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The credits of Rebellion make me cry every time
Same bruh. I don't even wanna watch Waluigi Night cause Rebellion was so beautiful I don't think it can be topped.
Kalafina is an amazing singer.
The music and the Homura/Mami fight are the best parts of rebellion
I hope kaiten will at least have that
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I usually love live music but this isn't nearly as good as the original track
I knew Lust was an agent, there are now no less than eleven gochiuzbekistan threads (twelve if you count this one)
homira leiee
The epilogue makes me cry
Homura completely alone in the luminous garden but with everything cut in half now , even the flowers died
And the part where she dances and is imagining Madoka is there
Being Homu is suffering, Kaiten had better give her happiness
I need Kyouko in my life I can’t fucking take it anymore bros she’s too perfect to not be real.
But I know it’s specifically because she’s not real that she’s allowed to be this perfect.
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i need homuras love
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So that would explain why he did so much effort to reach bump limit, he was never a...
madokAnon? The real madokAnon has no that good english,real madokAnon was born with mental defficiences
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I got high as fuck and went outside and danced around to the Madoka credits like homura did
sounds good dont overdo it
i havent drank or done anything else today so im going to reward myself with a cigarette
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>reward myself with more drugs
Same, that ending completely ruined the series because shit writers like Urobuchi can't write for shit
What is "real"? I'm madokAnon, you're madokAnon, he's madokAnon, we're ALL madokAnon
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You need to be careful, madokAnon can bite
Beyond the door you opened softly
lies a world that seems to have been destroyed
Will the morning come?
Will it come to the night?
Will it become night?
As you lose your way the light breaks through

Let’s play a little longer until the voice calls for me,
repeating the time that revolves like a flower

Dreams were always singing a gentle song
to you here in this room
What is the truth?
Chase after the world that you can believe in the most
to your silver garden
The girl who lost her way today too
came home the earliest
She should run while finding
a place brighter than righteousness

The guard who wants to protect your childish slumber
keeps the gate to becoming an adult tightly closed

Don't you know?
The truth
is nowhere but in the past
Both the future and hope
are selfish stories
that someone imagines of a far away garden
that no one yet knows

What are the children
who sing with the earnest voices of little birds
hiding and destroying?
Burning clocks
and the scent of secretive flowers
“I’m here”
I think this is the real madokAnon, I remember him using this gif
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Stay quietly by my side
Don’t go anywhere
Chirp by my window,
no matter what I lose

The dream inside those arms
locked away
the lies and grief of a gentle person
With a heart that’s lacking something
let’s fly clad in the light
in the shape of a girl
to the neverending beginning,
to the true ending
Stay quietly by my side
Don’t go anywhere
Chirp by my window
Don’t go anywhere
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Of course i'm.It was the most easy thing, i was never a simp.
On the other hand the fake madokAnon suspiciously always simp 4 apple who is man, i know who i need to sacrifice in order to make them suffer.
not that that will do you any good, I'm saving myself for Apple
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>fake one simping for apple
It's so easy to tell you apart.
>fake madokAnon is a faggot
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when you put it like this it doesnt sound so good
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homura will win in the end
Based, smoking is just as bad
Actually it being legal makes it even worse, it’s encouraging people to get into it
> homura will win
The getting impaled by Kyouko’s spear competition
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everyone knows it but it can be pretty comfy
i am trying to quit it too now slowly cold turkey just doesnt work well
Not if she suffocates first!
everything fun is trying to kill you
cats are fish
Kyouko will be irrelevant in Kaiten. Kyoukonigger WILL seethe.
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As of madoka kaname, most people says she has extreme self-hate or self-esteem problems, but i consider madoka someone who is just honest with herself, being honest is not a problem if you can just accept it like madoka did until she knew kyubey. Who is right?
…from being proven right?
I don't really care whether the chars are there or not, I trust Urobutcher and he will use them as often as he needs to to tell another great story
> I trust Urobutcher
What’s your secret?
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afraid for my favorite show
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That doesn't look like a fish to me.
Kill yourselves
Yuribro btw, not that it matters.
not when i still have homura to live for
finallyh a real returning anon from the days of wololonight.
homura is fighting for us!
Kaiten needs to end with the girls not needing to fight to survive anymore so that it can act as a prequel to the Tomoe Mami’s mundane everyday life manga
Maybe that would speed things up for translation circles so we can finally get the volumes past 4 translated
anon take it
dont cause anon pain
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I didn't get it
Take what?
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Simply the best. Absolutely perfect. Not liking Kyouko is a sign of massive faggotry.
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its relatable
though at this point homura didnt plan on actually taking her life only injuring herself to win
anon needs to suffer
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homu should just die
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after living a fullfilling and long life with me
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No, mami tomoe knows her torment and will save her even if homura doesn't want.
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kek based
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do magical girls need to use the toilet?
Dangerously smug Homu about to ask where I'm looking
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oh i was just wondering if you down there still you know
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What would be the best ending for homu in kaiten, being with madoka again with no obstacles anymore or moving on from her love for madoka
No homu won't die fuck off
homura dying would hurt so bad i dont want that
Homu bullying you is pretty hot not gonna lie
Hehe tuna
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What exactly does Homura want?
She wants to live in a regular magical girl anime, she wants the others and her to still be magical girls but not risk dying and for there to be no downsides
And she wants Madoka to be safe and happy
That's basically it, a world where the enemies they fight are no threat at all and just make for a fun time (like the nightmares in Rebellion)
Homura dancing is so beautiful.
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All of the megucas are best. This is simply the truth. I'm sorry you dweebs can't handle the truth, but you must face it head on and accept it to finally reach nirvana.
She already made everyone happy at the end of rebellion but herself, plus madoka is the only one not shown with a ring so she isn't a magical girl and is safe
But homu still looks miserable because she broke off her friendship without madoka, that's why everything is missing their other half in the epilogue
Either the narrative in kaiten allows for Homura to be with madoka without hindrances or their separation is inevitable, if it's the latter homu should learn to love herself and move on because her love for madoka is too codependent
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>She already made everyone happy at the end of rebellion
*She mind controlled them and pretends they're happy
Rebellion wasn't a good ending at all, for anyone
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do they still get their period?
100% factual I'd date any of them
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Ack Sean triggered
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do they pee???
is there any evidence of a meguca using the toilet?
this is important
i just want to be loved by my homura living for her would give my worthless life some meaning
isnt Apple a girl?
why don't you make a discord and talk about the thread derailer in other part?
fake madokAnon. the real has misspellings.
Will the real madokAnon please stand up?
>Real madokAnon, not a gay simp
>madokAnon follower = gay simp
simple as.
Based on Sayak having a meltdown over the soul gem thing and not even a veteran like Kyoko noticing before that we can conclude that they retain their normal bodily functions which means they do pee, and they could bear your children.
madokAnon onee sama.
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youd think youd eventually get used to the pain but not really
What was it again? Silver Garden?
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homura protects
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Madoka is ojectively the best, we don't deserve her.
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To honor the Yuri Day, here is my official rating of all ships from the original series.
R8 or try to prove me wrong.
vaping weed has like no downsides
why does she cross her legs like that
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Mami and madoka are the perfect complement each other.
Mami/Homura has bondage play so it's at least mid tier.
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The only canon ship is Apple x Kyoko. It's in your face. Happy yuri day.
Solar beam
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Pain is temporary. Homu is eternal.

