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84th Period
Previous chapter:
85th Period
Or course he wouldn't just put a fan or even a fridge there
>You are already scared
Most normal reaction to a german person
Not the kid!
Done. Clifford type story.
Are you a weak scaredy cat?
See you tomorrow!
Thanks OP!
Thanks OP
>Are you a weak scaredy cat?
I am a cat but not a scared one
Seki diligently building his ship
Yokoi is so lucky
Someone save this idiot from herself
This is what Robot Family does to a mf
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Thanks OP
Moral degeneration
Nothing degenerate about loving the Robot Family
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Soap opera addict

In their 40's they will spend saturday afternoons with Yokoi curled up on a couch with a glass of wine while Seki advances his Robot Family serial plots
>panel three
yokoi's legs are visibly chubbier than gotō's
It's easy to understand why Yokoi is obsessed with Seki - he's an endless source of entertainment

But I wonder about creators/craftsmen. Is it enough for someone to be obsessed with your output, and be following your every decision with enthusiastic interest, to fall in love with them?
Would you fall in love with your audience/hypewoman/person who reacts to your creations?
in japanese they don't have relative pronouns
relative clauses in japanese precede the nouns they modify in exactly the same way that the adjectives do; there is no difference between a verb and an adjective in japanese syntactically
>Are you a weak scaredy cat?
I'm a brave boy of average strength

Thanks, OP. N-no, you.
Well the thing is that Yokoi isn't always a passive observer. She's well into the point where she comfortably inserts himself into his stories and even steers them if she doesn't like the way they're going.
Thanks OP
She just cant let him be, this is not a class where she is "stuck" sitting at his side, yet she looks for his games.

This isnt mindbreak, this is conditioning already.
Is there a robot family Sol?
>Eye exam chart
>Not scary
The creeping reality of slowly going blind man.
Yokoi is an animal abuser
It depends on your perspective. She's not just the audience. She shows immense interest in the things you enjoy, and in this case, she's pretty much the only one to do so (Why that happens doesn't even really matter, obviously it's because she's the only one that can see).
Now that said, I'm not sure if Seki's brand of autism would mean he's all that interested in a relationship anyways, but at the same time, it means he might just go with it anyways if she pushed for it.
He's just like me
Thank you for posting.
>there is no difference between a verb and an adjective in japanese syntactically
Yes there is. But I'll admit they are subtle enough to be ignored and still be understood. (Yet you will pass as a retard)
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literally Sadaharu
Ludvig van wants some of the old in-out, in-out
She's getting far too invested in robot family
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How old are they? Are they in middle school or high school?
Just wait until Yokoi finds out you can have a real family of your own.
Remember to wear a helmet, kids.
Thank you, OP!
True, it sure affected you not using one when little.
>“It had been a wonderful evening and what I needed now, to give it the perfect ending, was a little of the Ludwig Van.”
where's my nigga mo?
High school.
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Shoulder-a-Coffin Arale?
I really should have made more Kuro crops.
But I want to sleep
Yokoi is an active co-conspirator in a lot of his hijinks. He enjoys playing his games with (and frequently against) her. Since he plays in secret normally, it's obvious that he wants her to participate.
can you elaborate on that
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Yokoi found her
Middle school actually. Yokoi ends up at an all girls high school after and then meets Seki again at a reunion and that resulted in them getting married and Yokoi getting pregnant.
In that order?
And at that speed?
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Dat ass.
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>its real
I did not expect that.
All the cities that I post are real
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I will never doubt you again.
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So ugly!
A dozen children with Gotou
86th Period
She had less shocked faces for much stranger things he did
87th Period
Yokoi is weak against capitalism
LOL it's cute when she decides to directly join in on one of his games.
Done. Rumi better hope no one saw her stealing Seki's food scraps.
What's the real treasure?
See you tomorrow!
Thanks OP
>What's the real treasure?
The Mo we found along the way
Imagine if he had put the Robot Family inside the chest
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out fucking played
thanks, OP. It's always been the spirit of precious metals
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>What's the real treasure?
real estate
Yokoi is easy to influence, I wonder if Seki can use this on his advantage.
>married and put a baby in her
I wonder
Thanks OP
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>Weird, the only thing in this treasure chest was a jar of black goo
Cute dorks
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at least it's not white goo
Someone edit chest into balls
It's so cute that Yokoi is having fun playing with Seki now. That is what I call character development.
That's what I call corruption.
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>Mine are less than half the price
No, you're also selling half the acorns per pack, so it's barely cheaper at this point.
All-natural is a scam.
They're so cute.
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Thanks OP.
The real treasure is the anons we encounter along these daily threads!
When we're done with this title I hope that OP will move on to what's been translated of the sequel.
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>seeds inside my womb
Rumi's thigh peek...
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Ha ha ha ha ha!
>What's the real treasure?
Knowledge, or friendship, or some other bullshit. I just want my fucking gold.
>Just joining his game
>No mental gymnastic about how his stories are to evil
>No cuteness overload
>Just playing along

