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New chapter will release at 12:00 PM nip time
What matchups are we getting?
Why didnt Tokio fuck the booby teacher? She would've done him no questions asked when they met again.
I feel like azuma will fight and get fucked up by elder vlad
still don't car about palma and all you palmafags will never change my mind
Will the story continue long term after the fight with Zora or do you think Ishida will end things quickly after?
I dont care either way but you fags are somehow getting more obnoxious bringing her up when shes not even the focus in this arc
We are only at the middle point of the story according to Ishida who was invited to a radio show just few days ago where he talked a bit about the manga. So it will reach 20 volumes at the very least, potentially more than that
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Story’s only half over
We’ll be here for a while
No bro you don't understand Palma is going to receive the mark despite not even being in the raid and also the wings on the plane in chapter 33 symbolized her and Tokio even though this statement is completely fucking retarded since Sora only had 3 figures in her eye and hyenas don't have fucking wings
>t. actual things Palmafags have told me completely unironically
That's just normal overexcited characterfag behavior and wanting their favorites to be relevant, I dont see you complaining about Humefags making theories about how he will totally turn the tables on YM during the raid. Fact is that nobody brought her up in the last few threads because she's simply not the focus, so randomly bringing this up is stupid.
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So he already has the ending planned out? Neat
That's literally Kisa and Souchan
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For me it's them
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He also said that on his original drafts of the story, he had Ely as the main character, but something didn’t sit well with him so he changed it to Tokio, but then he felt that Tokio wasn’t dynamic enough and so came up with Azuma
Azuma’s probably gonna fight Batista cause he’s currently with a bunch of background characters who can easily be killed off
Azuma will get the mark.
>Ely as the main character
Interesting. She's also the first character to appear in the manga and bears most relation to other characters among the ensemble cast, so it makes sense. It's always cool to get insights into an artist's approach when creating a story.
Ely is X and will get the mark confirmed
Or she will become the DC, there were hints about it as well
Is there a full transcription/translation of this interview or whatever it was?
Boys rule, girls drool - simple as.
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Azuma clad in his iron armor vs BucketGOD would make me cum
Bucket is a fraud
I want Azuma to die already, he got forgiven for sperging out and shooting up the school too quickly. Hopefuly Ely rejects him and he dies right after.
Tokio v Vlad. Tokio needs to see how off the mark he was once again like with Smoke Man Hume
>Both Hume and Vlad love Sora and are quick to resort to violence because of their short temper
>"When Hume woke up, [the 7h fight] was all over"
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I get hating him for his past shit, but at leat he learns from his mistakes, actively tries to become a better person and shows real human flaws. Meanwhile Tokio really needs to have sex or he will make things worse for everyone
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Clearly he's being dishonest with all this "bettering" people like that just can't be trusted. Even him liking Ely can be al ulterior motive trying to one up Tokio.
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>Meanwhile Tokio really needs to have se-ACK
He hasn't lost a single fight btw
Please don't remind me of that trashfire anon, I'd already forgotten about it
>No I don’t want that! Azuma finding another girl??? I want him to think about me and no one else! Even after I die I want to be at the front of his mind for a while! 10 years at least!
At least Ely gave us a chad "NO I DON'T WANT THAT" Dying before I could study, (academically) top Azuma and be proud of myself?! Nooooo
Not directly, but it's because of him that Sora already has one foot in the grave
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Anon I-
Nooo Ely, don't do that, don't be the become the Choujin X.
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Apparently the radio show was region locked to nip only and there doesnt seem to be an archive of it, which sucks because apparently he said some interesting things there
>Vlad doesn't stop yapping about bringing the Beast to Sora
>Bring destruction to the poppy fields = Get YM and the Beast to the Tower to Sora
Bucket was the only smart one here, don't bring the target, make it come to you. Vlad should thank him
>Ishida initially wanted Tokio to be a wolf or hawk but changed to vulture because otherwise he'd die of embarassment from being made fun of
Hard to embrace the chuuni in your 30s huh
>i feel like could beastify you in bed
Not sure if based because it's so out of pocket and bold or cringe because he said something different in the Raws
He just saw the "inside of you there are 2 wolves" meme and had to throw the whole initial draft into the garbage...tragic.
Kek did he actually say that? The irony of it since vultures can be seen as more chuuni with what all the death connection etc. But it's funny to muse about what the story would look like if he'd stuck with his initial ideas
Vlad's probably gone half senile as second? oldest Choujin currently still around that we know of, please be patient
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I wonder how Tower found out about Poppies being gone. Was it on the news? Or...
>Post August 5th
>Batista needed morphine for some reason so he decides to use the site
>Batista: Uh Vlad... our supplier seems to have been compromised. Nude.org is now a porn site
>Vlad in panic rushes out of the tower SWIMS all the way to Daizo climbs the mountains to reach the top
>Only to start yelling "HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!" in horror over the scorched poppies
>Cutaway to Bucket hitting the pipe
That would be cool because that'd kick in Azuma's ptsd from getting hit with raise negating weapon.
Round 3 when?
Right after Ely steals Sora's powers and becomes the dark calamity.
After azuma gets the mark
>>Batista: Uh Vlad... our supplier seems to have been compromised. Nude.org is now a porn site
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why is bucket smoking the last remaining opium of sora's stash!? it's like stealing from your boss while watching her croak
wtf i love azuma now
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>azuma fags still exist
I want Ely to fuck off, unpleasant character, he's probably going to do shit in the near future, I hope he dies soon
GODzumachads run this board
He's a bully. All that's missing is if the pipe he's smoking from actually belonged to Vlad or Sora
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>when you are seething so hard you forget the right pronouns in the middle of the sentence
>it's the shiozakifag tourist https://desuarchive.org/a/search/username/Anonymous%20Red/
Fuck now I’m imagining Bucket in a letterman jacket taking lunch money from Jing and Tawashi
Penetrated Ely first. Now and forever.
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Since V10 should be coming out in like 3-4 weeks, what kind of omake scenarios can you think of with the contents of the chapters we got.
I'll start
>Nari tries to do investigation but gets stumped somehow
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The Alpha of Awe. The Brute of Brawn. The Cultivator of Class. The Duke of Domination. The Emperor of Eloquence. The Fiercest of Fighters. The Greatest of Glory. The Height of Heroism. The Imperator of Intellectualism. The Jarl of Justice. The King of Knights. The Lord of Loquaciousness. The Master of Mortality. The Naysayer of Noobs. The Overlord of Obituaries. The Prince of Passion. The Que-hagen of Queem. The Ruler of Ruination. The Sultan of Smite. The Taskmaster of Trembles. The Undertaker of Ubiquity. The Vaeyen of Vociferousness. The Warranter of Weaklings. The Xenophobe of Xenogeny. The Yardmaster of Yamato. The Zhar of Zoroastrianism.


