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Who is the first person that pops into your head when you hear the word "unfathomable"?
Rei's bangs look so stupid with the shortened hair
It's shortened? I never noticed. On that note I think Raian looked better with the short hair.
Probably Nikaido. For all intents and purposes I should not like him, but I do
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Hassad soon.
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What's wrong with their faces in the top panels?
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Himuro Ryo. The Icy Emperor, and legendary pre-tournament washout
This was Sandro having pity on Himuro after shitting on him for the whole manga but instead of making Himuro look good it kind of makes Rei look bad.
>Who is the first person that pops into your head when you hear the word "unfathomable"?
Howard Wu
Always a riot here
Koga will never ever be on the level of the "legends". Ryuki got lucky against Adam but that's all. Adam would no diff him completely. Kaneda would also demolish Koga and Ryuki at the same time. Even Himuro annihilates them both.
>Himuro vs Willem
>Willem unleashes 100% Guihun and takes out his giant hatchets
>Himuro tosses a piece of chicken teriyaki
>it lands on Willem's feet
>suddenly Willem keels over as he was about to charge at Himuro
>Willem is unable to move because the chicken teriyaki has an uneven weight distribution
>Himuro pulls out a single, smaller hatchet and points it as Willem as he struggles to breath from the weight of the chicken
>Himuro sinks the hatchet into Willem's back, he screams
>"The strongest muscles in the world, huh? I doubt you've ever faced any meaningful suffering because you never got to feel weak."
>memories of watching his friends die and having to kill his fellow clan members flash through Willem's eyes
Do we have any expectations for Gilbert?
To die.
>Gilbert and co. slaughtered so many members of the Westward Wu during their civil war Willem could only afford to have one henchman
Isn’t learning principles against Ryan’s whole shtick as a brute force kind of guy? If that’s how he’s meant to surpass Edward, then he’s a fucking hypocrite who can’t talk about dominating people anymore
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There's a shitton of them left apparently
>then he’s a fucking hypocrite who can’t talk about dominating people anymore
Funnily enough, it's been the case since Asura (you see him laughing about how rusty his techniques are when he was fighting the Guardians), but where Sandro fucks up is that he kept Raian as essentially the same kind of person throughout the entirety of Omega while still using techniques and Principles, even though he hinted at some actual character progression for him.
The real question mark is why Sandro never wrote a single interaction between Raian and Julius, but now I don't even want to see it.
I like how their race war isn't even spurred by Rikuto or worm shit because everyone between that died and the worm doesn't matter now. They just hate each other that much. Also the west Wu has SO much more class than the Kure's it's insane. All those long coats and suits while the Kure wears tshirts and sweatpants.
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Could Lolong take them?
>Hmm, should I make the remaining mainland Wu my henchmen? They seem to have completely submitted after losing the war.
>How about the Kure? I could always just swim over to Japan, they're pretty close by. The Worm members that I command can just take a short boat trip.
>Or the Westward Wu, who ran across the world probably to escape me and is likely the faction which resents me the most and requires me to transform the Worm into a global organisation with bases as far away as Scotland which is thousands of kilometres away from China?
>Yeah, the Westward Wu would be perfect!
Ohma’s return would’ve been cool as fuck if the chapter’s art ended at the spread and we only heard the narrator say
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I dunno, it sounded better in my head
It would kinda be funny if Kaneda caught wind of what Koga was doing and then proceeded to go apeshit on him and subject him to a Misasa-tier beatdown.
I see some Omega posts on ig and people in the comments say they love how the story unfolds.
So idk anymore
how many people in baki has had their ear torn off?
i'm counting dorian, pickle, and the two sumo guys
The guy Hanayama fought in his first appearance
you're retarded if you think Kaneda has a problem with Koga asking Carlos how to punch
that was just a tear, not ripped
but good recall
It's a joke at Sandro's expense, anon. No need to take it seriously.
>All those long coats and suits while the Kure wears tshirts and sweatpants.
It might be a deliberate design choice from Sandro to make the Kure Clan come across as these humble downtown heroes, but even then, it just comes across as larping because we know the Kure Clan is not only in bed with Metsudo (one of the most influential men in underground and overground Japan and probably the world too), but the clan also has significant land all to itself for all its members (the Mikazuchi Clan, their rivals, only has one fighter each generation by the way) AND enough influence on their own to be able to wield police power for their own purposes.
On the other end? The Westward Wu come across as the actual street people because their more flamboyant designs sometimes feel reminiscent of how a poor person thinks rich people dress: overly elaborate and fanciful.
Again, assuming this was intentional on Sandro's part. Maybe not.
