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Previous thread (Chapter 6):
We begin volume 2!
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CHAPTER 7 - The Vow

[Nagasaka, rear door of Suemori Castle]


[Sukeemon Okumura, Castellan of Suemori]

[Ho-how come Lord Toshiie's reinforcements haven't arrived?]
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The Vow

>The reinforcements have come!
>They informed me that Sir Keiji Maeda...
>...has left the enemy headquarters and is on his way towards Suemori!
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>But that's impossible!
>Not even a bird in flight would be able to avoid our surveillance...

>You were saying?

>Here is a bird that just succeeded...

>You're still alive, Sukeemon?!

[Sukeemon Okumura is a great friend of Keiji]
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>But you...did you just climb up this wall?
>Of course!
>I saw that there was a group of crows up here...it's a fact that birds don't perch where there are many people, I had the intuition that there was a shortage of guards...

>But the others...
>...are taking a while...



>I am truly happy that you are safe, Lord Sukeemon!


>Pant! Pant!
>I can't take it anymore!

>Ooh! This would be Narimasa's army of fifteen-thousand?!
>Who knows how he was able to hire all these soldiers! Ah ah ah!
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>So we are certain that we won't be able to escape!


>Ho-holy heavens...I ended up in a terrible place!
>There are only guards here!

>But...if we find ourselves in this situation, it's very difficult to boost morale of the soldiers...

>Don't worry...

>We'll make it...


>This smell...

>They're for you!

>They're wild chrysanthemums...

>Ah, yeah...it's true that today is the day of the Chōyō no Sekku festival...
>Many memories...
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[This story dates back more than ten years ago...it was the month of September, and the day of Chōyō no Sekku was near...]


>Hey, Sukeemon!
>Why don't you train more seriously?!


>How can I train myself seriously?

>Hey...who is that?!
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>Ah, that little girl?
>Tell me who she is!

>Ih ih ih!
>She's Lady Matsu, in a little bit she will marry Lord Toshiie!
>She's only twelve years old!


>H-hey, what the hell have you done?!
>By now the whole castle will be upside down!

>Ah ah ah! Who cares! Her spouse is eleven years older than her!
>I brought her with me because she seemed bored...


[But...she looks like one of the angels the Christians speak of...]
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[Even if Matsu was only twelve, her pale complexion and bright hair highlighted her stunning beauty...]
[This was exactly what worried people...they thought that something would definitely happen to this little girl...]


>What's she doing?!

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>What horrible faces...
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>It's your reward...

>Please protect me always, as you have done today...


>Eh eh eh!
>Ok, agreed!

>How come you came here to Suemori?
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>But it's obvious...
>To give you a hand!

>Eh...don't talk nonsense! You've come for these flowers, right?


>What about you? For what reason...
>...are you risking your life to protect this castle?
>Eh eh...

>Holy heaven!

>They've targeted the Nagasaka entrance! An enemy army is climbing the wall!
>At this point we don't have more soldiers to send to the Nagasaka entrance!

>Urgh...even Narimasa has targeted this place!

>I understand!
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>What is it?!


>As I feared...

>Oh, but it's incredible!
>He's lost so much blood!
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>Oh...how was he able to stand?
>If he were a normal person, he would have already passed out!

>It-it's not possible!
>He's a monster!


>Don't worry about me!

>Hey! Keep him safe!
>...yes Sir!

>Forgive me...but you're a man that Lady Matsu trusts blindly...I don't want to see her cry!
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>Curse you!
>And you!
>And you!
>And you!

>Pant! Pant! I'm not able to stop them all by myself!


>Take that!


>Ah ah ah! Old man!
>Drop dead!
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>Sir Jakusui, excuse my tardiness!
>Oh, Sir Keiji!

>Hey, you!
>Didn't you bring your rifles?

>You've lost this war because you didn't bring your rifles with you!

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>Ooh! Damn! What a remarkable size!
[Usually, during a war, soldiers' "attributes" shrink due to fear, but Keiji's was actually reinvigorated! This is proof of his enormous courage!]

>Here! Enjoy this watering!

>Urgh! Don't lost courage!



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>Aah! But...what?!

>Don't you have to go too, Yosui?


>V...very well! They will also get mine!


>Oooh! Let's kill them!


>No...I can't...


>Hey...but you...
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>S-stop Lord! Be calm!
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>You say that Lady Matsu...
>...she will still give us a chrysanthemum as a reward?



>So you want to be a kabukimono, too?!
Translator's Note #1 - The word kabukimono identifies an eccentric person who loves to stand out from others in the world by behavior and appearance.

