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Let me get this straight

Best tits and body
>Best legs
>Best sex in general

Am i wrong?
>Sylphy last
Sounds about right.
Eris= Roughest sex
Roxy=Freaky Technical sex(She'd finger your prostate to make you cum harder)
Sylphie= Freaky Degenerate sex(Ass to mouth without ever performing an enema)
Best pussy? Has to be Nanahoshi. Asian pussy is unmatched. Speaking from experience.
Love Sylphie
Hate Roxy
Fap to Eris
I hate Eris.
>Best pussy
Sylphie probably slight edges out Roxy due to size, Roxy might be slightly tighter though, I think Eris and Sylphie would be the wettest but only ever so slightly more than Roxy. Roxy might have the most aesthetically pleasing by a small margin.
Love Sylphy.
Love Roxy.
Love Eris.
Hate Nanahoshi.
Eris returns in 2 years.
Rudy calls Roxy incredibly tight, because she's "just a bit too small" for him. So he probably completely fills her.
>Rudy calls Roxy incredibly tight
I know, that's why I put that Sylphie probably slightly edges her out due to size. I bet anal with Roxy is incredible though.
Eris probably has the deepest vagina
Good thing Rudy has a Big Dick.
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>"Why this tiny girl? She's the same hight as me!"
>"Why didn't you pick me?"
What was her fucking problem?
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Roxy probably tried anal once or twice, but Sylphy likely does it more since Roxy would have moved on to something else to experiment.
>Just yanking Rudy like that
Them Paul Sword autist genes are blooming
big enough to fit into a 14 year old
Sylphie and Rudy probably do things so disgusting it would be illegal in 50 countries when in the bedroom, especially since healing magic is a thing
So what does Roxy do if she's experimenting?
Using enemas and anal beads on Dudi.
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We know Rudy and Roxy have done
>belly button licking
>cunnilingus (enough to make his jaw ache the next day)
>various standing or other positions because Roxy is tiny enough to manhandle
>Roxy left welts on Rudy's back from her nails and does so more than once
>student-teacher roleplay (pic related)
Those are all from the various LNs, plus a few other things scattered throughout as idle side commentary from Rudy. Sylphie's thoughts also have her say how compared to her, Roxy is "very aggressive".
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Eris in particular was made for rough anal correction. Roxy for cute and cuddly bedside sex. Silphy, meh.
canon soon
Why cant Eris just turn her touki off so Rudeus can actually dominate her in bed?
it's like a reflex, a natural part of her body. if you can use it you can't just turn it off. it's like trying to turn off depth perception with both eyes open.
I haven't watch this show but I've nutted to Roxy 3 times in 3 hours bros...
when does she say this?
That ridiculous because Paul demonstrated Touki suppression when he was training with Rudy
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>honey are you agree about nanahoshi be my second wif....
Realistically, if Eris used touki during sex she'd break your dick
Which means shes suppressing the touki amount
Even without touki she would still dominate him. She has much more stamina than he does.
Animals also can use touki so a horse could withstand sex with Eris better than Rudeus
How would the diary go if Rudy was married to all three of the main girls when Roxy died? Would Eris have punched him out of his drunken Roxy depression before he got Sylphie killed?
Yeah probably
they'd go on their murder spree together
>they'd go on their murder spree together
Would Sylphie join?
the whole family probably has to go into hiding after eris and rudy murder all the knights of millis
Eris would probably follow Rudy to Millis with the boys. Probably not as likely to get killed as Cliff, but still might. That would just be another notch in his belt for becoming Punished Rudy
Holy ESL batman
Eris would probably say some dumb autistic shit and Rudeus would get mad, prompting Eris to punch him, then Rudeus would go all domestic violence on her
>Punished Rudy
>Punished Eris and Sylphie after Finding Lucy's and Ars's dismembered corpses in the basement, alongside Aisha, Ginger, Lilia and Norn.
They took Zenith and forced different men to rape her in an attempt to cure her
>They go on a worldwide killing spree before they're brutally taken down 1 by 1 when all of "Gods" convene to finish them off.
>After Eris dies, Sylphie nukes herself and the area to give Rudy a chance to escape
>rest of the Oldeus timeline goes as it does originally.
It's theoretically possible, I suppose. But it would depend on the circumstances of how Eris happened to return and become his wife.

More likely I think is that he would stay depressed, and Sylphie would still die. She abandoned him for Ariel because he fucked a prostitute (Eris wouldn't care about that), and their failed attempt to return to Asura is what got them killed (according to Hitogami, her fate if she abandons or leaves Rudeus is death). Had Rudy never gone to Ranoa Sylphie also would have died on that same attempt by Ariel to return to Asura because of the loss of Derrick Redbat meaning Ariel can't get Perugius' support. The coup attempt succeeds because Orsted gives Rudy the lead on Triss and tells him how to get history back on course, including Derrick's diary.

So Sylphie dies anyway, and then Eris would join Oldeus on his quest across the world to fuck over Hitogami. Time travel probably ultimately still happens.

Even if she survives going to Millis, it wouldn't be enough because Roxy was dead by the time they returned. Unless Eris being with them opens up some new angle for the Blessed Child to get the scrolls, it probably ends the same.
I personally think Eris would chase Sylphie down to bring him back to Rudy.
He'll see both of their corpses hung up and pelted with Rocks and just nukes the entire kingdom instead of just burning half of it.
Roxy fapped to his dad.

I'm sorry but that's weird as fuck. Imagine you find out your irl gf flicked her bean to your own dad.
I don't think Eris is likely to abandon Rudeus to go with Sylphie. It would depend on the circumstances of her return and whether or not she felt accepted by the other wives when Roxy died and Rudeus went into his spiral.
How do you know she wasn't masturbating to Zenith?
Yea dude we already know Roxy makes you seethe, this isn't the first time you've brought this up, get some new material.
It wouldn't be abandoning him, more so protecting Sylphie like she did for Roxy in vol 22, I more so think she would attempt to bring Sylphie back and decide to help Ariel(like she normally does in the previous timelines) but this time they get assraped by Auber and Reida.
>no arguments
Really telling. Miggerfags stay last.

Meanwhile Sylphy? Pure as white snow.
One thing that bothers me is how in loops without Rudeus Eris ends up with Luke, I guess it was Rudeus' idea to kidnap her but Darius had his eye on her regardless so what happens? Darius gets Eris' first and Luke gets sloppy seconds after she's uncunny? Ghislaine saves the day every day? No way Luke is enough man to protect Eris.
I'm not bothering to argue with you because I tried that shit in a previous thread and you just kept posting nonsense, also cut it out dude, I don't know why you keep spacing your posts like but you don't have to, I'm sure you're probably used to doing that on reddit or something.
>Sylphy mentioned
Yup yup, you're so obvious, so is your gimmick now going to be whining about Roxy every thread, wait until you get a few replies then mentioning how "perfect" Sylphie is (she isn't)
He actually don't.
i also found it weird because of how much sauros despises the notos
if teaching eris swordplay was to let her become an adventurer if she fails as a noble then how the hell does she end up in ariel's service?
Most likely without the mock kidnapping they never get a chance to pull it off with Eris around Ghislaine 24/7. Darius wouldn't be interested anymore by the time she meets Luke since she would be an adult at that point
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My ex wife outright told me she did and that the reason she was with me was because she thought my dad was so hot and she wanted to be with a guy who looked like him when he got older. Then she just found a guy who looked like him and left me. Joke's on her he was my step dad anyway
>No way Luke is enough man to protect Eris.
She fell in love with him because he accepted getting punched non-stop by her.
Reida was only there because Hitogami planted her there (appeared in her dreams telling her she could repay a debt). If Rudy isn't going to Asura then Reida might not get the dream so instead it's Amber that Eris has to fight. But yes, if Reida is there then Eris will probably die. Nobody could have really done anything other than Orsted when she activated her sphere.
Silly phoneposter
What if Sylphie had a vore fetish?
Ipad poster actually anon.
I always assumed it was Reida who disarmed Sylphie, but even then it took Two Sword kings and Rudeus to defeat Auber so she's fucked either way.
A Sword God is worth 1.5 Sword Emperors who is worth 2 Sword Kings who is worth 5 Sword Saints who is worth 20 Advanced who is worth 50 Intermediate who is worth 100 Beginners
Sylphie and Eris would beat the fuck out of him after a single prostitute
Wait holy fuck I never once thought that could be the case
Eris actively brings him maids to fuck WHILE he is married to Sylphie and Roxy anon, she won't care about a prostitute. To her it doesn't count as cheating.
*Beastfolk don't count as cheating anon
You retard Eris doesnt view him boning beastgirls with her consent as cheating but a random escort she nor Sylphie knows oh hell no
>(Eris wouldn't care about that
Eris was completely hostile to Sara in V23
Tomayto fucking tomahto
At sex, yes.
It's funny to think about if the genders were reversed Eris would be bringing Rudy a bunch of beastboys to fuck her senseless
Male Eris would bring home female beastgirls to fuck in front of Rudea to get her soaked
Sylphie>Eris>>Roxy>>>nonwives for me personally
Sylphie=Roxy=Eris effectively
Waifufag consolewarriors get the rope
>belly button licking
>cunnilingus (enough to make his jaw ache the next day)
>various standing or other positions because Roxy is tiny enough to manhandle
>Roxy left welts on Rudy's back from her nails and does so more than once
>student-teacher roleplay
Which girl has the smelliest pussy, hard mode: NOT Eris
Banana > All.

