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Mazoku Monday has me thinking about my favourite bovine. You haven't forgotten about Shamiko, right?
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Deprived mazoku
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Shamiko (forma súcubo de vaca)
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Posting in the Shamithread
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it's summer
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It's Shamisummer
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Love me a mazoku summer
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>sunburnt fox
I want to licky the Ricky
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So small.. So big.. So Shamiko..
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Tiny bundle of Shamisex
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Should succucows be allowed on the beach?
hello shamithread
hello shamifriends

ToC when?
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My cow friend Shamiko
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Shamibulking is canon, it's all for the Momo princess carry
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2 days until another hiatus
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When was the last non-hiatus?
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The more skin Shamiko shows the more power she wields as my Shadow Mistress. So this is the dark clan's secret..
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I just want to be happy again
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Shamiko should just go naked
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Ito vaxx status?
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Shamiko's hefty holsteins.
>Tail cutout and button strap
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the true purpose is a window
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A journey to the source of mofu
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demon love wiener
Wholeheartedly agree, it worked well enough for her already. As dark clan matriarch she needs to keep her strength up and her vassal's morale high.
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caprinae aren't bovine
They're both bovids so it's fine
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Shadow Miko Miko Miko Mistress Yuuko!
hello shamithread
hello shamifrens
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Imagine being Momo
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Goodnight, Shamithread
Shamithread, shamidead
machikado totsugeki
has there been any chapters recently?
I stopped frequenting this general
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She would be too powerful
Massive Mazoku Mammaries
No. Ito's recovering from probably being bedridden for a long time by drawing commissions, so that her art is up to snuff for new chapters again.
Please no
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I'm certain most of us don't even remember when the last chapter was and track things by the latest news of Ito life signs.
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Shamiko and her wife
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That's her husband (female)
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Not dense and obscure enough.
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Shamiko is built for relentless sekuhara until she starts reciprocating.
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Shamisteal her shamiclothes
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they caught the gay
what are those, face masks for ants?
Don’t mind me. Just come to bump the Shamithread

Any word on the Ito commissions though?
Still just the one advice skeb
Can this tiny mage join in this thread?
How do you reciprocate a sekuhara, isn't it a non-hara if both parties start going at it?
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They have been like that since chapter one.
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Normalizing the sekuhara is the goal. I want Shamiko to embrace her depraved roots and explore the opportunities granted to her by her succucow body. If I ask Shamiko what's for breakfast while groping her heaving udders I want her to start unbuttoning her top with a blush on her face, that kind of reciprocation. Shamiko is innocent but has such a sexy body, seeing how she'd react to sekuhara excites me.
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Momo, get of the internet
So how many babies will momo impregnate yuuko with
You got it backwards
Momo is the one with the dick. No Russian bioweapon wouldn't have a dick
I still can't get over how Momo wears Crocs. It really cements her lack of fashion sense.
She probably wonders why more people don't wear them, they're comfy and easy to wear.
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Babies, she'll have so many babies
It's a shame this didn't happen
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oh no, how is the naked onee-san gonna get our of this one
Post donut pillow
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At least three to outdo Joshua initially, revival of the dark clan is important so they have to start competing. Seiko & Yuuko will be busy indeed.
I love shami
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Momo is the one getting corrupted and impregnated
Is this real?
I feel like it was a miracle we had 2 seasons of this show, i really hope we get a third.
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not without more sacrifices
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why is she so shami?
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Is today the day?
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we just don't know
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For a moment I thought this was a demon core.
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i'm trying to imagine what sort of music demon core or shami core might be
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Probably some anti-establishment weird branch of rock for hipsters
We're having a bit of trouble with that right now actually. Protip: don't let an intern hook up your HR database to the data warehouse and set up reports from that, especially if you're in the business of liquidating human resources.
Shami on vocals
She is still never vaxxed. They don't give you vaccines AFTER you have had the virus. She already had whooping cough when there were legitimately no safe vaccines in Japan, since they had not identified which vaccine was the culprit since the Health Ministry was denying there was a problem and actively destroying evidence. I am sure she got all the childhood vaccines other than pertussis before she went to school- since her parents got a full view of what happens when you CANT vaccinate- by which time the culprit had been identified and it was safe again.
No it shouldn't be. But, has Ito finished all the commissions she took for training two months ago? THAT would give us a clue if she is ready to try for next month. With the realization that TRYING to make the deadline, if her hands are capable now, might still put her in the hospital.
Kirara needs to bite the bullet and move Machikado Mazoku to digital only and a bi-monthly base schedule. Ito is just too sickly for a monthly deadline.
It seems that season 3 is actually head up by the doubt over a season four. At two volumes per season there already is another season on the shelf. THAT season however only gets to the introduction of Suika. None of the money people on the anime production are apparently willing to pay for a season 3 unless they know the result of the Suika arc, which Ito has been unable to draw. Without at least some idea of where volume 8 is going to go- and we are still stuck on vol 7- no one will pay for the anime.

