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Did he do good, bros?
Spoiler, faggot
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>Flashback Hakuri: Father....
>Flashback Kyora: Hmm?
>Flashback Hakuri: I've decided.
>Flashback Hakuri: I
>Flashback Hakuri: will become a clan head even greater than Father!
>Flashback Kyora: Oh, I see.
>Flashback Kyora: ....Then
>Flashback Kyora: I have great expectations for you.
Why can't they just be a happy family?
He was the coolest guy
>KGB general thread is now more active than /jjk/
Went wrong what?
Man, we're on a three week break for JJK. Nothing to talk about. Last time I even went to the thread was over a week ago.
>Kyora: "Father"....
>Kyora: I don't know how you personally measure that
>Kyora: But it is a mistake to take measure of me with that word.
>Kyora: I am...
Sazanamis are the rakuzaichi cult.
Hakuri sounds like he will have tragic end.

Because Kyora was evil scum and perpetuated institutional evil within his family
Takeru broke the code that was lost since OP got big; he has relevant stuff actually happen every chapter and tries to stay away from irrelevant things
He will lose all his family for real.
Will probably hit him after all is said and done.
stop being sensitive
Not a spoiler (yet).
He has a GLORIOUS chapter in him, however.
only becomes a spoiler if you make it out to be one, retard
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>Shits on Oda.
It's trending again. Is it just because of the bonus card announcement?
i would imagine so, for such a small announcement the tweet is getting a lot of traction
Stop speedreading, shinuchiman is at the kamunabi HQ.
why... why would it do that, anon?
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He can't keep getting away from this.
>>without breaking a sweat
at least read the chapter
Or any chapter. Chihiro has had stumbling blocks the whole time. Its only the fodder who get btfo'd easily.
This pseudo tag battle with Chihiro and Hakuri vs Kyora has been great.
They really nailed their combo plays.
What did he even accomplish?
We literally got a new chapter
He had an extremely solid plan to defend his merch.
He lost because he was an absolutely terrible father (this is probably due to his upbringing so I'm not blaming him for this).
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>sora ruining everything from beyond the grave
Not even Sora, this shit started way too long ago.
We'll start the bidding at "Faggot". Do I hear any bids for higher titles?
>Kyora still breathing even though he has literally been bisected into two

Okay, so it seems like the upper limit to spirit energy enhanced toughness is kinda absurd. No wonder that one kamunabi captain managed to survive falling, getting drowned and losing his legs
He was cut across the chest, which is still fatal but he still has some time left to do one more move
Chihiro needs to work on his people cutting skill, both Sojo and Kyoura weren't cut in half even though he used a nuke blade against them.
>been bisected into two
The same thing happened to Soujo, who managed to crawl all the way up the stairs towards datenseki facility despite the pain. Normally, they would have passed out.
Bonus: Daruma attempted suicide bombing after being stabbed by Soujo in an effort to take Soujo down with him. The determination of the dying antagonists is quite amusing.

Look at the bloodsplatter of the cut. He sheaved through Kyora like a hot knife in butter.
Hype is dead and all of you know who killed it.
More like one or max. 2 threads are enough for a new chapter
It was me I killed hype
Hype is alive, unlike Kyora
Shinuchi is not getting recovered. Its user will take it back and fuck off to somewhere.
next chapter needs to deliver on all the hype surrounding the shinuchi's strength
i know kyora probably wont be able to use it at full strength, but gimme a cool double spread at least!!
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Mr. Shiba... Please disappear from this manga.
He'll be at Mt. Fuji and be KGB's Red. Chihiro is gonna collect/break all the remaining swords (gym badges) and beat all Hishaku members (elite fours) then fight Shinuchiman again.
It fucking better. The auction was introduced early as fuck too. It has to blow away expectations. His strength as a writer is on the line.
Betcha that the first sazanami wa sjust a regular merchant with a useful ability, shit ony got rotten over time, like in generation 3 or 4
Its a narrative thing, the plot gives them "one last move" because its cool
Raw dump thread already passed, now its just waiting until Sunday for the chapter
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Sneeduchi (Formerly Chuck's) will be his
What will we do if EL HERMANO is actually named Chuck.
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>Shiba spent his time giving a pep talk to Ino and Braids, making them question their way of life
Soya sisters.. trust the process.
he will be back and stab Hakuri in the back when Chihiro comes out of the store house
and he will be more relevant than Sojo
Sis hes dead on a ditch little brother blew his back out
When are we seeing someone being donuted?
Terrorist GENIUSkuri
DelishCHAD YAAAYfuku
Hyper Muscle Hinao
Onion eyes farmer