Edward looking like an 80’s action movie arms dealer supervillain continues to be the best blackeye design in the manga and it’s not close
Retards eat up shit
>could the biggest, most overhyped jobber in the series have taken him
>bottomfeeders love eating shit
breaking news
I expect him to deliver us the worst fight in the entire manga when he faces off with Raian.
Whats himuro power level anyway? He jobs too fast in asura so hard to judge his skills. Can he win against current koga?
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Justin will win the tournament
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>Who is the first person that pops into your head when you hear the word "unfathomable"?
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Why do Kure genes produce such superior women?
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This is by far the funniest outcome possible of the entire tournament so I hope it comes true.
Begging for a Sandro/anon edit.
It's the best too. Just on "principle" that a new character wins instead of more Kenganvenger wank.
I've also seen a bunch of people on Twitter praising Omega and getting hyped for the current fights.
I don't consider myself a doom poster or an elitist but even if I were to somehow turn off my brain to enjoy omega I feel there's just too much schizophrenic writing choices to do so.
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Whenever I see that, especially when people praise Raian, ESPECIALLY when they praise him killing Edward I feel a feeling similar to hearing someone praise Hitler as a man of virtue and kindness. It's just so fucking wrong I can't help but seethe. I saw someone call Raian killing Edward "peak" and I just lost it.
Yeah right. The winner will be Lolong
what do the squiggly dialogue lines sound like
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How do people feel about Chuck Norris here as far as his martial arts career goes?
>Went undefeated as middleweight karate champion for 6 years
>Record of 183–10–2
I know he's subject to memes about his legendary toughness, but what inspired them? Was he the real deal?
His real-life strength resulted in him geting ridiculous over-the-top wanking in mediocre movies, hence the jokes and memes.
I hate how for Sandro, “High level” is just ATATATA
Well you are pretty high level if you can throw a ton of punches at high speed, it's no lie.
Anyone has the pic of Yan saying "that the Worm's goal has been accomplished" or something to that effect?
He lost to Bruce Lee, a known fraud with no professional record, so he's no match for honorary legend Himuro "the Icy Emperor" Ryo.
>a known fraud with no professional record
>"During his teenage years, Lee reportedly engaged in street fights, but perhaps surprisingly, his competitive fighting “record” consists of just three documented bouts. In 1958, he won an interschool boxing competition, defeating three-time champion Gary Elms with ease"
And one of them had a lot at stake because he wanted to teach people outside of his country and they didn't allow him to unless he won, and he fucking did.
And that was a movie.
Thanks anon, I kneel.
Was that a black Wu?
That's the joke anon.
Kaneda got pissy at Yumi "Stealing" techniques, so he'd probably do the same to Koga.
Hell, he'd probably get angry at learning anything from anyone.
>while the Kure wears tshirts and sweatpants.
Think the shtick was that they're an extremely vast group, as in they've spread out far into most parts of society, where even the old gramps at the ramen shop, Itachi from HR or that cop you saw in the morning could actually be Kure agents. Or that's the impression I got from when they were after Kazzy's son
Kaneda seethes every day at Koga's blasphemous ways of learning martial arts.
Kenganbros what does this mean? Has Daro and Sandro given up on us?
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Comikek still says 4 days tho
Rolon is top 10
with a total of 0 onscreen wins
You all realize the ending for Kengan has already been written, right? It will basically be the ending of Rocky III
>penultimate ending ends
>cut to a "3 months later" or whatever
>shot of someone's legs with a forest backdrop
>it's revealed to be Ohma
>in the same forest "Where it all began"
>Kuroki is standing across from him
>They both smile
>Their rematch starts
this but its koga and ohma instead
It’s so funny how Adam Dudley actually did the whole Spiders Web thing better than Kaneda
thats like saying raian totally lost to gillbert because of one panel flashback
Screenshotting this for when it happens.
this but Koga
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have to post our favorite memes the whole week to keep the threads alive i guess
Wonder what Xia Ji baby is up to these days.
Maybe he'll reappear alongside Luohan and Tiger in their renegade subplot
My Xia Ji baby is the cutest sweetest and most precious non loyal plotting betrayer michievous cutie
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yeah, that happened
As much as I get this and I hate Koga

Didn’t Yumi just want more money?
I really need to find the archive of this thread, I was too late to it
Same, if you find it post it here pls anon
By the way did the connector teach huangsheng to the wu
Waka would probably fuck Rolon's shit up.
Fei was the actual A list champ
Waka wouldn't land on him even once what are you on about
Also LMAO at Jurota becoming gay for Meguro's clone who simply got wrote off the story.
