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Not gonna lie that last episode was pretty disappointing
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the ending has caused her to go insane...
At least Muse got her age right, unlike HIDIVE.
Mei was based until the end.
It was obvious nothing was really going to happen when they started talking about going to college a few episodes ago
What was the point of this dude?
Planning to binge this, but seems like people are complaining about the last episode.
Should I go for it anyway?
Yaku Yuuki's self insert
being a neglectful and distant father is cool and mysterious, actually
The ending was okay. Not spectacular, but okay. I would still recommend the anime as a whole, but don’t go in expecting any romance
I enjoyed the ride but perhaps by September I would completely forget that this anime exists. Still, binge watching might give people different perspective, so it won't hurt to try the first three episodes and see whether it matches your cup of tea
It's about the timeskips inbetween episodes. Maybe the drawing of an analog clock and the Chinese text saying time space velocity should've tipped you off.
He still meets with Kano every now and then.
Our strongest MahiKano soldier...
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They were the true winners of the show.
Few people are saying the final episode was bad in isolation, it was just disappointing given what they were hoping for. Until the final arc it was also really good, and even that still had episode 10.
yurifags take another L
Being disappointed means you still expected more at this point somehow, which just makes you a retard.
It's OK, but it had potential to be more than the typical teenage girl drama it ended up being
true. Kano's silent breakdown into tears was probably meant to make the viewer feel something after her real name was shown but I honestly didn't care because of how quick it was resolved.
Was I the only one won ENJOYED the SHOW?
The ending was great. I would love to see more of these characters, perhaps an epilogue light novel if not an ova.
Too much themes stuffed into one short show, characters felt a bit one-note at times, yuribait without payoff, music was okay, animation was allways good, overall 6/10 forgetable
Kiui and Koharu are totally fucking
I think the last time I enjoyed this show was when Mei was stalking Mero
>the pv of Mei breathing against the glass
good times...
Me too, but the yurifag inside me wanted something more after episode 5 and 7.
literally me
Most of us did, ignore the yurifag having a meltdown and the falseflagging gbc nigger.
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Pic related was the last time I enjoyed the show
I enjoyed it overall, even episodes 9, 10 and 11, but I have mixed feelings about the finale. There were too many dropped plot elements and magically resolved issues for me to consider it good, though it also had its good moments.
There are some really good episodes.
I want to lick Mero all over her sweaty armpits after a performance
t. Takanashi Kim Anouk Mei
almost laughed out loud at
>don't worry if you have no friends and no ambitions because our music will always be there for you
or whatever the line was
Yeah, another episode would have helped
Your expectations were so high no ending would have pleased you
That's what Kano said to her, speedwatcher
That line is specifically made for pathetic NEET shitposters, be proud of it anon
>I want to sing for all the friendless losers in the world to distract them from how shit their life is
>check runtime near the end
>21 minutes in, still no kiss
>tell myself w-well they can still speedrun it
>ED music sets in
caught myself coping in real time right here
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Yuri Strawberry thing needs to be updated with this case.
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Yeah, western translators fucking sucks.
The true yuri couple of the show.
>the big question mark next to the kiss
heh, that's what we're all asking ourselves as well.
we could have gotten a +1 if idol mom was deleted...
Let's talk about this.
What would be the repercussion if they just made MahiKano kiss at the end, or even a confession.
Yuri fans would be happy, and there's no sane person who thinks this isn't yuri after episode 5 and 7. So why exactly did they avoid making them kiss or confess at the end? Who are they trying to pander?
Shot down by executives?
What is Yorukura's legacy on this board?
For the frisson of getting death threats from Chinese fans.
I don't see the point, the relationship development ate shit at the end, a kiss is a fortune cookie on top of a bad takeout meal, it doesn't change anything for me personally.
it's a formula as old as time. Don't confirm anything = keep waifufags AND yurifags open as potential buyers. Works every time. And don't let the director fool you when he posts "I wanna make a better anime!!" on Twitter. He doesn't care about anything but money.
No one says she is a good mother. Kano just came to accept the reality that her mom is a workaholic and the closest form of affection she could expect from someone like her is in the form of business achievement acknowledgment.
She finally got that now after years of struggles and so is finally able to put her hopeless yearning for mother's love behind.
Sure it's very shitty of Yukine to leave Kano to deal with her depression all on her own for years as a parent but what can Kano, the daughter who still loves her mom regardless, can do against it? The best she could do is to move on and find better things to do with her life, which is exactly what she did at the end.
>minding my own business
>suddenly a guy shows up and starts giving me a handjob
>about to cum
>he suddenly stops and leaves
>no elaboration no nothing that's the end
This is Jellyfish.
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Mei, the best girl by far. She will forever be posted in "great characters stuck in bad shows" threads.
First time?
Another yurubait anime making yuritards go apeshit.
And this time without a broccoli man, just bad writing.
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>the entire cast waving goodby from their positions in the OP
I don't care what anyone says, this alone was kino.
>A guy gave you a handjob
>This is Jellyfish.
It sounds super GAY to me.
He's me.
I'm glad Kano and Mero made up at least. Would've been nice to see Kano apologize though.
He left without a kiss so it's not gay.
Are you done shitting up the GBC thread?
It was enjoyable watch but ultimately none of the points it made hit a home.
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I am going to guess that since this is an anniversary project, they didn't want anything controversial or overly dramatic. The problem with this is that the show ends up being neither bad nor great. It ends being fine, and OK, but it will soon be forgotten.
It got Mei to find the hope to hang on to life, to embrace and learn to love her talents, to change herself and standup to her bullies.
Your life maybe shitty but as long as you got your oshi, you've got a reason to live on.
>Thank you for being a doxxer for our sake, Mero
Great show to the very end but sadly it suffered from what all originals suffer, it needed so many more episodes to actually grow as it should have, this last episode felt like they had to cram 5 episodes worth of content in a single one, I can even imagine how the production of the anime went
>ok we are done with episode 10, now we just need to finish the other 8
>dude, we just have slot for 2 more episodes
Isn't that basically what idol groups and parasocial youtubers are?
Part of the plot they had to scrap to make everything fit in 12 episodes,
Does this mean that girl will change her look to match Mei, who in turn is matching Kano?
Dummy, that's ShuuTrain.
>2 girls have absolutely no romantic developments during the show
>studio inserts 1 scene that tricks people into thinking they do
You fell for yuribait 101.
>no romantic developments
>inserts 1 scene
>He completely missed episode 1 and 7
Mahiru wanted to kiss Kano here.
Before you know it there will be generations and generations of Nono-tan's look alikes roaming all around Japan
Lmao I don't even lurk those threads but for the looks of it it must be another yuribait anime making yuriturds going nuclear.
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How would we feel if we get a confession/kiss in the weekly voice drama?
Show was gayer than LycoReco but still disappointing
We'll get a kiss alright. Between Mei and feetgirl
Okay 2 scenes with meant nothing at all and were just fanservice
In retrospect, the fact that they had to scrap something with as major plot importance as Mei’s kiss reaction episode doesn’t indicate a high level of confidence that the studio knee what they wanted to do with the overarching storyline
How many girlfriends does Mei have!?
The author admitted that he wasn't used to writing concised scripts for anime so they have to cut a lot. If he were to have his way, every episode would need to be 50 minutes each. So this show suffered from light novel adaption syndrome despite being an original.
I'm never alone as long as I have the memory of how Kano momentarily freaked out when Mahiru said she had something to confess in episode 7.
I was there actually, being employed by Ms. Yukine as part of the construction crew. Listening in on them, I heard Mahiru about to confessed when some dude who claimed to be the director(?) stormed between them and told her to stop it. Really strange occurence but what do I know.
It needed better planning so that wouldn't happen.
One for each finger which she only uses on them
Mero deserves at least two.
Mero pleases herself with empty monster cans
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Her face looks as dumb as Kano's face when she was staring at Mahiru's lips on the train in episode 5.
Not enough.
>meant nothing at all
>Kano's mental breakdown was because of Mahiru
but we didn't get it in the end ...
>Kano's mental breakdown was because of her mom
Anything as concrete as a confession/kiss, if there are any, will be paywalled in the form of a BD bonus novel. If they feel generous, it would be put into vol3 of the novel. Best you could expect from the voice drama is some next to nothing hints.
>Kano's mental breakdown was because of both Mahiru and her mom
At least we got to see Mahiru's imouto dominating Mahiru one last time
>koharu served zero purpose
>no timeskip
>no breakups
>all is well
another fotm went down the drain
Remember when they played a montage of all the times Kano said Mahiru/Yoru to drive home vibe that they were breaking up?

