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Will Sana finally pay for her crimes?
Sana Supremacy
never, because it implies she's doing something wrong to begin with
shes gonna follow his leader
Naga nails
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Reminder that senpai has a small penis.
Naga would never dare shit talk Naoto's Naoto. The microsecond she even opens her mouth would spell an eternal mogging from every other girl out there. It would just be a question of who would go for the rebound first.
Well of course it's not gonna look big if you're looking at the wrong side, Hayase
That Gamo thread was beautiful
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Yeah until it devolved into an autistic argument about body fat %
Well let's look at the contenders
Obvious, Sana and Shikki would have the edge due to their size, and Sana doubly so for her past connection to Naoto. Shikki's big buff is that she doesn't have that big connection and the closest she and him got was the shower.
Hana also has that connection, and it may be stronger due to their closer proximity, though her being a year younger than Toro and friends might be a buff
Machida has the college and art connections, but due to her status as also a Goblina, she'd have to be mogged too, plus of the contenders it's pretty clear Naoto would be the least reciprocal to her feelings
Sakura's a natural flirt so wouldn't have too hard a time seducing him, but the big hurdle for her is her sultry nature which may be a turnoff to Naoto (even if she's still a virgin or if whether or not she's one matters to him at all)
As much as it hurts, Yoshi's probably rules out because of how meek she is on her own. It'd take a lot to get her to reach out and she's dealing with some aggressive competition
Gamo and Orihara are rules out, the former because (as based as the Gutsbro/Thiccmo timeline is) our Gamo doesn't show any romantic feeling towards Naoto and Orihara hasn't really interacted with him that much either
If I had to rank them, it'd be
1. Sana
2. Hana
3. Shikki
4. Sakura and Machida tied
5. Yoshi
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Gamo's Gamos
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Nagatoro hates Lomo Saltado
I want to lewd Yoshi
nuh uh
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Yoshi wants to lewd you
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Need Orc Shikki
Also does anyone have that post of all the characters fantasy races?
I love how I derailed last thread into what counts as a person being fat just by stating the fact that Shikki is fat
>inb4 she’s not you homo
If a man or woman has a stomach that hangs off them, even a slight one, they’re fat. Shikki’s just lucky to have the genetics that puts most of that fat into her tits. The tits and ass are a spot where fat likes to accumulate after all. Just look at a fat guy, he grows tits and his ass gets fat and flabby. Cannot be refuted without sounding retarded and/or a plapjak enthusiast
Sana falls afoul of the Kaze High SS Youth Division
They're both goblins. An Orc woman would be much more muscular.
Truly the biggest achievement of your life.
I’ll be riding that high for a while
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>Shikki’s just lucky to have the genetics that puts most of that fat into her tits.
You're saying this like it's a bad thing
Because tits being fat to a degree is a good thing, they're meant to be fatty for feeding babies. On a man they're useless so it's just dead weight. A woman drawn like Shikki isn't fat, she might be in future if she ain't careful but not at present
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>And you, Hayase, you had courage all along
Considering how physically active she is I don't think she'll need to worry, and by the time she will need to, she'll already have a hubby and a bakers dozen children
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Yeah, good times come and good times go
I only wish the good times would last a little longer
>Hi my name is Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way
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I get so happy seeing senpai smiling.
>they're meant to be fatty for feeding babies.
Tit size has no impact on milk production or storing though
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I bet the bigger breasts provide richer more enjoyable milk
After a certain point, but there's a reason breasts grow during pregnancy
I thought the gag was he was a quick shooter.
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Are we about to see Nagaotoro Z?
What derailed it was the claim that big tits automatically equal obesity. If you were the one who made that claim fuck off.
Nagazaki or Uzatoro?
I'm partial to Nagazaki.
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Matchida, Hana, & Shikki are still superior.
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>girls who are fat and ugly by virtue of having large breasts
Putting the straw back in her juice box lol
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The horror.
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Actually when boobs are too big the areolas are too big and babies have trouble latching onto them.
