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Here we go again on our own
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More nipples when?
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surprisingly cute Rei
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>hair's a mess
Thank goodness it's not Yuu-kun. He'd lick her genitals clean right then and there.
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Guess granma's not running the orphanage anymore
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I'll admit I've never really felt this manga's "family" theme
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yay, he didn't lose his favourite pet
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I wonder who everyone'd main in Street Fighter 2?
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is this her version of entering the bowl?
Kek at the bean I saw in another theeadt
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Especially Ami's!
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wonder who said they were strong?
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I love Akane.
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Go for it. S2 is around the corner.
what happens if I get dubs?
About time we got Ami's confession.
you get Hayato
Don't worry OP, me and you will have a thread to ourselves when S2 comes out.
Yeah it's official Hayato likes Ami.
alright, I like my odds
Ami wins!
It's the same as when Ouka left, this just puts them at the same level
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Fuck! I honestly got my worst outcome.
I shouldn't have jinxed it with that bloody picture
FUCK! I fucking hate Riho. Second worst girl.
Riho a best
They look right together, weirdly enough. I don't know how to describe it. Still, it's about time Ami finally laid her claim, she was the last one.
>who said they were strong?
I'm pretty sure that was Ami herself. The joke is that she designed the tournament to be rigged in her own favor and rather than lie and try to pretend it's fair, is completely open and honest about the fact that it'd be completely unfair.
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yeah, you're right.
I thought it might be Akane at first, then I thought the double-exclamation marks were unlike her.
But re-reading the dialogue, it's pretty clear that it's Ami
I hope the author doesn't drag this anime for another 5+ years. End it, let us see the at the winner for eternity instead.
I'd guess the final sequences of dialogue, from right to left, is meant to be
Akane > Ami > shiragiku > ouka > riho
I don't think it's popular enough to cause major seething(that's the word you meant to use, right?)
Ami rigging the final
Why does he always try to push everyone away? And tells them all to move on with their lives and believes they're all just temporary people in his life? It's realistic, but I'm here for romance not reality
Pretty good chapter, I'm satisfied as an Amibro. Finally it's on between the main five.
Round 1: Ouka vs Riho - Riho uses her small size and tricky fighting style to quickly maneuver behind Ouka for a surprise attack, but Ouka farts and the smell instantly knocks Riho out

Round 2: Giku vs Akane - Akane lightly taps Giku on the arm once and Giku instantly forfeits and runs away

Round 3: Ouka vs Akane - Akane brews a special super-caffeine coffee and tricks Ouka into drinking it before the fight, hoping Ouka will shit herself and have to withdraw from the tournament. But instead Oukas stomach is too strong and holds in the pressure until right in it the middle of the fight, when she lets out a fart so strong it propels her forwards like a rocket, colliding with Akane and sending her flying out of the ring