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>so much seethe and shitposting over the ending that nobody is appreciating the imouto's absolute dumper
such a shame
Why was she written out of the show? All she did was look down her big sister's shirt and peep on her a few times.
Epilogue LN or OVA.
Now that the show is over, rank each episode.
For me it's
5 > 7 > 1 > 6 > 3 > 10 > 9 > 2 > 4 > 12 > 8 > 11.
>Kano's mental breakdown was because of her previous problem with Mero and her mommy issues
Even aside from everything else there not being any resolution to JELEE as a business is weird. Like they got all the views at the live and then that was it. What are their plans for the future? Are they going to just go their separate ways but still collab on music? What is Kano going to do for a living if they're not all going all in on JELEE?
I suggest you rewatch episode 9 and 10
She'll be back to become her mom's bitch after she realized youtube views alone can't put foods on the table
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Here's the kiss that you ordered
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Miiko's episode was best
ah, there was a mistake. I didn't order a Kano kiss, I ordered a canon kiss.
>Not even 9 hours after the episode
>Thread slows down already
What killed the hype?
>What is Kano going to do for a living if they're not all going all in on JELEE?
Become Mahiru's housewife
Everyone aside from Kano is going to different colleges, and Kiui specifically said she wanted to be a teacher so no, they're not going all in on it as a business. Kano, at the moment, still got her part-time job at the bar which should keep her afloat for awhile assuming that she doesn't need to pay rent living with her sister. I hope they expand a little bit on Kano's post graduation career plan somewhere, be it in the novel/voice drama or JELEE twitter account.
You filthy Westerner will never get a translation job to prove you're better.
What was Mero conclusion?
Mahiru won't be able to even feed herself when her job is being replaced more and more by AI.
Great, lover's suicide it is.
But we already saw in that episode where they visited Kano's home that Mahiru had to cook and clean for her. Kano fucking sucks, she isn't good for anything.
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Here's your Kiss Scene
I want to kiss Mahiru
Mahiru's abusive, drunkard husband then.
>The first one to encourage Kano was Mero of all fucking people
LMAO what
This writing is all over the place... WTF did I just watch? Did these bitches even get paid?

