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RubyKana is the plot. Nothing else matters.
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Only non-crackships in this thread. Let's not rile up the schizo.
"People" who bite down on iced treats should be shot
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This panel was a prophetic vision Ai had as she was dying of Aqua and Rubys future as dual idols. Just like Sarina had in the LN.
The Nurse who was mad that Goro was a lolicon is the mastermind.
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So what the fuck was this "revenge" Ruby supposedly had in the final play of the movie according to Akane? Kamiki literally watched the movie and didn't give a single solitary fuck about it. Did Aka forget that he wrote this just a couple of chapters ago?
That's Actually Ruby and Melt's son doing a mother-son show with Ruby
Indeed. Akane won.
Showing that Ai loved Hikaru.
Who'll be getting the character development haircut here, Akane or Ruby?
Except he didn't give a fuck about it apparently. And Aka didn't even show it so we don't even know what she did exactly. So it had no impact, instead it's the DVD that will have impact.

Oh yeah and I just realized, that IF the DVD has Ai admitting that she did love their father, what the fuck was even the point of the movie? Could have just showed him the DVD in that scenario and not made a movie at all.
>what the fuck was even the point of the movie?
Humiliation ritual
oshi no ko is a shitty fetish isekai with soulless characters, no idea why the anime got hyped or why all the normies cumming over the "omg dark side of entertainment industry" edgy boring shit
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Ruby? Won
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Reminder Nino is cuter than Ai
Nino will kill Kamiki
>Except he didn't give a fuck about it apparently.
Anon he didn’t know it, this was the point of the last chapter. “Oh I watched your movie, cool entertainment my son but it’s just fiction and exaggerations”, now Aqua is about to tell him that it was not fiction and that everything he saw in the movie was the real Ai. The DVD was not straightforward either because Aqua still couldn’t understand Ai even after the movie started being filmed, it must have been something in Ruby’s performance at some point that gave him an epiphany.
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And the delivery will almost certainly be lackluster as fuck since we've seen nothing of what Ruby supposedly did, and seen nothing of the movie, and we didn't see Kamiki watching the movie and his thoughts. It's literally just
>Oh the movie is fiction!
>No it isn't look at this DVD!
>Oh I see the movie isn't fiction! Woe is me
What the fuck emotional investment/payoff is there as a reader when we aren't actually fucking shown anything? The way the story is playing out is just disjointed and less emotionally compelling because Aka needs everything to be vague so shit remains a mystery
The revenge and Kamiki were just red herrings, Aka is going back to his original planned ending
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weirdly, we don't have any merch of AquKana like that. Isn't it strange that a random passerby getting his first contact with the story won't have any "hints" or the endgame couple?
it's like they are trying to subtly tell them not to get too invested in AquKana before they start reading...
Do you think Kamiki will marry Akane-permanently-roleplaying-Ai?
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/a/ saw it
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So true.
fuck off why did you do that
>kana's 私もいるよ! in the corner
Ruby is too fucking tight
I disagree, the readers finding out before Kamiki would ruin the suspense. We need to find out alongside him for the twist to have emotional impact
My guess is if Hikaru sees the DVD we also get a flashback of the final movie scene which gave Aqua an epiphany as Anon said.

152 already hinted by Melt's remarks about Ruby's performance that the final scene was really a deal breaker. Also Akane's tears and Gotanda's and Kaburagi's own feelings of salvation.
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The entire story is a red herring. Kana is the true plot
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It will be the greatest comeback in romcom history
Once Akane finds out about the reincarnation it will be OVER for the other whores
take ur pills schizo
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If she ever finds out she will support Ruby as promised.
Ruby won
and when ruby gets rejected, akane will prevail
Hourly reminder that Akane just fucked another ojisan
Ruby is actually factually right. He’s just “a little” older, by a few minutes probably
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Why is Ruby so superior?
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Reminder Nino is an antagonist.
the only real antagonist*
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She lost even to baking soda.
That’s Aqua…
such a hot troon body
Fuck Ruby
You better not, Aqua.
>Ruby and Mem-Cho warming Kana up (nipple sucking, pussy fingering) to prepare her for Aqua's cock
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Who wakes up to this?
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You can only penetrate two of them. The rest of the girls are just foreplay. Who do you choose?
Flatby is off-model here
Kana and soda-chan
Ruby is too pretty man!
Someone please give some food to Frill
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Akane is quite literally made for abuse
Ruby will get Melted soon
Justice for my boy Himekawa
>we finally get some actual plot
>threads are still shipping cancer
>Kamiki's underage porn tapes where women were passing him around the place
Kamiki had an insane growth spurt.
He had to drink a lot of Onee-san Breast Milk.
It was something anyone with a brain already knew.
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Everyone who cared about the plot lost interest.
Aka doesn't care. Why should we?
frill and frill
if i had to choose a second, memcho
>he believed in "plotchads"
Yeah everyone knew the timeline was not what we thought it was.
Akane is a giant puta
That's just a little detail
Sex with Ai, Akane larping as Ai, and Ruby acting as Ai for the movie.
Ruby lost
Wooby won
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>Wooby won
Women are fucking whores, never marry one... unless it's a cute flat crybaby...
Based Aka
>a cute flat crybaby
So an average nip woman?
I want Ruby to massage my prostate
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Ugly bastard-san...
Gotanda, it won't cure your prostatitis.
Kana, you don't have a prostate
This is Akane's husband btw
Akane and Frill.
akane and the pink bitch i forgot the name
Ai-chan is the CUTEST!
*gets stabbed*
That is Ai-chan post stabbing. She is fine, but she can't show herself to people in the manga for obvious reasons.
If she switches to black stars will she kill you?
>Ai was also a Shotacon like Airi
No wonder Kamiki had her killed.
Akane won
>Kamiki: Before I turn myself in, there's something you need to know, Aqua. I have yet ANOTHER child.
>ANOTHER child
Her name is Arima Kana.
I would actually pay money for that to be revealed and then Aqua ends up with Kana. Just to see all the kanafags disgusted by incest try to cope with it.
I'm willing to bet that a lot of kanafags have less of an issue with incest specifically and more of an issue with the incest tourists who do their utmost to shit up every thread
It's impossible due to the chronology, retard. Also her dad is obviously a redhead.
>of an issue with incest specifically
No one gives a shit about incest per se (well, at least here). The issue is Ruby herself and everything connected with her, including her almost non-existent relationship with Aqua.
How is it impossible chronologically? Kamiki is the father of Taiki who is 2 years older than Kana.
Pregnant Ruby...
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la resurreccion de hoshino ai...
Just use google translate anon. Works pretty well most of the time.
>AquaRuby is the main host of the radio and they just invite guest to join
But people said Ruby is just an irrelevant side character.
i must have really bad luck with google translate then, very rarely it gives me something readable
>Kamiki: The truth is, I wanted to be protected and loved.
Hikaru wants to be spoiled by mommy
>Aqua: When this is over, I'll make you submit, Father.
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Akane will be his loving mommy.
Movie as revenge has always been retarded. Don't overthink it. Aka just doesn't care.
>Except he didn't give a fuck about it apparently
Nah, he just doesn't believe it. He will after seeing the dvd.
Kamiki will force a confession out of Aqua.
Kana-chan will only ever fuck Akane.
How will Hikaru believe that Ai loved him if she apparently says "I can't love you" on the DVD according to Gotanda and if according to him it's in theory plausible to interpret this line as a rejection just like Aqua and Ruby initially did themselves?
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Ruby lost.
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>Wooby shining
>Aguwa drowning.
>Also a "Pie no Ko" extra
That's ehat Mengo was talking about in her tweets.
Her virginity to me.
Kill yourself, k*nakeke.
That's not a rat.
Akane will only ever be Aqua's loving wife.
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>Ichigo shorter than his wife
Holy manlet just divorce this guy and marry Aqua instead
>Melt in the middle
They want to tell us something
Is this guide book available as a pdf or something?
He's between his two wives.
>another AquRuby cover