Round 4: Ouka vs Ami - Ami punches Ouka in the face and instantly knocks her out because she forgot none of the others are trained fighters like her. Ouka is actually pretty badly hurt and Ami forgoes the marriage prize as a way of apologizing.
Yes. Phoneposting. If the anime didn't censor the titties, I bet it'll be way more popular. I like how there's confessions everywhere, and there hasn't been much favoring of one girl over another. Each is given an arc.
Nah. Shiragiku gets drunk and proceeds to molest, sniff, and rape the competition. Especially when she goes up against Ami.
I'm a Rihobro but if Ami wins I wouldn't even be mad, she's the only girl I'd find acceptable to lose to.
Fun fact not a single one of them denied Ami to marry Hayato. It's like the 4 girls are supporting them.
Everything points to an akane win.
>Coffee maker
>Large business
>Reputable family
That's everything hayato wants in life.
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brilliant analysis, old bean
Shame. It's a really good romcom and the older characters make it far more relatable to me.
Is Ami the only one that had her boobies fondled?
I'd like to see all the grandmas get together at least once.
Then they start fighting over whose grandchild will win the bowl.
Give me a black saint.
Would you play SF2 for the rest of your life?
it seems weird that Sachiko died first, given that she seemed younger than the others
I want Shiragiku
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When I go back to it, though, I often feel a lot of my matches have gotten kind of samey
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Ami a best. A BEST. But seriously she's so cute. I don't care about any bowl, she's so lovely.
She's not into anal though
Here's a theory what if that old man evil Fuwa did something to her and Hayato's parents?
Fuwa is hayatos grandfather from his mother's side
Raising a child alone made her age faster
If you need it your meds fucking amifag schizo.
this is pretty mild for him
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It's finally here. I witnessed the day Ami realized her feelings for Hayato. She was really cute in these pages, I wouldn't mind if she won, even though Ouka is my favorite, they make a good pair.
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How many chapters of this arc there yet?
I wonder what was the request Eri's boyfriend wanted to ask her, or did they both have the same request to have Ami's Grandma stay with them?
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>Amitards schizos obsessed that she will win
A harem is the obvious solution.
I bet you're a rihofag. Worst poster pairs with worst girl
A lot and no end in sight.
Watching this community try to pretend like it has big waifuwars like the big harems is honestly hilarious.
Ouka the only one with the shocked two hands to mouth expression.
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are you asking how many chapters there've been so far, or how many are left?
that's because she's the purest
She's had lewd thoughts before about Hayato's whatchamacallit.
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I like how much Guile suits Hayato as his main. Guile comes across as super serious, and it feels like Hayato'd go for the character who's top-tier/used to be top tier.
Ami going for the goofball Blanka fits her too
Akane arc was from ch125-134
Kiku's from ch135-147
Ami's started in ch150
It will grow.
Ami likes shotoshit
he's guile because he's always holding back (from fucking)
Manga don't generally grow much this many years into their run.
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When will we know if cat chapters will be in S2 or not?
When season 2 ends.
I'm sure the anime gave it a boost. It was a good adaptation. Would be better uncensored though
Eh, I thought the threads being pretty chill was one of the nice things about this series
Riho will avenge Nino and Fumino.
Win like Yotsubest*
Not soon enough
best girl
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Will we have special editions and anime original lewds?
Doubt. It's censored to hell and back. Hopefully mahoako made them reconsider
The only thing it censored were nipples and nudity. The anime kept the pantyshots.
We want tits too.
Cute maidens excited to witness love blooming before their very eyes.
With thought of romance and proposals fresh in their minds Hayato will surely be in danger.
>Spring is coming. The time when women go into heat...
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Give tomboy tits
>Kanokari thread died early
>Cuckoo thread already dead despite an Ai kiss
We need a harem ending
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If they had sex scenes and harem endings, they would last longer. Pic's storytimes prove that.
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There is only one proper ending for this manga.
The length a thread stays up for has little to do with the actual content or quality of the series, and is mostly dependant on whether or not an individual or small group of people decide to make that thread a "community", AKA a pseudo-general and forcibly keep every thread alive for days and days with endless ritual posts and bumps even long after all actual discussion has dried up.
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Please tell me we have official artbook lewds at least.
Should have been a rejection Seo.
What would happen then? She joins Hayato's harem?
How do they choose?
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Hayato must achieve the harem end. For Japan's birthrate.
I don't think anyone goes out looking for a series to turn into their community first, I believe it starts with a person just really liking a series and wanting it to be popular. So to give their series an illusion of popularity they devote themselves to artificially making its threads as long as possible, and over time it just slowly evolves into a pseudo-general.
It seems to be so random when it happens. Sometimes it's just the OP who self-bumps the threads and other times they get people right from the start. There's seemingly no rhyme or reason apart from chains.
It's great when artists who never made a harem ending and never made a manga where protagonist has on-screen sex with his entire harem decides to draw completely platonic art. I love platonic relationships.
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>sweaty ponytail athletic girl
This is Seo.
Great taste by Seo then
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I'm still upset that Fuuka never got a season 2 or even had any plans of making one, while GCT got one no problem. Yes, they kept Fuuka 1.0 alive, but at what cost?
We lost the chance to have a new isekai anime.
The biggest tragedy is 2.0 not getting even a cameo when even her fucking dad showed up.
The biggest tragedy is Yuu-kun never got to fuck both Fuukas at the same time.
The biggest tragedy is that Fuuka never had a toilet scene. If only that one extra chapter poll went in a different way and the readers voted in a particular way.
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Tomboys are for Oyakodon!
Weak. Single end is best end. A real man makes choices.
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All of the above is a proper choice. A real man can handle it all.
You've probably got 0 women in your life but pretend like you could handle 3 or more of them. Very cringe and delusional.
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Based, others must lose so one can win and bathe in the tears of blood from my enemies.