Why do endings for anime original shows often get rushed like this? Turns a decently good show into shit.
Ded thread
Ded anime
Ded manga
Ded ln
Ded mahikano
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We didn't know how good we had it back when episode 7 dropped
>It's another episode of y/u/riniggers losing and throwing a tantrum over a perfectly fine show
lol. wait till next week. This exact same humiliation ritual will happen with GBC too
Lyrics-wise is Mei's version of Untitled better than Kano? I actually felt more emotions of Mei's singing for Kano compared to Kano's singing for Yoru.
Bored with shitting up the GBC thread already?
The only one throwing a tantrum here is are people like you who don't even watch the show.
>broken family
>can't cook
>can't clean
>no proper education since middle school
>no proper job nor any plan to get one
>prone to extreme mood swings
>does things at random
>give fan services to anyone who asks
On the other hand, she has a beautiful face and beautiful voice, can ride a bike, and write cheesy love songs. Kano makes for a good lover but fucking sucks as a potential marriage partner. This is the real reason why there was no confession.
>c/u/cks so mindbroken and delusional they make up their own boogeyman
Actually pathetic. lol.
Right back at you
Shit ending killed the hype
They also tried significantly harder with the typesetting on those scenes with the comments all over the screen.
I want to punch Mero again
>great character stuck in bad show
>literally no character growth
>just a stereotypical crazy lesbian side character
Like she's entertaining but great is a stretch.
>The relationship status quo is because Mahiru still not sure that Kano is reliable enough as a partner
She wasn't stuck in a bad show.
What? The rewritten version of the lyrics is totally more meaningful than the incomplete version. Singing-wise, you can't expect Kano to put too much emotions into the performance and scream her heart out on the stage like what Mei did. They had gigs to run here.
Tights girls best girls
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I don't know, anon. For me, Mei's version has more impact compared to Kano's, but I couldn't just put my finger on it into explaining why...
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>he really thought there would be a yuri kiss scene
>Expecting two friends to kiss out of nowhere
What causes that mental illness?
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HetCHADS win again.
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And normal anons think that yurifags are the ones who shit up threads.
So this was just another yuribait in the end? I thought the kiss in the middle of the show was them signaling a romance, so they backpedaled from it after all?
Sasuga nip writers, this is as bad as your average haremshit cockblocking the MC from banging the girls. I guess some things never change
The show's execs owe you NOTHING

He was the mastermind. Upset at getting divorced, he taught Mahiru about jellyfish so that she and his daughter would get together.
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It depends on how you define yuribait. Mahiru and Kano never explicitly say that they are friends or get boyfriends. And there's still plenty of romantic stuff that happens, it just doesn't reach the level of the the fifth episode.
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Leave Mahiru and Kano to me!
Just yuri, no bait.
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Im watching this next season. fucking tired of bait
Wrong Dogakobo show. That's Akane Kurokawa's husband.
You are never going to trick yurifags into thinking this is yuri.
I got some bad news for you anon...
Finally some good straight romance. Watching this for the younger one, she cute.
>LycoReco artist
Yuri confirmed??
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why did they have the kiss then never do anything again WTF
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You know he's the author of a romcom manga that's been running for years since before LycoReco was even conceived, right?
If self-insert kun didn't pick the girl on the right, I would instantly drop the show.
Kano confessed to Mahiru in the lyrics though.
Because they kissed earlier
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Girls Band Cry is better.
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its actually over jelee sisters...
Better at being worse.
They just didn't have a chance to kiss because of the other two orbiting around them. They need to get a room, anon.
According to my uncle (he works at Dogakobo) the final grand confession and kiss plan was aborted in the last minute during the production phase, but there was not enough time to reanimate the kissing scene in ep 5 so we ended up having the current ending.
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Not the first yuribait show that does the exact same thing.
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Them being pseudo-sisters definitely killed Eve's mood to give Aoi's kiss.
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sex with pantyhose on
says you
Seriously though, what the fuck did they mean by this shot?
she cums throughout the entire anime and this is a special orgasm..
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>no kano vs mahiru fist fight
did they have anal sex?