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>B cups
>ai slop
Perfect way to prove your point
Well the glands themselves grow so the fat also does to support it, but it doesn't mean they're linked. Big boobs can have less glandular tissue just like small boobs can have more probably feels weird to suckle on though
>B cups
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>La Goblina seething at getting mogged by the other girls
Never will there be a day where this isn't the funniest thing in the world
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>he's a Luddite AND a chubby chaser
>C cups
Not always I don't think
Like the thing with breast size being semi-independent of bodyshape, I think nipple size also varies. I've seen girls with large boobs with average to small nipples
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This one was my fave.
Designed for finger interlocked handholding with her boyfriend, Naoto, and kissing him
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Huge boobs are mathematically incorrect.
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>senpai making fun of fat people while showing them the flat stomach they’ll never have
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He's not just flat, he's malnourished
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Regardless of breast size preference, artists who draw deliberately off-model have no respect for characters' creators and are bad people who should feel bad.
I mean Toro was drawn like that for one of those anthology things if memory serves me right
Wonder if the flatfag anon would still love her if she was naturally those proportions (not to insult the other flatfags, you all are cool. Just the one who's seem to be making the threads his home now)
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They're drawings you autismal sped.
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The fuck does this even mean?
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>artists who draw deliberately off-model have no respect for characters' creators
Nanashi retweeted this
Probably just that one anons continuing to try to argue that liking big boobs equals liking obese women
I thinks it's for the best if we just ignore him. Maybe he'll go away if we stop giving him attention
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Who the fuck could hate this
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Or this
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I just don't get it
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This body is horrendous.
Damn, you suck at writing anon
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The person below you is mentally ill and should be gassed
Accurate post.
Those boobs are just too big I'm sorry
All that means is boobs roughly 1.618 times the size of the ribcage are perfect too, and anything other than those two is "imperfect."
Oh, so nonsense
By this logic breasts that are 1.618 times larger than another arbitrary point in the body are also perfect
Why are you gae?
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More AI Naga for you friend.
Nagatoro if she was good
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My subjective preference is for C-cup breasts or smaller, and my subjective preference is objectively correct.
Sex in human form
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Nah if anything, Shikki resembles something more like an Amazonian
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Hope you don't kill yourself when Naga's nagas grow during pregnancy.
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This rule is absolute.
better question: Who hasn't f*cked that?
Yes, women generally stop being attractive when they get pregnant. They typically balloon into landwhales and never lose the weight.
Never happening. They aren't growing that much, nor would I want them to
Assuming her frail body can even survive the BSC, let alone pregnancy
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Daily diet and muscle training for your future naga-gf! Third new hire in a week edition.

Eating birthday leftovers all week so hasn't been great, been good at fasting until 2pm.
Rice with stir fry veggies and chicken for dinner tonight.

Arms yesterday, legs tonight. Been too busy with work but first week hitting the step goal everyday. Ran a 27min 3.15mi Sun, felt good after like I'm nearing triathlon (sprint) shape.

>Naga GF
Wedding past Sat, few cute girls at our table but all Sakuras (with way less class). Other cute ones there but always find it hard to approach even when suited up and looking good.

Don't forget about sleep anons, mines been shit with the weather and it shows mentally and physically.
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Also increases the likelihood of inverted nipples which are objectively worse for breastfeeding and actually cause a lot of complications like much higher risk of infection. They usually have to be pretty big for that tho (although some girls have them genetically)
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All those Shikki posters... People already forgot about the best girl.
This whole "debate" (or more realistically, a single anon continuously posting the same bs either to troll or because he actually believes what he's spouting) is hilarious because Nanashi himself is an open titfag
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Ringo Sniffer
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We haven't, that's why we're posting her
Machida's good, but has the serious debuff of her late debut plus we didn't see her ass when she got naked
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Great to know you'll never reproduce.
They'll grow.
At least they can still mog the goblina (granted that's not saying much but still)
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death by mogging
>Great to know you'll never reproduce.
Chubby chasers confirmed for normalfags who don't belong on /a/.
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As if being a worthwhile human was something to be ashamed of.
