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It's been 12 weeks since you fell in love with Nina. Will you be able to let go?
Huh. Better but Rupa should be the OP.

I like Nina but she’s dating Momoka.
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Nobody cares about Rupa
Floppy ahoge
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The fuck you making 2 threads for
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12 weeks ago I fell in love with Momoka. 2 weeks ago I fell in love with Nina.
Other one has leaks as the OP. You can blame the schizo for that.
Momoka is so gay. It’s crazy how she attracts all these women. Power of Ikemen I guess. Only western dudes would be attracted to her and that’s usually cause they are kinda gay.
who was best girl in this anime?
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Subaru. No questions asked she’s the only straight one.
I’m not ready. This the most attached I’ve gotten to a cast in a really long time.
Nina, but she has tough competition from Subaru
Good thing we're almost guaranteed to get an S2.
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>guaranteed to get an S2.
Tomo cares.
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I care about Rupa
Bocchi is guaranteed an S2 too.
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All of them.
Who wins a band battle?
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We care about Rupa.
What are we drinking for Rupa's birthday? I did get Asahi when did groceries this week.
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What did she mean by this?
Keions because they'd be the cutest
Nina is the most entertaining character.
Tomo is the cutest.
Soobs would probably make the best wife.
Momoka is just a dyke.
Rupa is boring and too large and brown to be cute.
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consider rin
she's designed for the male gaze
Bocchi is the most canonically skilled musician out of the three bands, and Mio has the best voice out of the three bands, so either Bocchi's band or Mio's band.
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I'll take some shots of Five stars in her name
Tomo is a genius though and one of the best keyboardist in an anime.
was this series better than 'the rock' and k-on?
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but Mugi
Ah damn I should pick up some Asahi tonight in celebration for tomorrow.
I might be misremembering something but didn't the K-on girls travel to England and had a huge concert there?
That mogs everything Kessoku and Togetoge have done, right?
HTT is out because they never went pro.
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only because sawa-chan wouldn't let them
I never watched K-On because it doesn't look like it's about music at all.
It's about drinking tea.
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K-ON is a tutorial on how to strap on yuri goggles
Tomo > Mugi
Could’ve just dropped out and did it anyway like Momoka.
the 3 month long obsession didn't do me any good but I want my Toges...
I'm just glad I was here since episode 1.
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>the 3 month long obsession didn't do me any good
It brought me a lot of happiness, personally.
why is she dressed like a street worker in Kabukicho?
her high school crush wanted a girl that was "wild"
she went too far
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Assuming she had the money, would Momoka be into vinyl collecting?
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A season 2 is basically guaranteed.
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My love only belongs to Subaru.
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>I like Nina but she’s dating Momoka
Leaks already confirmed that's just your headcanon though. Sorry m8
Stay in your own thread, shithead
>attention whorish Boccuck already avatarfagging
Back to your dead general with you newcancer
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Momoka is gay.
Stop feeding it attention.
>seething about leaks
LMAO. This is your final cope
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No just none of us care…
You know Ryou is gay right?
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>zoomer still at it
Get fucked by gm0ds then
Drama thread is here: >>268201628
Look at her room anon, she has vinyls already.
Ryou is gay though…
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12 episodes in, this drummer is still single. How do we fix this?
Ryou is too stupid to be capable of any sexuality
She’s actually the smartest of the group.
How much of a retarded newfag can you be? Neck yourself Boccuck
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she eats grass
Subaru > all other girls
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we've already been given the solution
it's an allegory for carpet munching
no it's an allegory for smoking pot
Gbc girls and their boyfriends
I still find it hilarious that Momoka is paired with the female producer. Lmao they just can’t make her not gay.
Nips don’t know shit about pot. Westoid
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She was made for irl women who wants to fuck her or be fucked by her. It be like that dude.
I swear it's a running gag at this point. It's as if they have an internal contest to see how much blatant gay imagery they can sneak past the producers without getting banned in China.
is Tomo a Lesbian?
No, but it's not like Rupa cares about her consent either way.
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it wouldn't have been as rent free on my mind as it was if I didn't share that sentiment. it's been a long while since an original had such a strong grip on me, but got no regrets. can't wait for tomorrow and the girls' final performance.
yofukashi subs in less than 19 hours, trust me
i want to put that snake inside tomo's vagina and watch her cum
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Oh nonono mmkbros why Toei doing it to us??
Whoever approved that promo art should be subjected to ceiling light Nina
Her female fans are making fun of her about it. Also that pose was most definitely Nina’s idea.
