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Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/a/thread/268067876/

Characters not in the anime that were introduced in the last volume:

Numata Ryoko: Sara's new delinquent classmate friend

Kenmochi Mikoto: Livia's new employer who hires her as a body guard after Livia saved her from pursuing goons from a rival gang. She's the one on the cover on the left here (right is Livia with her hair dyed)
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Adult's Date in Gifu

>We pick up from the night of Brenda and Sousuke's dinner date, they meet up at Gifu Yokocho, basically a larger and fancier food court, it's a 5 story building with like 40 restaurants in it.
>Sousuke and Brenda go bar hopping, and they discover Sousuke's not very good with harder liquor since he only ever drinks cheap beer and happoshu. In any case they're having a great time and getting to know each other better.
>When it's time to go home Sousuke's nearly blackout drunk. Brenda takes the chance to stage a picture of them in bed together to convince him something happened between the two of them, but falls asleep from the alcohol in the middle of staging the picture, while naked in Sousuke's bed.
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>This is how we end up with pic related from the end of the last volume. Sousuke figures out pretty quick with his deductive reasoning that nothing happened between the two of them despite not remembering a thing from the night before.
>Brenda is flustered and tries desperately to explain she's not the type of woman to do something like that. Sousuke is surprised to see a side of Brenda he hasn't seen before.
>Brenda offers to cook breakfast for the two of them and clumsily cobbles together something half decent. It's obvious to Sousuke that she's been practicing.
>Along with getting to know her better at the dinner date and the earlier flustered embarrassment, Sousuke's image of Brenda undergoes a massive shift overnight. He had only seen her as professional and calculating before, but he's surprised how normal she is and how much they have in common (chose career to follow their parents only to grow disillusioned). Sousuke feels flushed as he sees Brenda off.
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Daughter's Return
>Sara comes back from her school trip, I guess. Nothing much happens.

Even Though I'm a Master at the Honey Trap, I can't Bring Myself to Approach the One I Truly Love, but after Seeing My Friend's Love Life go Well I've Decided to Move Forward Myself Only to Find Out it's Already Too Late!?

>Brenda tells Haruka the good news about the positive developments she had on her date (they still both don't know they're going after the same guy and keep rooting for each other). Haruka feels inspired into action and hastily goes to buy a birthday present for Sousuke.
>As Haruka arrives to give Sousuke his present, she's barely put a foot inside the door before running into Sara, Isao (Sousuke's dad), Yuuna, and the store owners of the cafe downstairs throwing Sousuke a surprise party. Turns out the five of them had been hiding out on the balcony waiting for their chance. Haruka's plans to share a quiet moment with Sousuke are ruined.
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Perverted Knight and Underground Fight Club

>One of Mikoto's gang, Espada's, businesses is running an illegal fight club. One day she takes Livia to watch and encourages Livia to join a few fights.
>Livia wipes the floor with the two champions, both former pro boxers, as Mikoto watches on with excitement. Before long a new challenger approaches, and it's a masked woman in a qipao (we will later find out this person is the waitress at the cafe below Sousuke's detective agency, and the owner is her kung fu master).
>The masked challenger seems to be specialized in assassination techniques and is strong enough to force Livia to actually use buff magic instead of relying on her superhuman reflexes.
>While they're fighting however, Livia senses something's wrong. She flies out of the ring and manages to barely intercept an actual assassin trying to kill Mikoto.
>After getting back home, Livia asks to go for a run to blow off steam. Mikoto asks if Livia means she's horny after the physical exertion, to which Livia says yes. Mikoto invites Livia to her bed, saying she's also feeling it after having her life saved again. After this night the two officially become lovers.
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>Livia and Mikoto continue to learn more about each other as they become closer. Mikoto tells Livia that she was given up by her father who was a Yakuza boss at a young age and grew up in an orphanage. Her gang started out as a way for her orphan friends to raise money for her cancer treatment, and their first hustle was selling Ozempic.
>Livia eventually opens up enough to tell Mikoto about being from another world. When Mikoto asks how Livia is so good in bed, Livia explains that because the armies in the other world were gender segregated there was a lot of homosexuality, and she was the best at pleasuring her fellow soldiers. They called her the pervert who was born to pleasure women.
Fuck Yuna
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Interesting Person Contest

>Sara's class is deciding on roles for their cultural festival play. Sara holds a contest to see who can make her laugh the most to determine the male lead (Sara's the heroine, obviously). The boys in the class give it a good try, but in the end Sara casts her delinquent friend Ryoko for the leading part.