Fuck off faggots, haremfaggots are a special case that prefer onaholes because they are afraid of being hurt from losing the bowl, man up sissies, this is a battle until death.
She's not winning but she is cute
Gay. Harem end is best end. A real man doesn't limit himself for no reason
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>A real man makes choices to love everyone.
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>posting a character who canonically wants to force her husband into polygamy against everyone else's wishes
>posting the reason Ichigo and Rukia argue at the end, knowing they've been caught in Orihime's trap and now Kazui and Ichika will have a half-sibling
Anyone who says "I love all of them too much to choose!" actually means "I don't love any of them enough to choose". You just view them all as interchangeable toys and are an indecisive coward.
People are capable of loving more than one person at a time, autist.
>Anyone who says "I choose to love all of them!" actually means "I want the best for everyone and this is the best for them". You who rejects any just view them all as proof of your cowardice and are running away from the greater burden.
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Reminder that it is impossible to love several people at once.
>b-but muh parents!
You love only one of them.
>b-but wife
You must abandon you loved parent to love a wife.
Sure, if your idea of "love" is "I'll masturbate to this one tonight, then this one the next night, and so on...". A shallow porn addicts idea of what love is.
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Come now, Seo gave up his black heart of evil
>when there are so many
A selfish move. You seek only to please yourself when you can be pleasing many.
You aren't having sex with the drawings, retard. Sure you can pretend you're an uberchad who could totally plow a thousand chicks in a row and make them a cum their brains out every night but the reality is you're a loser stroking your own dick who'd be lucky to last 15 seconds actually having sex with 1 girl while the other 999 just watch with disappointment and disdain. Actually no, all 1000 would be disappointed, even the one you managed to bang for 15 seconds wouldn't be happy either.
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>You aren't having sex with the drawings
>wanting the drawings to all be happy is a form of sex
If you wanted the drawings to be happy you wouldn't want to to curse them with the horrific fate of dating someone like you.
It's time to love all and everything.
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>If you wanted the drawings to be happy you would want a harem end.
Haremfags are mentally ill.
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>the bleach manga is headcanon
Unsure if this is a redditor, SB, SV, or whoever would make this audacious claim. I will kneel nonetheless for the boldness.
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Yes. Monogamy is the only way.
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Why would any girl be happy about being forced to share their husband with multiple other women?
>Because I'm just so awesome even only getting 1/100th of my attention is all any woman could ever possibly want!
This is exactly the mindset that would make you a horrible selfish partner. You want 100% of their devotion but think they need to be content with getting a fraction of yours. You don't care how the girls actually feel you just want a massive collection of living fleshlights to choose from on a whim. And if you think a tiny fraction of your devotion would be enough to make any woman happy that just goes to show what a stupid narcissistic you are.
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Ichigo, you will not defy Orihime's dreams. You will become a polygamist and obtain a harem. The head wife of your harem and cyborg overlord of the universe demands it.
>Because I'm just so awesome even only getting 1/100th of my attention
>he doesn't know
>he thinks it's and/or
>>If you wanted the drawings to be happy you would want a harem end.
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>Posts joke after another joke Orihime made
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>he doesn't know
pissed off by my original roll, so I think I'll give it another shot
Answer the question fag.
Mao is great
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I know that harem-fags don't want to have their feefees hurt like before. :^)