雪が舞う あの海へ

散らかった部屋と ピカピカのマイク
間違えた綴り アルファベットの名前
お休みの前の 取り止めないトーク
大人買いしてる お気に入りのチョコレート

月が綺麗だよと 君から届いた文字
まんまるの光が 夜空に浮かんでいた

この夜に 暗い夜に


イヤホン流れる 未完成のメロディー
歯磨きの途中で 思いついたフレーズ
いつもと同じ駅 緑色の電車
いつもと同じあの街まで 泳いでく

また一つ増えてく 君から届いた声
窓に映るわたしは なんだか嬉しそうで

この海で 深い海で
小さな光を 見つけてほしくて
夜空に 手を伸ばすけど
本当のわたしは わたしが見つけてあげなくちゃ

この夜に 暗い夜に

クラゲの わたしの 歌声

Full lyrics of the new song.
Impressive how they managed to weave into the lyrics both Kano's appreciation for Mahiru and her determination to move on from her mom.
>no kano vs mahiru tongue fight
Why are yurifags so easily baited?
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What do you say to her?
I would marry Kaho
Why do you like baiting yurifags so much? Don't you want a challenge?
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How many of these tweets were positive?
I highly doubt they'll spend the last audio drama on an episode that doesn't include all four of them. They haven't had one all together since episode 8, after all.
40mP is a good pick. Listening to his vocaloid songs evoke something like wistful feelings in me.
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When bitches act gay best is to put a sign on the left of the screen making sure to tell the audience if it is Gay or just fucking around. So many fighting and seething would be avoided
Maybe you should just take off your yuri goggles instead of blaming the shows, retard.
All of them. Jellyfish is a great show and delivers yuri pretty well without replying to confession and kisses!
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Yukochi a cute. I'd be one of 1.2 million.
Breed the bun.
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Isn't she kinda big for an elementary schooler?
Considering the fact that even non-yurifags call these shows yuribait, it's definitely not a normal depiction of female friendship.
I call these shows yuribait based on the retards in the threads not the content of the show
>not the content of the show
By that logic, every show that yurifags watch is yuribait, regardless of whether the girls kiss or are in romantic relationships.
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Thoughts on Dogakobo literally inserting into the show?

For Yoru
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A kiss on the cheek between girls is not a real kiss. If they were boys it would be homo x gay
>only two originals next season are from P.A. Works
Welp, at least with this studio I know better than to get any hopes up beforehand.
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>Love thy enemies
Kano is Jesus Christ.
>a kiss on the cheek between girls is not a real kiss
It depends on the context. The context potrayed it as anything but normal.
>No kiss
>No sex
waste of time
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6 was the best episode
>valentine's day k-kino...
I honestly though Jellyfish's last episode was really quite good. Is the only thing keeping it that low rely just the lack of a kiss/confession?
Que no se hayan comido la boca no le quita que sea yuri
Desde lo de lycoris (que ni siquiera es yuribait) la gente ya le dice yuribait a cualquier cosa que no se exageradamente explícita
the divorce that ruined everything
>this mad
wrong dbspic thread amigo
No fan art flood?
lol, this show was a flop anon. There is barely any fan art.
The ending killed the fanartists
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>Suddenly yuri incest end!
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So we're moving here next right?
kaho's behind belongs on my face
This looks like slapstick comedy with annoying characters so unless there is a twist somewhere, it's a no from me.
But thats not yuri or even yuribait
This was a competently made series that felt kind of aimless in what it was hoping to accomplish and that also took itself too seriously for its own good in its last four episodes. A kiss wouldn't have saved it, but it would have made it a mediocre series with some good fanservice rather than, you know, just a mediocre series. It just doesn't have the heart something like Bocchi did.
I really liked her seiyuu. But as it turned out she doesn't even usually do anime, just dubs
One of the girls is literally Mei though
Yuri kiss? Happened
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I don't know, if my bro kissed me on the cheek on New Year's and acted all flustered about it I probably wouldn't go on dates with him to the beach and hug him close for a year without ever bringing up having steamy gay sex.
Aimless, boy you're either completely braindead or just plainly not watching this show.
Why do you guys want girls intimate moments to be fetishized so bad? Weird
This is why Yuri fans aren't mature enough yet
But she is the main character sister
Ironically, the kiss from the past episode killed the show. This would've been well received if everyone didn't have impossibly high expectation.
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Winter 2025, it is coming I can feel it.
Probably not
i started watching this show like 5 days ago when i heard the final ep was gonna air this week. i really enjoyed it until the biker ep which just felt like filler.

then the drama just came out of nowhere and there was only like 3 eps left??? the ending was unsatisfying considering how much stuff was left unresolved properly. i didnt even care about the yuri, it just felt like they only planned the beginning and the rest of the story was an afterthought.