Holy fucking based. It’s beautiful as always. Also lmao at the keks who denied it being AquRuby that Mengo was tweeting about drawing
Akane won
Kana front and center.
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>"Believe me, mum was just really autistic, what she meant was the opposite"
Aqua as her husband.
Disgusting onahole.
No such thing.
Reminder that Aqua has already confessed to Akane.
>sarina is taller than me
This can't be right.
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All Kanas are Cutenas
>Ruby drawn bathed in light with her eye white
>in contrast Aqua is drawn in much colors, shrouded in darkness with his eye being black

All of this and brain deads will still argue that Ruby is not narratively the light in this story and for Aqua.
>another Aqua and Ruby cover
>in idol outfits again
Ruby won so fucking hard.
>All Kanas are uglynas
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It's been obvious for awhile.
Ruby is only his light, not his salvation.
>aqua's face purposefully omitted
>this schizo cope again
It feels great to be a Rubychad kek
Ruby just raped Melt again.
it's a common narrative trick
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How we feeling RubyGODs?
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Akaneschizos will clinge to their last cope panel while it immediately gets followed up by the coldest calculative gaze ever lmao
It's a common schizo cope you mean.
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Feeling very comfy.
Do you have autism?
nigga YOU'RE the one deluding himself
Arima went to the stable again today...
>he says as he pushes the "Aqua is lying to himself" cope because the manga contradicts his headcanon.
Don't shit up the thread with your schizo headcanons like last time, okay?

Oshi No Ko getting as much attention as One piece.
Ruby being face of oshi no ko
But enough about you
Ruby is so flat here...
Reminder that Aqua will never love anyone other than Akane.
Reminder no matter how hard you insert, your feelings will never be Aqua's.
Damn, guess the final arc is Ruby's arc. All this AkuRubi shit is just too good.
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Alright, boys. You know what to do.
do you retards think im akaneschizo?? im MAKING FUN of his headcanon
aqua is lying to akane in that panel
if you're making fun of the "headcanon" that Aqua is lying to Akane in that panel, then you are literally an akaneschizo.
you have no media literacy
Indeed, because Aqua's love for Akane is Aqua's alone.
"Aqua is lying" will never be anything other than your schizo headcanon.
But enough about yourself schizo. You can literally see that Aqua confessed his love to Akane and yet you come out with this unsubstantiated cope that he's lying.
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150cm Loli senpai...
Idol duo soon
Wtf is Pinoko doing in an idoru drama?
Aqua was lying when he creampied Akane btw.
Can't wait for the manga to end and Akane raped just to see how you still be defending your headcanon, claiming aka retconned it while it was obvious to anyone around you how to read the scene properly and nobody was suprised by Akane's defeat except you and a bunch of other smelly dirty little cunts
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>and Akane raped
By Aqua.
You have to be 18+ to post here.
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>Aqua had no stars there
>Aqua was trying to be honest with Akane
>Aqua was genuinely conflicted between his feelings of guilt and his desire to pursue his happiness with Akane
Literally everything points to him being honest in chapter 97, schizo.
Why has Akanebot's malfunctioning worsened in the past 24 hours?
Akane lost
It was ever retconned because it was never true to begin with
guys, the star colors don't actually "mean" anything. they're literally just a stylistic choice based on the general aesthetic of the scene. there is no discernable pattern or secret, you're all just schizos grasping for meaning where there is none.
K*nakeke lost it.
Who cares tho, your bitch anyway
>b...but in 143 ruby made aqua's cock turn white again he was saved
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>sidegirlfags squabbling
Her virginity to Aqua.
Why are you deranged, k*naschizo?
Meds, K*naturd.
K*naschizo's last brain cells are dying...
When have you last taken a shower, A`kaneschizo
Your bitch lost anyway
Kanaschizo calls you "ilk", bot. Update your pattern recognition algorithms.
Does anyone have the actual pic?
Ruby is the kind of woman that would go after Aqua's son if she doesn't end up with him.
*Aqua's unborn son resting in his ballsack
But enough about HOSHINO KANA.
Ruby's wife
It’s going to be a “I can’t love you because I don’t know how to love, but I always cared about you”. Gotanda believed Aqua and Ruby would take it as a rejection and Kamiki saw it like that too.
Ai saying in the dvd that she couldn’t because of her own traumas is technically the only way for it to work without making her look like a complete schizo and destroy her character
>"Hikaru, you can see through lies so I won't lie to you"
>lies to him
>he doesn't see through it
There's already no way to salvage it.
Ruby has loosened up a bit
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Just noticed something
>Kamiki and the revenge plot might actually end before the Kana plot at this pace
Realistically Kana needs another arc to become Aqua's oshi no ko for real. An extra's role in the movie won't cut it.
>It’s going to be a “I can’t love you because I don’t know how to love, but I always cared about you". Gotanda believed Aqua and Ruby would take it as a rejection and Kamiki saw it like that too.
Well, Gotanda not just believed, but Aqua and Ruby simply told him how to understand Ai. And he specifically says that Aqua and Ruby believe that Ai saw the true nature of Kamiki and therefore rejected his love. It would be such a super giga cope by Aqua and Ruby to pretend that such a straight forward line like you suggested could be interpreted as Aqua did. That would honestly be such a shitty writing...
For Melt.
I hate kana
It will end with Aqua and Akane cheering on Ruby and Kana respectively at the dome.
> That would honestly be such a shitty writing...
I mean…
Addendum: Especially on a DVD that was made by Ai under her impression that she could perhaps die soon. Which in itself is a plot point that also still wasn't addressed. Like what did her make the DVD, why did she felt threatened by her life? Her message for Hikaru must directly correlate to threats he made, that's why Aqua interpeted the "I can't love you" as her condemnation of her murder in case she really dies.
It’s missing the recent magazine cover too
Reader who respect his intelligence and time…
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All those Aqua Ruby covers depict them as an idol duo, while the characters on all the other panels are mostly casually dressed.