These flatfags are so pathetic and shallow they'd stop loving their partners the moment they got pregnant. Assuming they'd ever be able to get into a relationship to begin with.
No wonder Toro's so aggressive
The second she slips up, Naoto will be stolen from her by all these superior ladoes
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>women who are fat and ugly by virtue of having large breasts
Nagatoro loves Lomo Saltado
>flat "women"
>worth anything
This isn't as fun now that you've let everyone know you'll die alone.
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There are no prepubescent children in this series, sorry.
Go back to the catalog and find another series better suited for your pedophilic tastes.
Yet how come when I showed up to my old high school naked I got put on a register huh? It's not fair
Sana gets away with it because the Sunomiyas fund the school
In this country first you get the Lomo, then you get the Saltado, then you get the senpais
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>+70kg of boobs
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>+70kg of butt
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>+70kg of Shikki!
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She shan't
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There are two options
1. Senpai, like any self respecting straight man, can't muster the will strong enough to pull out
Or 2. Shikki's cheeks are so big and strong that they're physically restraining tbe BSC in place and won't release until it releases
Probably both
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Zero Scandals Sakura
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Not a single one...
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Bratty smug needs Senpai correction
I don't want the fun to end bros ...
Sana's about to create her magnum opus
Wonder how she roped Shikki, Gamo, Asaka and Fujimin into it?
Hello fellow Atenean :)
A chapter putting them all together in there somehow would have had some good reactions.
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What happened to this girl?
She was perfectly fine seeing and even being nude with them in the onsen
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Social context changes the appropriateness of the nudity. Very tough for someone like Yoshi to navigate.
Please understand.
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When Yoshi saw Shikki going nude out of context, she knew the timeline was doomed
>tfw no scenekura gf
Poor Yoshi is doomed to a lifetime of seeing naked women.
I know we all like to say that if Nanashi will do a spin-off, it would either be Yoshi/Hana misadventures, or Sana/Shikki nude hijinks
But why can't it be both at the same time?
Yoshi and Hana engaging in weird hijinks and is made to sit front row for Sana and Shikki's nude hijinks
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das it mane
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where was this again?
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Don't be sad that it ended. Be happy that it happened
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Nagatoro, be careful! Shikki activated her Naked Instinct mode!!
POV: You're were caught bullying someone on solid concrete
Ohhh this is gonna be fun
also Panzer, do you plan on ever drawing some more bare Shikki butt some day?
Changed the filename and ritualpost I see
Maybe? I dunno if I'll still have the steam for Naga content after the manga kill la kills itself. Here's to hoping that whatever thing Nanashi does next has the same meme factor and thread staying power as Naga did.
>I dunno if I'll still have the steam for Naga content after the manga kill la kills itself.
I'm assuming this wouldn't apply if commissioned right?
Not to be racist or anything, but I want to be smothered by Shikki's Shikkis
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Depends on how big you want Naga's cock to be.
NTA but personally i would prefer that she was not a futa

Also, have you done any Machida pics?
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It's very clear that Nagatoro is taking a bigger role in the event, which is a good sign
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Just look how full of determination she is. This tournament arc is about to undergo a gigantic upset.
me on the left
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Jesus fuck look at how disgustingly fat she is.
They need a power lift to get her out of bed and a bulldozer to get her through the door.
She's so fat you have to roll her in flour and look for the wet spot.
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Based beyond belief
>defeated dog
Shikki looks SO fertile
Acoustic rabbit at her best
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This is what peak female body looks like.
They look like they make the sound of mylar balloons when they move
How can canon Sana compete against this?
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Unrobed Shi-Tenno Style! Naked Instinct!
(finished for now, feet version only on patreon)
(there is no patreon)
Just officially announce it god damn
Nice job Panzer
Thinking about this again suddenly made me remember I had a dream last night where season 3 was indeed announced and it was called something retarded like "Nagatoro 3rd Impact"
Nagatoro 3rd base
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Might do calisthenics and shotokan drills. I can move around more now. Might just go have a rest day today.