LORDzuma the KING

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>I fucked up the copypasta
Kill me
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>All that's missing is if the pipe he's smoking from actually belonged to Vlad or Sora
Bucket being revealed as a freeloader all along who randomly joined the tower would be funny
Stop bringing this type of cancer to these threads

I'm sorry English is not my mother tongue
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>azuma fags are /dbs/ posters and are to low iq to even edit a copypasta
Man I live being a Tokio (the protagonist) GENIUS.
How many people will die I'm guessing atleast 5
>Tokiokek got so excited in writing his post he forgot the difference between to and too
At least they are in character... Tokio seems to suck at english considering he needs subs for dark city and fucks up the word "surprise"
Keep bringing this type of cancer to the threads.
Will there be sequel titles Choujin Y?
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Thats why early threads suck, they always invite all these schizos
I literally can't imagine tokio losing he just has to much aura.
Tokio's dad would huff some with Bucket
His rizz is mid tho
Ironically, he has more aura when he doesn't try. When he opens his mouth however...
He lost last chapter tho when Momoma decided risking the Tower Collapsing would be a better than being stuck with him any longer
Hmm I kinda thought we'd leave the overly comedic atmosphere at the door when this arc started. Right now it feels like a 60-40 or 70-30 split in favor of comedy. There's nothing inherently wrong with it, it just isn't my preference for a war arc like this. There's still time though so I'm not making any haphazard judgements
Nah blud has negative rizz.
He actively repels the bitches
Early thread as in one hour before the chapter...? So we can't even have chapter threads anymore?
No, more like 5 hours before the chapter
Ishida wants to rape us with some good ol tonal whiplash. I’m ready >:).
Enjoy the comical scene of Tokio seeing that Vlad is not the merry old man he drew but a geezer with anger issues
Even if you are just ironic, fuck off with your twitter lingo
It's 2024 blud get with the times
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Patiently waiting for my hero to make his entrance
Unc crashin out fr
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>tfw t*kio enters your vicinity
>Batista wants to vaxx Azuma
>Because of Tower making its move his matchup is anything but Azuma
Would geniunely be the funniest shit
He just needs a Palma to molest him
He already made a contingency plan for this scenario and provided all fighters with a sample of Xember in case one of them would face him
COCKBLOCKly had to stop Palma from molesting Tokio.
>No censorship
Enjoy your vacation anon
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We don't snitch here
That reminds me where the fuck are Ricardo and Ume?
Probably savoring some hot dogs
Don't we usually get the cover around this time or even earlier?
Most likely next week
Would be nice if it came with the chapter but that only happened once iirc
Am I the only one who feels like Tokyo is going to betray Palma several times as soon as they start dating?
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Sato will fuck Tokio's sister
>Bucket and Batista really don't give a shit about this raid
They are the bosses for next level of the map
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Vlad just can't do anything right, can't be the Beast, can't fight Tokio his foil, can't woo women properly...
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I have a bad feeling about the masks that Jing and Tawashi are wearing...Batista gon use that poison.
Jing sexo. There. I said it
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you fucked up the stitch
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Yeah sorry my bad, i sorely need my sleep. Should be fixed now
Michelangelo x tawashi
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>mfw I forgot IC is not part of a team with JingTawa but their thirdwheel/tardwrangler
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Just imagine the insane amounts of completely VISCERAL disgust Momo must've felt in that moment...Also ICE is not really threatening to even fight Tokio 1v1, let alone when he has backup, should've brought some redshirts at least.
>azuma is there
Don't worry everything will be fine.
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So cute
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Now we wait for TLanon
Shit. I was looking forward to see her fight.
Don't worry she probably will raise its not like his hand is a choujin killer.
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Based Vlad is the only one propping up that K/D score for the Tower. Also time for GODZUMA to carry
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>I have max charm. Watch me steal BB's heart guys!
>Also ICE is not really threatening to even fight Tokio 1v1
What sends me is that Tokio went Full Beastification and for what? IC jobbed to him with a crutch
Tokio is wasting fuel
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2 claws instead of 1 this time
>2 Claws
>For fucking IC
Tokio what are you doing? Just pull up the crutch!
IC has home advantage since he turned his surrounding water into ice and everything. Plus back then he got help from Ely and couldnt actually penetrate his armor with his khopesh
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>Anon come over here
that gun looks incredibly jarring and out of place
seems a bit silly to just paste a 3d model with that much detail
I wish Ishida didn't sacrifice so much art-wise
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I wonder if the claws have something to do with an inner change. Maybe his growing frustrations or his resolve of "I guess I'll kill the bitch if I have to". We've seen his chaos state pretimeskip and he didn't have any claws either.
The fact that Bucket, the guardian of the tower, is yet to appear is actually scary. We saw how he's fast as fuck when he pursued Yubiko
Ok these outfits go hard
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t-tokio-kun slow down!
Palmabros ...
Tokio was not able to fully pierce his armor back then, now that Ice has the advantage of terrain it's better to rely on his own strenght than Momoma's
It amuses me that Bucket basically flung himself out of the nearest window as soon as he saw Yubiko
Legends say he’s still hunting her down after smoking a fat joint.
Why would she feel disgust?
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Kek what a shithead
It’s possible Ice has also been training so he MIGHT be stronger than before, “Villain Forgot To Level Grind” is not in play here.
if vlad has choujin-slayer BB is fucking done for good
If not she will probably immediately raise but be somewhat weakened, which i imagine is vlad's intention
Claws are always there in the feet or in the hands, but never at both at same time.
Hello choujinbros. Wordy chapter this time. Might take a little while. Watch out for mistakes, as usual. Thanks.

