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I can't handle the ending of Onimonogatari. It's just so fucking unfair, it's not right. Hachikuji doesn't deserve any of this at all. She's so fucking cute and so sweet and she is constantly getting the short end of the stick. I love this snail so much
i started owari season 2 and it just hit me how much of the story is going on in the monologue during the really creative or horny scenes
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Best girls often get the worst treatment. It's really not fair how good of a person she is and how much she gets fucked over.
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It's weird how little video essays this anime has.
You would think it would have as many as Eva.
Keep watching.
lolis filters people
It shouldn't be there, more people should be able to enjoy monogatari not less
normalfags should meet Monogatari on its own terms instead
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Does the series gain anything with the loli shit, though?
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>the best girls filter retards
The bestest girls.
All girls are good in Monogatari except Cat
True. She's the best one.
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Cat is boring
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That half is boring, not the other half though.
She is just too perfect for this imperfect world.
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Narrative depth.
God I want to narrate her depths
Can't that narrative not be explored without needing the loli?
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Important snail backpack
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Preferring Cat over Crab is the greatest indicator of being a pleb
>before watching this
"I wanna fuck Hachikuji so bad UOOHHHH"
>after watching this
"I wanna protect Hachikuji so bad AAAAAAAAAA"
Hachikuji is a disgusting cockroach and should've stayed dead, fucking ball-less author
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For me, it's the big snail.
I've would've stayed with her and immediately started working on repopulating. Araragi fuck up big time.
Do girls really swim with hairclips on?
I remember when I binged this and I got to this part, I couldn't eat properly for a few days because of what happened to her, until after I decided to continue binging it lol
"If I can't let her be fucked by Araragi because that's against the law I can at least get her fucked by the plot"
big snail is one of the few oneesan characters that are hot
big snail is a big win
really? the italian arc screwed you that bad?
what got me messed up was how out of left field was the tension between araragi and the mint doll girl.
like i get it that she just wanted to mess with shinobu but still it was so out of left field, there was literally 0 development in that regard before the italian incident
Crabfags really are utterly obsessed with Cat. Always avatar fag too
Because it's pretentious and devoid of actual substance.
It's just a shallow power fantasy for loser incels who view themselves as the center of the universe.
Snake is worst girl
If you disagree you're probably a pedo scum
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slug** HAGkuji
Uber cute.
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There's just something about vamps on a sunny beach.
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So is Crab herself.
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>house burns down
>has hot lesbian sex
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What's this? A Monogatari thread lacking in any bees?
My folder full of BEES ought to fix this!
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Are little sisters really allowed to have tits that big?
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It's a free country.
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oh, to join her in that bed
Didn't rrgi literally go to hell and pull her out of there because of how clearly not a lolicon he is?
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so it's just like EVA?
Evangelion isn't a power fantasy for loser incels who view themselves as the center of the universe, I would hardly call Evangelion a power fantasy
People don't self insert as Shinji?
I'd insert myself into Shinji
yet another beautiful imagespam thread ruined by textspam...
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/a/ is dead
source?? https://4stats.io/
some anons are genuinely just allergic to basic media analysis its actually kind of concerning.

