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Is he a well written character?
No. He literally lets his bad future timeline self mog him in everywhere when it comes to abilities
He said he would do his best
But he becomes the bitch of the first guy who beats his ass that he’s going all out against
He would be cool if he was masculine but he’s rotten to the bone with jap “S-SUIMASEN!!!!!” disease. If your character is scum just let him be that.
>literally jerks off to CP instead of attending his parent's death ceremony in ep 1
>still a pedo even after two seasons worth of ""development""
He's just a self insert for male power fantasy
I like that they keep his bbm version around as a constant reminder of his disgusting self.
>just get reborn as a beautiful european aristocrat bro and get a harem of beautiful white white girls who all love you unconditionally
Why are japs so self hating?
Nice fanfic
However, everything else is poorly written for his benefit.
He's for males who dream of being born into nobility with attractive genes and support system, and who want to own an house and impregnate three girls before the age of 18 before becoming filthy rich without doing anything
Pretty well written he's just insufferable when it comes to harem stuff

I take it back Im now Rudy's strongest soldier wtf is this goober fantasy shit
Fake or not, that fat fuck deserved it.
He makes trannies and faggots seethe so yes.
What an ugly shota
Roxy is a filthy migurd
Slyphiette is a hodgepodge of some beast race human elf bullshit
Eris I’ll give you that
Rudeus chose poorly when it came to wives
Should have fucked Ariel instead
Guess he is jobless tensei now
he fulfilled his lifelong dream of becoming an overworked japanese salaryman
that never happened, schizo
Yes. He goes from being a cuck to cucking his first wife.
Yeah? Pedos don't just magically stop being pedos.
I did.
not gonna read all that
this isnt the place to practice your writing
This is why I think MT is valuable even if it is a garbage show. It shows your spiritual ugliness never goes away even if your physical ugliness is somehow magically cured. The author is an ugly person both inside and out, pandering to similarly ugly people and that's why their self-insert no matter how beautifully drawn and gifted many natural talents through plot convenience he feels repulsive and ugly to anyone outside the target audience. A great example of the author's ugly soul manifesting in his work despite his attempts to dress it up.
I read one of the spinoffs the author wrote from a different character's POV, and it convinced me that he's actually an amazing character.
The other character (his son) was so completely normal and decent, with a coherent and cohesive POV, that Rudeus being such a galactic fuckup of a human being, character, and narrator can only be deliberate to show he's a piece of shit.
That literally happened. You just didn't pay any attention.
What's worse is in WN it's clearly mentioned that he was jerking off to creep shots he took of his naked loli niece. The dude is a disgusting pedo and no wonder he got bullied.
I refuse to read Isekai slop, but everything I've heard about this series sounds like Goodnight Punpun if the main character being an unlikable piece of shit wasn't intentional and you were actually supposed to root for him.

I could be completely wrong about my assumption, but I refuse to find out.
Nice. Would you mind telling me your address, so that I can send you a congratulatory gift?
>*cheat on my wife* i-it’s okay my father did it too! Hahah wow I’m a scumbag like my late father, I’m getting emotional now
This actually happened in this show
And his wife just accepts it like it's no big deal without making any fuss. They portray norn as bad girl for chiding him for his scummy behavior.
There's a reason the author had to transport his self insert to a world that is just as morally bankrupt as him
Sadly faggots like you don't go outside enough to even interact with people like that
Slyphy is the greatest cuck queen of all time
Except in the bad timeline in which she leaves Rudy to get fucking off screened with Ariel
Struck a nerve, mushoku lard goldem?
He sure did. Yours that is.
That literally did not happen. Leave it to braindead shitposters to hallucinate things and state it as fact.
>One of them is a hyper feminist and I bring her with me
This is where you fucked up. No way in hell a "hyper feminist" is spending any time with the kind of person who uses the term "foid".
Nta but it did happen
He did not cope that what he did was fine because Paul did it.
actually in the wn it explicitly stated he only took those shots out of curiosity and people egging him on in imageboards
try again, schizo
You should rewatch the episode
It's crazy how you can play this kind of wish fulfillment harem stuff so straightly and without any shame. Whoah I get more mana than god AND my epic slow life with three wives?! Ugly character, ugly series.
The absolute state of MT haters. I know the story is fake but the very fact that you thought about it shows how twisted your mind is.
The writer doesn't challenge this scummy behavior anyway. Sure is convenient to transport to a world that just accommodates to your shitty personality.
one of the biggest copes is people calling the MC a piece of shit because he jerked it during the funeral, and the defenders of the series immediately come out with "never happened, not canon, schizo, take your meds"
isn't that just cute that you get to pick and choose what is canon and what isn't even though it greenlit by a combination of writers/studios/directors and this gets superceded by some dipshit on 4chan trying to defend his slop
I'd call this fake if I hadn't seen something similar play out. Some guy who worked in a different division from me got so much shit because he watched some moe show and it wasn't even pedo stuff like mt
The fact that they need to say "oh yeah you're genetically a pervert bro just like all the Greyrats" to excuse Rudeus's shit is so fucking funny.
>spiritual ugliness
get a job, you damn hippie
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He was literally shown jerking off to that shit, retard.
also that defense really doesn't work. Honestly you tensei pedos are just as fucked up as rudy and no wonder you guys love him.
He's right though. If you have an ugly soul and think ugly thoughts you'll inevitably become ugly. It manifests itself physically.
the author had to use isekai as a crutch so no
>your honor, my client took those pics out of curiosity and he also beat his meat to it...out of curiosity
>Mr Greyrat claimed those posts were a joke.
The show is just redo but with no balls
I don't care about the anime. That never happened in the WN and it's obvious you didn't read it. That image shows literally nothing.
I have no idea what the author was thinking when be added this scene
Yeah this is why I don't really buy the "MT is actually a deep story about self improvement/redemption story" lol
It's just plain wish fulfillment male fantasy. I have no problem with wish fulfillment isekai slop but MTfags are really pretentious
>That image shows literally nothing.
Your defense is that in the wn he just filmed his naked niece “out of curiosity”?
>That never happened in the WN
Lmao it's literally in the first few lines
it's cathartic for him
he's confessing his sins to the world while not admitting that it's him
I gave it a look as well because people were praising it as more than generic narou slop. Aaaaaand it was generic narou slop, but with a lolicon bent that I'm sure doesn't apply to the author's preferences. Rudy being a horny baby and doing the "muh training from birth in mana manipulation so I'm a 4 year old prodigy" isn't very endearing as a character.
he....had the flu and was watching a normal pg13 afternoon anime....school swimming competition episode....
yeah it's like pissing in a bottle out of curiosity. theres no deeper meaning.
Norn really had no place in their business. She throws a huge stink despite everyone actually involved acting like an adult. Who is she to get mad when Sylphie doesn't mind? Especially since monogamy is not the default in this world, Norn is literally trying to force her religious beliefs on people who don't share them
Here from the WN with no trannylation tampering.
holy fucking kekulent what a bitch. i hope he went home and tried to hang himself kek, disgusting subhuman virgin pedo
not that he was fapping to his nieces, no
Look at >>268156045
>兄の娘 = my brother's daughter
>Especially since monogamy is not the default in this world
That's oddly fucking convenient. Especially considering he still fucked them while they weren't in a polycule yet.
It's pure adultery cause they didn't take sylphie's consent when they first fucked. Norn had every right to be mad at his brother for cheating on his pregnant wife.
You seem to be living in a separate reality.
I don't know I'll never watch this garbage. All I know is a pedo but not an actual proper pedo you see in different stuff so it's even more pathetic.
It's amazing he doesn't even think he did anything wrong
>Skipped out on parents funeral to jerk off to pictures of your kid niece
No fucking wonder they kicked the shit out of him
Imagine he tried to hang himself....but failed and ended up as a cripple! It would be so fucking funny.
Makes you wonder why the entire school ganged up on him
Reminder that the author said he is based on a "friend" of his haha
i've always thought the ED part was something which happened to him as well
That's your future retardo.
I don't think so considering it's such a comically unrealistic portrayal of ED
rudeus is super sad that his girl fucked him and ghosted him, right?
could it be that he was super depressed irl and his doctor gave him SSRIs which killed his dick?
food for thought, and significant enough for him that he included it in his novel
I hated how people are praising that Rudy's dad when he died. You don't see this kind of grief when his previous parents died.
Definitely. The most nuanced main character in over 50 years.
holy based. You're doing God's work
Sure thing, buddy. Any more delusions you would like to tell us about? 10 words or less next time though
>Grooms a child
>Doesnt like it when someone else grooms his child
He’s a hypocrite
you are judging these people as though they still have hope left
these guys are iredeemable
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>and then everyone clapped
yea that happened
They lack self-awareness more than hope.
He's literally me so yes

i love how much this show make tranny discord sethe
You will never be a white, kek.
Go back to plebbit with your bullshit stories. You could even get thousands of updoots on r/aita instead of a measly 15 (You)s on the Turkish floor mat enthusiast forum.
>15 replies of butthurt obese pedos crying about how your short story definitely didn't trigger them
t. the fat guy from the story
no, mushoku forces every single character to be flawed.
Either we skip over his literal criminal activities in his past life, or we see him explicitly acknowledging his wrongdoings in his new life. If not, then he's forever a controversial character.

On the one hand, you're a woman, or so feminized you might as well be a woman. You are describing how women bully: Through gossip and reputation destruction.

On the other hand, anyone who doesn't know how to hide their power level needs to learn that lesson.

On the gripping hand, this is fake, because nobody quits their first job in three years unless they have to, because they screw themselves out of unemployment.
This always gets 500 replies which means he's a well written character indeed.
>because nobody quits their first job in three years unless they have to
Holy boomer
If you didn't job hop in your first two years you just kissed a chunk of salary goodbye
>we skip over his literal criminal activities in his past life
As we should, who fucking cares about fictional crimes by fictional characters.

A motherfucker who can't get a job for three years isn't "job hopping" to grow their salary; if they are job hopping, they're not crying about leaving.
Yes, you can tell by how much normalfag seethe he causes
But on a serious note. You're a redditor and you need to go back.
yes we need more realistic male MCs in animanga
This needs to happen to every MushokekPedo.
You forgot the part where I was there and I clapped
The whole thread derailed for moral fagotry over a shit ass isekai anime, i thought /a/ had descent moderation
Also this
Women like bad boys
If you cheat on them they'll get aroused
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you are an awful person but you already know that.
stfu moralfag
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>S1 was fun
>learn it's harem shit
10/10 post, you succeeded in making pretentious MTfags very, very mad.
This is one amazing gigacope
nope, mushoku tensei is what people who don't know anime think anime is, ever since I saw the clip of him carrying that girl and throwing her on a bed I knew the show was trash
>OwO what are we doing on the bed?
>pomfpomfpomf volume slowly increases
pedotensei fags BTFO, based
he's better than 95% of animanga MCs, so sure, by that metric he's well written.
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I genuinely feel bad for MT "real fans"
but again thanks to your series for all the gatekeepIN
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Based normie stacy
Remember when he was learning all those different elements in the beginning but now he just spams stone blast biggest fucking bait and switch in manga history
At least he is not a gary sue
>jobs Paul V1 , understandable because it's a man three times his size
>jobs the fight where he is rescuing Eris , saved at last minute by beast lady
>"wins" the fight in the beast forest , others mostly saved him
>jobs Orsted V1
>jobs Orsted v2
>"wins" Bagidadi V1 , would have lost if Bagidadi tried at all
>jobs Bagidadi V2 , carried by others
>jobs Atofe , saved by someone
>messes up the hydra fight by constantly needing to be saved from getting his by lethal attacks despite having the eye of foresight, and then autistically loses his composure mid fight tries to use a melee attack against the hydra and loses an arm instead of using a ranged attack like a normal mage

I'm tired of protagonists winning every single fight . It's nice to see someone who constantly loses , but i fail to see why everyone regards him as the most powerful mage around . It feels somehow worse than him winning everything and receiving praise because here he is receiving praise for nothing. Man cannot stop jobbing.
I like him, he inspired me to be a better version of myself to get laid. Since then i worked hard to get money, got buff, studied how to talk to girls, and finally got to fuck a ton, including some japanese girls on my last trip to Tokyo
>passport bro watches isekai
Not really, i generally despise Isekai, but since this was shilled so much by friends i gave it a try. Since the show was very focused on personal development and adventure it piqued my interest and fact that most of the early growth of the mc was through training and study was what inspired me. Season 2 shat the bed hard in that aspect but since season 1 helped that much in my personal life, i'm still watching it
Poor incel probably roped lol
No, but he is
I don't care if he's well written I just dislike this faggot and anyone who likes him. Without this loser MT would be a lot more enjoyable to me. I am not a fan of seeing pedo incels undeservedly getting all their wishes fulfilled.
>wants an effeminate male MC
I’m the tranny?
obviously fake but funny post
This is true, I was the hyperfeminist
>pedophile tensei
Is Rudy the most controversial character of all time?
idk but he has really punchable face
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>his bad future timeline self mog him in everywhere when it comes to abilities
I want to address this point specifically, as it's real BS that even with the guidance of a fucking dragon God his skills and competence gets fucking corked.
Magical achievements:
>Dem durple zapper
The NOICE keeps on coming:
>the fucking gundam is built by friends;
>doesn't learn summoning
>can't uses toki just because

After Orsted's fight he became a peculiar breed of whipped middle-management guy.
I highly doubt this happened but I will believe it
> if the main character being an unlikable piece of shit wasn't intentional

Rudy starts as a fat never employed NEET of 20 years high school drop out who skips his parents funeral to fap to spycam footage of his 9 year old niece. When her father, his older brother who beat up his bullies in high school, wrecks his computer he attacks him and gets beaten up. If you missed the point of Mushoku you will definitely miss the point of Punpun, which has a main character with far less exaggerated flaws.