Rudeus agrees, remember whose portrait has pride of place and is the largest on his wall. It sure as fuck isn't one of his wives.
Linia hands down. Reeks of ammonia catpiss
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Roxy realized Paul's dick was gone forever so she jumped on his son's
That works too
Ghislaine. Beastfolk plus Sword autism workouts every day.
Seems like you do want arguments though
Wait, when was that mentioned? It wouldn't be surprising, but I don't think Roxy has ever brought up slobbing on Rudy's knob.
I adore Roxy still though.
It's actually rifujin's fault he fleshed her out far less. The Shirone war was almost enough but she needed that Rudy+Roxy duo labyrinth delve. Pity.
>gone forever
or so talhand would have you believe
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Who cares which waifu is the best, Rudy fucks all of them.
I bet Eris gives the worst head on the occasions Rudy can talk her into it because she'd much rather snu snu unga bunga
Needs a Redundancy follow up or something, Rudeus and Roxy go off on an anniversary trip or something to deal with a labyrinth together. Maybe Orsted needs something from it.
Roxy could literally fuck three generations of Greyrats, Paul, Rudy and Ars
https://exhentai.org/s/abee42a60a/2968643-10 this is canon
The girls ranked in giving the best head from best to worst:

Best technique for ultimate stimulation. Definitely tongues the tip
Serviceable and gets the job done
Accidentally bites and uses teeth
>implying rudy doesn't instantly bust with eris' touki vacuum
>Sylphie lets him face fuck her and throat fuck her
>Roxy is able to massage his dick with her esophagus
>Eris accidentally bit down a little too hard one day and it took Sylphie's healing magic to reattach so he never gets head from her
>Anime caused porn artists to draw dominant Roxy porn of their first time rather than her being pushed down and fucked hard
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>Roxy's tiny naked body will never be pressed up against yours after a passionate night of love making
This is a problem why?
>No Banana in the middle
Do they ever do threesome/foursome?
Yes and yes
Do they ever do S+E only and R+E only threesomes?
Rudy's a homo if he doesn't round out all the combos
Sylphie bullies Eris hard in foursomes I bet.
Sylphie and Roxy have threesomes with Rudeus regularly.

At the end he gets one foursome, but he has to greatly sacrifice to Eris to get it to happen. Eris doesn't like other women to see what she does to Rudy when she takes charge and milks him.

Not that it is shown.
I like to imagine she's riding on Aisha's shoulders here to meet Rudy eye to eye
sacrifice what?
Is Lara's name supposed to be a reference to Lalah? They're both telepaths and Rudy does love him some Gundam.
Doesn't say, just that he suffered greatly to get her to agree to one.
You mushoku incels thought you could hide? We're out to get you, and the score for mushoku tensei on MAL is dropping by the minute with our power
>Roxy’s small body dominating you while you’re too depressed to fight back
I think I developed a new fetish…
Is the PV for the last episode out already?
Who unironically uses Mal? I just go by recommendations from friends, or watch ultraman and kamen rider
Holy fuck. These niggers are funny. This and that bait thread have given me a few laughs kek
they delayed it so it can line up with infidelity day in japan
His anal chastity, she waited till the other two were asleep to slip touki-laced fingers in his butt
Nice, thanks, man.
Please do something about the reputation of this shitshow. Write bad reviews anywhere, shitpost in threads on reddit and here, anything. Don't let this garbage go down as something better than Sword Art Online.
I'm not like you who derive "pleasure" by seeing MAL scores drop. It's too existentially pointless
Bb..but anon! Mal says that Frieren is le 9.9/10! This must means it's the best anime in existence! It also says Demon Slayers is an 8.5/10, this must mean it's better than 90% of anime!. Remember also when MAL had Bleach at 9/10? Bleach is literally a masterpiece!!!

(there is people that unironically believe this)
I use it to keep track of where I'm at in an anime when i'm watching something that isn't currently airing but that's about it
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>he's pulling that shit again to everyone
What a bitch kek
And nope, Sylphie is perfect
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He is a fiend that has corrupted Sylphy with his encyclopedic knowledge of sex from porn and eroges
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kek and it’s 8.43 from like 8.36 how is it dropping if anything people realized polygamy is the way to go
Roxy looks perfect, like a goddess at rest.
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Animeonlyfag here, listen to my retarded theory.
Based on how similar the two characters sound I have come to believe that Geese is the Man-god somehow. They also seem to have very similar mannerisms and Geese seems like he knows way more than he lets on, such as when Rudy first met up with Paul after the teleportation disaster.
Holy shit anon
That really is a retarded theory
you fuckin baka. you're right
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Am I really? Or are you just jerking my chain. Maybe I should just read the source material and find out myself.
yeah maybe you should
best anal and best gangbang performance.
Yes, she bests Elinalise
Yes, it's all about hat sweet religious guilt
Geese is an experienced S class adventurer, of course he knows a lot. Don't be dumb anon.
Why this bitch got her braids in in bed. Her hair gonna be all crumpled up and she gonna have to heat press it. Elf bitch got clips in too, that’s stupid.
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Wait, you can stimulate a man by inserting a finger in his asshole?
Nah, Geese is a bro. He wouldn't play Rudy like that.
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Geese is an apostle of Hitogami but he’s not Hitogami
Who is Hitogami
Where's Eris' pillow?
rather bold of you to post theories in here as an anime only
Hitogami is in a half sealed state currently. That said he is connected to he human world(current Mushoku world) like how daedric princes are in TES to their realms but in reverse if he dies the world dies with him.

That said even in that state Hitogami can see the future of the person he chooses. 100% up to the smallest details in most cases of course there are exceptions like he can't see Orsted who has a counter against that and his vision of Rudeus tends to be wonky since he’s from another world.
According to Orsted the more apostles he controls the more his future sight becomes vague, he mostly uses that power to constantly observe his own future which is why his apostles are currently limited to only 3 but he can have much more if he stops watching himself and his limitless lifespan and expands more power.