i really liked the visuals, the music and the voice acting in general. im still going to listen to the original songs even though this anime has made me disappointed. it had potential to be a 9/10 if they stuck the landing but i would prob drop it to a 7.5/10. i cant deny the first half made me both really happy and sad, my personal favourite episode is 5.

not because of the kiss but because of mahiru's insecurity about her art. it's just a shame they ruined her character after ep 9.
This. It's a rule when writing that if you draw significant attention to something you have to resolve it. If you don't, the consumer will get confused and be left unsatisfied.
Yorukura's drama towards the end may have been a hit-or-miss, but please don't go calling the anime "yuri bait". Girls don't need to kiss or say they're gay to certify anything. The ending doesn't invalidate Mahiru and Kano's special, carefully and beautifully built relationship
I am willing to give ti a chance if it is as funny as Asobi Asobase
We will find out the truth next month when final volume of the novel is out.
This show just feels so vain. In the end they're just looking for subscriber numbers. Kano's entire thing about "my reason to sing" falls flat when you consider that she's literally an industry plant. The narrative constantly goes on about how its ok to be different and that it's important to follow your dreams while at the same time basing Kano's entire self-worth narrative arc on how the public percieves her. Yoru's good ending is that she gets to be a famous artist and even though her style didn't change the people who previously ostracized her for being weird are now her fans because she's popular. That indeed is how things work in real life, but this "popular = correct" narrative actively goes again the theme of self-expression, while also just being a bizarre choice for a seishun series. The main characters should be fighting for their art rather than becoming popular by seeking popularity for its own sake
that;s why GBC mogs
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in the end girls band cry won..
I can't believe it, even the original anime ends up being an advertisement for a light novel
I love Momoka
Yurifags being awfully silent rn lol
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But it invalidates Mei's feeling to Kano instead. I can't believe Mei would just stand there with a straight face and watch Kano sings a song that she made for her, to Mahiru. That must've really fucking hurt...
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The girls are ugly and too eccentric just like Kiui
What an ugly face
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What a fucking shitshow.
This series went into complete shit 4 episodes near the end and at this point I ended up looking liking the side-characters.
The worst thing about is, this seemed like it was going to be AOTS. How can a fucking director drop the ball this hard. It's ridiculous.
Doga Kobo sure has let the quality drop on their stuff.
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I'll watch this, but most of the girls have fugly designs. What the fuck is PA Works thinking? Not to mention that they're releasing two originals in the same season. It's almost like they want them to flop.
Will this be yuri?
Mahoako girls are also ugly but it was a hit
Kiui should have been the main character and she should have had her boipussy pounded by Koharu.
On the scale of Jellyfish to Girls Band Cry. How was yuri is it?
>On the scale of not yuri to not yuri. How was yuri is it?
It will probably have some fanservice since the girls are vampires, but nothing romantic or serious
Rude. Kiui has a regular pussy.
Not after Koharu's yakuza doctor introduces her to testosterone.
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Not too late to watch a real yuri anime now that's back on air and back to good animation and getting to the spicy part.
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Shut up!
No one will care in a month, hell people barely even care now and it hasn't even been a day since the show ended.
HRT doesn't give you a boipussy. It's still the same girlpussy just with more yeast infections.
what do you guys think of the new song? it's prob my 2nd favourite after shibuya aquarium. i like all of the songs, the piano is really cool. it also helps that the songs are composed by a vocaloid producer i like.
No thanks. I don't want to watch yuri animes being shit on by a studio who doesn't care about it. It is unironically more anti-yuri than whatever anons are shit-posting here...
this anime has no memorable song.
You're not fooling anyone.
Southamerica loves yuri though, remember Citrus beat everything the year it came out there.
Mei's cover of Untitled. It holds more feelings for the other party over Kano's "I'll sing for everyone including my opps" slop.
S2 about her and Ariel when?
Check the thread they have nothing but good things to say about the new episode (except one negative nanny from GBC thread)
I unironically expecting that the new GODHands will be better written than this.
>check the thread
Of course anyone still invested enough in the show to take part in the threads likes it. Just look at how much of a circlejerk the GBC threads are despite the show being average at best.
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They shat on the previous episodes though (before the hiatus)
What are they doing now?
Music wise, it's the top of my list. Need to crunch down onto the lyrics a little more to see how it compared to the others. At first glance, though, it seems to have lots of links with Shibuya Aquarium's lyrics.
Is this the only anime that depicts the SS as the good guys?
I need more momoka fanarts with yaoi hands
You'll get a Hand Shakers 2.0
I'll give it a generous 5/10 since Kaho showed up for a bit
It also has the best Momoka of the season.
>the good guys
Shiho side are the good guys though?
Your right... I have 0 reading comprehension.
This needs to be said, Mero is very cute.
so why the fuck did mero forgive kano super easily considering how much of a bitch she was?
Because all she really wants is friends.
Because she's not a bitch and is in fact a big sad sack.
I noticed that also and didn't see any post mentioning that in the first thread today.
I think its fitting and I hope Dogakobo continues to make more anime.
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Kano got mello'd.
All MiroBaka
The better question is if she's still running the MiroBaka youtube channel and ruining other idols.
More scrapped subplots.
It hasn't updated since the Sundolls scandal, try to keep up, Anonymous.
Did she have a change of heart?
Mahikano Fan art doko????
This is the one were they do graffiti? Yeah, I looked at the plot summary of this series, and thought: "wow, that seems dumb and boring, even for an anime," and then I didn't watch it.
I want to sniff Miiko's pits
Artists are dejected right now. Give them some time to indulge in their delusions again.
lmao this garbage will have no fanart no more.
they should have done more mahiru fanservice why did they stop after ep 1
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Baba stole the show as hard as I've seen a character do in 10 years. The whole Anime should've been about her.
So, what now?
See you next week for GBC final episode. Toei will show this studio how to properly end an anime.
Now I'll post Mero in obscure waifu threads in like a year or something.
>Ice Queen Mom was a big softie for her daughter the whole time
That was kind of nice
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I need these three sluts to be my sperm receptacle stat. Especially the whore on the left
post on /u/
If this didn't have the balls to end with a kiss, it's even less likely that GBC will do it. Another season of disappointment for yuri bros...
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Womb crushing sex with Mero now.
Those girls were super cute.
I haven't checked /u/ in a while
How mindbroken are they?
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What did they talk about?
They took it surprisingly well outside of the usual 1 or 2 schizos
Mero told her how it felt to take Mahiru's virginity.
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>Remember when I beat your ass? lmao
is there any way for this series to get a s2? i want to hear kano sing again
>sucker punch
Kano is such a pussy.
I can't believe the mom NTR was made canon
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>This is the one were they do graffiti?
No, that's Manabi Straight.
Sasakoi will end with two pair of kisses by current trajectory
She had so few lines I didn't even notice that was Sally Amaki.
I laughed so hard during this scene, the tone, the angle, everything was so perfectly aligned
*clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap*
Takanashi Kim Anouk Mei PTSD support group meeting.
In the end, MahiKano is still canon. MomoNina is even more canon, seeing how they're already acting like girlfriends. See the toothbrush, calendar and such.
Oh its a PA Work show, I'll be watching that.
QRD on the yurifag melty?
>So Kano, is Mei single? Just asking for a friend haha.
>how they're already acting like girlfriends
nah they're acting like close friends. my friends and me act similar too. we're brotherhood, we're family.
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There was no meltdown because yurifags didn't lose.
hetchuds are getting uppity again
Thank god I stopped watching after the hag episode. What a waste of a show. The first few episodes were great, but then... ugh.