>Installation complete.
>I leave the set up to you.
>Won't it reset when the structure of the tower changes...?
>No problem.
>The shifting of the tower is one of the powers Zora gave to the tower.
>Signal confirmed.
>By spreading out "super anti" from a modem...
("Super anti" reads "inability area")
>Commencing set up!
>I didn't think that I'd
>feel really alive like this!
>Is this also part of choujin nature...?
>Zora's power's interference can be rejected.
>Starting "super anti"'s synchronization.

>If communications are restored,
>the divided members will be able to make contact.
>They'll link up and start climbing their way up to Zora's throne.

>With Momo-san and the others.
>Are we going to be able to meet up?
>Seems like she's with Tokio.
>They'll make it, somehow...
>Kurohara... I hope he didn't do anything weird to Momo-san...
>Something weird?
>What's "something weird"?
>Something weird is...
>something weird.


>prepare for battle!!

>I'll help you
>Tokio-kun, you
>save your power for later!

>Did water or something flow here...?
>Should I go up and look again...?
>Over here, water was—

>Look, my gloves are all tattered...
>Eeeeh? Tokio-kun?!
>What did you do?!
>No way!
>Wasn't me!
>The water, on it's own—
>Tokio-kun, over here, too!
>It couldn't be, this is...
>not a huge toilet, is it...? My trauma from that time with Nude...

>This isn't the time
>Momoma-san, over here!!
>It's sink or swim, huh?!
>Please break the ceiling!!
>Got it!
>>not a huge toilet, is it...? My trauma from that time with Nude...
man, Tokio really went insane after his experiences in Iwato, huh
>>Kurohara... I hope he didn't do anything weird to Momo-san...
Incelkiobros...our reputation...
>not a huge toilet, is it...? My trauma from that time with Nude
Nude's trauma>what happened to tokio in iwato
>My trauma from that time with Nude...
Flushed him down the terlet
Are all beast choujin perverts or is it just tokio and palma?
tokio wasn't this bad pre-timeskip
>Tokio was left alone with a woman for five minutes
>people immediately assume he sexually harassed her
God he is so BASED.
He got his long dick on her back.
Ely's worried Tokio is molesting Momo. Funny shit honestly.
>Ely's worried Tokio is molesting Momo. Funny shit honestly.
It's Michael, somehow even people who don't know him that well understand his nature.
That's even funnier.
Ely should have just let Palma molest him so that way he knows how it feels, then he would stop being such a perv.
>On a date with a lovely lady?
>Mr. Kurohara?
>You bastard... I Hee!!
(Tokio's freezing so I.C comes out as "I Hee")
>The water... was your doing, huh?!
>This is very cowardly! To trap us in this huge toilet as strategy!! Very underhanded!
>Whatever you say.
>You 7:3 hairstyle!!
>The me now—
>is still a samurai, huh?!!
(I think this is a reference to a speech by Yukio Mishima. Sorry, I'm not really familiar.)
>I am not a samurai.
>my chest!
>That doesn't matter right now!!

>Not good!

>Hm, what a cute kick.

>Use your power

>"Full beastification"!!
>...Don't think me the same as before.
>"Chill Paladin"!!
>The me of today
>will put his life on the line!!
>Mr. Kurohara!!

(no text)

>This passage way
>...I remember it.
>This might be the "right" way.
>We should wait for the follow-up team.
>So we got bingo, huh.
>Alright, we'll be on stand-by here for a bit!
>Everyone, rest your bodies!

>...the wall that supported the descent earlier. That was splendid.
>Thanks to you, a lot of our troops were saved.
>Don't mention it...
>If any non-choujin forces remain, they'll be a great help not only in combat, but in medical treatment and resupplying.
>It's a difficult mission for choujin alone.
>...but you've got your "resource management" going on, right?
>A middle class consumes about 5 to 6% in a single shot.
>I used 2 middle class techniques, so that consumed 11% from my total.
>Presently, I feel that I've got about 89% resources left.
>Not a problem for long term fighting.
>Remaning resources 89%
>Unlike Kurohara-kun and Momoma-san, I don't have many high output techniques, so I'm the type who's hard to dry up.
>You're such an honor student it's cute. You're already cute.
>...You running out of gas worried me a bit, but it seems there's no problem.
>You got good dexterity.
>I'll be counting on you.

>Praised by BB!
>She doesn't ever tell us a thing.
>I'm kinda jealous.
>It's because I was coached by Sandek.
>I didn't want to lose to the guys around me.

>...and the fact that BB doesn't tell you guys anything...
>isn't that because she trusts you two only to that extent?
>Heeey communications team!
>How's the reception?