Because of this ability he can also control fate to a certain extent like with controlled chaos theory, he can't control the chaos it's chaos but he can make specific pushes in critical junctures and change peoples pre determined fates to his advantage and effect major events that way via a butterfly effect.
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Sylphie got no braids, that's just her natural side cowlicks. A national treasure
FUCK Norn.
Get in line.
>but in reverse if he dies the world dies with him
This isn't a certainty, particularly since Hitogami isn't the original Human God, the OG one is dead and Hitogami is pretending to be him.
It is a certainty if the hijack theory is true and even without that it is most likely true because even the OG Dragon God could not tell them apart it’s literally him and he’s just being a schizo being deceived.
It's not like LNfags have the whole view of things anyway. There's a character with blue hair and wings that's involved with this series and I have fair doubts a lot of LNfags could name who it is.
It's a really long line though.

All the teenage boys of the entire university and Sharia are in the line. Rudy is completely oblivious to how many people want to take Norn to pound town, she's ludicrously popular and it makes Aisha seethe. The only reason more people haven't tried to just take Norn in later novels is because Rudeus himself terrifies them as the Demon King of the University, and there's a story that Eris will cut the dick off anybody who tries to touch her.
I think the biggest thing someone said is that Hito was originally the Void God and decided staring at nothing for Millennium was boring.
And most importantly at the end of MT’s mainline story’s dream segment they still don’t kill him. Most likely because they know he mustn’t die otherwise they’re fucked but arguably getting sealed harder for all eternity is a worse fate than death.
If he's the void god then killing him just ends the void side. It would turn off teleportation, and summoning, but other than that losing the void world wouldn't be crippling.
Void the center interconnecting and stitching together all the six-sides lol who knows what could happen if something happens with that space.
Most likely it’s over for the entire six-sided world.
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Holy Good Heavens
Can someone tell me if this is official release?
That's the cover of volume 23, yeah.
it's a volume 23 cover expanded by AI
you're pretty close
when I saw this cover at a glance before I read the LNs I thought it was them back in Fittoa and was disappointed when that wasn't the case
what it actually was is pretty cool too though
Eris is worst wife, worst mother, and worst girl. That is pretty much the only consistent fact throughout the series.
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>shit elf stating shit again
Why are you guys so hateful?
>it was Lana
People disliking S2 (except for labyrinth arc) makes them seethe.
sylphieschizo is the most extreme doomfaggot about s2 though
It's a schizo, they can hold doublethink better than most.
>worst girl
She's the only one who without a doubt went to fight Orsted with Rudeus
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I wonder if Rudy, Sylphy, and Roxy ever went back to Buena. I guess it'd be pointless, and they're both probably too busy to take a trip like that just for nostalgic waxing, but still, it'd be nice to see.
...Wait, did Rudy even go on that labyrinth raid with Roxy?? I almost have some memory of it being mentioned, but I'm not sure they did! Again, maybe pointless now, cause Roxy wanted to use that to snag him, and she unknowingly already did that a decade ago
Tbf, the other two would have gotten in the way.
Best OP?
Void God is more of a theory of mine. In ODT, Laplace suggests that the Creator God's corpse ended up in the center of the Void World; whoever Hitogami originally was used it to gain god powers, and either disguised himself as the Human God or killed and assimilated him. The skinwalker assimilation theory makes more sense as killing a world's god ends in it's destruction, so taking the Human God's body instead would keep it stable.
He supposedly took the Human God's body, so both the remaining worlds would probably be destroyed.
No way water king would've be useless, Eris herself is sword king level
Based on what Rudy the sun should not be visible from this angle
I think no to both, or at least it doesn't mention it. I think his and Zanoba's secret lab was somewhere in Fittoa though.
They are not equal. Sylphie and Roxy would job to Eris any day. Even Rudy with his MK2 is 50/50.
Water King wouldn't matter, it'd just be one more spell layered on top of the bombardment Rudeus had already dropped on Orsted. And all those spells did was piss him off. Even the nuclear explosion didn't get him truly going all out. It took the Magic Armour to make Orsted pull out his sword because it was like a cruder version of the Fighting God Armour (#3 World Power) and he had to stop fucking around.

Neither Roxy nor Sylphie have anything they can add to a fight with Orsted. Even Eris didn't in truth, she just managed to bluff him long enough for Orsted to decide he'd treat the whole thing as a job interview.

He raided her small labyrinth with her many times.
Roxy is the water king of the two and she is tapped out after one spell. Sylphie struggles to even cast saint tier magic, she'd be good for healing and that's pretty much it. Except the healing would be shit because by the time she'd be able to do any healing Rudeus would already be missing both arms.
What level is the nuclear explosion spell, Emperor?
He should have been part of the main cast/ a more recurring character
It's claimed to be God sometimes, but it's more likely to be high Emperor.
>Even the nuclear explosion didn't get him truly going all out
didnt he have to use the Dragon Gate on neuter it tho??
it's probably just a really strong fireball. we'll see in the anime but I'm guessing it's the same one he did in the first Orsted fight where he charged it for like 20 seconds and it turned purple. but yeah it's probably emperor.

if it was god level it would've turned the whole area for 10 miles into a crater and killed Rudeus
what is it even a God Class spell (confirmed)????
I think the only ones ever mentioned are the spell to heal petrification and the barrier Perugius makes for Badigadi
The second time they fought he dropped it on him directly with no visible wyrm gate. The first time he used the gate to stop it just to check.

There's also when Laplace blew himself and the continent apart. That's a God-rank spell.
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MT until Teleportation in the anime was actually great and fresh, and felt like it was building up to something. Really tight and soulful
Then, it fell off at Demon Continent, the mysteries and the world was wasted with this arc in retrospect. It's ok for what it is, but honestly, it's just dull and dreary which makes it uninteresting and a slog
Then, Academy is pure Sylphie bliss. Don't care what people say I'm mad it wasn't done right in the anime, I invested too much on the Sylphie coins
Labyrinth is good with dungeon-delving along Paul and Hydra kino. But Roxy is meh, don't care about the homewrecking
Vol 13 and Vol 14 was fun with Perugius and Chaos Breaker exploration, and Atofe fight
Then comes Oldeus and Diary, which is the classic™ MT. It's really Hype, and a rollercoaster of feels. Very KINO
Then, Asura arc was fast-paced and straight to the point, good intro testrun of being Orsted's subordinate
Shirone is probably the worst of the three country arcs, just anti-climactic all throughout
Millis is fine and easily the best, Zenith and Miko's story was nice and touching.
Then, the finale war arc is all action. Not bad, and plenty of hype. Alek carried the arc for me, honestly.
MT's ending is pretty decent overall. Rifujin's writing was consistent for the whole run. But I think the best ending out of MT's three endings is Redundancy's ending.
Still, Sylphie is too good and best girl. Sylphie >>> Eris >> Roxy
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>another textwall of schizo babble