He obviously wanted to make him as scummy as possible without making him a murderer or rapist. The point is that he was a bad person in his previous life.
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They hate him precisely because he's an ugly somewhat sociopathic person that they can't self-insert as
>ooh I would like it if the MC wasn't a bad person
ok why?
They literally project that insecurity by saying "he's le self insert for incels/pedos/male power fantasy"
Everyone that dislikes him is a dishonest faggot with an infantile black and white world-view that they need to validate through the media they consume
They can't enjoy a bad person as the main character
>inb4 he's bad and still gets rewarded at the end
he has a positive impact on himself and people that surround him, that alone is praiseworthy
This is what I don't get.
They could have easily made the character a piece of shit without going this far. All the controversy would have been avoided, even the lusting over lolis in the next life wouldn't have seemed as bad without this context.
Perhaps. People either think he's a fat unemployed pedo or they think him being a fat unemployed pedo yet getting a loli harem is an inspirational redemption story.
I hope he isekais himself. Disgusting freak
>and then I woke up-ACK
there's just certain level of self-masturbatory story telling I just can't get pass by and MT reached that point multiple times
I read Punpun, I meant that this story sounds like Punpun written by the type of person that misunderstood the point of Punpun.

Everything I've heard about it sounds like Punpun if there was no consequences to the protag's fuckups and instead he gets rewarded for his self destructive and narcissistic behavior by a world specifically designed to "fix him" through forgiving any and all possible failures and actions that would destroy him socially in any normal society.

And again, I could be all wrong about this and the story could be amazing, but I don't want to read it.
Muh likeable, muh unlikable... Low IQ reader.
Honestly I think it's just that something similar happened to the author and he wanted to incorporate it in the story
I'm sorry to tell you this, but most people don't enjoy stories revolving around unbearable cunts.
I'm not even talking about morals either, the main character can be a piece of shit and still be likeable.
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I think he is.
And I also find it odd that most of the thread seems to think "Well written" means "morally righteous" or "impeccably competent".
Rudy isn't a strictly good or bad person. He makes a lot of mistakes and bad decisions, but that's what real people do in life too. And I think the way we see him slowly and steadily grow over the ups and downs of his life is very well thought out and realistic.
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I get the same feeling, which is why it annoys me.
Not in a moralfag way or anything, just that the writer and his fanbase will still pretend it's an important part of the narrative and wasn't just an act of degeneracy.

I wouldn't mind if it was like Made in Abyss where Tsukushi is completely open about his degeneracy and fetishes without pretending there was 2deep4u meaning to showing a shota getting an erection while bathing or a loli taking a shit
>And I also find it odd that most of the thread seems to think "Well written" means "morally righteous" or "impeccably competent"
Nobody implied this at all you schizo.
BASED. Got the pedo tensei future sex-offenders and suicide-statistics IRATE.
Nah wouldn't work. Likely a fat-ass so whatever he tied the rope to would break.
It can't be "redemption" because every negative character trait he doubles down on and is rewarded for. That's the fucking opposite of redemption.
No, because he's just a blank slate for irl fat pedophiles to self insert onto. He has no actual characterization or personality independent of the readers. It's entirely just giving the reader a fantasy that says "actually pedophilia, polygamy, and incest are great and you deserve to be rewarded for being a subhuman".
>ad populum
In good faith, surely.
Character being an unbearable cunt isn't a problem in itself, it's a problem when it makes no fucking sense (which is often (in recent film - most of the time) the case).
Welcome to a world with nobility where only some religions preach monogamy.
Being fat, having a micropenis, being at the Jap equivalent of public school in Detroit, and standing up for someone.
No, he's Kirito level and we need more youtubers to point it out.
Why was Rudy's bare butt and even his penis shown in the anime but both sylphy's butt and vagina were censored?
Keep ignoring the elephant in the room
Seething fat pedo vermin. The world would be better if you'd kill yourself.
There is no elephant to ignore. His father had 2 wives, his first wife gave the go ahead before she was pregnant for him to have a second wife, and the practice doesn't appear to be uncommon in that world.
The cheating is the ignored elephant. Even Roxy admitted it in this episode.
He is the best possible version of an isekai story since his writing actually bothers doing interesting things with the concept. Like Rudy struggling to see his isekai parents as his parents since he already had parents in his OG world, or Nanahoshi being a foil that just wants to GTFO of the fantasy world. If you don't like him you don't like isekai in general. (fair opinion, 90% of it is trash after all)
Realism doesn't automatically make a character good.
yes and moreso because he makes redditors seethe
plenty of people like him
plenty of people hate him
few people have no opinion except faggots who haven't watched or read MT, and they are even more irrelevant than you, OP

so yes
No shit? Who are you even replaying to? What does it has to do with the post you are replying to?
See previous 2 comments. It's been made pretty clear in the show that that's not an uncommon thing and has fairly wide acceptance.
Honestly one of the best written characters ever. Rudeus should be a staple and blueprint on how to write a protagonist.
>Nobody implied this at all
Read the thread you moron. The criticism is 90% people whining about him being a pedo
He's every self-insert, no personality protagonist ever. His gimmick is being a pedo though so incels and /pol/ tourists love him
Yea, rudeus cucking sylphy(best girl) was the last straw for me. Fuck this show
Based, include me in the screenshot
>I bring her with me and strike up a conversation with the fatty.
Stopped here. Next time please make your fanfic more believable, don't throw in a plot twist as ridiculous as you talking to a woman.
Probably the fanbase either thinks being a pedo makes him a good character, or they outright deny he is one.
>Then show her a clip of him molesting the redhead loli.
I demand a webm of this
>They can't enjoy a bad person as the main character
Except everyone goes on about how Rudeus redeems himself? This isn't fucking Redo where the protag is meant to be bad, the story is about an actual piece of shit getting rewarded and you're supposed to root for him.
wait thats actually epic as fuck nice one anon
The sheer amount of replies.
Better story than MT
It's funny because MTfags be sweating. Act all smug and above it all "Yeah I watch wishfulfilment crap and I'm PROUD, pedophilia is BASED" but they know they'd get publicly lynched for watching this tripe IRL
>Is a pedophile a well written character?
MC just gets reborn as an handsome dude into an upper class family.
>Except everyone goes on about how Rudeus redeems himself?
anime onlies do a whole lot of buzz around something they don't understand themselves even if they're "fans" of MT
Redemption is one of the themes in the story, but it's not THE theme
The theme of Mushoku Tensei is family and learning to cherish it
With the end of season 2 we're only approaching now what could be considered the end of the prologue, the real story is only about to begin. With the death of Paul, Rudy has become the head of the family and has to learn how to deal with it, how to be a responsible father and husband and that will continue for the next 3-4 seasons if we get there.
>an actual piece of shit getting rewarded
Yeah, you're looking at this superficially pretending as if there was no work done to achieve this outcome.
With more mana than Laplace and his adult mind while all the other kids think of him as a peer.
how could he be any less interesting?
>harem of beautiful white white girls
One is a demon and one is a literal mongrel. The scientific definition of mongrel.
Facebook keeps sending me anime shit and every Mushoku post is just Bangladeshis and Indonesians. Crazy.
The only character development in the entire series was him going from a pedophile degenerate NEET to a pedophile degenerate with motivation.

dios mio...la creatura...
You damn Millis followers should get the rope.
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This guy is the closes thing to a tranny without being one.
>feels better in his new body
>doesn't tell anybody his real name
>sexual deviant
>feels attraction to little boys and girls
Pic related is for the jannie.
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that's real funny
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written to be unlikeable
This isn't true. The intro chapter just says loli and moves on. The redundancy chapters are where it mentions the niece but it doesn't try to justify it or anything cause the whole point is that he says he would've done the same thing as his brother if their places were swapped (beat the shit out of him and kicked him out onto the street) with his only regret being that he never reconciled with his family cause he died right after.
It's only mentioned in the deleted redundancy chapters of the web novel. Everything else just says loli. I don't remember what the LN says but I think it's downplayed further.
It's in the deleted redundancy chapters of the WN. The chapters got deleted for TOS violation (same story arc with Ars and Aisha controversial material). The way it's written it seems to be intended to be canon though, that Rudeus has come to terms with his death and agrees with his brother -- and acknowledges that this is why he's pissed at Aisha (whose actions are viewed as okay by other characters according to the social norms of this world).
I always find it strange that people compare this to European slavery when the whole reason that European slavery was seen as waaay worse than everything else is because it made slavery something that was not only inherited by people (i.e. people are born into slavery) but it made it so that entire classes of people were legally non-people and slaves. A lot of Isekai do have slavery but none of them do anything remotely as bad as IRL Euro slavery.
kill yourself
>Euro cuck mad that his ancestors are worse than Isekai
He's a boyfucker too? Redpill me on this
even the janny got butthurt lmao

Literally 50 shades of grey for weebs.
slavery is slavery
shouldn't be in anime nor irl
kill yourself
His series could give the worst anime a run for their money.
>slavery is okay if it meets my certain bar of fabricated standards
These >>268182420 are the reddit tourists openly shilling Mushoku Tensei here.
> European slavery was seen as waaay worse than everything else
Retard. Look up the Arab slave trade which existed for longer.

Maybe if you were female you would end up as a breeding slave if lucky. If male, you would be immediately castrated (something Europeans outside of the Spanish and Portuguese colonies did not do). Then either you were very lucky and lived or you were like the vast majority those who were castrated and died. If you were even more lucky, you would be a palace slave. Otherwise, you'd be worked to death in a mine.

And then we can go over the galley slaves. Arabs and Turks committed rampant piracy in the Mediterranean since the founding of Islam. It was common to raid just to pick up Galley slaves to get to the next island. A Galley slave would be worked to death to get the ship to the next Island and then thrown overboard.

>but it made it so that entire classes of people were legally non-people and slaves
That's how it was in all the non-European countries. In fact, the reason the Portuguese in particular were able to get slaves is that the Africans in Mali already de-personed large portions of their population and made them legally into slaves. In fact, the Mali empire had a large trans-Saharan slave trade already established with the Arab caliphates for centuries before the Portuguese even showed up on their shores.