Goya stir fry and a fried egg for breakfast, marinated pork and fried fish for lunch
>Naga GF
Saw something....my day's ruined. Possibly worse than fucking up my toe or the beatings I took from sparring with the senpais, at least that was fun. Kinda sucked out any motivation I had....I'm going to numb myself with bourbon later.
Beautiful work, as always. It's cool seeing you improve over all this time.
I would like to see Yoshi and Machida interact
NTR soon.
Fuck, I hope things look up after whatever you saw. It's funny how regular shit in real life doesn't bother me, but I could be reading a fanfic or watching something and the situation hits too close to home or what could have been and I have to take this weird pause to take in what I just saw or I'm fucked up.
Had a dream the other night where I ran into an old best friend who no longer talks to me and I just rush up, hold her in an embrace and just say I'm sorry over and over. I can't remember if or what she said back and that shit had me fucked up for 2 days of just dwelling on my mind.
Hope things don't require too much bourbon to numb, anon.
Now she's completely unstoppable
Nagatoro 3rd Strike
>Nagatoro-san GO
We are so back bros
Don't Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro: Triple Threat
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That's a good one
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>Triple Threat
Shikki prime?
It's going to be called Final Attack
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Final Countdown!
Checked and blessed
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Need am edit where it's all mild Yoshis
Yesterday was an egg for breakfast and boss paid for a meal of fish and chips for lunch which were good. Supper was just a salad though. Only thing I’ve eaten today though was a chicken sandwich, not sure what I’ll have for supper though. Finally managed to drop below 200lbs down to 197. Moving all the time at work is so much better than sitting at a desk all day I find.
Legs last night and even after going for a run after the gym, they’re still quite sore. Rest day today but might go for a run later.
>naga gf
Was a gorgeous girl at the gym last night who I’ve never seen there before. Caught her checking me out a few times when I’d try to check her out. Always smiled at each other when it happened. I know that’s the sign of a girl wanting you to talk to her, but I’m terrified of getting into a relationship again after my last ex.
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Think the final extra will see our masked nude girl get her sidekicks?
Gonna be pissed if she even appears. It's the final one.
Good for you for exercising. Fat people are disgusting, especially fat women like Shiki.
>t. Homosexual
A man can dream though... A man can dream...
Has nothing to do with her appearance fuckface, it's the final bonus chapters and she was the focus of the last 3-4 of those. Shut the fuck up. Your side character will remain just that.
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I can't believe niggertoro is going to end without senpai ever drawing presidente nude or presidente directly mogging the other girls in a bath scene.
Hyper Combo Finish
There should have been a lot more nude drawings or bath scenes.
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Gamo Squat
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>saw things
That was me two new years ago when I learned my cousin got with this girl I liked and thought highly of (like Sakura early on). What got me through that mental breaking was the gym and reading Nagatoro. The optimistic tone and nature of the story was like a beacon of hope to keep me looking forward. I became really consumed in it. I didn't self insert though, I've always viewed senpai and naga as the characters they are and more observing like if a buddy was dating a gal. Good luck anon
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>bodypainted the undershirt
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1 day left
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I only need Yoshi. Everyone else is superfluous.
You don't know how much your words help me right now. Thank you.
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I'm here for Yoshi and Yoshi alone
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Mega Based
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I thought she already did when futatoro slammed it into her. Still need the archive link to the original post for that, btw.
Gonna reduce herself to sagging like pancakes by age 25.
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Here for Yoshi!
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The nagussy.
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where the wild things are
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I thought the same. Yoshimind.
I always wondered why he gave them those creepy wide smiles.
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The two in the middle remind me of the second to last page of Swimmy.
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>Nagatoro disqualified for this match because she had to make a mad dash to cover Naoto's eyes when Shikki unleashed this technique
>the half finished sketch from his fey mood is evidence that she was too slow to keep him from watching
Matchida wears the best panties.
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One of these looks like Sakura
That's not Machida, that's a cat.
We all suffer, friend. But at least with others we can suffer just a little less. Hope the night treats you well.
I wonder how many people actually self-insert as Naoto (or maybe Nagatoro). I'm in your boat where it's just two cute dorks coming together and you're cheering them on and hoping things work out for them.