She saved the magical girls, yes. She still isn't the best by the sheer fact that theybare all best.
hey dont lump me in with those other madokAnons, I'm here for Mamis massive mammaries
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I thought i could handle stronger vices but my body couldnt
Weed does bad things to your brain overtime also
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>hey dont lump me in with those other madokAnons
Go insult the fruit and i will believe you otherwise you are not fit to be a madokAnon.
weed is terrible for your cardiovascular health
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Why does it all hurt my little heart?
nothing to prove wrong on the top. everything else is debatable at best.
Reading the TV commentary after all these years gets a little surreal at times
gave me existential dread
Is it true that magireco has actual lesbian characters? Why did they bend the knee?
I don't know that's why i'm asking if it's true
You also asked why they bend the knee. that is something you ask after getting an official answer.
I was obviously implying that only applied if they did. Are you gonna answer the question?
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Thoughts on it in general?
Dont need drugs for that but boy they didnt help either
I never want to feel that fear again
For the same reason they care about releasing their game overseas.
Watch it if youre so curious.
Do nips actually still believe westerners like lgbt shit in their stuff?

Nah i'm not gonna do that
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magireco girls have just never met a real man in their life, the moment they do they'll quickly forget about their "lesbianism" or whatever. This shit is all in the head
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I would watch magireco if our beloved main cast wasnt in it
It should have been an unrelated side story
Raping Alina (it's art)
Yes. I'll tell you even more, original anime has actual lesbian characters too
Where? The only person that thinks there are is the kyouko schizo.
Kyouko, Homura and Madoka. Sayska is bi, so she technically counts too
Literally all of these are married to men in an official manga
What official manga? I never heard of this. I only seen these in doujinshi.
>Thoughts on it in general?
I think it's more than worth checking out if you liked the series. It's very interesting how half the actors were looking at a different role at the beginning than what they ended up getting. Like a parallel universe where Sayaka actually plays Homura seems so crazy.
Also, it's very important to note that the voice actors boosted each other's performances, particularly for episode 10. Lastly, they keep complaining how they're left in the dark with the script all the time which is just hilarious
Mami Tomoe's Everyday Life
it's an official spinoff
>Apple x Kyouko
>Yuri day
Pretty clear which gender this one is.
>Mami Tomoe's Everyday Life
Did you just contradict yourself?
Started as a doujinshi. No relation to Magia Quartet. Not an official side story
Rika Ayano is lesbian and have known men in her school, if you think you can go from confused lesbian to hetero, you should accept that going from hetero to lesbian is possible what i find degenerate.
Don't bother to reply, i don't want to discuss facts.
It's published officially and they even jokingly said they wanted to make an anime adaptation of it
>That term was invented
>it's not an actual thing that exists
By that logic nothimg exists despite being invented.
This guy wants mami to have a horrible ending.
>Chinese imperial harems didn't exist before sexual revolution
Whoa, you learn something new every day
I think they are more afraid of cancel culture, so they are forced to appeal the masses of zoomers and millenials who already have their mind poisoned. You can reach those conclusions when you see modern western gaming.
Where I can find that commentary anon?
Yeah honestly it sucks how anime is becoming just like western media, i hope the new movie won't follow this trend
I don't want madoka to become homestuck
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Kyouko schizo is so obsessed with homosexuality he's probably a massive closeted faggot
[tri4] on nyaa
Megucas can be "gay" all they want once I meet one I'll turn her straight.
>There was no word for "bisexuality" because it didn't exist
>what is 对食
Please don't flaunt your lack of education, anon
i would always support homura
i wanna listen to it in japanese once im good enough.
its good motivation.
progress has been slow recently with almost dying and all but im getting back into it
>But yes, i am "obsessed with heterosexuality", as any nomal person is.
The average heterosexual person doesnt think about faggots as much as you do. You shit on homos in every single thread, even on fictional gays. That says more about you than you think, faggot
And I remember that you said you're not even interested in 3D women so that checks out
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Keep it up, anon. Btw I just remembered the guests talking about this QB in one of the episodes and I almost fell off my chair
one day maybe i will be able to speak in japanese.
maybe i am too stupid and will still be grinding like wheels in the sand in a decade
who knows
i think its good to have something to learn and improve on and its fun too
homura marrying madokas brother can not be cannon
suicide fuel because realistically homura would never have a reason to have anything to do with me
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So how about that Madoka Magica? Remember when Sayaka fought Mami? That was pretty darn cool.