>Ah ah ah!
>Very good! Let's water them together!
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>Ooh! Help yourselves to Sukeemon Okumura, Castellan of Suemori Castle!

[At Sassa Narimasa's headquarters]

>What?! A piss?!
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>Yes...not only has Keiji Maeda done it, but Sukeemon Okumura too...
>And as if that wasn't enough, all the soldiers in agony got up, encouraged by those two...

>...and they started to attack us with all their strength again!
>I believe that it's useless to continue to attack the Nagasaka entrance!

>That Keiji was able to revive all the dead with a piss...

>He's really clever!

>It's evening now! Withdraw all the soldiers and make them rest!
>Tomorrow morning at dawn we will all resolve this problem together!
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End of chapter 7. I'll be back in six and a half hours with chapter 8.
Thank you for posting.
are we still italian?
i dont get it
so this is a translation of a translation?
at this point its like playing a game of telephone
A real pretty boy.
500IQ Keiji
I don't know anything about this but it's cool and funny to see italian translations on /a/, makes me want to catch up and eventually suggest better translations during threads. Thanks OP
Always give your bro some flowers.
Even more incredible
A golden chapter, OP
>Given flowers
>Remembers when he was wrestling Keiji shirtless
That's a lot of blood!
Even more based.
Thx mate.
have a bump
Not yet.
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CHAPTER 8 - Death and Life


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>Ah...so many soldiers have died...

>H-hey! What are you doing to the dead?!
>Do you realize the situation in which we find ourselves now?!

>We cannot leave the bodies of the warriors here, they will become food for wolves and wild dogs...a worthy burial is the least we can offer them!
>But now we can only pray so that their souls may rest in peace...


>But what's he saying?! Tomorrow it will be us that become corpses like them!

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>I thank you all for what you have done...
>Try not to move, otherwise your wounds will never heal!

>What are you saying!
>Now that I feel the blood boiling in my veins, I do not feel any pain!

>Tomorrow morning this skirmish will end!

>And then tomorrow Lord Toshiie's reinforcements will surely arrive!
>We will also leave at dawn, so we will attack the enemies from both sides!
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>Our life has a limit, but our honor will live forever!
>For us warriors, fighting this war to the end is like acting in a great theatre!

>Yes...yes Lord!


>...where did he go?

>What are you looking for, Sir Jakusui?

>Ah...well, I'm looking for my son Yosui...I told him to gather all the rope that can be found in this castle for tomorrow morning's attack...
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>So he ran away?!
>That cretin! Yet he came this far!

>Pant! Pant! Pant!

>I will survive! I will definitely survive!
>Pant! Pant!


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>Ah!, it's you...
>You scared me...


>Hey, you...
>...what are you doing here?


>...I was on patrol to make sure no soldiers ran away...
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>Ehm, w-wait!
>S-so, I have a woman!

>Y-yes! And she's pregnant...

>Your child?

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>Have you already said goodbye...
>...to your father?

>Why do I have to say goodbye...
>...to an idiot who only knows how to fight?!

>He doesn't really want to understand...

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>What a shame! What a shame!
>S-stop it! Stop it, I beg you!
>I...I don't want to be hit anymore!

>Apologize! Apologize to everyone!

>Have you never apologized to someone?!
>You are not worthy at all of being a samurai!
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>I didn't know that you were already engaged...
>W-what's so funny?!

>Nothing...only that...you made me remember when I was young...
>I also had a woman who I was in love with...and one time I ran away...

>You?! You ran?! I can't believe it!
>It's not a lie, and this scar is the proof!

>I had just left our headquarters to escape...
>Unfortunately I was surrounded by enemies who wanted to attack us from behind by surprise...
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>I barely managed to beat the army captain...everyone believed that I performed glorious deeds, but I wasn't absolutely sure of what I was doing...
>And I also had a bad wound as evidence of my cowardice...

>I didn't just give up on proposing to the woman I loved...
>...but I also decided to leave my post as a samurai!

>Nevertheless, the woman didn't feel disappointed in me!
>In fact, she liked this wound of mine! She liked this fool that only knew how to fight!

>This woman is my wife, and your mother!

>I no longer thought to stop fighting...I dedicated myself passionately to warfare...
>For me it was the only way to ask forgiveness from my wife...

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>Eh eh eh...

>Wh-where are you going?

>Parents must be responsible for what their children do...I'm going to apologize to Sir Keiji...

>F-forget it!
>I'll go!



>Give a good name to your child...

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>But...what should I tell him?
>If I said the wrong word, Sir Keiji would kill me...


>Up, leave!
>I'm sorry! I'm truly sorry!