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Warning: Large boobs jumpscare
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RIP Senpai
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The entire judogi is bodypainted (except for the belt), anon
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replace the text box with the 4chan logo and submit it to the next banner contest
Reminds me of that flashback with Paradigm City being laid to waste.
Lewd ladies.
She's a big girl
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Tomorrow it will be the second chapter to the last, are excited anons?
What are you expecting at this point?
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You dared to show your face again? Surprised
Still doesn't change the fact that you underestimate the mighty Sunomiya genes, which will keep Sana hot until she's in her nineties
>Tomorrow it will be the second chapter to the last, are excited anons?
Who cares anymore.
>What are you expecting at this point?
You'rejust salty because your favourite series will never be this famous
Final chapter will be 42-page monologue by Yoshi
She's not fat that's a 2nd pair of tits
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>You'rejust salty because your favourite series will never be this famous
Is daipa out yet?
>Your fav
Athletic women are a fantastic investment. They will still look prime after kid 3 and be obsessed with getting back in shape like 2 months after the kid is born. They're also antsy and need sex like nobodies business. There are a few downsides to them, a lot of which this manga actually covers but the bottom line is Naga is an athlete and you can pump her full of kids and still have a woman that looks better than other women her age when by the time you've had enough.
I can never self-insert as Naoto, I was too much of an asshole at that age. But I do know the feeling of some girl teasing me like Naga (although unlike Naoto, I strangled her after too much bullying). The series feels like I'm cheering on a slightly less retarded but wimpy younger bro I never had to at least having the happiness I never had at that time.
I self insert as nagatoro because I want a cute nerdy bf.
Still can't believe Matchi did it.
This lioness knew how to prove herself superior .
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It's a very relatable character for me on the background and even on the physical aspect, I could even say that he is a precise alternate version of me who actually made it in another dimension. But, for this reason I could never self-insert as Naoto because I didn't make it, I've never met my Nagatoro, I failed really hard in most aspects of my life and nothing ever changed for how much as I tried.
thanks AI
Real talk if i managed to bang a woman that looked exactly like shikki or sana, id be the happiest motherfucker in the entire world.
It's pretty common knowledge Naoto is not for self-inserting, more for proudly watching as he improves while also being a prime acoustic specimen.
if you don't have the looks or charisma you could probably find some onlyfans thot that does meetups for $$$
There's good and bad AI.
>so fucking lazy he didn't even flip the whole image horizontally to make the clip/piercing on the correct side
>didn't bother to inpaint out the third hairclip
>didn't even inpaint the face to give it more detail, which is part of anyone's workflow if they know what they're doing
Not all AI imagery is slop, but this is low-quality slop.
At least there isn't a patreon link on the slop
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This seems most likely, which makes me think about what we could expect for the final chapter. I really think a flash forward is possible. We know from several of his previous works that he is a fan of the concept.
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>find some onlyfans thot that does meetups for $$$
Isn't that just a prostitute with extra steps?
Nagatoro and Senpai?!??
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We need a flash forward that covers *everything*
Stars turn off and the universe end, but I don't get what happened
I feel like we are going to see a fast forward chapter with Senpai and Naga passing days together until graduation
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that reminds me I need to catch up on IM SORRY!!!
It stagnated for a few years but the recent chapters have been picking up in quality, feels like the story is finally going somewhere.
good to know
What am I looking at here
When's the chapter?
>If you don't understand this, you're better off as a person
I guess so
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It Hurts, a fun little romcom webcomic that used to be quite popular on /co/
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I'm gonna assume that you're a faggot, Anon (unless you're Brock Lesnar's daughter). Why haven't you got a cute nerdy bf yet? Ang for other anons there:
>(You) are a Naoto-type nerd beansprout loser
>You start getting teased and "bullied" Naga-style by the varsity girl
>Pic Rel is varsity girl
I see, thanks anon
Um, ew?
This is almost as gross as girls who are fat by virtue of having large breasts.
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>um, ew?
Actual homosexual behavior.