Corruption 90% at this point, she just need to be honest that she actually enjoys his games
What are their faces trying to convey?
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>The Yokoi has fallen
>she's simply playing along

Gotou is right, they are a couple after all. And this is far more intimate than handholding or even kissing.
Thank you, OP!
Bad internet because of bad weather, you guys will have to bump for me today
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I wonder if it will reappear again
>because of bad weather
Same. Are you in ASEAN country?
Nice chapter
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lots of falling in the dailies lately
How much do you want us to bump your trunk?
Italy who might as well be honorary east asian geographically
Seki on page 1.
You sure?
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Seki have that expression because his plan to just have the toys fuck Yokoi while he play failed
Thanks op
Thank you for posting.
Thanks op
We need to go the the next level.

Full scale models.
She really has just become his playmate.
How's that mature girl brain working out for you, Yokoi?
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>wet t-shirt
>yokoi's yokois
Seki is so lucky
Just fuck with Jun, the family balance will be okay
88th Period
89th Period
Done. Maeda finally reveals his power level.
Can you make girls laugh?
See you tomorrow!
Gilf Seki is something
Stupid sexy Seki
Thanks for the dump like always OP.
Thanks OP
>Can you make girls laugh?
you would think Seki would be a little more grateful to Maeda for constantly being his living privacy wall and allowing him to goof off to the max
Maeda is a bro.
thanks, OP. Maeda's been asleep far too long
Thanks OP
Thank you, OP!
Maeda is based
This is basically just flirting at this point.
I think Seki getting punked on by their classmates is actually an endearing quality. I feel like it's a thing that grounds him and keeps him from feeling like a Mary Sue.
>"Let Maeda sleep, for when he wakes, he will shake the world" - Napoléon Bonaparte
Thanks OP
Thank you for posting.
Who has the higher powerlevel between Maeda and Uzawa
Fucking hate these fuckers.
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I didn’t expect Yokoi to be That kind of autist
Out Fucking Skill
>Can you make girls laugh?
Analytic comedy is one of my strong suits.
I'm this anon and liked the responses -
Also, Yokoi is the protagonist of this manga. She's the one setting out on these daily journeys of discovery and spiritual challenges. Seki is the one that creates the world and deals with technical challenges. She is the actress in his setting

Kinda reminds me of Eizouken: Seki/Asakasa making the world and the plots, Yokoi/Misuzaki providing the motion and reaction, and Yokoi/Kanamori providing the judgment and opposition
>Can you make girls laugh?
When I'm relaxed and happy and being a joyful little weirdo. So yes, but not in a while
Now he's just showing off. It reminds me of one of the early chapters of Ranma 1/2 when Ranma and Kuno clashed and their fight got interrupted. It seemed that Kuno was about to land a fatal blow on Ranma before they were interrupted but then it was revealed that during Kuno's sword swing, Ranma had enough time to write an insult on his forehead.
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The prettiest and the smartest.
Maeda would beat the shit out of Uzawa
This is the snow rabbit chapter, right? Edit Mo in that panel where Seki try to sink it in the lake
And the sexiest
Thanks OP. And that's one of my few positive traits, yes. Good situational comedy is something I've been given props for.
Your mom
A Grand open
Wake him up already.
Yeah, we need to sell him opium
In the anime they have a theme song specific to the robot family that plays every time they’re involved. It’s pretty corny
Seki X Yokoi is cute and canon.
But have you considered Maeda X Goto?
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But Gotou is for me?
he'd break her in half
I made my cousin cry throwing these at him when I was a kid. Good times, good times.