>answer a wrong question based on bad foundation
But that's a manga where all girls sucked.
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Pic is inevitable. Harem is unavoidable.
>literally cannot list even 1 trait about himself that girls would supposedly like enough to be ok with sharing him
Jeez bro where does all that narcissism come from then?
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>knows better to answer a wrong and loaded question
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So it all circles back to the original point, you're an indecisive coward.
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I accept your concession. Having one true love over hundreds of onaholes will always be the thinking man's choice.
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I want pic's special editions too.
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>leave heroines alone for 2 seconds
>they start fucking each other
Every time.
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>cannot accept his trick question is unanswered
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>my greatest strength is that I know not to tell everyone how much I suck
Unfortunately that strength is useless, since by refusing to answer everyone can simply infer that you just don't have any positive traits.
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>anon answers decisively
>insists that by dodging another loaded question, it's looping
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>projecting monogamists
Why are degenerate monogamists inherently despicable? And if you do anything but answer the question, you are doing circles.
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>Projecting your tastes
Yeah, Sherlock.
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What about when they order you to rape each other?
Monogamists are the opposite of degenerate because they respect the woman they love as an equal. They don't believe they have the right to force their "partners" to live by one standard while they hypocritically live by a much more beneficial one.

See? It's actually really easy to answer questions when you're not a wrong retard like you.
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Didn't answer the question. You are circling.
That's rejecting the questions premise moron. You didn't answer it.
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>not answering "Why" but contradicting the question = answering it
>mfw anon has destroyed all logic
Narcissists sure get easily triggered when you tell them they're nowhere near as great as they try to pretend they are.
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Ami will bare many children for the family. As will all of them.
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>He can't accept his favorite character taking the L
>He prefers them to be onahole #4
I love Hanekawa more than any of your haremfaggots.

Don't waste your time with haremfaggots, they are pitiful individuals unable to understand what true love is.
nta but thhey're right. if you're asked
>why are you beating your wife?
answering anything but rejecting the premise admits to spouse abuse. if you answered, you'd admit monogamists are degenerate. so you didn't.
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>he thinks replying to himself isn't obvious
>He can't accept his favorite character taking the L
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It happens
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>Write that I'm a catfag
You are illiterate and stupid, holy shit. Haremfags everyone.
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>bringing up maturbation
This is (You)
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>heroine raises a daughter for oyakodon
>admitting to samefaggotry
>constantly makes loaded questions and misinterprets everything
>says others are
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I hope Hayato makes as many kids.
I literally just asked
>Why would any girl be happy about being forced to share their husband with multiple other women?
And instead of answering the very simple question, the haremfags started making dozens of excuses for why the question is unfair, wrong, loaded and countless other excuses.
The only possible reason to do this would be because they simply don't have an answer. There is no reason most women would be happy about that, yet haremfags demand women put up with it anyways. They ignore womens feelings to prioritize their own pleasure, which is a direct contradiction to the claim that haremfags want harems because they "love all the girls" even though they actually don't really love any of them.
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You have a negative IQ, no wonder you can't focus on one single girl. Kek.
>multiple choice question
>select all of the above
>get called a wrong choice for selecting what was there
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We need more abs. And harem ends.
you literally did what they baited you into.
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>I literally just asked
>>Why would any girl be happy about being forced to share their husband with multiple other women?
Naw, you did way more than that.
I kneel before the one who pauses long time to make posts because he is writing several at once. It is very obvious but I appreciate the attempt.

I will now try to space out posts to make it look like I am every anon here.
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We need more.
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Unlike you haremsissies, I understood there were two anons I replied, but you are so illiterate you didn't understand what I wrote you stupid sob. LMAO.
>I understood there were two anons I replied
Nice try
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It must happen.
>admitting to samefaggotry
Bro are you a fucking retard? (That's a rhetorical question, I already know you are)
You quoted two different people at the same time, replying to two different points.
You got 1 response responding to 1 point and somehow you think that proves someone is samefagging? Do you even know what samefagging is or do you just spew buzzwords at random whenever you start losing an argument?
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Will pic do the whole family?
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>It's an episode of haremfaggots have short attention spans so they can't focus on one single idea
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>the projecting anti-haremfag is continuing to insist others are feeling his asspain
>those post times
Hayato will have many children.
wat mango?
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>if your posts are far apart that proves you're samefagging!
>if your posts are close together that proves you're samefagging!