It's almost like imbeciles such as yourself who are historically illiterate fall for dumb propaganda and don't realize that the varying conditions (yes they were different depending on the colony) were no worse than what you would find in any culture which has slaves. There is no such thing as this fantastical romantic slavery you want to pretend everyone else had and that they're somehow innocent and it's just those "evil Europeans" who are responsible for everything just like the academic leftists falsely assert.
No fucking way kek. I wonder what rule it broke.
janny didnt like /a/ dog piling his favorite hentai animu
YIKES so much for 4chan being a free speech website.
he makes you seethe so yes
>Rifujin: "I want my MC to be an unapologetic pedophile"
What the fuck was he thinking?
copypasta falls under spam
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this isn't real, but it should be
He was lusting after a girl thinking it was a boy.
>It was the kind of grin that viscerally repulsed Lilia. It reminded her of
the smiles she’d gotten from a particular cabinet minister as she made her
way between the harem and the royal palace in the past. He was a bald man,
his smooth head gleaming in the sunlight and his corpulent belly wobbling as
he walked. Rudeus’s smile resembled the grin on the minister’s face when he
eyed Lilia’s chest. A smile like that, coming from a mere baby.
What happened when Lilia picked >Rudeus up was particularly
worrisome. His nostrils flared, the corners of his mouth drew up, and he’d
start panting and bury his face against her bosom. His throat would twitch as
he made weird, gleeful little giggles.
It was enough to send a chill down Lilia’s spine, almost to the point
where she wanted to reflexively hurl the boy to the floor. The child showed
absolutely no affection. That smile of his was, quite simply, creepy…the
same smile as that cabinet minister, who was rumored to have purchased a
number of young women as slaves. And this was an infant, smiling like that.
>Nothing could be more unsettling. Lilia felt she was bodily at risk from a
Literally compared to ugly bastard in chapter 2. There is difference between beeing a creep and being a pervert. Everyone calls him a later while he actually is a former
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>Arab slave trade
Although this slave trade was also quite brutal it was not racial and slaves were from every race including their own.
The racial status of slavery is what was uniquely evil about the atlantic slave trade.
>t. I have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about
>Although this slave trade was also quite brutal it was not racial and slaves were from every race including their own.
you are retarded
It was 100% racial you fucking doofus, although there were limits on what they could do to a slave if they were a fellow muslim
>pretending there weren't any white slaves in American colonies
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what do you mean
The trvthnvke
I don't get it. Subsplease releases for almost every show every season. What does that have to do with MT?
Why are people so mad over a fictional character?
autism, it makes hard differentiating fiction from reality
>capitalizing greentext
>ending greentext with a period
>random space after >
The "redditor who only knows how to greentext from images he saw on /r/4chan" starter pack
It's nothing to do with him, it's his defense force that refuse to accept he's anything but a 2deep4u deconstruction of an isekai protag, instead of just being a trashy isekai protag.
>The racial status of slavery is what was uniquely evil about the atlantic slave trade.
Indentured servants were white and they were purposefully worked to death before they reach the end of their "contracts". Many of them were literally kidnapped.
Read Redneck Manifesto.
People like >>268188634 hate isekai, so they get angry when people bring up MT as a counterargument. It's a sign of low impulse control and low IQ.
I don't hate isekai, I'm indifferent toward it.
The problem is fans of MT like to pretend they're not watching isekai slop. It's like HxHfags pretending their shonen battle manga isn't a shonen battle manga because it's deep and mature.
no straight man would be attracted to flat chested women who look like little kids
fucking no
almost 50% of pre-American civil war white "settlers" were indentured criminals, forcefully moved to work the land
I find it baffling how Americans basically erased that part of their history
You're not indifferent, you're ignorant.
Polygamy is. Cheating isn’t. Fucking dumbass
I've enjoyed isekai before, I'm just not really that into it. I don't have anything seriously wrong with it as a genre.
You do know slavery of whites was illegal in the american slave trade?
I understand that you want vindication but you're gonna have to accept that american slavery was the literal worst form of slavery ever implemented.
So you're just shitposting. Good to know.
I'm shitposting because I don't like your show?
Most weren't even criminals.
If his narration is to be believed (and I don't see why it wouldn't be) he sounded like a pretty normal boy before being sexually traumatised. He even had a cute tomboy cf
He did his best to live a fulfilling life and did just that, not becoming a power autist.
>marries a single mother
I'm not even American but I find it infuriating how you defend historical revisionism to be in line with your state mandated nigger worship
In the novels he grieves for his parents after Paul dies, since he's developed as a human being
Let's break this down.
>he's anything but a 2deep4u deconstruction of an isekai protag
First of all, no one thinks this. That's not even how you correctly use the term 'decontruction'. When Mushoku was first created, isekai wasn't a genre. There was no trope of an isekai protagonist. It's impossible for Rudeus to be a deconstruction of something that didn't exist. Also, no one thinks he's 2deep4u, just that he's well written.
>It's like HxHfags pretending their shonen battle manga isn't a shonen battle manga because it's deep and mature.
No one claims MT isn't an isekai story. I don't know how these two things are related in your head. There's also nothing wrong with being a shonen manga. That has nothing to do with the quality of writing itself.
You claim to not hate isekai, but enjoy using the word "isekai slop". It's very easy to get mixed signals when you do this. Please do not parrot words for no reason.
And finally, you're not shitposting because you don't like it. You're shitposting because I'm trying to discuss a show while it's becoming increasingly apparent that the people talking badly about it have nothing to add, and just repeat things they heard from other people.
In the source material? Yes, he's better than most protags, isekai or not.
In the adaptations? No, he's way more generic, which is why I can't blame animeonlies being so confused.

>as a character in fiction media
>as a character in anime
>as a character in isekai
Well you are a racist so it's pretty clear you have no interest in the truth.
He’s just like me
>When Mushoku was first created, isekai wasn't a genre
I'd argue isekai has been a genre since Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
>no one thinks he's 2deep4u, just that he's well written
How would you say he's well written?
>You claim to not hate isekai, but enjoy using the word "isekai slop"
"slop" is basically the same as junk food, it's good every now and then, but it's not healthy to consume a lot of it.
I absolutely fucking hate pseuds who pretend that "portal fantasy" is the isekai
Isekai is very distinctly a genre of Japanese fantasy with its distinct unique features, this is why they invented the term "native isekai" because you can very easily see these same features just with the main one i.e. the portal fantasy being removed.
If you want to pretend to be smart then say that the Epic of Gilgamesh was the first isekai not Alice in Wonderland.
The "crimes" were shit like stealing bread or unpaid debt same with australia and the reason why the argument "but they desent from criminals so people change" dosen't work
MT is nothing like Punpun at all. It's isekai slop as you said. It's probably the the most well written sometimes suprisingly thoughtful isekai slop out there but its slop non the less. The author is probably a massive otaku and it fucking shows in the story at times.

If you can enjoy it for what it is its a fun time. 5-6/10
>Is he a well written character?
Absolutely not. It's not the fact that he is unlikeable or repulsive (which he is), it's the fact that there is no concrete redemption or development to his character. And this in part is because of the bullshit isekai story structure.
>The racial status of slavery is what was uniquely evil about the atlantic slave trade.
The racial aspect of the Atlantic slave trade was mostly accidental. Even if developed views on sub-Saharan Africans was less than charitable. Also, depriving anyone from their liberty outside of any sort of common-sense judicial process is already a greater evil, no matter the motivation. I also question your assertion that the Arab slave trade was not racial in motive, when even the Quran has some choice quotes on the sexual and racial preferences of the peoples the book was written for. Subjecting fellow men to hellish work conditions that will generally result in permanent bodily damage if not death, and subjecting women to the indignity of sexual slavery and warping their minds. You posting a "yeah, but...!" about this is extreme silliness.
He's a very good self insert. Might be the best self insert in decades.
The difference is punpun is unreadable painwank boring shit while MT is the average anon's self insert.
It never happened
And if it did it's okay
And if it's not okay, you've been filtered
>the Epic of Gilgamesh was the first isekai
This makes no sense whatsoever.
I just added it to the pile of fiction I can't talk about anywhere but here.
he doesn't go out of his way to fight people endlessly searching for the one that might finally kill him so no he's not
>will still pretend it's an important part of the narrative and wasn't just an act of degeneracy.
It's both, and it happen to be fun. The LN is full of internet coomer humor. The author is clearly a degenerate otherwise it wouldn't be good. It would be like RE where nothing happens.
hell yeah my pic
No one is mad here. You have lot's of regular MT posters here baiting other regular MT posters and possibly unrelated retards for fun.
> >>268154272 deleted
Mods confirmed fat sweaty unemployed pedos?
Garbage male powerfantasy that people say is a well written character because they don't want to be judged.
Rudy finally learned to trust others after gaining godlike magical powers and multiple wives and becoming the sire of the world's saviour... finally, he learned to love himself...
He was thinking, "I want my MC to be an unapologetic pedophile"
>, just like me
Only MTfags who invested emotionally into him to the point of obsession are mad here
Yes. He is as complex of a character as it gets. He's flawed, no doubt but not completely devoid of any redeeming qualities. The series establishes this by showing him risking his life to save a group of highschoolers in the second episode.
The art of writing compelling characters lies in the balance between them having good and bad traits. This is literally the first lesson you are taught when you are learning to write compelling characters yet I rarely see other anime do it correctly. They often put a shit ton of good traits on their mcs and barely any bad ones, and when they do it they are barely even that bad. All of their characters are one dimensional and boring as shit yet you fuckers still slurp it all up because you are all pussy shit, too afraid to be morally incorrect
>slavery and human trafficking is fine, but don’t you DARE be RACIST about it chud!
At last I truly see, thanks for educating me
I started watching the anime, who is the main-ho and who are the side-hoes of his harem?
Main: Roxy
Cuck: Sylphy
Pet: Eris
This isn't Arifureta faggot. The author has elevated taste and knows that the proper way to do harem is to make every love interest a main heroine and shun pity additions.
This sounds like a side-hoe coping
>Before TP4
He's funny but mostly a self-centered and egocentric asshole.
>After TP4
Oldeus reality check hims and I can respect that he actually self-reflected and became a proper family man (second time, first time was after Paul's death).
Main: Roxy
Cuck: Sylphy
Dommy: Eris
The most common theory is that he used MT as aself-therapy.
Norn is a 10 yo that finds really weird that his brother (who proclaimed very intensely that he only loved his wife) comes back with their dead Father (who he was going to bring back) and a new whore.

Norn is 100% justified, the weird thing is that Rifujin tried to paint her as the crazy one, the cherry on top is that Cliff was the only one on her side and he was cucked on the same trip. Is comical.
He already paid for his crimes when he died, his problem is that he doesn't selfreflect about and the SixSided World rewards him just because it's Rifujin's self insert fantasy and a lot of readers seem to agree with it.
It's like a distorted version of Heaven for them:
>Bro after you die you become an European model and bang 10-15 yo but it's ok there and it should be ok here too.
i would bet my life that banning the dude that posted that copypasta instead of just deleting the post would also delete 90% of the replies samefagging it
>anonymous is one person
all the replies have the same tone, cadence and posting style
Cheating isn't accepted. They even got Millis blessed by Cliff (If they wanted to be polygamous, they should have refused his blessing).
And Rudeus claims MULTIPLE times that he was going to be faitful to Sylphie, even when Ruijerd asks him "What if Eris comes back?" Rudeus answers that "I already have Sylphie".

Rifujin fucked up and Rudeus is a horrible person (up to this point, he becomes better later).
Fuck no. He's given everything he could possibly want on a silver platter and we still have to subject ourselves to his whinge depressive episodes over frivolous shit like his erectile dysfunction.
If you have sub 80 IQ, yes
If you have over 80 IQ no
>ugly somewhat sociopathic person that they can't self-insert as
It's not that he's a bad person. It's that he's just fucking pathetic.
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Yes, you can tell he is by the way he makes homosexuals in this thread seethe.
Paul shunned his family to the extent of getting rid of his name's noble indicator and works as a town guard
Canonically doesn't fit the Ashuran ideal
And to address the other comments along this line I see
>good family
His family would have broken up had he not saved it, and his previous family sounds like it was pretty good to, and he was shit on Earth
This is largely true, even if it's as much him using his adult intelligence to boost his mana as the Laplace Aspect. But he also uses those techniques to educate the future generations, so in a century's time those techniques won't be anything crazy
Anon, Rudeus wouldn't hate homos, he was about to turn into one himself. He apreciates all kinds of degeneracy.
>the male power fantasy is to get ED and have your magic get mogged by melee
oh ok
>Paul shunned his family to the extent of getting rid of his name's noble indicator and works as a town guard
He still was well connected and somewhat liked, even after going rogue and be known as a sex maniac.