Way to absolutely humiliate a character introduced as the embodiment of dedication and stoicism. Now he talks to a tulpa of a dude supposed to be weaker than him
Go order some Jolly Bees or something
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>rotating shoulder blades to punch without moving the core because uuuuh yeah thats a technique
Can anyone explain what is wrong with this? He leans forward like anyone else would. Don't you already rotate your shoulder blades when doing that?
He's Himuro tier on his best day
do kures believe in incest?
That doesn't answer the question.
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You do but the way he does it really takes a toll on your shoulder blades and while faster, your strength isn’t as strong as it would be if you didn’t put motion into your hips

Basically Lolong is trading power for speed which is retarded but works in kengan because it’s fictional
You should have sex
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What are some underrated fights?
This isn’t Baki sir
Rolon Donaire
Masaki’s character arc was completed when he killed Hayami, So jurota has the meguro ghost to keep the characters presence in the story.
Isnt getting past the boat to kat
I actually liked Nicolas vs Akoya... until the unfortunate
I'd love to but that's not what I'm talking about.
I might just do that
Maybe he could take him?
I did enjoy this fight- making it clear what real martial arts does to gimmicks
Hasumi vs Kaneda
I liked Ryuki vs Koga at the end of Berserker Bowl
I really liked Kogas two fights in BB, felt like Sandro was actually trying there
What’s your favorite fight
akoya vs cosmo or agito vs kuroki
Koga vs Silva
mmm, CORB
Anyone got a link to the dump thread? I missed it because
I had to go under emergency surgery and got discharged now
and can't find it easily on desuarchive.
remember that since people couldn't find a good reason to hate Ape, Sandro later added that he also killed a random bodyguard while fleeing
A fight with an interesting concept but terrible execution. Hatsumi should have only realized at the end that he was being manipulated the whole fight. By having Hatsumi realize at every turn that he was being manipulated it made it look like Kaneda had supernatural control over Hatsumi and Hatsumi just couldn't help himself.
He’s obviously a consummate professional and probably the “real deal” for his time in that area of martial but I doubt he’s the best ever or anything just because that’s really really really hard to do
MTF operation?
When Chuck Norris does push ups, he doesn’t push himself up. He pushes the Earth down
Vasectomy, asshole. My wife’s son is already a handful
>type cubari on desu and scroll until I see posts with last wednesday date
>Always find the scans
You guys are just lazy
Akoya vs Cosmo was very good. I remember it being the first fight that went from just a fight to something else
Kenga Ashura vs Kengan Omega be like
Holy fuck
Hatsumi has analysis paralysis, He was fooled by Chiba and Kaneda played him like a fiddle.
I’ve noticed none of you have the balls to say this to Lolong’s face. What gives?
A lot of spinning and a lot of personal space intrusion
Guilbert Wu will be no diffed by Raian
Nope. The tiny cracks are all but gone.
He will guihun and say some bullshit that will never be elaborated on then die to a single Raian punch.
Sandro sucks the dick of Raian
Genuinely why does Sandro like Raian so much?
I'm still mad about Willem
He deserved better than to be in this shitty manga
Similar reason for why Itagaki likes Yujiro, minus the various philosophical parts because Raian is only the violence loving part of that.
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I watched this crossover against my better judgement. Power level discussions aside, this interaction felt forced as hell
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Why is Yan such a clown, saying things like this? Gilbert should have clobbered, him for getting snippy earlier that chapter. There's absolutely no way Edward would take this sitting down
>Gilbert should have clobbered, him for getting snippy earlier that chapter.
He didn't because he couldn't, Yan is just too powerful
it's been proven that the most powerful of shaolin monks is weaker than an untrained overweight angloid BVLL
You LOVE pankration
Shen says Yan should be able to beat Mukaku, how Mukaku compares with Eddie is the real question.
It should've been Agito because he'd have a better dynamic
I miss when Gilbert wasn't Eddie without the charisma
I wonder if Kengan's writing improves if you just ignore everything Sandro writes in a large font.
Agito was right there too and did nothing for the entire crossover
Agito + Yujiro would be a superb interaction especially if it's Schizgito
And if they really had to disrespect Baki like that, it may as well have been a dragon shot
That was like one chapter
That would've been pretty sick but no, Sandro has to make Kuroki Yujiro
As expected of "me", you have made an impressive "recovery".
>armpit page
How touch starved is the average “Anonymous”?
Ephitets should tell you something about the character. So I'll change them accordingly
The entire Westward Wu should replace DEMON and HELL with bathos and anticlimax
Also, challenge. Make up an epithet that not only makes sense but sounds as shit
>The Nobody
>Describes a fighter who doesn't have anything distinct about their style or personality. No named moves, for example. Just solid fundamental strikes, throws, and grapples
>The Dragonslayer
>Describes a fighter who has sought out and taken down multiple supposedly unbeatable opponents in the past
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>Just solid fundamental strikes, throws, and grapples
Almost everyone does basic shit like that yet still gets named moves.