The Woman Knight Attacks
>After learning about Mikoto's family situation, Livia tries to convince Mikoto to go see her father one last time before she passes away. Eventually Mikoto relents but the situation is complicated by both parties being the head of a large organized crime group.
>Livia promises to get the meeting set up and leaves alone with her sword. She walks up to the base of the Yakuza clan headed by Mikoto's father, and says she's from Espada and just wants to talk. With a weapon in hand. Naturally the guards interpret this as an attack (not helped by one of them recognizing Livia since he was one of the goons from the illegal casino from last volume who Livia fought)
>Livia fights through tens of Yakuza armed with guns by herself, including opening healing her wounds with magic. When she reaches the Yakuza boss (his name is Shirogane Ryuuji), she tells him his daughter Mikoto wants to talk to him and they set up a meeting. Livia's rampage this day has created another legend within Gifu's underground world.
If this is how girls dress in Gifu, I really should go there.
any chance of this getting usagi drop'd?
Do the other novels have any fanservice?
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A Fitting Life (TL Note: Life written with the same kanji as Mikoto's name)

>Mikoto and Ryuuji meet in a quiet shopfront. Mikoto tells her father that she's had a good life thanks to his decision to give her up and not involve her in the Yakuza clan, despite ending up in crime anyway. She tells him she's found a romantic partner and forgives him for his decision. She leaves him with a letter to read later and leaves.
>Mikoto grows weaker and weaker after her meeting with her father. About a week later she suddenly collapses and falls unconscious while watching a movie with Livia in their living room. Livia moves Mikoto to her bed, hooking her up to the ECG machine. She's still breathing but unresponsive. Livia gets out her biwa and guitar and serenades Mikoto for hours on end by her bedside.
>At some point, Mikoto's unconscious mouth had formed into a smile, and she flatlines. She dies in her bed serenaded by her lover with a smile on her face.
There is a specific callout of Usagi Drop and a definitive statement of "no, we are not Usagi Dropping" from Sara's narration.
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>According to Mikoto's instructions, Livia calls Ryuuji. He arrives, holding Mikoto's letter to him and a USB stick. On the USB is a video Mikoto recorded as a video will. She thanks Livia for being a part of her life and says she has one final present for Livia. She's giving Livia "Mikoto". As in, her name, identity, assets, everything. Mikoto says it's fitting since both her name and Livia's mean "life".
>Ryuuji agrees to set it up with his underworld connections. After all, it's the first and only request from his first and only daughter. From now on, Livia will live as Kenmochi Mikoto, leader of the Espada gang.
>Didn't lick Sara's coinslot
>Didn't lick Brenda's either
Sousuke is gonna go after Yuna, right?
>suddenly /u/
But still, Livia got it bad huh?
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Woman Knight-chan's Eight Sufferings

>Livia meets up with Mikoto's former underlings (her friends from the orphanage) to decide what to do with the gang. They're unwilling to recognize anyone other than "Mikoto" as the gang's leader, so they agree to have Livia remain as leader for the time being.
>As part of convincing the world Livia is Mikoto, Ryuuji brings Livia to his Yakuza clan and introduces Livia as his daughter Kenmochi Mikoto, then surprises her by announcing he's stepping down as the head of the clan and making "Mikoto" the leader. None of the Yakuza object since they witnessed Livia's strength.
>Livia goes to visit Noa in prison after all these events, and Noa says she'll likely be in there for a while longer. For the short term, she can't run her cult and there's no one she trusts more than her deity Livia, so now Livia is also head of the cult. At this point Livia's character card has her job read as "Gang Leader/Yakuza Clan Head/Cult Leader".
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I still giggle at the thought of translating this character card and showing it to someone who's just started watching the anime.
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Wait wrong character card, this one.
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Crash Landing in Hida

>Sara's cultural festival play is "Crash Landing in Hida", a parody of Crash Landing on You, a K drama romance about a South Korean woman who crash lands in North Korea.
>The joke is Hida is such a backwater dump that it's North Korea to Gifu city's South Korea. The male lead is played by a crossdressing Ryoko (Ryoko is from Hida).
>Of course Sara uses magic to make explosive special effects, and the play is a huge success.
Homeless Woman Knight Rising

>Suzuki(ri) the author/former homeless is back to being homeless. After Noa was arrested, his connections to Savior Grasshopper as their lyricist/lore writer got him cancelled again and he's back to fishing in the Nagara river.
>A group of hoodlums approach him, looking for an easy target. He resigns himself to another brutal beating, but the screeching tires of a speeding limo make them all turn their heads.
>Out walks a woman with a silver wolf cut and dressed in a suit, flanked by two gangsters. She orders them to chase away the hoodlums and approaches Suzuki.
>She calls out to him by name, "Suzuki-dono!" and lowers her sunglasses to reveal her heterochromic eyes. It's Livia. She introduces herself as "Kenmochi Mikoto" and hands Suzuki a business card.
>Shirogane Espada Clan Ltd.
>CEO - Kenmochi Mikoto
Otherworld Child Prodigy Rising?

>Sara is stopped on the way to school by a suspicious looking woman. She introduces herself as a talent agent, and says she's there to scout Sara.
>Yuuna who happens to be with Sara is immediately suspicious and warns Sara not to listen, but the woman explains that video recordings of Sara's performance in the cultural festival play have made it online and have gone viral.
>Sara is offered the opportunity to become an idol, and she seems... kind of interested?
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That's the end of the volume, have some other illustrations.
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Always has been.

