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What should you do if the game protagonist of the world you got isekai'd in becomes possessed by an evil woman and becomes a giga yandere?
Breed Big Boobed British ojou-samas.
I mean you possessed someone too. Someone should do something about you.
What if you just get teleported there?
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>Female /gender bender (tranny) Isekai MC
Awful, when are we going to get a based elf mc who is having sex and making an empire of pure blooded elf and half-lolibaba cat girls?
Gayest post thus far
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Delete kot
I was promised /ss/ not lolishota
What happens with the witch in the main series timeline again?
She just stays and doesn't possess Olivia (even though she should've tried).
It's just innocent cuddling.
I Kyoi no Hado the witch out of her.
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She's got a lover so she's not mentally weakened.
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me and the boys about to job in ways you never could believe
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The trick is to job with style.
childhood friends
>mc is genre savvy as a native
>it's explained by him consuming stories about heroes
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How the fuck do we go from this...
>main girl mogging the rest
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... to THIS?
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I have a burning desire to talk about LotM and I'm on the boarder of losing friends over bringing it up so much, so I've decided to just leave this hook out here. Please feed me.
The ending is a nice call back to the Forgotten shore, the man has no chill.
the pacing and lame as fuck magic system killed this book for me
This has to be chink shit. Nobody else gives a fuck about these shitty titles as much as they do. Shouldn't they be sects instead of clans?
When did he do that in Forgotten Shore?
I remember him playing nice with the legacy prick until the end.
how far in did you get?
150 chapters
>Shouldn't they be sects instead of clans?
Clans and sects are distinct concepts.
Clans are based on familial relations and function like European aristocracy more or less. Sects are uniquely Chinese and are based on numerous teacher-student relationships.

Also, the story is written by a Ruskie, who mainly uses Korean, rather than Chinese tropes. Not that there is no overlap between those two.
shotas correcting evil women and fucking them
The first ~60-80 are undisputedly slow.
I think it's important setup and world building personally, but I definitely don't disparage anyone for not being willing to stick out the first arc.
Shame though, it peaks very hard at the end of the first arc at ch200
I guess that makes sense, I only read like 2 korean novels and they had their own fucking autism about big sisters / big brothers and job titles. I wonder if gooks really introduce themselves by mentioning their jobs first.
>hello, I'm janitor kimchi
>I am a shark, a weak small shark
>everything is clear like in those movies
>coral reef area with tons of markets
>I just drift around avoiding trouble
>big jerk sharks surrounding reef entrance
>can't do anything but hope the fish soldiers fend them off
>I am just a weak small shark in another world trying to survive
Koreans are blue blooded as fuck and see being a useless paper pusher as a virture so yes titles of their jobs are pretty important
>that creepy castle that magician and judgement got corrupted at is never resolved
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The one with the basement door? that was connected to the Chaos Sea, like how the door at Bansy is connected to the City of Calamity?
are the chimneys at the bottom of the sea also connected to chaos sea?
That was pretty good. I hope the author pulls more cultivation crap jokes.

COI might cover the whole space and underground corruption stuff more at some point.
When him and Cassie were at the castle.
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Stupid beastgirl whore.
oh yea, the dining room scene where legacyfag bailed him out
it's all coming back to me, that was great
iirc, the emergence of the Chaos Sea and the death of the Original Creator were what lead to the disappearance of Oil, which is just dead creatures. They were corrupted by it. The under-water chimneys are the remnants oil drilling operations.
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Lord of the Mysteries has smart characters written stupidly.

Lumian Lee from Circle of Inevitability is a smartly written smart character. When Lumian kills a hotel room full of three people he books the room next door so he can examine it, finding which walls he can stab and shoot through, what flammable materials there are, whether there is enough space to break-dance, etc. This is a smart thing to do because Lumian is a smart person who is written by another smart person who understands how smart people think.

If Detective Sherlock Moriarty from Lord of the Mysteries were to kill a hotel room full of three people. He'd enter using a secret door in the hotel he found via divination. He'd throw a mystic item infected by True Creator ravings near one guy causing him to lose control. The second person would then immediately die, as planned, as it's a "reasonable development" for the woman to be torn to shreds by the first guy who turned into a mad monster. As for the third man, why Sherlock doesn't kill him at all. It's a reAson.b!e devel0pmenT fOr tHe 3rD mAn to di3 fRom A heArt aTta--- After turning around counter-clockwise, the third man removes his disguise to reveal he actually WAS Sherlock the entire time. But Sherlock just entered through the secret door and killed two people, how can there be two of him? The first Sherlock removes his disguise to reveal that he is actually Lanevus attempting to frame the detective. Sherlock however anticipated this, the two dead people stand up, they're Sherlock's friends, Maric and Sharron, their deaths were just an act. "But Sherlock!" Lanevus cries, "The two of them looked like they clearly lost control or died, the woman even lost her head, how do you explain that?" Because I am better at using the thing behind my Glabella, Sherlock inwardly Lampoons, the end.

This is retarded because Sherlock is a smart person written by a stupid person to whom smart people are indistinguishable from wizards.
>lead to the disappearance of Oil,
I always figured there was no oil because it had already been harvested and the OC awakened after the world was out of oil
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She doesn't deserve this...
I can't fix her and that's okay.
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Oil didn't really disappear, it was corrupted by the Chaos Sea which exists both physically and conceptually underground, in the mantle of the earth and in it's core. It's the only Sephirot that has a physical existence, it just merged with the oil which was the first thing to be corrupted by it.
We know Oil is corrupted by the Chaos Sea, because Arrodes came out of the oil.
On the note of Arrodes, this art for the game is cute. I like the girl version more though.
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Any girl who treat the MC like shit don't deserve him and the only thing left for them is regret.
She literally did nothing wrong.
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Mia is a stupid character written smartly!