Would Nina make Momoka-san dress up in frilly clothes and pose for her in private?
I think she would desu…
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She would make her roleplay an idol in bed
The cutest!
File deleted.
>GBC is extremely successful in china
Now I get it... The reason why Momonina will never come to fruition, and likely the reason why we get so much neutered Yuri in anime... It's all china's fault.
From our point of view the so called "Yuribait" might seem like just bad luck... But truth is... The game was rigged from the start.
>The game was rigged from the start.
Like how Nina seems to overcome the odds by screaming, whining and flipping them off!
will we get a 2nd season next year
Subaru is better
If we buy their merch and Blu rays in mass numbers.
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I think they should be given a raise.
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>is Tomo a Lesbian?
>Momoka is gay.
Anon it's time to give up, your headcanons will never come true, leaks already confirmed gbc isn't even a yurishit show
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looks like some people got their hands on the Megami pages
Rupa is the perfect woman
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Nina the BigFoot? More like the BigHand amirite? Original character design can't draw for shite
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no pages with Hirayama's interview so we're gonna have to wait on the anon that planned on buying the mag for that
What will she do to Momoka-san with those hands!?
>no pages with Hirayama's interview
damn it that's the most interesting part
Doctor Drams?
will they all get anime figures?
They're already announced figures for all of them. Nina has two.
Probably knock her out, they’re like Street Fighter hands.
subaru needs nerfs
can you link please and ty
I want to see Nina react to some publication putting out pictures of her in that outfit
It is her birthday.
She has vinyls and a record player in her room.
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Rupa LOVES Tomo in a GENTLE and LOVING way, she is like a mother and she would NEVER be rough or intentionally hurt Tomo just for the sake of carnal pleasure.
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Rupa and Tomo
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Rupa and Tomo
Should have been a Rupa OP since it's her birthday
Why did you betray me, Anon...
>we're gonna have to wait on the anon that planned on buying the mag for that
I'll try to get it before episode airs tomorrow. Hopefully the Rakuten website doesn't go into maintenance like last time which made me not able to get the book for hours.
Nobody cares about that tranny
>will we get a 2nd season next year
Bro don't. Don't rush them.
Hamada was rushed to make Love Live Superstar Season 2 and people hated it.
wow go outside and touch grass
>Love Live Superstar Season 2 and people hated it.
I've never seen that, what was hated about it?
I thought it was fine personally. But people say it was rushed and story didn't flow as good as the first season.
The new characters weren't really needed
Yea, a 2026 release would probably be ideal.
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Would you want a Diamond Dust anime?
would've been perfect if the digital version wasn't a day late but at least it should serve as a source of discussion in the latter part of the weekend (depending on what they discussed in the issue). still thanks in advance
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Thank you for not using the spoiler OP GBCbros
I hope they put out more music in any case. It's really funny, I had Togetoge in my playlists since last year, but didn't realize there was an entire anime project tied to it until weeks ago, just figured they were some indie V-tuber band (I was actually wondering who that Shin Kawasaki person is since the singer sounded the same, and was dumbfounded at Rupa and Tomo's song sounding so differently) and kept waiting for them to release more stuff.
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You mean season 2?
I wish I could have the same musical literacy some anons here display as to tell when a singer/guitarist/etc is good or bad or when a song is too mellow/lazy/passionate.
I only judge songs based on what mental images they give while listening to them.
Same, and the mental images I get from GBG are very mid
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The only thing that's important to me when it comes to music is if I think it sounds good.
I care about Rupa
I love Rupa. I hope we get a Rupa episode in season 2.
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Lupa Love
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Why is Rupa able to hold her liquor so much better than Momoka?
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Like the rest of the group, Rupa is perfect
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>I want to see a story about how Nina dated Momoka and cheated with Subaru and got pregnant unexpectedly but didn't know whose child it was. Then she gave birth to twins and did a paternity test and found out that the children were Subaru and Momoka.
Why are chinese women like this...
been out since around when the fag posted the ending yesterday, have I missed any news?
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y'know it's funny, you know it's a fag or a cuck larping when they talk about race or dick size, because the fetishes of actual asian women are way more convoluted and fucked up than that
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Delete this
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>roughly 23 hours until Nakayubi uploads episode 13
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yeah yeah we all hate furries nothing new
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Cute dog.
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>roughly 23 hours until yuricuck meltdown
Friendly reminder that the confession never happened
I want to see Rupa interact more with everyone if and when we get a second season.