Gee, all this to avoid answering why women would be ok with sharing the guy they love. 50 posts worth of cope, deflection, delusion, and random schizophrenic rambling but not 1 simple answer.
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Why did they stop?
>mfw he thinks we can't tell by post length he's writing some long shit
>mfw he can't tell the typical ways people use
Anon doesn't recognize the open, telltale signs anon is displaying, such as longer replies immediately following no replies for a short time.
Hmm what convenient post times.
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I don't know. Seo happily shows the uncensored chapter 1 on twitter.
>failing to use the same method
>not understanding but trying to use anyway
>mfw just like this thread
>took out his phone to reply twice at the same time
>thinks anyone is fooled
>took out his phone to reply twice at the same time
>he can't tell post length or anything else
Is that ethical?
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>This scares the haremfaggot

You broke him anon.
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There will be a harem end but only the tomboys win.
>replying to himself
>mfw this anon hasn't been contributing to thread discussions in any other way
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Hayato isn't Yuu.
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Will Seo have the guts?
>gets exposed as the real samefagger after projecting it onto everyone else
>tries to start spacing out his replies to make it less obvious

Man learn to just give up. Go back to whatever other shitty harem thread you crawled out of, this series is already confirmed to not end with a harem.
>>gets exposed as the real samefagger after projecting it onto everyone else

Me prefer Alpha.
Best girls and fan favorites will never win in a harem unless it gets a harem ending. Its writtten by law. Only worst girls can win.
Are you that retard from South America?
Schizophrenia medication. Use some
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How did we go from Hitman to nosex?
Don't you have some other thread to be bumping right now?
Stop replying anon, you already mind-broke him. It's over.
Would it make up for this?
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Seek help instead of 30 second posts
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This is what we need. His data books list both 1.0 and 2.0 no different as heroines when the pages after list Asuka and others as side heroines. He gave Asuka, 1.0 and 2.0 sex scenes in Hitman.

Seo loves tomboys. It’s only a matter of time before he writes a manga of only tomboys.
It really is you wow. You never fail to start lapsing into broken English whenever you're having a meltdown.
He's broken anon. Haremfags are really dimwits.
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>It’s only a matter of time before he writes a manga of only tomboys.
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I know, it's just surprising to see how many rom-com threads he posts in. And like I said earlier, this series is basically confirmed to not even end in a harem already so I don't see why he'd even be here spazzing out about it.
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The greatest solution to mindreading. Truly naked tomboys are the strongest weapon.
Projecting and (You)ing me.
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At least we get ass
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Why do yandere love threesomes so much? Pic, Kotonoha, Sekai, Akagi, etc.
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>Rena taking you home with her to have sweaty soft breathy girl-next-door sex in her room
>psycho Rena forcibly riding you at the garbage dump with her billhook at your throat
>embarrassed shy Mion letting you bend her over in the woods behind the festival grounds
>demon Mion locking you in her rape dungeon and having her way with you until you black out
>Rika the small, soft shrine maiden shyly lifting her hakama in the ritual tools shed
>Rikastel the insane looping witch injecting unknown substances into you and using your body to break the monotony of her 100 years
>the needy bratty imouto Satoko calling you nii-nii during sweaty cuddly missionary at her and Rika's place while everyone else is away
>insane yandere witchtoko sticking you with H173 so that you turn into a sex-crazed beast of lust and force yourself on her while she smugly laughs with a gun to your head
>hidden Takano route (psycho mode only) where she disembowels you and jerks you off with your own intestines
>Rika and Satoko 3p which turns into a foursome with Hanyuu upon rereading it after the true ending
>they tie you up to a chair as a punishment game and drop the innocent loli pretending
>they take turns sucking and riding you, everytime your boner fades you get an injection turning you into a literal foaming at the mouth beast, for the finale they cut the ropes and have you raoe-murder them while laughing with glee and enjoying themselves
>we will never have the Higurashi nukige
One girl ending in harembait series is a way more dumb and unsatisfying, only highlighting ridiculous nature of girls flocking to the MC, eating the screentime only to be thrown away in the end. Females losing personality happens regardless if it's a harem end or not, taht just depends on the writing.
You forgot
>going through every losing heroine one by one like they're a checklist
It proves they're only accessories meant to be thrown aside.
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I got the Riho and Shiragiku PuniColles