The writings are on the wall but it's the complete opposite to what you think
>The writings are on the wall but it's the complete opposite to what you think
And what do I think?
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>hot blooded storytelling
Looking back, how many of those selling points were well written and satisfying to read?
Of course it will. Aka doesn't care about that shit. Just kana is all that matters.
Nothing. Story is trash.
>hot blooded storytelling
If by "hot blooded" they mean it makes your blood boil by the baffling story decisions, then yeah I guess it succeeded at that
Boobna my beloved...
Meds, k*naschizo.
Maintenance, bot.
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similar energy.
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It cannot be stopped.
Hikaru was not Ai's murderer. His autism makes him admit guilt but he's a dindu. Even Yura wasn't addressing him. It's all Nino.
TALLna mogs the twins effortlessly
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Crow girl speaks about two men,
Akane just fucked another ojisan
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Kana-chan spent another night at the stables...
It's a free country...
>I realized, watching little Kana-chan perform, radiant like the sun, that I could finally love you, Hikaru
-Ai, Oshi no Ko, Chapter 154
Yeah she specifically talks about a high school *boy* even in the raws I just checked
I hid k*naschizo's meds today.
And then Nino will reveal she did all of that because she was in love with Kamiki since who fucking knows, but knew he wasn't well in his head and assumed he could reject her if she ever dared to confess. Then after finding out the roots of Kamiki's misery and incel psychopathry, Nino's heaet was filled woth the most incensing and total contempt towards that idol and she hired Ryousuke so she could kill Ai. Aqua then plays Ai's message DVD, and there she explains the reasons why she couldn't love anybody (until AkuRubi's birth) and apologizes to Kamiki for not being able to love him, given she had a traumatic life, she couldn't even wonder what to feel. Reveals she was already targeted, Ai asks Kamiki to forgive her, because if she gets killed, then it's because it's her karma. And then, the message to her children where she reveals her wish for them: to forgive her dad for whatever is gonna happen to her.
Kamiki then realizes he was too selfish back then, admits that if he only was able to know Ai better and not find solace in her, maybe nothing of this shit would have happened. Aqua's eyes loses his stars and he stabs him, showing a yandere gaze. His words to his dad: go and reunite with Ai in hell, tousan. And then he goes outside and leaves Media EYES HQ with a somber void gaze. His endgoal was completed, yet he feels empty. It starts to rain.
Nino is trans.
While it's debunked by crow girl that Nino was involved, it do makes sense to assume she was behind it for two more intuitive reasons:

1. It's very much imaginable that Nino become suspicious of Ai's change in charisma when she started dating and so out of jealousy she stalked Ai until she actually saw her together with Hikaru.

2. It makes more sense for Nino to be familiar with Ryosuke as she surely was very aware of Ai's fans (again jealousy). Maybe Ryosuke even used to be a Nino fan before Ai joined and from her perspective Ai stole Ryosuke from her.
Kamiki did nothing wrong and Ai asked for it.
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Kamiki will stab her
Ok but who is that woman in the top left panel? It mirrors the one next to it with Ruby and Crow Loli. She’s also wearing similar clothes
That woman is nurse-chan
Kamiki did wrong by killing Ai instead of marrying her.
I thought so too but it’s an interesting artistic choice with the panels mirroring each other. Schizo theory: maybe nurse-chan is crow loli’s human mom
Is this a yet to be released manga pic?
Nah, bonus illustrations. Not the first time they do that
No it's for summer comicket
Ai sex
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Going by Spica either some other deity or crow girl herself has the power to possess human beings, as she did with that girl in the bar when Gorou got his teeth kicked in.

It do is sus that Nurse-Chan vanished from the earth and wasn't working at the hospital anymore when Aqua came back. However could also just mean nothing and it's just plot conveniency.

Purely artistically Mengo also played with mirroring the past and present in Ch 75. Pic related
With his dick.
Akane's putrid breath...
Those are illustrations for natsu comiket. OnK always has some for it, iirc years ago was color Ai and color Kana, last year it was Ai, Ruby and Kana and now they have a Ruby hologram
Blame Aqua for putting his dick in her mouth.
Duly noted. Thanks.
So many Ruby arts in few days
crow loli's human form is Ai
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I'm still trying to wrap my head on the current plot.
So it is implied that Ruby's acting says that Ai's "I can't love you" wasn't hate or revenge against Kamiki, hence why Aqua said that the movie wasn't fiction. And it's implied that it's also Ai's intentions from the DVD. Did Aka just offscreened important development between pic related and the recording of the last third of the movie? I'm starting to think that Ruby might've actually watch her DVD during that time in order to find her final answer
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> Did Aka just offscreened important development between pic related and the recording of the last third of the movie?
Yes? The rest of the movie was speedrun in 3 pages and we only got character commentary about it half a volume later. Hacka won’t show more either, he wants to finish this plot asap and that’s why he’s dumping everything in this father-son reunion. U rike?
>Did Aka just offscreened important development between pic related and the recording of the last third of the movie?
Yes because he wanted the twists to be revealed to us later instead of showing them in real time
>I'm starting to think that Ruby might've actually watch her DVD during that time in order to find her final answer
Could be possible
In the beach chapter Akane implies that Ruby got her revenge with the last movie scene. But Hikaru thinks that revenge is what Ai wanted.

Now Aqua claims the movie isn't fiction, implying Ai didn't want revenge. But if the movie portrayed revenge, then the movie in fact is fiction after all. So what is Aqua yapping about?

The only explanation would be to say: It's neither fiction that RUBY wants revenge, but it's also not fiction that the love between Hikaru and Ai was mutual.
>Akane implies that Ruby got her revenge with the last movie scene
Akane didn’t know what Ruby chose in the final scene, she got to discover it when the movie premiered. That’s why she was crying and her tears were “different from those of everyone else around her” because she was aware of the revenge
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But she literally knows the final scene according to beach chapter.
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Akane crying was because she could tell by the editing that Aqua stopped going for a revenge that would hurt him and the rest and instead went for an alternative, just as she wanted.
There’s a reason why Akane says in her monologue that her tears weren’t related to the movie itself and was all smiles afterwards
So and someone has pointed out in an archieved thread that perhaps Aqua's intend is to drive Hikaru into suicide by showing him he wasn't just a fool but essentially a retard.

Ruby got her revenge through the final act, and Aqua's final act for his revenge is to show Hikaru the truth.
The only explanation is that Aqua somehow got professional-tier editing skills.
Well not somehow... He learned it all his life at Gotanda's place.
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Chinese leaker community goes crazy about 154 btw.

>“What kind of outrageous plot is this? Another leaker from the tieba group says oshi is fucked? It’s not gonna whitewash(hikaru) is it?” And says the next chapter is gonna explode the internet for how bad it is
For now I would say that the movie tries to answer two separate questions : "Did Ai love Hikaru?" and "Would Ai forgive her killer?". Aqua seems to be fixated on the former, while Ruby(and everyone else) cares more about the latter.
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Let me guess, it’s going to unironically portray Ai as evil or something?
But to not need paying a team of professionals? Editing a video of cute scenes to save Akane is one thing but an entire movie with lots of money in play is another.
Yeah, that's what I mean with >>268232656
Aqua gets his revenge by revealing Hikaru that Ai loved him, Ruby got her revenge through condemnation.
Ok so I looked at the raws. I think the tl fucked up because what Akane said is more similar to “Ruby completed the revenge in the final act *in her own way”.” Which means according to Ruby’s judgment. It’s possible that Ruby was on a different path than Aqua at this point and already understood Ai better than Aqua did, especially after 147 which was exactly the chapter prior to this one
>Nino is the true villain
Fuck, now I'm hyped, I wonder how bad it can be.
>inb4 Kamiki breaks down crying and Aqua comforts him
Which doesn't change the point that whatever Akane saw in the early screening she was already aware of in advance, namely at the beach chapter. Your correction made this even more clear, I think.
>Hikaru didn't tell Ryusuke that Ai was pregnant
>Ryusuke just happened to learn that via sheer coincidence and threatened Hikaru to bring him to the hospital
>Ai was pregnant when she died
Call me slowpoke but just now I noticed that Ai is Amaterasu and Kamiki is Tsukuyomi (the girl rejects the man, but the man continues chasing her). Their story as far as we have seen plays the legend to a tee, it was never Aqua and Ruby
>he girl rejects the man, but the man continues chasing her
You're referring to the myth in with Tsukuyomi kills the food-kami Ukemochi. According to this myth Amaterasu was so disgusted by his doings that she told him to never show his face again and that's how day and night were created as Amaterasu is the sun goddess and Tsukuyomi the moon god.