and thats why mamis daily life could never be cannon.
also none of it takes the story seriously, i dont like it very much, especially not the way they treat witch hunts in it
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It isn't canon anyway.
>women who fuck both men and women >:(
>women who fuck both men and women, China :D
im just reinforcing it because some anons want it to be for some reason
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Pay them no mind. In the end, it will never be canon.
Also why are these threads filled with mentally ill tripfags again? Fuck off.
its pretty suspect that you appear now. care to tell us what youve been doing?
>Harem has existed in every pre-abrahamic society,
An astute observation. How is it relevant to women fucking both men and women?
are the only 2 tripfags really the problem at this moments?
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I ssure you it isn't Why did From SHAFTware make the Dread Witch Bayle so fucking hard? My meguca keeps getting shredded to oblivion.
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having a harem and hiring bulls to satisfy it is somehow sadder then not having a harem at all
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having a harem is just sad overall
i dont want any amount of stinky holes if they dont truly love me
>gay women don't exist, bro
>except if the woman isn't dicked enough. Then she turns gay automatically
I thought you was against existence of homosexuality?
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do you enjoy the summer anons?
I liked the spring more, what comes will bring suffering especially in the heat of the manufactorium with its ovens and machines
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Not for me. I can have many.
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still fighting
still loving
still living
for homura
But all those holes are just the same girl
That doesn't help your opinion that all megucas are straight at all then. All of them live lives completely isolated from their human peers and they interact only with other megucas who are all girls. At least women in harems could fuck their husband from time to time, megucas have literally no time or opportunity to interact with males romantically. So, by your own logic all megucas are extremely gay.
Not anymore.
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Vanity plate spotted in the wild today
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That same girl is all I need.
This image reminds me of my toothache. Terrifying.
>Mami: lives alone, doesn't interact with her peers, too busy surviving
>Kyouko: lives alone, doesn't interact with her peers, too busy surviving
>Sayaka: lives alone, doesn't interact with her peers, too busy killing herself
>Homura: lives alone, doesn't interact with her peers, too busy simping for Madoka
Four out of four megucas in the original series lived extremely isolated lives with very limited social interaction outside of other megucas. Also isolation is something Mami explicitly warned Madoka about.
>they're confirmed straight
[Citation needed]
>[Citation needed]
>his ass
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The devil will do that
>coolmura x moemura
Explain your thought process, i'm curious and interested.
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What i find horrifying is the idea of a devil that loves you and tortures your soul out of misunderstanding
Have dreamt about that a long time ago but i remember
Eternal pain but eternal love
This webm puts modern yuribait to shame, sugar and cuteness overdose
Rebellion turns chemistry between the characters up to 11
the truth is a man can fuck everything out of boredom
only man + woman can lead to kids, therefore it's biologically correct
Hetero sex with Megucas
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My homura cannot get a man canonically
My poor soul couldnt take it
Leave that out of the show
I like autumn. It reminds me of the pain of feeling like i don't appreciate what should be appreciated. It also reminds me of coffee and feeding pidgeons while sitting on a bench.
May and September are the best months of the year.
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Wait a minute.

What is that supposed to mean?

No. Summer is too hot. I'm sure sitting in Ophelia's head is cooler.

None of them will end up with anyone. They have their duties to fulfill until their inevitable demise.
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Homuanon. Don't say that. You want her to be happy right?
Also i'm sure if you truly love her, if you're made for each other, then that man will end up being one of your past or future lives.
So a whole lot of headcanon and no actual quotes from the series or even from the production staff. I get it.
>if you're Christian you can't be gay
I guess male priests diddling boys aren't "true Christians" in your eyes, lol
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>that man will end up being one of your past or future lives.
Fellas, is it NTR if your meguca's lover is yourself from a different timeline?
even madoka wanted a love letter but never stated whether from man or woman.
>Of course not. It's you, after all.
But it's a different you. Like, his POV and life are different from yours. It's difficult to explain, but i think you get it.
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She wanted one from me (male).
1 of them is a female. no female have proper intellect like males do.
It's about wanting to stay a child and not wanting to grow up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkSjf0ah-O4