God would blow Rudeus apart, he feels strain when channelling too much mana through his body and Badi tells him it's because he's a puny human, if he tries to channel mana on Laplace scale even if he has the actual mana his body can't handle it.
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You can't discuss and voice out your opinions of MT in the MT threads now? Weird
normal people can but not you
I think that was referring to a particular thing Laplace did, he'd use magic to make his body superhuman, but Rudeus can't do it cause he's a toukilet
Laplace was also a toukilet. That's one of the signs of laplace factor.
I don't remember that, but I think it said he had a particularly strong body (probably the factor Sieg got), which made him able to handle that spell on himself
That's the demon-dragon inhuman body element, yes. Just not touki, Laplace couldn't use touki to be superhuman.
Eris is by far the most curvy in general but "best" is subjective it's Roxy
>We're out to get you, and the score for mushoku tensei on MAL is dropping by the minute with our power
This show went from having a 8.36 to a 8.43. If this is you dropping the sciore, you're doing a pretty shitty job at it.
Did Rudy ever impregnate Ariel
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No. She wouldn't mind if he did though.
No, he's not interested in any women besides his 3 wives.
No, though she really wanted him to
He is interested, he gets horny and has to stop himself multiple times by sniffing Roxy's unwashed panties to clear his head.
> good adventure, worldbuilding , and characters
> less people watch because disgusting protag
Why can't other franchise gatekeep theirselves like this?
well well well
is nina the only female acquaintance that tries to make make sure his d only goes in his wives?
She thinks he's hot and starts eyeing him when she gets drunk. She'd fuck him if he made a move at the right time.
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I swear the fanart is drying up, I think we'll only get one or two doujins at best
It's over mushokubros
Demonic Dragon God Laplace had Touki, Schizo Demon God Laplace didn't.
It will increase once Nina and Isolde show up.
Isolde does not do polyshit. She is heterosexual love for purposes of Millis-sanctioned procreation only.
Won't stop her from being in a Jino rape doujin with Eris and Nina
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something's missing...
>Nina and Isolde
If you think two ugly hags will save the fanart scene then you are a delusional retard
if rudy asked nicely enough shirufi would let him keep a massive portrait of banana
Add Linia and Pursena to the other empty frames.
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Rudy has no respect for them.
IIRC Eris isn't nearly as strong without Rudy as a rival as kids. Orsted comments on her being 'stronger than usual' or better using her potential or something when he donut's Rudy. In other loops she never becomes Ghislaine 2.0
She normally caps out at Saint tier. With Rudy around, her max rises to King/Emperor level.
I fucking love Eris the most but shouldn’t Roxy be able to have a shit ton of kids?
>japanese women begging for Rudeus to marry Roxy
Japan, send me over. ASAP.
Without Rudeus to be the smart mage helping her, her family and Ghislaine probably wouldn't want her to be an adventurer who has to think to not starve (like it happened to Ghislaine), but rather convinced her to join the knights, where she would always have a smart superior who could direct her aggressiveness somewhere.
Darius would never ever manage to kidnap Eris, and Thomas, the traitorous servant in the current timeline, probably just kept suffering the punches and kicks from Eris for the rest of his life.
After Eris is defeated by Luke's his-face-to-her-fist technique, they marry, and the Boreas burry any rivarly they had with the Notos, thus making everyone join Ariel's side. And Derrick Redbat also convinced Perugius to supportt her.
In the current timeline, it's Rudeus who uses the his-face-to-her-fist technique.
Laplace is part immortal demon and part dragonfolk.
His demon god incarnation cannot use battle aura (and his technique god version cannot use magic), but still has the formidable abilities of being part immortal demon.
Both Eris and Roxy should be able to have a shitload of kids, but Rudeus gave them the condom treatment till he could impregnate Sylphy.
He's based
sylphie stays butthurt about banana even after the third marriage?
I thought Luke outclassed her without Rudy, unless the cap is just a judgement that's separate.
In ODT Laplace has drigger touki
Does aphrodisiacchan return or is it forever the deddest?
Luke never outclassed her (except in intelligence, which honestly almost everyone does).
She was an advanced tier sword god style user (later becoming a saint tier sword god style user), he was a mere intermediate tier sword god style user with some beginner tier water god style techniques.
He physically never had a chance. But he fell in love with her, and kept being punched over and over and over again, never giving up to try to woo her, and one day finally managed to convince her.
In the light novel, Luke gifted Sylphiette and Rudeus a second aphrodisiac for their wedding (and Ariel gifted them a dildo).
Rudeus then hands over that aphrodisiac to Elinalise, who wants that as payment for convincing Roxy and Sylphiette to have a threesome with him.
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would rudy get along with arararagi?
Elinalise is such a bro
She's sleeping at the foot of the bed like the dog she is.
Cringe and boring.
from 日本人 alone i don't see why not
>What a bitch kek
But enough about yourself
>And nope, Sylphie is perfect
Keep shitflinging retard.
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This you? lol posters like you deserve the rope for coming here just to derail the threads.
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Baby-making sex with blue hairs!
Roxycuck newfriend is an obvious bandwagoner, probably also a regular at Frieren threads last season
Why are you projecting and seething so much?
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I miss Ghislain.
>And nope, Sylphie is perfect
She isn't, none of the wives are "perfect"
Please, just stop replying to the sylphoid-doomer's attempt to incite waifuwarring.
When he melts down he goes away for a day or two.
I love how at this point even when they don't spam the same Sylphie images they still give away their identity so easily, I really hope these threads take a hiatus when we're done with the last episode, I'd rather they not become like Re:Zero threads.
Only sane post in this thread
Isolde is canonically one of the most beautiful people in the world.
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Love makes all things possible
Correct thing to do really she sucks.
Pursena on the other hand I wouldn't mind.
Pursena is even more of a brat thoughever. She easily sold out her friend whenever she's in trouble, you guys are just getting fooled by her princess-demeanor and overrating her, but her personality isn't really that far-off from Linia
so if I'm a 165cm tall squint eye jap i just have to push a girl from a truck to reincarnate as a beautiful european boy with a harem of beautiful women?
Considering the fact that they decided to use Sylphie's volume 13 design in the last episode instead of her Volume 12 design, could season 3 already be in production?
Think there was a leak that said so. If we get an announcement at the end of the last episode then it's already in production.
Higher tier mages are generally AoE threats not suited for 1v1 combat. Great for wars, though.
pump and dump is the only correct choice
I'm ready for Oldeus and the inevitable art of him raping Sylphie and Roxy in front of current Rudy, maybe he'll rape Rudy too.
Thats a massive plothole, mages would be abuse in manipulate terrain in wars yets mages are pratically no shows. Even non unga bunga spells like creating a sudden smokescreen on the enemy army to fuck over their formations would be great. Also alot of fantasy writers do not realize if fire fucking touchs you once you ignite on fire meaning fire an extremely effective weapon against formations as you can create an inferno by just igniting one guy who runs into the other guys screaming in pain igniting more guys an if theres vegetation around then just lol
I said this years ago but what would a touki nigger do if I just cast uranium dust and flew away?
He can just die in a week through unbelievable agony.
why are eris' boobs so pointy, she's like a 1960 secretary
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Eris molests Pursena.
LN artists aren't exactly the creme of the crop
Mages DO abuse and manipulate terrain in wars, when Rudy goes to war in V19 he does a lot of battlefield modification and shit.

Thing is, King tier magicians are fucking rare. Even Saint tier are rare. It's said in the same volume that a King tier mage can have rulers all but grovelling to get their aid in a war.
Thats only Rudeus, mages are seen as weakling jobbers when they would be extremely useful for the military, so its just horrible stupid worldbuilding by Rifujin. Roxy demonstrated they already have magic equivalents to cannons by magic circles inscribed on the walls of forts that can be sent mana to fire off an automatic fire ball to ignite an enemy army formation on fire
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I love this board
>There's also when Laplace blew himself and the continent apart. That's a God-rank spell.
That wasn't a spell, nor was it intentional. That was the result of his soul being split in half when the armor interfered with him attempting to use the reincarnation technique. Badigadi thought Laplace himself did that, which is probably why he says if Rudeus tries to use magic like Laplace did, then he'd explode. Nuke was probably at least low God-tier. Roxy thought Rudeus used the Emperor-tier water spell "Absolute Zero" to save her, and the range on that was only the size of a room in a labyrinth, so it probably had more to do with the power of it, as it was as if he bathed the monsters completely in liquid nitrogen. If the nuke had that same level of power, but with even greater size, it has to be God-tier. Even if it was only King-tier power at a given spot (any lower and it wouldn't have even damaged Orsted), its range should make it at least low God-tier.
Reminds me of my grandma's tits. I'm hard
War is about unfairness if you send a formation of guys with swords at an enemy army your also supposed to be thinking of measures to fuck over the enemy army before they connect with your formation to reduce the amount of your guys killed in battle
>But dying in battle is honorable
No that is just stupid
Can't blame Eris. I would raw dog Pursena balls deep.
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This innocent dog?
Pupper factory
Do beast girls also produce several litters of children at once?
Yes. Well, "it is common" for them to have multiple children at once. They won't always and it may not be a full 6-12 children each time, but multiple births is likely.
You guys ever think Linia and Pursena got dick later in life?
I would put money on Ars dicking them on the side to Aisha, he's a Boreas Greyrat AND a Notos. He likes beastfolk on Boreas side and tits on the Notos side.
We can at least have civil discussion regarding their sex lives because we have objective statements from the story and each have their own allure when it comes to taking dick that makes them distinct.