>The Giant
>Is gigantic
You get the idea
These all suck
>named techniques make your regular attacks weaker
>therefore, we, the Kure Clan named every single one of our moves so they are effective no matter how impractical they are
>this... is Principles!
>Buddah Killer
10/10, feels very appropriate for the Kure Clan.
>Hard Slam
0/10, looks useless.
>Mountain Breaker
5/10, looks a little awkward but the appeal is obvious.
>Leg Thrust
4/10, there's nothing really wrong with it but it's just a leg thrust, Sandro was probably tapping out at this point.
>he doesn't think a shoulder tackle that leaves your head exposed is particularly useful
Heh... this is why you are the weakest amongst us... now don't bother your superiors, I am going to hone my knife-wielding skills.
Why do they look bored?
To show off how COOL and BADASS Himuro is that he is being so apathetic while doing these allegedly extremely difficult and complicated manoeuvres with Rei.
Why Buddha Killer?
An elbow strike to the throat feels like a technique a clan of assassins would use in a setting where outright killing is banned. It's just a simple technique that's barely not a killing technique and it doesn't have awkward execution compared to the other moves. I feel like this is what the Kure techniques should be, very dangerous yet effective strikes.
It's an uppercut. Raian's elbow isn't digging into Alan's throat, it's where Alan's chin was
Such as?
His fist isn't really going upward though, it looks more like Raian's elbow is hitting Alan's throat and his chin was hit by Raian's forearm.
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Alan's head motion indicates an uppercut. An elbow uppercut, to be precise, which in the great scheme of things isn't exactly a reliable or effective strike. Especially considering this wasn't Raian breaking or preventing a clinch, it's a superfluous and all in all style over substance play by Raian when the point of the sequence was that he wasn't fucking around and he was fighting at peak efficiency
I don't know, Raian's elbow looked a lot closer to the clavicle area to me, but I guess a lot of these flaws would still apply. Honestly Buddah Killer is still the least bad technique on that page for me, maybe 6/10 is more appropriate.
I doubt Sandro put any thought into the Kure Clan techniques at all going by how that shit co-exists with Removal which in turn co-exists with Copy. Fucking ridiculous how little synergy they have with one another, Removal doesn't seem like an assassination clan's technique at all. It's more suitable for out-and-out brawlers, really. You could make it a technique that doesn't belong to the Kure Clan and it'd fit better on Raian I'd say.
If it was an elbow strike to the throat I doubt Alan's chin would look like it was hit by an uppercut. You're right, though, it's probably the most proper move in that page. I kinda wish he led with Removal and Alan didn't use Guihun, then that spinning back kick, Alan uses Guihun, the two exchange blows, Raian clinches, Buddha Killer, Mountain Breaker, then he rakes the eyes, but now I'm getting ahead of myself
Removal almost seems completely pointless if we're expected to believe every single male Kure is already a lot stronger than the vast majority of the natty fighters we see in the series
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>Such as?
Honestly I don't know, and I guess the problem is Sandro didn't either. It feels easy to create killing techniques because you can be as brutal and nonsensical as you want, but unique techniques an assassin would use in a combat sport feels harder to make and Sandro must have realized that when he hit that page. He likely came up with Buddah Killer first and the rest of the page is him trying to reach the deadline. He would have more time to plan out more techniques by the time he reached Ohma vs Lolong so you get Heaven-Shaking Supreme Fang but there's still moves of dubious quality like pic related.
This page reminds me that i wanted Lolong to win because he's a boomer's power fantasy and Ohma is a teenager's power fantasy
Ohma sucks at being a chunni power fantasy compared to Raian or even fucking Koga
>Struggles against characters he should reasonably bulldoze
>Constantly downplays himself
>Has to push himself to win more often than not
>Literally the antagonist's designated plaything and it's constantly made apparent he lives at the fucker's mercy
There's a pecking order here when it's a shit gimmick and Okubo loses to literally every nikoshitter
>Magical martial art that can do anything that he learned from some gay hobo for free
>Super Saiyan transformation introduced as a change in skin color, black sclerae and a "Dude I'm CRAZY" grin
>Destiny warps around him, clone of the strongest thing to ever walk the Earth, a gimmick introduced more than 300 chapters after his first appearance
>Uchiha girl, who is the strongest female of her clan, gets undressed and jumps at him every chance she gets
>Is accepted by the Uchiha clan and learns their techniques
He's pretty bad
Rolon is a bitch nigga
Removal is pointless because every single person who has it also has the same mindset as Amnesia Ohma and Raian.