All canon
Too much focus on le sword for donuting
Albeit a stabbing kill for once would be nice
You could have someone be donuted by Kuregumo(rip) lighting, Enten's kuro shred, most abilities could if you do it hard enough
cloud whore is dead and enten is all about slashing spells
Well see with the next blade, but still, I just feel like takeru is a big sword autist and he like shis slashing kills
a direct stab feels quite personal.
I'd like Chihiro to do that someday along with some cold words like "drop dead"
Has Chihiro killed a single woman in this manga?
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still upcoming
sword saint is on sorcerer guantanamo right
Or the memeing about el hermano showing up now have brainwashed me
List of problems this arc has (Ch19 to Ch39):
>Heroes defeat enemies without going through the failure phase. Why its an issue: No suspense, with Farmer chapter being the only exception;
>Villains never lived to the hype:
>Kyora had the great presentation but since then failed at keeping being threatening. He is just sad miserable dad who heavily underestimated heroes and all his countermeasures were neutered with low to mid difficulty;
>Soya had great premise as Hakuri's nemesis and genius powerhouse, while delivering moderately on the former, completely failed at being the latter. Never show anything impressive outside building destruction (memoryholed by an author), never had a victory, always acted like a stupid mess;
>ToU overall failed to convey the 'Elite Guard' hype, none of them look cool or show anything memorable or interesting in both abilities and personality;
>Offscreened fights. Nuff said. Its not fun to be baited by Shiba vs Tou/Tenri twice.
>The whole thing with Chihiro's arm and Char's healing powers shouldnt have exist. It wasnt used to actively show the character development for Char, and the lack of one arm never troubled Chihiro in any meaningful way. Solution should have been simple - Char fully regrew Chihiro's arm back in Ch18. No one would have care, just write it off as Char wishing it so much it just worked. You goyslopers would have eaten it and asked for more.
>Hiyuki had a nice introduction, great even, but since then was forgotten and turned into a fodder killer. Im fine with waiting, but she was forgotten for too long (almost half of manga run time) which begs the question why was it even needed to introduce her from beging with.
>Action is rather generic and samey. Sojo Arc had flashy acrobatics from Sojo, various magic spells, Enten made up for a great and creative visuals. During Rakazuichi arc most characters just moved fast or superfast, there were almost no cool sorcery (Farmer's mokuton is the only one notable exception).
>Heroes defeat enemies without going through the failure phase
Stopped right there
Reread the Hakuri chapters and make better bait
Gotta be top 5 Jews in manga
I've probably forgotten something else but its fine, i will make another one after this arc officially ends.
>Its not fun to be baited by Shiba vs Tou/Tenri twice.
it is actually, because i don't give a shit and want to see chihiro instead
>big wall of texts
Didn't read. Good for your or I'm sorry to hear that bro.
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tldr: i am a faggot and want each arc to be 200 chapters long running marathon
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This arc was great and Tafuku won.
Why is it always an ESL who can barely write?
Why do faggot spics want the manga to have One Piss "nothing ever happens" pacing?
Its funny how an author gave all new characters (Kyora, Soya, Hiyuki) great introduction, but failed with continuation for each one of them.
I hope Shinhuchiman wont disappoint.
This is all wrong, I've never read a more incorrect post in my life.
>but failed with continuation for each one of them.
Kyora has been great.
Legitimately interesting character and he did the best he could against an op enemy, he'd have fucked chihiro hard in a 1 on 1.
You massive faggot, not every character is important enough to deserve development outside of their respective arc.
Kyora and Souya have both been incredible, the former above even Sojo in my opinion. And this isn't Hiyuki's arc, so I don't quite get expecting her to make as big an impact. We know she's here and she'll probably appear somewhere in the next few chapters, but she established a relationship with Chihiro and that's all we really need for now. What comes from it later is the real deal.
Naw Hiyuki is the only one that kinda shat the bed this arc. I'm expecting her to get more focus soon though. She just vanished this whole arc.
So Soya is taking over the Sazanami family after this right? I know this isn't their end and that they won't become good guys
will kyora be able to pass on the storeroom abilities? he's kinda at deaths door currently
no. hakuri will
he will give each member an elemental dick/pussy to reform them like how he did
Does the person even need to be alive to pass them on? Kyora got them during Sora's funeral.
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>taking over
>the Sazanami family
>Implying Souya will live, and that there will be anything left to take after the auction is blown up
No. He's completely focused on unleashing Shinuchi.
Honestly, Kyora unleashing Shinuchi and Chihiro-Hakuri getting BTFO'd because they are both almost done for is the best moment to have Hiyuki appear and hype her up a bit.
You'd need the mask.
Hakuri has 50% chance of just yoinking Kyora's mask and use it to become Kamen Rider
>Hiyuki and Tafuku save Chihiro
>After Kyora dies, Shinuchiman swoops in to take back the sword
>Hiyuki gets killed and Tafuku joins Chihiro
It's not just putting on the mask though.
There is a whole ritual required so it most likely cant be done on the spot, albeit I dont think the previous holder has to be alive, a corpse works
>coomers going at it again
no, fuck you.
Hakuri may pass out. but my man, Chihiro, would not.
He will finish the job as always.
It might as well be. The remaining ritual is probably just understanding the sorcery through blood connection.
Hakuri is on his last legs, but Chihiro is still looking pretty fly unironically
...and people are forgettign that Hiyuki is the actual arc end boss. Shes coming for enten and shinuchi
good point, i kinda wanna see flame bone at full strength
She can't fight Chihiro for Shinuchi when Shinuchiman flies in.
I have got a feeling that we will have Hiyuki job to el hermano
She'll probably be a better match for shinuchiman than Chihiro
When is Shiba doing something of value?
>i disagree with one statement, hence why the whole post is bad