Kanako Kato (accordion) & Rie Akagi (flute) & Hitoshi Konno (violin) & co.? So Yuki's band without Yuki and FJ singers?
you have nothing on homura, just accept that at least her is a dyke
didn't get what?
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Homura wouldnt cheat on me.
Why do you people keep feeding the troll instead of reporting him? It worked in the Yuri Day thread and it will work here.
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Look at what I got!
he's the antithesis of ack and both are equally annoying
What you described more or less canonically happens in Wraith Arc
they barely interact with anyone that are not magical girls. this much is obvious. no happiness only sorrow.
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I wouldn't say that. Sure, they will become a witch at some point, but if Sunny Day Life is anything to go by, they can at least have fun.
Behead those who insult megucas.
Even if the people in power protect them.
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Official canon meduka ranking
>Original series
12/10 best animeh of all time, nuff said
9.9/10 a perfect sequel Sequels are bad by nature, but this is as perfect as sequel can possibly be
>The Different Story
11/10 the only spin-off that keeps the hopeless atmosphere of the original anime
Secondary canon
>Wraith Arc
7/10 a lot of flaws, too overcomplicated, weird explanations but Homura's mind slippage from loneliness is absolute kino and it savez the entire story
>Scene 0
7/10 solid beginning, weak Sayaka parts, great last third, meh ending, Mabayu my wife
I want to be reborn as an incubator so i can manipulate foolish and cute girls.
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'Cause that worked out so well for them.
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>this is as perfect as sequel can possibly be
Not even close. There are many problems with Rebellion even outside of it being a sequel.
I was forced to be a tripfag, i can explain it.
I will leave being a tripfag when the problem is solved.
Wow Madoka has a nice chest
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You can choose to be reborn as pic rel and do the same thing
Are you implying madokAnon is a problem?
That's it, let's take this outside.
Perfect ratings in my opinion.
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>not wanting madokAnon phantasma
did the movie come out yet?
Yes, like 7 years ago.
meant for >>268131715

Yes, i don't want to be a tripfag
You should post as an anon if you care about thread quality, your mere presence derails the threads with your followers.
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I never understood the appeal of namefagging or tripfagging. What's the point?
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To embody a platonic form.
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I'm ninety percent positive it's one person.

I did so for a certain someone.
No... no Madoka lust today I can't take it...
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You will give in to Lust.
Just to differentiate yourself when others get in the middle of a discussion, just like you avatarfagging
Only egocentric people, you are right it has no point but ego.
only 1 person did the shitposting when you were not here? i don't believe that. I could have understood when you were here, but some people are obsessed with you even when you are not here and i need to deal with them.
But I don't want to again... I just want to love...
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I'm not avatarfagging.
I post pictures of my wife while posting.
You guys are only able to identify me because of my filenames and my posting style.
I was never meant to be an avatar.
>I post pictures of my wife while posting.
it's a way of identification just like tripfag or namefagging.
>You guys are only able to identify me because of my filenames and my posting style.
Because most know you are here daily, they know you. Actually they know who you are for sad motives.
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That's why I said 90%.

You don't have a choice in this matter.
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You are stupid if you are certain that you have 90% of probabilities in your favour and end up losing the bet.
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fuck off.
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Can we source the ballet that Homura does in the post-credits of Rebellion and the one that Madoka is performing in the Concept Movie? Would love to see that they're performing the same pas de duex. First assumption is something German, because it's Madoka so of course, but Homura's Witch form being described as "The Nutcracker Witch" makes me feel like combing through that as well. Any ideas?
>Just to differentiate yourself when others get in the middle of a discussion
If you don't have the psychic ability to know which Anon you're talking to, you're doing something wrong.

>i need to deal with them.
Do you? If tripfagging is your idea of how to deal with the thread's fags, you're not doing a good service. Put some effort into it. I believe in you.
>You don't have a choice in this matter
Well as long as we can cuddle tightly during the afterglow...
what did you do to him to get him angry?
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I thought you were a prudish, noble gentleman. You're just a slut like Madoka Lust...
Apple is no man.
>Thesis: Original anime, Madokami, ACK
>Antithesis: Rebellion, Homucifer, AYK
>Synthesis: Kaiten, True God, ???
As above, so below, as within, so without.
Threads follow Madoka, and Madoka follows Prisca Theologia.
madokAnon just want to bite apple in a sexual way. truth is he wants apple to himself but has competition.
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Good post.
Does yuri day really exist? I thought it was a joke.
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Yes, you can. It's only natural.

I don't know. I won't be mad at him though.

He is the one with a weak willpower. If that's what he wanted the why not obtain it?

Is that fish growing?
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Well, whether it is or isn't, i'm enjoying it.
Rebellion is by far my favourite piece of animation, the original series was a 8/10 but I don't think anything can ever top Rebellion, I just love atmospheric media and if there was one thing it had it was atmosphere, the visuals combined with the soundtrack, even if it had no plot I would still love it with all my heart .
Truely the one piece of media I could never hate
For me, Rebellion retroactively enhanced the series, probably because the series is necessary to build up to it. It truly is amazing
>The designers from SHAFT thought of inserting the quotes from Faust. I only noticed them when people approached me asking about them.
I'm just a sucker for magical or fairytale esque style and feel , it's why Pans Labyrinth is my favourite non anime movie .

if princess tutu had slightly less monster of the week it would be very high up there too for the same reason
Where is HE?
You don't understand anything. Apple is just the sacrifice i need to deal with those anons, but of course i will not tell you my plan. Those anons made me angry. Apple can do something if he wants, but i doubt it, his ego is big.
Anyways this is a madoka thread, talk about madoka magica please.
madokAnon's brain damage is showing
>i will not tell you my plan
>You don't understand anything
Noone will understand shit if you keep it to yourself you retard
First 2 apple defenders, wow so this was not madoka magica thread but apple and his dogs.
Don't bother to reply i will not read because i will discuss madoka in other place now.
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So how about that Madoka Magica? Who was the cake anyway?