Also, shout out to the anon who translated that Sylphy doujin.
Were Linia and Pursena still at the house when Ars was that old? I can't remember.
To be fair, it was an army of 10 thousands with mage support assaulting a fortress that should only have 300 soldiers inside. The fact that the fortress then had a king tier and emperor tier mage (said emperor tier mage having god tier mana) in it who arrived within less than a month thanks to teleportation circles was unexpected.
is this ai?
Where is the Rifujin quote about God-rank magic? I remember seeing him talking about it in one blog post. I'm curious on the scale of the spells in volume 15, the anime should expand on it, I wonder if the magic would just be bitch tier or if it's literally going to be Rudeus summoning mountains and blowing up an entires forest with a nuke.
>I'm curious on the scale of the spells in volume 15,
Both Orsted and Zanoba say Rudeus destroyed an entire forest, whatever size that would even be.
the first water god froze the entire ocean with a spell
the latest chapters of bookworm have been so good
>no ferdinand I cant love you romantically, but I do love you and want to marry you, also we will have kids in the future right?
myne is such a baka
>Thats only Rudeus, mages are seen as weakling jobbers when they would be extremely useful for the military
Not really, atofe's magic corps and the magic brigade in Shirone were both well respected. You are right that in general people don't fuck with magic a lot, but that's because of misconceptions of mana pools not growing and the fact that incantations for spells higher than saint rank are like entire paragraphs long. These issues are solved in the future with rudy/roxy publicizing their magic findings and incorporating wordless casting into the curriculum of school
Polygamy is sinful, Jesus is King
linia is aisha's business partner so they've for sure interacted a lot
Its fine if it's a wife and concubines
Proof? There isn't much sense of scale for the spells, there are some blogposts that Rifujin has made, but it would be better if the anime or the light novel itself expanded on it. For example, I remember one blogpost that he said that the spell Rudeus used against Orsted in volume 15, the big rock, was a 1 km sized meteor. That size is fucking insane if true, would probably big big enough to completely destroy a city.
Sauce? Chapter?
orsted mentions it, i have no idea when though, i think its sometime during the asura arc
WN translation says he froze over the surface, haven't seen the part in the LN yet. It doesn't say the entire ocean, either, so the actual scale is still vague.
Roxy is the asian woman's self-insert and Rudy is a white chad
There is zero places in the bible that care about polygamy
There are cases of polygamy in it, too, even.
Polygamy ≠ adultery
>If there is a girl who is a virgin engaged to a man, and another man finds her in the city and lies with her, then you shall bring them both out to the gate of that city and you shall stone them to death; the girl, because she did not cry out in the city, and the man, because he has violated his neighbor’s wife. Thus you shall purge the evil from among you.
>If there is a man who commits adultery with another man’s wife, one who commits adultery with his friend’s wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.
>If a man is found lying with a married woman, then both of them shall die, the man who lay with the woman, and the woman; thus you shall purge the evil from Israel.
Unfathomably based for not letting the woman go unpunished.
Incorrect, there are cases that condone polygamy

Adultery is only when a man sleeps with a married women(because it looks bad for the man). There is no punishment for a married man sleeping with an unmarried woman.
It's impossible, ARRG could never see eye-to-eye with a man that denies his little sisters' the love they deserve.
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Religions are made to control the masses through fear, adhering to them only matters to those that live in places where the general populace will kill you for going against the mainstream religion, otherwise it's pointless to practice one unless you really want to believe that there's something beyond death.
/a/ - Religious scholarship
All 26 volumes plus the side stories are about 1,600,000 words, which is twice as long as the Bible at around 800,000 words(+/- a couple thousand based on translation). Of course we've read such a short thing comparatively.
No. Religion was a proto-state with base laws to adhere to, but it lost the power to enforce these laws, then it evolved and changed region to region until it barely held together.
You can watch Islam and how it is enforced country to country to see the historic timeline of other died out or irrelevant religions of today.
The old testament, which is shared by Islam and Judaism, had several key figures with multiple wives.
Does he never show up again? I know Sara eventually reappears.
Yes. On volume 23 probably season 4
>Does he never show up again?
way later. gives Eris a mini trauma cause She knew about the misunderstanding and the ED, but no that Rudeus was half a inche away from killing himself
Mushoku Tensei Season 2 Episode 24 ED Card:

- illustration by Yoshiko Saito (i think): Paul holding up child Rudeus in the air

"Thank you for watching Mushoku Tensei Season 2"

- no comments such as: "Season 3 in production" or "to be continued" are mentioned in the episode

Bros...? Where is our season 3?
It's so over... my Orsted kino...
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>no comments such as: "Season 3 in production" or "to be continued" are mentioned in the episode
season 1 didn't have anything like that either i wouldn't read too much into it
it's so over we're never going to see oldeus and the orsted rematch
We're past 2 million by this point if you were to include all of Redundancy, Jobless Oblige, ODT, and Subjugation even though it's not fully canon.
It's mushover.....
How can I like Paul if he is a fucking cheater?
Wait 3 years.
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she can wreck my home (I live alone)
Imagine quality and garbage direction
Sorry I just bought a lottery ticket, when I win I'll pour millions into Bind to produce the best S3 with uncensored Migger and Mad Dog sex
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Don't forget the threesome.
You just know we are getting either a live reading of an slideshow or a puppetshow
A puppetshow like with Cliff on the OVA with Narration would be a good compromise on my book
Tits too big
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they won't skip oldeus raping julie I just know it
Hopefully it's 3 years wait with a god tier staff
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More like 10.....
Dwarf Julie? With the figurines?
What's his beef with Julie?
Mushoku enjoyers any recs for other anime to dive into?
Remember that time the entire thread went on hold for several minutes because a youtuber posted their reaction video to e23 and every MT poster went there to watch? Haha that was funny wasn't it
Dies Irae
Boku no pico
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I'll stop watching anime until S3, I'll be playing vidya and touching grass
It appears there will be no more waifu wars so this thread's entertainment value has diminished I bid you adieu also
Based Paulbro. It takes maturity to realize 99% of anime is slop and MT is one of the few worthwhile ones.
Roxy's fucking scene was so disappointing. Literally everything happend offscreen. Then Rudy said absolutely nothing about it.
Feels bad.
>Where is our season 3?
Hopefully outside the grasp of Bind's greasy, incompetent hands.
unless s3 is going to have an eris fuck scene there is no reason to watch anymore
Behead Sylphie
Love Eris
Love Roxy
Simple as
I'll settle for a good scene of her destroying Orsted's right arm.
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Did that elf girl gave birth yet or no
none quite scratch the same itch but my next 5 after MT are:
Vinland Saga