>Can you make girls laugh?
I just have to take off my pants
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90th Period
I'm on time for once
Cute couple
Who is she?
One of the sexiest girls in the world.
Yokoi ahegao on the top left
Done. Seki truly understands the joys of DIY filmmaking.
Who's your favorite kaiju?
See you tomorrow!
Thanks OP
Ah yeah, those things that useless maid robot release
Kaijumi the terrible
Just marry her already you blockhead
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a disaster
An ugly horse
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Thanks OP.
>favourite kaiju
See pic related. I await the day she gets a proper spotlight in media once again. A Mothra anime would be a miracle of the universe.
Thanks OP
>Who's your favorite kaiju?
Never been a fan of kaijus so I guess Ghidorah by design?
Except when it's Uzawa, fuck Uzawa.
What's with this desk, seriously?
No Kaiju could knock out Maeda. Massive plot hole, Seki.
>not Maedon
opportunity missed
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>Who's your favorite kaiju?
Jet Jaguar counts, right?
Great, now I'm going to have to go listen to that radio music from SP again
Thank you, OP!
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way to go, Maeda
thanks, OP. I can't think of any specific ones, so I'll say that I mained Anguiras in Godzilla: Destroy all Monsters Melee
Does Mecha Godzilla count?
Thanks OP
I like that he’s relying on magnets now when it’s been long established that his desk is literally filled with trap doors and removeable pieces and holes and shit
Ah now the magnets make sense
Is that game good. It looks interesting.
Look better, he put something on the desk
Yokoi not even commenting that he burst a hole in the desk.
it was fun to play with my brother 21 years ago when we rented it from Blockbuster
its fairly fun. way better than the ps3 godzilla game
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Yeah, get fucked porcu-chirp. Get fucked.
Thanks for the read, OP
>Who's your favorite kaiju
He can grow bigger
Been a fan of Mothra since I've been a wee lad. Can't change that now.
I thought he was smoking a giant blunt at first.
Thanks OP. I don't know any beyond Godzilla so I don't feel like I should even give an opinion on this.
I don't know how it happened, but I read that as "Destroy all monsters, maybe more" which is funny, but also not even close.
So? He had intricate cutouts for the foosball table. You’re telling me he suddenly couldnt have intricate cutouts between the scenery? It makes sense because the other kaiju blasts through the desk, which is ridiculous
Mothra purely because I remember the name.
He really loves his name.
She suffers from Seki's brainrot
That's not his desk. Seki's got a separate stage with empty room underneath it on top of his desk.
How does stupid sex look like?
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>When Seki pull out his toys during sex
That legitimately sounds like the plot you'd see in porn for this story.
Like, I would not be surprised if that doujinshi already existed.
It's terminal.
I think we only have one doujinshi of this manga
Sex with Seki's feet
I bet he's still small at max size.
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Your mom is big at small size
At least he can reach a max size
That got a kek out of me.
The "maybe more" it's the city and tens of thousands of people
I could see that.
91st Period
92nd Period
This must be the work of an enemy stand
Done. I'm gonna kill ya.
Are you motivated?
See you tomorrow!
Thanks for the dump like always OP.
I've never been less motivated for work... but never more for dieting. OMAD is killing my sleep, but I'm kinda getting used to being a bit hungry... My 60kg life here I come!
Maeda had enough of Seki's bullshit
The idiot could have just snapped them in half
Thanks OP
>Are you motivated?
I don't have anything to be motivated about
How far away from the 60kg are you at the moment?
Motivate him more with that motion Rumi
Can't believe Seki is dead
Guess you could say he has a palm pilot
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I haven't seen one of these since middle school; regular mechanical pencils worked better
thanks, OP. I just had a nice big helping of stew and bread so I'm quite carbed and lethargic
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>Are you motivated?
For things I care about: yes. For things I _should_ care about: fuck no

Heh, I had one of these

They were terrible weren't they
yeah, and they just left plenty of plastic messes around from those caps, anyways
Thanks OP
I'd make quite a few movies with Yokoi
Comedy, right?
mo-mail just sounds cute
Edit No Subject into Mo Subject
>Are you motivated?
If I work hard today, I don't have to come into work tomorrow. As you can see from my posting on 4chan, I'm working vey hard
Kek. My first thought was Hol Horse too.
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good catch
Thanks for the read, OP
>sum 41
I completely forgot about them.
That's adorable.
Thanks OP!
I actually saw them recently and they played this song
meth claus
Satanic quads confirm it.
Trips confirm the confirm
>formal name: cock le bur
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Thank you, OP!
This reminds me, wasnt there a manga about some girl that transforms into a godzilla knock off when in love?
Yokoi's fat ass
My face
Do the math
Dumb demon
Holy sex
But will your confirmation of the confirmation be confirmed by my numbers?
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>Yokoi looking at me putting the Robot Family inside a jar
Nice joke
She is probably innocent enough to not know what the jar is for.