>Canonically doesn't fit the Ashuran ideal. And to address the other comments along this line I see
LMAO No, Rudeus is stated to be equal to Luke, who everyone considers a GIGAchad in-universe, the difference it's in the face because he looks closer to Zenith than Paul, and she's beautiful.

>His family would have broken up had he not saved it, and his previous family sounds like it was pretty good to, and he was shit on Earth
The family would have been fine after the Lilia drama, speculation about what would have happened doesn't matter. He was born into an upper middle class family, only nobility and rich merchants had more status than his.

>Laplace factor
One of the shittiest decisions Rifujin did, I am still waiting for the payoff with Pax Jr.
>Cure your ED with your osanajimi
>Doesn't matter because you have a cool mechsuit and extremely strong people covering your back
Yes, it is.
japanese people believe their lives would be better if they were white
It's clear the author doesnt view Rudeus being a degenerate hedonistic selfish faggot as a bad thing but simply that he didnt use his talents to be a more successful degenerate in his old life.
Have you never heard of the Irish before you retarded faggot?
white people themselves believe their life is better because they are white
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Are you?
Seriously what have you done in life? If there is an anime on you will it be as enjoyable as Rudy's? I don't think so.
Kek'd and true.
This better be bait
>too afraid to be morally incorrect
Anon, you need to be +18 to post on this site.
The guy is a degenerate creep and the entire show is a pedofillic shisekai
Sounds like projection
Japan is infamous for embellishing crime rate stats and police practices aim to minimize the numbers (i.e. dismissing criminal cases involving the yakuza, listing suicide in remote locations as missing person cases, sexual abuse cases in schools being settled behind closed doors to prevent sullying the school's reputation, chikan being a civil offense, ...).
Why do people hate Kirito but love Rudeus?
Why do people love Guts but hate Nina from Code Geass?
Normalfags love Kirito but hate Rudeus.
Otaku hate Kirito but love Rudeus.

Different spectrums of selfinserting.
>Yeah, I am a god of videogames and all the age appropiate bitches want my dick.
>Yeah, I am a god at living and all the flatchest / loli /big breast want my dick.
I love Kirino because she makes my pedo cock hard.
Normalfags are being told by big anime youtubers that MT is a redemption story. Give it 10 years when the anime finishes and nothing changes.
>nothing changes
What would he have to change to become morally redeemed in your opinion?
Based. Also true. Not the story but the obvious fact that it's pedophilia and grooming even if he's "in a child's body". It's not his body that's the problem though, is it? He clearly has the mind of an adult. It's the exact same logic that makes having sex with a 1000 year old dragon loli amoral, which makes pedo Tensei immoral.
Because Kirito isn't fucking his cousin
Take the Araragi/Ataru pill be an irremedable piece of shit but own to it. Don't put excuses like:
>It's not wrong in their world!
>The girl took advantage of his emotional state! He couldn't refuse her!
And other copes.
Sadly, lots of Suguhafags believed he would do it. I remember.
I think you're confusing the shit fans say with the protagonist's character. The actual story never put the blame entirely on Roxy.
This, him cheating in the last episode is not considered a bad thing and is even encouraged. He actually had a chance to improve but the world around him us tell him it's okay to keep being a scumbag. Next episode his sister is going to go off on him for being a cheating rat but it will be portrayed as her forcing her beliefs on Rudy.
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>slow situation
>worst possibly written bullshit
burned out on this fanfic slop s1
pedo tensei
It's probably fake but based faggot
What is that deleted post?
Based anon making a meme copypasta which triggered Pedo Tenseicucks' autism
There is a whole arc of him trying to get his penis up.
Well repost while the jannies are sleep
Mushoku gets raided by trannies because it's the peak of fiction as the kids like to say
They keep crying self insert when female self insert shit is like that recent movie where an old hag grooms a male idol or retarded otome shit where a guy pushes the heroine into a pool
Why hasn't MT been ripped off yet?
You can argue that it has because of the tsunami of isekai trash, but not one of them do what MT does.
>a lot of focus on the upbringing and growth of the protagonist
>his past incarnation being relevant throughout the whole story
>telling of his entire life story, from baby to old man
>no videogame mechanics, just a fantasy setting (although jrpg inspired)
It's such a simple formula.
People keep complaining about lolis but I'm 23 volumes in and Rudy has zero interest in lolis, just a lolibaba and an ugly flat mutt cuckqueen
Should've fucked aisha
Rezero ripped off mushoku but instead of being Rudy Subaru is a mix of geese and oersted
The Rezero guy was dropped as he was into a different world, even wearing his tracksuit. And he got the very specific power of restarting from death.
It's not even remotely similar to MT.
The rezero author said he was inspired by mushoku specifically the diary/bad future and kuso neet start part. Subaru is a shitty weak loser like geese who has to solve all of his problems but via time loops like oersted
In 99 out of 100 cases, it's because the authors consider childhood to be boring, and don't care about the parents, and just want to directly skip towards where the protagonist is independent and does the thing the author wants him or her to do.
The alternative is that everything happens within the 8th year, and events that should logically be worth multiple years happen in a few weeks so that the protagonists still stay the age the author wanted them.
This is why beginning after the end is so much better than MT and 99% of anime series. If TBGATE got an anime like solo Leveling it would be as big as frieren but better
>>a lot of focus on the upbringing and growth of the protagonist
>>his past incarnation being relevant throughout the whole story
>>telling of his entire life story, from baby to old man
Sounds like webtoon slop
>>a lot of focus on the upbringing and growth of the protagonist
>>his past incarnation being relevant throughout the whole story
>>telling of his entire life story, from baby to old man
>>no videogame mechanics, just a fantasy setting (although jrpg inspired)
Tanya does all this except that she's trapped in notWWI/II hell.
I started reading this after another idiot like you recommended it to me, and it's fucking garbage.
>the mc is ridiculously, hilariously overpowered. Way way more than Rudeus
>master melee fighter, has all the magic types, a dragon mode power up, an invincible shapeshifting dragon pet/companion and a super special magical sword
>a natural born master of everything he sets out to do
>boring worldbuilding
>horrendous art, the worst I've ever seen in any official release
>insufferable side characters
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Kill yourself disgusting freak.
>Verification not required.
>a racist
That's an ambiguous bs political terms that doesn't mean anything.
You could talk about ethnic or culture groups, but you wont, because it's hard to frame that shit conveniently.
Because contrary to popular belief, isekai don't actually copy each other besides some superficial early-story content an the usual "narou WN inside jokes" like the someone throwing a fuss in some way when the MC registers as an adventurer at the Adventurer Guild™.
As proof for that, simply note that I have yet to see anyone even dare to compare any 2 specific isekai with each other and say with full confidence "these two from beginning to end are basically exactly the same". It doesn't happen because it doesn't exist.
>the web novel is somehow more canon than the actual published novel, the anime based off of that novel, or the manga
disingenuous shitposter kyun...
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It was so based. I was waiting for the animeonlines to rope because of last week's episode
What is that about? I only watched first season. I don't mind spoilers, in fact I learned he marries all three which is silly as fuck

Also Eris is apparently sex crazy and also fucks other people but only other females apparently? What a male fantasy lol, couldn't even cuck MC while everyone is fine him doing a polyamore
Eris isn't fucking other girls. But she would love to see Rudeus fuck beastgirls in her presence, because she finds beastpeople attractive and cute and gets turned on by that.
>reddit spacing
>Only watched the first season
It checks out
>Also Eris is apparently sex crazy and also fucks other people but only other females apparently? What a male fantasy lol, couldn't even cuck MC while everyone is fine him doing a polyamore
Yeah, real men don't fantasize about their lover fucking other men. Don't act like women aren't guilty of this either when you have movies with plain janes that are fucking two or more Chads and the Chads somehow have to prove themselves worthy of a relationship
NTA But it's the original story, same thing applies to other Naro novels.
Unless the author says that it isn't canon people will still take it into account.
who literally all look like beautiful white girls
What the fuck is your retarded point
>Also Eris is apparently sex crazy
>and also fucks other people but only other females apparently?
There's 2 retarded beastwoman that end up causing minor problems to Rudeus family, Eris takes them in as pets. I think one time she did fool around with them after one of their fuckups, one goes back to their village and the other one stays as a pet lmao.
>What a male fantasy lol, couldn't even cuck MC while everyone is fine him doing a polyamore
This part is true.
This is what tvtropes say
>She doesn't see a problem with sleeping with the Greyrat family's beast girl maids since her own family commonly used their beast people servants for sex as well and she grew up viewing such activity as normal. Rudeus, her husband, has no problem with it since the servants are girls and Rudeus can't hope to keep up with Eris's sexual appetite, even if he didn't have two other wives to consider. However, Rudeus himself doesn't take advantage due to wanting to remain faithful to his wives.
That is my point. It was as if the author tried "b-but Eris does it too" to justify the literal harem but in reality it is just other females
>Unless the author says that it isn't canon people will still take it into account.
He did though. He specifically said when asked about it on xitter to only treat the light novel as canon.
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bro you weren't supposed to point that out...
Oh nice, I thought he only scrubbed over the Ars/Aisha plot.
>has a loli named Aisha
>MC doesn't fuck her
Uhh, was it too problematic even for tensei?
Rudeus one true development, he stopped lewding young family members.
The tv tropes article was written mainly when only shoddy web novel translation were around, which is why the misconception that Eris fucks the beastgirls comes from, as Rudeus jokinly compares himself to be part of Eris's harem.
>He already paid for his crimes when he died
How? It was over in a flash and he woke up as a baby. Some punishment, he was immediately rewarded after
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There's a moral message to MT.
He was a low class scumbag degenerate pedo, and when positioned as a high class hero, he remained a scumbag degenerate pedo.
The only difference was that Rudy is a rich spoiled nepo baby with lots of inherited power, so he's allowed to get away with everything.

MT is really about the class struggle.
He actually gains political power through might is right not nepotism
He was run over by a truck, he didn't die painless, no, it wasn't over in a flash.
People on the street were horrified of the state he was in.
Ok but all of that is nullified because he reincarnates as a chad.

Karmic punishment for his life would require him to be reborn as a slug or frog for his crimes.
no not really, he gained all his power because of nepotism. His mother had the magic book, his parents afforded a tutor. He was sent to his rich uncle's estate and gifted expensive magic items he still uses. He goes to the academy but he's practically a glorified athlete who doesn't need to study or do anything.
By the time he's "on his own" he was already groomed to be a powerful wizard. The opportunity was there because of his privilege
No Karma in the MT world or even ours.
We don't know what happens to us, in MT the death become Mana.
You could argue that it's through Eugenics, as he was born with absurd mana potential.
I think it was like 1 in a 100k odds in a random human?
Anon this a Japanese show, every Isekai is based on Zen Buddhism.
I don't think so, Tanya was punished by an Abrahamic God imposter that just punished him because he didn't recognized him.
Not really. I always think him getting a second shot at life is like a big pat on the back by god for risking it all to rescue a bunch of random people from an oncoming truck. He probably wouldn't have been reborn if he had done that
The funny part is that it wasn't a sacrifice or anything, he ran out of breath just in the moment when he pushed Shizuka, he thought he would be able to save her and come unscathed but he was too fat.
It's a Buddhist's idea of what an Abrahamic God would be like. Even trying to add this figure doesn't change the core Buddhist reincarnation concept.
>Moving goalspot
Anon, a God punishing the non believers isn't a Buddhist idea.
Basically like his prior life, where he was born in a middle-class family, and was fit and popular before he became a computer-obsessed otaku.
He fucked up in his last life (he stopped doing sports and only cared about his self-built computer), stopped paying attention in school (which lead to him landing in a bad middle school), didnt want to take help from his family because he preferred staying in a victim mentality, assaulted his best friend, driven him away and refused to apologize because of pride, and in the end even stopped caring about his parents and decided to jack off to children pics (be it hidden recordings of the daughter of his older brother, who tried to help him, or "merely" uncensored loli porn, which might still be jacking off to actual children shit).
The protagonist's goal is to not repeat the same shit mistakes he committed.
Now he's reborn in the equivalent of a middle-class family (a lowly knight-protector in the sticks), and will try (and sometimes still fail) to not repeat his earlier mistakes.
No. He was totally aware of the danger, but he just went ahead and did it anyway.
This is using the Author's twisted and degenerate values as if he's an arbiter of good and evil. But He thinks a hero should get blown by a princess after he slays the dragon. He's very much immoral.
living as a pathetic piece of shit shouldn't be rewarded just for trying to save someone in traffic one time in your life and not only dying but FAILING.