Looks like Akane and Ami are going in stock at Goods Republic so that'll give me a complete collection
That's another thing. It's just to pad the story & MAYBE appeal to those fans one last time.
Riho looking adorable as always.
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>having daughters for the sole purpose of giving your husband more fucktoys
That's really, really hardcore crazy.
Harem ends are cop outs, it's just as bad as omnibus endings or just not choosing anyone at all.
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How will the 1.0 isekai play out? We know she must maintain a connection to her original world, making many returns for all her appearances in Fuuka and Hitman, and that she uses her powers to have sex with Yuu in his dreams, but what more? How will the power of rock and roll singing impact the other world? Will 1.0 obtain a harem there too and reject them all for Yuu-kun or how will it play out? Will she meet alternative universe versions of her friends?
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Haven't gotten the chance to do anything fun with either of these yet like I did with my Ouka keychain. Stuff like this will have to do for now.
Cop outs are when writers give any excuse for better suited or more popular heroines to lose. It so often happens they try to shill their ideal win but nobody likes her. Like how IS destroyed itself because Char was more loved that Houki. Might as well give the MC all of them rather than let another abusive tsundere inexplicably win after beating him every day.
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Go go Riho racer.
Fuck is this retarded logic? You make a harem series, to have it not be a harem? Absolutely braindead. The amount of harem series that actually end in a harem are like 1/100 anyways. It's the complete opposite of a copout. The "copout" is what most of the series does where it just ends with some vague ass unspecific shit.
Oh yeah that was a thing. Time flies.
I hate harems, not for the set-up itself, but because it's either:
>The story ends with no resolution.
>It's glaringly obvious from Chapter 1 who the protagonist will end up with.
>The author makes some ridiculous cop-out, like creating a separate reality/outcome for each girl, instead of committing.

Only recently actual harem endings became a thing. Is there a single title beyond "Fap Note" where the outcome of the harem is actually unexpected?
I hope he doesn't pussy out with the harem end this time. This one feels like it's giving a lot more focus on each heroine individually and developing them and their feelings that it would honestly feel like a complete cop out to pick one of them. It should either be none of them or all of them.
>It should either be all of them or all of them.
>Is there a single title beyond "Fap Note" where the outcome of the harem is actually unexpected?
While most of us expected Shizuku (the first girl he saw) and the one Nagi has the most ‘experience’ with end up together, it is subverted by the deep responsibility each girl feels towards her role as Cape Maiden. When what happens behind the Dragon Ritual is revealed to Nagi, he decides in such a way that only true heroes can outside of the box, and fucking destiny along with it.
This is no longer lukewarm, it is cold and insipid
>almost 300 posts
What the fuck just happened?
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>ami blush
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Why can't we have more harems like that? They give proper setup, romantic resolution, character development, the MC is good, the heroines are likeable, etc.
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The meta conflict of Bleach is extremely interesting.