if you mean new stuff the only things I care about this summer are Oshi no Ko and the S&W remake
anime already ended
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After this final episode the MT depression will hit hard for you anime onlies. I recommend just reading the LN.
Paul is a shit father
next season? oshi no ko and monogatari
Next episode airs tomorrow
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nta but, the MT LN is the only piece of media that has left me feeling great instead of depressed. I got a job during my time reading it and have been taken care of myself ever since.
any more cool art of Rudy such as this? I checked gelbooru and such but it's mostly porn
Wait, does Rudy actually end up seeing himself like that instead of like his previous self in that last encounter with the Man God?
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Just check pixiv
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>next episode be like
Damn, very nice.
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Tenchi Muyo Ryo-Ohki, School Rumble, Ranma
And Grimgar, El-Hazard, War on Geminar are some adventure anime.
She obviously seduced him, the little slut
>Boku no pico
cultured choice
Likewise. Had a brief time of motivation after reading it. Can't say it lasted long, but it was nice.
I'm pretty sure I fell in love with demon-continent Eris as well.
I want that energy right now. I'm a Software Engineer and I got laid off a couple months ago and I've been going through it. MT is giving me the energy and hope that better things will come.
MT is a great anime because it's so mature for japan. They actually tackle adult themes without injecting retarded cringe humor that happens in every other anime.
This year Wedding Rings came out and sounded cool on paper but even though the guy gets married to several girls it's still just teenage shit with low brow ecchi.
We need more anime like MT to entertain mature fans. I feel like Japan needs a wake up call that it's time to grow up and show a nipple or two occasionally and write real dramas without marvel quips every time something gets serious.
should have redeemed durgasoft java course saar
That sucks anon, what field of SE are you in?
Mainly full-stack development with some AWS certifications under my belt. This job market is ruthless.
Damn, yeah fullstack devs are getting fucked right now. Why not go for the devops meme?
What are my animeonlyCHADs gonna do after tomorrow?
it was better when i didn't know this was harem shit
I have to learn all new skills and a lot of job requirements are asking for those with that professional experience. So it's an uphill battle against those that do.
Read the LN and see how much better the season could've been
Fair enough. I've seen a lot of devs pivot into devops but I guess it's much easier as an internal thing rather than when you're actually applying to other companies
Is there more of these edits? Can you share them, please?
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>Sylphy's worst nightmare
When it comes to Sex and personality, Silphy is by far the most submissive, and will do anything so long as it makes her partner feel good. The downside is that she won't take the initiative and relies on her partner to do most of the work. Eris is the opposite, being entirely dominant, and will take the initiative to do what makes her feel good. The downside is obvious, in that she will often unintentionally hurt her partner in the process, and push them further than what they would be comfortable.
Roxy is much more balanced, she is willing to take the initiative, while also letting her partner take the initiative if they desire. She will also go out of her way to learn new techniques herself, unlike Silphy who you would have to specifically order to learn something new, and Eris who would make you learn what she wants. Frankly there isn't much of a downside to sex with Roxy, unless you're someone who prefers one of the two extremes.
One of the few things I've seen to make Roxy seem desirable. Still prefer Sylphie
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why are you so gay?
it's peak fertility
nice zoomer filename
Those 1960's secretaries had now outdated underwear that made them pointy.
Lucy singlehandedly ruined Rudeus' relationship with the rest of his children for years.
Ready for the 20 minute flashback of migger pussy pounding?
I wonder how anime onlies will react to Banana AIDS
Don't give me hope anon
just his idiot sons really
the miggers always hear about how cool daddy is from their telepathic granny and christina is daddy's girl
Sieg I kinda feel for since we get more of his pov in Oblige. Since Ars banged his aunt, he felt he had to uphold the prestiege of the Greyrat Family name to spread its influence as the second son, but he was torn between doing that and helping Pax Jr. He was unsure of what to do and kept avoiding Rudeus out of shame for "failing" his father's expectations.
He's gay
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Considering the girls he fucks, I doubt that
two of those "girls" are boys and the other one acts like a violent boy
he's lovesexual
>a crossdresser
>a midget so flat she might as well be a boy
Both gay
>don't worry, my beloved children
>I won't demand anything too much from you
is translated by his oldest daughter to mean
>you are all just a big disappointment and will never be good enough for me, so don't even bother doing anything, you losers
they have pussies therefore female
Makes sense to me. If you don't agree with this, then that means you are validating trannies.
>a midget so flat she might as well be a boy
Granted this might be >>268245920 like the only illustration where you can see it, but Roxy does have some amount of boobage going on.
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Fat baby surpassed Sylphie on the low self-esteem stats kek
Eris breastmogs her
eris looks amazing here
roxy is to tall
dont care about sylphy, but she looks fine i suppose
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Rudy should've spent more time with his fucking children, all he does is go to work, come home, fuck his wives and leaves for work again. Gave his first born daughter fucking earrings for her 10th birthday all the while gave the rest of the children swords and wands, he basically told Lucy to go prostitute herself like her grandmother.
Fine for pregnant Roxy.
You'd think at least Sylphie would have done something to correct it since she literally stopped leaving home precisely to make sure she could ensure the children were raised properly and didn't get abandonment issues or anything. Instead she skipped over it entirely. Eris I get, she's described as a "rough" mother, and Roxy is always gone during the day anyway because teaching, but Sylphie explicitly becomes a homebody to stop that shit and promptly fucked it up out of the gate.
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>Sir, reports of the annual figurine sales arrived. The Ruijerd Figurines aren't selling, it seems people just want the Roxy ones. What do we do?
>Have you tried threatening them?
>W- what?
>Nothing. You should make something else and sell it alongside the Ruijerd figurine.
>We already tried making a short book as an adjunct but no luck, people are not fond of reading even if we make a learning book to go with it as well...
>I think I have an idea sir!
>Come out with it.
>Well, I was thinking that maybe we should make a Dragon God figure and maybe kids will like using both to play as if they were action figures.
>Action figures?
>Yes, remember how I've been trying to introduce articulations to my figurines? Well this is a step beyond, and if you were so kind to let me use your likeness. People all over the world may warm up to the idea of the Dragon God Orsted being more than something to fear once you get rid of the curse.
>Tell me Rudeus, you had this idea in mind all along didn't you.
>Uhh, yes... But I didn't intend to mock Lord Orsted or anything (Come on Mr.CEO, this is for the good of the company... And I also want my kids to play with them. It'd be COOL and I will earn some affection points from the kiddos).
>Do what you want.
>Yes, sir. Thank you very much! (Gotta go see Zanoba after this)
Seeing how they made the Roxy figure into real merch, they should do the same with the Ruijerd one too
>- no comments such as: "Season 3 in production" or "to be continued" are mentioned in the episode
Season 1 didn't have anything like that either.
They started releasing the audiobooks but it's taking so long to release!
He wanted his children to be free to choose with whatever they wanted to do since he doesn't want to pressure them, but Lucy somehow interprets this as he doesn't care about what they do because he doesn't have any expectations out of them for him to acknowledge. The only ones affected by this are Lucy, Ars, and Sieg. Lara was already ahead of the curve and knew what their dad meant, but didn't feel the need to correct any of them.
>Roxy=Freaky Technical sex(She'd finger your prostate to make you cum harder)
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We do a little bit of trolling
>snitches on her dad whenever he does something one of the Mamas wouldn't like
>it was just a prank bro
Only if they include the propoganda booklet and letter guide!
I was joking, but doesn't this anime actually have a consistent fictional language? I think I heard that it does, some stories do...if so then making the whole Ruijerd set real would be sick. They better release it when it becomes relevant in the anime
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do any of rudy's kids grow up to have memories of nanahoshi?
nanabotshi is their literal maid so I'd say so
>Nanabot comes with fully realistic flesh, sensation, and fully modelled sex organs
Lara has foresight showing her she will meet Nanahoshi in the future. And NTR her with Akito.
Nanahoshi herself knew. And it was Zanoba's insistence. LITERALLY not Rudy's fault.
How long does Nanabot keep functioning?
Probably forever.
As long as in recieves blessed child semen as fuel: indefinitely
Forever. She's basically a perpetual energy robo-maid. Who is also actually intelligent too, with full three laws. Her creation freaks out Perugius amd Orsted, because she's something they never thought humanity could accomplish (creating what is very nearly "new life" artificially).
does zanoba make mentions that he fucks bots then? best student
Only the first bot has a fully functional vagina. The rest are all barbie-doll smooth down there.
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>normal human soft vagina
Well that just won't do. Zanoba needs firmness
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Rudy knows.
Diamond would be too much for even Zanoba. A Flourite ona is more his speed
Just go sleep on the couch, Rudy.
I will be forever mad if they skip this scene
They better not cut this scene considering it gets referenced again later on
Also contrast to cliff having sex
if nanabot doesn't tease rudy for dicking that's meh
why is fat baby crying?
Nope, they're already in their mid-20s there, officer
They are all 24+ sorry mr.disrespect
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He had Roxy with him too when he went to see Cliff. And they could both hear the sounds behind the door.
Roxy is at least 50 (out of 10!)
I haven't watched the anime past season one and have no plans to. That retarded muscle wolf bitch was peak sex
Her niece ends up in Eris' harem
God this series is dumb
I’m almost finished with season 2 and I already know I’m going to regret the time I spent enjoying the main pairing once I get to the ep 23
Roxy and Rudeus?
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I don't get Ghislainefags. The first time I saw her in the series, I just thought "Lol what a fucking generic design. That's like literally hentai-tier beastwarrior female 101 design", I'm surprised she blew up this hard, atleast in this board. But I guess, people would just slurp up whatever gigastacy anime girls there is as long as she got them muscles, huh. I mean, musclefags also like to spam the shallowest background characters in shounenshit for who knows reason
>main pairing
Roxy was the only one fated to be his wife
as if there was any doubt
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I don't believe you
>le fate
I don’t see why that couldn’t have been a child of sylphie and Rudeus that had the sequel destiny, with my understanding they’re both better at magic than Roxy and have laplace factors. I always knew that it was a harem ending but after so much romantic development and reaffirmations of faith I can only be annoyed at what happened.
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naturally the chosen one had to be born from the cutest and smartest girl and best mage
is this from a trailer or what? where did you get this?
you guys think they'll get Miyazaki to direct it
They need to kill laplace to get to hitogami.
Laplace revives 80 years into the future.
Only the miggers have the lifepan to be around and in peak condition by that time.
Mecha Rudy KINO is on the menu
They won't live long enough. Lucy is pretty much a failure in terms of magic or swords too.