If you subscribe to these shitty values, that the "attempt" to save someone somehow absolve you of all sin and should be rewarded with a heavenly afterlife, then it just tells me you're projecting onto Rudy. What about all the actual heroes who save people everyday and live heroicly as firemen and paramedics? Is their reward after death 10x as fulfilling as living as Rudy Greyrat?
>"Just when I had this thought, the truck was already in front of me. I had just planned to pull them from a safe distance, but as I pulled them back, the recoil caused me to move forward."
He thought he could make it unscathed but he fucked up.
Anon nothing in Tanya the Evil is Abrahamic. And you're the one who changed the fucking topic to be about Tanya in the first place. Every Isekai is inherently Buddhist because half of all of them literally deals with REINCARNATION. If someone dies to go to another world then it can't be abrahamic, even if they added some god like figure.
Reincarnation doesn't need to be due to Karma, as Tanya was reincarnated against his will because he was rude to God (Or a Fake God).
ok? and he's doing everything differently because of Nepotism and the privilege of having gifted magical abilities

He's insanely gifted and handed literally everything as Rudy. Also middle class? that's just fucking wrong lmao. Stop twisting the argument to make Rudy come off as a hard working working class child who picked himself up by his bootstraps and created his own fortune. he's done nothing honestly
>he's done nothing honestly
His time as Quagmire is the only time he makes a name by himself.
Wrong, you either don't know what you're talking about or you're lying. He was about to die, time stopped, the mysterious voice said he was a piece of shit who holds no value for life. Therefore he will get sent back as a magic girl.

Hardly a punishment since he was also gifted with abnormal magic ability beyond adults. Most Isekai is wish fulfilment crap.
Using the staff his rich uncle made for him. Using knowledge he gained with a private tutor. And with a ultra powerful demon sidekick protecting him.

Yeah, totally not a nepotism baby, retard.
>Using the staff his rich uncle made for him.
>Using knowledge he gained with a private tutor.
I don't remember if Roxy taught him Quagmire, I think it was one spell he improvised just to beat Paul that one time.
> And with a ultra powerful demon sidekick protecting him.
Rudeus was travelling alone from party to party as Quagmire, uber retard.
It reinforced how much of a piece of shit he is. They wanted to express that forcefully, not hold back like bitches.
Yes, having flaws that actually get in the way and the character has the deal with them is a good written character.
No. But is more because i find a loser getting a secon chance and not fucking up royally because his framwork of personality and values are already stablished making any change innpersonality seem more like pretending rather than being himself. Doesnt help the godmanthing just guiding him pretty much making any self actualization moot because it feels guided rather than learned.

Still pretty entertaing series but i never felt him as a realistic character.
Why would you consider the knight-protector of a podunk village to not be middle class?
Surely you're not claiming that Paul is upper-class, considering that he abandoned his noble heritage to become a penny-less adventuring murderhobo, who then had to beg his upper-class cousin to please give him a job so as to provide for his pegnant wife.
And the protagonist does work hard on his gift, instead of letting it squander, like he did in his prior life. But even then, he was ready to let his magic ability stagnate for the sake of staying in the podunk village with the quarter-elf girl, were it not for Roxy writing to him and motivating him to keep working on himself.
The protagonist does not want to repeat his mistakes, which was being lazy and blaming everybody else instead. The title is Jobless Reincarnation: Giving His Best When Transferred to Another World, after all.
>He was about to die, time stopped, the mysterious voice said he was a piece of shit who holds no value for life.
It wasn't like that Being X was annoyed about him being called The Devil.
Just re-reading both of us are wrong, Being X was just going to toss him up to the cycle of life and death (Buddhism) but he also was the one that gave us the Ten Commandments (Abrahamic). The main issue he got a Vendetta against Tanya is because he lacked faith, not because he didn't cared about being moral.
Hes pretty damn boring for an isekai MC honestly. Now just his son Sieg that guy has charisma.
>mc is a wish-fulfillment character
>mc has a flaw to his character that might or might not have narrative relevance, it doesn't fucking matter, it's his flaw nonetheless
Which is why I don't take anyone who hates Rudeus seriously. You just want to complain.
I don't take anyone who like Rudeus seriously.
Roxy didn't teach him quagmire, it was his original magic. Rudeus also barely needed a tutor, since what makes his magic OP is that he has a basic understanding of physics and chemistry and therefore understands what the magic actually has to do to create phenomena, which allows him to reduce the cost of his spells and eliminate the somatic components for most of his magic. The only magic he doesn't have this understanding for, healing magic, is the magic he sucks at so badly virtually everyone else in the setting who can do it is better it than he is despite his high volume, high quality mana pool.
Even then rudeus' wasn't actually born with his big boy mana pool, he just figured out as a child that he could increase his mana - which is something that goes against the conventional knowledge of the world he was reborn into, but even explaining the principals behind it allowed Roxy to still become a much better magic caster because of it despite the fact your mana pool stops being able to develop past puberty.
His staff also, while not being useless, only actually matters in amplifying his magic against strong opponents. 99% of the enemies he fights he never needed his staff for.
He whips Paul's ass in volume 6/s1p2 e5 without it.
The only real argument you have for roodytooty genuinely having an advantage he didn't earn in some capacity due to privilege is his eye of foresight but even then it would have been a detriment instead of a boon if he hadn't of trained his mana pool to be as big as it is due to how the eye works.
He is a fun character.
Paul's death was the peak of MT.
Roxy is a homewrecking whore
Sylph is a useless doormat
Eris is a cunt

The harem is the worst part as it feel like the author didn't want to commit to a relationship and the girls are just shit. But the harem was here from day one with Paul. Sex orgy and kinky shit too. Stop complaining you speed reader.
Like i said, he had a strategy in mind, and he was fully aware that there was a possibility he could mess up and not make it out alive. But despite the risks, he went ahead with it anyway.
He meant middle class in his previous life.
Why do people who want to shit on rudy's fapping insist on using the non-canon WN version where he was fapping to his niece instead of the actual canon publications where he was jacking it to loli hentai? Especially when the author has clarified which version is canon?
Is it because if it was the latter, the people complaining about Rudeus wouldn't have a leg to stand on?
how is he a pedo for having sex with girls that are older than him?
these are the same people who are fine with gooning to freiren, but think its too far when its roxy, so yes
its just cope
>Even then rudeus' wasn't actually born with his big boy mana pool, he just figured out as a child that he could increase his mana - which is something that goes against the conventional knowledge of the world he was reborn into
Anon... Laplace Factor....
he specifically says in the LN that the idea of homosexuals makes him sick
He's a pedophile adult in his head, complete with the memories of his former shitty life.
holy based me too
He also says that he would fuck the shit out of Fitts-senpai (as far as he knew, a dude).
I've only read like half of the novels and I stopped because I can't stand LN writing.
Can anyone explain what the Laplace factor is? I thought Rudy had massive mana because he started training as a baby.
he instinctively knew it was a woman. He could smell her pussy from a mile away.
It's really just because the protagonist was not pretty and hates himself, and the wannabe-moralist in the western culture spheres want to keep seeing him suffer.
If Himmel wanted to bang Frieren (and failed because she was too autistic to recognize those signals and his behavior and the ring he gifted her and everything else), that's romantic, because Himmel is a handsome lad.
If the protagonist in the assassin isekai fucks little girls and makes a harem of assassin girls, this is considered awesome, because he was a fit handsome rugged old man in the prior life.
>Can anyone explain what the Laplace factor is?
1 in 100,000 or a million chance to gain the mage lottery ticket and have God level mana, it becomes even better if you do the baby thing Rudeus/Sylphie did but puts a multiplier on it.
The only downside is that you become a Tokilet and can't enhance your physical attributes without magic.
If he were written intentionally to be despised by the audience, sure.
It is called availability and not "racial." It became racial afterward and even then, blacks owned slaves in some parts of the USA. Also, the Jewbags financed the slave trade and the name on the ships were Old Testament names but they don't say that in public school.
Also, slaves were often treated nicer in the South than in New Jersey and paid emancipation could have been done. Sadly, the concept of Jeffersonian states' rights got mixed into the slavery bullshit because of yankee and Hamiltonian propaganda.
Pic shows the guarantee that fieldwork slavery is never coming back and also why black lives no longer matter.
yeah, but even if he wasn't born with it, it wouldn't have meaningfully changed his magical abilities in the period of his life anon was complaining about, since it mainly affects your ceiling instead of your floor
it also made him a toukilet cripple which was a severe downside that he doesn't begin to remotely overcome until he obtains magic armor
MAOU scattered his soul through time, and it attaches to random humans to be reborn. it gives that human a huge ceiling for magical potential but makes it impossible for you to use touki, the physical enhancing ki aura that lets physical fighters do wack shit like paul and ghislaine and kalman, etc.
A part of the demon god's essence / dna / soul-piece spread everywhere.
The Laplace aspect / factor gives (among some of the more positive things) a person a higher ceiling they could reach with their mana training.
Said higher mana capability is what made it impossible for the soul of the Rudeus-baby to form, allowing the fat NEET's soul to accidentally enter it.
Other less useful things it confers are the ability to have green hair, which everybody in the world hates. That's what Sylphiette had.
Well that's very lame. I liked that Rudeus had a cheat skill because he earned it thanks to his reincarnated adult intelligence.
This makes everything worse retroactively.
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Only cucks and w*men hate him, simple as
the laplace factor is a genetic linage that has been dispursed out through the world over the last 500 years. It's rare that people who share blood with laplace will actually have the laplace factor. Rudy and Sylphie both have the laplace factor. Sylphie's hair was green because of it. Rudy and her have abnormal potential for the save of their mana pool. The training that both of them dude from a young age just took advantage of that. Rudy specifically has like 5 years more time training than sylphie does. Anyone can increase their mana pool by training earlier they will eventually hit a natrual limit they were born with but people with the laplace factor can have massive amounts of mana.
You're assuming that was his only good deed ever, but that's not the case. Deep down, he's a good-hearted person, even if he can be a bit questionable sometimes. We've all seen him make those selfless acts of sacrifices times and times. Of course, he had done some fucked up shit, but not anything irredeemable. He just needed some fixing to become a better person and he did half way through the series. And also, he didn't die in vain. He actually managwd to save a kid
So does Sylphie become a massively powerful mage as well? I think I stopped reading right before the Ariel war and I don't remember her doing anything crazy.
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pretty much this
The cheat skill that he (and Nanahoshi) have is actually simply the ability to not piss their pants when they see Orsted (at least, not automatically).
Rudeus's hard training did make him more adept a magic.
This reincarnated adult intelligence let him start training early, which is why he has so much mana.
Without such training, his mana capacity would just be that of a slightly-above average mage.
sylphie is an uncommonly powerful mage in the lore of MT. she was the most powerful mage at the university until rudy showed up. What most people don't understand is that only 1 in 40,000 people can even become a mage who can do even 1 advanced rank spell. Sylphie was advanced rank in every discipline and could cast all of them with out incantations. She is one of the most powerful mages in history.
>I can't talk about anywhere but here.
are you implying that you are enjoying talking about it here?
do you not enjoy discussing things you like or even things you hate with people who understand what you are talking about?
let's not forget that the emancipation proclamation only applied to the south, it exempted all northern states because lincoln wanted to be able to draft the slaves into the union's army and send them onto the frontline after "rescuing" them. he also offered to codify slavery into the constitution if the confederacy would lay down arms and peacefully rejoin the union, when they were negotiating while the union was getting its ass beat earlier in the war. they don't talk about THAT in public school either.
yes. Rudeus is a better offensive mage and has more mana because he was training for longer than she was when they were in their growth phase, but sylphy is the better caster and can cast chantless healing magic.
If this is what an ideal male power fantasy looks like, then I'm slowly finding myself thinking those feminists were right all along
rudeus is able to do more complicated combined spells with chantless casting because he understands the scientific concepts behind what he is doing. That's how he can make explosive or armor piercing stone cannons.
>Is he a well written character?