Aizen is trapped in Muken getting stronger by the day, clearly by the time he's released he'll be far too strong. Orihime wants to counter this by making everyone from herself, Rukia, Nelliel, Tatsuki, Riruka, etc all have Ichigo's kids. Basically letting his Shiba-Kurosaki genes get everywhere so there can be an army of Kazuis to stop Aizen once he leaves Muken. But Ichigo wants Renji to impregnate his tomboy childhood friend Rukia. Meanwhile, wildcards like Grimmjow who aggressively beat the shit out of Rukia and encourages Ichigo to only fuck Orihime exist, simultaneously supporting Orihime yet opposing her plans.
How did a Cafe terrace thread turn into self insert harem faggotry? Must be Mushoku Tensei posters roaching in here
>self insert
Based on the other manga pages they posted the most of I think it was a 100girlfriendsfag.
Which like, of course that kind of behavior would be expected from a fan of a manga like that.
The family will avenge the failed polygamists.
>Based on the other manga pages they posted the most of I think it was a 100girlfriendsfag
The monogamists can't accept the truth.
How did a Cafe terrace thread attract a bleach poster? This thread turned into a huge cluster fuck. Just post Ami titties. That's all we care about here.
Looks like I was correct.
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Those who read the manga know about Orihime's harem plan.
Having another meltdown again already Pablo?
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NTA but you need help
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>can't comprehend reading harem without self inserting
He hates commitment
I hate harem. I want the MC to make a choice. It's like race horse betting, I hitch myself to a horse and see the winner in the end. It's far more exciting to have a winner than some liberal self-esteem award bullshit letting everyone win.
>call out the hyakkano ESL poster
>without fail he starts spamming "meds" to every post or similar 1 word no effort replies

Bro I know it's hard to comprehend this when you have an IQ of 80 and live in the third world, but reacting the exact same way every time you get called out, is only confirming who you are.
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>It's like race horse betting, I hitch myself to a horse and see the winner in the end
>It so often happens they try to shill their ideal win but nobody likes her.
>You make a harem series, to have it not be a harem? Absolutely braindead. The amount of harem series that actually end in a harem are like 1/100 anyways. It's the complete opposite of a copout. The "copout" is what most of the series does where it just ends with some vague ass unspecific shit.
>>The story ends with no resolution.
>>It's glaringly obvious from Chapter 1 who the protagonist will end up with.
>>The author makes some ridiculous cop-out, like creating a separate reality/outcome for each girl, instead of committing.
What the hell is going on here
>be harem
>already have it planned who is going to win
>all these side characters just padding the roster
>might as well have single heroine manga but harem wars are too profitable to drag out
>but harem wars are too profitable to drag out
THIS. This is what publishing companies want. They want more people to buy their books, buy their BDs and buy their merchandise. All these long running rom-com harems with no progress but fighting fanboys is exactly what the big wigs swimming in sales want.
The "editor" (really just a corporate tool) tells you what to write, and you write it is they want to see.
In america, You submit an idea for a book, it goes through a few edits, and then gets published.
In Japan, you submit a proposal for a book, and (if it's accepted) you're given an editor that, as I said, tells you what to write, and you write it is they want to see.

Strong beginning -> chewy middle -> piss ending.
When you see this formula, you know the writer isn't writing what he wants, but what the company wants him to write so that they can make money, chapter by chapter.

This is why new characters are suddenly introduced. Why there are flashback arcs, and new powers that make no sense. Why stories never go forward. Why MC never fucks the Best Girl. The company is milking you for your popularity.

You will ALWAYS have a piss ending because there's never enough time to wrap up all the side arcs, character progressions, story and world progressions, and segue into a proper fucking conclusion. The publisher says, "okay, your story is done." and gives you X amount of time to slap on some sort of ending.