Also worth noting that in very early forms of the writing, Roxy was a/the main character. So those ideas and concepts are probably going to be transplanted to the sequel using Lara.

>after so much romantic development and reaffirmations of faith I can only be annoyed at what happened
Go back and watch S1 again, perhaps? It should be clear from the beginning with hindsight, especially given what Hitogami is doing. Namely that he doesn't really give a shit about Eris and Sylphie, he even uses the latter to honey trap Rudeus at Ranoa. He was specifically cockblocking the meeting between Roxy and Rudeus ever since the demon continent, they were supposed to meet back up by the time he spoke with Kishirika but Hitogami's advice managed to delay it.
Sylphie is an elf, as a matter of fact they are the go to long lived race, even mutts should have extended lifespans but to me it feels like the story bends around that so Roxy can have an actual purpose beyond being a meme
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>they were supposed to meet back up by the time he spoke with Kishirika but Hitogami's advice managed to delay it
he deserves death for this act alone. imagine the kino.
speaking of sleeping on the couch was it ever made clear if the girls slept in their own rooms forever or if they start sharing one big bed or...
Sieg and Lucy are like 12% elf. I'd be surprised if they made it past 100.
Sylphie is a fucking amerimutt.
They take turns in Rudy's room, but otherwise have their own rooms.

Sylphie is 25% elf, 25% beastfolk, and 50% human. She's the literal definition of a crossbreed mutt.
>Sylphie is an elf
She has human, elf, beast, AND fucking demonshit in her veins, retard.
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we would've found out how long Roxy could resist him for. I'd say 13 at very most.
Yeah that makes sense, however I can still be annoyed at cheating and NTR with no consequences.
Where the fuck is this even from?
Well. Now we wait. If the staff is released and there are no major upgrades, doomcucks won.
still has elf blood, and Elinalise genes seems very dominant. I don’t see why mutts should have such a disparity
there aren't "no consequences", albeit not very many. he gets off slightly easier than Paul did.
Oh shit, we're finally getting absolute KINO
I'll help you out animeonlyfaggot, at the end of the books Sylphie is in her 70s and Rudy notes that she appears to be in her 40s, so we can presume she'll have a little less than twice the lifespan of a human. since her kids are half as much elf as her they'll probably have 1.5 times the lifespan of a human.
>I don't see why mutts should have such a disparity
It's a genetics thing.
That's assuming of course that it breaks down in exactly that amount. Sieg might live longer to a 1.5x because his Laplace factor makes his body strong and resilient. Lucy might just have a completely human lifespan, or just a few extra years, to go with her ears.
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is luke the last time rudy swordfags? setting aside maybe teaching his kids
There are 2 Rudeus here
he sort of does with the magic armor
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hitocutie did nothing wrong, the dragon race or as I like to call them LIGGERS deserved it.
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I don't care about all those people he killed by he tried to kill best girl and stop the OTP and for that he deserves infinity years of solitary confinement
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>tried to stop a dirty telepathically disabled migger from cheating with a married man
holy based
What exactly is the Laplace factor? It seems to give you a fuckton of mana but also impedes proper birth.
Recessive genes Laplace implanted on the population to create a clone of himself so he can reincarnate. Now that I think about it, the killing of the soul of the host of a Laplace Factor is probably intentional, so Laplace can just easily enter a empty vessel.
there are a few different ones other than the mana. the mana normally kills the baby which is what normally happens to Rudeus in other timelines.
Oh, that makes sense, so that's why Otaku Rudy could slot so easily into Rudeus and why he was stillborn in other timelines.
Miggers that aren't Roxy can talk telepathically with the sacred beast
Only the mana one is the fetus deletus factor (for races not capable of large mana pools normally), otherwise Sylphy would have died at birth
Right. Man, I really need to read the LN.
is there no way to let roxy at least temporarily use mindhax with other miggers?
From what we know there are:
A Laplace Factor that makes your hair green (Sylphie and Sieg have this one)
A Laplace Factor that gives you demon eyes (I think this was just mentioned)
A Laplace Factor that gives your body superhuman strenght and durability (Sieg has this one)
A Laplace Factor that makes you be unable to generate Battle Aura (Rudeus has this one, possibly Sieg as well)
A Laplace Factor that gives you a higher mana pool potential (Rudeus and Sylphie have this one, possibly Sieg and maybe other Rudeus' kids maybe)

It's also possible that these exist:
A Laplace Factor that gives you a higher talent for magic (I don't remembe if this is confirmed or not, Rudeus and Sylphie have this most likely)
A Laplace Factor that gives you regeneration/immortality (Since Laplace was supposedly immortal)

All of the Laplace Factors can be manifest with various strenghts as well, Rudeus' manapool Laplace Factor was so strong that a normal soul couldn't handle being in his body, so it was supposed to be a stillborn, most likely this is intentional so Laplace can easily reincarnate. We are also told Sieg has strong Laplace Factors.
Yes. So we know that the vessel of Laplace needs:
All of the Laplace Factors in their maximum potential
Be a male

So when this happens, the baby will be a stillborn, since the original soul won't handle the gigachad super saiyan Laplace vessel body, so Laplace's soul can just swoop in and enter the body easily.
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I still think it's funny that Sieg is freaking out here, when in reality, with his factors he could easily snap the dudes in half at this point. He was breaking adult bones as a baby, even.
He was just a cute little brother
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Is having a dwarf daughter the ultimate bliss?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more blissful than having a dwarf daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years so she can inevitably go into the high arts. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her grand or technical literature, making her practice her dexterity, making sure she had a healthy booze-heavy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her minds gains a ravenous hunger for artistic knowledge and dexterous skill. All complimented and exemplified by her equally ravenous thirst for life's nectar (alcohol).

Raised the perfect girl? Great. You benefit yourself and the world. If you're lucky, a great dragon general who loves the arts will see her worth as you do and dotes on her with his knowledge. He gets to educate her thirsty mind every night. You get to see the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her being merged with the loving tutoring of a fellow man who can appreciate your pride and joy.