That didn't even kill M,Bison
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New isekai
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>there isn't
That's what you want others to think, but I am onto your little schemes to discredit Mia by pretending to be the omniscient narrator, Robespierre! Your lies will end here!
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>female protagonist
Pure girl possessed by hotter evil girl?
Dream come true!
Literally my kink
Name three good male isekai MC's
Rudeus, Kirito, Fry
not isekai
Both are isekai, keep coping
You don't know what isekai means then.
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Defend this
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With my life, if i must.
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Dress girls from other worlds in different clothes.
It did, but money brought him back. Something Mob Otome doesn't make.
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>yfw your CF of sixteen years that you love the most sleeptalked that she's a man in her past life and can't love you because of it
a good dose of rape will fix her mental issues
Not my problem, I am slow lifeing far away from the MC and the plot
No balls
oh, this is getting an anime

But she's a female in this life.
Being romantic won't cut it. She (he) needs to get raped while you whisper sweet nothings to her (his) ear.
>Female MC
>First thing she does is try to sexually assault an innocent animal
Every time
I couldn't' get interested in this one.
Of course not, I reincarnated as a little girl after all
>he has ADHD
my condolences
Is this series anything special? All I remember is that the manga tried really hard to make certain moments memorable.
No, it's just boring.
didn't she end up basically gay in the novel?
>girl: i like mc cause he's nice
>guy: i like femc cause she's interesting
so boring
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Sex? No? Dropped.
>isekai where the MC realizes that the princess is a bitch and so he uses his "cheat" skills to indirectly sexually harass her in her sleep
...what's the appeal of this? is this some kind of obscure fetish I don't know about?
Game system battle royale isekai. This probably triggers the "game elements... BAD!" crowd, but the concept of different isekai'd groups that function via different game logic each clashing with each other is actually quite intriguing, e.g. you have RTS vs JRPG vs TTRPG, etc.
Reminds me of that guy in kingdoms bloodline that was a berserker built around his soldiers enabling his fighting style.
name every shield
Carian Thrusting Shield
Western Ginko?
didn't say buckler so you get a pass
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>Reincarnated as a homunculus created by evil organization
>World runs off trading card game is life with all the bullshit heart of the cards etc built in
>boss of the evil organization fought hero kid that attacked them in a card game
>loses and for some reason explodes
>MC escapes from the ruined lab and starts a life on the run as a rare card hunter

I’m too easily amused.
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What race would you like to get Isekai?
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bratty shota needs correction
>loses and for some reason explodes
that's what happens to anyone who loses in a serious card game after all
>medieval tablet
>isekai'd as an itoddler zoomer baby???
>chapter 1 and title drop already
>Country of cluny
Any lolis?
*County not country of cluny
Still needs lolis or vrats
God I want to be reluctantly jerked off so bad because she cares even if she doesn't want to admit it.
Nia grows up though. Webnovel ended when she was 15 or 16 I think?
>male gets isekai'd/genderbent into a female body
>>male gets isekai'd/genderbent into a female body permanently
>proceeds to spend several chapters masturbating in his new female body
>loses to cock
>anon drops an isekai manga
DROPPED (in solidarity)
Cultivate until I comprehend an exorcism technique.
The next season is very weak in isekai, we will have less than 10 and that is sad
We're going the way of the LN battle harem romcoms. It's joever.
Consider this: don't read JP
I'm really sad I haven't seen any more chapters of this
Even if you are a summoner or not even a sort of command class, make sure to properly train your childhood friends.
Who's Liliane
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wait a minute, the maid isn't stupid?
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never mind, the maid is stupid
cute murderloli though
I want more shota x loli cf sex
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>children just bring swords into class
The writing in this is actually way better than it lets on.
>beat the shit out of goons
>"get 100 people together because im fightsexual"
>goons cry to boss
>boss rightfully hires a tougher goon to clean out these fucking idiots who are crying about being beaten up by a literal child.
>Nia sneaks out to fight
>maid follows secretly
>doesn't show herself because Nia will just get smarter about escaping
it makes me think that the author has had at least 2 or 3 kids and knows that trying to control the kid would just lead to fiercer resistance.
I love rage baby Lelouch clone MCs
>author chooses the harem winner from fan poll results
Why isn't this more common?
because the masses are stupid
Because schizo's will find a way to rig it.
the only way to stop a bad child with a sword is with a good child with a sword
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>3 children born at the same time from the same pregnancy
>name them using fucking reward levels
what shitty parents
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the fuck?
why would water have an affinity with fire
unless you’re ripping apart then oxygen and hydrogen but then that would be air
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>Saturday KINO is back next week
>imouto is now MC's rival
This series makes me so mad I didn't have a cf.
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if reincarnated as a cute loli I would probably become a battle junkie as well
Ah yes nia liston. Idol by day, vigilante at night.
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Behold, a White Lion!
I hate this lesbian femGoku
If I wrote detailed lore like this you would call me cringe and retarded and tell me to get a life.
Meanwhile these chinks get a pass and are even applauded for this writing.
Why is that?
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Post stinky adventurers
The more I look at this, the more questions I have.
They really should've used the Wu Xing if they need five elements
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how did he never get isekai stds?
holy sinepaj
I thought he uses appraisal to check at least one time.
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I can't help but wonder what a teenage Arisa would look like. If she's anything like Lulu, she'll have a nice balanced figure.
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Whatever it would be, not like this.
I think the issue is that, if you're reborn as an Elf, you basically win at life. It's like the striking the lottery. I've never seen an incompetent or ugly Elf, they're all beautiful and magically powerful.
So to most readers, who are losers, the experience of a protagonist who is basically the "Preacher's Son" success-is-taken-for-granted, failure-is-a-colossal-disappointment shit tends to take them out of the narrative.
It's not really something most people care about, and "woe is me, my pure Elven blood and magical might guaranteeing me a thousand years of eternal youth" is not super sympathetic even if the person in question might feel pressured by the attention.