That is all! What a suspenseful chapter.
>Kurohara... I hope he didn't do anything weird to Momo-san...
THANKS as always
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Couldn't even get a taste of his onigiri..
>>not a huge toilet, is it...? My trauma from that time with Nude...
>Unlike Kurohara-kun and Momoma-san, I don't have many high output techniques
So are they going to use up all there energy to beat the ice paladin then tokio get captured and has the mark forced on to him?
Thanks TLanon!
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>>Unlike Kurohara-kun and Momoma-san, I don't have many high output techniques, so I'm the type who's hard to dry up.
Momoma better not end up clapped by IC of all people istg...
>>Unlike Kurohara-kun and Momoma-san, I don't have many high output techniques, so I'm the type who's hard to dry up.
I think Ice will lose but not before depleting enough of Tokio's energy that will bite him in the ass at a later point in time. Btw. i really like the detailed autistic explanation here about resource management
IC beat tokio btw
He gon clap her cheeks and pussy given that pose she gave when she broke that ice.
Assuming Bucket and Batista are both present at the tower, then by the time YM faces them they will already be completely exhausted. This seems to be leading to a Sandek/Arthur vs Bucket/Batista and potentially Zora
Man Ice's paladin armor looks so cool
Vlad had to get a second ENTER because the tower moved before he could have his spotlight
>inb4 tower moves AGAIN
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That was his second enter in the same chapter even (the individual parts get compiled into a single chapter in the vol release). Guy's an actual menace. I'm curious what Ishida has in store for Bucket and Batista's enters
As expected of a war hero(criminal)!
You anons called him senile
RIP Big Booba Banshee
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Tokio's drawing made Vlad look a lot less menacing than how he actually carries himself
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Thankfully there's no shortage of big-breasted semen demons in this manga
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I wonder
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Tokio is a lucky guy
>">the shifting of the tower is one of the powers Zora gave to the tower."
Zora can configure the structure of the tower via her power
I feel like Tokio will fuck up somehow and get himself frozen(maybe trying to save Maiko), so it'll be up to Momoma to do some heavy lifting
>+7m tall giant monster
>has an assassim build
The absolute unit
I feel like Ice is ok with dying as long as he they remain victorious, so he will surely pull some bullshit that will leave both Tokio and Momoma quite tired
Tho honestly i have no idea how Tawashi and Jing will be able to hold down Ely, Simon and Michael, unless Jing prepared some nasty traps
Regardless, everyone will be too tired after their fights(maybe not Sandek and Arthur) so Batista and Bucket will clean up the house
>37 had him say Tokio and Ely were flirting when they were having simple banter over Tokio being an absolute moron at recognizing faces
>This chapter has him say Tokio and Momoma were going on a date when they were trying to escape
Place your bets
>IC is a romantic
>IC tries this in hopes of successfully riling someone up
>IC is so bad at social cues, he thinks every instance of a man and a woman conversing to each other/doing things together is of a romantic nature
Yeah him scaling the tower and sneaking up from behind was the last thing I expected from him kek. At the same time his long-ass arms are perfect just for that
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Vlad our Ninja...
I think deep down Ice has respect for Tokio and sees him as a worthy oppontent but he also just likes to banter a bit (Tokio is similar). Him simply sucking at social cues is a likely option as well considering that he's probably spent his whole life in servitude to an ancient hag with some other crazy bug girl being his only contact with the female sex
He's quite a looker honestly, he probably fucked a lot...for the sake of the Tower.
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They sure are taking their time
Disregard protecting the tower, accelerate vaccine development.
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>These are middle-class techniques
Not even half as powerful as one queem stealth bomber.
They are support techniques, unless Azuma gets to personally cut somebody to pieces, he doesn't feel alive.
why does everyone think tokio is a pervert? He hasn't even done anything that weird.
I wonder if the energy cost depends more on the size or complexity. If size is the thing that matters more couldn't he just create a bunch of small bombs to maximize attack power
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You don't gift lingerie at a friend's birthday party. You don't run like a maniac in the lingerie store to buy your friend a bra. But if you do buy a bra, you grab one like a normal person, not collect them like pokemon to the point you get picked up by security
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>why does everyone think tokio is a pervert?
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Thank god Tokio proved them all wrong and behaved appropriately during the raid at least...
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Oh, I fucked up this is a double page spread.
It looks even better now.
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Let's hope they won't send after him anyone with big boobs, it's his "only" weakness
I have a bad feeling about the masks Jing and Tawashi are wearing. This is some shit Batista cooked up most likely. Probably some berserk gas or something.
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>Batista pulls up Dry Dawn
>Simon jobs once again to butterflies
oh no no no
Momo will file a sex harassment complaint by the end. She's clearly not into this.
Ishida is still so good at doing these >oh shit oh fuck doublespreads like og OWL ENTER or Dragon in the Window.
God damn Palma's ass is HUGE, she should wear better clothes because they typically obscure it
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>we're just midway through
>the Calamity is almost certainly going to appear by the end of this arc
I wonder if it's going to be a slow threat then? Just devouring Yamato as characters are searching for ways to stop it?
We have yet to have queem's remnants to make their move...
>Inb4 Calamity actually appears way later and this arc is just planting its seeds
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>inb4 Bucket is a new mentor for Tokio for the second half of the manga and not an enemy
Nude wasn't their supplier. He was just a guy that stumbled across the field and stole some of the stuff to sell on the black market
Tawashi SEXO
Knew something like this was coming due to how calm things were in this scene. Although I expected Bucket to cut through a choujin and all the non-choujin in one stroke
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Bucket's sleeping anon
Thanks tlanon
Their masks remind me of Tatara's.
I still wonder about the prism and how was he able to pull it off. It just doesn't make any sense with the powers he is supposed to have. The motorcycle, the chains and even the bunkers make sense because it is iron control.
He just made an iron prism, also iron apparently can reflect light
What about reflective metal doesn't make sense.
They look really cool
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Imagine grabbing those soft ass cheeks as her legs land on your shoulders
Is she flirting with Azuma?
This it's gonna be a slaughter. Azuma will go Chaos for sure.
Do you think he will attack directly, or he's an assassin through and through and will stalk them around?
>I didn't want to lose to the guys around me.
>Ely also shown alongside Tokio
Huh, might be overthinking it, but I wonder if Azuma feeling insecure about Tokio and Ely is not only an inferiority complex towards Tokio he usually has a touch of romantic jealousy, but also him thinking Ely is out of his league because he finds her so amazing, and part of him feels she's fitted with someone better than him
Azuma going "Ely sugoi!" "Ely kakkoii!!!" is canon?
Azuma has been always an insecure little bitch.
>>You're such an honor student it's cute. You're already cute.
Would be crazy if Jing is hiding some chemical weapons, probably nerve agents or something equally nasty
Theres unironically a good chance that post raid will take place in a post apocalyptic setting. We are already pretty deep into the raid and Ishida usually doesnt do super long arcs that focus on battles so I expect this to be done after one, max. 2 more volumes going by the current pace.
based virginity guardian vlad
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At this point bro might be getting a cover, what color would suit him best?
Yes, she was was ready to destroy his pelvis.
Hope it's either him or Sato
>what color