At least thats the only thing that makes sense as to why no season three when vols 5 and 6 have been on the shelf for years.
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>they had not identified which vaccine was the culprit since the Health Ministry was denying there was a problem and actively destroying evidence.
Light Clan is, as always, responsible for this
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>Kirara needs to bite the bullet and move Machikado Mazoku to digital only and a bi-monthly base schedule. Ito is just too sickly for a monthly deadline.
It’s already on “releasing whenever possible” schedule, same as Hidamari
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So much youthful time spent on flash undressing games and the ones that asked you multiple choice high school/college questions. And Runescape.
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I wonder if tkmiz likes Shamiko's manga
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what happens if i pull off that bow
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You die.
It would be very painful.
So, is it shamiover?
Not as long as Ito lives.
Why hasn't ito used a dark ritual to become healthy?
She wants to spare our souls.
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Please don't shamidie
apparently tomorrow is the 10th anniversary of machikado appearing in carat. serialisation anniversary is september though, so would kirara celebrate that anniversary instead?
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hiatus soon
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I Shamibelieve
this seems gay
When does the magazine come out?
in just over an hour
Its shamiover, Machikado Mazoku was axed
>no chapter again
How many more sacrifices do I need to make
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Have we tried virgin sacrifices yet?
>not even posting confirmation its still on hiatus
Its so shamiover
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Thats not surprising given Ito is basically recovering now. More worried if she's actually alive. Know she retweeted something but she seems to have been quiet recently. Also weird they haven't done an official hiatus announcement given the circumstances
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Welcome to hell.
Time to shamikill ourselves.
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I don't remember this, where's it from?
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She's had enough. She's shamidone.
>10th anniversary of machikado Mazoku
>No news
>Only fanartists keep the series alive now
We've only sacrificed shamianons, they've all been virgins
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Maybe that's the issue, maybe we're not thinking in succubus logic enough, and we should be sacrificing the likes of a single teenage mother
I want to steal her clothes
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How rude
I want to make her a double teenage mother
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Shamiko wouldn't say that...
Shamiko is a foul-mouthed, kisama-dropping demon, she just might
Mikan is too lewd to wear clothes
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why is she drooling
The breasts are a weakpoint on the shamicow
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Ito will appear dead for months and then pop back up. Lets hope she takes some measures to keep her self well.
Pray for Ito.
It helps if you liquidate them first before the offering step. You get the virgin bonus since they can't tell they were virgin or not before they were soup.
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Don’t give up
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I give up.
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The clothes make her more lewd
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imagine being shamiko
All the more reasons why she shouldn't wear clothes
Giving up has never looked so cute.
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>Hidamari Shamiko
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Also Gochiusa mixed in.
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Alright, I can see your point
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demon sketchy
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Rare happy Shami
Shamiko is the Mazoku in Machikado Sketch.
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Rico is the Rico in Hidamari Mazoku
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Rico Suave
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on shamiko?
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Good point
Shamiko would never be so shameless
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She must do what her bloodline demands of her
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Shami10 out of 10
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Need me a free use Sha-miko
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manzoku ja nai
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Shamiko is so cool and sexy
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y tho
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Brown hair Shamiko is rare after the anime
i love me a shami day after a shami week
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Has Ito posted anything about the anniversary?
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>Has Ito posted anything
>Kirara needs to bite the bullet and move Machikado Mazoku to digital only and a bi-monthly base schedule.
What exactly would that accomplish? 4koma can't survived digital only. Just look how they are gutting the 4koma out of Manga Time Original in preparation of killing the magazine.
A switch to bimonthly is pointless if you can't even get three chapters a year.
The combination of digital and bimonthly in particular is a bad idea. Web releases tend to have a constant stream of tiny updates because the readers have ADHD.
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I am posting in the Shamithread. Please let me post in the Shamithread.
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The cool idealized momo

Vs the real momo who can't work a rice cooker
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I miss the big Shami
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How long would it take Ririsu to be comfortable enough with you to go full Mesopotamian fashion?
A few minutes
What if they're both real?
No I haven't. But I don't think much about her either so...
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