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Stop posting those abominations.
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Because LotM is (in total) 2250 chapters strong and climbing. It's about to pass Reverend Insanity in length and has a word count in the millions
You're cringe because you're writing out lore on a Mongolian basket weaving forum for a story that will never materialize. You're infatuated with your own ideas more than you are with actualizing them. It's pretentious behavior masquerading as humble.
If on the very off-chance you ACTUALLY have a single fucking chapter to your story written out, I dare you to post it here. If you're able to post SOMETHING of literary value I will humbly retract my statement and eat a 3-day ban dolled out by a mod of your choice.
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Arisa didn't need large breasts like Lulu, but there were magic solutions.
>Cuck March
it's over
Who wins?
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Large breasts when she gets older would be great for her. Considering she was pretty flat in her first life.
Poor Man's Vandeliu
Any isekai that has nothing to do with fucking JRPGs?
Fucking japs, stop making isekai out of your jrpg playthroughs
The only real benefit to large breasts would have been if Satou decided that was all he needed for her to have to stop resisting.
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Big breasts are best. And would make her even harder to resist.
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Is this true, girls?
An older Arisa with large breasts wouldn't have had the mind control resisted. Even being Lulu's age might have been enough after that if he knew how old she really was.
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>took 27 chapters to get to academy
>end of TL
the white race
Pole master Sao
Square manga rarely get translated by fans groups
Every bit helps.
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excellent use of trips
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would you all want your isekai nations to look very distinct from each other instead of circle town #30573013?
What gachaslop is this
>super advanced techno-china
yawn. the first second and third are cool though
What game is this from?
the first is just circle city with huge fuck off monument in the middle
I thought it had large stone highways in every direction, but I guess those are just walls. never mind then.
>After Ditching the Tyrannical Saintess Who Was Also My Childhood Friend, Everything Fell Into Place and I Became the Top Adventurer
>long strip anyways
>literal first line of chapter 1 is MC proclaiming his immortality
ah, distilled sloppa
Wuthering Waves
can one find a precious gem or two in a sea of slop?
Cardfight Vanguard. They even have an all-girls Academy™ citystate
The most perplexing thing is that Light AND Darkness are weak to water, specifically, and affinity with everything else.
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Every master piece has it's cheap imitation
My beloved.
How come all these isekai keep getting animes, and the anime surpasses the manga by like several volumes each time, even though the manga have usually been running for 3+ years if not more?
I been reading "My mother got a Contract Marriage" and I find it quite interesting that it told the regression story from the POV of the 5 years old daughter of the person who got regressed.
Isekai-themed gacha called Eversoul

>First nation is basically your generic primary medieval-themed nation that serves as your home nation during your stay
>Second is a militaristic nation that operates on "might makes right" even down to how they do their marriage proposals, doubled by an underground nation whose citizens aren't too opposed to being ne'er-do-wells
>Third is a science-oriented nation out in the frozen wasteland operated by a PMC that doubles as its government, focusing on advancing the freshly-developed concept of Magitech
>Fourth is a maritime nation that serves as a haven for merchants, sailors, and thieves, though half of it has already been lost to the bad guys and are now deemed a wasteland by the time you got summoned
>Fifth is a diverse nation of many (East Asian-based) cultures operating on a feudal system with many lords controlling their own piece of the nation, but is suffering from a political vacuum exacerbated by invasions by the bad guys since its most powerful seat for the great lord is unoccupied and the best one for the job is running away from it due to self-perceived political incompetence
>Sixth is a union of forest dwellers set on protecting the World Tree, where the isekai's inhabitants are all born and resurrected (they're functionally immortal unless their crystal "cores" are destroyed), which makes them pretty far up the political food chain
>Seventh is a powerful nation founded on floating islands only inhabited by those that are designated "Angels" and "Demons", are very xenophobic towards those that are not the two mentioned, and are very cultic towards an apocalyptic figure that they believe would bring the world to salvation by it ending the whole universe to the point that the citizens can choose to stay in "eternal sleep" by shoving their cores into a government-sanctioned giant mana machine that uses their essence to power said nation
If it was a non-prostitute met before Aze, someone would have to be at least Karina's age with large breasts, not be any kind of noble or someone working for him. Maybe then there would be a chance.
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Marie is looking damn sexy here
Work on making your ads sound more genuine.
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The fucked up part about this is that the daughter got abused in both timelines still for the majority of her childhood. I could never like the mom even after the regression.
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Why are cfs always like this
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Mob Otome authors new series starting later this year
like what
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This isn't a slow life.
the willing onaholes of old men like me
>new cuckshit
I considered it, but decided not to after reading the WN. It's more of an idol story than a fighting story.
Main heroine looks like trash
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I'll probably read it. Sevens Author and TNE author have a hold on me for whatever reason.
Only way for MC to level up is to get cucked. Thoughts?
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average harem "chad"
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I just get good and I won't need to level up.
i HATE proto marie!
>Verification not required.
that's just like that sadboi one where the cf fake fucked a senpai to make him jealous and then she wonders why he avoids her
i dont get this one
mc was their shoelacer and parent and wasn't even attracted to any of the girls but mr hero had to kick him out and did it in style cause i guess he felt threatened? this whole story should have just ended at mc completing his milf harem team
theres a worse sadboi one
cf bragged about dating a cool senpai from school (despite being in love with mc) and mc told her he loved her but gave up now. then instead of clearing her mistake up, she proceeded to date the senpai and got her first kiss stolen (bright side is that her parents and sister think she's is a backstabbing whore and took mc's side)
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Lol, nah
That's a kid...
>bright side is that her parents and sister think she's is a backstabbing whore and took mc's side)
When she marries the senpai to get mc jealous, do you think her parents and sister will boycott the wedding?
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>Mob Otome
*laughs in chounin A*
She's the one exception
>he didn't level up his cucktree blessings
>gets two shots by everything
His terrible kamen rider parody novel got LN version, or is it something else entirely?