The analogy would only make sense if Ai found out that Hikaru is responsible for Gorou's death.

It's not a story of girl rejects man. They are siblings and it was more about the mythical explanation of Day and Night.
She was actually crying because Aqua proposed to her during the timeskip.
Why is crowloli called Tsukuyomi then
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Yes Aka, destroy this manga with no survivors. Destroy everything in your path so they can only care about the true Oshi no Ko, Arima Kana
So she was lying to manipulate Aqua by telling him “Look you don’t have to worry anymore, I’m sure Ruby took care of it in the final scene already” while already knowing that Ruby chose to portray forgiveness and love towards Hikaru? And then she cried because she was relieved that Aqua understood and accepted Ruby’s choice?
For the same reason Ruby called herself Amaterasu back then
Because picrelated
>it was never Aqua and Ruby
Wrong, they are the good ending version of it. Literally being spelled out to you with how they get parallels and contrasts with them
>leakers are malding
Plotcucks on suicide watch
At this point, it would be kino if Aka destroys Kana as well to truly crash the manga.
Yeah. Must be glorious not having a brain and only following the manga to wank it to your bitch. If only we could all be so retarded.
The opposite, Kamiki is the Sun, Ai is the Moon.
Then right after we have news of Aka found dead by suicide
Ruby seems to be fine with just socially killing Hikaru. Aqua on the other hand says nobody can't move forward unless Hikaru is dealt wit.

So if Aqua accepted Ruby's take and thus changed his understanding of his DVD, then I guess he wants to use the DVD to show Hikaru, that the movie is not fiction and thus get him to commit suicide or smth. Then Aqua archieved his goal that Hikaru is not just socially but also physically gone.

But I don't think Akane manipulated Aqua. She just wanted to help him understand, that he doesn't have to dirty his own hands.
Not her fault that the writing for the revenge plot has been less than stellar
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Nothing to do with her and everything to do with your kind being universally retarded no matter race or nationality. Rats are allergic to plot, which explains why they can't read.
Well oh well, this doesn't even faze me anymore. I'll just throw 3 possibilities and see which sticks:
>Someone dies out of nowhere because Nino
>Kamiki is framed as being in the right because Ai's lack of character and explanation makes her look like a manipulator + the other murder was actually a coincidence
>The DVD acts as a massive retcon of something
He already did.
Donut hasn't said anything tho.
>Kekqua... I AM YOUR FATHER!
Either Kamiki will get a dindu arc, or we are getting incest bait again.
Don’t say that about Aka
The only reason you pretend not to be "allergic to plot" is because of your conviction that "plot" favours dumby. Fake plotcucks get out of here. I know you'd be okay with revenge and anything else going down hill aslong as the twins fuck at the end. And that's why you will be the first to autistically screech even if the revenge plot is FIRE but Ruby loses. Then you'd say the plot was destroyed even when it wasn't.

Just be honest to yourself.
I’m genuinely curious about what happened next chapter to make the chink leakers get mad. It’s not like there’s anything left in this manga that hasn’t been ruined
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There's no suicide for us, only disappointment. Because this series could've been so much more and whenever you look back at the first 2 seasons it's so obvious.
>it could be so much more
>posts romance slop
If Kamiki and Ai were still together when Aqua and Ruby were born why didn't he show up to their birth?
>Schizo babble
Spare me your mindbroken seething, Akaneschizo. Never made any comments on muh Dumby or muh incest - you're projecting your shipfaggotry yet again. Just pointing out rats don't care about the story: by their own admission. Go cry to somebody who cares.
>first 2 seasons
This, Ruby should've remained a side character, the moment she started getting focus the plot went to shit, what a waste
No, I obviously don't care either. I'm the only plotchad on this board.
No, Ruby should have had first concert to herself.
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Yeah the protagonist switch with Dumby is one of the main issues but quite frankly it's clear that the main culprit here is an author who lied about having written the ending from the start.
He never had any idea how to handle Ai and Kamiki. He just turned them into a footnote that he used timeskips to avoid explaining and now we suffer this.
RubyChads...Did Melt just got his own sharingan?...
ESLbros...our brains are M E L T E D...
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>Kamiki doesn't chastise his son for kissing his own sister on the lips for a movie shoot
Missed opportunity desu.
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>Especially on a DVD that was made by Ai under her impression that she could perhaps die soon.
The DVD's were filmed at the same time as the video letter in chapter 10. So on Aqua and Rubys 1st birthday. I don't see why she would think she was going to die soon there.
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>here is an author who lied about having written the ending from the start
I think the problem with that piece of interview is that people blew it out of proportion. Most likely Aka meant to say he knows what will happen at the end (which is normal if you are a decent writer , you always think of an ending scene whenever you are planning on writing a new story).
The problem is that people blew it out of proportion and suddenly everyone who read that interview believes that absolutely everything related to the ending is finished when it was never the case. It’s even more confirmed when you remember that Aka uses small notes for the plot. His “I already wrote the ending” ends more like “I have a sticky note with a vague idea of what I want in the ending”
Because she was making a second DVD that is obviously only relevant if she doesn't live anymore, while the first - Ruby's DVD - is narrated as something she found cool to watch with the kids together when they grow up.

However I never realized that there is that Happy Birthday shit on the wall on Aqua's video. Seems to be an error desu.

Gotanda justifyed back in early movie arc that Ruby would understand why Aqua made Ai's secret public if she had seen Aqua's DVD.

Ai also says to Aqua on his DVD she has a request for him, of course indicating that she isn't around anymore but recorded the request in preparation for this case.