are you afraid it will hit your nerve, snowflake?
next chapter when he saves char and hinao from shinuchi
Fighting braidy and ino?
Kyora is a better villain than Soya
>nitpicking this hard
Go back
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Shiba is busing impregnating Hakuri's cousins
including Souya
these shitposts are getting boring.
specifically >>268197595
What the FUCK is that
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>first thing i read is a garbage lie
why would i entertain any of it further? you're not owed my gaze, much less do you deserve it for being so utterly retarded.
>>Action is rather generic and samey. Sojo Arc had flashy acrobatics from Sojo, various magic spells, Enten made up for a great and creative visuals. During Rakazuichi arc most characters just moved fast or superfast, there were almost no cool sorcery (Farmer's mokuton is the only one notable exception).
I stopped reading there
Most disappointing points are definitely teasing Hiyuki to finally do shit only to sideline her and dwell on Hakuri's side of plot and Shiba getting offscreend again.
What's this an abbreviation for
>only to sideline her and dwell on Hakuri's side of plot
Hakuri's arc.
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>teasing Hiyuki to finally do shit only to sideline her
She'll get her time in the limelight next arc
>dwell on Hakuri's side of plot
Arc revolves around his family, it'd be weird if he wasn't a big part of the arc
>Shiba getting offscreend again.
Takeru is waiting for the big moment where we finally see the sorcery he used on the Tou
How would you rate this arc and the previous one?
don't agree with that, but don't co-op my posts.
I like Kyora better, but I still gotta say the
>I made up my mind and I conclude I wasn't wrong
by Sojo was pretty funny
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>>Heroes defeat enemies without going through the failure phase
Hakuri was getting raped for 90% of his fight with Soya
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>>Kyora had the great presentation but since then failed at keeping being threatening.
Disagree, when fighting in his storehouse he's been shown to be a formidable opponent. The only reason he lost is because Hakuri was assisting Chihiro and he simply got outplayed.
Would you have liked it better if Hakuri gave his dad the killing blow instead of Chihiro to avoid making it feel formulaic?
Kyora is not dead yet, there's still time for Hakuri to murder him.
Nigga the fight isn't even over what is this question? Go back in 3 weeks.
Why'd Hakuri do it bros?
Kyoura hasnt died yet, and the one to give the killing blow is most likely going to be EL HERMANO or The Farmer
It's Chihiro's manga.
And Hakuri already requested Chihiro to do it like Char.
It just clicked for me the black blob is supposed to be the teleport lmao
>You goyslopers would have eaten it and asked for more.
Go back to /v/
Oh my bad, I must have misread the leaks then. Sorry
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>Uses the Shinuchi to fight his way to Char
>Forces her to heal him
>Uses the Shinuchi to kill Chihiro, Shiba, and subdue Hakuri
>Slowly brainwashs Hakuri into rejoining the Sazanami and make him the successor
Kyora WILL win
People are forgetting hiyuki si just gonna roll back in and turbo fuck a half dead chihiro and braintoasted hakuri. Shes been fighting mooks and shes gonna peg the boys
He's going to let us see a really powered down shinuchi, so he's going out with a fucking bang.
I just hope shinuchi isn't world slash.
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>People are forgetting hiyuki si just gonna roll back in and turbo fuck a half dead chihiro
>Every swing of the Shinuchi summons a group of Yokai that will fight to the death for you
Have we already reached volume 5 territory
yeah we've been in it for like 3 chapters now
Cool. Some worldbuilding / lore dump chapter after this arc would be cool to cool down a bit.
>suddenly Shinuchi flies through his chest and turns him into a donut
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>Next arc is Chihiro doing side jobs he gets from his fixer Hinao
>Whole arc is just worldbuilding and introducing us to different groups and organizations and giving us more info about the war
thatd be nice desu
flame boned
Predict vols 4&5 covers
Hakuri and Chihiro, maybe Soya
Kyora and Chihiro
Vol 4 is something with Hakuri
Vol 5 idk, we are not even halfway
Vol4 is 100% Hakuri is basically all him. Perhaps its even Chihiroless
Vol 5 is probablysomething prominently showing off kyora, even though its barely starting kyoras final boss battle is the climax of the arc, he has to get the centerpiece of a cover much like vol 2 had sojo overshadowing Chihiro
yeah, that would be a nice breather arc.
Vol 4 is Hakuri with maybe a smaller bit of the yuki onna
5 is for sure Kyora... but with something else, whatever ends up wrapping arc the arc, probably Hiyuki
volume 4 cover will be hakuri behind bars that's cracked and turning to dust
I will avenge the hype. Prepare to die by my hand.
I read the spoilers each morning so I wake up with fresh hype
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I just realized that the foil illustration card means:
>There is now official Tafuku merch
No wonder the announcement trended
The mind of a general thread fag is truly an enigma.
Damn this really makes me appreciate Hokazono's artwork even more, the dynamism of the original page is so much better than this one, despite them being so similar.
>noooo I threw out 38 wrong statements, you have to fully address all of them at once, only addressing some or one means I'm right!
They've both been superb honestly, in very different ways.
>whahhh why isn't this like Naruto or BnHA??
That would have been a hilarious twist. I hope they do some Edo Tensei arc or something
>I've been a secret super genius the entire time and no one knew???
This is as naruto and mha as it gets and you are eating it up.
This is the big big big arc btw
We're introduced to strongest member of kamunabi (Hiyuki) big boss of the hishaku (farmer) and next chapter we're going to see the strongest blade in action
I don't really know where the story goes from here; it's basically been on this one plot thread since Chapter 7
there's got to be some kind of plotwist for Chihiro to focus something else later
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Uhhhh Hakurischizo, how do we respond to this?
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Nue FUCKING lost
>muh toc
>muh color page
I do not care. Nue lost by virtue of being a shit manga.
JJK is still on a break and you can only take so much of retards spouting memes into the void while nothing is happening.
This will probably be the turning point desu, something climactic will happen that sets up the next couple of arcs.
Life is nothing but retards spouting memes into the void while nothing is happening. Read a hieroglyphic why don’t you.
ShinuCHAD will fuck everyone's shit up (especially Hiyuki, while Tafuku watches), show why Kunishige sweated over him and the reason he's locked up like Hannibal.
jujutshi haten aka... powerful..
Who won the last thread?
how bout, “ni—?”
Sojo Arc 9/10
This Arc 7/10
Y'all weren't lying...
Majority of this is nitpicking but I do agree with Hiyuki being a mook sweeper at this point. However, the arc isn't over yet. And she has somewhat gone rogue regarding her orders which may hint at her leaving the kamunabi(but I don't think she ultimately will) and she saw the Hishaku leader who she will very likely confront in the future. Very simply she is probably going to be here for awhile so she doesn't need to get the whole focus right now.
the problem with Hiyuki in this arc, is that she was written as an insurance in case the series gets axed.
She's the fed's most powerful sorcerer and she can be used to clean up whatever mess has been made.