We got to see a bit of a cute side to her at the festival with her being denied beer and her whole deal with being a huge drama instigator is a great trait to have when you've got both Nina and Momoka in your band.
stop posting this smug nina
Nope. As everyone suspected the so called leaker (shitposter) didn't post anything else and couldn't back up anything he said. It's nothing.
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Hina thread.
>there are no lesbian kokuhakus in Toei anime
I wasn't expecting it to get addressed, but I kinda fear that now that the higher ups consider this a valuable IP, they'll actually just pretend it never happened, or even retcon it.
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what started the low quality figure pic shit? shit source?
Discord memes
Hina episode soon.
HiNina is growing on me...
Does anyone actually like MyGO’s music? I can’t remember anything but the OP.
Why do people want to pair Nina with an ikemen?
That's too het.
Right? Nina is into fat ojisans I bet
The BtR producers were able to hire really great musicians because they didn't really need their VA's to actually be able to play. They would unironically win this. BtR's songs skill gives me ear worms. Though GBC does it for me too but it's for like one song.
Tomboy couple
Because Nina likes Momoka too.
What is wrong with you…
Time to get over it... no yuri ending for you...
Again what is wrong with you?
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Anyone but BTRash band since they're mediocre and amateurish in-universe and the main singer can't even sing properly IRL.
So you can say it's a K-on VS GBC battle. GBC wins but Mio still gives them a hard time.
Just read the leaks again and stop coping anon
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Why did they make momokas boobs bigger
thats not right
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It looks so dumb next to the actual art these are modeled after. Her tits aren't that big in the art, but otaku gotta otaku I guess.
whos that girl?
Because she's a woman delusional yurikek? and no, your headcanons about her being a man or ikemen or whatever are still headcanons. Go back
No one says she’s a man. Momoka is a Ikemen though.
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K-On is seriously overrated
Remember Japanese males don't find Momoka appealing. They think she’s a dyke and western men don’t matter to toei.
What's with yuricucks and these massive mental leaps
>muh revisionism
Oh so you cucks were pretending to be retarded all along? Go read the archives where you yuricucks were spamming delusional takes about her. How hypocritical.
Momoka's tits are peak fap material, stop deluding yourself
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Sirs, your headcanons got utterly BTFO by the final leaks. Sorry
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Japanese males are homosexuals
Momoka could be flat and she'll still be hot
Rupa has the tits though.
Momoka is a dyke. Literally made for lesbians and Yumes. All her art has been made by women and her biggest simps are women.
Sorry yurikek but she isn't flat she has a decent chest and soft boobs made for twink and obese japanese otakus
Yeah but they’re the one Toei aims for. Japanese women want Momoka to marry them.
But Japanese otaku’s don’t want her. Japanese Yumes and Fujos do. Why doesn’t that go through your thick skull?
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Made for Nina
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Why is she smiling like she can top her? Is she stupid?
Momoka waifufags are Miorine waifufags.
They just can’t help going for lesbians because they don’t have a gaydar.
Even Rina wants to Marry Momoka. Calls her Ikemen several times too.
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When do you thnik they will release a new album?
>p-please listen to my deranged anti-yuri theories!
>no, stop enjoying the show! submit to my hetfag ways!
>how dare you have fun shipping the characters!? become miserable immediately! also draw all the girls getting brutally raped by the ugliest fuckers you can imagine because I'm into that!
>But Japanese otaku’s don’t want her
Are you saying Momoka merch is gonna flop? Why do you hate her so much?
>Japanese Yumes and Fujos do
In your headcanons? Probably. That Momoka figma and her soft, big boobs are basically for male audience
>Why doesn’t that go through your thick skull?
You should put a bullet in your head if you can't get this.
Who are you quoting, buttblasted fag? Are you finally losing it kek?
You’d be surprised I already saw tweets from nip gook and chink girls saying they’re gonna buy hers. The Korean lesbian went nuts for the boobs too.
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At least when Nina spergs out it's amusing
Go back then, nobody cares about your cherrypicked comments from Twattershit.
Momoka's wife's girlfriend
I’m saying Momoka was aimed for women. Women are the ones buying her merch the most. Also shippers who are women are buying her and Nina merch together. Just like Rina who is the biggest Momoka simp in the band.
>cute Slutbaru pic
Yeah I'm thinking you won
>Go back
Funny how no one was saying such stuff until Jellyfish ended and now it's there every thread. I think that someone might be projecting.
What are you talking about? It’s all over my timeline. They are so ready to buy. Sorry that she’s made for women…nip men just find her cool but too gay. (Like they want to be like her…)
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What's one or two hetschizos gonna do against like several hundreds of yuri artists?