>Oh...why? Why is Sir Keiji letting the soldiers go?
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>Have you already said your farewells to Sir Jakusui?


>But then...
>...Sir Keji, you...

>Eh...samurai are not always so ceremonious...
>All samurai have the right to live and die like the others...
>But I am a born warrior...if I were to retreat, I wouldn't be myself anymore...

>I don't really feel like retreating...

>Come on, take it!
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>Just go!

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>Ah ah ah! Very good!

>Ah ah ah!
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>What happened to you?


>Wh-what are you doing?!
>Don't you think that tomorrow we will die?! You are truly foolish!
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>Sigh! If...if you're so stupid...
>...I can't leave you here alone!


>You drink too!
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End of chapter 8. Chapters 9 and 10 tomorrow, at the usual times.
Thanks for the work.
Thanks. I really appreciate all the effort you put in.
Keep going.
You make do with what you've got.
How could he slap?
I enjoy the Italian. I can kinda get it.
Keiji bump.
I can't help but imagine them speaking like those ancient 80s dubs
The punches and slaps in this manga are brutal.
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Hara's good at what he does
It is probably better than MTL.
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CHAPTER 9 - The Great Fuhenmono

[On September 11th of the twelfth year of the Tenshō period, with the rising of the sun, the attack of Sassa Narimasa's army began...]
Translator's Note #2 - The twelfth year of the Tenshō period corresponds to the year 1584.

>Throw all of Suemori's dying soldiers out of bed!

Translator's Note #3 - Fuhenmono is a play on words: anyone who was a strong and courageous warrior was called buhenmono, while fuhen means uncomfortable. With the word fuhenmono, therefore, Keiji intends to make fun of his enemies.
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>Ah ah ah ah!
>See?! They don't even show up because they're scared!



The Great Fuhenmono
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>What...what a hellish horse!

>Ooh...the front gate is opening!

>But...that's the red armor squad!
>And there's also the black armor squad!
>Hey! There's somebody else!
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[The Great Fuhenmono - The soldiers of Sassa Narimasa's army read by mistake "the great buhenmono" embroidered on his cape!]
[Keiji proves to be the strongest and bravest warrior of the Sengoku era. This joke seems like a letter of challenge to the fifteen-thousand soldiers!]
Translator's Note #4 - The Sengoku period (Sengoku Jidai, which literally means period of the country at war) is an era in Japanese history that spans from 1467 to 1568.

>What?! Great buhenmono?!
>That fool is too bold!

>Eh eh...this is not read as great buhenmono...
>...but great fuhenmono!
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>I'm bored! There is no one who can compete with me! I don't feel comfortable at all!


>Ah ah ah!


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>Aaah...so those...
>...would be Keiji Maeda and Matsukaze?!

>Eh eh...I feel like I'm dreaming...
>I never imagined that you and I, father and son, could commence this battle together!

>Right, Yosui?

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>Wow! So many people! Now that's a yaribusuma!
Translator's Note #5 - The word yaribusuma indicates precisely the situation in which one finds oneself faced with an army of soldiers equipped with spears with no possibility of escape.
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>No...no...I won't do it...
>No! I can't fight! I'm going back home!

>Eh eh...it's not a given that you can survive by running away...sometimes those who step forward gain...
>Indeed, a true warrior always manages to find a way to survive by fighting!

>I can't take it anymore!



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>Ooh! The enemy formation...
>...it's been split in two!

>That Keiji...
>...when did he prepare this strategy?

>There have been many kabukimono until now...
>...but there has never been one so magnificent!

>Forward! We follow Keiji!
>Our goal is only the head of Narimasa and nothing else!

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>We will surely win this battle! Try not to die, otherwise you can't celebrate...
>Now my soldiers have fear of death, and they're not able to compete with those monsters!

>That man is a true warrior! He knows the rhythm of battle perfectly!

>I seem to see Lord Nobunaga and his black mantle group...
>It reminds me of the times of my youth!

>Toshiie! Narimasa! Don't lag behind!
>Don't worry! Leave it to us, Lord Nobunaga!
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>Eh eh eh...
>Three enemy soldiers that seem like demons are approaching!

>Come, Keiji! Come all the way here if you can!


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>D-damn it...he's terrible! But he's incredibly handsome...
>He's truly a monster...a monster that troubles the soul of warriors!

>Bring me a horse!

>Lord! I want to tell you something!

>But...you're Hone?!
>What do you want?!

>So...the Lord Nobukatsu, orphaned son of Lord Nobunaga and leader of this war, reconciled with Hideyoshi...now Lord Tokugawa has also withdrawn all his armies!