Everyone busts it out almost automatically and everyone but Raian suffers a debuff from using it and has an increased chance of dying to make Raian look good
Removal doesn't matter outside of one character and it's a character no one likes
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Lolong's life ends one round from now.
If you take Ohma being a Shen clone as canon from chapter 1, every single one of his accomplishments just becomes significantly less impressive. Of course the Kure would be drooling over his cock, he is genetically identical to the strongest person to ever walk the earth. It's not that the Niko style is bullshit, it just happens to utilize the principles that Ohma would naturally be inhumanly talented at. Every single one of his wins would get zero-diffed by Shen, the fact that he struggled at all is proof he's not even close to living up to his potential.
Ohma is just a loser, he only looks good in comparison to Ryuki, who was literally trained wrong as a prank.
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Yes, and once he got that paycheck he stopped improving.
>Yumi is STILL continuously being brought up in the Japanese comment sections
Can't wait for Sandro to bring him back like he brought back Lu Tian! I'm sure he will be treating Yumi as an antagonist respectfully and that Sandro has learnt from his prior mistakes with this character!
>The Fist Eye
>Has two protuding, clenched hands on his eye sockets
>Just seeing him causes soul damage, to both the in-verse characters and the readers
>Out of pity, everyone helps him train and fight, has like 25 mentors right now encouraging him
>Many fighters go to great lengths and put themselves in the trajectory of his strikes and pretend to get KO'd to appease the poor, fistfaced deformed kid
>At some point they even got a random hobo of the streets, beat him to near death and convinced Fist Eye he was some fucker that made fun of his atrocious ailment like 5 years ago, just so Fist Eye could finish the job and feel good about his ''tenacity''
>The only character that didnt pretend to be hurt and drop like a fly was personally executed by the god of the verse
>Everyone loves Fist Eye and so do (you)
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It honestly makes no sense though. Why would he stop improving in Purgatory? Sure he had a stable paycheck, but he had a 10-5 record over there, surely he wanted to get back at some of the people who beat him, given his attitude?
Sandro directly acknowledged that he's popular in the Mukaku bio, genuinely worrying.
I love how the comment has nothing new to add. Everything he stated was something we already knew.
At least Yumi's had that tidbit about how he was going to look like an evil Cosmo. But here there is nothing.
You see anon, every single match Yumigahama lost in was a special one with very special rules.
The first time he had to compete with Carlos in a women-swooning match where the winner was the guy who made the most women swoon while covered in jello and with no clothes on.
The second time he had to compete with all the other A-Listers in a modern art creation contest, but Yumigahama didn't understand the rules and ended up eating the banana that was taped to the wall (which incidentally was Lolong's entry) and after that he was so shaken it affected his performance in his next two matches (which strangely enough had both his opponents looking oddly similar to Lolong).
The third time he had to compete with Jurota in an edging competition, and uh, I don't think I have to go into any more detail.
So you see, there was a lot of trauma Yumi had to go through in Purgatory. Please do understand.
>I wanted to see more of his activities, that's why I made him completely different to any and all cues we got on him and those activities and then I just fed him to the faggonector 3000
>the line about Yumi and Xia Ji being popular amongst the readership was the ONLY interesting thing about Mukaku's bio other than Sandro teasing a Mukaku Gaiden
One does not win because they are strong. One is strong because they win.
Himuro must be pretty weak then considering we've never seen him win on-screen.
Didn’t he beat Xia that one time?
Was Lu Tian even popular among readers? I remember the character drawing a lot of doomposting and groans when he did the bait and switch tongue reveal. The only real fans he's got here seem to be shitposters who love the edits with him and powerscalers who like that he's pretty strong for an unimportant character.
Extremely. Remember they hailed SiR as "10/10".
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Nah, that implies Xia Ji tried anything against Himuro other than trying to feign surrender so he could shank him. Himuro also had assistance. Inaba bailed out Himuro and helped restrain Xia Ji so Himuro could torture him more easily, but then Xia Ji broke out and ran away without doing anything.
I liked his design more than the other two aspects you mentioned. The business casual look was very stylish.
Sometimes you've got to recognise that your plans wouldn't fit the story flow and just relegate it to a spin-off or cut it entirely.
>Edward wouldn't have hubrised his way into losing a fight
He really didn't know Edward that well, did he?
Raian has beaten every Wu besides Eddie in base
Daro can't draw side-face
You'd think AI would help him overcome that problem but he seems to be training the AI on his own art and it gets it all wrong
And Haruo
Nah, Haruo won his match, but Himuro crippled his knee.