Unfortunately, the series is out of the axe zone, making her appearance seemingly unwarranted. Like her role inside the auction house could've been given to Shiba instead to give him some focus, and have Hiyuki appear at the end of the arc as a cliffhanger for glowie arc.
I honestly think Shiba is an editor addition at this point with how much gets shafted for 2 arcs in a row now. Not to mention, I think it's the first time writing a character like him as one of the mcs anyways.
At least I can't remember his oneshots having his archetype.
>the problem is [headcanon]
Change your diaper.
I wonder what people will say after Hiyuki comes by as she said she would after they deal with Kyora and shinuchi.
This is the best response you can come up with? Really?
Why would I respond seriously to a retarded shitpost?
She won't get to do anything and you know it.
That anon might be making retarded speculations but the post seems genuine. At least call him a retard instead of whatever that fuck your response was. Any criticism/theory not in line with what's accepted in this thread is shitpost now, apparently.
Hiyuki was introduced AFTER it was announced rakuzaichi arc would happen, so your theory falls through.
She's simply not relevant and the arc simply showed glimpses of her so readers are familiar with her behavior for her arc.
It's basic writing at that point.
>uhhh it was AKTUALLY a backup for le AXE!
Is not criticism, it's a mindless shitpost. Change your diaper, it's full of diarrhea.
Curious to see how Mr inazuma and his sis play a role in the story. They might be strictly used for filler content. Char being the only child around adults is weird. I also want to see Char witness Chihiro murdering people. I want to see her viewpoint on him change. For better or worse.
There is absolutely zero reason for them to play a significant role in the story.
Inazuma and his sister are to give the arc a happy end for when chihiro loses shinuchi.
You guys are forgetting that the sazanamis just dont buy random shitters they get valuable stuff. The inazumas are probably from some weirdo magic clan.
There is been a bunch of set up with these strange abilities that seem disconnected to regular sorcery (char, yuki onna, warehouse) and adding a older one (ms inazuma) the cast could open that plot thread
I do agree too there is no reason for them to hang around Chihiro. They would offer nothing to the group. Though char being the only kid is sad too. It's why Char being with him is weird. She's like 7 or something and she doesn't mind touching gore. The girl is fucked up.
Fix your fucking diaper and scat obsession, retard.
Fix the mess in your pants then.
That's might have a special ability BUT they don't have a reason to stick around. They gotta have a good reason.
Mr. Inazuma's only role is for someone to make a promise with Chihiro.
It will all depend on Takeru on whether he wants to end this arc in a happy or depressing way.
kagurabachi fucking sucks you stupid niggers
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Kagurabachi rocks you genius aryans
But enough about JJK and onepiss.
The threads are especially bad now and we don't even have the schizo spamming. What the fuck happened?
coomers came in
The fault of people couldn't let these generals go led to schizos slowly taking over as literally everyone predicted.
Like the other anon said, there's absolutely no reason to dwell in these threads past the first big leak thread with the live translationn because that's where most things get discussed. After that it's just pointless baiting and bad faith arguments
No. He got them when Sora retired. Hakuri said so back in the playground scene
terminally ill kgb fans (aka 'the manga has not a single flaw' schizos) drove them away
>terminally ill kgb fans (aka 'the manga has not a single flaw' schizos)
Literally me....
Flaws!=it's not doing what I want and focusing in what I want it to focus on
So does this manga have a single flaw?
Not enough Tafuku.
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Not enough Hiyuki.
Nice responses, lmeow. Way to prove the point.
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Hey you asked for a flaw
Alot of voilence against children and lots of pedo's. Also Char was SA'd.
I really do like their dynamic hopefully we'll get a mroe kamurabi centric arc sometime soon. Azami could also use some screentime
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>Also Char was SA'd.
>the bodyguard positions require chihiro to wear a suit
Kbg truly has been lacking in minxy outfits besides seeing chihiro and shiba in kimonos for one panel I dont think any character has gotten an alternate look
>I also want to see Char witness Chihiro murdering people.
pretty sure she saw him cut down the scientists outside of her cage
some of us were expecting the team to dress up for the auction
We knew they were gonna storm it. If they were trying to sneak in as guests then it would be reasonable, but the fact that it was a brute force operation was clear from the get go
Nope. It's literally perfect
Chihiro is grooming Char to be a murderer? Horrible role model honestly. Char should realistically not be around Chihiro and the government should take her from Chihiro. They'll put her in classes and she can be normal for awhile. She'll be a great asset to the nation.
A little bit too much plot convenience.
Hiyuki will take Char from Chihiro after they find out about her bloodline.
>from the get go
the auction was brought up in chapter 7
it was another dozen chapters until hakuri showed up
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>another one bites the dust
>chihiro brings all the hags to the yard
t. glowie
>Healing loli becomes government property and force her to heal their troops
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Just fuck off already man
Is Kyonagi "Char" Geniichi pure?
pick one and only one.
She was molested by yakuza, nothing is pure anymore. :(
She can regrow her hymen, it's fine.
Heroine material.
no anti-ntr hairpin though
this is how we get chihiro going on a rampage against the government
Hiyuki is going to use Spinal Cord to stop Shinuchi from killing everyone
According to Pahael, no.
She'll use its skull.
Still waiting for the girl named Keima and the guy named Ayumi in one day...
want mommy to change your diapers anon? little babies should let adults talk in peace
comers left
Just check it up. She's reason why vol.1 sold so much and keep it from axezone.
>she was written as an insurance in case the series gets axed.
It's the opposite, imo. Her introduction in the critical chapter of Soujo's epilogue broadened the world-building and future plot, indicating the author's confidence that the series will continue for a while. Hishaku, who has been introduced since chapter one is the better option to be the final boss in the case of getting axed, as they are the absolute culprit around which the premise revolves in the first place.
>She's the fed's most powerful sorcerer and she can be used to clean up whatever mess has been made.
Well, she is doing it right now. The truce is that she won't disturb Chihiro until he gets Shinuchi and Enten back.
>Like her role inside the auction house could've been given to Shiba instead to give him some focus
Her role as an off-screened mook sweeper? Chihiro would do it if she didn't come instead, even if it took him more time. He literally said so in chapter 27 when Shiba asked him. Shiba's role is to assist Hakuri in reaching the door asap.
>Hiyuki appear at the end of the arc as a cliffhanger for glowie arc.
Chihiro needs a powerful opponent who can overwhelm him and is related to Kamunabi, someone who can question his accountability after the Soujo arc (he was also too focused back then to show concern regarding the squad's deaths, so it needs to be addressed again). She is the reason Hakuri gained Chihiro's trust. Rakuzaichi has been teased since chapter 7, but instead of it, we got the Soujo Arc, and the Rakuzaichi didn't kick in until chapter 19. It was basically a setup just like what this anon said >>268204382