I guess silly question, since it doesn't quite look the part, I'm just surprised to see that he stopped testing waters with WNs first. It might be his first attempt to go straight for cash train right away.
is this one of those short cf betray wns on kakuyomu?
did he find some other girl or was he still obsessed over the cf?
no she broke up with senpai after he stole her first kiss but the damage was done and he lied about fucking her to the school
even when cf confessed all this to mc, he called her a liar and told her he hates liars and nowayfag her
CF getting hatefucked by MC where?
pretty sure we're talking about the same sadboi one cause the senpai bragged he fucked her when he didnt
Is this the one where she goes schizo and has a melty getting naked in front of his house.
nah it was a longer story but it was basically "every girl in my life fucked me over and now regret and want to fuck me but im too depressed to notice"
i remember only like 1 or 2 girls in the story that didn't horrendously screw him over and thats because they meet and want to fuck him after all that bullshit
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For good reason.
dont think so but i never finished it so i cant say for sure
the one im talking about also had a girl that almost became mc's gf but fucked up not only lying about not liking mc (which mc overheard) but also accidentally broke his arm and ruined his basketball career right before the finals (of course)
Another day, another healer booted from their party.
Oh shit what's the name of this?
At least she didn't kill his mother by accident, set his parents' house on fire, go to mental hospital, die by suicide and reincarnate as a male ntrman in another world mc was going to.
fairly certain they're all talking about the same sadboi series
which is called something like
the girls who betrayed me tried to make up but its too late
cant remember the exact name but it was one of those jap titles that also was the synopsis for the story. i think it had "you regret but its too late" or something like that in the title
girls that regret but want to fuck (as far as i remember)
>mom that neglected him
>sister that almost killed him
>cf that tried to fake betray but then real betrayed (cause she's stupid)
>previously mentioned girl who ruined his basketball career (which he was doing to forget cf betrayal)
>milf next door who wants to fuck him day 1 (but fucked him over in kindergarden, which was a wierd plot point)
>aunt who was his greatest ally, but hypnotized him to forget his emotions (which you cant blame her and even mc admitted he would have killed himself if not for her)
>girl he saved from a molester but her friend accuses him of being the molester and physically restrained him before another girl(who wants to fuck him later) vouches for him
someone give that reisen a gun
Huh, i remember this actually. IIRC isn't there some secret psy-op trying to make him miserable on purpose for somethign?
I would breed her over and over again until her evil was subdued to manageable levels
there is literally nothing more based than this.
>IIRC isn't there some secret psy-op trying to make him miserable on purpose for somethign?
really? i stopped reading it a long time ago so i never read that part
last i remember reading is the mild and his mom not only fighting over him but also claiming who his real mom should be (and to fuck him of course)
i also stopped reading a long time ago... maybe i should get back on it.
I remember something about a "Magic Trick" the aunt used so that he wouldnt kill himself out of depression but nothing about a psyop
ya im curious about if it ended or not and what was the conclusion
the only sadboi one i finished was the one where mc was accused of rape and he goes full shizo due to stress and the only people who were on his his side were his mom, best friend, and cf (who he married)
Rape the man out of your GBwife
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>Have cheat to let you know if you got NTR'd
sounds like a very useless skill
>try to rape gb wife
>she makes fun of you on your technique and claims she could do better
>calls you an amateur when you cum inside
he's another seething normalfag gamer who isnt genre-savy about isekai and doesnt know that unless you reincarnate as a mob or an antagonist/villain it's game over before you even start
didn't he already steal mc's fiance?
what is she doing?
I remember there was one where an MC gets his CF and other bitches in his life "stolen" but actually the cool prince the CF fell in love with is a nice guy so he just let the matter go and they became friends.
Then the Cool prince gets accused of being a molester and is bullied and shit, MC then gets a mentality that "Bitches are bitches" and stopped talking to the girls who were in his life previously and gave the cool prince friend much needed emotional support.
The MC's friend gets cleared of all charges due to new evidence and the bitches try to get back with MC(or both i don't remember) but he noway fags them
And then the cool rpicne is revaled to be a girl all along and wants to marry MC. Also nobody else must know MC's fiancee's identity or japan collapsing is not going to be even half of the hell of what''s going to happen if found out.
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To me humanity is already a possessed bitch that is not even yandere and trying to kill me so this would be an improvement I guess?
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haremcucks are stupid and think because they cant find happiness with only one girl they think they need more girls but they dont realize they will never be able to find happiness that way
iv'e heard of this one a couple of times and want to read it cause i love reverse traps
got a name?
I thought you were talking about oresuki until the last part
i'll try to find it
Eh, it's a matter of extremes.
On one hand we have normalfag-kun, surprised that reincarnating as main character is a hard mode of isekai.
On the other, we have genre savvy madman celebrating that he's being driven out of town, because "it's just like kicked out of party except even more hardcore! Can't wait for my upcoming awakening event!"
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Monocucks are stupid and think they can find happiness with one girl they think they can find an impossible unicorn that has all their tastes and likes but they don't realize that singular person doesn't exist and they will never find true happiness that way because they will have to compromise
There was a hentai where that happens but i dont remember the artist or anything other than it was in the countryside and the girl was a brown tomboy
that also means it's available in non-cucked places.
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>This puts the final nail in the coffin for the hero
>kisses mc
>he is till "eh? what did she mean about that?"
Why is he cheating on the shota brother.
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>gets abused by a dom saintess I don't really think she is one, more a lying skill
>becomes immortal
>loses first fight and gets vored
>someone else kills the dragon
>next quest he falls into lava, turns into bird
>ends up exposing himself right infront of a shrine maiden
>just touches a seal and unlocks a suit
what thinly veiled fetish will happen now?
Me on the left
Apparently it's licensed on mangaup
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>If I think the armor is light, it's light
So 40K Ork logic?