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See you next time for Volume 6.
See you, OP.
What did Sara say to her?
Woke her up by biting her ear and told her she wouldn't mind doing a kiss scene in the play if it were her.
>she was the best at pleasuring her fellow soldiers
How come she and Noa didn't bang during their cohabitation
>Yuri trash
Thank god i didn't watch this shit
I hope Yuna wins
Brenda looks like that but plays up the loli look just because she's short? What a dumbass. She could do business casual with no bra and leggings and burn a hole in local male retinas.
I dropped this after watching the first two episodes because it was too cringy, does it get better?
Oh based, didn't know there were Salad Bowl LN summary threads.
I enjoyed the anime immensely.
Was wheelchair girl ever in the anime? I think she was in the OP but not the actual show.
>sword autist was actually a lesbian and cuts her hair
I don't think I like this development
She isn't into DFC.
She was in one scene at th end of the final episode.
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Did he fuck his daughter?
Worst girl must always win
Almost no Yuna? Not very nice.
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New season when?
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>how to use computers
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>she describes Sousuke as her type
>they don't get together
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That's been done to death.
Henjin won't get a second season but snoresaki will
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I believe in Sara.
Did we really need this plot?
The last time this author did lesbian lover dies of terminal illness the surviving girl went on to marry a man and got pregnant
Wait what? What's the name?
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LN bro, does my cute whore wife Puriketsu just disappear? I read the summary for every story and didn't see a mention of her. Also, did this new Ryoko girl steal Yuna's role in the story? At least we got Brenda kino.
The excuse given is she didn't feel comfortable with letting loose while having no money, status, being in a new world not knowing the social norms etc. But that sounds like bullshit to me because she sure had no problems with degen gambling and eating good with other people's money.

This was Ashley's backstory in Imouto Sae in the LNs.

She's in a chapter or two. Livia was going to disband all 3 criminal organizations until she talked to Asumi. Asumi (not knowing the full extent of the situation) encouraged Livia saying she believes in her, so now we have the Frankenstein Yakuza-Gang-Cult conglomerate.
Casual sex might be a new concept to her.
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It's not though, she slept with soldiers in her unit all the time. I really think this is one of those cases where the author changed his mind about what he wants a character to be after already writing something.
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>Asumi (not knowing the full extent of the situation) encouraged Livia saying she believes in her, so now we have the Frankenstein Yakuza-Gang-Cult conglomerate.
Puriketsu is the key to all this!
I need more Kantoku in my life and I already watched Peeps too. Anything else by him that's good in terms of anime?
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>Noa actually winds up in prison

So what happens to the band LN Reader bro?
I want this cake to win bros....
Best girl got it so bad.
>Anything else by him that's good in terms of anime?
HenNeko, ImoSae, One Room or just wait for Sasaki season 2
Why not? Is it the over used haircut?
>Livia's gay
>Sara's gay
Yuribros, we fucking won.
I heard Livia sleeps with her and Noa is this true? How does that effect their relationship?
They're on hiatus for now as you'd expect. Noa's in prison only because she wants to be.

The cripple can still fight. She took down 2 goons with her baton and custom wheelchair before needing to be rescued.

Post 2 year timeskip, Livia's lost any shred of shame that still remained and sleeps with every woman she can find. We don't really know how this affects any of their relationships because this was pretty much the last chapter that was released and it didn't go into any detail. I'll keep you posted once I read the new book in a month's time.
>>At some point, Mikoto's unconscious mouth had formed into a smile, and she flatlines. She dies in her bed serenaded by her lover with a smile on her face.
Well she married....he easily can
Imagine the sexual tension between Sara and Sousuke as she grows up....
Thanks anon! I'll try reading it when I have time, which might not be today, so sorry for not posting in most threads.
Is Sara bi?
I want to fuck Yuna
So does she never sleep with a dude (Suzuki-dono) even once?
The author has this infatuation with making his women characters perverted bisexual sex pests while the men just go on with their lives until one of these women takes an interest in them, It's still a possibility.
Marc-san was simply too good at negotiating
What were we talking about
Yeah he really likes this schtick for some reason.
I was keeping up with the manga version of this, did it ever get more translations? From what I remember the anime r went further than the translations for the manga.
I'm thinking the author is a hack.
>custom wheelchair
I hope it has mini rockets. That'd be dope.
>Took anon this long to discover how this hack author repeats the same story beats mixing crazy fantasy stuff, overtly sexual characters and totally-not-his own experiences in different oishii sugoi bars and restaurants.

He's done it four times and people are still falling for it
Is the author a hack or does the author's market just really like this one type of thing and he's a slave to their desire?
What a nonsensical question.
I'm really surprised there's zero attraction between Livia and Sousuke. Livia and Suzuki I can definitely see though, and support.
Cute hat
i got tricked into watching yuri again
And this woman was chose to be a royal retainer of a 11 year old
She was ready to pleasure her master
Well at least the anime isn't that thick in terms of yuri and S2 is close to impossible, so we're still on the safe side
fuck you

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