Plot logic says the happy birthday shit is an inaccuracy on Mengo's part or that Ai was even back then aware of danger for some reason.
Oh and of course the fact that she copied them on disk and handed them over to Gotanda, which was portrayed as very urgent for her. She explicitely asked him to not fail giving them to the kids when they turn 15.
Akane won, but only romantically.
Now if only he gave them to them himself instead of believing Kekqua would give Ruby hers.
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>while the first - Ruby's DVD - is narrated as something she found cool to watch with the kids together when they grow up
If you're referring to the left panel, that's not Rubys DVD. That's a separate video letter she recorded that Gotanda gave them separately from the DVDs.
However I never realized that there is that Happy Birthday shit on the wall on Aqua's video. Seems to be an error desu.
See, I highly doubt this, because the first panel is from chapter 10, the middle on is the anime adapting that panel, and then the last one is from chapter 130, after the anime aired, and it's Aka who gives Mengo sketches of how he wants things drawn. The same happy birthday banner as in the anime, the same clothes as in the panel from chapter 10. So it just seems like it's staying consistent to the anime and chapter 10 there. I would be surprised if it's not intended.
Ruby won, but only platonically.
and only temporarily.
Kana won, but only as a punching bag.
>Akane is only 163cm
I thought she was taller
Ruby got her DVD. Her's is basically the one we see in the prologue. She wasn't aware that Aqua has "his" DVD. So Aqua basically pretended Ruby's DVD is the only one and addressed to both of them. When Gotanda meets Ruby in front of her house she said smth like "Oh, director. Last time I saw you was on our 15th birthday you gave us mama's dvd"
Her and Aqua will only be together until the end of their lives after all.
Just don’t think too hard about it
>If you're referring to the left panel, that's not Rubys DVD. That's a separate video letter she recorded that Gotanda gave them separately from the DVDs.
You're making it more complicated. Ruby is literally referring to the left panel video. Gotanda probably just gave Aqua his video letter beforehand.

I'm pretty positive that "Ruby's DVD" will never be addressed in the manga. Until that happens I won't change my position on that.
Their time ended permanently after 98. Sorry. ;)
Kana avenged Nino
The idea that it was narrated that Ai gave Gotanda 2 DVD's and that Ruby remembers how he handed a video letter to her simply excludes or makes it very unlikely that she gave him a THIRD dvd off screen. Just doesn't make sense to write it that way.
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>Kamiki says that he feels guilty for what he did but he still can't turn himself in yet because he is rooting for Kana and want to see her and Aqua happy together. He promised to tell the truth after the graduation
>Nino is angry but Kamiki breaks her neck so she isn't a threat anymore
Kana feet
Ruby is so tight
It’s going to be revealed that Ai is unironically a goddess and Aqua will reveal that he and Ruby are gods too. That or will reveal that every single one of them are people reincarnated. I think that’s the only way to completely break this manga
It's only inevitable they get back together.
Akane will beat Kamiki with her pussy confirmed
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My onaholes
By fucking his son
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About as inevitable as you ever taking your medication.
By fucking her daughter.
Aqua washed his mouth in disgust every time he kissed Akane btw
I don't need medication. You however...
>I don't need medication.
With Akane's pussy juice.
Another anon has mistaken Kamiki for a woman...
Nope. Both Aqua and Kamiki are female on the inside.
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Another anon has mistaken Kamiki for a man
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>t. Mengo after reading Aka's schizo post of a novel
>What I am drawing this week for Oshi no Ko I want to draw it all the time
>It's Aqua looking depressed as fuck

Mengo a sadist...
Akane will suck Aqua's depression out of his dick.
Ai those are your children
"Aqua" is Aqua. "Goro" is no more.
And Kana.
What if Ryosuke wasn’t working *with* Kamiki at the hospital but was following him there like the stalker he is after someone else fed him info (like Nino)? And Kamiki was there for the birth and they actually split up some time after the twins were born?
Would certainly make more sense than Kamiki being the one to send him there.
Hikaru gave Ryosuke Ai's address for the new apartment. Also Hikaru isn't denying any of the "crazy murder" stuff portrayed in the movie.
Ruby won
That’s our assumption but something is not lining up
Akane, you are too loose. Did you just meet up with an ojisan again?
>Also Hikaru isn't denying any of the "crazy murder" stuff portrayed in the movie.
The movie never portrayed him as a killer.
>Akane, you are too loose.
Aqua's fault.
The real problem is that aka doesn't care about Ai, revenge, Aqua and Ruby. This is clearly a Kana manga. But the premise exists cause I don't know. Should have just been a kana manga from the start.
>Should have just been a kana manga from the start.
Funnily enough nips have been saying that all the time. Aka bites more than he can chew.
>Should have just been a kana manga from the start.
No, it would be even worse then.
The story is already shit. It at least would make sense for all the chapter she gets on her
He can do Ai story style but only as a short story or short manga. If he wanted to make an Ai story, drop the reincarnation. Just have a short idol story and show that despite what happens her kids succeed as the epilogue after the scene of Ai dying. End of.
>The movie never portrayed him as a killer.
lmao yeah the public malice will boil up and demand the identity of "Boy A" and socially kill him because he's a nice dude.
What we've seen from the movie has portrayed him only as a sympathetic victim.
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AquaRuby are actually facing each other there. That is why Ruby is looking up while Aqua is looking down.
>The story is already shit.
Yeah, because of Kana. Turning the story into 100% cancer wouldn't do it any good.
>I don't want to kill Kamiki!
>Kamiki looked like he needed help...
>We are going to save Kamiki.
Pick one. They're all equally shit.
And the rest (Gorou's and Ai's murder) was skipped with 3 panels, because it's obvious. Are you a fucking troll rn? Is this bait?
Ruby is squeezing my cock with her pussy too hard... I'm cumming again~
All of them can coexist
Cause that's what Aka cares about. He doesn't give a crap about anything else and it shows. Forcing him to write shit he doesn't care about is garbage obviously and he was going to release a story. So might as well have a story that he actually does give a crap about which is kana.
Her acting as Ai is real good
It's probably going to reveal that Nino is the one that sent Ryosuke to Ai's house.
When I read stuff like this I get hyped for some reason
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>I'm getting my revenge, you hear me?
>Hikaru Kamiki, CEO of my revenge, I'm getting it
>I'm standing in front of you here and today
>To get my revenge, Hikaru Kamiki
>because acting is my form of revenge