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This Momoka waifufag has to be the Miorine waifufag. The breakdown is just so similar to him.
>I’m saying Momoka was aimed for women.
Probably, well you wish at least
>Women are the ones buying her merch the most. Also shippers who are women are buying her and Nina merch together.
Male otaku audience is more loyal than your average woman otaku. If Toei doesn't want mmk merch to be a total flop, they need to please the male otakus, all girl bands are basically for male otakus after all.
Shipperfags are pure schizos so you might be onto something about that.
>Just like Rina who is the biggest Momoka simp in the band.
Getting tired of your headcanons dude. But oh well

Momoka 「Hey Tomo, it's almost Rupa's birthday right」
Tomo「Yes, on July 28th」
Momoka「It's about the birthday party. There's something I'm planning to do」
Tomo 「Eh」
Nina「EHH!? Momoka-san you have a plan!??」
Subaru 「That's nice! So what's the plan?」
Momoka 「To put it simply, I want to do a party comparing various Japanese Sake!」
Tomo 「ehhh....」
Nina Subaru「ehhh....」
Nina 「No way! That's just something only you two get to enjoy!」
Subaru 「That's right! Putting Rupa-san aside, Momoka-san will 100% get absolutely wasted.Both of us always end up having to take care of Momoka-san or be her punching bag. 」
Momoka 「Oh come on. Rupa loves to drink at night doesn't she!? For her sake, all we need is to just prepare some sake to sip slowly and it'll be a fun birthday party!」
Nina Subaru 「Like we just said--」
Momoka 「Tomo! What do you think!?」
Tomo 「hmm...If it's for Rupa I don't think it's a bad plan but...」
Momoka 「See! Tomo agrees with my plan!」
Nina「She's not agreeing! Tomo-chan was being reluctant!」
Subaru「Screw it, forget about Momoka-san. The 3 of us will come up with a new plan!」
Nina「Good idea! We could compete which plan is the best!」
Nina「A 3v1 competition, both sides come up with a birthday plan. On the day itself we'll have Rupa decide which is the best!」
Subaru「Masterful suggestion! Tomo you're in right!?」
Tomo「Well,sure...There's something I want to do as well」
Nina「Well then, see you on that day Momoka-san」
Subaru「We.Will.Never. Lose! 」
Momoka「Fine I get it. Bring it on!」
Hina brutally mogging Nina
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Is this the coolest Toge fanart we ended up getting?
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His wall of text is filled with nonsense too…it’s like I’m reading an illiterate person’s blog.
Twittershit screenshots or links aren't allowed here, seems like you only visited this and JellyWHO threads imo
>outing as an actual twitterkek
Lmao, hope those 10 gooks or chinks can buy one or two GBC figurines though
It's the usual Nijika/Miorine/Momoka/other lesbian character anti-yuri waifufag. They alternate between begging to let them have a gay character as straight and deranged anti-yuri shitposting.
Headcanon btw
Subaru and Nina really do get raped by Drunk Momoka wow. What a dyke.
Saying headcanon is also one of weakest arguments I’ve ever seen as well. It’s like I’m reading a 12 year olds blog.
Thanks for the translation.
That will be (you) tomorrow my deluded yurifag
>Both of us always end up having to take care of Momoka-san or be her punching bag.
I can't believe that a drunk Momoka really hits them until they service her…
She really is a dyke.
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I don’t have breakdowns over Yuri. Lmao. You’re talking to the wrong person. I even liked how season 2 went for SuleMio.
>seems like you only visited this and JellyWHO threads imo
You flip out whenever someone mentions anything else, be it Twitter or other art sources, Bocchi or Jellyfish threads, other boards (e.g. /u/) and so on. Obviously, you tell people to "go back" because you know it applies to you and like other similar small-minded schizos, you project and try to attack others with what would hurt you.
So, go back. You've been shitting up the thread for the past week, but haven't accomplished anything other than slightly increasing posts per hour of GBC threads.
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>Tomo「Well,sure...There's something I want to do as well」
As a man I only buy Subaru merch.
>I don’t have breakdowns over Yuri.
You will have breakdowns over GBC being a confirmed yuribait show though. LMAO. Final episode can't come soon enough
Poor thing, all perforated with Nina's toges after their fight.
Post a picture of your Subaru car or you're dead to me
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No not really. I never saw it as a Yuri just an anime with Yuri and gay elements. Just like Gundam witch.