We're never getting a good Yuri anime.
This wasn't even yuri
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>this wasn't even yuri
No you're a homosexual man. Fuck off.
So what was this about?
Ok, but what does baits that ended on nothing have to do with anything?
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Kano's sister is such a slob.
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>ended with nothing
>More baits that amounted to nothing
Keep coping
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>if I keep repeating that it's bait, everyone will believe me
Watch the show. Plently of gayness in it.
Train was by far the best
>Bringing up cheap fanservice
Can't wait for the meltdown in GBC thread next week too
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>a grown up woman showing off her genitalia to underage kids is somehow gay, brave and stunning
You go sister yassssssss
>he doesn't know about "the moon is beautiful tonight"
It's like you're not even a weeb
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Are you saying it's not?
Man, I really came to dislike Mahiru by the end of this series.
Am I the only one?
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>it's cheap because I say it is
The only meltdown here is you trying to twist yourself into knots to justify why it isn't gay.

Lesbian age-gap is hot, normalfag.
Yes, you are.
Mahiru was character assassinated
>every girl is still gay and not attracted to males
Why are anti-yuri schizos celebrating again?
Mahiru's character was assassinated
Kano's character was assassinated
Kiui's character was assassinated
Mei is the only one that was safe
I don't even remember why she showed up
Did she just happen to be at the same vacation place they were at, and then started flashing her tits to teenagers?
>shit status quo ending with 0 yuri moment
Why are yurifags celebrating again?
This is accurate.
>0 yuri moment
This retard keeps proving he didn't even watch this anime.
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>then started flashing her tits to teenagers?
No, Kano specifically asked to see them.
Wait... why was Kiui's assassinated?
Mahiru a shit.
I told you all some threads ago that Mello would be the ultimate winner and I was right. She was redeemed. Everyone likes her. She will become Top Idol. Mello is amazing.
>Yurifags spend a month crying about how if there's no kiss at the end the show sucks and was a waste of time
>There's no kiss
>"um actually we didn't lose"
Yeah okay
How do you know what was said in these threads if you haven't even watched the anime?
Also the sexiest.
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Gee, I wonder.
Punchable face
Mahiru? Gay for Kano.
Kano? Gay for Mahiru.
103 won
Kissable face
>vacation place
Bro, at least watch the show.
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>Mahiru's character was assassinated
>Kano's character was assassinated
>Kiui's character was assassinated
None of this is true.
He's too busy being an anti-yuri schizo.
That was like six weeks ago or whatever
I forgot if it was specifically an onsen and resort didn't seem right
>Salad Bowl is more yuri than YoruKura
Hello, my name is Hayakawa Yukine and I have been wearing the same outfit, everyday, for the past 3 years. I am an artist.
None of those characters became likable in the end, you retard.
Why haven't you started eating your daily bag of dicks yet, speedwatcher-kun?
>onsen and resort
Okay, bro.
I'm leaving these threads. What a fucking shit of a series this turned out to be.
I'm glad it's fucking over.
Kills me this show's gonna fade into obscurity, only brought up the next time a yuri doesn't deliver by comparison. You can't really devote 2/3rds of a show to a relationship and then don't go anywhere at all with it. This may not be yuribait by this board's standards, but it is 100% queerbait by general media standards. My god. What a waste of time.
You are not an airplane, you actually do not need to announce your departure.
If JELEE's had even one earworm song it might have been different
Now scared that the GBC ending will be just as disappointing.
Togetoge will BTFO DiaDust
At least GBC has good songs and will be remembered for them, if nothing else.
This shitshow has nothing of value and will be completely forgotten, but I guess it's for the best.
No shit. Why do you idiots keep expecting otherwise?
What's actually crazy is that we never had a proper titty fanservice shot of the designated milktruck character. Even the merch takes care to hide her chest. I'm acutally impressed they went to such lengths just to give weight to Kiui's insecurity instead of turning it into a fanservice gag.
Remember when Mahiru used to be a good character?
>At least GBC has good songs
The songs are one of the worse aspects of the series.
i enjoy jelee's music a lot though... im even learning it by ear on piano
>This faggot doesn't like Togetoge
Yeah I will always remember every single one of Yorukura's episodes
bros should i buy the jelee nendo?
Bocchi is the only music focused anime with actual good music
fuck this author after all his bullshit on twitter.
This anime taught us PR speak
never believe director and seiyuu social media statements
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laugh in d4dj