Shouldn't the next cover have a shade of blue again?
Noodle Tokio in the background.
I mean I also see Vlad get V11
I was thinking v10 vlad and v11 bucket since he hasnt appeared this volume yet
>Tokio was holding Momoma close
>She flung him away
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>he hasnt appeared this volume yet
V10 is 50-52 anon
Oh damn i was sure somehow that fight was from the previous volume. But even so, I think giving him a cover now would be a bit too early considering that he has yet to enter the spotlight this raid
Probably, Azuma is prime onee-san bait after all...
Yeah i like the calm buildup to it with them just having a normal chat in quiet and then you just see a panel of some dark figure crawling up the tower before BOOM. I always wonder with scenes like this how the anime would handle it, because they often make it too obvious by lingering too much on certain shots and kill the surprise factor.
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The only reason I would want an anime is to find out what the FUCK Palma is yelling here. TLanon couldn't decipher it, and neither seems the official
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She thought it was sweet
Probably just some schizo ramblings in chaos similar to Sora
The raid will fail
>handholding and hugging in the same page
Tokio won.
>When your opium becomes copium
imagine the farts
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>Momo yeets him from sheer disgust a second later
Not so fast
I feel like Tokio's fight with Ice will highlight yet again that Tokio doesn't wish to harm Tower more than he wants. Ice is a likeable dude, he is like a honorable paladin in service of Sora, he has fantastic banter with Tokio.
Imagine her straddling you on top and then proceeding to crush your head with her thighs.
i know we have to have this arc for tokio, i hope its brief because its kinda boring
wonder If he's a virgin too
What arc? Tokio getting banned from all the lingerie shops? Yeah, that'd be a bit too much.
Ishida is just having fun bullying Tokio for his pervert tendencies. The last time he really interacted with Momo in some meaningful was over 30 chapters ago.
His line about putting his life on the line and how he serious he is about protecting Zora, makes me feel like it will end with him getting fucked up as much as I would like to see him hang around a bit more since hes a cool guy.
>noooo stop giving characters personalities and turn everyone into a herbivore
Its funny you even call it an "arc"
Maybe he will try to suicide bomb Momo with some giga ice attack and Tokio has no other way but to Choujin Slayer his ass.
ii - yoku double entendre? Tokio violently rejected two chapters in a row.
As much as i like the idea of Tokio and Momo being together because she's gorgeous, these chapters are like the ultimate confirmation that it ain't gonna happen and that he needs someone just as perverted and horny.
It's her fault for having such a massive rack, what was Tokio supposed to do?
literally rape vulture.
Mucletits my beloved noooo
Tokio was squeezing the titties to hard lmfao. Tokio really will molest all of his friends before this is over.
this is just flanderization at this point, fuck off
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>Tokio is a sexually frustrated teen
>there's a girl genuinely wishing to destroy him on a spot
>Ely cockblocks her from kissing him
>raid begins with Tokio still sexually frustrated and clueless
Ely is the reason this raid will fail
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If she can't get her romance, no one will
You dont even know what that word means anon. The bra scene was one of the most original gags in the manga and Tokio has been horny for Momoma since the first time they met.
Post timeskip Tokio is way too much of a Mary sue, the author had to give him some kind of flaw - at least socialy
nice armful there
>Mary sue,
Another guy who throws around with words he doesnt understand. Against Ice, he needed Ely to get through his armor. During the opium mission, he needed the help from multiple people even when it came to rescuing Palma. He gets instantly criticized by Mike at the briefing on the old market operation. He gets called stubborn and naive by Sato and Azuma even now doesn't suck him off and constantly opposes his ideals. If anything, he's the prime example of how to write a well balanced but competent MC.
Other than Tokio thinking she is hot, they barely interact. He has more of a relationship with Simon than her.
True. This is their second major interaction all the way since pre Moon Beast. I think Ishida is doing it specifically to give more context why their relationships simply won't work.
I think he's going to do something similar with Nari too.
Unfortunately a lot of people on /a/ lack basic reading comprehension skills and would rather opt to spamming buzzwords they've picked up from others.
Bros OL Magical Girl is cute af... I'm not ready to see her go...
You don't have to cry about it, you can like this webtoon tier Manga, I like it too but you don't have to lie to yourself about what it is.
>not even attempting to argue back
Don't worry, Azuma will protect her. Now that I think about it, if things get dicey he can always put the people in danger into metal boxes, just needs to not forget to make some holes.
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>he can always put the people in danger into metal boxes
Where's Ely when you need her?
It's normal sized, she's just got a bit of a spidergirl thing going on there
I was genuinely looking forward to discussing this point with you because I like to give people the benefit of the doubt.
So Azuma's crew seems to be the closest to the Throne Room Floors (considering Azuma seems to recognize the area), but how far in are the other squads?
it's a personality trait that i see all the time in shounen. just because the perv trope is applied to Tokio doesn't make it less of a slog.
You make it sound like it's there all the time when it makes only a small part of his character. Grow thicker skin
Vlad's lucky the Tower moved before he did his stealth mission
Imagine the domestic disputes where they continuously box each other..
He'll molest Nari too.
>implying this wasn't all part of their plan from the beginning
YM aren't the only ones with strategic plans
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>they end up in a box together
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Where the fuck is Batista during all of this!?
Too busy advancing the choujin SCIENCE.
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Too absorbed in his resarches while his people are dying fighting out there. Vlad was right.
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Busy cussing Vlad because he got to Azuma before him
Vlad a bitch, destroying valuable equipment just like that...CORRECTION is in order.
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Ice TANKED his harpe in his base form. He definitely needs to transform if he wants to have a chance against him
Ely owes me sex
I think the issue is more how he made all the beams reflect so perfectly into all the cultists
There's only a handful of them in the panel out of several hundreds
>Tokio considers big breasted women dangerous because he's worried he'll be arrested for sexual assault if he's around them
At last I truly see
Round shades fit Ely surprisingly well
>Vlad desperately pretending he's not having fun flying around the tower
The tower members told him he doesn't need to get involved since he's sort of an outsider. I think he still might come in as basically their knight in shining armor to save them.
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Tokio's imagination has some good fashion
>inb4 Ely actually has reading glasses
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Batista should leave the Tower honestly. He has nothing to do with all the retards inside. Assuming he doesn't have a big beef with his brother.
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In that pic she does, in the fanart it looked more like shades.
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>Ice actually inquired about Tokio's name after their fight
Cute gentleman
Get this Dragonball Spic shit out of my fucking thread. Toriyama's dead now and that series should follow suit ASAP!!
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Hair coloring got in the way
And it always starts with OTP shipperfaggotry. Gotta nip that shit in the bud and it's starts with abstaining from responding to those schizos.
Just look at what happened to every Eva thread post-2021
Is this the final chapter of the volume or is there still room for one more? It's a pretty good cliffhanger though
Every chapter with momoma makes me so horny
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Here's the summary of that podcast Ishida was a few days back
>ywn make momoma do naked weight lifting for the eroticism and embarrassment
Thx anon
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>The like 10 foot goatman priest manages a sneak attack.