bunch of retards that can't reply without seething when someone points out some flaws, I don't even agree with most of that anon's nitpicks but trying to shut it down instead of giving their own two cents on it is ridiculously retarded
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>Shiba is an editor addition
The MC's mentor, guardian, and partner for the past 38 months, the author's mouthpiece since Chihiro is a man of few words, an eyewitness of the Seitei war, and Kunishige's old friend. Flashbacks are inevitable.
>Imamura: Initially, we had a vague idea of “We probably need one more party member,” without a clear image of a small and cute girl like the current one. That’s when Hokazono created a girl named Char.
imo it indicates that Shiba has been created as one of the core characters along with Chihiro. It's interesting how some anons accused Hakuri as an editor addition because he is getting a lot screen time, then the same thing happened to Shiba because he keeps getting shafted.
>I can't remember his oneshots having his archetype.
He's an easy-going, sometimes silly, blonde, smoking, partner of the gloomy MC. Close to be a grown-up version of Machi.
Also pic rel.
>Anyone else think Hakuri's development is moving too fast?
numb them from reading genuine criticism.
Hakurikeks really fucked these threads up, I at least hope they were nitpicking fans but the current wsj thread just revealed them to be shitposters trying their best to shit the thread while posing as a fan.

I never should've taken them seriously from the start
wait hakurischizos are actually nuefags?
not surprising at the slightest
Finally, merch!
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The original hakurischizo is microdick from CSM / JJK threads
>still no kunishige merch for my itabag
I know, I'm the anon that pointed it out kek
Hakurischizo posting style kind of resemble the mahitoschizo too. Coincidence?
The rest seems to be shitposters and nuefags with raging bones, at least that micro dick anon is an actual fans albeit retarded unlike the ones after him
Oh, so it did get an acrylic stand
I like this manga, but if it becomes the next big shonen bandwagon that everyone will latch on to, then I think I'll be staying away from these generals. Not because of contrarianism or anything. I just hate ritualposters, shippers and schizos.
Enten will die at some point in the story and there's nothing you can do about it
seethe and cope, whoreslut faggot
God i hope the volume 3 PV is like Hiyuki being briefed about Chihiro and the Rakuzaichi
Who's that guy in the corner
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this is huh, wow
Where did everyone go?
Waiting for volume 3 PV or recommendation reveal
Or reprint before release announcement
There are two retards on the TV
Drawing Char and jacking off to her.
Is it a break week
Anyone else think Hakuri's development is moving too fast?
were you feeling lonely?
Spoilers are on the last thread
>they are using other poses
we made it bros
oh nice I missed it thanks
Watching two guys argue about who's better at golf
Kyora >Sojo
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Wtf the mantis can talk?!
I NEED some Chiyuki art
yes because it's kino
>no my brain hurts
>actually exceeds limits again
Had the power for 15 minutes btw
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Hakuri won
Where azami I wont take my dilfs without a proper threesome
no homewrecker allowed.
he can watch without being seen though.
why is shiba like this?
why is he so sloppy?
Gardener man probably can't get it out of the box and he needed Kyora's power to do it. In the end it's gonna end up back in treefag's hands, but there's like 50% chance Kyora will use it before dying.
Still not sure what was the point of introducing Shinuchiman if Shinuchi can be used by anyone.
we need another sojo-ish villian and a villian vs villian mini arc
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the glowies making factions and killing each other would be nice.
all while the main gang are having ice cream and playing with char
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I like them to be a triad just for the tragic feeling of incompleteness in the damaged relationship in the wake of Kunishiges death
Young single father Chihiro!
where the fuck does datenseki come from and if it's so powerful and chaotic why don't they make a bomb with it
we're getting them soon along with Kunishige's fabled "katana" in action
just trust the plan
cursed chihiro
Its meteors iirc, also it only works when channeled through living beings. Cant make a bomb out of it bc it overloads and detonates a person way before it accumulates to something useful
Damn I rather she have blue eyes, but green makes sense. Since healers normally have a green color scheme. Blue is just more adorable though.
hopefully the meteors isn't gay and doesn't make you gay in this series
they make you into cute autistic single dad
Husband and Wife! Cute!
Give it to us anon
man, bright colors sure suits Chihiro well.
I hope Shiba buys him something less edgy this time around now that his stinky sweaty unwashed trench coat has been ripped to shreds (based Kyora).
Ah, yes, the prom king and queen of Weekly Shonen Jump.
Healed* Chihiro
He can't be truly healed as long as he still has his scar.
How will Ruriposters ever recover when this drops?
you now remember the jobber squad who did nothing of value.
and the true potential man of kgb, kazane, i guess.
still pissed off about birdmask guy. Such a cool design
Char will give him kissu and heal his scar. The End.
in terms of Hokazono bringing in his characters from previous works, we're pretty much just missing Lucille and Roku, right?
I wonder if we're getting a mascot anytime soon.
Feels like the only thing missing so far for additional merch potential... unless the Enten fishes are already full fulling that role.
Gotta be soon when demons get introduced. Probably something cute to hang around Char.
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Of course sister, and thank you for the food
>Its meteors iirc
you're not recalling anything because it's never been said that it's meteors
sojo only said it was discovered during the war and only 250 kilos have been found
anything else about its origins is headcanon
In retrospect, that scar is the proof of his journey, I wonder if he'll remove it for real.
>Got badly injured in the same place during the final battle
>Char healed him including the scar
you think chihiro only owns one?
doubt it.
his entire wardrobe is as dark as his pretentious edgy soul.
hopefully not. not all scars needs to be healed.
still waiting for mini enten plushies to accompany chihiro plushie
forgot to add that he most likely spent Kunishige's inheritance money on those shit while Shiba's not watching
The goldfish aren’t cutesy enough to feel like mascots.
Don't forget to vote for Chihiro's manga and his dragon wife on tsugimanga!
he'll need a lot of it since the competition seems tight this time around
How strong would he be outside his vault?
stronger than civilian Hakuri since he can actually use a sword.
he also has the option of using Shinuchi too
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Looks like KGB is getting badges and acrylic stand too alongside the sticker.
GGG and Astro too I guess, poor GGG.
>2 Chihiro badges while everyone else have different characters for the 2
the other one should've been Shiba desu
Souya will disproof how Skill>hard-work
Chihiro & lineless Chihiro
>the other one should've been Shiba desu
That reminds me. Even with Hakuri's cleverness and power with his new sorcery, he hasn't really shown much close combat skill IIRC.
Hakuri is basically a bullied kid who was handed with a loaded gun without the safety on.
His drive and greatest motivation to go such lengths comes from his pent up stress and desire back when he was a plain old shitter (he still is without mana/spirit energy).
I bet it will stay like that for a long time since he doesn't seem as agile as Chihiro and Shiba.
I just can't see him helping Chihiro on cqc outside of the storehouse like Shiba does.
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Hinao needs to train him! She looks like she does kung fu.
i can see hakuri meshing better with shiba than chihiro.
like, just drop off hakuri in the middle of the battle and let him unload his bombs and shit while he teleports again and help chihiro
Storehouse shenanigans are still OP like doing ilusions and switching chihiro in and out of the pocket dimension
And Hakuri can so isou as well
>And Hakuri can so isou as well
His Isou power output will depend on how large his storehouse is.
I can see Takeru balancing his abilities later on if he actually joins the group after this arc. (I mean, his editor will probably nudge him a lot since nips seem to love Hakuri after ice hag and the bombing incident)
I doubt he needs to be told, three volumes focused on his family is more than most team members get in shonen.
Anybody who thinks he's going on missions with Chihiro is fucking retarded. He'll be the storehouse, nothing more.
Right? Since he can't do cqc, even Isou could be a cool surprise attack combined with Shiba's teleportation, like when Shiba fought Souya.
yeah, pretty much this.
i wonder if they'll make a back door though. and where?
>His Isou power output will depend on how large his storehouse is.
I mentioned it in a previous thread, but if the gang use Hakuri's storehouse as a mobile base, then his Isou is basically out of commission. Because he has to maintain the storehouse at all times so that nothing placed in there is lost, even if everyone is out. He would have to dump everything out into realspace and shut down the storehouse to use Isou at a decent level.
And this is doubly so if he does end up taking over Kyora's storehouse.
I'm thinking his might be how Hokazono keeps Hakuri nerfed for the foreseeable future. And then it can be used for a "twist" big damn heroes moment when he chooses to close down the storehouse in exchange for a giga Isou to help Chihiro in a tight spot. Some shit like that.
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>back to this again
You WANT to be BTFO'd again.
You're retarded if you think Hakuri will be fighting with Chihiro. We can barely get shiba in a panel and you think we'll get one more fighter for missions. Your crazy.
>summons grenades at your feet