Sandwich has done it again, a new chapter of one of the dullest martial arts manga in human history. Seriously each chapter following the asura and his pals from the Kengan Association as they fight assorted jobbers has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the lackluster choreography, the series only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of paneling, all to make martial arts unartistic, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Sandrovich vetoed the idea of Koga as the protagonist; he made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody – just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for How Heavy Are the Dumbbells You Lift?. Kengan Omega might be anti-Chinese (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Baki series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least it was good until chapter 50 though


The writing is dreadful; the art is terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character survived an attack, the author wrote instead that the character “went limp to disperse the damage”.

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Sandrovich’s mind is so governed by clichés and dead metaphors that he has no other style of writing. Later, I read a lavish, loving review of Kengan Omega by the same Yusuke Murata. He wrote something to the effect of, “If these youths are reading Kengan Omega at 14 or 15, then when they get older they will go on to read One Punch Man.” And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read “Kengan Omega” you are, in fact, trained to read One Punch Man.
He couldn’t continue it was a double KO and cemented Himuro as on par with the legends.
So is there any way this ends with Shen other than Ohma beating him with Demonsbane? It's like a move that was taylor-made for Shen. If he gets the timing down it will absolutely KO Shen.
I know at least two people who genuinely hypepost pages from the new chapters every week
People were excited about him before his fight, when he turned crazyface he kinda became emblematic of everything wrong with Omega at the time. The reason he's popular now is a mix of the memes and people generally feeling that his design was wasted on a jobber character.
Hald this retards won while looking like this or at least didnt lose. Except Rihito, and Nitoku all of them ended looking like shit compared to their oponents, whom often didnt even had anything beyond mild damage on them.
And even then, they ended 6-7. Thanks to the most fucking unpopular, retarded rules that I'm sure 99% of the readers don't enjoy. Rules that, while made to save fighters, are fucking useless because writting used to take care about that and that's why the no rules KAT had only one (and half) casualties.
And thanks to that retarded Epstein manchild Toyota Mitsubishi we now have to eat that shit in shovel sized spoonfuls because ''we're better than the new superfaggot baddie the plot has stumbled upon''.
>But anon, those rules have not influenced most of the recent fights
The damage is done. Even when they didn't have a direct (they did to an extent) their existence means we give up on a lot of unconventional, brutal and, in the opposite spectrum, fair styles.
Now everything brought to the table has to have in mind you can't fall out of that lame ass circle, you cannot gouge, and be careful striking because if your opponent has a clot you may lose by accidentally killing him!
Pieces of shit everywhere.
While we're at it, this is one of those perfect opportunities to tie in my hatred to Koga. The modern Koga, at least.
These rules are made so the general public of pussies Toyoda had on his island didn't get too dismayed and his revenue didn't drop.
Don't you think it's quite strange that this poor excuse has evolved into moralfagging? That whole ''noo we may be shady illuminati psychos but we're better than (made up terrorist cell) because we don't kill''?
Don't you find coincidental that this happened after Koga's timeskip, when he has started to make a name among the other fighters, that the rules changed into something that, oh, surprise, 100% represents his current morals?
I say current because at the start of the manga Koga yearned for strength, true power, not bound by stupid rules like ground counts, rings and other made up handicaps for fighters. He wasn't a fan of killing, okay, but all the other stupid rules were the reason he despised MMA and other proffesional avenues. Now Kengfags n co. are pushing literally the same, but since he has been neutered and flanderized into a moralfaggot of the highest order, well. It's okay, I guess. Yes, those handicaps are only fair.
Also brb I gotta train and suck of with people who murdered in the triple digits (and genuinely enjoyed it) whilst I chastice my ''friend'' for that exact same reason.
I need the worm to come back and do one last funny thing on the kengan arena.
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how is this
I think it could be a bit better.
>Worms and Wu have hopes too!
Might be a bit better. The only difference here is that you put Kengan instead of heroes.
>Huh? The Kenganvengers will never lose?
>He was too strong to win? That doesn't make sense!
>The Worm and Wu try so hard but always kill themselves!
>"Bad guys have hopes too!"
>change to "The bad guys was just doing stuff the good guys already did!" or something that conveys that the Kengan Association used to be framed amorally but no longer is
>"I feel bad because I root for them... I mean, villains are cooler!"
>change to "I feel bad because I didn't want to root for the villains... I mean, I really did like Kengan Asura!"
>Tfw Garou became evil because instead of lurking more he just stuck to some villain of the week mediocre shonen
Could /a/ have saved him?
What would be the Baki equivalent of this? Katou trying to enforce a moral code?
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You can see post numbers in the image, just search them in an achieve.