>At this point, it's useless to continue this war! You should withdraw as soon as possible, and I advise you to reconcile with Hideyoshi too!
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>Why...why are you telling this to me right now?

>I don't want you to kill Sir Keiji...

>My heart beats out of joy when I see him...
>I want to kill him with my own hands...I can't wait, so I want you to stay back!
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>Then I absolutely can't retreat!
[At that moment Narimasa realized that his life as a warrior was over. In fact, Narimasa died by cutting open his stomach four years after this battle. It was Hideyoshi's order for the accusation of a political crime.]


>I, Narimasa, will challenge that man to a duel!
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>Now Keiji Maeda is here!
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End of chapter 9. I'll be back in six and a half hours with chapter 10.
>>We will surely win this battle! Try not to die, otherwise you can't celebrate...
>>Now my soldiers have fear of death, and they're not able to compete with those monsters!

I try to translate ahead of time, and I've translated up to chapter 65 from Italian to English so far. Almost all of it is easy enough to make sense of. EXCEPT for these two sentences here in chapter 9. I don't know how Narimasa can go from "we will surely win" to "my soldiers can't compete" in the span of a sentence. If anyone has access to the original Japanese and know what's originally being said here, I appreciate if you let me know. Because these two sentences left me scratching my head for the last month.
The horse is ridiculously big now.
A master tactician.
Thank you for posting and translating.
nasty old fuck
Thanks for the effort, I hope you have a hand figuring out the issue with the lines.
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This description of the kabukimono reminds me of how basaras are treated in Soukou Akki Muramasa. Japan seems to really like libertine nobility warriors who enjoy their eccentric pleasures thanks to their influence and combat prowess
That does seem to be an archetype.
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Unfortunately this release is bad enough I can't really read some of the kanji for the second line. Someone that is literate in Japanese could probably figure it out.
Tentative transcription of the second line.
You wrote 春 instead of 者. It's 勝ち戦者, "A person who seeks victory in battle".
"For people who only seek victory, because they want to taste victory, they will protect their lives" or "People who only care about savoring a victory won't risk their lives for it."

Such lowly soldiers are definitely incapable of fighting with demons like that.
Thank you for the corrections and translation.
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I might be wrong anyway. The HnG translation has it as "those who fight at an advantage" which makes more sense grammatically for 勝ち戦にある者, "A person who exists in the situation of winning a battle" i.e. a person who's winning.
Very cool.
Thanks, that's much more comprehensible.
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CHAPTER 10 - The Warriors' Oath

>I'll cut off your head, Narimasa!
>Bring it on, Keiji!
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>It's a miracle that we were able to come up to here, alive!

>Where is Sir Keiji?!
>Ah...he's over there!


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>What happened?!


[This Kanji refers to one of Toshiie Maeda's nicknames.]
>But...that symbol on the banner...

>Oh, father, that can't be...
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>Toshiie Maeda's army has arrived!

>Even Toshiie himself has come!

>Ah ah ah! Fire! Fire!
>Ah ah ah! Just as I had imagined it! The soldiers aren't able to react to surprise attacks!

>Let's go to Narimasa's headquarters and annihilate him!
>So even Lord Hideyoshi will be pleased!
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>The enemy army is too numerous! We can't do it!

>L-Lord, look there!
>Lord Toshiie's reinforcements have arrived! The enemy soldiers are fleeing!

>Finally Lord Toshiie has come...

>I was sure that he would have reached us!

>I-I'm safe!

>Hey, you! Don't retreat!

>L-Lord! Several rearguard armies are also approaching!
>Now it's just a matter of time...soon they will reach these headquarters! Ah!
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>Get your rifles! Kill Narimasa!

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>What a shame!

>Sir Keiji! It's the opportune moment!
>We can kill Narimasa!

>Aah! How heavy!

>Then you kill him!

>But why?


>Retreat! This war ends here!
>But Lord...
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[In that era soldiers were not very devoted to the sovereign lord. When an army succumbed to enemy attack, many soldiers often deserted. But Narimasa's army also suffered defeat for having hired many mercenaries.]


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>Lord Nobunaga...I deeply wanted to know what you were thinking when you were killed in a tide of fire like this...
[Narimasa decided to kill himself like his old feudal lord Nobunaga, who two years earlier took his own life in the flames of the Honnō-ji temple for not wanting to give in to Akechi Mitsuhide.]

>Lord...now I'll join you...
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>Are you really convinced that you want to die this way?


>L-Lord Nobunaga!

>Hideyoshi is very close to the conquest of power, while you are very far!
>You are only jealous of him!
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>Aah! But you are...

>I guessed right, isn't it true, Narimasa?!