>Understandable have a good day
Yeah, because Asians were crying about last chapter whitewashing Kamiki even though this situation was predicted by many anons forever ago.
Ryousuke being shown killing Goro and Ai doesn't paint Kamiki as a killer.
>hehe, I sure did just get revenged there
But enough of your iliteracy
He killed Yura though and they probably just mean we are going to find out that Ai loved him and blah blah.
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The absolute state of Kekqua.
Thanks to Ruby. His choice was to either try to kill him or use his acting to make him understand.
Ruby's final scene sealed the deal for Aqua just like for everyone else.
Akane's hairy, smelly, musky, brownish, flapping roast beef...
First is Promised Neverland, third is SnK. What's the second hackjob?
Two virgins across two lifetimes. Based!
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MHA presumably
>He killed Yura though
Proof? She just had an accident and fell of the trail, that's all.
Ah, got it. Thanks, anons.
God, all the chapters about Aqua and how revenge is le bad is just trash now. What a waste of time. Aka could have made this work if he got rid of the worthless melodrama that Aqua is going to get himself killed or will kill himself after getting revenge. Make this unfinished business for Aqua. Avenge Ai, protect Ruby and live his new lease on life.
Akane owns Kana's pussy?
He's a surgeon.
This was all spelled out in chapter 147, the only problem is that Aka rushed and offscreened the part where Aqua gets convinced.
Presumably Aqua learnt to do it at a professional level after all those years working under Gotanda.
>he doesn't know
Kana was adopted.
147 in itself was a shortcut chapter. Instead of portraying Ruby's struggle properly (similar to her struggle for the Nino scene) it gets basically offscreened and superficially depicted in a speedcrafted hype-chapter becasue uuuuhh Hikaru speaks to Ruby!
K*na is unwanted.
Kamiki was working with Ryousuke for a different reason. He wanted revenge on his father who abandoned his mother, Gorou Amemiya.
>Kamiki was the coolest guy
>Welcome to the stables. The first rule of the stables is: you do not talk about the stables
Kana was born via immaculate conception
Kana-chan is bragging about how many horse cocks she can fit in her again...
Armando is having another meltdown...
>revengefags slowly realizing how the ending will go
This truly is SnK all over again
Kana will be reincarnated as Aqua and Akane's daughter.
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Soon people will realize Ruby won.
Akane as her sister-in-law
Then it does not exist. I don't care for this it happened offscreen shit.
Well, we are finally getting the DVDs so maybe we'll get a flashback to what convinced Aqua as well.
Not that flashbacks are good storytelling but that's what Aka keeps doing.
Damn so Ackane will marry Taiki. Not bad I guess, an upgrade from all the nasty old men she fucks for sure.
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It does sound funny when you put it that way
No. He won't show shit. We will just have more timeskips and offscreens. Face it. Aka just wants to rush through all this shit so he can get to what he actually cares about which is kana
>"Actually, Aqua had time travel powers all this time and used his control powers to make the killer kill ai to give his past self a motivation to date ruby"
>wipes out 80% of otaku population
>"It was necessary for the safety of Idols"
>what he actually cares about which is kana
Yeah, yeah. We heard you the first 800 times.
Shut the fuck up schizo.
>Not that flashbacks are good storytelling but that's what Aka keeps doing.
how ironic
I'm just saying to not get your hopes up.
To be fair, that's Mengo's self-insert saying it to Aka's self-insert. Guess he didn't listen.
He's still greentexting and using flashbacks like crazy.
No this is thematic
Ruby is Light
Aqua is Darkness
Sex chapter between aqua and Ruby
>mengo was excited about drawing AkuRubi
We hate akaneputa here
Nobody ever...
But only romantically
This. She romantically won Melt.
No. We hate kana here.
>Pieyon x Aqua
So that was the final boss
I love Arima…
We know, Akane.
Kana will get to kiss Aqua's fist a second time soon.
This but the opposite
Who fucking cares if Ruby wins? The story is retarded.
>Ah my revenge is tearing me apart! I am so bad, such an evil bad person because I occasionally tell small white lies! I cannot smile anymore I will kill myself after I kill my father! Ruby please don't go down the same path as me! It will leave you broken, only I must carry this heavy burden. I alone must suffer.
>KAMIKI-SAN!! You will suffer SOCIAL PUNISHMENT! Are you prepared for that? Do you accept it?
What the fuck was all this melodrama hoopla about?
Keitard when will you learn?
Aka's sketches always get a chuckle out of me.
So everyone agrees OnK is 100% done in the next 10-20 chapters right? I don't even really see how he could stretch it to 20 chapters.
Kamiki's side plot maybe, the real plot will need at least one more volume
Everybody always...
At least he put some effort there
>The star on top was part of the draft
>At least he put some effort there
More than in the plot. That's for sure
Akane is letting a decrepit old man use her body as a fuckdoll
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That’s the most detailed story draft I’ve seen from Hacka. That and the Goro skeltal pic
Akane lost
Only (You) won Melt, faggot. Your empty skull is the the perfect rent free zone for Melt as your brain is already melted by thoughts of his semen filling your boipucci as you insert as Ruby.
This but Ruby also won Melt
But enough about (You) winning Aqua.
I'm Ruby btw.
It even says “ほし”, I guess so Mengo didn’t confuse it by a snap effect
Nothing. Just like the plot.
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Ai being an evil bitch is quite expected, actually.
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>Kamiki's side plot
>side plot
I wonder what filthy hands could be behind this post.
Is this from the new art book?
Ai did nothing wrong.
Her virginity to Aqua.
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The real her was what Ruby figured out.
We don't even know what she really did.
You just gave every reason why Kana will win the Aquabowl though.
The revenge shit is the literal sideplot at this point. It keeps getting timeskipped and shat on by Aka. Meanwhile Kanas shit actually gets CHAPTERS UPON CHAPTERS of development and breathing room. It's fucking insane.
nta but iirc it’s from a OnK exhibition from quite a time ago
She did Kamiki.
Ai killed Goro
K*na gets zero development.
I already explained why but you fags won't listen.
Here: >>268240047
The premise of the manga is irrelevant to the actual manga
It was justified.
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>Self centred
>A whore
>A pushover
>Not cute
>Badly designed
>Pity bait
>Self pitying
>Self absorbed
>Made for abuse
>Made for rape
The premise of the manga is a man reincanating as his oshi's child and the finding a new oshi he can love for real and not as a fan
Aka? Yeah he is
Hoe got mad holy shit
If he loves them "for real" they're not his oshi.
Prove him wrong, retard.
No, you are. Aka thinks of an oshi as purely platonic.
You could try reading the story. Goro got reincarnated because if Sarina’s desires.
How about you stop signing your posts?
That's the point, Aka loves to shit on idol culture
Fuck off schizo.
Yes, we know Sarina is a plot device to get Goro reincarnated
No shit.
Rats are genuinely mentally handicapped.
Aqua's oshi is not the one he loves "for real".
Aka won
Sorry but kanafags are fans of the only part of the manga that isn't a rushed shitty mess. Meanwhile all you other schizos do is seethe and whine because your part of the story is irrelevant and the image of the story you've built up in your head keeps getting demolished by Hacka.
That's the twist of the story, once his love becomes real he stops loving her as an idol/oshi and loves the real her instead
Btw most of you would agree with this post if Aka hadn't build up Kana in the last cycle of romcom brain rot.
Rat, you have no stake in the story whatsoever and jerk off to a filler subplot. It will never be relevant outside of its self contained waste of every intelligent reader's time.
>that isn't a rushed shitty mess
Biased and disingenous, keep it up.
K*na is nothing but a shitty mess though.
No one would because Aqua already has Ruby as his oshi.
This take excluded you from the group of intelligent readers though
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Our girl has her story lasting almost the entire manga and her closure is going to be after Kamiki is dealt with. We WON. (you) LOST
Ojisans make a shitty mess out of Akane's dirty holes every night
>No one would because Aqua already has Ruby as his oshi.
Literally fits in the description of "finding oshi" = finding she got reincarnated too. So you just admitted my point.
Aqua has always loved the real Sarina though. Love not being romantic doesn't mean it isn't real.
Sorry, meant for>>268244243
Stop impersonating me faggot
Ooh, this one's going to age like fine wine. Thanks.
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I laugh at how people can pretend making themselves a living embodiment of something shields them from the truth.
Kana is written like complete trash. Her ship more so. Let me highlight a few examples:
>Majority of interactions with Aqua is gags or IRL shilling, not actual genuine back and forths but just artificially author driven dialogues
>Kana has never been included in any meaningful plot, even now at the end.
>Her entire character was retconned to never care about acting, despite reaching the point of having another man's dick on top of her for it
>Waits an entire year without doing anything, somehow she remains static
>Aqua never cares about Shima D not even once
>Pic related, the lowest point of writing I've ever seen a character take since it doesn't even make sense
Less bias, please.
I'm for Kana but ships have lost any relevance in a shitty written manga. Dunking on 4chan schizos is not the reason I invested time in reading onk
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Indeed, everyone will celebrate the Kana victory lap
Akane loves ojisan cock too much for her own good
>Less bias, please.
You first
>Pic related, the lowest point of writing I've ever seen a character take since it doesn't even make sense
Bullshit, it was one of the funniest plot development moments of the manga.
But I'm you.
Shut up, akanescizo. You are a subhuman and no one wants to read your retarded opinions.
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I see
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It was always Sarina.
(You) are the 4chan schizo getting dunked on though.
Good point, only problem I'm in your house rn
He’s right
>Literally fits in the description of "finding oshi"
No it doesn't. Sarina was his original oshi, you said he found a new one.
Her character is trash. Everything involving her is trash but aka is obsessed with her and made the manga be about her and that's the truth.
Sorry I don't consider a character acting so irrationally even the author had to draw two different scenes to fail to justify it between 2 chapters as good writing.
>art after art of them being a couple
>entire narrative is around them being destined to be together
>got a light novel about them being together
>Ai's final vision before dying is Aqua and Ruby together
>story starts with Aqua and Ruby together
>uhhh this is actually about kana
The mind of rats.
>You are a subhuman and no one wants to read your retarded opinions.
But enough about yourself rat.
The manga is about kana though.
Ai is a fucking whore
But the manga isn't about kana. Quite literally no plot exists that kana carried forward.