Team Kengan constantly taking the moral high ground about not killing is oeak hypocrisy, but it's the only possible way to justify them as the "good guys" when compared to the Worm. It doesn't really hold up but it makes sense narratively at least. Koga's characterization has been pretty consistent honestly, he was already extremely upset about Ryuki killing worms at the very beginning of the manga. If anything, he's become more open to killing people from his time in the KA, Joji even pointed this out.
I understand the anti-stoic agenda but being stoic and being passionate aren't mutually exclusive. Kuroki's spending all his time training is about as passionate as it gets.
Kuroki is actively dodging every tournament, he's washed
When was the third time Gaoh made am attempt on Shen? Once as an adult, once as an old man when he died. The third?
There haven't been any big league tournaments since the KAT.
How dare you underestimate Hiraku who would possibly make it to R2, maybe
The king of kings tournament is the ultimate test of strength with all the strongest fighters in the universe
The stakes constantly getting amped up means we're going to be more and more stuck with the same roster of fighters because they're the only one's Sandro decided can keep up with relevancy.
This also means that characters like Agito and Gaolong are going to get flanderized even more each time they fight
We're gonna be running into the problem Baki has where it's only ever 5 guys most of the time
But could Rolon take them?
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Be honest would Kengan be better off of killing was mandatory?
like sexually?
I'll never understand rotating shoulder blades
>the only fight Okubo could win was against some guy who wasn't even a martial artist
no wonder Strike It Rich openly mocked him for being washed up; he's a colossal jobber
>2 jobber
>Purgatory jobber
>Two non-kenganvengers
>Agito who just lost to a Purgatory jobber
>R2 jobber
>The King of Purgatory jobbers
>Non-kenganvenger from the little league with less than 100 active fighters with a third being women
Yep, like I said, no big league tournaments.
Lolong could probably take Hiraku and Justin at the same time. I'm very unimpressed with both of them
I want to hope that Ramon completely mops the floor with Lolong
Lolong could take Ohma and another Ohma at the same time
But could Rolon have taken them?
Rolón is a weakling. He probably couldn't even take Kuroki. Lolong could beat 3 Rolóns. That's what makes him the Monster of Manila
This was 15 chapters ago. What's the payoff going to be?
It counters principles
Give them extra named techniques
Nothing. Sandro and payoff don't go together. At most you'll get him using it in some one-off kengan match, probably against a supernova jobber.
It quite literally jobbed to Shen in the past and the one technique Ryuki used from it was completely useless against Shen.
I wonder how Shen was able to tank Mukaku
the tatami mat between himself and the ironbreakers absorbed all the damage
He was stronger. That's all there is to it.
Why is their get stronger button
>Lets learn some super esoteric ancient martial arts and base our entire style on getting those moves off!!!
instead of
>Lets fight more
At some point Sandwich suffered from brain rot and now the only way he portrays "character growth" is named moves
>I find stupid that even an accidental death counts as a fighter loss, and makes them hold innecesarily
>KAT didn't have that and it didn't result in tons of people dying, just the gorilla retard
>>So you think killing should be obligatory to make the manga better
Are you dense?
If it was mandatory it'd cause a fucking problem. Everyone would wonder why a ton of people are just disappearing and most aren't willing to go that far.
What happened to “if he dies, he dies”? The Japanese have no balls.
Stop asking
Is there any point at all in Koga and Ryuki learning a meme move Shen completely no-sold? It feels like Sandro just wanted some weird lore where the Gaoh Style originated from this move. I don't see what makes Dragon's Job Fist so special but whatever.
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Imagine if there was a chapter where Raian got the plans to Mount Tai North Star Eightfold Demolition Fist and he sincerely tried to learn it, that's how I feel about Dragon's Maw Fist.
You're completely toothless
I mean would the KA be better off if killing fighters was mandatory
It's genuinely depressing how the most morally despicable characters get treated as heroes when the Wu have done fuckall wrong on-screen.
The Kure Clan, Purgatory, and Kengan Association need to be burned to the ground
There's grit and then there's pointlessness. What incentive would the fighters have to work with them if they're all going to die after their first fight? You lose all sense of longevity for several characters that way and it just sucks.
If all Kengan fights were mandatory deathmatches, the manga would have actual stakes.
Plus we wouldn't get cast bloat that way
The stakes in KAT were if the character you wanted to win would win and those were plenty fine stakes. You don't need characters like Cosmo having 22 kills under his belt because he needs to strangle his opponent for another 5 minutes under a kill rule. It gimps nigh every character and wouldn't fix anything. Stop pushing this retarded idea.
Cosmo should be the one getting killed 22 times, in fact
All the interesting characters would fucking die and only the stoicfags would remain. It would be even worse than current manga, which is already difficult.
There's a middle ground between ''no good guy dies'' and ''90% of the cast will dissapear''.