She looks so sweet and innocent- how adorable
Well now that all the charges on her have dropped, she's confirmed cute and pure
She still raped that poor guy in the clinic
That guy acted so eyelessely and NTRguy-like, if he wasn't ready for the real thing it's just his fault
Nah, nah she just didn’t want him developing prostate cancer later in life
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Shikki cute~
>unlike Naoto, I strangled her after too much bullying

You went full retard.
>fat by virtue of having large breasts

Shouldn't that be the other way around?
Anyone willing to provide?
No. You read correctly.
Such a big girl
I think he's just making fun of that one anon earlier who continuously claimed that apparently having large breasts automatically means she's obese
I want to assume that was a troll, but in this day and age it's impossible to tell.
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Sakura is not a bad girl she just has a big heart
hello is there a chapter tommorow
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18 hours and 7 minutes left
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Senpai The Hands Of Fate
Are there any crops of Yoshi on her bike?
Shikki is fat though
Wrong, just someone that points out health problems when I see them
>health problems
When she's probably ten times more physically active than you are
>does judo for school
>nothing else is ever shown
>diets and counts my calories
>goes for runs every day on top of occasionally going to the gym for weight training when body weight isn’t enough
If you say so. She’s fat anon. No amount of cope will fix that. She’s drawn fat
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1 day left
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Although I never actually read along on NagaMonday-I just wait for it to come out on Mangadix or something
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Sanass Supremacy
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That the last chapter will have it ending the way the Grandma Grandpa anime did recently.
This triggers the goblina
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she seems kind enough. just really likes dick.
She's probably under BMI 25, tits aside.
Don't bother trying to argue with retards.
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>There she is-my enemy
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She’s fat. No ifs ands or buts about it
That is not fat no matter how much you want it to be.
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Uhh... Senpai?
Fempai confirmed for titcow.
So you’re retarded or American. Good to know that nothing will get through to you
Like the fact that a female Senpai would have Shikki sized breasts and ass is something new
Waist hip ratio is a better predictor of health than BMI. Optimal WHR for women is .85 or lower. Clearly Shikki is there. You lose.
>Good to know that nothing will get through to you
That's my line.
>70+kg of ass
>70+kg of tits
>70+kg of glasses
>70+kg of Senpai!
You must either be retarded or from a third world country, because this >>268317311 doesn't come close to being fat. At most it's very light pudge, but no one would consider that being fat, especially when, as frequently stated, Shikki's a very athletic girl, and if the extra's are any indication, has amazing cardio, which essentially mitigates any negative health aspects the slight amount of extra bodyfat she does have that's not on her breasts and ass
can some talented edit anon make fempai versions of these, please?
Fempai should be suggestively looking over his shoulder in the butt one, if that's possible
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Classic Toro seethe
Fat is fat anon. That never changes. She’s fat
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>no rebuttal to >>268317755
I actually discovered the series through a montage of Nagatoro seething at other girls flirting with Senpai on Youtube
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I'm gonna draw this girl, what's her name, Tororo? I think she shows up in the manga once or twice. Really obscure.
Easily the worst girl
Oh yeah I think I recognize her. I think her boobs are bigger than that though.
The one and only scary Yoshi, distinctly unmild.
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>Fuck her tits! Jizz on her face! You've earned it!
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It is the inevitability of a flat goblina to be mogged eternally
No point in rebutting something that dumb
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>no rebuttal
So you admit you have no argument against it
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I'd love to see what Sana's idea of teasing is.
I could give a 10 page report on why she’s fat complete with multiple sources, and a picture book section at the end for people that only learn through pictures, and it still wouldn’t get through. Chubby chasers are some the dumbest people out there who refuse to listen anything other than “more is gooder.” I’d have an easier time telling a 6 year old that chocolate ice cream for breakfast isn’t good for you than trying to reason with you niggers. Shikki is fat, end of story
>I could totally rebut it bro I totally could but I won't because uhhhh
she's curvy
To him there's no difference, because he's clearly attracted to either the bodies of men or children and wants to justify it to the rest of us. At this point he's far beyond just liking flat girls. Most flatfags have the common sense and brain capacity to not spew whatever he's shilling
facts. shes a fat fridge with 0 personality.