wouldn't be surprised if he had some rifles hoarded away too. He's a walking armory
that's actually a good point lmao
if it sells hopefully we get more merch in the future
plz like hakuri
I hope we get like a 45k first week

I want to sell near 50% of the total stock instantly
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>Check out rule34 occasionally
>Kagurabachi tag grows but its just more and more of Hakuhiro faggotry

Im starting to hate Takeru for throwing too many bones to fujoshits
yeah, i'll suspect he'll become a hinao after this arc with his main function as the team's inventory.
it's pretty much like isekai/fantasy if you can pull stuff out of thin air after all instead of bringing them with you and holding you down.
That's why Char is the heroine, and all the porn will be of her in the future. And I'm deadass serious lmao. She'll be the next Anya.
Wtf I love Hakuri now
And yet we saw Hakuri fight this arc.
Someone wants to keep his losing streak I guess, get ready for
>offscreen training arc
>Hakuri aiding chihiro and blasting isous
>Hakuri is a textbook schoolshooter

no wonder /kgb/ jerks off to him
Isou doesn't have much visual appeal desu.
better off stocking bombs, like who doesn't love explosions? kek
>better off stocking bombs, like who doesn't love explosions? kek
Shiba + Hakuri is legit way too OP
>better off stocking bombs
those bombs arent going to appear by themselves anon.
they're fucking poor (just look at chihiro compared to his dad) and there's no way they're going to get bombs for hakuri
+ An enchanted Blade User, someone is about to get maimed. Oh but then you got Char. Wtf.
>kills his family
>bombs people
>his crush killed herself
The quintessential Murrican
You just know Hakuri is going to get another gf as a pity prize for existing.
>muh hate boner
go away shitposter, go back to nue kek
Man, it's been since the icehag episode since the retard went
>hakuri is the next hinao
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We went really BIG this arc and introduced the strongest kamunabi along with the mafia boss and the strongest sword
There's not much left to reveal anymore
nah we're missing the ninjabro and no kazane =/ him
I'd at least would hear him out at the start, but shitting on /wsj/ demote him to a regular shitposter kek
friendly hugs!
your het shippers are too lazy to do anything
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>my samurai
>still have 4 swords and at least 3 hishaku members to even talk too
Cute (and canon) love making!
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it's so phallic
Just a reminder that your ships will stay as a HEADCANON and will never ever be real outside of your schizoid delusions.
Unlike Soya and Hakuri of course ;^)
No no no, dont try to shift the blame on the fans. This looks pitiful and cheap.
There was plenty of Chiyuki art before Takeru made Hiyuki completely disappear and replaced he with Hakuhiro faggotry. Its not on shippers, its on the author how decided to feed the different audience the whole time.
Why is this shitty shonenshit manga plagiarized some obsecure BL manga from Otome magazine?
>KGB thread is so dead it gets bumped by some ship faggot to stay alive

