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What was your reaction when reading through a manga and suddenly came to an abrupt end? Consumed by rage? Filled with confusion? Drown in disbelief and denial? Perhaps, plagued with uncontrollable laughter at the absurdity.

Nevertheless, come. Relive, share with others, or experience for yourself the first time some of these short lived (maybe justifiably so) creations.
Make valuable lessons be learnt. And never forget, the true ending was the friends we read questionably sourced Japanese cartoon drawings on a handicraft forum with along the way.

How many kills can you get contributed to if no one lives to confirm?

>These are interesting times in the empire of Varnia. The imperial army may have broken the back of the invading army of Nebel, but at tremendous cost. The living weapons born of past wars with the magic-wielding tribes of the south still prowl the ancient forests. And ever since the battle in the northern pass, an avenging phantom has stalked the trails of Varnia, leaving carnage in its wake: The immortal warrior, the last knight of Orgonne... And they call her Slayer Volte.

Chapter 5 & 6 >>268017658
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Chapter 7
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She really likes the sound of splattering, huh?
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Don't just admit it!
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Hmm... What could they be up to?
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Another one...
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That damned smile...
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Monitor your kids' internet activities, damn it
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And that's all for today.
Can't believe the princess's grandfather was a goatfucker.
Good day/night, everybody.
Thank you for posting.
Royal enjoying the peasant lifestyle, a tale as old as time.
Under appreciated series, I hope to see more from the author someday.
>unironic daddy issues
Imagine slaughtering entire peoples over getting your shitbag dad to notice you
Some daddyplay with a kemono ojisan could have fixed this
At least she realized eventually how fucked everything was. She should kill her father though, then let Volte kill her.
Thanks again anon
The only good part of daddy issues is you know she's a freak in the sack.
I've seen a lot of media with villains and bad guys regretting what they've done but this is one of the few times it feels truly genuine
Look for Yohane Unpolarized Reelection and Oh Our Great General Myao
There is a very significant amount of rulers throughout history that have commited ungodly atrocities for this very reason
Do we know who or what this is?
The kingdom is Varnia, the royalty is Mejuto, the race is Sharan
Actually really helpful reply, thanks.
Thanks OP
She has some Farnese type murderhorny going on.
Yusuf can bag himself some heretical princess pussy if he plays his cards right.
Who'd want wolf puss, tho?
Volte might be hungry for some herself, just not in the lily way
furry anime faces seem like they'd be cringe but they really work here.

again, there's not nearly enough gore in manga

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