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none because those women have no tits
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>I could give a 10 page report on why she’s fat complete with multiple sources
Lol-here's my ten page report on why this side character in a manga is actually fat.
She isn't btw, it's all breasts
Between the two rightmost.
he likes small chests by virtue of being a SEA pedophile
That looks fatter than Shikki.
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Don't worry bros, I still love her
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I can only do a rather poor Mspaint edit I;m afraid
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and yet...it works
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God those two are such good friends
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I wonder what they think about the situation. They must know it's Shikki.
Well if this was any indication >>268323489 they're clearly supportive of their friends unusual hobby, or at least they'll defend her for it. Sure they'll tease her but that's what friends are for (plus look at her blushy face >>268310113 who wouldn't want to tease this cute girl a little)
The question now is if they'll tell her to her face that they know and how much it'd take for them to join in
I mean they were in the showers together, they must know what she looks like
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Maybe not, Senpai knows what she looks like naked though. Then again it's not a particularly difficult riddle to solve
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They all know who it is except Yoshi, she only connected the dots when she was walking her dog and caught Shikki in the streets without her mask
>They all know who it is
Interesting idea you propose. Since I'm planning on writing a fanfic about Sana, Shikki, and the exhibitionist/nudist adventures around them, this idea could be useful. I already have it so the sniffers know of the Masked Nude Girl's identity, but having Gamo and maybe Sakura in the know already (or piecing it together already) could make things easier
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Don't wake him, it's 4 in the morning
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Mogged from above
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Mogged from below
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Not a real picture-Gamo has no ass
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Yes she does and you know it
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Negative. Ass not located
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I like the vibe the early chapters had. How the art was a bit more rough, etc.
so you're blind then?
Or are you just Toro coping?
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All I see is skirt
The closest we have to Gamo's ass is in Senpai's manga (a fantasy)
The skirt still shows she's bigger than toro
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>eternally mogged by everyone
Toro really is meant to suffer
That was early in the series before 774 decided on the proper size of Gamo's ass and her characterisation of being a girls sans buttocks. It's what TV Tropes would call early series weirdness
The Nagatoro curse: every single girl she's acquainted with will have significantly bigger assets, and if they don't, they'll slowly grow after meeting her.
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Reminder that love won.
You tards are still fighting about this?
I thought we all came to an agreement that Gamo used to have an ass (and probably still should), but that because of the following reasons:
*The general decline in the art over the last few volumes
*The frequent inconsistencies in proportions
*The fact that, with Sana and Shikki now existing, Gamo's no longer the designated mogger now (just one of them)
Mean that we don't see it anymore (like how she only has bigger tits when she's nude in the sauna and is average at best during other scenes)
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Jesus Christ. This is exactly what I need in my life. I don't even care that it's a literal pile of red flags.
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Hay. That was a good thread and you know it anon.
A goth Sakura knocking at your door at 2 in the morning crying about bullshit?
Kek I made the mistake of trying to find that Yoshi "immobility cartoon" on google. I'm not even going to post it but look up the first result for "nagatoro yoshi immobile" on google images: there's some weird sick people out there
It's early in the morning, so I've read knocking up a goth Sakura
*immobility scooter
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Knocking up a crying goth Sakura at 2 in the morning
Yeah that one,
The crime of being HUGE? Never, faggot.
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Oh man, there officially are 3 of us now. Good job anon! Felt guilty that condo stuff has kept me AFK.

Today was cheat day so not much. Oatmeal with fruit and coffee for bfast, no lunch, coconut water for snack, 5 cocktails at my local tiki bar almong with pretzels/goldfish crackers, and a hamber salad for dinner.

Also a rest day. 5mi run yesterday and legs tomorrow along with my 100 crunches/pushups both days. Spent 3h doing yardwork in the sun for my ex grandmother-in-law so I'll call that a sauna.