look even slightly closer at anything in anime and suddenly its "stop posting textspam" and so on.
It's genuinely anti-intellectualism at work.
based post
It's just sadistic rape, basically a "dominance" thing, indicating Crab is more masculine and therefore more human
Did you just reply to yourself twice?
why is /a/ like this now?
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Is this the Krusty Krab?
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really? I think there are plenty
Dumb bitch should have looked both ways.
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I want to sniff Crab's feet
Cat > Snail > Bat > Crab > Doll > Snake > Spooky > Bird > Monkey > Bee > Gaen > Kagenui
Who's Spooky?
Why would he want to fuck his sisters
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>Who's Spooky?
Is Ougi a separate entity from Araragi? or is she just a figment of Araragi's imagination? I honestly don't remember much, it's been almost decade now.
Doesn't booba hachikuji take over the snek shrine so RRRG gets to bang her on the regular?
Sleeve Jobs.
She's an oddity created by him.
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I haven't gotten so far into the series to see much of Ougi yet, so I thought it was referring to Numachi.
What should she be called anyways? Devil?
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Which monogatari (female) has the stinkiest fart?
i just found out that Oh! great does the bakemonogatari manga and i've been binging it for the last 12 hours.
Fuck man i missed the guy
I've come to the realization most that most if not 90% of people who say they have watched Monogatari haven't watched past Bakemonogatari, Nise at most, and that's the reason why Senjogahara is the most popular girl as she is only relevant in the slightest during Bake alone. The moment you start talking with people who have watched/read the entire serie the more you realize Crab less and less people talk or even like Crab because the truth she is absolute irrelevant to both the story and RRRG character's progress in the story. Absent from from Kizu / 80% of SS (her 20% she does nothing but begging Kaiki) / Tsuki / Owari S1 / 3/4th of S2 / Zoku Owari.
Crab is quintenssential "I've watched first season" gatari girl, true connoiseurs prefer based Doll and based Dark.
You forgot Neko White
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>>268166631 (me)
You've watched the show, probably. You know damn well that if you're playing a major role in the story, there's something seriously fucked-up with your mental state. Basket cases are not best girl material. Dark and Doll are the worst of all - they're nothing BUT fucked up.
Crab does not appear much after Bake. Ergo, Crab isn't fucked up. She's relatively normal.
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I've seen every episode of Monogatari at least twice and I still think Senjo is one of if not the best girls. She loses relevancy as it goes but her starting point is so high and she remains top tier and most of her scenes post-Bake are still cute and fun.

But I acknowledge I'm out of the norm, since I think everything outside of Bake and Kizu are super-mediocre and riding on the coattails of Bake.
Is Bat retarded?
I'll never understand this, I personally don't like lolis, but it's not something that would make me not watch an anime, it's just the body type of a 2D fictional character, why do people care? It's like not watching an anime if there are old characters in it because you don't like old people.
Kanbaru has the smelliest fart
I can tolerate lolis but it does make me severely limit who I could ever tell I watched that show
rub rub splurt
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>monogatari series
>anyone remotely normal
The sole premise of monogatari is none of these characters are normal, they are a bunch of lunatics and outcasts all correlating into one big metastory where only themselves and their own delusions matter. That's why Shaft made the choice of never ever showing any other humans but the one relevant to the story, no crowd shot, no relatives, nothing. The idea of oddities and fantasy surrounding those characters are metaphors of their own traumas, atypical personalities or pure fucking autism.
Autism defines monogatari as its core and Crab is by FAAR one of the most autistic people in the whole serie, something which do not bother me as I do like Crab a bit but still prefer the complete fucking high fuctionning autist that is Ononoki.
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I want her. I need her.
I would move monkey down a row. Senjo post-Bake down one too after she gets over her most autistic traits
>not autistic
lol lmao
monkey could go down a row but her being a self-hating lesbian tomboy fujo, openly stating she is a pervert at any possible occasions and with no problem having a love-hate relationship with a dude fucking her love interest gets her to stay in the relatively.
Senjo is still a sociopath even after Bake and her whole ordeal during Hitagi Rendezvous trying to make koyomi say her name is complete asperger behaviour, I do confess she's not as crazy as she was in Bake and Nise threatening to kill people then herself.
Kaiki is the biggest autist in the cast but I prefer to imagine his behaviour as a depressed high IQ doomer with too much insight towards society.
Same, I know I can't tell certain people that I like monogatari, but for some reason I don't understand why. Maybe my brain is wired differently, but if something as long as I know something is fictional, on my screen there could be the most depraved, degenerate shit and I wouldn't care, I'd have a reaction, but I know it's a drawing, it's on paper. We're ok with watching murders and blood on screen, but people draw the line on certain fanservice?
>self-hating lesbian tomboy fujo
only the fujo part is semi-autistic
>openly stating she is a pervert at any possible occasions
normie b/c she does it with confidence
>with no problem having a love-hate relationship with a dude fucking her love interest
that's called being a cuck lmo
She's very dumb
Tomboy > all
Therefore Monkey and Bee > all
Bee's body is literally perfect
Logically I agree but the vast majority of people just don't see it that way.
oen off characters usually dont get nicknames. Mamaragi might be an exception
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Try the janitor ai black cat. It's improved.
Who doesn't like Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade?
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You mean Birds
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Shinobu Mogged