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Crazy how I look away for 5 seconds and there's 50 more posts of a couple of retards arguing over nothing.
>every post I dislike is from the same person
How new.ru? Imagine being this newfag. I literally browsed the thread as soon as OPcuck said there were some leaks. Seriously you should go back to twittershit if you really care so much about their comments or opinions kek.
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Ehh I’ve dealt with worse.
Fuck the keyboardist.

She is too short and too flat.
GBC doesn't even have yuri elements or pairings though. It was all your headcanon. You should've realized it when they didn't bring up the confession after ep8.
I wish I were Japanese to have an anime girl car.
Why is it that all your posts are written the same though. Idk man, all your posts become a blur to me.
I don’t care. I see something I like I enjoy it. Also if there is no gay elements why are there so many gay art and little het?
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Tomorrow is Girls Band Cryday.
Because you've been having a mental breakdown since the spoilers dropped. You were even damage controlling and calling it a shit final because it didn't pander to you. Sorry anon
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I'm using and reuploading this
The last Girls Band Cry Friday.
I haven't watched 12 yet because subs, will watch it tomorrow before the finale.
Because drawfags are sheeps and they delude themselves into thinking there would be any real yuri. Just look at Jellyfish or Hibike, that's nothing new
So Yofukashi never came back to us?
>I literally browsed the thread as soon as OPcuck said there were some leaks
You mean the "leaks" you posted (also see: your "headcanon" projection) but failed to make literally anyone else care about, despite your continuous begging that people give up on yuri because of that?
What mental breakdowns? I’ve been perfectly fine this whole week. You’re the one who keeps saying this on repeat for some insane reason. Let me make this clear. I don’t give a shit about fictional characters so much that it would ruin my day. I’m not that retarded.
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And now...
Tomo Time! Post a Tomo!
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Love Tomo.
>bring up Hibike.
Isn’t that anime an adaption with the books being just as gay and the Mc ending with her male childhood friend.
How does that equate to an original story?
Ummm... why does Rupa have a collar on?
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Should I buy the second Nina figure? I already got the first one.
That's how foreigners are treated in Japan
>You mean the "leaks" you posted (also see: your "headcanon" projection)
>anon thinks I was the leaker guy
LMAOOOOO. Are you coping this hard about the leaks that you think they're fake? How delusional can you get?
>but failed to make literally anyone else care about, despite your continuous begging that people give up on yuri because of that?
Previous thread was all about some fags like you malding and seething at the spoilers because they thought it was a shit ending. Good thing GBC has more normal fans and not just delusional yurifags like you
Buy her and Momoka as a pair.
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Why would Rupa not have a collar on?
I'd like to but only Nina's is available to order right now I believe.
Wait for Momoka’s!
Is that MTL? What's the original language?
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I ended up not waiting because I know how quick they can run out of preorders. I'll just get Momoka's as soon as it's available.
Would you buy Momoka’s afterwards? Nina needs her Momoka-san!
>What mental breakdowns? I’ve been perfectly fine this whole week.
>says this while thinking every post or shitpost he dislikes is from one (1) person
>You’re the one who keeps saying this on repeat for some insane reason.
>I don’t give a shit about fictional characters so much that it would ruin my day. I’m not that retarded.
I hope we can say the same thing when the final episode is out. Hopefully you or other fags won't have a meltdown in the discussion threads because of le no yuri end
>"Y-you're malding and seething," he says, tears streaming down his face. With a tortured look, he shouts "You're having a mental breakdown because of my spoilers!", fervently hoping that repeating that mantra reifies his daydreams of breaking his sword enemy, the yurifag collective.
Same scriptwriter. Hanada-san
Good call I guess since hers might be the last one colored. If they’re going in order from reveals.
How have you faggots not learned your lesson? Instead of raging like children and feeding him, just report him and move on. Let him scream into the void until he gets banned.
Who are you quoting seether-kun?
It only takes 1 idiot to respond to someone baiting.
Didn’t he also do the screenwriting for Bloom into You(a legit Yuri) ? Oh and also created Dekomori to be Shinka’s love interest?
There's no offtopic discussion here m8. Learn to read next time
He’s never gonna get banned anon. Even when we try to ignore him he just keeps replying.
You understand that the scriptwriter does not rewrite or remove major scenes from the source material, right? He has nothing to do with the bait confession.
>Buy Nina figgie
>Need to buy Momoka's one
>Buy Tomo figgie
>Need to buy Rupa's one
Yeah, gonna get Subaru.