Kana started this story as a succesful actress and is ending the manga as a succesful actress. Her antics in between were quite literally filler because she doesn't even care about it.
There's no narrative to speak of to even make such a claim.
>Ai was fucking a whore
>art after art of them being a couple
No. They are "dual protagonists" so they get art together. Not shocking at all.
>entire narrative is around them being destined to be together
fucking where?
>got a light novel about them being together
Got a LN that expanded upon the protagonists characters backstories and made Aka $$
>Ai's final vision before dying is Aqua and Ruby together
lol what?
>story starts with Aqua and Ruby together
and they are "dual protagonists". So no shit.
>uhhh this is actually about kana
The romance plot is mainly about Kana yes. The reincarnation and revenge plot? No. But those storylines, the revenge in particular, are fcking garbage so thank god she's not part of that.
>art after art of them being two idols
>entire narrative is around them being destined to idol
>got a light novel about them singing together as siblings
>Ai's final vision before dying is Aqua and Ruby on the stage
>story starts with Aqua and Ruby together in the entertainment world of their favorite idol
>uhhhh this is actually about incest
The mind of incestchuds
Everything about her is literal filler. She plays zero role in the story.
You have a lot of points here, I see. Too bad the only thing omitted is the actual narrative sequence of the manga where Aqua and Ruby don't interact with each other and Ruby is reduced to a side character basically.
Kana doesn't get offscreened. She gets tons of chapters and panels for no reason to the detriment of othe characters. Instead of movie and Ai we had romance kana crap. The series last event involving idoling is about kana again. The plot is basically irrelevant and offscreened and rushed by aka.
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>The romance plot is mainly about [HEADCANON]
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>fucking where?
Here>>268233629 and pic related? Are you fucking retarded? Rats unironically think Aqua was reincarnated to fuck their whore lmao
>Instead of movie and Ai we had romance kana crap
And you would never write this or any other of your seeth if it was "romance *insert your girl* crap" instead.
Kana is the story. Everything else is a poorly written garbage filler.
You guys are shipping...
Kamiki is about to be redeemed as a good guy and you guys are shipping...
I don't care about romance. I don't want romance. Series is trash cause of this.
>Kana doesn't get offscreened.
She had an entire year off screened. She had a "best" friendship off screened. She quite literally spawned characters out of nowhere like her actress friend.
Even worse, Kana's entire reason to concede to Akane was off screened and nobody could come to the conclusion why she acted like that for how retarded it was when on screen.
Yes she hogs panels, but she does jackshit with them that's the entire point. Her plot is a static mess, she never grew, never changed, never achieved anything of note.
>I don't want romance.
You picked the wrong novel. Should have been clear as day and night that this ends with romance.
>poorly written garbage filler
That's k*na.
>She guides people to the right destiny with the moon
>Kana has a song called Full Moon that Aka personally wrote
Sasuga Aka-sensei!
>On the night that stars fall, the light of the full moon reaches you the most. Purely dazzling, I want to steal your heart.
Kana won so fucking hard.
>She had an entire year off screened
You mean Aqua's and Akane's relationship? Indeed, indeed....
Exactly, rats misconstrue Kana being easy to write for Aka as her having significant relevance. Except, if you actually read she doesn't do anything.
Kana gets written a lot because Aka is a hack that uses her as a crutch when he can't write anything else.
Premise said revenge, twin shenanigans children of an idol, reincarnation in the modern world and showbiz. That's what I got into the series for
>Aka is a hack that uses her as a crutch when he can't write anything else
>when he can't write anything else
No wonder
They even produced a full video clip for the anime in which Kana walks along the beach -> her ship kickstarts on a beach 120 chapters later.
Last for Akane a shit. A SHIT.
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That wasn't off screened. You were told what both Akane and Aqua did during that year.
You were just told Kana "did B komachi stuff" and moped like a bitch. Statically, for an entire year. That's the worst kind of off screen, it means that Kana is not even a character when confronted with the idea of time passing.
>Kana won so fucking hard.
This post, right here, that inexplicably makes a post 100% about Aqua and Ruby SOMEHOW about Kekna, is the textbook case of why you deluded fucks belong in the psych ward kek
oh no not the arbitrary symbol of a star!!
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>premise starts with the reincarnation of a man a girl that loves
>oh the man also promised to marry that girl
You're just an idiot and probably believed other idiots on twitter.
How retarded are people who expect anything other than romance from the collaboration of Aka and Mengo who have been writing romance stories for their entire careers?
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>aquamarine star being embraced by Ruby after Aqua was scrambling in darkness
>meanwhile kana walking on a beach alone means she's going to win
Too fucking funny.
Another day with my very sane pals in /onk/
..The song that Kana sings, that Aka wrote, where she talks about wanting to steal the heart of a fallen star illuminated by the moon is about Aqua and Ruby? Are you okay?
The Aquamarine star symbol? The one Kana will never have? Glad you agree it's arbitrary and she doesn't need it and will happily live without it.
> that Aka personally wrote
I'm sure being here counts for my curriculum if I want a job on a mental asylum
I never said I didn't expect romance. I expected it but I didn't think it'd make everything irrelevant and turn the series into trash. I honestly would prefer just a story of Ai rising up the industry and taking care of her twins and trying to hide this to what we got.
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Last for Akane a cute! A CUTE!
Kana just did her duty in a field she initially didn't wanted to be in if it wasn't for Aqua. Sticking to her duty nevertheless is honorable and she is known for that quality. I don't know what kind of a biased seething bitch you need to be to make THIS a problem lol.
>Muh song
Bitch, I never brought this schizo irrelevant shit up. YOU did push out your cope narrative. Lol
>falling star
>anime shows the star falling into Ruby's hands
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As soon as Aka added a literal agent of destiny into the story it was over.
The saddest part is that the thread will be perfectly fine for a while, and then one schizo will start antagonizing out of nowhere, which will trigger another schizo to start biting back, others will join in, and then they'll just have unmitigated meltdowns back and forth at each other which will go on for 200-300 posts
Rats are mentally ill and will twist this into a Kana victory >>268245042. It's so insane, I love it. God, I'd love to see what their brains are like dissected.
>You were told
This is exactly what people mean when they talk about "off-screening" things tho. Are you OK, anon? Don't you forget how to breath?
>aquamarine star being embraced by Ruby
Ruby and Aqua are together Spica, the binary star. As Saito said that binary star shines an aquamarine colour. However they also explicitely write in Spica that these two stars embrace each other by being not to far from each other but also not too close. Go figure what that means.
It's just the description of Spica.
>Spica is a close binary star whose components orbit each other every four days. They stay close enough together that they cannot be resolved as two stars through a telescope.
They are so close together you cannot even tell it's two stars in a telescope.
> that these two stars embrace each other by being not to far from each other but also not too close.
Familial relationship. Not too close, not too far. Still the most important people to each other.
All of this new Aqua and Ruby art really triggered kanaschizo.
>after Aqua was scrambling in darkness
Yeah, literally a resolved plot point lmao. Literally the content of Aqua's dream. Now that Aqua knows Sarina is alive as his precious little sister, he can let go of his revenge.
Literally the twin star Spica image and how it was described by Saito and your ED screenshot.
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That was the opening. The ED is all about Aqua and Ruby.
>meanwhile he conveniently ignores the whole Goro-Aqua situation
The whole reason to make this metaphor of twin children and spica and how the metaphor and every info that was phrased about is to describe the actual plot development and it got finalized with Aqua's dream.
>meanwhile he conveniently ignores the whole Goro-Aqua situation
Ah yeah, the most retarded and contrived cope ever.
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>got finalized with Aqua's dream.
Nothing got 'realized in Aqua's dream', you're fabricating another narrative to placate a retarded bias.
Whole Spica makes absolutely no sense if Goro disappears or becomes just “Aqua”
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It's just too funny.
"Ruby is my precious litle sister" is pretty much a realization of the twin siblings narrative. As straight forward as it can be.
>Fabricated another narrative
by reading the chapter... yeah okay.
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Yet Mengo, who knows the ending, symbolizes them through the Jian bird (husband and wife.) Keep the family copes coming, though lmao
Last for Ruby won
The novel can be understood as aka wanting to scam people for money by stringing them along.
>is pretty much a realization of the twin siblings narrative. As straight forward as it can be.
Retard, Aqua already acknowledged he now had a twin sister to take care of in the literal prologue
I don't know what this means or what that's referring too. So I can't comment on that. Show me what you mean and I'll look into it.
And what is Aqua without Goro retard? Her whole interaction is with Goro, even if Goro becomes her actual sibling, ch150 implies Goro is disappearing and Aqua should stop acting as Goro, whatever the fuck that’s supposed to even mean.
It's what he's doing in the manga, though. He is making a killing off of easily baited rats.
>Retard, Aqua already acknowledged he now had a twin sister to take care of in the literal prologue
You do realize that it's a difference to take care of a twin sister he doesn't know anything about and saying he wants to preserve Sarina as his sister Ruby? Like it's obviously not the same retard
Just look up Jian, it's used for soulmates. Two people that complete each other. The Jian bird is basically two birds that are the half of the other.
Without each other they cannot live and must eternally support each other.
>as aka wanting to scam people for money
Retarded people should be scammed. Based.
>i-it's just a scam!
>all of my filler kana chapters are what really matter!
See >>268241281
>There are supposed to be the Jiān (鶼; jian1): the mythical one-eyed bird with one wing; Jianjian (鶼鶼): a pair of such birds dependent on each other, inseparable, hence representing husband and wife.
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The Jian [鹣], also known as birds that fly together [比翼鳥], are mythical birds that possess only one eye and one wing. These creatures are born imperfect, and they need to lean against each other and act as one in order to be able to fly. Their mutual dependence is eternal, lasting through death and rebirth.