Is that... monofag stealing a girl from haremcuck? Aieeeeee tasuketee!
>sexfags would give up their primal yang to a woman and stunt future cultivation
As long as he believes in his toku heroes he'll never be defeated...
So maybe if he gets a flashier suit he'll get a powerup
Power of imagination is one of the most boring powers to have.
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do not cultivate or you will lose that which is too important
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>NTRman won't save you this time
What the fuck is that monster? looks like something out of mieruko-chan if the horror was more neutered
All of them
is there a litrpg that isn't garbage
I've read Worm - decent but bloated
wandering inn - decent
dungeon crawler Carl - decent but reddit humor
dropped shadow slave, considering practical guide to evil
Is that the guy who was supposed to get cucked by his CF and always puts on a face that screams "cuck me" or is that a diff person?
Which is owned by Square.
Different person. This guy is a yandere siscon.
>nee-san already got fucked by ntrman
>uses his superior seed to defeat incel brother
Hate the dindu mc in this. They should have played his character straight with the girls slowly changing him.
>MC becomes a counselor for losing heroines
>They start falling in love with him
>Suddenly thy get jealous when MC's designated waifu appears
>Determined not to lose again they compete to take the MCBowl for themselves
Didn't mean to quote, sorry.
The other one by the same author with the yandere oyakodon harem is better
its ok, i like the prompt
>tomboy heroine suggest some physical activities(rape)
>mc goes for a jog and comments how refreshing it is
>tomboy curse that she failed and has to pass a turn to those other whores
It's crazy how many people on MD think all these isekai/fantasy/romcom mangas are all manga originals
Still can't believe that the biggest power-up that Lumian acquired from Morora is being a nerd
Marie should've been an anti villain and Leon should've been an anti herobchange my mind
>because double teaming a bitch is gay
do isekaijin REALLY? he could have taken a maid
You were almost done with vol1, which ends on a gigantic twist. Try reading it up to the end, the volume has like ~214 chapters.
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Cute Guild Receptionist
Should the girls be like they don't want their crying shoulder to go away or did they actually see something in MC beyond being an emotional dumpster/errand boy. Besides the waifu who "gets" MC and actually loves him for who he is, flaws and all.

NGL i would make it my mission to castrate/neuter the fucker.
Now I want to see some Biblically accurate angels in isekai
Technically they're both normalfags when it comes to isekai genre but the MC wasnt seething and bitching about his protagonist/villain privileges weren't working properly since he cares more about larping as a sentai ranger
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>forgot image
time for bed
I think it's pretty obvious the childhood friend was probably raped or has sex with mc considering all the timeline flickery. Also first time I hear about a NTRguy, did he actually NTR anyone?
Kinda lame actually, the human heads and the stomach mouth look way too silly. The eyes also too much.
>Cuck Mage
I know some haremlit that are good but most of them aren't exactly litprg. Paladin of the Sigil I guess is pretty litrpg though.
More like the suit is interpreting his thoughts about power armor and sci-fi tech into the closest functions it is designed for. While everyone else just thinks it is normal armor he has it accidentally figured out.

Oh and the first isekai guy that gets NTR'ed by this man is also the only one who redeems himself. So be prepared for more attempts at wearing shoebuckles.
Not only that but apparently MC took zero of the hero party payout and made his own money with side hustles, he was shoelacing for free.
look at all those faces and eyes
ready to watch getting cucked
>I think it's pretty obvious the childhood friend was probably raped or has sex with mc considering all the timeline flickery.
If you're saying this while not knowing about the NTRguy then you dont know how retarded the backstory of the 3 are in typical retarded okamoto fashion
They weren't dating or anything, Its probably been a week at best since they first met.
is it mono or harem for the mc?
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Younger sisters are better sisters.
What chapter is the NTR guy even introduced? I went pretty far with it and there was no other man to be seen
the cuckmaxxer's final form
then is she a whore? she kissed mc infront of the school
Multiple heads and even more pair of eyes so he can witness the bull breeding his harem members at every possible angle, while simultaneously pleasuring them both with his mouths. And obviously no cock is needed for the role he has to play
around 200 ish
Is this BSS
where do retards like you come from if you just read the chapter you would have all your answers instead of acting like the j-word schizo obsessed with calling everything with that word out of context
It's hero BAD like in otome isekai where the reincarnator who gets the protag thinks it's their god given right to have a harem.
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Where the hell do you even get this from? Stop reading Korean stuff it ain't healthy.
I mean the "How dare you get kissed by her i saw her first!"
>harem.... le bad! *envious normalfag noises*
>Raising a mob waifu with items so she becomes OP
can waifu stand up to the heroine and villainess?
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>I just dropped the coolest fucking speech in all of isekai in front of my entire nation that can casually drop an orbital bombardment but now that I'm here I'm actually shitting my pants against these spearchucking savages
I mean, a well-placed spear throw will end you.
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Flatties sexo
>no sex
who cares
Well he doesn't love them, he just feels entitled to have them.
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ToT loli princess sexo!
out of 10
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Authors really like to turn their tower-climbing / dungeon-clearing settings into bureaucratic hells.
that is actually so fucked up wtf
God, I fucking love this pasta. It is so retarded and yet so true to the source material.
I was always thinking that Arrodes was basically Alfred from Batman, that tries to act super-cute with Klein and just teases the fuck out of others because he's bored and doesn't give a fuck.
Mascot design is cute, but the cutest thing is him changing his honorific name to include The Fool.
Same with Fors, honestly - I just love the idea that Tarot Club angels end up with one line dedicated to Klein.
kinda makes sense
>do stupid shit outside
>just run into a tower/dungeon to heal lol
>morons do it
>die to the starting mobs before getting a heal off
>probably cloggs up the entrance/exit too
>big pharma could lose 99% of their customers in a flash
Can't wait to see adult soldier MC act like teenager retard! Just like Leon and Liam.