How can she compete?
her body gets more erotic the closer I look at it, I just want to hold her
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For me it's Cat > Bat > Monkey > Math. I don't hate any heroine, but these have the most interesting storylines.
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I want bird tummy in my mouth
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I really hate this trend of describing any abnormal character as autistic
Character development.
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>How can she compete?
By being an immortal loli and sex goddess
rape the snake (cat)
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consensual baby-making sex with the snake (snake)
Monogatari is openly about autism though. I do think people nowadays tend to see autism in everything and that's unbearable but a lot of many gatari characters issue are defined by autism. Yotsugi is a reanimated corpse with complete social unaptitude, she tries to fabricate a personality trough catch-phrases which she doesn't understand and do not have the ability to convey with basic human emotions. Both Crab and snake have extreme social disconnection, crab because she is a sociopath, obsessing over extremely specific issues and behaviours, snake has somewhat of a bpd disorder, living in her own delusions with extreme self hatred towards her true self she hides behind a cover of a perfect cute girl, in reality she's arrogant and egotistical.
Most characters aren't really autistic like snail or even monkey but they tend to seem autistic as being mouth piece to the undeniable autist that is Nisio.
dangerously based
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Its literally the opposite, it's pure self indulgence and doesn't pretend to be otherwise.
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>barely autistic
this invalidates the entire graph, she should be higher up than ononoki, idiot
anon ... she has a boyfriend ... her only form of autism stems from her incestuous tendency.
Eva only has a lot because westoids simp for Abrahamic lore. Hilarious that Anno only included it because he just wanted some foreign cool sounding terms (but isn't interested in the theology itself), wanted to reference ultraman, and actually hates westerners.
Not if the fan theories are to be believed.
The echi shit going on in the other seasons only happens because Crab allows it to happen. If anyone got out of line she would straight up murder them because she's territorial like that. That's why people like Crab.
I've seen the whole series 3 times and Doll is just okay. Ougi is based though. Cat got a raw deal back in the day because I think Kizu is necessary to like her, but we didn't get it for so long. I used to think she was worst girl, now I think she's mid tier.
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sex with cat
This one always makes me cry like a bitch.
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Fuck, I cried more the second time I watched it. This is peak storytelling.
This one also breaks me every time.
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Ignoring cat and fucking all the other girls
>nadeshiko stealing the best seat in the house
wanna watch this. where to start?
but it sure is quite difficult to keep up with let alone pay attention to the monologues
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I think it helps to imagine the series as an audio book, because that's kinda what it is.
If you are such a bitch as to get filtered by loli, you don't deserve to enjoy monogatari.
You can do both you know
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Going on the run from the Darkness with my snail wife where I keep her safe and pregnant at all times
They knew
low test
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It didn't hit me as hard because I knew she'd eventually come back, but I admit that I yearned for various episodes after she was "gone". That made the reunion all the better though.
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The Monogatari rewatch will be finished on time
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>the new monogatari anime is not going to have any Hachikuiji in it.
What's in the backpack?
Shoot, I haven't accumulated enough mental illnesses to get into the series yet
I mean in monster season she does get a bit more attention
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watch the anime commentaries
Release order except watch the Kizu movies after Bakemonogatari. I watched it in release order but all the questions you have from Bake just don't get answered until way too late for you to care that way
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The first episode is going to be math right? Even though they previewed doll there isn't enough material in the story for an hour.
We'll find out in 3 days
Wait it's that soon?
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Advance screening
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Nothing of importance. I just don't want to leave it in your possession
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>she just carries around a massive backpack for no reason
I don't buy it.
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FUCK I thought we weren't getting anything until the 7th. I've only just finished Tsukimonogatari
Well we won't get anything but the impressions of a few Japanese who were lucky enough to win the lottery.
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How long will it take before I can illegally pirate the new episodes?
Probably pretty quickly. The real question is how long for subs. Do we know if this has been picked up by CR or some other streaming service?
CR got it
How many people who have never seen any Monogatari will watch the new stuff just because of the hype? Zoku Owari was 2019 wasn't it? So 5 years ago.
none? why would you start watching a series over a hundred episodes and 3 movies in?
Some people are stupid.
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Is there still no word on a proper sub group picking up Monogatari?
I always assumed the backpack was part of her attachment to the world since she was a runaway you could imagine inside was everything important to her.