In any case, enjoy showing her first hand why putting toys in a jar is such a cursed action.
Should I leave the father last so Yokoi imagine the trauma he will go through or I leave the kid last just to torture Yokoi herself?
Start with the mother, once done, clearly deliberate with who to continue, the father or the son, make the father try to sacrifice himself for the kid, just to choose the kid anyways, Yokoi will fill the rest.
It took a lot of practice.
And Yokoi watch as the father no longer fight back and just let himself die so he meet his family in the afterlife
8kg. It'll take until Octobre probably, but I'll also be doing some light upper body training for bigger arms and chest, so that's to be expected.
The hardest part is not snacking or drinking alcohol.
No you idiot, make it like the father gave up, just to "blunder it" and drop the jar and release the father, maybe even "trip" due the father actions, a triumphant revenge, just to reveal you had a bigger jar
Mine will
I want to put a baby in that ass
That's not how you make babies
Anon is actually Seki and is talking about inserting a doll baby up Rumi's anus
What would be the story Yokoi would made up for that?
93rd Period
Cant believe Thief X and Yokoi are censorshipfags
She was fast this time
>when the play turns into foreplay
How evil
Bonus 1
Bonus 2
i can't believe x thief is fucking dead
Done. I wanna see Rumi's sex tape.
See you tomorrow!
holy sex
Her classmates must think she's autistic
Thanks OP
>Thief X still there
>Seki erased the doodle where he escaped
Come on Yokoi it's obvious what happened. Thief X died fighting in the Spanish Civil War
They'd be right.
Middle school boys really are no different than cave men.
Thank you, OP!
I bet he erased it because thief X isn't supposed to talk
>While you were busy playing, I was honing the blade.
Thanks OP
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Seki got them “I’m comin’ for you tonight” eyes
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Yokoi squatting on my face
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Thanks for the read, OP
I make levels in games. That's the closest I come to making anything, but it kinda counts as a diorama
Too bad Tyquan wasn't around to teach Taro how properly utilize his sharpened obsidian.
I will save Mo!
This is a GA type plot
We're going straight back to the source
awww look at her getting involved she's so cute
They're playing together!
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I did that too back in the day.
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has Yokoi any redeeming talents?
Seki's next class game: filming a sex tape with Yokoi
where are all these schools built on obsidian mines?
Seki is making so many ravenous sex faces towards Yokoi this chapter. He looks hungry for her.
>seki is a fed
Otome Kaijuu Caramelize
Thanks for introducing this series to me. Feels just like Phineas and Ferb but in manga form.
Reminds me of the mirror world chapter with evil Mo.
That's a new comparison.
Seki bump.
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That girl ain't right.
>female Lisa
>the school has fallen
>hundreds must pay attention in class
>Mona Lisa will look glum and disappoint everyone
Literally me
A painting like that has the right to be smug.
Two scary chapters in a row? This is intense...
>not canon lol
Yeh, show that filthy fanfiction what's real.
I can't handle another scary chapter.
What manga is she from? I only know her from where's my nigga Mo? poster
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Shoulder-a-Coffin Kuro, a gripping manga about what it truly means to be black. It's Kiyuduki's greatest work.
OP dumped it before My Neighbour Seki a couple of months ago.
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>Shoulder-a-Coffin Kuro
I went into this manga not knowing anything about it and expecting nothing and was blown away by how insanely good nearly every aspect was. There were many times where I was left in shock. I still can't believe this is a Kirara manga. And don't worry about whether this is another case of a good story fumbling the ending. That does not happen. Now that I set your expectations skyhigh, you probably won't have the same experience.
>a couple of months ago
You mean years ago?
Maybe several couple of months ago.
I love Kuro, read the manga years before but TL stopped and lost track of it, left it around half of the manga when that happened, rereading the first half and finishing it with the daily was fucking magical.
Why would it be a problem that the children are discovering how to make stone tools and are putting so much effort into it of their own initiative? Can you imagine a teacher getting them this excited about learning about prehistoric stone tools?
Evil Mo was another chapter. Mirror Mo was regular Mo
Does he film during sex do you think?
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That's some bare cheek there

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