just let it die
lmao Char and Inazuma are on screen and interacting this chapter let's see what they do.
If shotaloli purest form of love can't move you then it's absolutely 100% your fault you're just lazy.
ive had enough of this faggotshit
post some tits
>free from schizos and shitposters
>more quality discussions
and yet it just won't die
Nah, that anon was right. The shippers for your ship are just plain lazy or they probably realized shit's way too delusional to begin with.
Shiba proves this enough.
there's no tits on /kgb/ anon
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>more quality discussions
>hakuhiro pics spam
209 9784088838199 カグラバチ 1 集英社 外薗健 2024.02.02
210 9784088838809 カグラバチ 2 集英社 外薗健 2024.05.02
oh my 2 quirks
65 new releases aside
>big reprint
lmao those mouths stink
It's selling this good with 65 new releases means stock is indeed good.
>only 39 June 27th releases are above KGB
>most new releases are isekaishit
>#2 is lower than #1 (#1 has been catching up for days and now finally overtook it)
>that 350k circulation number
It definitely wasn't a big reprint
>"big" reprint is running out before vol 3 is even out
They seriously do not want the series to succeed....
They'll just reprint it again lol
>It's a gigantic reprint this time!
>60k copies instead of 50k
Vol 1 overtook 1 or 2 times recently, and they were reprinted together. It doesn't mean much. Comparing to other June jump releases it's doing great.
It's not running out, it's holding position well.
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Ibooks recommends kagurabachi as one of the best new manga in the first half of 2024
>or they probably realized shit's way too delusional to begin with.
then they aren't real fans of the ship if they let something like that get in the way
real fans who aren't lazy persevere even when the character is sidelined
So does the Shinuchi life contract not work or its just so strong a part of its power can still be used by anyone because it overflows from the contract restriction?
If its the latter, we will be shown only a part of its power in the hands of Kyora.
i read it as though
>it still has a life contract
>however its so strong anyone can use the excess power the contract cannot account for
regardless, i hope we see kyora fuck shit up
the purest form of love is actually oneeshota
The life contract isn't enough to restrain Shinuchi.
>Sazadude: Hey, Souya
>Souya: Its getting good right now!
>Souya: I'll go later. Its the office, right?
>Tenri: Leave him be.
>Kyora: Again?.... What is this time?
>Kyora: He found a nice fallen tree, and he's transporting it so he can't come?
>Kyora: ....A fallen tree?
>Tenri: I'll fight enough for Souya
>Fodder-kun: Oh my, the next clan head is not here?
>Fodder-kun: He must be quite an elegant person.
>Fodder-kun: Perhaps there is some horrible scandal keeping him from meeting people?
>Kyora: No, no. Haha. How embarrassing.
>Tenri: Big bro is stronger than I am.
>Tenri: If you want to spew nonsense in front of people, come back after you've raised yours status.
>Kyora: ...
>Fodder-kun: Eeeek
Blanking on a good TL for ヒィhii, noise you make when scared.
>Fodder-kun: I'm sorry
>Tenri: First apologize for disrespecting the clan head
>Fodder-kun: Yeeek
ハヒッhahi is a combination of the scared squeal and はいhai "yes".
>Kyora: Tenri... Eat this secretly later.
>Tenri: Wha
>Tenri: Thank you...
>Kyora: I'll have all communications from the underlings to go to you now.
>Tenri: !!
>Tenri: Y... Yeah! Leave it to me!
Hahaha. I honestly really like these fan comics the KGB fandom is always putting out.
I want kgb to be underprinted for 10 years at least
Do you think jump would promote kgb more if it had slower pacing and filler in form of side characters doing stupid shit? Because it's the only thing I can think of that sets it apart from big series. Though kimetsu was kinda that way too, but they add filler in the adaptation so in the end they bring it to the same standard.
Make your own shit, or gas up the people who do make shit, or commission shit.

I do think it's a bit of a shame no other pairings get much though but almost a year in and the cast still feels really small even if you're a fujo you are kind of grasping at straws to develop pairings.
we kind of can't afford slower pacing right now
not until it gets an anniversary cover
I genuinely believe that would help. Had chapter 19 been a cooldown SoL with Char getting settled in with Chihiro and Shiba I bet it would have done really well. I don't think Takeru wants to do a SpyXFamily thing but I have no doubt it would have hit, Char was the emotional core of some of the mostly highly ranked chapters.

Thank God she doesn't have pink hair.
Yumejo won.
hopefully we get the rec obi this weekend
i wanna know already...
As a yumejo I'm pretty happy with KGB as it is (though I wouldn't be opposed to more female characters). Chihiro is the hottest WSJ MC in ages and Takeru loves him plenty. Kunishige, Azami, Shiba and Souya are all hot too. I don't need to see the characters paired up to enjoy them. She's gone alas but I really liked the short-lived dynamic between Ice Gal and Hakuri.

I'd say I'd want more yumejo content but truthfully I'm not really sure what that would look like because of how the cast is so limited (I don't even really care for most of the fujo pairings all that much).
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checked. based yume
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>"The strongest of the six Youtous, Shinuchi, will be put up for auction!?
>The dark auction Rakuzai Ichi is full of trash, including the sellers, organizers and participants! Standing in the way are daredevils who are willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the auction. However there's no reason for the avenger Chihiro to hesitate! They will all be executed! Every single one of them will go to the afterlife!"
takeru really wants us to know that everyone there deserves to die
>>The dark auction Rakuzai Ichi is full of trash, including the sellers, organizers and participants! Standing in the way are daredevils who are willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the auction. However there's no reason for the avenger Chihiro to hesitate! They will all be executed! Every single one of them will go to the afterlife!"
Absolutely fucking based TERRORISTkuri won.
they really have to drill into readers head that the attendees are mostly scums of the earth kek
Scum would've been a more suitable translation.
>"Scum" refers to a person who is morally reprehensible or contemptible while "trash" refers to something or someone considered worthless or inferior.
>"Scum" focuses on moral judgment, while "trash" focuses on worth or quality.
>"Scum" often carries a stronger, more personal insult related to character.
>people go to the yearly undergrown auction to buy people and stuff they no doubt stole or murdered for
The auction really is the lowest of the low, even an slave market would be better
I'm not trying to say hakuri is an asshole, it's just that jump is taking extra steps to make sure hakuri isn't an asshole
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>As a yumejo I'm pretty happy with KGB as it is

double trips wasted on falseflagging
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You ARE watching Terasaka's stream now that he went out of his way to get english subtitles for you, right?
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I'm not falseflagging just stating truths

These stickers are really nice, I wonder if we'll ever get anything this nice from official sources.
teraken_grerere is his channel name

It's funny how his main inspiration was supposed to be Naruto, and then he goes to reinvent the Fist of the North Star tropes
>subtitles go off the screen
technology hard, please understand
He would have won if not for Hakuri unlocking genius hax.
Yeah, he did good.
Should have been a better father, it's a good message.
>insane schizo
>genius he never noticed
>faithful soldier you killed just because
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spaghetti queen
>Liked and retweeted
Based straightGAWD
>ankles still covered
not lewd enough for me
Bros I don’t really get it. What’s a hakurischizo or hakurifag? People who don’t like hakuri or people who like hakuri? or does it mean the fujos?
NewGOD btw.