This scene is crazy since she's just pretending to be asleep.
>would agree threesome with crab
Is Kanbaru the best girl?
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She died while walking between her divorced parents' houses. The backpack was full of clothes and sleepover shit.
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poor baby.
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Literally the entire character arc
>parents get divorced
>get hit by a car trying to visit your mom
>cursed to spend eternity misleading others
>try to overcome this
>get sent to Hell
Why is Nisio such an asshole? Snail did literally nothing wrong at all, she's just a kid
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Every single thing in this post is incorrect.
>hagfucker being a hagfucker
Every single thing in this post is correct.
It really isn't. Most of /a/ wouldn't agree with it.
It really is. Most of Japan would agree with it.
It is a body type. That's why Shinobu is a loli despite being 500 years old. You're half right on the second part though. Originally "lolita complex" was just used to refer to people who have the same complex as the guy in the book, pedophiles. Now it's pretty much entirely a term used for anime stuff in the west, and usually used specifically to distinguish attraction to 2D as opposed to 3D. Maybe it still has the original definition in Japan, I dunno.
It's how their religion works. Dying before your parents is a sin, apparently.
Japan doesn't think that either, dumb newfag.
There's only one mentally ill spammer on /a/ who repeats these things all the time and tries to wish them true.
The Monogatari series is nowhere near as popular and hasn't been around half as long as Eva, franchise-wise.
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I am not scum.
The term's Western definition comes from the Japanese using it to describe 2D, and the inability to call a spade a spade when it comes to pedophilia.

Justification for fucking 3D kids. There's a strain of poster who ignores the whole Loli OK NO Touch thing.
>source: I made it up
But even if they were, it wouldn't matter. You're a concern troll at best and a glowie at worst.
If I had a cent for every time an anime videoessayist made monogatari videos and started to get hate for them, with commenters and other videoessayists calling them pedophiles, so they started claiming to like lolis because they want to be the loli, and eventually just trooned out, I'd have 3 cents.

Which isnt a lot, but it is weird it has happened thrice.
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>source: I made it up
What about Bubukka, Mammoth/Dorontabi, Kereno, Typehatena, Haguhagu, Walkalone, MUK, Shamonabe, and Onimaru?
I know of Digi, who else?
Are these the majoritry of Japanese artists? Source for each of these? What would it matter to /a/, which is a board about static or animated drawings?
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Can’t wait to see best girl animated

I actually only know of those two, but claimed 3 because I am sure it has probably happened to someone else too.
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Schnecke onee-san from Zoku Owarimonogatari is actually 10 out of 10.
I never watched Zoku Owari despite watching everything else multiple times.
shino 1 spoilers nisio wasted deathtopia as a character so much. I thought she would escape her role as a plot device eventually but then she just dies. Genuinely don't understand why nisio felt like he had to remove her
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>missed chuuninoki
>missed princess acerola
>missed big snail
>missed drunk lolikawa
>missed smug snake
and most importantly
>missed araragi (femenino)
GOD I wish
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She was doomed from the start, Kiss-Shot blood was too good. I also feel like Nisio likes turning extreme abnormalities into something ordinary, so I expected her to become human. Just treat it like a part of Gaen keikaku
The bodies.
I thought the punchline was pretty funny, honestly.
I also found it funny desu, but the price was so high. monster and off season don't offer many new characters, which stay relevant so her death was quite the loss What did you think about shino 2?
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I honestly believe he forgot the reason the story even started until about 2/3 of the way through. Maybe he wanted to present a challenge to Shinbo and whoever the director of the adaptation will be, maybe he watched Cast Away a few too many times during lockdown. I dunno.
loli is a bodytype

T. Tatsumaki poster from yesterday

I'm serious though

Its a pandemic of denial probably from lolicons in denial
The art that loli artists draw is still drawings