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So stop replying to him? How is that so hard for you guys?
So what you're saying is the writer is so based that he'll put yuri even into originally heterosexual stories, and you're going into his original works expecting there not to be yuri?
He just rewrote Hibike S3 story in the last episodes. And it's still getting the heterosexual ending. Sorry to burst your bubble
Everyone did so he just samefags. See the other thread that everyone ignored.
Are the festival outfit acrylic stands exclusive to a particular store? I want to get them I think.
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I can’t wait to hear flower of fate. Or maybe it might be bleeding hearts?
He will put some yuri crumbs but still deliver the normal ending aka heterosexual route. He just did that thing in Hibike season 3
Honestly, I am kinda bored and he provided some minor entertainment. But point taken, will stop now.
But he also did Yagikimi. And made Shinka gay.
I'm kinda sad that the festival outfits became acrylics instead of figures, I liked them the best.
But Hibike is literally an adaption of a het book. If he changed it the author would kill him.
So 2018-2019 right? Old stuff, you should compare it to his recent anime like Hibike which is airing in this season too
Not to mention the author would never work with Kyoani again.
Hibike aired in 2015…
Seems like the Hibike novel author gave her consent, there was a drama about it since Sunday too. Nips didn't like it and were trashing his twitter because of it.
Yeah, I want more cool stuff in those outfits. I wonder if the BD with episode 11 will have anything. Also kinda wondering how badly the reselling fees will be on the acrylic stands you get for the full BD set preorder cuz those outfits are cool as fuck.
Hibike new season, newfag
So since this is an original work, he'll put the yuri morsels in but there won't be any adaptation-mandated heterosexuality. Sounds pretty good to me man.
You will get the FRIENDSHIP ending though. Hope you keep enjoying it
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You'll just have to buy the full BD set!
The author always has to give her consent to what he write. That’s why it’s insane for anyone to think theirs a yuri ending when Kumiko was always suppose to end up with Shuichi. The author is literally writing about her and her husband…
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Bro thinks he's stronger than fanartists
It's not insane, it's just shitposting. No one actually believes that it would happen, they just will take any reason to attack people who like yuri, for god knows what reason.
Uh, that’s not bad though. Since right now I like the dynamic of the group…
I’ve been watching it since 2015. It’s still older than yagikimi. Also love live superstar was really really gay. And he wrote it.
Now I'm wondering whether Reina is also her irl friend and is she really as autistic as anime Reina
Good for you anon. On the other hand, yurifags really got the short end of the stick.
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Not really…but okay.
headcanon btw
Uhh she said she was writing about her friend…so I guess nips really are sometimes that autistic.
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cursed fanart
Actually yes, their delusions got BTFO'd
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Happy birthday Rupa!
I like how Subaru and Nina always have to drag Momoka after she gets waisted. Before Subaru ditches them and Nina has to deal with her.
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I'm kinda looking forward to them making up. I just hope Nina doesn't lose her anger and her motivation.
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Yofukashi waiting room........
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I have now repressed myself and am watching Nakayubi episode 12 right now.
I learned Japanese while waiting for Yofukashi and now I watch the raws.
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I'm going to repress yourself
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Look, it's Tomo.
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I'm gonna
Uohhhhh! The flatness...
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Why is Tomo like this?
I kneel at the dedication this early on.
That's a nice shrine.
What the heck are those can badges with the gator and banana?
The weakest Rupa fan
Brownhag enjoyers are too powerful.
rupba x tomo
ninas x momo
suuba x ?
Where do i get the jp subs
She's invited to join ninamomo and rupatomo from time to time.
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Maybe I'm biased because my music taste developed in the 2000s era of pop punk, but all of the HTT songs fucking slapped and I enjoyed them way more than any of the songs from the other 2 bands.
You aren't wrong anon. Patrician taste
The modern angst slop will never surpass Fuwa Fuwa Time
Sadly they don't exist. I think the Chinese subs have Japanese transcriptions, and actually when Ideal Paradox was doing releases, they had transcriptions too.
I wish they'd let Tricot's singer/guitarist make more of the Bocchi songs. Karakara is like the only song aside from Ano Bando that I listen to off the OST, but I also fucking love Tricot.

TT's songs are like a band trying to make vocaloid music.
Shin Kawasaki and Beni-Shoga are a good way to split it up I think.
I'd only accept that if we get some OVAs to tide the wait over.
Do anime still get OVAs?

The fact that it's 3D CG and they can reuse a lot of their models and stuff surely means that continued production is cheaper. Right?