>So you came to kill me, eh?!
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>I have no need of your head! On the contrary, I want to take this for myself!

>Oooh...cu-cut that out!

>Stupid coward!
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>According to him, my head is worth less than my attributes?!
>Damn him!

>Take this!


>Damn it!

>Ah, how disgusting! Enough now!
>I don't want two attributes like that!

>Eh eh...

>Why don't you kill me?
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>Do you think I'm interested in performing heroic deeds in battle?
>I would be ashamed forever, if I did!


>If I were you, I wouldn't kill myself...

>Not even if I had to stoop to apologizing to Hideyoshi!
>I would wait for the right day to take his head...real warriors have to be like this, no?


>But...then you came all the way here to tell me this?!
>No...it's not for this.
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>But...you're Sukeemon Okumura!

>Keiji isn't interested in winning battles!
>So when he captures the leader of the defeated army, he doesn't kill him, but pisses on him and sets him free!

>But this time...
>...it was you that pissed on Keiji's head...


>Leave me in peace!
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The idea male body.
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>Ah ah ah ah! You're truly extraordinary!

>How come...
>...you gave me Lord Nobunaga's armor?
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>Out here, Lord Toshiie's soldiers are making a big crowd...
>It should be a dishonor for you to die nude...

>Eh eh...I prefer to become one without a name and cut out my eyes and nose...
>...than be killed by Toshiie!


>You forgot one thing, Narimasa!

>I don't want a cape wet with your piss! You take it!

[The Great Fuhenmono]
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>You could have become the lord of a castle and an entire village if only you had taken my head with you!
>Keiji...imposing one's own will to the end is not easy, eh?

>But I like doing it this way!

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>I, Sassa Narimasa, am going to throw myself in the fray!

[The following year Narimasa surrendered to Hideyoshi. Consequentially, his territory was confiscated and his Toyama Castle was destroyed.]
[In the fifteenth year of the Tenshō period, soon after the annexation of a new Higo territory, Narimasa was driven to harakiri by an accusation of misrule. If Narimasa managed to resist Hideyoshi's treatment for four whole years, it was only thanks to his pride as a warrior, which pushed him to keep the promise made to Keiji.]
Translator's Note #6 - The fifteenth year of the Tenshō period corresponds to 1587.
Translator's Note #7 - Higo is today's Kumamoto city on the island of Kyushu.
I might have the time to post only one chapter tomorrow. If that's the case then I'll try to post three chapters on Sunday. I want to keep a pace of at least two chapters per day.
>nice dick bro
Good to know. You're doing great, OP. Ganbare!
Fun stuff, thanks for the effort broseph.
True power is when you literally have them by the balls.
Be careful not to piss them off, though.
>il magnifico
logical response
Those dudes are getting kicked in half.
This is typical in feudal Japan.
I believe you.
Living out of spite is a good motivation.
Look at the balls on this guy.
I like how the artist draws flames. It's almost like they're alive.
Ominous raven.
I know the horse is super large, but this is ridiculous.
Manly as fuck
Thx mate.
That's part of the appeal.
Don't worry too much about it. Do what you can.
Based. Thanks for the dump
I believe in OP.
That's a lot of credits.
That makes sense.
Perspective is like silly putty to this artist. I love it.
OP soon.
Or maybe not.
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CHAPTER 11 - A Painful Sake Duel
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>Eh eh eh eh eh!
>We've dispersed all of Sassa's army!

>The strategy to attack him by surprise was a resounding success!

>According to the war surveyors, the death toll of Okumura's army is 420 out of 500!
>The army of Narimasa, instead, has lost twelve generals and over 750 soldiers. This testifies that the work of Okumura's army was truly grandiose!
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>Uhm...they did very well! I will have to reward them in an adequate way!
>I heard that Sukeemon broke into the enemy camp even after being seriously wounded by tying himself to a pole to hold himself up! It was truly heroic behavior!

>And then Jakusui and Yosui Murai stepped into the enemy camp first, bravely crossing Narimasa's army!


>...the one who truly deserves praise...

>...is Sir Keiji Maeda!
>He was able to scare all fifteen-thousand soldiers to death and drove them back!

>If Sir Keiji hadn't nailed Narimasa, not even your surprise attack would have succeeded!

>You're saying...
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>...that we won this battle...
>...only because of Keiji?!

>No, I did not mean this!

>I only wanted to inform you...


>K-kill me...
>I...I beg you!

>Take this!
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>Let's go!

>Lord...Kanazawa is this way!

>What are you saying? We're going to Suemori Castle!

>Eh...eh eh...
>Eh eh eh eh eh...