Learn to separate the art from the artist
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Hebi feet
>loli is a bodytype
Wise poster.
The fire in her house is the fire in her loins
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Which girl has the prettiest feet?
She's the only one there who won't get him hard
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but rather the most suckable
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just chiming in to opine that the Kizu movies are shit and I hate them
Visuals suck, characters feel ooc compared to other installments, and they feel like theyre overacting like some sort of idol actor in a modern jp movie
is this supposed to be good?
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Are you supposed to be funny?
Kizu is how Araragi becomes who he is in Bake. It makes sense he'd act differently and this is made clear in Bake as well. Similar for Hanekawa, though I think the chemistry between them is too obvious for Araragi to not have seen it, but in Neko Black it portrays it more like denial on his part. I do agree that I don't like the visuals much though, and it does feel different because it's made to be different from the series.
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My wife
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You don't like Japanese acting?
Imagine being this wrong about something. Especially the visuals wtf those movies look incredible
the only one I think was worth watching is the one by the spanish speaking dude who uploaded it in esp first before translating the whole thing and uploading it again in eng
then again it's basically just shit you'd already know fro just watching it anyway; but I guess it's for the slower of us
It amazes me with how much /a/ shits on CGI that I see a lot of posts like this saying that atrocious CGI looks good. It is one of the anime I've seen with the most clash between the backgrounds and the characters in nearly every scene.
Nah it looks good.
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looks good to me
Being short and having small breasts does NOT make someone a loli.
It makes an anime character a loli

I guess these aren't lolis then

you're retarded
Why not both?
I just want nisioisin to move on from gatari series and write something else.
He's been milking this series like fucking crazy, and it stopped being interesting after second season
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Personally I prefer Bird to Bee
They're best together anyways.
It does clash, but comes across as a stylistic choice in most cases. I think this anime is unmatched when it comes to composition, enough that the 3D/2D clash doesn't bother me most of the time.
Do the Japanese know the phrase "Birds and the Bees" or is it just a coincidence?
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I'm not a big FFM fan, I prefer 1 on 1
kizu does look bad but its more to do with visual direction than actual animation and cg quality
the biggest flaw is all the changes for the worse they made though, legit would have worked better as a regular season
Just FF is fine.
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Those are lolis because they are preteens and have preteens' bodies, which implies more than simply having short stature and small breasts. By your definition, a grandma who is short and has small breasts would be a loli you fucking retard.
You know very well I don't mean old ladies you stupid fuck

And Tatsumaki has the same body type so yeah fuck off


Use your eyes
What are you talking about? He's writing several other series at the same time - have you read them all?
Kizu is literally the best looking anime movie ever.
it's is not humanly possible that someone could think this. not even an alien could think this.
Why do pedos always hijack monogatari threads
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I want to self-insert into Araragi and then insert myself into Tsukihi
Do you think there's a chance Nisio will run out of ideas and shoot one of the characters into space?
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Gee I wonder why.
Hachikuji's story makes me wish I had a daughter.
Shinobu is an old lady
we've already done time travel, so fuck it why not?
snail is 10/10
onee snail is 21/10
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What have we got here, a fucking comedian.
better a joker than a pedophile