Any Isekai where the 2 enemies got Isekai into new roles in the new world?
Just like Lyle (after Lobotomy) before that
He's introduced around chatper 170. The NTR theory comes in because the NTRman kidnapped the MC's CF (Nina) and mom. He killed the mom and we don't know if he did anything to Nina. Anyway the NTR theory comes from the fact that Nina was able to ride on the Bicorn which only allows non-virgins to ride it. We don't know if the rule doesn't apply to her for some reason (she may be nonhuman like a witch) or if it's because she got fucked, but we don't know who fucked her in that case. it could be NTRman or different timeline Youta or something else.
I love NTR.
It must have been an inherent kink, etched into my very being.
NTR is the ultimate pleasure.
To be more specific, childhood friend NTR is the pinnacle.
The longer the relationship, the deeper the despair, the more it hurts, allowing me to savor the experience fully.
God, I love this series.
MC knows that he's mid-tier fighter at best and sends Hero on grindmonke run, while he himself goes on to get information about enemy movement and to get new gear for Hero and his team. All while Crown Prince OMOSHIROI's
It really is true to the title with everything happenign behind the fight of Demon Lord and Hero.
The CF is called nishina but gets called nina in the isekai. Which makes me think that "nina" is a fake nishina created by kanejou or a witch with shapeshifting powers started looking like nishina for some reason relating to kanejou
It doesn't make sense at all. The whole mindset is stupid:
> let's babysit people with rules and regulations and protect them from themselves
Just let people do whatever as long as it's only their own necks are at risk. Want to challenge level 50 boss solo at D rank — go ahead, it's your life to throw away. Want to run into the tower to heal minor bruise — go ahead, but be ready to get raped by goblins.
still retarded. juts say it's impossible if you want to restrict it.
like healing magic only reverts condition up to moment of entering the dungeon.
>> let's babysit people with rules and regulations and protect them from themselves
Maybe the whole mindset is stupid to you but it was smart enough to be made law
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>These two finally had seggs in the latest web novel chapter
Is the chart still being updated?
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>power of imagination
So he's pic related?
Do you not realize that there were dozens of stupid-ass laws passed irl?
>it is a law
>therefore intelligence was put into it when making said law
That is not the fundamental principles of how laws are made.
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Why the FUCK is this fucking psychotic menhera bitch throwing a reality destroying tantrum from getting jealous over HERSELF?
Sadly, this is the farthest their relationship will get for now. From now on, it will become a massive harem where MC has like 8 girls after him and she then losses screentime as time goes on.
it is a law, meaning the populace thought it was a good enough of an idea to add it/elect someone to add it
doesn't matter if the laws were/are stupid, all that matters is that people accepted the law instead of rejecting it
you two are holding fiction to a higher standard than reality, stop it
Group think is not a mark of intelligent decisions or designs. What the hell are you smoking, man.
Group think good enough for the mob, and that is the only barrier of intelligence needed for laws to be made
>tfw boy you like prefers one of you personalities over another
Self ntr is real, in her mind at least. Mc just earned another round of stabbing correction.
Haven't seen anyone talk about this new reverse isekai reincarnator yandere summonslop drawn by a hentai artist
>reverse isekai
Here's the hint why
the only reverse isekai that matters are card games
>only one chapter
>no sex
What is there to talk about?
You are thinking of common law principles while mixing them up with statutes and regulations. Likely because you attribute it to voting for a bunch of old men who are not obligated to actually care about mob rule once they get voted in.
Is it the one with the yandere sister who kidnap the brother, kills the GF then one day the Brother manages to run away from the dungeon and runs into a truck and gets Isekai?
Well that's not new or reverse isekai so probably not
then is one too many.
Sometimes stupid people can put other at risk. In The Witcher, sometimes peasants or soldiers took upon themselves to try to get rid of monsters only to make it worse because they lack the education on how to deal with certain monsters. The soldiers destroyed a griffin nest, killed the female and smashed the eggs but didn't know that griffin mate for life, thus enraged the male and caused it to rampage to the nearby town. Good intentions but a lack of knowledge can lead to worse things.
>returned by complete accident
>wants to go back to isekai ASAP
>when confronted by angry schizo yandere instead of running, he hugs her and makes her give up on whole murder suicide plan completely in just a few seconds
This guy is like opposite of every reverse isekai returner.
Different one, he was a powerful dude with a harem but then a fox summon who reincarnated as the imouto killed him and herself to put a spell on them so they would reincarnate together away from the rest of the harem
He summons a demon to make a contract with so that he can return back to check on the rest of his harem who also look to be batshit yandere like her
It's not reverse isekai returner, its reverse isekai tensei/reincarnator isekai
>oi, bruv, do you have a loisence fer dat goblin killin?
All yanderes especially imouto yanderes would get fixed if people would just give them hugs and get them pregnant instead of trying to escape them
looks like sex to me
People who lack knowledge on how to do certain task can cause more harm that good
The green haired girl (not shown in the original pic)
Just a question about the charts.
Do you have to manually edit each image to add text underneath? Because I can't find the option to include annotations on the Tier Making site.
>be mc
>seasoned merc and low ranked nobility
>daughter is born
>starts talking at age 0, babbling about being a JK and having superior knowledge
>thinks she's fucking retarded
I'm enjoying this quite a bit.
That's a changeling, exterminate immediately.
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>Yandere harem
So MC has to micromanage each and every harem members to not kill each other and himself?
I don't hate harems per se. I hate stories that present themselves as being mono from the start, only for the author to cuck to "fans" at the ending. Pic-related is a perfect example. Harems should be transparent from the start, like Highschool DXD and Shinmai.
Both him and his wife think it was a demon possession but he's fine with it so long she calls him daddy.
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Realistic depiction of the average harem "chad"
Seems to be the case if pic related is PTSD based on a real event
What are some series where people discovered the MC is actually come from another world and not the owner of the body?