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Bocchi is incredibly generic girl rock, I don't know how it caught on like it did
I don't remember any
What music anime actually got nice and memorable music?
I can only think of Kono Oto Tomare.
I like Love Live too but most of their good songs aren't from the anime.
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>got panty shots of nearly all the girls
>got to see a grown woman's bare tits
>this is the best we got the entire series of the girl with the biggest natural tits of the entire cast
she was literally hiding them on purpose
>Are you not entertained? Is this not why you are here?
No, no.
Name a show with better music.
Seiza alone mogs every togetoge and jelee songs combined
It mogs this too
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>Cut in!
At least the GBC staff like yuri art on their official account, they're at least okay with it and are okay with giving everyone adequate subtext. Jellyfish is 100% bait and wants to pretend like they didn't have an unresolved kiss.
>spoil the entire plot in a side manga
>put part 3 in a movie still a ways off
Why did they fumble this so hard?
The movie is never happening, is it?
wait wut
The Tae origin manga explains a lot of the weird supernatural shit
How come we got Kano and Mei pantyshots but never any of Mahiru? MC protection or something?
JS5 butt
The electronic version is fun but Mezame Returner is one of their weaker songs
Kiui's every issue could have been fixed by a well-timed (=early) plapping.
Fan art.........
Kiwi is canon transgender?
non binary
The gay biker will ditch Kiui now that she removed her best asset
>Between Mei and feetgirl
which one is feetgirl?
wait did Kiwi actually cut off her boobs?
S2 in 2025.
S2 in 2074
No, Koharu sucked them dry.
Underrated hag.
Do we even know her name?
>Kiwi is canon transgender?
>non binary
no, she just differentiates the character she created as a separate identity
have seen it more in MMOs with alts than vtubers
yuricuck status?
Complete victory despite your samefagging.
She's listed as Honami in the credits, I don't think her name was ever brought up in the show though.
We've known her name since before the show even aired when they were announcing voice actors for characters
I've seen a bunch of disappointed 7s-7.5s on Twitter from chinks but not anger. Feels like they had resigned themselves to their fate.
Getting nothing is a victory to you?
those were the days. I've gone through a move and change of jobs in the past couple weeks and Jellyfish's MahiKano relationship was something I was looking forward to every week to calm my nerves. Shame it ended like this.
Should've looked forward to Mei being gay every week like I did.
bros im learning shibuya aquarium on piano atm...
sorry about the mistakes its still a work in progress
>>268016006 (me)
Just finished this.
I don't know if it's because I binged it, but I thought the later part of the anime was fine. Maybe watching them fight while waiting every week felt worse. The only part that I absolutely hated was the public meltdown with Kiwi about trannyshit. I physically cringed when I watched it.
Episode 5 as a whole was my favorite episode, Mahiru's insecurity resonated well with me and it had a well grounded and reasonable conclusion. The surprise kiss was just the cherry on top. The hag episode was great too.
Overall, it was a fine and enjoyable anime. I wouldn't say it's my AOTS but it's up there.
The way I understood it, the incomplete version reflects Kano's depression and her desire to reach out to Mahiru (and coincidentally also fits Mei's desire to reach Kano), while the revised version is more like a love song for Mahiru and JELEE. I think both convey exactly the emotions of their respective scenes.
Keep practicing anon! You can do it!
Meichad, I kneel
overall it was alright but it's not something I'd recommend to anyone
>Ariel, Mero, Kiui, feetgirl
It's incredible how hard Mei won with everyone except the girl she actually wanted.
i fapped to the mahiru nipslip edit... ill miss the show
Who the hell is the feetgirl? Did I miss something?
I will admit, I really liked the OP theme to this show.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_127nClYjDk
>fapping to fanmade edits and not actual canon stuff like Mei's pantyshot
People usually only fap to fanart and doujins and shit
If there's hot official stuff I try to fap to them.
Kiui literally said "it's not like that." when they brought up trans.
Same, it's probably the only song that I like from the show
People didn't like the OP and ED?
Personally I'm not too crazy about the ED but it's fine.
The insert songs however, are completely forgettable.
Plastic surgery mommy won. She'll get her JK (who stays a JK forever since she never graduates)
One of the recurring fans shown in various episodes. She's the girl that approached Mei on her graduation day.
she just posted a new kissu art but it's over 4MB
Wow I never even noticed that she's the same girl
This show was so bad that trolls aren't even shitposting about the tranny episode
Because it wasn't a tranny episode.
Kiui is still in egg stage I think
That was last week shitposter-kun
Nigger the fuck is an egg, stop looking up shit about this you faggot
But I thought the point of JELEE was that their songs were good.