Imagine bitching about lolis on /a/.......
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Your loss fag.
Cumming on Mayoi's hot curvy body
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Some really great action shots
Sorry, wrong reply
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curvy and funny
>reading comprehension
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Been getting a lot of bird images lately.
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She's very cute
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Infinitely inferior to Lolikawa.
New vamp cunny soon.....
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right actually is hotter, huh
damned brat
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you can shit on kizu for cutting dialogue, but hating kizu because the visuals are supposedly bad is beyond retarded. even if you somehow don't like kizu's artstyle it still has value, just because it's different from the other 100 episodes of monogatari
Doll cunny as well uoohhh T_T
Kizu is visual storytelling isn't it?
Cunny season ;_;
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https://youtu.be/mXnhS_x4dMk?si=ScAn2vgyH5H7rNmd ENTER! BEST CHARACTER HAS ARRIVED!
Someone need to make a monogatari fart chart
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I seethe a little bit when nobu fanart makes her look asian
Kaiki is an incel cuck
Just like anon.
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they had sex
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Did Kanbaru ever meet Hachikuji? I don't remember.
not in the anime at least
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Is Snake hebe or loli
The latter contains the former so it's not a question of or.
snake is danger. stay away. no step.
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Hebi hibi
snake is sex. please approach. do step
Ya know, I used to be afraid to tell some of my normalfag friends that I like Monogatari, but now I feel like it's actually a great litmus test to see whether I'll vibe with someone or not. Doesn't matter if they like the show or not, as long as they have a decent reason for why the like/dislike it. If the only real thing they have to say about it is virtue signalling about the lolis and incest then they're probably not the kind of person I wanna discuss my hobbies with
Snake is not to be approached until she's passed middle school.
told 2 of my normalfag friends about that this is my favorite anime. one of them dropped it after hitagi crab and the other one liked it and watched until neko shiro.
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I wish I had a pervert friend like Kanbaru
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You'll probably find them if you know where to look.
>pervert friend like Kanbaru
"tomboy" is feasible, i have seen a couple, and they happen to be lesbians, surprise!
but on the topic of "pervert", you'll either find a completely desensitized, soul-abandoned, insane, gore-obsessed, highly disturbing woman, or just a girl who is promiscuous, which is where the "pervert" part comes from. be careful what you wish for. as i said, "tomboy" is more feasible, and you can groom her into getting into things.
void the spoiler, find a fujo japanese girl on some online space and chat with her, better than nothing.
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Would futa Kanbaru be a top or a bottom?
she'd take it really hard in the ass, but would also want you to jerk her off while you pummel her rear
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I know it's impossible, which is why it's a wish. I don't get why girl hikkis always become totally deranged
Top with girls, bottom with men.
I want to bottom for Kanbaru
You'll have to be a power bottom.
She's sexy
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Senjo's POV btw
which bird hairstyle?
>"Only you can save yourself!"
>everyone actually got massive help from their supportive friends
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HOW does he make every single image he is in INSANELY HARD just by his mere presence?
how can I grow up to be like him?
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Tough call really.
Study the Occult, have a relationship destroy you and lose faith in humanity and become a misanthrope (but secretly remain good guy at heart).
How are you going to save yourself without knowing what it is you're dealing with? If you've let it get so bad that an Oddity's taken an interest in you, you're probably going to need some serious interventions to figure out what you're going through and what might fix it. That's where friends and specialists come in.
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Just past shoulder length
>but secretly remain good guy at heart
I don't think he qualifies as a good guy at heart. He has a fixation on crab and monkey which causes him to occasionally break character, slightly. That's as far as his "good" goes.
hebe is some gay cope word

loli and hebe are literally the same thing because loli can apply to many characters

Nadeko is a loli
It excludes younger lolis so it makes sense to use it.
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Younger and older lolis are all lolis
Not a contradiction. Also I like all lolis. I don't use that word myself, I'm just saying it makes sense. Scientific literature also uses it.
The elevens were the first to use hebe outside of an academic setting. Just because modern usage threw away all the distinctions to call everything loli doesn't mean it's not useful.
only have to watch zoku owari to get caught up with the show, should i bother watching it with japanese subs
Serious question.
Are Kagenui, Kanbaru and Ougi virgin?
It must be great to write a book knowing it will be made into an anime
Araragi is not virgin therefore Ougi isn't.
Kagenui raped Keki and Yotsugi.
Kanbaru had sex with random dykes
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I guess you can say that the short girl got the short end.
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Helpful supplies!
I wish there were a Hachikuji edit of this sprite
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I'm not gonna use that word so you'll just have to deal with it
Chronological order is the best one, fight me
Where does one find friends and specialists like the ones from Monogatari?
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Well, in our world, the latter are usually called 'therapists'.
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How do you reckon with the fuckery that happens where multiple episodes & scenes from Onimonogatari, Nekomonogatari, and Owarimonogatari all cover different events across different places all on the same day?