>I would lose face if I didn't punish those who violated the army's pacts!
>I'll have to order him to commit harakiri!
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>Oh! Very good, Sir Yosui!

>Sorry if this one here drinks like a sponge!

>Oh, how good!
>I feel alive!

>I didn't know that you could tolerate alcohol so well! You're not my son for nothing!

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>Though we can say that we were able to win this battle thanks to Lady Matsu and Sir Keiji!
>Lady Matsu?

>Yes! In reality, Lord Toshiie did not want to fight.
>So Lady Matsu, who had already lost patience for her Lord's attitude...

>...she made all the women in the family wear white, then she ordered them to follow her carrying halberds and she said...

>...if our Lord doesn't want to move himself...
>...us women will take to the battlefield! Therefore you will have to look after the house!


>Lord Toshiie, stupefied by the extraordinary courage of Lady Matsu, decided to take to the battlefield in her place!
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>We were able to win thanks to Lady Matsu!
>Ah ah ah ah!

>This story doesn't make me laugh!


>Well, I'm going to wash myself in the river!
>But how come, father?

>I have to prepare myself to commit harakiri!
>I have to save our Lord's face!

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>Sir Keiji!

>Damn it! Where did he go?!


>But...w-what's he wearing?!
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>S-Sir Keiji! What do you have in mind?!
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>I will challenge my uncle to a duel!

>I don't want to die for a violation of the army's pacts.
>I choose the place in which I will die!

>But...it's not possible! Th-this time he wants to fight alone against the Maeda family?!
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>S-Sir Keiji!
>Fo-forget about this challenge, I beg you!

>I cannot!

>T-then I challenge you!
>If I win, you change your mind!


>Very well!

>I didn't intend for that kind of encounter!

>Ehm...let's have a sake drinking competition...
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>Ohi ohi...

>Eh eh eh! Come on, your turn!

>I don't feel like it!

>Oooh! I've won!
>I've won by a hair!

>I don't like that bowl!
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>I will drink directly from here!
>You drink with the bowl!

>Phew! Delicious!

>Th-this man is a monster! Nobody would be able to drink so much...

>Here you go! Drink!


>Damn it!
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>O-only a little bit more...


>Ah...it's too much...
>Bleah! How disgusting! You vomited?!

>Ugh! Ugh!

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>I finally managed to become a flower during the war!
>But I would have never been able to, if it weren't for Sir Keiji...

>Sir Jakusui...
>...you wouldn't be able to save Keiji, not even by doing harakiri!
>Eh?! But...

>It's Lord Toshiie's jealousy that makes him want to kill Keiji!


>Lady Matsu loves Keiji...
>And it's really this fact that Lord Toshiie can't stand!
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>Why? For what reason are you making such an effort?

>My father admires you very much...
>He doesn't want you to die!

>Therefore he decided to commit harakiri to save Lord Toshiie's face!

>He'll do it anyway, he's not one to change his mind easily!

>I like you a lot too! Th-therefore, I beg you...let him do as he wants!

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>Do you want to die?!

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>I understand!

>We certainly can't let a father and son die, right Matsukaze?

>...we just have to shut uncle's mouth!
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End of chapter 11. I'll post chapters 12 and 13 tomorrow, then try to squeeze chapter 14 somewhere in there too.
Thank you for posting.
It is a magical horse.
The more scared of it you are, the bigger it gets.
Nice dunce cap helmet
Our heroes.
Bloodthirsty woman.
Once you're getting a drunk on, quitting because of a little vomit is a waste of time.
Time to beat up an old man!
You're right. Might as well power through at that point.
Ganbare, OP. It's ok if you save that extra chapter for another day.
She knew what she was doing.
That man seems frightened by what he sees.
I just can't take that hat seriously.
They look like olympians.
Thx mate.
>200 posts
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CHAPTER 12 - Clash at Suemori

[At the main palace of Suemori Castle]
[The war has concluded, but instead of returning to Kanazawa, Toshiie Maeda and his army headed straight towards Suemori Castle...]

[Toshiie is happy because now he can publicly execute Keiji on charges of violating army pacts. Naturally, Jakusui and Yosui should also be executed for the same reason, but this was of lesser importance.]
[Toshiie is a valid feudal lord, but he knows well that he absolutely cannot compete with Keiji.]
>Eh eh eh eh!

[Now that he knows the intentions of his wife, his hatred of Keiji has grown further!]
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Clash at Suemori

>Lord Toshiie, the bath is ready!
>The bath? What kind hospitality...
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>You must dispose of your war weariness...

>Follow me, please...

>Hey! What's your name, page boy?
>My name is Mizumaru!

>Come take a bath with me, Mizumaru!