Caring this much about trans people is not healthy anon.
Any Mei x Feetgirl art yet?
Nice. They should have fully lesbian girl-girl yuri sex. With her topping Mei.
Only if she agrees to wear a wig and be called Nono-tan
I didn't like it that much at first, but it's really grown on me. It's just a perfect fit for the themes and atmosphere of Yorukura.
Why you lyin'?
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So, did Mei ever find out about the kiss? Or the gay beach scene?
Honestly, I want more conflict drama.
Like exposing the truth of the assault to the fans, or focusing on why the parents divorced or something.
I'd rather have Kiwi's serious gender identity drama than this.
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I'm fucking sick of this shit.
Hibike Euphonium better have a anime original yurikino ending of I'm literally gonna kms.
Why do you retards keep getting baited over and over, you'd think you'd learn after awhile.
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>Happy ending
>Everyone was good all along and whoever you thought was bad was actually just misunderstood
I'm not
Stop falseflagging. I refuse to believe yurifags actually watch this shit.
What else do you want?
I wanted Yukine to be actually a bad parent and Mero to be exposed as MiroBaka and Sunflower Dolls to go under, but the write is too much of a pussy to do that.
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what could've been...
That's not a very nice ending for an anniversary project
So, was this a yuri or not?
I wanted Kano to realize that Yukine is not a great person to center your life around, and move on. You don’t need to make up with everyone. Especially since Kano is or soon will be an adult
It's at least more interesting than this salad without dressing ending that we got.
Uh, wasn't that what Kano actually did? She wanted to prove her wrong and once she did she moved on with her life? And the whole thing about her "reason to sing" was her realizing she doesn't sing for her mom anymore?
You're way too naive to expect that from a Japanese/Asian made show, a culture that tells you to respect your parents even if they treat you like shit.
This. Even GBC made Nina's parents "good" after they treated her like shit in the past.
That's exactly what she did, though. How about actually watching the episode and pay attention this time?
Speaking of parents, what’s the deal with Mahiru and her family?
this anime made me feel really hollow because it failed to stick the landing. what anime should i watch to heal myself? preferably drama
Revue Starlight. Don't forget to watch the movie too
Sora yori mo Tooi Basho
>show is le bad because the girls didn't kissu
this but unironically
i dont think we ever got to see them but from what i recall mahiru had a healthy relationship with them. in universe reason is theyre probably too busy working and they dont spend time with each other that much.
Nothing? She said as much when Kano asked her in ep6, they're as "normal" as it gets.
Reina will get impregnated by the urban locals over in America
If their IQs were a little higher there would have been an escalator kiss scene...
You had your chance
Why was it so rushed toward the end? is it because of 1 cour constraint? there's so many subplots going on being done or thrown away at once in the last few episodes
I liked most of the anime but fuck the light novel author
I will miss this show. The flaws only made the great parts stand out more.

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