Incidentally, this is why Issei never has sex with any of his harem members in High School DxD. Why there are more and more girls joining the Issei-bowl. Homeboy (can't remember his name) WANTS Issei to start hooking up and making meaningful relationships, but his editor won't let him.
>Kotonoha, Sekai
That's because, like in many successful harems, the girls are on extremely good terms. They're far beyond sisterly into practically a full threesome. They kiss and fuck each other too.
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Some girls love competition and need to compete to feel happy. Some girls love the other girls. There's many situations where everyone being together helps.
What? Write properly faggot. There's different stories retard. Not everything needs to follow a checklist to tell a story. There's legit criticism of anime where "no original ideas". Holy fuck I bet you're a shonen retard that likes isekai litrpgs.
Who's winning this one?
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There is this particular poster in the hyakkano threads (well I guess he's in basically every harem manga thread, but hyakkano is by far his favorite and biggest obsession) who is obsessed with self inserting as the protagonist of that series and bragging that he is the best harem MC ever created. This poster is single-handedly responsible for upwards of 100 posts in every hyakkano thread by himself and he forces every one of their threads to hit bump limit, even if he has to post in it by himself for multiple days straight.
It seems he had a bit of a meltdown when some posters in this thread said that they don't like harem endings and would prefer Hayato to choose just 1 girl, which is unacceptable for the "CHADtarou" self inserter so he threw a big hissyfit about it.
When he isn't jerking off his self-insert, this poster can also easily be identified by getting offended at anyone who makes fun of self-inserting, and whenever he is caught in action he will start to lapse into broken English or spam "meds!" at anyone and everyone mocking or disagreeing with him. Usually both.

I wasn't entirely sure it was him until I said I suspected that the thread was derailed by a 100girlfriendsfag and like a trained dog he started spamming "meds" because he was clearly upset at being caught again.
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>under 70 threads
>people don't save pics from the same source or save the same filename
Bait or retardation? Newfag or samefag trying to hype his own manbearpig boogieman
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God I hope season 2 weekly threads won't devolve to a thread like this. I just want to save and post akane
>My boy Rentarou
>My boy CHADtarou
>My boy Aijou motherfucking CHADtarou
>Love this love monster
>Love this mad love monster like you wouldn't believe
>exact same image posted in every "Chad MC" thread with the exact same kind of reply
>"i-its just a coincidence! We all just happen to save the image from the same source at the same time, and then routinely post it with the exact same couple of words in the exact same situation over and over again!"

Sure thing dude.
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>i-its just a coincidence! We all just happen to save the image from the same source at the same time, and then routinely post it with the exact same couple of words in the exact same situation over and over again!
>same source
>saving other pictures from this site under the same filename
https://www.4chan-x.net/ newfag
>exact same couple of words in the same situation
Read the archives, it's not. The quotes alone are different words. Are you successful in making your own boogieman tulpa yet?
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>shonen retard that likes isekai litrpgs.
I welcome you to your first Seo Kouji thread.
Instead of having a meltdown over getting caught again you probably should have just thought to change your file name once in awhile.
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Instead of being a newfag with schizophrenia you probably should have just thought to lurk more.
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>yandere heroine fucks the other yandere heroine
Your entire defense for why this same image constantly being reposted with the same file name in response to the exact same questions totally isn't all being posted by one guy is that "the quotes aren't the same". As if he'd have to literally be copy pasting the exact same sentence every time or else that somehow proves it must be different people, like one person wouldn't obviously repeatedly use the same kinds of terms slightly remixed every time they respond.

Not to mention the most important fact that the file name and image were posted in this very thread, and upon saying that a hyakkanofag derailed the thread, someone got extremely upset and started responding to that accusation at the exact same way they were responding to everyone else earlier in the argument.
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A lot of confidence in this one.
Whatever you say, "my boy motherfucking CHADtarou the love monster".
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Is the boogieman in this room with us right now?
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it's a major pity he stopped doing sex scenes for his earlier characters and switched to the much-less interesting naked chapters for his tankobon bonuses.
We should've at least gotten sex chapters for Honoka and Suzuka
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pretty cute
>This one feels like it's giving a lot more focus on each heroine individually
that's because this is the only series he's done that really is a harem, the others tend to be series with an obvious main heroine and a bunch of side love-interests
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>we saw random hitman background characters nipples before most of cafe's cast
Ami will continue Yotsuba's winning streak.
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Fucking hell, I went to my bed and when I got up I was curious to see the thread not only still alive, but had loads of posts in it.
Then I check it out and it's been kept alive almost entirely through faggotry
I cannot find my Ami bed picture.
what bed picture?

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