>Naga GF
Spent almost 4h chatting with the bartender at the tiki bar. It was just the two of us for an hour but I guess I tell a good story. She keept boomeranging back even when other customers came in and 3 of my 5 drinks were free. She was built more like Shikki then Naga and has a BF, but gave me her schedule too. Guess we'll see where things go.
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Lucky Naoto
Surrounded by all these naked ladies with big boobs and butts

Also Hayase's there too
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Gets me every time
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oh my god, don't click this
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You beet me to it! You rascal!
When you posted this cutie, I knew I had to post her cutie booty too
also I wonder how she'd think about what she overheard that day, or if she'd overhear any other lewd moments involving our boy
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Yes. That was literally how I met my ex wife.
And let me tell ya, despite all the copious amounts of bullshit, that ride was more then fun enough to again.
Yep, that's going in the ritual folder
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>that cutie
>her bootie
Pic related
In my head, she's had the good/bad fortune of being present for EVERY akward moment.
She was just behind a rock.
She was walking by outside Naga/Senpai's window.
Naked Shikki?
She was just behind her when she took off.
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Late in the thread, but here's the WIP for part 12
Nice. I'll give it a listen to when I can
Also, if I can ask, what is the current status of the last two(?) chapters and the requests?
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Holy fucking keno.
I've already planned my whoe day around this so all the better.

Trust the plan bros.
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Something I don't hear much discussion about
What is Sana's college life like?
Does she still live at home or does she have a dorm? If so, is she solo or does she have a roommate (and does she know about Sana's nudism)?
What does she do in class? Behave herself, or gets nude at every opportunity?
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Fixed it
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the script for chapter 13 is done, the one for chapter 14 the final is almost done, and the requests come after the series
Also, I actually can't find the reference for the second request. So if someone can point me to it that'd be a help.
Another thing, does anyone know if I'm missing something from this list?
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>Ah yes, I see that you know your judo well
I would unironically die laughing if they went with "3rd Impact" or "3rd Base."

We'd officially be in "just fucking send it" territory.
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I see your file name anon.
Good work.
See I always imagined Senpai having a kind of Shankill Belfast accent
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Cannonically shaved
>Mondays KIMO KIMO~
where the fuck is it
You're doing the lord's work anon. I look forward to seeing this in tomorrow's thread.
>317+Kg of Boobs
>317+Kg of Butt
>317+Kg of Yoshi!
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*Eating stops*
Oi dump anon, don't waste time when posting the next two chapters. People are going to fuck with the thread if you keep delaying pages.
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>When Nagatoro and Senpai are happily married with children, then you have my permission to die.
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Anyone know when the drop is going? I'd like to wait it out, but am absolutely smoked.
10 hours
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Much obliged. Off to bed for me then.
Yeah I've already decided I'm going back to fast dumps even though I know that's not what most people wanted, but there's only 2 chapters left anyway so at this point it doesn't matter as much as it used to and it's probably for the best
I'd be surprised if thread hijacking doesn't happen again in the next 2 chapters regardless though, anyone can post any page at any time and when there's over a hundred people there's bound to be at least one guy who's gonna do it. Not much more we can do about it apart from ignoring it
Requester for the first request and I need to give you a big heads up.
If you're able to deliver it when these threads are still around (again that's assuming we stop with the series), DO NOT say the full BC name
The last time I attempted the ritual post, I was banned for using "blocked text," and while I'm pretty sure it was the entire text, I don't want you to risk a ban by saying the name of the movie (if anyone's willing to take the risk for a 3 day ban, feel free to test it)
When you do deliver, don't say BC, but instead use Sana+Judo Girls Streaking/Skinny Dipping
Also do you have the samples for Asaka and Fujimin (and did you use my actresses or did you find more fitting ones)?
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>Yeah I've already decided I'm going back to fast dumps
>Also do you have the samples for Asaka and Fujimin (and did you use my actresses or did you find more fitting ones)?
I have not as of yet
>DO NOT say the full BC name
It will probably be fine.
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Last for Yoshi
Last for nudity
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Last for Corrupted Senpai
Last for just kidding this isn't the last post
Last for Hana spinoff
This thread is last on the catalog, making a new thread will end this one

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