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>bustiest girl who's very cute and lewd is alive

I didn't think that she looked very dead, but some people seemed convinced, and they did take a few chapters to get healers to her.
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Very few isekai do actual possession instead of reincarnation.
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Is your translation cheat bugged?
If I recall Lutz calls out Myne for being a body snatcher and she just says I'm totally willing to give it back but it'll just be a corpse you know? Lutz reflects a bit and he's really spent more actual time with isekaijin Myne since default Myne was sickly and bedridden.
Including herself, she got cucked 3 times and avoided getting cucked twice
>CF dies at the start of the story before she can get cucked by her
>Intervenes before Judith can
>can't remember if she got cucked by nyau or not but ageha only reappeared after the cuckquean radar went off
>gets cucked by herself and her other self since they kept switching between which one was having sex with him
>gets cucked by the new saintess while kiska lost his memory of ageha and she disappeared
What I mean is that when someone got Isekai into another character's body, do family/friends of the original owner of the body realize that this person isn't their love one?
Cannot give you any by name because most of the time anyone who knows or suspects something remains silent. Usually because the possessed (or reincarnation prior to an abrupt and intense remembrance of their previous life) was a total dick and the asshole is better off being 6 feet under.
>I only love my brown queen
>brown queen proceeds to want him to get more mistresses and concubines
Found it. Both translation and og novel are pretty dead,last chapter was in 2023.
If I Was the Only One Who Believed in the Prince of My Class Who Was Falsely Accused of Mol*station, the Prince Would Become a Princess
had a dream that all the chapters of Damn Reincarnation were on novelupdates
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what can I expect from it?
There's that Meshia one (more of a returned from Isekai thing tho)
If it's like Webnovel dot com, then pirated copies of wuxia and xiania novels.
i dont understand how this isekai attracted the haremfag audience instead of the delicious brown girl fetishfags
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NU keeps getting dumber
Is this the same artist as that lazy aristocrat with Cow Magic?
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Don't do RTA guys...
could be funny, how seriously is it depicted?
>Milf isekai
>Chibi multiverse releases chapters every 2 months
>gets sniped
>suddenly two chapters in a week
This is why i laugh every time i see some cuck trying to say not to snipe these retards
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Really makes you wonder what they're so scared of
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Kek. Everytime without fail
>if anon with his passable MTL and typesetting, but no redrawing skillz releases weekly updates people will stop shilling out to our patreon
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.t napul
Kichiku Eiyuu?
Is it good? Are the scans on Mangadex the uncensored ones?
>Insert internet meme
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Well yeah, the moment they start asking for money is the moment they are incentivized to trickle down their content and essentially gatekeep it for money.
I remember that, I stopped reading it until is done because it seemed that pretty soon it just went full on politics.
concubines? Wait, they made it into a harem? Why? That's terrible. He has a wife, why would he need an harem and wouldnt that weaken the value of their marriage?
>instead of continuing my story, I think I'll end it here and write something different
>new story is about isekai magic with mechs
Is the author retarded? He's abandoning his old project to rewrite the same thing.
Well there seem to be some kaiju in this one
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Sauce? Image search gives nothing
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I like this panel, is supposed to look what you get at the end of a long journey, but in this case is one we haven't seen and yet I can still feel in earnest how the author somehow has backstory in his mind in which he believed....I hope I got the right impression.

I just want this to end so that "Maybe" can do some other work, I can't believe is been 10+ years already when Dusk Maiden concluded so quickly and had such a nice rhythm.
It's supposed to be ending soon.
So just like the last one. Got it.
Was their other manga (not dusk maiden) any good?
>Wife whoring out his husband for political reasons
I dropped this piece of trash
See above. Other (noble) women kept wanting his dick and for convoluted and contrieved reasons he basically caves in after being pressured by literally everyone.
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I only remember that and the (excellent) porn they made.
Katsute Kami datta Kemonotachi , that ended 1 year ago, never read it myself, it got licensed and the last volume came out last month.
>See above. Other (noble) women kept wanting his dick and for convoluted and contrieved reasons he basically caves in after being pressured by literally everyone.
I really can't see a good reason for that, I seem to remember that he was summoned out of necessity, because the Queen needed to marry someone and the other candidates would have caused problems, he was basically to live an easy life and isolated from any possible political enemy, did the author run out of ideas pretty quickly or what?
>monocuck is at it again.
Still buttblasted?
not an anti-mono psyop btw
Weird, all I got were these names.
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Migger sex happened. It was nice.
>kissing a dude while staring at a different guy
she looks more like the cuck than he does
I can't for the protagonist to do butt fuck nothing with his harem because retarded game attribute and all of the girls start lezzing up.
Fucking moron author.
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Does this bitch really have a set of human ears AND a set of dog ears?
This actually looks kind of interesting. Leon was too much of a shitposter for me to take much of his series at all seriously
main girl looks like shit though
>like Highschool DXD
fox ears >>268074471
>does she have dog ears?
>fox ears
so the answer is yes
>have a set of human ears AND a set of dog ears?
I've seen this before.
this manga that I finished reading called garden sphere.
Premise was that a Prince of a nation of dog eared people was to marry the loli princess of a nation of horned people. It was an arranged marriage kind of thing and so these two just have merely pretended to have an interest in each other.
Of course they develop feelings.
Prince had two sets of ears, a pair of human ears and a pair of canine ears.
Also, The prince was 16 years old, Princess was 10 years old.
nobody ever points out how obsessed the dude's been with adding mecha
i think some people would take offense if you called fox ears dog ears
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I can't believe the author went there, I thought he would find some other way, but it is quite funny.

So, did it work?
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>running around apologizing to yanderes like the soul-sucking generic harem lead that he is, turning it into generic harem slop
>the fact that he's dealing with girls who are getting violent with him just makes him look extra pathetic
I hope that this isn't how this manga goes. Unfortunately, I'm about 75% sure that that's exactly how it's going to go.