[Some feudal lords of the Sengoku era adored beautiful boys and kept them as pageboys. They not only took care of their feudal lords, but sometimes had to grant them special favors...]
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>Phew! What a pleasure to take a hot bath!

>Eh eh eh...hey!
>Hey, you!
>What are you doing, Mizumaru?! Come here!

>I'm coming!
>Oh, he's coming!

>Mmh...don't you worry...
>Come closer...


>Despite his appearance, he has an extraordinary contraption!

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>But...when did you arrive?!
>Do you no longer remember that I was born into a family of Koga ninja?


>Oh, what a lovely hot bath!

>But you...what did you come to do?
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>Well, I wanted to speak of Jakusui and Yosui Murai...
>I came to ask you to forgive their violations of the army's pacts!


>Don't say nonsense! Rather, think of your life!

>There are numerous soldiers here, waiting outside the curtain...
>A nod from me is enough to kill you in the blink of an eye!



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>I smell something burning...
>Could there be snipers in hiding?!

>Do you want me to call them?

>H-how cowardly you are...

>And why wouldn't I be in war?


>What do we do?
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>What's your response?!

>V...very well!

>I will pardon them!

>You're not my uncle for nothing! You're very understanding!
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>Mizumaru, you're a witness, agreed?
>Y-yes Sir!

>C-cretin! Take away the arquebus, quickly!

>Ah, yeah...


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>Keiji! Don't think that you got away with this!
>I've not pardoned you yet!

>Don't worry about me!


>Damned Keji! How dare he escape from me?!
>Send pursuers! Don't let him go!
>Yes Lord!

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>What is it? How come the women and children are going away?!
>Eh? I'll go check right immediately!

>Our Lord is here!


>Hey, you? What are you doing?!

>Ah! L-Lord! Lo-look at that!

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>Da-damn it!

>That's Keiji!

>I thought you had run away, instead...
>But how is he dressed?!

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>Suck on this!

[One time Hideyoshi provoked Ieyasu, who didn't want to fight against him during the battle of Komaki and Nagakute, by showing him his ass. Keiji has done just the same thing!]
Translator's Note #8 - This battle was held in 1584. Komaki and Nagakute are two cities close to Nagoya.

>Lord! That cheeky one not only ignores the accusation of taking away Lord Nobunaga's armor, but also tries to provoke us!
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>How reckless! He has no fear of anything!
>Sir Jakusui opposed your orders because he was instigated by that idiot!

>Instead of apologizing to me, he provokes me!
>Damned kabukimono!

>Kill that kabukimono!
>Whoever is able to kill him will have whatever he wants as a reward!


>Wait a moment!
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>Lord, we wanted to ask you a favor...

>What is it, Sukeemon? Don't you see that we're busy?!

>Among our 500 soldiers at Suemori, 430 have lost their lives during this last battle!
>We wanted to ask for a reward for their spirits!

>What?! A reward to the spirits of the dead?!
>In what way do they want to be rewarded?!

>They ask you to spare the life of the hero who saved Suemori Castle!

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>The spirits of the dead can only be calmed if the survivors are safe and sound!
>If the hero who saved this castle was sentenced to death, the spirits would never rest in peace!

>This one here is asking me not to kill Keiji!

>No! This I cannot accept!
>I will reward them with anything else, but not with this!


>Then we will comfort the spirits of the 430 dead with our lives!
>This is the only alternative!

>Are you saying that you will kill yourselves?!
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>L-Lord....if Sukeemon should kill himself here...
>...you would be hated by everyone forever!


>...who are those that left from the castle just now?

>They are our wives and children!

>Uh...as I feared!
>The wives and children of Suemori's soldiers will be no less than 1500...and then there are all the other relatives...thousands of people will become hitmen that will look to kill me?!


>Very well...
>I accept your request!
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>What's he waiting for?

>He's just as Lady Matsu described!
>Yeah! Uh uh...

>What is it?

>We came here from Kanazawa on behalf of Lady Matsu...
>Here you go!

>From Lady Matsu?

>This is...
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>This is...

>Thank you Lady Matsu...I received a splendid reward!
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Classic banter
Thx mate.
Thanks, OP. Hope you are enjoying your Sunday.
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CHAPTER 13 - Hotaru, the Kunoichi
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[After the battle of Suemori, peace has finally returned, even in the city of Kanazawa. Toshiie's long-awaited tranquility had arrived...]
[Along with the knowledge that if Toshiie had attempted a new move against Keiji, he would have attracted the hatred of many...]

>Lady Matsu!

>Stop, please! You can't go around like this, Lady Matsu!