>lurk moar
I tried but no one explained and it seems to be pretty well established so no one questions it
Hakurischizo is an anon that doesn't like Hakuri and hasn't liked Hakuri in a while. Notable there were anons who liked Hakuri but only liked him when he was weak ryonabait so they started getting upset when it turned out he might actually be a competent fighter in the future and they overtly complained about the change. Hakurischizo could just be one individual samefagging but the label gets applied indiscriminately to people who don't like the character, we will never really know bc they took IP counter away. Most fujos in these threads like Hakuri with Souya and they're currently mostly clinging to the hope that Souya will survive the arc.
[X]fags are people who like [X].
The rest you can figure out from context.
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What if Tafuku is part of the Sneedshaku?
Extreme amounts of shitposting and samefagging due to seething about Hakuri.
Astrochads... i kneel to the new pillar of WSJ
they're barely ahead of nue on amazon
Amazon is unreliable as it's been claimed numerous times here.
>perfectly lines up with the rest of the series for the most part
>astro is doing better in rakuten
>therefore it's unreliable
Everything is unreliable before release days, bro.
>>Me & Nakano ahead of Witch Watch
Yep. Reliable. Get your Shitstro shizo fantasies out of the thread.
Souya is going to join the Hishaku, it's so obvious
Wait a minute
>22. Kagurabachi #3
>24. Akane Banashi #12
Aw, they're on a date!
But when KGB was behind something before on amazon you were singing different.
meds. I'm not even a salesfag to begin with.
>everyone in the thread is one person
stop being a shizo
Hi, me.
ty for translating
I know this will sound like a massive cope, but WW has always been the one exception on Amazon. Every other series tends to rank in the same order corresponding to its eventual sales, even if the actual number isn't accurate.
Np, bud.
>dark fantasy shonen
holy shit that's gay
I think Farmer-kun's plan has always been to let the Kamunabi buy it. Then he probably has people inside or a way to dispose of Shinuchiman.
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> TSUTAYA just replied to me today confirming that the postcards will be a bonus with Kagurabachi Volume 3.
Yeah, this is what I'm thinking too.
And if the theory that Farmer-kun is possessing that body is true, I'm guessing that his goal is to possess the sword saint. Get the strongest body and the strongest blade.
Still not the exclusive ones which would encourage people rushing to buy/buy doubles.
>Vol 1: regular (no bonus) + Tsutaya (exclusive postcard) + Animate (exclusive postcard)
>Vol 2: regular (no bonus) + selected bookstores (foil-stamp postcard) + >Tsutaya (exclusive postcard) + Animate (exclusive postcard)
>Vol 3: regular (no bonus) + selected bookstores (foil-stamp postcard)
Tbf we've kinda run out of CP, so I guess it's a good thing that Vol 4 is delayed until October.
To add on to this, I wonder if Farmer-kun's plan with ensuring the blade is sold to the Kamunabi is what Kenjaku did with the Sukuna finger back in the Junpei arc.
Sneaked a homing beacon in it, so Mahito could break into the storage vault with all the goodies. Farmer-kun could have placed some sort of sorcery on the box, that he can activate or take advantage of once its been recovered and taken back to the Kamunabi base.
>Shiba probably won't get a cover until he's like double relevant
That’s kill blue, having the same rank as Mamayuyu but selling 3x more
He will not get a cover unless he gets a whole arc dedicated to him. Which is never, lmao.
>flashback arc
>flashback arc covers have Kunishige, swords, Azami, Chihiro, literally any other important character from that arc even kunishige's wife but still no Shiba
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It seems that Kagurabachi will get a physical release in Indonesia soon. Many people still treat it as a joke, and not long ago, there was a stir over the quote, "Shueisha wants Kagurabachi to carry the future of WSJ," which was seen as it naively challenging One Piece (it keeps conflicting with big fandoms kek). The translation team has been doing a great job tho.
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I hereby propose an unironic ironic alliance with Astro so we can laugh when it outsells other series (maybe including ourselves)
You can use /wsj/ for non-kgb related salesposting.
just proposing an alliance with like akane. it will be funny.
your shitposts aren't funny
There's no shitpost here, we are now in an alliance with Astro. Strap in
Different leagues (a veteran from another publisher and a 23-year-old newbie), maybe it sounds cringe, but I can't feel the mutual spirit of supporting each other.
He will still bei my favourite.
Same (2nd after Chihiro)
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fuck. chihiro's so thin.
i want some fat balding sweaty yakuza oji-san to manhandle him and make him crave for cock instead of revenge while everyone watches
Terrible plan with an obvious flaw: Soya at the gate where Hakuri can distract him. Should have had Soya by his side so in case one of them breaches by seats Soya can tackle that and buy him time.
I wished there were heteros here.
Kyora is great no doubt
Hakuri walking in on that XD
not interested in draw a boy call it a girl or your manki-like characters
i'd rather have feminization and moral degradation of chihiro since its hotter that way
He took the photos those aren't selfies
Sex with gorilla buff Hinao
The best alliances are made with soul, not because of salesposting politics.
The KGB/Akane alliance reminds me of JJK/AA.
I liked Kyora and his fight. It was actually a pretty cool 2v1 where we get to see how people with support powers can help Chihiro in battle, was decently creative, and had some amazing spreads (Grabbing Enten with Mei, grenade acrobatics.)
>22. Kagurabachi #3
>24. Akane Banashi #12

Uh, bros, it doesnt look good. KGB supposed to leap forward for Vol3, but it seems to end up stalling at the 70k fm.
>flopstro bros desperate for an allience
Come back when you're a little more ummm richer
cute art but the other Hiyuki should have been replaced by Chihiro
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Salefags shut the fuck up if you dont have anything relevant to say, non kgb numberfaggotry goes into wsj threads

like this. i make sure to reddit space and post IESLB
Mah wife and her twin brother....
Holy based
Anyone else think Hakuri's development is moving too fast?
Can't shake the vibe
Anyone else think Tafuku's development is moving too slow?
Can't shake the vibe
Anyone else think Soya's thrusting is moving too fast?
Can't shake the vibe
Tafuku will join Hishaku
Cant yaaay the vibe
More Shiba doujin anyone?
>doujin about literally who
Haha very funny

If it stagnates at 70K, there's no problem, it just can't fall.
>The KGB/Akane alliance reminds me of JJK/AA.
This. Akahiroposting reminds me of them, and it got me to read Akane after holding off for a long time because I was disappointed with the AA cancellation, then Akane Banashi appeared and has been heavily promoted from the beginning as its replacement.
Farmer won.

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