Gods this moment in ep12 just gave me a soft gay panic attack
u mean momo
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>A single Tomo in a Rupa shrine
I kneel
I actually watched the first episode raw I just prefer to have subs
Momoka best girl
I get your point. Even though some anons and newfags have tried to diss K-on because of its lighthearted cutesy atmosphere, the anime certainly got top tier songs that doesn't totally sound like your generic anime song. KyoAni was truly on another level back then
Momoka is a sellout and a groomer. She is pathetic.
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Any musically literate anon that could explain to me what was the point of the Tomobox?
Before joining Togetoge Rupa and Tomo did Vocaloid stuff right? But the Tomobox had that thing that isolates sound inside of it, and it it looked like Tomo was about to sing the first time we saw her.
I prefer Subs though.
Time to write a simple script to remove the Chinese
Solid walls reflect sound and make recordings sound bad. A common trick for at-home voice recording is to do it in your closet between hanging clothes.
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First time I saw Tomo's and rupa's apartment I thought it looked comfy af.
It took me until the air-conditioning episode to realize how piss poor these girls actually are, their only source of income was their part time jobs and their AC was already busted before Nina came to deal the final blow.
That makes Tomo fucking up all their chances to go pro, and Rupa tolerating her, have a bit more weight.
Yeah they should have been born with a silver spoon in their mouth like that broad Subaru.
But if they were making Vocaloid music why would they record Tomo's voice?
>been born with a silver spoon in their mouth
But enough about Nina
Trivial. Just grep out the Dial_CH lines from the .ass. Can even just open it in a text editor and delete them manually, since they're all together and not interleaved with japanese. Then just swap the Dial_CH and Dial_JP styles to make them look normal.
It's utaite, not vocaloid you plebs
Funny, in all 3 bands, it's the MC that causes the most trouble and setbacks for their respective bands.
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>It's utaite
A-and that is?
will we get dubs?
kasane teto
I am scared bros, I don't want this to end...
Offer all your valuables to the japanese overlords so they can make a new season
>funding toei
kek i never imagined i would get to this point
I want them to sing together
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Will Nina forgive me if I'm too busy play elden ring DLC this week and forget to watch the new episode
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gay jumpscare
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Must be one of the girls
Is it not genuinely embarrassing for the rest of the anime industry that the best shows 2 years in a row have been all-girls band drama that are mixed media projects?
Anon I love this show as much as the next guy but the recent toppers have been isekai slops
It doesn’t end until yofukashi releases the final episode
anime has fallen
boomer mentality
ok zoomoid
That too, like wtf is everyone else doing?
One more diamond dust song please
Is this series yuri? I just finished Gushing over Magical Girls and thought it was p good
i only like the crychic song soyo hates so no, they sound like afterglow (bad) but without ran's awful voice
I do! It's the closest thing to anime girl Midwest Emo that I might get for a while. Now if Bandori makes a shoegaze or math rock band concept then they'll surpass MyGO for me.
Did those leaks even post any screens that weren't from the PV?
Nina isn't going to spread Momoka's pussy on stage if that's what you're expecting
Nina learns about Shock Rock arc when?
Well surely there's a chance
John Cena
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Wanting anime girls to be straight is one of the most cucked things you can do.
Cause even if they were, they will never be fucking (You) anyway, best you can hope for is sitting in front of your screen watching some dude getting lucky, while larping like a tranny (No, I am REALLY him!)
Waifufags like to throw around words like "delusional" and "headcanon", but they are the most delusional ones.
mahou shoujo hina
since they first uploaded yes, also it sounds great on live too. it felt more rock than some previous bands
NinaHina soon
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>It's a Nina cuts a pig in half on stage and proceeds to fuck a crucified Hina-doll with a knife dildo episode.
>Hanada can get praised again by nips if the GBC finale delivers kino and is a god tier ending
>Hanada might still get shat on by nips if the Hibike finale is utter trash after they changed some details
Being Hanada is suffering
he gets both of such reaction for every love live installments so far
Do not hate on the jeet bassist.
A jeet is better than you even if she doesn't perform in a band.
I can't believe this was the true endgame all along. Did anyone invest in Hinacoin early?
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I tear up everytime i watch utakotoba clip
I found a better(?) breakdown of that solo bridge for Emptiness and Catharsis. Momoka's cracked.
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>Momoka's cracked
looks pretty normal though...?
I mean, I sure as fuck can't play that on my guitar, but it doesn't seem out of the ordinary
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I fucking love Subaru!
