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>You bought me as a slave, but you’re not currently raping me, so I’m totally in love and would die for you and need your dick now!!

I mean…really?
He practically groomed her to be his obedient servant from the time she was a little girl, no wonder she turned all fucked up.
Moids were a mistake
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Forgot about that lmao. Shield Hero truly is an amalgamation of the worst anime tropes in existence. From the loyal slave, to the persecution/savior complex, to even the fucking daughterwife shit.
Isn't she like 10yo?
Black Summoner did the slave thing right. Mc buys a cursed elf girl that can't be touched for cheap, breaks her curse, she falls in love with him amd they have sex.
Make the guy a monster with really big hands, and now it's a best-selling shoujo
She's more mature than Naofumi. Also she isn't even human so who cares.
>best-selling shoujo

So it would sell like, 300 books?
>I mean…really?
At least shield hero had a reason with his betrayal shit to keep everyone at arm's length. They haven't gotten to it in the anime yet, but when Naofumi had his rage yoinked from him by a monster he actually got horny for all his slaves. This bitch literally betrayed his ass and stuck his wrath back into him because he wasn't Naofumi without it, much to Alta's dismay (she was the ONLY one who wanted him free of his wrath so he would fuck her). So I have no sympathy for her - she made her own fucking bed, she gets to lie in it.

These guys always suck. Slaves are for fucking, it's discourteous to not fuck them.
Does he rape them
Do they like it
she's literally 11-12yo btw
Erm you don’t understand it’s clearly explained that demihumans age when they get experience points bro…
raphtalia is more like naofumis adopted daughter
Physically, what about mentally?
Also if they level too much will they die of old age or this logical aspect is conveniently skipped.
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(You) Would groom a female slave daughterwife if you could too
I mean…
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Raise as a daughter, yes.
Groom, absolutely not.
I would set a border and I will never do anything outside of it. If she shows affection, I will not return it unless she's already 25th years old and did not get over that phase

What would God think of me
Raise as a daughter/competent servant, sure.

Groom as a wife, no. That's fucked up.
Agni calm fucking down
Wow, it’s the target audience for the sexless MC
Contrary to what /a/ tells you, Shoujo market is hot
They just stopped making anime because studios found out that girls like it better if it was adapted in live-action featuring their faggy boys
I want love, not sex
Family love is to be held sacred.
>absolutely not
>unless she’s 25 years old
Does he really? What does he do exactly?
The only part I find egregious is the "no, please don't free me from being a slave, I want to be your slave forever"
Women say that irl
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No no, you don't groom her. You just treat her like a princess until she falls so in love with you that she'd kill herself if you don't accept her as your bride. Then you'd be morally obligated to take her as a wife.
Name 3
Only if she's already past 25 years old.
>You just treat her like a princess until she falls so in love with you that she'd kill herself
holy simp there are still people that think like this in this day and age? Man wtf I thought men were getting educated.
This spoiled girls got us to this mess
Treat her like Cinderella and make her do all the chores. No unsupervised access to iPad until she's 13.
And no iPad in bed until she's 16
and that's a good thing you pathetic cucks
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Being unable to shower your slave daughter with delights without acting like a simp is a you problem.
Ladies and gentleman, we found the biggest faggot on all of /a/!
Touch grass, coombrain
Your sisters, your mother, your grandma
literally forces her to drink his strongest potions.
>calls someone a coombrain when you said you’d fuck your adopted daughter
yeah really it is called being based
Treat like a daughter but if she falls in love accept it, I assume this scenario is in isekai land so I am not gonna get canceled
Man what the shit am I reading in here you know that she can give you a daughter if you want one so bad, there's no need to cuck yourself out of a free daughterwife unless you are just straight up gay
Shield Hero was like one of the few times buying a slave was warranted though.
Only for me though
I mean, the slave buying is literally portrayed as the Hero being a jaded shit head and "doing whatever it takes" to get revenge.

I think the problem is more that the slave girl he buys is so head over heels in love with him because he doesn't rape her every day. It's the kind of thing that you only see in girls with abusive boyfriends who insist that he is secretly nice when he isn't smashing their face in.
Unironically the most believable part of this show.
>What would God think of me
He would sent you to hell for being so gay
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Consider it done
>you saved me from a short hellish life as a rapetoy and treated me well im greatful for that.
that monster how could he!
If it's perfectly legal in isekai...hell to the yeah.
She's ten
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Without access to the internet to constantly show everyone how much better their lives could be, people had much lower standards for happiness.