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As a former war hero and Sora's right hand, he must've learned a lot of subversive and sly tricks from her
He's an actual war vet with insane experience when it comes to combat. And he likely cooked up a defense strategy with Sora.
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>>The me of today
>>will put his life on the line!!
Terrific line! Hope he somehow makes it or at least puts up a good fight, he's a pretty cool side villain
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Appreciate it anon
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>Vlad will try to kill Azuma because he's enemy (bonus point because Queem Jr)
>Batista wants to vaxx Azuma to make him a Beast Candidate
They're just gonna debate what to do with him, aren't they? If Bucket also joins in, he'll be the tiebreaker
The geriatric won't even remember or know who Azuma is and just continue his rampage. He can't be stopped now
>I like silly, stupid, perverted and scumbag men and I want to draw them
Tokio bros....
He's toned it down quite a lot with him, his first ever created MC jizzed all over his opponents as his special move kek
Interesting though, does anyone at yamato mori have any large scale battle experience? There's several members used to fighting small groups of powerful choujin, but no one has any war experience
No, exceptions might be Tokio in Iwato and maybe Arthur at whatever happened to his destroyed country (he's a powerhouse compared to most Yamato)
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Yeah this should be the final chapter of the volume. It's listed with 244 pages and we are already at 234, so last 10 pages might be extras
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>wrestler is instantly defeated by villain
Dude is legit out here molesting momo.
I wonder if this also counts content page and whatever goes before the first chapter of the volume starts, that might cut like 4 pages
Nope it doesn't, I've already checked with previous volumes. This is mostly just actual chapter contents + extras/ potential color pages.
Ah nice
>vol9 ends with poppy field getting incinerated
>vol10 ends with Vlad's second enter
Predictions on vol11 cliffhanger? I think going by this pacing, we might already get to the Mark
>she will probably immediately raise
i can't remember but can you raise from a heart/head injury ? like if someone's head is cut off if i remember correctly they just die.
>t.confused with keeping up with all the regeneration rules in different mangas
depends. he's the most loyal follower of sora so whichever has better results, attacking from the darkness of the edge of a tower was pretty good and is basically a one hit KO that no one would realistically see coming. i think if B.B dies he'll take everyone else head on but if she lives he'll whittle them down with hit and run tactics. but the latter probably wouldn't work as well(on the high level chojin) without the element of suprise. it's good at killing jobbers tho.
We've seen a few decapitations in the series where Choujin could raise from (ricardo, jing) but also cases where they couldnt (mo dress), so it seems to vary from person to person and depends on their pain tolerance and other factors. But a character getting a direct hit in their heart, let alone straight up getting their heart ripped out never happened before.
Coff coff Palma coff, this situation it's just a fake
Yeah tokio is the strongest, no one can stop him.
Tokio won't end up with anyone, he'll just go back to hermit mode
Tokio is going to DIE
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>"Grim Reaper"
Your best bet is him getting corrupted after taking the mark, and even then Ely and Azuma seem more favorable candidates
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Vlad has proven himself worthy of the title "war hero" now let's see what Bucket's deal is and whether he is a fraud or not
With the way you guys keep hyping him nonstop for months now I hope he jobs instantly
That would be funny, but not the worst result. The worst result is if he just does ok. It's the most boring outcome.
You mean Ishida hyped him up after his encounter with Yubiko, of course people have expectations now even more than before.
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Full nelson nakadashi the witches pussy.
She looks like she pees herself when she cums
Became Azuma's property now
she looks like her whole body trembles violently when she cums
Definitely a mahou shoujo fan. Is funnier when you realized she is a serious OL and choujin power are either inherited or born from a person’s hobby or favorite thing.
my cute short hair wife
Vlad is gonna rekt her so bad it won't been even funny
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I might have speedread or missed it but was it ever confirmed that the man next to Sora is Vlad? Is he the same guy we saw from Cabirol's flashback?
Sora and Tokio otp. So hot
>magic straight up exist in the choujin X universe
Why hasn't the mages guild intervened yet seems like kind of a asspull
based, i thought i was the only one pairing them
The same guy was kneeling in front of Sora in the flashback when IC was talking about Vlad attempting to take the mark. Would be a wild misdirect if it wasn't him.
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simon and ely are going in a straight vertical line so them closest
tokio and momo didn't move at ALL so they're the furthest I'd assume
aruther and sandek are unknown
I love how Sora's wearing that beak-like mask as she's casually purging an entire nation, you can't tell me she wasn't at least enjoying it a bit.
last time they met he almost pulled [something] that scared sandek so hard that he blew him all the way to a separate city/country. although i don't think that's the main reason he's with the tower, just a bonus. seems like he's with the tower for something else, I'd say to revive his waifu but that theory was dead in the dust the when palma came into the story without him giving her too much interest
Hmm good point. Are there even other characters that come into question as to the man's identity?
shut the fuck up tokio you're cucking azuma and that's not cool
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Azuma deserves to be cucked. Tokio deserves all the girls - specialy Sora.
Tokio only deserves a girl who can suffer his weirdo sexual harassment.
if they can survive beheading/decapitation i don't think a missing heart would be much trouble
>anti healing ability
>fuck ass sword that raped the chaos lady
>pet for support
idk man he seems pretty busted. i don't think he's sandek tier tho
why/how would he job ? also,
>i want the story to be shit just to spite anons
really pity of you
Tokio has never committed sexual harassment, if you think that he did you need to get out more.
Buckethead still hasn't used tatto dog yet.
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They are made for each other.>>268134548
He is molesting those girls don't stick up for him.
i want her to buy me stuff with her office lady bucks
choujin of everything and anything exist. she's a magic choujin, if you're a Y choujin you can do Y if you're a choujin X you can do X. it's that simple
>Tokio deserves