As a man who has a dwarf daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl to shower you and the world in her arts. All discussed over drinks you share from any age she wishes to drink; for a dwarf it not even being child abuse. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL bliss. Think about it logically.
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Jaegerbombs with Julie! Jaegerbombs with Julie and it isn't even child abuse! Teaching her how to microsolder a motherboard afterwards! Then more Jaegerbombs! With Julie!
The Armor could be empty
He uses it more as a beatstick/magic wand
>Lucy is pretty much a failure in terms of magic or swords too
does it say that in the books somewhere? someone here claimed the opposite the other day
>they cut short the best part of the novel and skipped straight to Roxy banging the depression out of Rudy
Fucking why. At least they cut the scene were Roxy got the idea I guess, that whole scene was pretty awful.
Sounds you are seething
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Sex with miggers. That's all.
Not really
Roxy owned his penis since he was three. The other wives are lucky she lets them borrow it.
It’s interesting to see that kind of dissonance of modern expectations rudy has for his kids versus the medieval fantasy expectations children are supposed to have. Rudy wants all of his kids to succeed In whatever they want, but that is such an alien concept in that world that the kids see that as Rudy having no expectations for them and being disappointed. It’s pretty neat all things considered. Do we ever see this kind of conflict occur with an anime mc?
>(for races not capable of large mana pools normally), otherwise Sylphy would have died at birth
This isn't a thing, it's the same across the board. Sylphie was born because she has a much less potent expression of the mana pool gene compared to Rudeus. Rudy's expression of that particular gene is so strong that it's equivalent to Laplace himself. Sylphie's expression of it is nowhere near as high.
>Do we ever see this kind of conflict occur with an anime mc?
Well, for starters, you have to take all the anime MC's that have kids and the story doesn't end there, or at least isn't even close to ending. That's already a stupidly small amount.
why do you keep whining about his monologue part in every thread faggot? what exactly was skipped that you're upset about?
She never “owned” anything. Eris got the first taste and Sylphie was the only one to get him to herself for at least a little while, filthy MIGGERS are for concubines and slaves, hence why Roxy stayed a unmarried wench in the millions of years of loops without Rudeus
Yikes...this is some self insert fanmade erotica shit. Thankfully theres 0 chance the anime will adapt thism
I've haven't even been in a Mushoku thread since S1, but... The novels just did an extremely good job with the period between Paul's death and migger sex, and it's a shame to see it cut to like 2 minutes
Lying faggot
you didn't even read it did you
What games you guys are playing right now? I'm playing Arx Fatalis. I wish there were more game for me to RP as MT characters..
why does this upset you so much
nigger it's like 10 pages, I could read it again right now if you want
I was RPing as Rudy in Elden Ring and pretending Ranni is Roxy. I'm temporarily back on my first character to do the DLC though.
I based a DnD tabletop character on Rudy, a friend started one and asked if I wanted to join in, so I agreed because I had not much else to do on Sunday afternoons besides fucking about in the garage. My character even has as his 5th edition background Flaw: "I have an insatiable appetite for carnal desires."

No I'm not shitting you, that's one of the options for the "Noble" background, it's fucking hilarious.
you didn't answer my question and gave an intentionally vague answer that screams of someone who doesn't know shit and just read the wiki so they could come doomfag in the thread. go back.
Hades II
your question was made on the basis that I was some other fag
I never once even talked about Rudeus' internal monologue, it's been years but I don't remember it being too different in the first place, just longer
Desperately need either an MT 2D fighting game or an open world CRPG
The internal monologue was fine. It wasn't even that long in the novel anyway. The problem was it went straight to migger sex instead of the group discussing what to do about Rudeus, and not giving a rough timeframe of how long it's been since Zenith woke up as a vegetable,
Impressive...mushoku fans everyone. Being able to type that without feeling ashamed takes guts.
I'm not even slightly ashamed and you can suck my dick
okay what's "the best part of the novel" you referred to that was skipped then?
I also did that back when the game came out, I still haven't bought the DLC and played it, got to get to it. I want to play it with a fresh character but i'm lazy as fuck to begin my eight Elden Ring playthrough and level up a character, I guess it's a catch 22.
It's been decades since I've played DnD, but now that you mentioned it, making a party of characters based off MT characters would be sick. Maybe a party based off the Fangs of the Black Wolf.

Is it as fun as the first one?
the novel spent a bit describing exactly how Rudeus was just withering away for a while in-between his depressed internal monologues, and the party had 2 or so conversations about him (before deciding that sex would fix the issue), I think that helped a lot
the anime does make him look emaciated when Roxy goes to talk to him but it doesn't drive the point home quite as well
I dont have to. Get your "roxy" to suck it for you ahaha.
if you make a new character do the whole main game first or you'll be underleveld. don't do it on one you're on NG+5 with though either or it'll scale them up insanely

being able to type such a terrible comeback without feeling ashamed takes guts
the entire period from when Rudy notices Paul died, to when he gets miggered, basically
it's not radically different (though I remember the narration for all of it being especially good, so I do feel an anime adaptation suffers a bit there), but the anime goes through it a lot faster and doesn't really dwell much on the rest of the party or on how much Rudeus is physically and mentally struggling until he reaches the point were he's basically about to die from inanition, I just wish they had spent a bit more time on it before going to Roxy
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fair enough. they'd need another episode or two to do the whole book justice though. they're having to rush to get to the end of book 12 next episode.
it's more of the same but with enough new twists to keep it interesting. I think they achieved a decent balance. though it took some time to get used to the new systems (sprinting is emphasized over dashing, for example) and new weapons. the protagonist is also not as captivating, but she's ok.
why is she like this? what would she do if she found out Rudy is also Japanese?
not really. it has no OP or ED. I just re-read and I think they have plenty of time
rudy thinking about man-god, regrets and running home - 3 minutes
the long convo - 12 minutes
lucy birth - 3 minutes
graveyard - 4 minutes
s3 sneak peek montage - 2 minutes
They shouldn't have dragged out all the V9-11 shit earlier this season then.

Sylphie fears Nanahoshi in a way that she doesn't other women because it strikes at the core of her identity and relationship with Rudy.

She is the childhood friend. They grew up together in Buena. But Nanahoshi simply by existing makes that entire foundation a lie. He has a special language he speaks with only her, he comes from a world that she does, before he knew Sylphie. It's a connection born of a common origin that Sylphie will never have even though "grew up together in Buena" is a big part of her thing.

So she freaks out and seethes whenever Nanahoshi and Rudy seem more connected. It isn't an issue with Roxy, because her relationship with Rudeus is not that of a childhood friend, same with Eris. Nanahoshi's existence attacks Sylphie's "foundation" in a unique way.
>protagonist is also not as captivating, but she's ok.

I really liked Chadgreus, so that sucks. How is the protagonist linked to him? Are they siblings or some shit? They look really similar.
I think it could've benefited from cutting some bits off of the traveling and the conversation with Elinalise in the second half to give more breathing room to the depression, but that would've still come with its own issues, probably
And in the ends, it's really not that bad anywyas, it's not like they butchered it, I guess I'm just disappointed that it's not as good as it could've been
sister, but they never met
right after she was born, the house was attacked and she was raised a child soldier for revenge her whole life. so her personality is understandably different
I was just joking that she's racist against Japanese people but that does make sense
>being able to type such a terrible comeback without feeling ashamed takes guts
>no u
What are you, fucking five? Anyways, I'm going to have sex with my girlfriend while you continue to do whatever it is you're doing.
anon you're in fucking /a/, in the fucking mushoku tensei thread
who the fuck do you think you're fooling, really
Mr. Chad Thundercock lurking MT threads over here
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lmao. go back.
Yotsuba? Amusing.
That's just a gift-wrapper ribbon for marriage. not Yots
Japanese Isekaijin women are made for white isekai world native cock. The fact that Sylphie denies this fate must mean she is an apostle of the Twerkgod.
note, a green one
>hair not green
>eyes not green
she's the only one that ruins the matching hair and eye setup, or rgb as well
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>I really hope oniichan doesn't do anything weird while he's off saving mom
>try to think to be happy for Sylphie for her time as the only wife
>Banana's existence is too glorious and amusing

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