That nice, but they should have given everyone more screentime. Rebellion introduced Nagisa only to give her like 2 seconds of screentime.
this post sure is madoka
The cake was the friends we made waiting for the new movie
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The cake was a lie
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Does this mean our friends are just lies?
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At least Kyubey is here.
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I can't believe Homu killed Chiyo
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That's clearly Osaka and Madoka.
And so madokathread unleashes yet another schizo upon the world kek
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Beloved homura
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Truly the witch of these labyrinths is conniving, releasing these familiars.
step on me Oktavia-chan
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She has no feet, anon.
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Sayaka as a goblin broodmother!
Sit on my face Oktavia-chan!
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I will go to homu
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That's more like it.

Return to her. She is calling you.
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Homura day
Meguca face sitting...
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>not witch
C'mon step it up.
That ain't no meguca broh, try this one instead >>268144496
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Could a humie participate?
But it made me think of meguca face sitting
Solar beam
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Sure, but becareful. Candeloro is safest since she is small.
It Is impossible. Too true to life I'm afraid.
I like apple. she is like those girls that can hang with the boys
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Suffering and pain all around
Mami only accepts mating press for the sole purpose of procreation. No face sitting allowed.
I wonder how long it will take for her to turn schizo
But face sitting is only foreplay!
It’s an excuse for shitposters to post off topic garbage.
Boring, Kyouko is cooler
Kyouko will suck you off in exchange for dinner
Only if you’re her husband (me)
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Kyouko and Sayaka are so cute.
My wife and her best friend…
They had sex shortly after
With me
…but only Sayaka, since Kyouko is only for me.
hmmm I don't recall writing this post
Would megucas support polygyny? What are the chances of kaiten having a harem ending?
That’s because you didn’t bitch, I did!
Zero. They all support monogamy.
>Sayaka and Kyouko as theres a fight
This, polygamy is for fags
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Who has the penis in the relationship?
Why is my wife killing Sayaka that’s pretty rude
Kyouko of course, are you fucking stupid
Anon, of course
Then how can Kyouko and Sayaka be fucking the same guy?
They’re not, they only fuck their respective husbands
the last one works still really great though
bondage play
Some posts in this thread seem to imply otherwise
>he can’t recognize them
Oh nonononono
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She finally landed!
Madoka Magica Rebellion ends with Homura saving the world by becoming a true magical girl of love and courage just like in the fairytales we know.
It is just that the form of that is not what we thought it was.
It is a conflict between form and essence.
Homura now bears the true image of Christ in his essence.
But his form?
Well… it is written:

2 He grew up before him like a tender shoot,
and like a root out of dry ground.
He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him,
nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.
3 He was despised and rejected by mankind,
a man of suffering, and familiar with pain.
Like one from whom people hide their faces
he was despised, and we held him in low esteem.

— Jesaja 53,2f

Homura in being despised and in her lonely suffering truly bears the true and complete image of Christ.
Both in form and essence.
It is our culture which is wrong and does not understand the core of it.
Homura is absolutely right.

There is just one thing left:
Assurance/Witness of the Spirit

Homura does not yet know that she herself, through grace, is saved.
She thinks that by fighting for love she is wrong because she broke the law.

As Madoka said: I think that you can not break the law if you feel like it.
And yet Christ said: To love God with all your heart and your neighbor like yourself IS the whole of the law.

Therefore Homura fulfilled the law through AiYo instead of breaking it.

But as it is written in Kimi no gin no niwa:
Mada daremo shiranai - Yet no one knows it yet.
Megucas based on how wet they get
>Sayaka (dry as a desert needs lube)
Looks like AYK is getting removed like an amateur.

What if it?

Actually one of the girls did like a man. An older man. And then literally wished away such feelings.

It is a canon alternate universe.
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Sayaka is the one girl that spent the whole show lusting over a guy, how can she not get wet at all?..
>wish to make herself mentally ill
but why
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Y'know, when I see you guys post ,it really does make me realize what a simpleton I am.

I highly doubt Sayaka is dry.

Surprise Mahiro.
Because said man was her teacher and at least 10 years older.
Some people just produce less to begin with, some people sweat more, some people never do, it's the same thing
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>water element
So the solution is to become gay? That’s retarded
Sayaka is a water type she’s obviously very wet.
Well that has its own appeal but no.

After the magically enforced breakup she just happened to end up becoming attached to the first gyaru she saw.

The characters who literally wished themselves into being gay, no steps involved were the twins. They had a big fight, wished to never hate or fight again. Side effect of wish was that they became incestuous.
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my homu looks so good
I remember when he said he was planning a hostile takeover of /vg/PMMM
lol. Actually looking forward to it. If that Jew still around, and not dead in Gaza, he will meet an unbreakable wall
the legs are so long
so long
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Oh no, I just had a dreadful thought. Hey guys, did you know that. If you read this, i'm sorry unless you're into Sayaka.
The lengths magireco will go to to shehorn lgbt shit onto Madoka. Gacha was a mistake
Yuri twincest is wincest. Gacha is not a mistake. Gacha is good
That’s clearly wrong though, Kyouko is much more compatible.
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Cuddling with a fire type.
>wished themselfs gay
and you thought sayaka was a baka
Water doesn't translate to natural lube
Are you saying water isn’t wet?
Technically for something to be wet it as to be covered in water.
Wouldn’t that mean water makes itself wet?
No. It's a liquid that'll get solids wet.
So liquid can’t be wet?
the idea that i can go all night with sayaka... unf
Put sunscreen on and take a swim in the ocean, your skin will never be truly wet
>4chan user
>leaving his house for any other reason besides food
But Sayaka is solid therefore she is wet
We have canonical evidence that they also leave it to go play dancing games
Apple-chan' solid poopies!
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Does water cover itself in a liquid film?