Will it be nothing or...?
bro thats just a fast pentatonic lick. its really not that bad. any intermediate guitarist should be able to play that after a few hours of practice
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From where i'm standing, barely able to play, i'm still impressed. I know it's not some earth shattering thing but it's still really cool to me.
It won't get a gay end.
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That's a man.
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Then why is it not gay to fap to her?
Was always telling you Hina did nothing wrong
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Death to Hina haters.
>Subaru's VA is dying
gacha series have deep lore, especially 3d animations
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Looks like you don't need to wait for me to buy and upload the magazine. Some twitter user uploaded the interview pages
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How do jap guys see this and thinks that she's not attractive enough for them?
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bing chilling
it's definitely worrying, I thought she was finally getting better
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thanks for sharing. reading with janky mtl and there's a lot of interesting paragraphs
>So we studied the illustrations of Nari Teshima, the character designer of this work, and decided to move them as they were. Also, the good thing about CG is that it can be simulated. In order to utilize the technology of simulation, which moves clothes and movements smoothly, it was best to move them in full frames. Director Sakai's judgement was unwavering when it came to full frames, so all the staff believed in it and followed it.
thank fuck for that
These SubaNina artists are wild wanting Nina to cheat…
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Cause she unironically irradiate huge lesbian energy.
Because she looks gay.
God damnit Momoka!
Use protection, you damn animal!
Apparently this was done by the cgi director. Lmao he ships them.
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straight sex with Momoka
The cgi director is a she. Most of the key animators are shes.
But jap men like cute girls not boyish girls.
Nina is ftm?
Honestly one of the worst art of her.
It's all starting to make sense
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it's the same guy that does all the Seika art
He has such a good track record. I just can't believe he wrote that horrible piece of shit called Superstar. Maybe he was too restricted by the director or something. After all, nobody expected a masterpiece from MyGO until Ayana was given a full creative freedom. And she also worked on previous Bandori seasons which were mid as fuck.
13 men inside of Momoka?!
Domestic violence is utterly present in this show.
No she’s uses a men’s product.
I hate those art too.
Subaru's VA is dying...
I want to sniff Rupa's fart
What about you?
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So he’s a one trick pony? Figures he’s just a hack.
The director for GBC is the one for Sunshine. I feel it's entirely dependent on the director he's paired with yeah.
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Uh oh, Momoka beat her a little too hard it seems.
Yeah all of Momoka’s handsome shots were made by women who simp her. A woman also did the shot when she was between Nina’s legs.
who is listening to the twitter space?
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can't forget your wife's wife
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She's been absent for a lot of radios and cancelled appearances in activities for a while now. "Poor health" was cited in the statements.
Do not worry friends, she is merely pregnant. With my seed, of course.
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Has this been translated yet?
>old soob dies
>replacement is explained as her using her actor skills to change character
i hope its just something like a flu and nothing more serious
i can't believe kero, yofukashi, and subaru's seiyuu are dead
dont think so
Any kind anon want to translate these?
translation, the jeet stinks
I asked about this in a thread a couple of weeks ago and was told she had been appearing on the radio and stuff again, so what's actually going on? It legitimately has me a little worried. I hope it's nothing serious, but I feel like from the half-way point of the show she's been sick.
man it must suck to have your big break on a successful multi-media franchise and then you start fucking dying
Of Nina and Soobs, yes.
Rupa smells like Tomo.
Hear me out. Is Subaru and Pleia-chan, the same person? I mean, we've never actually seen them together on the same venue. Both of them has the same hairstyle and played drums. This is really getting weird...
Hina has gone too far this time
In what way?
I love women now
Good for you
Killing Soobs
Sounds painful.
Yes, they even posted the finale >>268163831
The rest of the leak for those unaware, on top of the finale:>>268162067 >>268163242 >>268163470
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New leak don't click
Bros, am I right to stop at episode 10?
Are you retarded?
Nina's leaking
The ending of Ep. 10 feels satisfactory now
I'll take that as a yes.
Just bracing myself if the finale is indeed a disappointment
fake and gay
The indifferent cruelty of Hina Vs The indomitable Nina Spirit
Yeah I've been doomposting too ever since the leaks dropped in the hopes that my negative energy will jinx it and the finale actually turns out to be good
I'll forgive him for Sunshine since this would've looked terrible without full rate animation.
So full rate is the future...
If you must, then I think ep 11 is a better stopping point than 10. You could also just watch the official music video of Emptiness and Catharsis though
If that were the case, the people uploading covers wouldn't be skipping it or fudging it.

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