the only thing molesterkio ""deserves"" is rough and sadistic rape correction by palma so he understands that sexual harassment is no good
Sora is a goner and probably a BBA. Also she does drug. Just put her out of her misery.
Tokio is my hero because I'm pretty much him irl.
Tokio will get his head sandwiched between Momoma's thighs after the raid as punishment
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Sato and Azuma are canonically fags
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If Batista fleed, who's gonna vax Azuma then? Though the idea of him attacking YM base would be insane
Inst he already vaxxed? What would more xmember do, judging by when hume lost his powers there is a limit to what the serum can do.
Nari's working for Sato, and Yubiko may end up helping Tokio oppose Zora, depending on how the plot goes.
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Palma set the precedent that in some cases a Choujin might gain a new power, in Hume's case it simply failed which is why he kept doing his researches and refining Xember.
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>Vlad gets the second ENTER as chapter and volume cliffhanger
>Chapter 53 starts Volume 11
>It cuts away from Vlad fight
Funniest outcome is his thunder gets stolen again, but also with a touch of fucked up when we do return to him and his results
Eh it's a whole new volume and Ishida usually does relatively short fights, so we will definitely get some info on his situation. Though I also think it might switch back to Tokio/Ice or Simon/Ely/Jing/Tawashi at some point/s and alternating between them. I'm 100% expecting Tokio's fight to be resolved in the next volume and Vlad's as well
I cant believe Tokio molested both of these girls wtf is his problem?
You are gay if you wouldn't molest both of these girls.
He should have started building his own sand castle and averted his eyes...
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I love my hard working wife!
Soon to be Tokios victim.
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Ice's armor design is just too kino
I think it looks silly
>I'm low test
We know
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Why did you have to be mean to me anon?
nta but you deserve it for being stupid and foolish
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i want to breed her so bad bros
Shut up IC, just be content with her cute kicks
>Soon to be Tokio's abuser.
if ely dies in the tower he won't be lucky like the first time
consider that she would crush your dick flat if you ever gave her an orgasm
The stronger they fuck the more I have to breed them.
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>the entire operation may fail because Ely cockblocked Palma from molesting Tokio and calming his inner beast
Is this the better sakura we’ve all been waiting for?
>problem solved
>All the girls
Nah. Only Sora.
Not a problem for our hero as he can canonically beastify his manhood
sex between choujin is probably absurdly kinky seeing as they have the ability to instantly regenerate like that
ryona, guro, snuff, and similar fetishes would probably be much more common among choujin
t. Zora
I wonder if Vlad feels NTR'd by Tokio because he wasn't man enough to get Zora's mark but the hot young stud that just came in the picture is
i can't help but imagine his penis having it's own little vulture mask
Like the baneposting porno
In just two chapters, Tokio ensured Momoma will avoid him for the rest of her life.
You're next, narifags.
Jobsumabros...it's going to happen again...
West fujos were too pushy with Neki being gay, so Tokyo is absolutely heterosexual.
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>Gas Poisoning
>3D Gun
Horrible way to go out. Also gas will force them to use Bastetols and Turbo Raisers
Honestly doubt it. If Ely can handle his bs. Momo can too. Next is Nari and Palma Though he straight up told Momo he wanted to fuck and just started grabbing her titties. He's a mess. And a molester.
Momo is clearly uncomfortable as fuck for the second chapter in a row
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Ely is a hick, Momo is a lady
>told Momo he wanted to fuck
That was a wrong translation, but yeah Tokio is a menace and will end up single if he continues
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There's a girl who saw him with a giant snot bubble on his face and her first thought was "my god i want to kiss him", he's fine
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>when you want to pull out but her superior Choujin sphincter wont stop choking your dick
>jobber thumb
wow, that has to be a new world record
That's exactly why I dont think they will end up together. Opposites usually attract and even if in this manga you have many examples (Ricardo and Ume, Yubiko and Hume, Azuma and Ely etc.). Even if you look at Tokio and how he empathizes with Zora you can see this theme being prevalent.
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>and will end up single if he continues
I hate this shit. that ONLY happens to ugly manlets irl.
the moment a tall fit guy like Tokio here even makes an innuendo the girl would already be half naked out of her own volition
Tokio=incel pervert
Azuma=alpha male cool guy
Tokio=incel pervert
Azuma=incel with an inferiority complex
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>azuma, the insecure cuck that's throwing temper tantrums
Azuma will solo Vlad
Azuma is going to get wrecked and everyone in his squad is going to die
Sigh..looks like he has to bring out his cloth again
Don't worry Simon already gave him a fundoshi!
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Her appearance was brief, but this is the sexiest this ADHD goblin has looked.
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>Boob window
Unironic perfect place to stab
Damn those thighs are rivaling Momoma's. But who would fuck a crazy buglady?
Jing is so lucky...
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>But who would fuck a crazy buglady?
well now that you mention it...
Guess Jing will have to take the fall
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I will make the sacrifice.
Also her thighs probably aren't nearly as thick as Momoma's, it just looks like that because she's tiny so relatively she has thicker thighs
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Unless you are a buff guy or bodybuilder she wont fuck you, so Jing's prospects arent looking good. That aside, i think she has one too many screws loose for anyone to seriously consider fucking her.
>Unless you are a buff guy or bodybuilder she wont fuck you
what about a fat ugly bastard with no eyes?
They are bigger when she's beastified...meaty beastified bug thigs...
>you will eat ze bug (out)
for once I am on board with the globohomo agenda
>what about a fat ugly bastard with no eyes?
now that I think about it, Vlad literally just stole a woman's heart
he truly is an ugly bastard
I think what they're referring to here is the possibility of the nue taking over his body
>Something is touching my butt,Tokio!!
He's a mod Choujin he can build himself a buffer body
Her ears are so cute! Tokio bite them! No honestly if she gets hurt Tokio will fucking lose his mind.
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>invading enemy base