She has it all.

I believe they do.

If Sayaka become one with water, she would no longer be wet as she is no longer solid.

Oh really?
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anon no stay with me!
I rented house right on the water and watched madoka on the beach several times
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Too sleepy, Homu.
She’s fake sleeping waiting for me to lick her tummy I know
mmm delicious
Things got weird
>caring about the usual off topic tripfag discussion
Gay. I’d rather talk about licking my wife Kyouko’s delicious tummy.
Sayaka looks empty inside here
This is what i wake up to, huh..?
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I think she's dead, Anon.
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Sayaka regeneration harem...
Ich liebe liebe liebe dich
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yay madohomu
Damn Sayaka's ass looks like THAT?!
ill get back to rebellion in my rewatch soon...
I have a theory that when her soul gem shattered a part of homura was lost
I hope Kaiten will disprove that, but homu does not seem exactly the same at the end of rebellion
maybe madoka can fix her
Kyouko Akemi
Sayaka kaname.

Worst. They ended up gay for their own blood.
I hope homura can have a truly good end where she isnt mentally broken and with madoka
but i cant really see it
she will suffer
my homura
Dumb anon
She's just acting evil because she hates herself and sayak is bak enough to believe it
Her real self comes out when madoka is about to become madokami again and she freaks out
Homu is just too dead inside after betraying madoka and killing their friendship as that was the price to pay to fulfill her wish to make her happy
Evil and sad aren’t mutually exclusive
she is completely broken at the end of rebellion
its pretty sad
She did nothing evil to anyone except Kyubey who deserved it
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Butcher will give her a happy end with Madoka by her side don't worry
Meant for >>268154760
Mind controlling the other characters and playing puppets with their corpses isn’t evil?
It's not because everyone is happy
Even Sayaka who was antagonistic towards Homura realizes she missed being with her friends
Homura gave them a normal happy life while she's suffering
Damn I guess ugly bastard mind control doujins are okay then since he makes the girl think she’s happy
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id be homuras ugly bastard but i would never mindcontrol her
its a gay fetish
might aswell fuck an onahole at that point, no?
it is a different kind of mind control.
they are actually living a happy life, but without memories of the bad things.
its like a lobotomy more then mind control
It’s still not even close to being a good ending for them.
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This will happen. Mark my words. The hill and moon will be complete.
What will be the Kaiten equivalent to the Homura vs Mami fight in rebellion? If it doesn’t have one it’s officially shit
Does anyone even know? It's not like they did heavy teasing towards what Kaiten will have.
The reference to Luminous gives me hope, it's hard to imagine an ending where they are separated given the moon motifs and other elements that suggest that they and their powers complement each other.
Maybe Homura vs Walpurgis, or everyone vs Walpurgis, personally I want Homura vs Sayaka (with Oktavia buff so the fight isn't boring)
Honestly logically it should be everyone vs homura
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I don't think Homura vs Sayaka will be as exciting as Homu vs Mami. The latter worked well because they don't have any true melee counter, instead relying on their guns the whole fight. Homura may have power nearly as strong as Madoka, but it's not like she got up close and personal in her fights that didn't involve her using time stop to put a grenade on the enemies face. Assuming she kept her time stop, Sayaka knows she can counter it.

It most likely will be until Walpurgis shows up and screws everything up.
What will even be walpurgis’ role anyway? It existing in a LoC world makes no sense, unless it’s in its magical girl form
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do you like this creature?
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That could be it. Sayaka and Bebe can use their witch forms. Who's to say the mystery magical girl can't do the same?
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Homulizard is top cute.
> Assuming she kept her time stop, Sayaka knows she can counter it.
That's what makes it so exciting. Unlike Mami, who just straight up disabled the timestop from the start of the fight, Sayaka can only momentarily disrupt it during critical moments. And to do this, she has to get close and personal to a veteran ranged fighter. It's a matchup that plays to the strengths of both of them, instead of just disabling Homura's entire power set to make the fight happen. Sayaka is unga bunga who both wants and needs to get and stay close to win, and Homura is a strategic fighter who wants and needs to stay as far as possible.
Sayaka already lost to timestop in Rebellion by Homura simply kicking her.
Will Homura even still use time stop and weapons now that she’s all powerful. She has access to much more
The time stops weakness aren't only attaching yourself to Homura or jamming the buckler. It's also the fact that it isn't instantaneous. Sayaka had just enough time to escape from Homura when she kicked her away in Rebellion. A fight between them would have to be Sayaka sneaking around since the power does also have a limit to how long it lasts. Again, this is assuming Homura kept her time stop.
I don't know. Maybe I loved the fight between Homura and Mami too much to expect something similar. I'm sure they'll deliver.
She clapped away Oktavia. I assume she knew there was going to be trouble. That and Walpurgis might be more powerful if she's the one involved in the Kaiten.
Sayaka just isn't good enough to keep up. The Rebellion confrontation even ends with her getting disarmed as soon as Homura is taking it seriously.
And that's just assuming the both of them are at a similar level to what they were in Homura's labyrinth. Sayaka doing anything against Devil Homura would require the plot to step in to make her weaker.
Her soul gem was swept away by the ocean
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Or it could be either Walpurgis or Madoka getting into a confrontation with Homura. Homura knows that one day Madoka will be her enemy. Sayaka may also blind her with her supply of fire extinguishers.

