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>"Oh come on there's no way people would actually do this shit and record it."
>Browse kaotic and rekt threads on /gif/
>"I stand corrected."
Dead Tube is just LiveLeak: The Manga
>An entire student council in Japan gets big bucks to upload murder porn
>When Chinese traffic officers and cartels do it for free
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what is even going on in this manga anymore
justice man was unironically hype though
I got bored halfway through the middle school arc and stopped
Whatever death themed scenario the author wants to come up with. It kinda slumped a bit after the wrap up of the Dad arc but I think it picked up at the Death mystery manor.
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Dropped this here.
Decided I was being too harsh and picked it back up.
A few chapters latter realized I wasn't being harsh enough and dropped it for good. What a fucking garbage manga.
Ntr cuck shit with roasties and jerks everywhere, the only shit these westerncocksuckers can write.
They’re chopping off idols
The scale is very different but the Dnepropetrovsk maniacs were supposedly in contact with a wealthy foreigner who was commissioning snuff films from them. They made 21 of 40 vids between the 25th of June and 16th of July 2007. Really heinous shit too, like cutting open a pregnant woman and taking out her fetus.
it's funny to watch Indians get ran over by trains and funny to watch the Chinese get killed by their own infrastructure.
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Have they been mobilized against Russia in the war yet?
I haven't really been following the war. Apparently the place is having manpower shortages.
Post some more info about these guys they sound interesting.
I'll just summarize it
>trio of ukrainian teens
>at 14yo friends want to help friend overcome fear of heights
>"best way to get over your fear is to face it"
>hang from balcony until no longer scared
>other boy is afraid of blood and is worried he'll burn his kitten when washing it
>start torturing and killing cats and dogs to get over fear
>film themselves doing it (you might've seen some of those vids)
>keep doing this until they graduate from high school and start robbing people using their taxi
>eventually get bored of robbery and start killing people
>show up to funerals to mock the bereaved and corpses
>go into overdrive and kill multiple people a day, some in front of people
>film it, one's gf claims after arrest they had a customer for 40 snuff films
>other friend corroborates her story but security chief denies accusation
>the boys get caught pawning off victims' belongings
>one of the boys flushes multiple phones before he gets arrested
>lawyer claims the vids are fake and that the children of ukrainian politicians were the real culprits
>2 get life sentences, 1 gets 9 years since they cant prove he wasn't just the cameraman
They also had a weird interest in Nazi stuff but that might have just been an edgy teen thing. Some people believe that it really was a coverup but I saw one of their vids, it's definitely them. The real question is if they were actually in contact with a wealthy snuff site owner.
And of course there's a tumblr celebrating them
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This new arch is made fun of the success of oshi no ko?
It's just normal idol theme, Death style so far.
Nothing Oshi no Ko related I can think of.

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