I think seeing that come together was a lot of fun. That, along with Ougi and Gaen's antics getting covered well past the end of S2. Release order is superior.
>Metal Slug
fuck off, we're full.
Loli filters out all of the moralfags like you who can't look beyond the obvious.
> more people should be able to enjoy x
This exact ideology has been the downfall of countless communities.
Stop trying to mainstream everything, retard.
> the series should censor itself so it would cater to normies who wouldn't enjoy it for what it is
seriously kys
Kizumonogatari is quite literally in the top5 greatest looking anime movie ever created and most if not all of the most renowned anime director living would tell you so. Its on par with Akira, Angel's Egg, Nausica, and Ninja scroll, probably in 5th, even GITS or Redline would be 6th and 7th.
Virtually nothing in animation is looking close to what the Kizu trilogy looks like even digging everything SHinbo has made in 90s be his YuYuhakushou episodes or Soultaker and more is even close to looking like Kizy, mainly because the lack of time spent and new possibility of camera work digital animation brought to the industry. You have to be looking for giga obscure european short animated movies to find something that is looking similar by 10% to the Kizu trilogy. The main serie in itself doesn't look AT ALL similar to anything in Kizu, from color key, animation style, chara design, background design, editing or storyboarding.
What's Kiss Shot have to do with Metal Slug?
My other wife
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My other loli wife
The specialists from Monogatari actually work though.
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i genuinely don't get why this meme persists stubbornly. just die already
doll is so stylish
Therapists help, but they won't save you. You'll have to save yourself. I say this from personal experience - when you start thinking that way, you'll find yourself making progress.
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this is my favorite fan art.
What's the joke here
It's a soundpost. This is what's in it.
Peace Peace be with you
I feel like we really don't talk about Araragi's Zeppelin enough
I wonder if this artist is a lolicon
When will we finally see Doll's official pantsu? They HAVE to be striped, right?
he's never gone full loli to my knowledge
I'm not a lolicon, but I think the crying emoji and "out of 10!" posts are funny and sometimes make them myself.
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RRRG has a pretty cool room
Me. I just think the memes are funny and I assume the guy feels the same. Or he just is a lolicon, I dunno.
You sound gay or female, either way you need to take a trip home to reddit.
Obsess for years over the girl you had a crush on at college (but she didn't love you back), scam and show off in front of children as much as possible. Seems feasible, Kaiki is actually pretty fucking pathetic.
They do tend to go hand in hand.
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If I weren't so autistic about change, I'd use whatever 4chanx plugin so that I could hear soundposts.
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>4chanx plugin
It's a Tampermonkey script, no 4chanx needed
i like it but i have to admit the yap-offs overstay their welcomes sometimes. it's not so bad when they're paired with fun schizo visuals though, especially if the thing being conveyed by the juxtaposition is something other than a convoluted japanese pun.
A korean. The japs completely ignored it (and mostly still it), it was only picked up by the west.
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It's all so tiresome

also dead thread
My wife
fuck off redditor
I'm not a redditor but ok

Hachikuji is my wife

I bet you're a crabfag
>I'm not a redditor
they always say that
and a /tv/ crossboarder
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captcha GJ GA
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>eating a donut whilst in a donut
I thinker her addiction has gotten out of hand.
so are frogs
you think frogposting is good
It's entirely possible Doll's panties do not exist.
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My wife Mayoi Hachikuji

she makes me cry
she wears naughty lingerie maybe
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Shinobu is so perfect
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>Hey, finally awake
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>How do you do, fellow kids?
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What does this mess of translation actually mean? How long is this new novel? Will the delay of Mijikamonogatari mean that the prophecy in Tsukihi Endless is broken?
Most importantly, Sauce?
I'm still seething about this. Yoasobi is ass.
>How long is this new novel?
It's gonna be short. As I understand it base novels like this usually come as a bonus to the Yoasobi songs release.
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I wish I had a middle schooler who lusted after me
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every song they make sounds the same
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All things considered, it's obvious that Araragi's story was just one of many odd things that happen and no one ever records.
Shinobu practically had similar outings before with others but the lack of options due to pre-industrial era made most people literally wish and accept death, it's just that the modern setting ended up causing this weird as fuck convergence of events one after the other and mostly because Araragi could survive the initial rocking he was dealt because of the whole vampire connection thing.
Man, I gotta rewatch it all, I commited the mistake of leaving when Owarimonogatari was airing.
Now if I start from Owari, I'm gonna lack the fresh context and the jokes because I can only remember that one disgraced Hoe that got slugged into oblivion by the Crab for slapping her.
Time to rewatch it.
Not going to lie, it's going to be a slog.
You're technically right but historically, otaku have been using the term solely for prepubescent female characters and it stuck so hebe has its uses.
>Not going to lie, it's going to be a slog
I used to think like this as well but rewatching the whole series was very easy and the whole experience was a treat. You'll be fine.
t. dropped it the first time when Owari was airing as well.
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damn that's crazy