"An owner who's very nice to me" is about as good of a life as most slave can conceptualize. And the fact that he's good looking is about all a woman would need to fall for him.
The internet has ruined everything forever

But it also showed me anime girls so fair trade ig
Out of…
Like five. Damn.
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What were the alternatives?
Rudy is 10 times worst
Wait what? You are joking right? That seems outright evil to do.
It actually made sense in this one since he groomed her from childhood
It's pretty hot honestly
>they haven't gotten to it in the anime yet
That was when they fought Gaelion in the wn, the show has already passed that point.
She's fictional, nigga.
This trope is a reminder we're dealing here with a rice fields asiatic culture, by all dynamics a third world entity - which just happens to have lots of money and some powerful allies
This thread gives me the ick.
The dick?
No just bad vibes.
Like a hard dick???
Somethings more clever would have been "Like a dick viberator?"
My lawyer told me not to answer this question.
I mean if you read about real life stories of women/girls that have been abducted and raped for years, eventually they are breaking and will completely submit to their abductor/rapist. So much that they won't even attempt to flee even when allowed to go out by themselves or to see their families.
This is a long process that takes years, but you can break a person's mind.
It's a popular series with Japanese women, so it must be realistic. Only femoids from the West hate it.
>Only femoids from the West hate it.
*claim to
Reminds me of the Ariel Castro case
You femoid tourists are too obvious. Go cry somewhere else because Japs (both men and women included) don’t care about your sensitivities.
Women love this shit, OP is a guy currently trying to hit on the college student to his left by showing her how intelligent of a femi-ally he is.
She'll be nice to him, and tell everyone he's a nice guy, but she doesn't want him.
He'll assume he's in there, because in his mind, anything a woman says that isn't mocking him is flirting.
That's the biggest mistake a pimp can make
Marrying his ho
Raphtalia should be naked more often.
Raph's only reason to be naked should be to become the raising child mother of the rising shield heroes.
>What would God think of me?
Read the Bible.
You are totally free to marry her once she is like 14, if she is your slave doubly so.
Raising her like a princess just means raising her as your wife.
There is nothing wrong with grooming a women to be a perfect wife if you are going to marry her in the eyes of the LORD. On the contrary what is happening in current year is an abomination which he hates instead.
Indeed we are calling good evil and evil good.
No. As someone who actually has siblings, I'd say that family is different. People don't normally feel attraction to, say, a sister. If you're raising a girl as a daughter, you wouldn't be attracted to her either.
If I was raising a girl as my daughter, I would genuinely treat her as my daughter. Eventually I would send her off to magical college to meet an elf guy, or put in her a party with the strapping, handsome sons of my friends, or ensure that she ends up in the incredibly noble and powerful blonde Hero's team.
You know, the way I would treat my actual, biological DAUGHTER. Because I love her as a father, and definitely not in a sexual way.
I've always wondered whether this scenarios has ever come up:
>MC buys girl as a slave
>MC raises her
>Girl is grateful, then tells him she's fallen in love with his rival
You know, the whole "I love dating guys Daddy hates" phase all girls go through.
Bad example. Leo didn't buy Sariphi as a slave, she was sent to Ozmargo by the humans as a sacrifice. He had been secretly freeing all the sacrifices instead of eating them, making him the opposite of the bog-standard isekai MCs who participate in all this fucked-up shit but you're still supposed to view them as a goody-two-shoes.
It went to shit the second she turned into a hag.
"The slave girl that I raised as my daughter ended up marrying my archenemy, in another world"
I ran a search for that and I'm now disappointed it's not a thing.
>Eventually I would send her off to magical college to meet an elf guy, or put in her a party with the strapping, handsome sons of my friends, or ensure that she ends up in the incredibly noble and powerful blonde Hero's team.
I'm surprised it's not a thing yet, really.
There's nothing compelling about this scenario except to momentarily tickle your sick NTR fetish. At very best it's an okay plot for an asanagi doujin.
It's a great comedy beat.
>"What? The little girl I raised as a Holy Knight is now fucking an incubus?"
>"You don't understand me, dad! He's so beautiful and tormented and wounded! He gets me like no-one else!"
>"No daughter of mine will date a soul-sucking hellspawn!"
>"Whatever, you're not even my REAL dad!"
he wanted to free her but she didn't let me
plus having slaves in your party gives you and the members perks
unrealistic women, right OP? light novel author should read literature by women and learn, right?
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trueee trueee
That’s a really well drawn merchant
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Even though this is normal and how life works otaku minds have been broken by ntr porn so they’d start bombing studios if this was made
This would be funny but I’m not sure it can be the basis of a whole show. Would be a good bit in something like Konosuba
Incels were a mistake
hikaru genji pls stop
If you actually read the bible, you'll know that judgment shall be by your heart.
Your actions were of malice and lust.
Down you shall go
To be fair, a lot of fiction like that is idealistic, which is the point.
What if I rape but I don’t do it out of malice
How does God feel about rape correction?
Stockholm syndrome is a thing.
Nice cuck fantasy
It happened with coons, why wouldn't it happen with racoons?
If he's as good as they say he is, he definitely approves
For legal and digital footprint reasons, I will not answer this question
Would the queen accept that Naofumi punish Malty of her crimes by forced impregnation and perpetual raising of his future heirs.
Kys subhuman
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by all means
oh massa jefferson, thank u fah bringing me to paris!
>Hey bro your rage hurts you but I'm used to it so back it goes teehee
Alta best girl
He's a Hero, who no one was willing to work with for reasons not in his control. If he didn't get EXP by killing monsters it would directly lead to the world ending.
She was bought to be used as a tool, and she was fine with that because the alternative was death.
Yes. Gas all holes in this thread btw.
Rightfully so. Kill all cucks and whores.
>saves her from torment, sickness and certain death
>treats her to whatever food she likes
>has her learn to fight so that the both of them can survive