>I finally found it!
[Matsu often left the castle suddenly and went around the city. Her open and simple character never changed, even if the Maeda family was becoming a more important lordship.]
>I've been looking for a Wajima lacquered comb like this for a long time!
Translator's Note #9 - A characteristic lacquerware from Wajima, Ishikawa province. Lacquering is a particular and precious wood processing that makes it smooth and waterproof like a sort of plasticization. In addition to commonly used objects such as bowls, plates and chopsticks for food, lacquer is also applied to combs, mirrors and frequently used objects in women's toiletries.
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>Give me this!


>Careful! She will discover you, Lord!
>Listen! Us ninja never act this way in the open! We will be seen!

>Silence! I have no interest in your rules!

>Excuse me...
>I won't be at peace until Matsu gets home!

>Damn her! I don't understand what she's trying to do! If she's going to Keiji, I...I...

>What can we do?!
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>It's no laughing matter, idiot!
>Are you pulling my leg?!

>You misunderstand me, Lord!
>Unfortunately my face is like this!


>Sigh...it's all his fault...that Keiji's fault!

>Nnrgh! Is there no way to get rid of Keiji?!
>Think about it carefully, Shume!

>Ih ih ih...
>Ih ih!
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>What would you say if Keiji was killed by a woman after a night of love?

>Uhmm...so not even a vassal will suspect me!

[In the mansion of a samurai on the outskirts of Kanazawa city...]
[Only in battle Keiji sleeps soundly...the other nights he dedicates to his own pleasures...so that night...]
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>As I thought! She has skin as white as snow!

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>It's me...

>The other day you offered me a cup of tea...

>S-Sir Keiji!

>I fell in love with you at first sight!
>I want you!
[Of course a woman can refuse to comply to the wishes of her nocturnal visitor if he is not to her taste...]
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[...but Keiji's smile is always so sweet and innocent that most women willingly accept a visit from him.]


>I'm so happy!

>What a dream...


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>Aah! S...so...

>...someone broke into the house!

>Damn it!

>Hey, you! Stop where you are!
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>Sigh! You shouldn't have come with me, Matsukaze!

>Next time I'll come alone!
>Go to hell! Don't let me see you ever again!

[In that era, courting women with a nocturnal visit was normal and they did not feel obligated to accept the courtship of anyone.]


>The devil on the battlefield is actually a simple brute...
>He's an idiot who doesn't know how to do anything but fight...
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>What do you say? Do you think you'll be able to kill him?
>Eh...don't worry!

>Even if he's a demon or a ferocious animal...

>I am Hotaru, the kunoichi!
>And I hate all men!
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>Oh, but! How sexy you are...all men go into ecstasy over your hand technique, don't they?
>I would also like to taste it, once...

>Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!

>Only those who must die can taste my secret technique!

>What will I do if I become impotent?!
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>Look there, Keiji! I want to go see!

>I hear it's a fashion thing!

>Ah, yes?
>That's the dance of the yayako!
Translator's Note #10 - Yayako means little girls. Originally this was born as a dance for girls, but would later become the dance of female kabuki theatre actresses.



>What is it? What happened?
>Damn! A gang has arrived and they're stealing from the tent!

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>Eh eh eh eh...

>For us actresses, the stage is like the altar in front of a Shinto temple...
>Because of your bad conduct, your minds will be tormented forever!

>Eh eh eh...
>We're happy to be tormented by you...

>Hey, pour me some sake!
>Don't you understand?!
>Ih ih ih...

>Ah, what a horrendous rear!
>Not even a louse will come near you!
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>What do you want?!


>I have to smother a scandal...



>It burns!


>Ah, how disgusting! You left me something!
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>Cu-curse you!




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>Ok, everything's fine!

>Come on...
>Continue to dance!


[At that time in Kyoto, a dance performed by sumptuously dressed young women had acquired great popularity. Later, this type of performance became the kabuki dance by Okuni, the shrine maiden of Izumo.]
Translator's Note #11 - Izumo is a city in the Shimane prefecture.
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>How thrilling!

>Tsk! What an indecent expression! In the end, men are all the same! You've already fallen into my trap!

>Ah ah!

>Oh, how elegant!
>It's Spanish or Portuguese, isn't it?
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>It's called a sombrero!

>Hold it for me until tonight!

>Ah ah!
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I'll come back in about 8 hours to post chapter 14.
Thank you, OP.
I love how the horse always has its hair standing.
Just the kunoichi? That's a lame epithet.
>hand technique
I had a reaction pic that says something along the lines of "she knows the way of the bed!" but I can't find it.
Thx mate.
I'd like to see it if you find it later.
Keiji bump.
See you next chapter.

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