The Jian originates from Chinese mythology and its dependence on joining in pairs symbolizes the bond between a husband and wife .
Too bad he used the story from the novel in the manga already.
>he wants to preserve Sarina as his sister Ruby?
That’s not what he actually said at all wtf
>ch150 implies Goro is disappearing and Aqua should stop acting as Goro,
And that's why you are stupid. Do you even understand what "Goro" and "Aqua" means in his own head? I mean you should, because it gets spelled out literally in the chapter.

Gorou is a drive out of desperation after he lost Sarina and Ai to live for revenge as his atonement. Sarina is alive, this drive has no reason to keep existing, it becomes a distant memory.

You're obsessing over names without even realizing the concepts behind words like "Gorou" and "Aqua". Ruby says Aqua is just like Gorou - of course he is "Gorou" in the way she remembers his character. Aqua is the reincarnation of Gorou. That's a fucking no brainer lmao. However obviously this is not the "Gorou" in Aqua's head who defines himself as a revenge drive.
Another way of looking it is the novel, being side content, shows Sarina and Goro's relationship was a side plot all along, you don't need to read side content to get the main story
A sturdy African ojisan just came inside Akane's slutty holes btw. Akane is totally addicted to the BBC now
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>side content
>Without each other they cannot live and must eternally support each other.
This in itself isn't exclusively relatable to romance in the context of ONK. Like even if they don't bang each other the troupe of that they can't live without eternally supporting each other is obvious.
>A twin star
The novel itself tells you they're only siblings
>You're obsessing over names
It’s not me doing it bud. Literally look at the raws and how Ruby asks him to look at her as *Goro Amamiya* and then Kana asks him to tell her she’s *Aqua Hoshino’s* favorite idol. They’re even emphasized the same way. In the fucking chapter Aqua says “Ruby loves Goro. Aqua Hoshino is just her twin brother”.
Which is why they got reincarnated as siblings.
They don't do any interacting in the manga.its why I don't buy into the novel says. It's a scam.
So you’re shipping incest now?
>a system whose two stars are so close together they are egg-shaped rather than spherical, and can only be separated by their spectra
Anon, they exist so intertwined with another they cannot be seen as a separate star by the naked eye.
Last for Akane.
a shit
A shit
Last for Ojisan x Akane OTP
Die already.
>and how Ruby asks him to look at her as *Goro Amamiya*
She doesn't just asks him to look at her as Gorou but to cosplay him and re-enact their interactions in a super creepy and discomforting way. As a personality Aqua is Gorou and Gorou is Aqua, but he is not anymore Gorou Anamiya, the doctor of Sarina Tendouji.
Akane can only be satisfied with BBC now
>She doesn't just asks him to look at her as Gorou but to cosplay him and re-enact their interactions
No, she didn't. He did that on his own.
Nah, I think it's a great novel. I just never saw it as a confirmation of that ship. If you read it without bias it's bittersweet and tragic but also full of hope.
*a cute.
He did the cosplay shit all on his own Ruby just wanted him to call her Sarina
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>She doesn't just asks him to look at her as Gorou but to cosplay him and re-enact their interactions in a super creepy and discomforting way
Ah so you make up headcanons, got it. Keep coping though
Jamal and Tyrone are having their way with Akane again...
Bro she asks him and he got glasses prepared in her room. Probably not the first time they did that...

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