Yes, but that's actually the problem. He's too well written and the premise is starting to be too good in execution. So now it's filtering a lot of the audience out. Five year olds and Seventeen year olds rarely if ever have the introspection and inner dialogue of a 40 year old man.

So now that we have a character with such a build the audience can't handle it. Primarily because they expect the sensibilities of a 40 yr old to always fight off the hormonal influences of a 4yr old, 5yr old, 10yr old or 17yr old body. They also expect his character to never fuck up badly, always take the moral high ground or not take certain liberties especially on the sexual front.

for fuck sakes, all of his magic knowledge came from his family.
>magic mom
>magic mom's book
>his magic tutor
>his rich uncle
>his expensive staff
>his rich cousin who's trained by a Sword saint
>laplace factor

Just because he gets independent after the fact doesn't mean shit! the opportunity to be an adventurer came from these fucking gifts. Without them he wouldn't be a magic user. You wouldn't call a child of a famous actor, who took their child to acting school, acting tutors, and paying to give them gigs a self made actor would you?

Konosuba is an example of someone who is actually independent and had to work from the bottom to the top. He had a goddess with him who was utterly useless and he had to use his own ingenuity to find success.
By the time Rudy was "independent" he had a full scholarship to the greatest magic academy, rich family. Rudy is a Nepobaby.
it's also written into the story that Rudy is no actually his former self. His new body, his new mind, his new life has significant effect on his "soul"
you realize he was 10 years old when he got sent to fucking somalia
>cannot refute or rebuff the points of anyone who actually watched and read the series
>regurgitates his own prior rebuffed points, likely quoted from his favorite anituber who at best was a tertiary that watched the anime
>fundamentally misunderstands every single thing he talks about
>You're assuming that was his only good deed ever
judging by his previous life, it literally was.
>Deep down, he's a good-hearted person
being good hearted deep down doesn't matter. Self expression is everything. Nobody is going to read your heart, you need to act on it, otherwise nobody will know.

Again, answer my question, are the real heroes of the world rewarded like Rudy? Are paramedics who save people daily get reincarnated as a chad prince?
>he is too well writing
The contrast of those frameworks of lving between being a magic boy and a 40 year old are far from being good writting. He is unique in the scape of isekais but is fsr from being both realistic or charismatic or a mix of both. The make belief gets shater by both his characterization and the author hand trhing to teach whatever lesson to the viewers readers. Dont oversell it as its too good it becomes bad. It really isnt.
>>magic mom
A weak adventurer
>>magic mom's book
Typical middle class benefit.
>>his magic tutor
She was actually worse than him, and he learned everything it took her two decades to master within 3 years.
>>his rich uncle
Is literally the only way for him to get a job.
>>his expensive staff
Gifted by impressing his cousin for 3 entire years.
>>his rich cousin who's trained by a Sword saint
Unironically a violent moron who kept beating him up whenever she got frustrated with her lesson.
>>laplace factor
Makes him unable to react and act quickly enough, which is why he gets owned by even slow old men like Gallus the Cleaner.
Also, you seem obsessed with hating the middle class for being able to provide their children with better education.
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That literally doesn't change anything. Are you not an English speaker? how are you this bad at understanding the definition of Nepotism

also he had his Rich uncle's staff made for him that costed as much as a Lamborghini. And his Sword Saint Cousin. Doesn't mean shit.

I'll regurgitate the point because you literally don't understand what Nepotism means.
>Nepotism is the act of granting an advantage, privilege, or position to relatives or friends in an occupation or field.
Rudy gained his magic through Nepotism, not hard work.
Nepotism is the act of granting an advantage, privilege, or position to relatives or friends in an occupation or field.

This is all Nepotism.
>are the real heroes of the world rewarded like Rudy? Are paramedics who save people daily get reincarnated as a chad prince?
Well, Satan. According to the sacred book of the westoids, those heroes are now all sitting on a fluffy cloudy place playing harps for eternity, and that is a good thing according to them.
na he's shit. dropped the show cause of it.
What the fuck was perugius' deal about the stupid pilgrimage again? He knew sieg wasn't laplace
>magic mom
irrelevant, magic isn't hereditary.
>magic mom's book
showed him his first spell, i'll give you this as a bone but it ultimately doesn't matter because rudeus would have been able to start casting magic the second he understood that magic existed in that world
>his magic tutor
irrelevant, didn't actually teach him anything of value, he was the one who taught *her*. rudeus sandbagged and used her as an excuse to stop hiding the extent of his magical prowess from his parents
>his rich uncle
irrelevant, rudeus gained next to nothing from that relationship. he STOOD to, and WOULD have if not for the teleportation incident.
>his expensive staff
which is worthless for the vast majority of fights for him because he can easily defeat most enemies he fights without his staff as anon already explained. his staff only ever actually matters when he's fighting actually strong enemies like oersted, or the hydra, and in most of those cases he still loses and even in cases he didn't technically loses the outcome would not have significantly changed without his staff
>his rich cousin
who is both physically and emotionally abusive, gave him erectile dysfunction, and is no longer rich and influential because her family was made to take responsibility for the teleportation incident causing them to lose their fortune and their reputation
>laplace factor
actually nerfed him because it made him unable to use touki, which is why he loses every single fight he's ever lost. the only bonus the laplace factor did was allow him to train his mana pool much higher than a person normally would be able to...
...and the only benefit that gave him is the ability to use the eye of foresight and magic armor
...which he wouldn't have needed if he had been able to use touki in the first place.
god you're such a fucking brainlet holy shit
>be kid Rudy
>still in Buena, before meeting Eris
>need money
>adept earth mage
>start a construction business
>make wells, irrigation ponds, ditches, walls, bricks, tiles, roads
>easy because you have massive mana
>get rich
Would this have worked?
But MT isn't western, this isekai is Buddhist. So why is Rudy granted so much in his next life when he didn't make a fraction of the effort of a paramedic.

It's shitty morality for retards like you who think pedos can redeem themselves by making the slightest effort at the last second, while people who were already making more effort get nothing. MT fans are delusional
>The racial status of slavery is what was uniquely evil about the atlantic slave trade.

I'd argue it wasn't the racial aspect that was evil, it was the fact they were stripped of their entire lineage to the point where no one knows what their ancestral ties are. Even trained modern geneticist can only surmise they're from "somewhere" in West-Central-South Africa.

So even after slavery ends, there's a big question mark with no definitive answer from both sides on what to do about the situation. Because of this, it's just back and forth anger and blaming.
>If you think I'm retarded (because i'm wrong about almost everything I said) then you must not be an english speaker because I'm saying Rudy has unfair advantages due to nepotism even though the nepotism didn't matter one way or the other but I'm too stupid and unfamiliar with the series to understand that
>why doesn't this work of fiction abide by the arbitrary rules that I decide to impose on it?
Truly a question for the ages.
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>the nepotism didn't matter one way or the other
>loses argument
>starts seething incoherently without being able to make a coherent counter argument
You wanted to know what happens to all those heroic paramedics. They must go to fluffy cloud place where they must play harps for eternity.
The Japanese man, not being a heroic paramedic, does not go to fluffy cloudy place, but experiences a second chance at life instead.
>n...no all thsee gifts don't matter! he was born special
Doesn't change the circumstances, that he is a child of nepotism.
>A weak adventurer
zenith was an S rank labyrinth diving party healer
>Typical middle class benefit.
that book cost $8000 USD
>She was actually worse than him, and he learned everything it took her two decades to master within 3 years.
roxxy is one of the top 10 most powerful magicians in the history of MT
>Is literally the only way for him to get a job
>Gifted by impressing his cousin for 3 entire years.
yeah he did alot taming eris it was worth the money
>his rich cousin who's trained by a Sword saint
ghislane is a sword KING
>Unironically a violent moron who kept beating him up whenever she got frustrated with her lesson.
she has autism

there is nothing wrong with that especially in a feudal society
you are mixing up multiple people in one conversation

magic is hereditary
I accept your concession
Anon did you even watch the show before you came in here and started arguing? We can tell he's got a good heart not because of the monologues, but because of the actions he had taken throughout the series. And what's up with that last question? Like, if one nice person doesn't get their just desserts, does that mean no one ever does?
yeah but that would have been boring and would only exist to solve a "problem" only illiterate retards would have with the way things actually played out in exchange for losing all the story relevance of the notos greyrats and eris
New guy here. This manga is very much wishfulfilment, so I don't understand why MTfags are trying to deny the nepotism. He has a harem and is a gifted magic guy, and his family is rich. Nepotism goes hand in hand.
Wrong Rudeus isnt understanding shit hes just imagining stuff. Magical spells in MT come in two forms incantation or magic circles, the fact magic circles can be modified to create new spells means the mages understand how spells are created but they have yet to figure out how to generate a spell without a magic circle or incantation. Magic circles make sense but incantations are nonsense.
>even though it didn't
>I will continue to insist that nepotism is the point of contention when it has been clarified over and over that yes, nepotism, but it literally doesn't matter and never did for reasons that have already been explained, multiple times
I think you lost track of the conversation.

We aren't talking about everything Rudy has ever done. We're talking about before Rudy Reincarnated, when he was just a pedo NEET. Did he ever do any good in his shitty pathetic life? no, he did not. The only good deed he did then was dying trying to save someone.
based lmao fuck pedos
MTfags think that any criticism at all comes from the twitter/normalfag boogeyman
S-rank adventurer doesnt mean shit, Paul is an Advanced tier jobber and S-ranked while Ghislaine is a Sword King and also S-ranked.
>still mad about losing an argument
>ad hominem, everyone who thinks I'm stupid and points out why I'm stupid is brown and, somehow, a pedophile
>roxxy is one of the top 10 most powerful magicians in the history of MT
This is just horrible magic worldbuilding
>zenith was an S rank labyrinth diving party healer
She was carried by Paul's team, and only capable of intermediate tier healing.
>that book cost $8000 USD
So no problem for a middle class family.
>roxxy is one of the top 10 most powerful magicians in the history of MT
After she realized that she was shit compared to him, and went on to actually train hard to become the famous king water-magician. Then she became one of the top 10.
>>his rich cousin who's trained by a Sword saint
>ghislane is a sword KING
You were referring to his rich cousin, Eris.

>magic is hereditary
It's not. Everyone can do magic. Proof: Ghislaine and Eris, who learned magic from him, despite being dumbasses, because all you need to do is chant words.
The protagonist will start a new era of magic, not because he himself is that smart, but because he improved literacy rate across the world by selling cheap affordable books, making even peasants able to read and say the spells.
Anon, this is objectively a wishfulfilment anime, he was reincarnated into the body of an adventuring family with gifted magical prowess, rich uncles, family tutors and opportunity is what made him who he was. He also cheated by being a grown man as a baby who got to optimize his childhood.

Nepotism is the least of the accusations. I don't know why YOU'RE getting hung up on him being called a nepobaby. He's also a blatant Mary Sue for pedophiles like yourself
being advanced rank in all 3 sword styles is fucking amazing. Paul was an extremely powerful swordsman. The manatite hydra is vastly stronger than a red wrym and it typically takes 30+ people to kill a red wrym. That's straight from the LN. Paul was able to fight the manatite hydra basically by himself.
>enjoys isekaishit
>thinks he's not a filthy swarthoid
no one denied the nepotism though. they just said it didn't matter, because it doesn't, the implication of the anon arguing is that rudeus is only able to do the things he does and is who he is because of nepotism, when that isn't the case. Rudeus works hard and goes through many trials and tribulations to become who he is and have the things that he does
it'd be like trying to say that Hercules is only a hero because of nepotism and that if he wasn't trained by Chiron he wouldn't have amounted to anything and that his twelve labors aren't actually something he should be able to say he worked hard for and earned the boons he did from
>he didn’t fuck up his reincarnated life that is 20x better than his previous one so that means his nepotism doesn’t matter
I’m sure he would’ve done just fine if he reincarnated into a short brown and average looking peasant family with a Father that beat him regularly
thats magonotes fault but its doesn't make it not canon.
she was
>goal posts? moved.
I love winning arguments, bros, especially when I don't even have to argue with someone to do it
>Paul was able to fight the manatite hydra basically by himself.
And he needed a special magic sword that can cut through hard things.
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>that book cost $8000 USD
So no problem for a middle class family.

alright that confirms it, you're either retarded or shitposting. You lose the argument
Yes, in the sense of he's very real. He's not a saint nor idealized hero. He's you or me dropped into isekai.
paul does beat him regularly thoughever
and he is short
and if paul retired from adventuring to be a farmer instead of a town guard not much would have changed for his family life
but you're right being born brown would have been a serious demerit
>$8000 USD is unaffordable for middle class family
Is that what you're implying?
What is it about Rudeus that makes westoid midwits seethe so much?
you could genuinely plot out an IQ bellcurve based on someone's opinion of rudeus and it'd be accurate.
>rudeus is only able to do the things he does and is who he is because of nepotism, when that isn't the case.
true, he was also a 20th century man with modern knowledge of physics and the body of a child who gets to ooptimize every second into practicing magic, giving him a 10 year head start over literally anybody else.
>Rudeus works hard and goes through many trials and tribulations
Yeah man, he worked hard when he was a literal baby practicing magic without needing to pay rent, then his tutor and magic book were just gifts, and his rich uncle's staff was just a perk. Totally self made I'm sure

zenith is only able to do intermdiate healing and detox but that's normal. only 1 in 40,000 trained mage adventurers can cast advanced spells.