>let's just relax here with my back to this gaping abyss, it's not like I should be on guard since we're fighting against superhumans that could possibly attack me from such position through flying, ranged attacks or other supernatural means
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>terrain has been shown to be capable of radically shifting around with little to no warning
>regular dudes just hang out and sit down right by the edge
Anon you can't just fight on an empty stomach!
Literally Tokio Ghoul-like ENTERS
I fucking love it.
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>super serious arc
>characters are dying
>Tokio is having the biggest pervert moment in his life
>Palma is being a dumbass outside the Tower and her cringe inducing speech makes Sato want to kill himself
If those two become partners, we will approach the level of dumbassery that shouldn't be possible
Hopefully that's why it will never happen because they are too similar to be partners.
They also embody opposites of life so it's obviously going to happen.
Even assuming your reading of symbolism is correct, it's a non sequitur. They are still too similar personality and tools wise to be a partners.
Ely and Azuma are similar as far as personalities go too, but i don't see you whining about them.
They have meaningful contrast in personality, so it's not true. Same goes for Mick/Mike Simon/Momo, Jing/Tawaishi, Ricardo/Ume.
>They have meaningful contrast in personality
>both strive to be heroes and always do the "morally correct" things
>both are too chained by their responsibilities despite wanting to relax and experience love
>both conceal darker impulses they are forced to fight against
They have more in common than Tokio and Palma. Their only true contrast comes with the nature of their powers, and thief/creator is about as much of a difference as life/death.
Azuma tries to be super professional to the point of being stuck up asshole, Ely on the other hand goofs around and prefers to be less serious if situation allows. Azuma can lost sight of goal and himself in middle of action, while Ely usually the one who keeps her head straight. They have contrast of personalities for partnership and also varied tool set that makes them balanced. Them having similar values on deeper level doesn't contradict that. And similar pattern goes for other duos. That's not situation with Palma and Tokio, they have similar approaches and both are beasts relied on brute force, they simply don't contribute to each other as working partners and being silly together is not a contribution.
>Azuma tries to be super professional to the point of being stuck up asshole, Ely on the other hand goofs around
Ely is super professional and responsible too. They both have a goofy and stuck up asshole sides. Very similar to each other, in fact.
>Azuma can lost sight of goal and himself in middle of action
In her biggest power-defining moment, Ely lost the sight of herself as well. Not unlike Azuma, in fact, acting on her darkest impulse.
The fact you cannot see the parallel between them when it comes to losing self-control is hilarious.
>They have contrast of personalities for partnership and also varied tool set that makes them balanced
Like Tokio and Palma, you mean?
>Them having similar values on deeper level doesn't contradict that
More like you have an insanely selective reading of this manga you're trying to twist because you have something against Tokio and Palma.
They can be ultimately similar and still have contrast. That's usually how unlikely partners trope works. And Ely and Azuma was showed to be at each other throat before exactly because of that contrast. I'm saying that Palma and Tokio don't have a synergy like that and your argument so far is some vague symbolism stuff about life and death or undeath and death, whatever. They can still be silly together, but they don't work as partners, in fact, Palma already has Nude with necessary synergy.
>They can be ultimately similar and still have contrast
So you have completely abandoned your initial argument.
>I'm saying that Palma and Tokio don't have a synergy like that
Oh, they do. They are literally Penisman and Sachika 2.0 with some tropes reshuffled around. An experienced mentor figure and his trainee, both fucked up by different kinds of trauma, with powers that complement each extremely well while contrasting each other on a deeper level.
>vague symbolism stuff about life and death or undeath and death
Motherfucker, Tokio was directly called a "shinigami" and Palma is associated with a Deathless Emperor. I refuse to believe you're this dumb. You're doing this on purpose.
Unfortunate that she got attacked already but can't she just raise? Should have gone for the head
They can raise even when decapitated, just look at Jing. Vlad needs a Choujin Slayer to get the job done
Forbidden paizuri
Ehh, Jing's basically a robot powered by choujin magic, doesn't necessarily mean that any choujin can survive that.
Oh yeah you're right
My point still stands and adding Penisman only makes things worse for your argument, because student mentor relationship is not the same thing as partnership we are talking about, not to mention it's very underdeveloped in case of Tokio and Palma to say something for sure. It also questionable how well their powers compliment each other. I can see it for detective work, but since it's mostly action manga, things are different. Finally, you are sure pointed out obvious rhyme, but that doesn't follow with them being partners.
>My point still stands
You don't have a point. You have betrayed your own argument.
>because student mentor relationship is not the same thing as partnership
Actually read Penisman. Even while it was axed, it was literally about the two of them becoming equals.
>it's very underdeveloped in case of Tokio and Palma
It has about as much focus as Azuma and Ely, with palpable similarities between pairings.
> It also questionable how well their powers compliment each other
There's nothing questionable about it. Their powers complemented each other well enough to solve the poppy case, and even without having a defined grasp on her own powers, Palma managed to save Tokio against Cabirol.
>I can see it for detective work, but since it's mostly action manga, things are different.
Another braindead take. Tokio is a search party leader. Having a partner capable of talking with corpses is perfect for him.
Penis man? My penis in your mouth more like
Ignoring attempts to derail conversation, my point was that partners in CX usually have some kind of contrast in personality and balanced powerset, Palma and Tokio don't have it. They don't cover weak points of each other so far. And yeah, for detective storyline their power has nice synergy, but that's a very small part of manga, so called search party leader mostly stumbles on bad guys to beat and most scenarios is about that. In this common scenario both Palma and Tokio are very similar fighters with similar mindset which is also important.
>partners in CX usually have some kind of contrast in personality
Like Tokio and Palma, as i already detailed previously?
>They don't cover weak points of each other so far.
This is LITERALLY what the island arc was about.
>that's a very small part of manga
That small part of the manga caused Sora's downfall.

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