no one cares
Man, that's such a lovely Doll gif. Makes me wanna go to the beach.
He BTFO'ing the Monkey will never not be funny.
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I think everyone mostly tolerates Hachikuji.
It's at Nisemonogatari that people get filtered for obvious reasons.
I vividly remember people mass dropping the anime after the toothbrush scene or right as they were watching it. Also the whole "Searching for birthmarks and scars" scene also horrified a lot of people who right now do everything in their power to do the BS that >>268139013 is pushing for.
Of course, all of those people, they missed out.
Might be for the best actually considering how they have actually ruined other things.
These heal my weary soul.
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Didn't the bath scene happen before the toothbrush scene though?
>versatile singing voice
not even kaiki could lie like that
doesn't the right side of the brain control the left eye? would have been funnier if her other eye moved
>snail thread going to reach bump limit
she's truly a goddess https://youtu.be/tigfRJ3AqBI?si=zBcpoZWMtCj9SW7-
you jinxed it
Is Sodachi virgin?
her father took her virginity
Ougi raped Monkey
To be fair, fucking ClariS was their go-to before.
Is ClariS still around?
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And she enjoyed it.
Nadeko should have just left the shrine and tracked down Senjougahara to kill her and the rest.
They both enjoyed it*
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EVERYONE loves Hachikuji
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>Hello child.
He's a ghost.
Kaiki is an incel cuck
Nah. Dead men can't buy first-class plane tickets. Or die again.
He probably thinks dying is a good way to say goodbye. After all, that's what Tooe did.
Hopefully the story for the new ED is good. Apparently Yoasobi don't make songs unless they're based off a new tale from the original author.
Ougi would literally kill Kaiki if she could.
Actually, I just remembered she tried and failed.
Isn't ougi just araragi in his tranny phase?
I care.
Ougi is Ougi, and Ougi is whatever fucks with people best.
>fill gaen with cum
>take off stupid hat while hag is momentarily distracted
>there’s another hat underneath
Why does the animation style/quality in that look so different than from that of later series? I thought they were all made by the same studio.
>I think everyone mostly tolerates Hachikuji.
normafags and casuals for sure, in here it's easily top3 most popular girl, for me she's number4.
Also I do believe the non linear story and complex release schedule and naming conventions filter WAYYYY more people in entry to monogatari than lolis do. I'd say the turning point is Snek's rape in Bake, if you get pass that point unphased (as a normafag, because I was jerking off personally), then you have no reason to complain about anything going afterwards otherwise you're a gigantic faggot hypocrit.
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Ougi is an oddity manifested from parts of Araragi that he represses. But Ougi isn't actually Araragi, it's an oddity.
Why are all the inscriptions on the pink cover dyslexic?
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Don't worry anon, I'll give her the long end of the stick
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Bimajo apparently means 'older beauty', so that might explain the title of the mag.
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Monogatari is so deep, it's easy to miss small details if you're not paying attention
Monogatari generally has the text written right to left, the way they did it before WW2.
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Looks like he's happiest with Hachikuji.
Put them all in a single giant bed
It's my opinion that Araragi loves Hachikuji more than all the others because of how he absolutely loses his mind at the end of Sinobu Time. He's completely unreasonable and ready to abandon everyone else to be with her. Plus he's never excited to see anyone as much as Hachikuji.

He was killed at the end of Koimonogatari. His ghost form never buys a plane ticket, but it does have a goatee.
May want to read the novels.

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