>After she realized that she was shit compared to him, and went on to actually train hard to become the famous king water-magician. Then she became one of the top 10.
she was already abnormally powerful.

>You were referring to his rich cousin, Eris.
saying eris was trained by a sword saint is incorrect.

>It's not. Everyone can do magic. Proof:

if two mages have a child that child will be able to become a more powerful mage its proven fact in the lore.
that's not what changing the goal posts means. holy fuck you're retarded lmao.
UMMMM YES CHUDDY? Hercules like, uhm, totes was a product of nepotism and that uhm, like, invalidates everything about him and everything he does in his story
training is not “beating”
He’s average height and actually probably taller than average since he lives in medieval bumfuck world
Paul would still have his familial connection, and I’m not talking about Paul I’m talking about Paul being replaced with an actual abusive shithead

I don’t how it’s so hard to understand that Rudeus was born into an incredibly privileged position
>N-no i didn't move the goalposts
>h-ha ha...h-h-ha....
i accept your concession anon
What middle class family buys their 8 year old son an $8000 computer?
Are you implying that you were middle class and your family could afford a private tutor for you + an $8000 gift?
This is probably the most cowardly way of arguing your point. MT fans really love a morally reprehensible little pedo puke like Rudy for a reason lmao.
>He’s average height and actually probably taller than average since he lives in medieval bumfuck world
he isn't, and it isn't medieval, it's a high fantasy setting. rudeus is considered to be tall only by roxy, who is an absolute womanlet
every other man in the setting who isn't a manlet themselves mogs rudeus in height.
Well, we can't say for sure about that. It is stated he was pretty respectable before that whole bullying mess. And, honestly, bringing up his past life doesn't really prove anything. Whether the good deeds were done before or after the reincarnation, he still did them anyway. He deserved a second chance
is there a single way Rudeus develops as a person outside inexplicably gaining a good work ethic to facilitate his deviancy?
>shits himself
FUARK i love winning
Paul using is knowledge and experience as a S ranked labyrinth diver seeked out a sword that would improve his effectiveness against the armored opponents he was facing in the labyrinth. He then used it effectively against dozens of A ranked monsters and against the Manatite hydra which is a mythically strong enemy that is beyond the ranking system in difficulty. He was not being carried by his equipment.
I got no idea of how the novels are writing
But either the anime is doing a TERRIBLE job at showing Rudeus's growth as a character or he is one of the most boring badly written characters ever
More than 40 chapters for fucks sake
>I don’t how it’s so hard to understand that Rudeus was born into an incredibly privileged position
because he wasn't and you're the only person who seems to think so.
also i guess you stopped watching/reading before the part where paul beats his ten year old son with his fists in a drunken rage while blaming him for everything that went wrong in their lives
there are no brown people in MT all humans are white
Good thing he has a whole load of other shit given to him over those men instead, he literally had a future seeing god helping him before they became enemies
no lol, he goes from being a degenerate scumbag to a spoiled tyrant with no morals. He finally gets a wife in his new life and instead of cherishing the gift he cheats on her

>Deserves a second chance
>gets a second chance
>cheats on his wife
Rudy was a good friend
>And, honestly, bringing up his past life doesn't really prove anything
why not? He remembers his old life clearly and distinctly doesn't change outside the most superficial ways. He's like a fat autistic retard who got /fit/ and pretended like that's a substitute for having any real virtue.
>bro how is a series where 90% of rudeus' character development is conveyed via internal monologue as the bulk of the story is told from his first-person perspective..
>...failing to convey that development when transitioned to a 3rd person, visual medium which cuts 2/3rds of the content of the novels, minimum in the first place?
Alright I may as well quote the first post since you don't understand this entire reply chain

>This is using the Author's twisted and degenerate values as if he's an arbiter of good and evil. But He thinks a hero should get blown by a princess after he slays the dragon. He's very much immoral.
>living as a pathetic piece of shit shouldn't be rewarded just for trying to save someone in traffic one time in your life and not only dying but FAILING.

>If you subscribe to these shitty values, that the "attempt" to save someone somehow absolve you of all sin and should be rewarded with a heavenly afterlife, then it just tells me you're projecting onto Rudy. What about all the actual heroes who save people everyday and live heroicly as firemen and paramedics? Is their reward after death 10x as fulfilling as living as Rudy Greyrat?
>he develops as a character bro
>on his deathbed he admits he still doesn't give a shit about anyone besides himself
/a/ is so dishonest it can't just admit they just self insert hard as him
but anon rudeus got mad and fought back afterwards so it doesn't count
He was privileged and you're delusional lmao.
So the anime is basically trash then
>it's not nepotism if your dad hits you
again, MT anons prove they don't understand the concept of privilege, nepotism or even basic morals and ethics.
>deserves a second chance
not even remotely. There's millions of people born in worse conditions that have the capacity to be more virtuous than Rudy did while he lived a charmed life. He got supremely lucky
>if two mages have a child that child will be able to become a more powerful mage its proven fact in the lore.
Then how do you explain Lucie, who is weaker in magic than both her parents Rudeus and Sylphiette, the two most talented mages in the Greyrat family? How do you explain the fact that everybody can cast magic if they just chant the right words?
>basic morals

you need to go outside more you fucking dyke
>because he wasn't and you're the only person who seems to think so.
He literally was, he wasn’t born into the average fucking peasant family mate, he got an almost perfect childhood before the mana catastrophe, and had to be retroactively nerfed or else he would probably be one of the strongest beings in his world.
>paul beats his ten year old son with his fists in a drunken rage while blaming him for everything that went wrong in their lives
Literally never happened, in fact Rudeus was the one doing to that Paul minus the blaming thing, the only time Paul phsyically hit rudeus outside of training was to get him a job and once when he was like 4, what are you talking about?
He literally jerked off to a video he took of his fucking niece.
thanks for letting me know you didn't read/watch, anon
why do i care? he is a fiction character. I don't self insert when i watch entertainment. I have enjoyed the story just like i've enjoyed a thousand stories before without becoming an emotional invalid. You should consider spending more time outside and if that doesn't work then you should kill yourself.
It almost did a good job trying to paint the most morally sick and disgusting protagonist as some virtuous heroic person.
Almost, but you can only do so much.
this scene was hard to watch, coming from an abusive household, paul screaming and blaming rudy before beating on him like that made me sick.
it was cathartic watching rudy get back up and have his salty runback on him after the situation set in
That magic book is what Zenith bought for herself. It's more like your middle class parent having an $8000 USD computer for themselves that you happen to be allowed to use as well.
And considering that people nowadays spend multiple thousands for top notch gaming computers with multiple cores and whatnot without having to be millionaires, it's affordable.
he didn't though.
the fact you're relying on a defunct draft of the WN instead of actual published content in the light novel, anime and manga is incredibly dishonest of you.
smelly tranny, go touch grass. take a shower while you're at it.
lucie is capable of silent spell casting and not fucking dying from casting spells. Most humans struggle to do even elementary spells. We also do not know anything about what lucie becomes later in the lore
yeah bro those used tissues were there for no reason
So I stand corrected on one ((1)uno) scene that I forgot about, which now that I remember they tearfully made up afterwards. You’re still coping hard about Rudeus’ absolute reincarnation gibs + bringing 40 years of experience and a modern education into a developing brain
middle-class parents buy their children new thousand dollar + iphones every year.
my sister makes sure her son has the newest one every time a new one comes out, and she gets one for herself and husband as well. they're lower-middle class.
i'm sorry you apparently grew up poor enough that your family couldn't ever splurge on you if you were good.
That plus the other controversial part is the raw power that made the staff love working on it.
lmao MT fag is mad.

Because Rudy is just horrible. Doesn't matter how charming he is.
Kazuma from Konosuba knows where to draw the line, he knows not to cross boundaries.
Rudy literally steals women's underwear, grooms 2 children into being his wife, and then cheats on his wife.

And I could maybe forgive this, I watched The Boys and Enjoyed homelander. But I can't forgive the fact that Rudy is painted as a good person. He's just not. And you anons defending him is sad. You could have just admitted he's a shitty immoral sack of shit, but you don't. You deny everything and say he's as good as superman and lie through your fucking teeth whenever someone brings up all the fucked up shit he's done and WILL do later.
She's neither an emperor nor a king tier mage, and just decided to be Clive's girlfriend.
When you die your sins are absolved. Rudy is not the same person.
>my sister makes sure her son has the newest one every time a new one comes out, and she gets one for herself and husband as well. they're lower-middle class.
Country and household income?
>S-so what if I was wrong? I totally watched/read btw (didn't) (also I had to google about that scene and still am wrong about it because they didn't tearfully make up, geese had to shit on paul for most of a day to make him understand how much of a piece of shit he was an even then he and rudeus didn't really make up until the bartender forced rudeus to give paul a second chance. they remained estranged for another ten years afterwards which is when they made up for real. The anime changed this btw so you could be mistaken for being a tertiary.)
>I will now continue to cope and sneed
i, too, accept your concession.
I have a problem when I'm supposed to think he's some reformed success story hero now that he managed to nepo baby his way into his happy ending despite not remotely changing in any way outside the superficial
if some loathsome faggot gets /fit/ but remains a loathsome faggot, should he be considered redeemed?
Alright, you were a spoiled little faggot who had parents buy you whatever you wanted. No wonder you act like such a faggot and project onto Rudy who is an objective nepobaby spoiled shit.