What a bak.
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What do we think of the new girl having this text appear on screen during what is presumably the part where she transforms?
isnt that just madoka?
What's that other word? I almost read legendary.
The socks are different, as well as the hair.
Legendär Bestie is the full thing I think
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>Legendär Bestie
I means Legendary Beast, which i guess would be Satan, "the beast"
Either that or we're going to Johto
It looks to be Legendäy. Her breasts look bigger than Madoka too.
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Actually, Walpurgisnacht was supposed to be the stuff of legends in the anime too. Maybe in the wraith world the "legendary beast" is the wraith equivalent of Walpurgis
What are the gookrunes saying btw?
It 's Legendär, look at the the way Wraith is spelt.
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Ah whoops. I don't know how I got R and Y mixed up after saying wraith in the same post.
>But with boobs!
Sasuga, Ume-tentei
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She also looks somewhat like Mami
I'm not sure what they're going for here but i hope she won't look too similar to other characters
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Breasts are love. Breasts are life. She is a lady of culture.
apple a bak
Magia Record was better.
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Kyouko isn't this stacked. This is clearly an illusion.
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Thank you for reminding me I have to rewatch it.
I think it's 魔獣, which is what Wraiths are called in Japanese.
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Fine, here is older art.
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should post the official one
>What will even be walpurgis’ role anyway?
I'm 70% sure the twist will be that Homura was Walpurgis herself the entire time. There are too many similarities between them, from their actions to their symbolisms, elements and looks. The trailer pushed this even further with the kanji for calamity, spinning and fool (used to describe Walpurgis) shown in frames where Homura appeared
The only thing that disproves this theory is the fact that Walpurgis is an ancient witch who existed way before Homura became a magical girl, I guess a multiverse where a different Homura became Walpurgis and then had the power to time travel would be the only way to explain the time paradox without screwing linear time
I've seen this theory before but I never really get what the point of this being true is beyond making Homura suffer more.
old megukas when?
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>The trailer pushed this even further with the kanji for calamity, spinning and fool (used to describe Walpurgis) shown in frames where Homura appeared

Could it just be that Homura is facing Walpurgis again?

Funny you should ask. I had the girls middle aged.
>beyond making Homura suffer more.
That's the point, Urobutcher is the writer so of course it's the best thing he could do
It's not a farfetched theory because the poster showed 2 Homuras. Homura realizing that she was the one causing her despair all along would be the ultimate tragedy
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Could be true, i know this theory has existed since even before Rebellion. Plus Homulily's theme is called Theatre of a witch. One problem though, Homulily doesn't look like Walpurgis at all
But this is literally doing what critics of Madoka says it does, which is making characters suffer for the sake of it and to be edgy.
What does this really add to the story besides making it clear that Homura was unfortunate not to be the protagonist. What part of the show and Rebellion wasn't tragic enough?
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>Could it just be that Homura is facing Walpurgis again?
Not quite. The kanji used for "fool" in Japanese refers to The Fool, the tarot card. Homura is already associated with tarot as you can see with The Devil card (15th card in major arcana, just like Ai is described as a devil and the 15th clara doll) and The Moon card (illusion) is shown when Homura is on her lizard throne. See pic related. It says "Fool" and it shows Homura upside down. Walpurgis' hat is a buffoon one and she's upside down as well, buffoons being representative of The Fool card. The fool card in the reversed position is associated with recklessness and acting out without thinking about the consequences which suits demon Homura's rewriting of the universe and taking hold of ultimate Madoka. The entire story is likely Homura's personal fool's journey and things will go terribly before she earns her happy end
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I don't think Uro knows let alone cares about shitposts on madoka vs steins gate threads on /a/
no one ever called satan Legendäre Bestie in germany nor english
"the beast" is pretty different
idk it is a bit far fetched
This isn't a shitpost, it's the most general criticism you'll see about Madoka.
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...in shitposts.
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no they will stay 14 forever
FUCK that
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I don't know why tarot cards passed over my head. Either way, using multiverse would be a little annoying because that would be used to explain many things. Like why MagiReco events not being used in canon.
>What does this really add to the story besides making it clear that Homura was unfortunate not to be the protagonist.
That's the thing, I don't know where they're going with it. But there's no way they made all those similarities between Homura and Walpurgis to make it mean nothing. There's just too much there, someone even made a whole essay pointing out all the symbolism that links those 2. I don't like the possibility of Homura = Walpurgis but I can't deny it's a strong one. And Homura is the protagonist along with Madoka.
It's not really something that steers away from the themes of the show, even in the anime we see this "the enemy is you" trope with the reveal that magical girls become witches, and Sayaka is the best example of self destruction in there, while in Rebellion this repeats with Homu finding out she's the witch she was going after.
But this is not necessarily a bad thing, Walpurgis might be the representation of Homura's self loathing and repressed desires, something that she'll have to ultimately deal with and which has a good chance of ending with Homura learning to love herself and accepting all of her sides (she was trying to kill Moemura in Rebellion but Madoka stopped her).
Homulilly had 2 forms in Rebellion, Walpurgis could be the final one. Or it could be what I said, Homura from a different universe had Walpurgis as her witch self. In the PSP game Homulilly's design is completely different, Inucurry said a witch's design changes depending on what led a magical girl to despair
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>not growing old with your wife
You are not living your life correctly.
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>Inucurry said a witch's design changes depending on what led a magical girl to despair
Makes sense. Witches are an incarnation of a meguca's grief.
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maybe she could use magic to keep us both in our prime
but you are right growing old alone while she stays eternally young would be sad
Don't forget that Walpurgis and Gretchen together forms an hourglass shape. Homura's power is time.
Kiss Kyouko
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I doubt that only because both Kyoko and Mami looked younger when they contracted.
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sayaka could stay young forever 100%
>secure tripcode newfags
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None of them would. Even Sayaka with her regen. Let the megcuas grow.
If you see the trailers of rebellion they gave little information of the movie and i hope is the same this time, the trailer being made misleading on purpose. Homura is walpurgis, is a common theory but i hope shaft will surprise us with some twist that nobody expected. I trust in urobutcher.
So the decisions inucurry made in madoka magica are canon for you too ?
hi madokAnon
Who? Using a secure tripcode means you don't really know how to use a tripcode.
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>madokAnon out of nowhere
What damage i made with my name.
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i like the thought of immortal megucas
they are immortal either way due to soul gems, if they could become hags it would just suck so hard for them
nice try. maybe dont appear together at the same time
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I've seen the essays where the point out the similarities, and I would even agree that there being something to it is a strong possibility. My issue with nearly all of them is they never state why such a thing makes sense for the story beyond the superficial element of forcing more tragedy onto Homura.
Even the reason you gave here is fairly weak. Homura dealing with her self-loathing being tied to her actually being the Witch that has caused multiple deaths throughout history, and also dooming herself and Madoka because she couldn't piggyback off someone's efforts like Madoka did to make a powerful wish is the story making a clear distinction between Homura's attempts at defying fate and Madoka's.
I just don't see what part of making Homura once again be the accidental cause of greater suffering, this time by being the literal source that set everything in motion and repeatedly lead to Madoka's death, is necessary to address any part of Homura and Madoka's arc.
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Guys, please stick to Madoka Magica.

