it's the marriage chapter and the happy family chapter to finish it off, Nanashi will be making a shitload of doujins based on all of the lewd situations that came up during the series. We'll just have to wait til later to see this final one
Naga x Sana who tops?
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She won a gold medal for autism
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nagatoro is cute. There, I said it.
Is the manga ending?
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everybody gets one
Two more chapters
What's the authors plan after it ends? Taking a break or working on something else?
Unknown for the time being
smol drama
What a cutie pie. I sure hope nothing lewd happens to her such as holding her boyfriend, Naoto’s, hand and making out with him during a summer festival.
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>no one else apart from the two hooked up
Gamo will never score canonically. Fanart and time will pass but she will NEVER get the dick on official folded nipponese paper. Insane.
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Reject reality
Embrace Thiccmo
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Lmao gutsbro, show mercy!
Will there be hips moving on their own?
Will senpai have a banana dick shaped like Mighty Nippon?
While Nagatoro ahagoe and have that weird eye fucked up thing that 774 does to her?
Will sempai produce 2-6 gallons of semen per hentai logic?
Will Nagatoro cry?
Will she mock him for having too small a cock or cumming too soon?
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So this is what it would've been like in an alternate reality
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For their anniversary Naoto gets her a mild Yoshi
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I still think this is a long con and the final chapter will be the greatest NTR betrayal of all time. A degenerate pornographer will never change
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I am honestly fine either or. On the one hand, the adorable dorks have their victory and everyone is at the wedding. On the other hand, an 80 page chapter drop of Naoto getting raped by every girl he's met would also be incredibly wholesome. Bonus points obviously for each girl having their own reasons to fuck Naoto, creampies, and bonus points for a full cast happy accidents reference. Name of the doujin escapes me because it's late.
But yeah, starting with the main nagapals and ending with Machida talking about how this will be an everyday thing for him at the art university. The NTaRt was but a crack in Nanashi's dam, the full drop 2 chapters away.
Implying someone cared for the ship
Hey guts, you drew futa once, draw femboys from time to time, or else you are homophobic
But Nanashi has never really drawn any NTR and I doubt he's gonna rug pull everyone two chapters away from the ending. Even the final volume extras will be some more nudist shenanigans at most.
Maybe it'll end with a tease about a continuation series with Naoto in university, but that's very wishful thinking.
Hey gutsbro please be homophobic and never cave to the demands of these annoying faggots
Why is Shikki covering her tits and pussy, that's not what you do when taking a bath with your bf
Don't worry anon, we are actually talking about Reverse-NTR. Completely different!
Jokes aside, I wouldn't mind a university continuation, if only to get more Sana, Hana, and Machi. But I'd be interested in seeing what Nanashi does next.
I don't know what to expect, I sure as hell didn't expect the simulated NTR of the nude model chapter, nor did I expect Naoto to actually accept Taiga's challenge. I'll wait and see what the last two chapters do.
If it's not a continuation I'm not sure what else he can make. I doubt he'll just make another lighthearted romcom.
I have the feeling he could go nuts and make a full on ecchi series to unleash all his repressed horniness.
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My dream is that Hayase is just like Yupiel when it comes to handholding with senpai
Based on all the Shiki omakes, he's jonesing to get back to drawing more embarrassed exhibitionist comics.
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We just need more Shikki in general
It is located in Kanagawa near Zushi station. There are some pics on google maps
Really seems like he can't help it. Even if he doesn't get another serialization it he'll probably end up sharing his exhibitionism drawings on twitter.
I'm a KHHV
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Golden Corral and that's it with the family. Probably overate, will cut back the next days.
5k run, sub 27min slowly getting back into form
Sometime Ive learned is that I can ignore the pain but I try not to since I dont wanna fuck shit up.
That shit is funny anon
Kingdom Hearts Hyper Vagina?
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hello r**d*t typers
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>small cock
BSC is cannon
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Only replying because (You) got double dubs
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Nice man. Spent today cutting back myself but it's my own fault. Went way to hard at the bonfire and ate almost 2k Cal in pizza and chips.

Greek yogert and granola for bfast, matcha with expresso and a carmel blondie frap for a snack, protein shake for lunch, noodles with mushroom and meat sauce for dinner, tub of pico de gallo for snack.