You must've been so cool having parents buy you everything. It totally means you worked hard obviously
the things he did weren't totally irredeemable. He ended up turning his life around and became a decent guy, but that's not really the point right now. What's important is whether it's cool for him to just kick the bucket like that. he's a good person. He does good stuff. Sure, he's got his issues, but who doesn't. The guy deserved another shot. Everyone who's good natured deserves another chance, even if they don't always get one.
>jacking off to loli hentai is now the same as the WN version where he was jacking it to his niece
thanks for letting me know you're just parroting other people's opinions and aren't familiar with the material of the series yourself
emperor and king tier mages are like the most powerful niggers on the planet. it takes decades of training to become saint rank even if you have the talent and natural ability.
>When you die your sins are absolved.
Your sins are absolved if you acknowledge them and repent. Otherwise you get sent to hell. What sins does Rudeus acknowledge?
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>no argument
uh huh
united states, $55,000
once again, anon, i'm sorry about your situation.
see above.
if you can't see rudys completely changed personality then you are smooth brained.
>He ended up turning his life around and became a decent guy
He turned his life around. He did not become a decent guy. That's the whole point. He's the same faggot from the start except now he has recognized the value of good optics. This would not be a problem if the writer wasn't adamant he's a gud boi now
>united states, $55,000
Either they live in bumfuck nowhere or you’re lying
>he's this mad that anon was born into a normal middle class household - the majority of people btw - instead of being literal gutter trash rotting in a trailer park
Communism truly is the religion of the envious
he was reincarnated so we aren't talking about heaven and hell. also he does acknowledge and repent for everything he has done in both his life times. Are you an anime only loser?
If magic talent was hereditary, then Lucie should be at the level of her father (an emperor tier magician) or at least her mother (a saint tier magician), or in the middle of both (so king tier magician).
Magic is something that everyone can use if they only just use the chants.
Virginia, once again, again, anon i'm sorry about your situation that you apparently think middle-class living is such a huge privilege
not if she didnt train
good thing calibre of parenting is not dependent on the model of electronic babysitters you throw at your spawns on a yearly basis.
No wonder the zoomers aren't alright.
Heck, even lower-class families can afford multiple smartphones and clothes and computers and cars.
Only the lowest tiers of lower-class incomes have problems affording new stuff.
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>good thing calibre of parenting is not dependent on the model of electronic babysitters you throw at your spawns on a yearly basis.
parents should not be buying their children the latest model of iPhones or whatever yearly
it's not a matter of affordability but a matter of not turning your child into a worthless coomer NEET like Rudy
Both my parents made $100,000 each you disingenuous nigger, and every day I thank god I was born in a developed western country instead of china, india, or africa. You are blind to your own privilige.
this. i actually DID grow up in a sector 8 shithole trailer park and we still all had cellphones and a family computer
There's seriously nothing else you can blame the guy for by the time the series wraps up. Sure, you might say he messed up with all those wives, but what's he supposed to do then? Ditch two of them? He goofed big time, and he had the responsibility to take care of them, make them as happy as could be, which he did>>268215910
Same although 4 me it was a HUD complex
blame him for what? Nigger had absolutely no real challenge in his second life. Am I supposed to give him a pat on the back for actually giving a shit about hygiene and getting a job this time around? The bare minimum expected of a human much less for a protagonist?
You're not the anon who thinks $8000 USD is too much for a middle class family, are you?
>My parents made 200k a year between them and still couldn't afford to give me the same kind of childhood much poorer families give to their children
for the third time, i'm sorry about how you apparently grew up man. at least if you were uber poor it'd be one thing. that sucks.
I hate being the one to break it to you but I didn't grow up in some kind of special circumstances, the vast majority of people in the US grew up in the same boat as me
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>itt anon outs himself as the seething child of actual wealthy parents who were too retarded to budget themselves properly and never spent a dime of it on their child(ren)
Yes? Does he have to literally take down Zeus to make you satisfied? Can't him making his wives happy enough to prove that the reincarnation was worth it?
>damn I love it when the MC is written by a retard who self-inserts as him so he gets away with all his stupid shit with zero comeuppance
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>family is in top 10% of earners in the US
>still thinks an $8,000 purchase is too much for a middle class family
Uh oh. Shit anon, now I feel bad for you
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>It's a redemption story!!!
lmao not even he himself thinks it's that
how lucky for him that he was reincarnated in the exact position that suits his deviant tendencies, even up to tolerating polygamy.
Can't have him actually having to handle problems, now can you? You'd think actual adultery would cause some issues but nah
>even up to tolerating polygamy
>i will now ignore all the problems that caused for him, his family, and his personal life because he did make it work in the end
Also I'd pay to see your reaction to a mormon irl and his harem
>Shit anon, now I feel bad for you
why would you? Would you rather his rich parents spoil him rotten? Growing up with a frugal mindset is one of the best gifts a parent could give.
I’m not and I still agree with him,
No it’s just my parents aren’t complete pushovers that need to give their children the new shiny thing to shut up their spawn. And you and I, as a matter of fact, did actually grow up under special circumstances just by being born in one of the richest countries on the planet, let alone “middle-class” which has been shrinking for decades. you fags act Rudeus succeeded from a african tribal village where the head chief cuts off your left nut as a coming of age ritual
but Mormons are anti-Christian heretics.
Unless you're a brownoid from the Middle East or India, I hardly see how that's relevant.
>because he did make it work in the end
Did he? Everyone just sort of gave up and accepted the poly lifestyle.
>Being advanced is amazing
Dude Ghislaine treated Eris becoming Advanced at age 12 like a fucking kid completing their ABC. There are random criminals who are fucking Saint tier in MT.
it was worse in the novels
>I've had it with you and your shit, Rudy!
>punches him in the nose
>holds down his ten year old and feeds him multiple knuckle sandwiches while everyone watches in horror
>shiera tries to pry him off of rudy
>rudy, with tears, snot and blood dribbling down his face loses his shit and takes this opportunity to start fighting back
the anime cut out most of that scene and just jumped to rudy knocking him down with magic and crying while hitting paul's face back about how shit he was being before norn also shows up and blames rudy for the entire thing
despite paul being the one to start the fight
and that divide between norn and rudy never, ever goes away even if they become closer later in life
No culture in MT is pro polygamy they just dont care thats the difference because every guy you see in Sharia has only one wife around them not two or three.
you are anime only
>/a/ relentlessly defending some retarded melodramatic broke-dick faggot who whines about literally everything despite having it made in not one but two lives through sheer dumb luck of birth
>but Mormons are anti-Christian heretics.
and? what's that have to do with anything? i brought them up for being actual irl polygamists who are successful at the game of life. you're not imposing your own worldviews and religious beliefs unduly on others as cassus belli to look down on them, are you?
It should have caused issues but the polygamy is really a device for the plot device offspring of Rudeus who are supposed to be important in the sequel, so extremely horrible writing.
Mormons have stopped being polygamists outside very few excommunicated sects. I'm not imposing shit, considering even the so-called polygamists have done away with polygamy.
>Well anon i COULD easily give you these boons that i can easily afford with no issue that people much, much, much poorer than us can afford
>I won't. to build character! ahahahahaha
>now grow up with a chip on your shoulder for all those much poorer people who grew up "privileged" because their parents weren't narcissists like me!
would you have the same stance about other common household utilities like dishwashers and laundry machines and dryers? refrigerators and freezers? AC?
what about having a nice home? if your family can afford one to live in by being a top 10% earner, is it actually all that moral to make your children live with less than their - and your - means just because?
the fact of the matter is for most people smartphones are inexpensive purchases. walk outside and look around, you'd be hard pressed to see anyone without one.
I feel bad because his parents were either narcissists or luddites and he very transparently is seething because people from families much worse off than his own grew up in more plentiful environments because their parents weren't assholes.
Am I unironically supposed to sit down and spend my valuable time watching some impotent, whiny, faux-hedonist loser just win at life solely through lottery of birth?
At least even Jesus incarnate shounen protags had an underdog period where they had to scrap it out and struggle for shit.
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What the fuck? why are people trying to act like Paul was some kind of god tier parent to rudy in this thread?
I only am familiar with the series through osmosis btw
because they happen to be terts who are parroting their favorite ecelebs opinion about a show they didn't watch and, as the anon earlier in this thread admitted, had no idea paul actually did abuse rudy like that or that rudy and paul had an estranged relationship until his death
paul and rudy were at odds with eachother quite literally up until paul's death, with paul seething and shitting himself in rudy's face minutes before they fought the hydra. its a big part of why rudy feels robbed of any kind of resolution or finality to his relationship with paul
but he never said shit about valuable household appliances? He just mentioned shit that by all accounts a child should not have, such as a smartphone. I had a Nokia brick until my second to last year of high school, I don't think I missed out on anything grand.
I think we're totally getting off track here. I'm not trying to start a debate about whether the guy's spoilt or not. What I wanna talk about is whether he deserves another shot at living. And like i said, if you're a decent person who can still do good stuff, you should get a second chance. It's as simple as that.
>in this modern world where you quite literally will not be hired without a smartphone and cannot even apply for jobs without being able to access the internet as 99% of employers do not do paper applications anymore
>i do not consider a smartphone to be a common appliance despite it being one of the most common electronics used in america next to other common household appliances
You're ether a gen x'er from the pre-digital age or seething about the opportunities your parents meaninglessly denied you, bro. Sorry.
that's my point, if Rudeus deserves another shot, then everyone does. But not everyone gets that other shot. Besides, the idea that MT is a redemption story is a flawed one, since he changed nothing about himself on a core level, simply learned to take better care of himself, which he should've been doing from the very beginning.
Does he think beating his dick to a 9 year old relative is wrong, or does he ever say no to adultery? Nah.
I'm a fucking zoomer. An early zoomer but a zoomer nonetheless. Children do not need smartphones.
Just one look at the Gen A of today and I'm glad for my Nokia.
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BTW when rudy is left coping with all of this after paul's death that's when roxy decides to come and homewreck sylphie
Ah, seething about the opportunities your parents denied you it is, then. My condolences.
but my parents would've got me one if I asked, that's the thing
Even if you can utilize your zoomer logic to tell me why smartphones are a necessity for a child, explain to me why some woman would need to constantly buy the latest model of shitbrick for her children instead of letting them have a decent older model?
>Does he think beating his dick to a 9 year old relative is wrong
he does, and this also isn't canon, as multiple anons have pointed out. You only rely on the web novel non-canon version of the story to make rudeus seem worse than he actually is.
but even in the WN he fully admitted he was wrong and scum for doing that.
and he also does think that adultery is wrong and acknowledges that he's a piece of shit for cheating. the only reason he didn't wind up divorced is because elinalise encouraged him to talk to sylphy about it instead, and sylphy herself already told rudeus she was fine with him bringing home another woman before he even cheated.
You didn't read the books. You didn't watch the anime.
You're just repeating what other people have said regardless of the truth instead of forming your own opinion
>whew, good thing the bitch I cheated on is a cuckquean otherwise I may have to face consequence
see what I mean
>Even if you can utilize your zoomer logic to tell me why smartphones are a necessity for a child, explain to me why some woman would need to constantly buy the latest model of shitbrick for her children instead of letting them have a decent older model?
>Why do you NEED to do nice things for your children?
i think it says a lot about how unfortunate your home life must have been that you think a parent needs to justify doing nice things for their children that doesn't meaningfully cost anything.
you just explained why Rudeus is such an unlikeable fag. He can't be even remotely virtuous in any meaningful way but he also doesn't even have the balls to go full hedonist like Rance so he ends up just being another wishy washy herbivore loser to the very end, despite having the silver spoon in his mouth. Why should I care about such a lowlife?
holy shit dude your parents must have not loved you if you think a mother who can easily afford the expense without it putting any kind of burden on the family's finances needs to have a reason to buy her child a present
Okay, so let's just chat about the first couple of lines of what you said because the rest is a whole different topic for another time. We've already gone way over bump limit.

The key word here is "should". should a good person get a second shot at life, right? And my take is, yes, totally, they should. Though most of the time that doesn't happen, which is a bummer. But in a perfect world, everyone would get that chance. For now, we've just gotta deal with the folks who actually do get another go at it, because saying no one should be happy if one person doesn't is just not right
>throwing the newest shitphone that doesn't differ even a bit to the last year's model at your children to buy love is good parenting
Thankfully I know how much my parents loved me through how they treated me instead of the worthless shit they bought for me
Since you're talking about me probably, she doesn't "need" to do that, but she wants to because it is inexpensive and she loves my nephew and wants him to have nice things
I'm disturbed that doing inexpensive kindnesses for your children is so foreign to you
Whatever helps you cope with having rich parents who refused to use any of that wealth for your benefit, big guy.
None of that explains why I should care about him or view him as a changed man, though. I can't respect him as a protagonist much less as a person.
how embarrassing bros...
imagine having parents grossing 200k a year and having to cope about how they had him stuck using a fucking nokia while all his classmates had blackberries and g-1's
imagine unironically being richy rich and walking into class wearing hand-me-downs from the goodwill "to build character" while people much poorer than you are wearing brand name apparel
i'd be mad and coping about it too.
And when I was in high school my parents paid for me to join the tennis club despite it costing extra because they knew I loved tennis. Parental kindness is not foreign to me. Spoiling them is however.
You don't anon. He's just a well written character, not a likeable one, at least to most
how can he be well written if he faces no true conflict.
I like assholes, fucking Severian is my favourite protagonist, because despite his assholery I root for him because he actually deals with shit instead of simply being bailed out by the writer's own self-insertion as him.
Characters facing conflicts aren't the only thing that makes them well written. Rudeus is a well balanced character. He is entertaining to watch. It is just that simple
>>Entertaining to watch
Yeah right, I'm thrilled every time I have to hear his fat snob voice everytime he has an internal monologue or when when he leads children
You're a walking contradiction, man.

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