There could be a meguca that wished not to age. Homura, while being mentally in her twenties, also remained 14 due to rewinding time over and over.
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she is a god now either way.
highly doubt she can even still age at all
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>madoka lust is now sayaka lust

She may be able to prevent aging too.
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>So the decisions inucurry made in madoka magica are canon for you too ?
I said that this particular quote makes sense. I don't know what other shit he said (i'll be real i don't even actually know who he is, i really don't give a shit about who makes the stuff i enjoy, only the stuff itself)
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Delicious thighs
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>i really don't give a shit about who makes the stuff i enjoy, only the stuff itself
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>madoka lust just made everyone slow down
I wonder why.
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He didn't post Kyouko so that can't be it for me!
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nooo bad moment to take a photo of mami senpai...
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What do you mean?
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Yeah and Walpurgis' theme song is called Walnut , nut likely being a reference to the nutcracker, homulilly's witch form
>So the decisions inucurry made in madoka magica are canon for you too ?
The ones made for the anime, Rebellion and now Kaiten are canon, Inucurry was behind the witches' concepts and designs, a fundamental part of the show, Gen said he knows shit about those things
I dont disagree with you, I'm also worried that making Homura being Walpurgis will end up ruining her entire character and possibly the whole series if done wrong. I just think that theory shouldn't be ignored because it doesn't have a weak basis. I can only hope it's done properly if they go down that route, and above everything I hope that any homu suffering is only for the greater good and a happy ending for her and the rest of the cast
I've also considered the idea of Walpurgis being a new character who will defeat Homura and steal her powers and appearance to fulfill her own personal goals, making a parallel to Homura's actions but with actual evil intent, but we'll see. 5 months left
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The time has come.
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I am not receptive to lewd depictions of girls that are not my wife.
Best PMHQ to own as a chattel slave on a southern plantation?
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It was a question for the kyoukofag, he seems selective about when to deem the words of the guys who made anime as something 'canon'. It was not for you, you are more logical.
>Inucurry was behind the witches' concepts and designs, a fundamental part of the show, Gen said he knows shit about those things
Yes, and even in other decisions of madoka magica.
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My phone I'm taking the pic of her with
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Would it be possible to steal Homura's power? All you would have to do is snatch the earring.

I mean everyone knows it's time to let Madoka Lust do his thing.
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Nah too lazy to go until image limit. Have a cute kyak to end the thread
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Goodbye thread, at least now you are free from the suffering of the schizos.
I agree that writing off the theory entirely would be wrong to do.
I think I could accept a version of it where it's limited to the events of Kaiten, and there's no involvement with some kind of time travel. Something like what you mentioned with Homura's self-loathing without going to the extreme of making her the reason Walpurgis exists in the show.
>Would it be possible to steal Homura's power? All you would have to do is snatch the earring.
Yeah it might not be as hard as it seems. Homura is the only being in control of the universe, if she gets distracted with something it'd be very easy to steal her earcuff. And Kyubey has personal reasons now to ally with whoever is against Homu because she made him feel pain.
This thread was pretty decent. No 3 letters around being a psycho and some of kyoukonigger's posts got removed.
See you next time madobros
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Don't jinx it!

The question is who would know the earcuff is the source of power? I doubt Kyubey would since he only saw her love gem.

Not bad I would say. The bumps are surprisingly minimal.
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>This thread was pretty decent.
No, this should be better, at least that anon who talked about some theories gave it a good death...
> some of kyoukonigger's posts got removed
Other side of the argument wasn’t though so it’s pointless, the argument still appears
Schizo bait posts also weren’t removed
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