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build the wall!
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damn, they’re getting wrecked
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Well that's all she wrote for now. Thoughts? Theories? Expectations?
I wanna fuck Niska
It's entertaining, but I still believe that the nordic brothers that wanted to wage war from day one and that paranoid dude to be the most stupid characters in the whole series, and that kinda irks me desu.
Thank you so much, anon!
All women are fortunate to have men of their own tribe
Camping is a valid strat
Its what I do
These native designs are really cool
>Thorfinn shows up and talk no juitsus the indians and the vikings into making love not war
Oh god I can see it now.
she will survive and theyll become a couple and shell live on greenland with bugeyes and have hapa babies
calling it right now
Ivar did nothing wrong.
What's going on with Vinland Saga? Why did people suddenly hate it? It isn't even that bad.
they wanted Varangian arc and Byzantium Arc, instead they got a timeskip and Baltic War arc which was the weakest part of the entire manga and a tranny Thorkell jr

They are right to be disappointed, but i like the current Arc, im guessing it will end with Thorfinn going back to Greenland and that Greenland was vinland all along and live peacefully with his wife and children

Uhh they would all be fucking dead right now if not for the wall
lmfao imagine still reading this shit
Those walls are remarkably high
yea those trees would be dug halfway into the ground to make the palisade solid, it would look more like this in reality
I hope that Canute shows up, like Gandalf, and saves the day.
Fuck the nords, fuck the indians, fuck everybody. All I want is for Bug Eyes to have a happy ending with his qt 3.14 brown waifu.
Their love for each other is so beautiful and wholesome
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Some women on Twitter did not appreciate the ship bait between these two.
That looks incredibly sturdy. Beautiful work
I love when Vinland Saga does more realistic battle scenes. Although it does clash with all the over the top, exaggerated anime style battles that it also has.
Viking santa has been a swell dude every moment, hopefully he survives this.
she's cool imo
I like her beard
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nigga you werent here around baltic saga
I dropped this around the time tranny thorkell appeared, the art is still good at least but the story went downhill
His scarf is really nice
>The art is still good at least but the story went downhill
One Punch Man syndrome
The franchise itself is more popular than ever after the success of the Vinland Saga anime. Especially after season 2 which was lauded by the masses.
Is Vinland Saga worth getting back into?
I dropped it after the Baltic War and while I liked parts of it, it was clear the manga was getting a bit silly
also droped it on that arc, judging from the random chapters that ive been reading on a the manga looks like violence badong rage fuel with a touch of 3 stoges sprinkled on top
Looks like the tranny is going to have to be a man for a change, lol. I was really disappointed when, earlier, it looked like he was going to fight...But instead he just cowered after getting shot by a dozen arrows, and apparently the Indians gave up on killing his useless ass.
How did Gudrid remain a virgin after 2 husbands?
she stabbed sigurd on their bridal bed after the arranged marriage and escaped before anything happened
>they miscalculated by building the wall
Oh fuck you Yukimura, that doesn't even make sense. Thorfinn was proven wrong once again. The wall literally saved those children and women (the same retards that didn't want the wall in the first place).
I'm tired of the tranny, can't he die?
>the nords miscalculated by building that wall
wasn't the ancient indio who "saw" the future the main problem here? along with the disease
and then Thorfinn comes and ruins everything with his kung fu viking kek
Honestly, it was never that good.
After all he's been through, taken out by a fucking stone arrow
I want to read a manga about middle age farming and settling in new lands.

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