not sure what's so wrong with this or why it's odd she would love him for this.
Because that's the bare standard of what anyone should do
It doesn't make him special. I makes it just sad
>I makes it just sad
*It just makes their relationship sad
Physically age is all that matters.
>the scenario I constructed makes her dependent on me so it’s ok
absolutely the fuck not. Raising another human is a pain in the ass, and I would have no romantic love for someone I have to teach everything
the jefferson thing is entirely fake. literally wakanda-tier fan fiction
Take note that this is less about marketability and more about amount of titles being sold
And web manga? Last I check, as much as 30-40% of everything there are girl stuff
It's actually not a thing. Originally it was created because there was a hostage situation in Stockholm where police were acting reckless and shit making the hostages feel like they were actually more in danger. They complained about it afterwards and a psychologist created that term named after the hostage situation. Stockholm syndrome is the international term, locally they called it something else based on the incident. Basically it was just PR to prop up the cops who were actually acting recklessly and putting the hostages lives in danger. For the most part that's how the term is used.
>Hostages can't possibly want us to negotiate for their lives, it must be stockholm syndrome. What they really want is for us to sacrifice some of them in order to take out the criminals.
Not him, but huh. The more you know.
True but it’s still funny
People fall in love for less
I fail to see the point or alleged "sadness" of the thing
The analogy of God saving Israel for (metaphorical!) marriage mentions Him not even visiting as a friend til she's fully grown so leave the Big Guy out of this. (I forget the chapter. It's Old Testament, the prophets.)
>Because that's the bare standard of what anyone should do
How many starving homeless people have YOU personally taken in, cleaned up, fed, gave a place to stay, and trained in useful skills?
The only unrealistic thing about this is that they would sell you a female child slave for that cheap and have her in the same shitty conditions as the other regular slaves.

In the real world we all know anything female and underage would be high in demand as sex slaves but that might be too much for an anime.
why do americans feel the need to mention fictional character's age (which no one asked for or thought about until mentioned) on characters that clearly look adult?
I believe they justified it by saying the kingdom hates beastfolk.
can she be a competent battle partner in isekai and help watch my back? that would be an added bonus.
Why do 3rd worlders feel the need to mention America when nobody else was thinking or talking about it?
I haven't watched this in a while but I remember that once she "grew up" (after leveling) everyone seemed to be attracted to her?
only americans whine and moan about this
glowies living rent free in their heads
I don’t think you know what glowie means
If you wouldn’t groom her or rape her (or both) then you’re either a faggot or a woman.
I don't think he knows a lot of things.
It’s an isekai so don’t expect logic. She’s liked because she’s in the hero’s party and the beastgirls are hated for cliche racism plots
americans, I assume
too old to groom to be a wife
A tiny bit but otherwise its close to perfect age
There's a very small window in between too early and she sees you as a father and too late and becomes corrupted beyond repair. Like 10-12
>do I fit in yet?
seems you're not a woman
No, no I would not, anon.
Esl or xitteroid tourist? Both, I’m assuming
>Last I check, as much as 30-40% of everything there are girl stuff
Yes, of course. Webmanga is totally different and doesn't follow the same trends. What's that? Did someone say oricon?
>If you wouldn’t groom her or rape her (or both) then you’re either a faggot or a woman.
>he doesn't know about /ll/ or yuri
If you think about it all isekai and native isekai is about a self insert forming relationships with grateful people, prove me wrong
What? Saintess is Omnipotent, Ascendance of a Bookworm, and Heretical Last Boss Queen are still doing well.
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There's also Tearmoon Empire which has already sold 1.3M copies
You never heard of stock-hold syndrome?
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he does fit. you dont
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Not a slave, but something similar
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Neat, acab is global
Raph-chan > Raph loli >> Raph hebe >>> Raph old
man how are you the only anon here who shouldn't kill himself
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Stockholm, anon
>prove me wrong
I can’t
did some eceleb make a video about "muh slavery in isekai sucks because reasons" or something like that?
else i can't explain why people started complaining about it out of sudden
This is not a recent complaint. Anyone who even slightly understands normal human behavior can point this stuff out
it's seasonal. people will complain again comes next season
I would rather be alone. I hate that I can't be.
I mean he did more than just not rape her you know, like properly raise her with actual love and care? You know, like, I don't know actual AFFECTION?
And he made her face her fears and kept her from being tormented for her entire life by the monster that killed her parents
That doesn't change her chronological age. Also, not all Demi-Humans age that way.

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