Did a 5mi beach run and my 100 pushups/crunches combo to burn off the coffee. Didn't work so I walked another 2mi around the harbor after cooldown stretches.

Struck out with my last Tinder match. Back to the salt-mines for me.
I'm going to say Naoto. Sana might take early control, but Naoto's male instincts will eventually take over and claim what is his.
Shut the fuck up.
Does anybody else think that Nanashi's future work would be on that one one-shot he made about some guy who kissed a yokai fox girl? I see some potential in that, idk what you anons think
>Sharing husbands is a Sunomiya family tradition
Yeah that’s probably the dumbest thing I put in the story, and I kind of tried to soft retcon it by giving Hana a throwaway line that explains in a later chapter that it was just their grandmother and great aunt that shared a boy back in the day, but whatever; just got to live with it.
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>I still find funny and sweet that they've never ever defined themselves just as friends, which is a huge barrier that many couples put in most of the romcoms.
Anon forgot
I actually really enjoyed the idea of it, if only because poor Hana isn't left in the cold. Still though, even if you don't like it, I still think it's a good addition to the story in it's own way. Thanks for giving me something good to listen to when I got downtime.
Besides, a tradition is only an idea that got copied by others afterwards, maybe it doesn't catch on immediately, but acoustic art girls are built different.
Well...she wasn't at that point. Still, it's obbious just from that response that she is more than just a mere 'friend'
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>no one else apart from the two hooked up
That's a good thing, I fucking hate when authors of romance manga with a lot of characters like this just half-heartedly hook up every other fucking character with each other towards the end for no fucking reason.
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Sakura hooked up with some random guy (no idea if they're still together), and the two background girls also got boyfriends off screen
He kinda did it with Gamo and Taiga at the festival, I must admit I feel bad for Yoshi seeing all of her friends finding love and leaving her behind
>matcha with expresso
What? You mixed powdered jap green tea with espresso? Or did you make matcha using espresso as the hot water? That's some hardcore shit right there.
>Let's live in delusions, bro
Gay. She will never have a thicc ass and will always love Taiga.
This looks more like the original
Same here, although I'm not sure if it's thanks to this webm I'd seen while lurking around here in the past or if it's just my autism that doesn't let me leave things unfinished like that. Besides you can see there's something going on in Naga's head when she sees Senpai's manga for the first time, something more than just making fun of him. I don't know how many people it has filtered but I feel like it's more than it should be
90 percent of generic Starbucks in Japan look like this you retarded subhuman spic monkeys.
>matcha with expresso
And 90% of japs look the same, your point?
>Anon forgot
Oh really? Please, point were he said they are just friend
He's calls her just a kouhai several times throughout the story. Maybe there's a panel where he explicitly calls her a friend, maybe there isn't, but it's still the same romcom trope no matter how you try and spin it.
>Are you two dating?
>N-no! We're just friends/acquaintances/classmates/co-workers/[insert non-romantic connection here]!
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the truth
>Speech: 0
I really wanted this thread to reach bump limit but this shit is taking forever lmao
Just make it and post the link here, everyone will probably abandon thread
Fuck it let's do this >>268075846
This shit will never fail in making me laugh
>It's a pure coincidence that you're saying nta, typing like a redditor and not being called out on it in a thread about something that redditors love.


Of course the newfags cried and their retard wrangler came to their rescue.
Please dont ban evade, anon. It isn't becoming of you.
You should instead hop onto a board and thread you enjoy.
It's meant to be a dude who's shy about of complaining about his order so his mouthy girl does it for him while he stays behind embarassed but also glad that he desn't have to do it.
Kek obsessed loser
If you are into swimming, most of the time is just you and the water, it's perfect for an introvert.
>im sorry Tororo
>But i told you to put your senpai in the bag
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You were supposed to be a fighter for justice, Shikki! What happened to you???
Based, blessed, and checked
Shouldn’t that read Yoshi?
Should it really?
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>but it's still the same
>I-It's still the same because in my headcanon kouhai means "friend"
keep coping my friend. Also, you didn't prove me wrong even.
Well yeah it's meant to be Yoshi seeing her future and reading her grave
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Wait, does Sana get donut'ed?
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Wow. It's been hours and both threads are still up. While I'm pleasantly surprised, I can't help feeling like a tard for posting a reply to something here in the other.

Kek a retarded newfag accusing others of being obsessed loser ban evading

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