It should be a girl vs. girl ryona manga with a bunch of new girls showing up all the time instead. Some of them should die (one of them murdered him anyways). Yanderes that can coexist in a large harem are just girls making funny faces.
>Killing her off would be a massive waste.
Sticking her in bottom-of-the-barrel haremshit that gets cancelled in under 15 chapters would be a bigger waste.
where'd you find the raws?
Explain what a migger is. Is this more nuspeak that I haven't acclimated to yet?
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totally not written by a psychopath btw
... how new?
who tf is this cutie pie?
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I would have never expected a Manga to pull Dick in a box.
It's from /vt/, referencing Sakura Miko when she said nigga on stream.
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Migurdian + Nigger
you're new alright, new to isek/a/i
proto marie
the nips know about dick in the box because I remember seeing it as a cg for the Steam City h-game
its a mushoku tensei joke referencing the migurd race
anon was commenting that in the latest episode, roxy, a migurd, had sex with the main character, cuckolding his childhood friend elf wife who was at home pregnant with his child
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Still would
>would frowning face.jpg
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that word perpetuates harmful stereotypes. stop using it..
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One of the only good scenes, honestly.
the anal training club was the best part
>Some of them should die (one of them murdered him anyways).
She did.
>It should be a girl vs. girl ryona manga with a bunch of new girls showing up all the time instead.
Sounds pretty meh, to be honest. That one generic witch battle royale manga that flopped few years back, due to disinterest comes to mind.
Just give me ok fights and make girls interesting and I'll be satisfied, no real need for killing quotas, or dark twist, like the one that got Suzuki isekai axed.
Yandere Livia is so hot
Did he promise monogamy with the wife?
The only good part. I dunno what went wrong with that circle's writer.
People still watch that cuckshit?
>hentai artist who loves drawing chubby girls who also get pregnant goes mainstream
>the manga is as much of their fetish as possible
During sex, the boots must stay on.
Behead all naked footfags!!!
I heard viewership went down quite a bit with the start of ED arc, don't know if it's true though.
What twelve year old would get erectile dysfunction?
Yes, actually, it was hilarious
his father was a cheater too and he spent most of his childhood shit talking him for it
The kind that gets raped and abandoned by his first girlfriend
the last episode was the 20th most viewed television program on amazon of all time
agreed brudder
Didn't get raped. That abandonment was only used to push the author's cuck fetish. It's only purpose was to have Rudeus hear that one chick get fucked every day.
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>MC missed his ex-girlfriend
Shouldn't have walked away from her then
t. Chris.
You are getting cucked by slave loli and there is nothing you can do about it.
i was thinking of picking this up
how good is it?
every page that gets posted here is always with the same girl but is this supposed to be a harem?
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Should have shared a bed with her first.
So is it true later on its revealed that twin tails girl is an elf?
there are 5 girls
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>ywn be groomed by an evil woman
name three
and actual evil women like the bitch from jormugandr not were good girl dindus all along
who cares, I sleep, and dropped
Eh, kinda anticlimactic reveal.
His appraisal didn't allow many other ways.
>walk five steps to the right or left, throw sword/spear or use a bow
Ez, maybe if it was a closed cabin, people in the past weren't that retarded a many may think.
>The seat where the operator controls the vehicle is left exposed to the elements.
Stupid Author!
Take a note from Killdozer!
Or better yet, look at what ISIS prepared,
Or best still, watch that scene in MGS4 with the armoured bulldozer and those Middle Eastern insurgents that used it for cover, up until they got wiped out by PTSD suffering beauties trapped in advanced biomechanical cybernetic armoured shells.
>Or better yet, look at what ISIS prepared,
damn they should sue Elon for ripping them off
this is not OSHA certified
where is his vest?
It was pretty apparent in Season 1 issei was gonna have multiple women fawning over him even if Rias is the main one.
>Other (noble) women kept wanting his dick and for convoluted and contrieved reasons he basically caves in after being pressured by literally everyone.
A major plot point at the start was how much it made her happy that he only wanted to be with her and not other women
What a fucking joke
>promises slow NEET life
>delivers political intrigue, political scheming, and political issues
is there a bigger bait and switch than this series?
Indeed, he even made it his goal to have a harem of beautiful girls.
It seems as though in the later seasons it went down a death spiral.
Or so I have been told.
>MC gets reincarnated
>the new world is a cutesy one where shit like stealing cookie jars is the greatest crime people commit
>keeps doing shit like drawing a gun on people asking how his day is going
>healing slow life before transitioning to monofag romance healkino
get to work nip slaves this shit aint gonna write itself
I got none of those, tried both yandere and nao
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do koreans shake with their left normally
Are GENTLEMEN edits using pages with the woman speaking instead of men considered acceptable?
maybe he's just left handed, nigger
>the west shakes with the right since doing so means putting down your sword
>koreans shake with their left, putting down their shield while keeping the sword ready for backstabs
rat behavior, makes sense they love assassin characters in mobas and mmos
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What Chris doesn't know won't hurt her.
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Fucking Koreans. It's this every time.
I though invading mean 5 people go to the enemies jungle and either all die or kill their jungle?
not a webtoon shilling psyop btw
>literally just league
It's either Dota or League. That's basically MOBA formula
Koreans don't play Dota. I miss the old days when Korean novels only referenced Starcraft instead of the dominance of LoL.
Any series with a busty reverse trap?
>busty reverse trap?
flat or small breasted reverse traps are the best like in that one doujin with the bowlcut girl
League is basically the new starcraft for koreans since mid 2010s when sc2 was a failure
Funny thing is koreans have more success achieving results in league if they play in china than if they compete in korea aside from the obvious big name guy
okay is there any series with flat or small breasts reverse traps?
use the new yandere imouto for the next thread
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