Why do you think the villains suck balls? Because all of them died in their first fight and had to be replaced with something. Since all the charisma was absorbed already, only empty powerscaling tools remain.
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Post characters you miss.
I wouldn’t mind seeing Toa again. God if Koga learned Demonsbane from him you guys would have to call me an ambulance
inb4 a chapter of mudo, julius, wakatsuki and koga training and dining together like they were best friends
Hell, you could actually make the Worm more threatening via cloning the characters.
>Alan just comes back
>Eddie just comes back
And so on. The Worm kills themselves because they can replace themselves easily
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Give him a full fight
Gimps in what way?
Their cloning methods are too vague to know if we can do that. Are they quickly made, or do they have to go through the entire growing up process?
>He misses a guy who only existed for a 2-koma loss
You fancy him or something?
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Sean... you were too strong for this series... gone too soon
This would've been a better KVP
>Gao vs Carlos
Carlos just kicks the shit out of Gao, who starts using Muay Thai to compensate. Carlos seems saddened by how Gao couldn't match him in boxing and resorts to ringout to end the fight quickly
>Lihito vs Falcon
Falcon just strikes Lihito's arteries and puts him on a time limit as a result
>Full-power Haru vs Toa
Toa is even taller than Haru, but Haru beats his redirection by crushing him like Hercules did Antaeus, albeit non-lethally
>Seki vs Yumi
Marvelous Seki takes the stage here, completely out-heels Yumi and beats his ass like a complete troll
>Ryuki vs Naiden
No changes besides Naidan winning fair and square before continuing after the match is over and forcing Ryuki to kill him. Also Naidan doesn't smile
>Agito vs Lu Tian
Lu doesn't reveal his Worm tattoo, the stance and Gu ring reveal that part enough, beats Agito's ass far worse and bloodies him up significantly, meaning the knee he took after the fight makes more sense, but Agito turns it around by pulling the same shit Kuroki did to beat him. IE waiting for the moment he switches between Wuwang and Formless and using his Dragon Shot at that exact moment.
>Hollis vs Alan
Alan beats Hollis' ass but doesn't kill him because Purg rules
>Masaki vs Jurota
More of an actual Judo match, Jurota also wins after realizing something is wrong with Masaki
>Akoya vs Nicolas
No changes besides Nicolas almost kills Akoya before Lolong intervenes to prevent them from getting an L due to Nicolas' murderboner
>Himuro vs Liu
Himuro tries to get through to Liu but loses, yet also does pretty well
Boom, Kengan looks strong, Purgatory looks strong. The last 3 fights, I can't figure out
Honestly I think Lolong
>Beating Ohma
>Losing to Waka, Okubo, or Agito
Would've been more satisfying than what we got
Okubro status?
god forbid someone has a crush huh you loveless piece of shit?
Not even. Just make them not lose. Maybe even get a couple kills since unlike the fighters they're, well, the fucking bad guys, and get away with it or at least drag down with them a couple actual characters. There's a hundred or so known fightfags in kengan association and like 50 recognizable businessmen. Whittle those down. Killing a couple that won't appear ever again to do anything relevant like Sawada, Inaba and other bottom feeders while they tragically defend their bosses (also killed) makes the worm look menacing (directly aggroing kengan association), leaves an actual, even if small dent, and well, accomplishes more than bombing some Guidos
Since there's few of them, it won't be even that destructive than obligatory deathmatches, since at most like 30 recognized faces dissapear from the story. The cast is too overbloated so trimming it a little is a cheap way to create drama.
Few of the top tiers, I mean, I know worms number in the tenths of thousands.
>Are they quickly made, or do they have to go through the entire growing up process?
Looking at Ryuki and Ohma it's likely the latter universally.
A pastebinfag leaves, a pastebinfag comes
What about Masaki, it looked like he came right of the tube ready to be Meguros THROWING bag
They are egregores. I recognize concepts from various posts over various threads. KvP fantasy booking is the soul of Keng/a/n
Is there any other manga franchise that has squandered its potential as much as Kengan has? Sandro seems so content with mediocrity when this could be a huge hit if he actually took the effort to plan out an actual story and design fight scenes with actual choreography.
The timeline is quite tight. He was supposed to be cloned RIGHT after Meguro was adopted by Hayami. That's why he's like 21, Meguro was adopted when he was 13 and at the time of his death, he was 33 (but it was 2 years before we saw Masaki so he was 19 at the time of the death).
That means their judo sesions lasted, at most, just a few months, assuming Meguro was cloned immediately after Hayami put his hands on him.
Lu, god rest his soul.
>Is there any other manga franchise that has squandered its potential as much as Kengan has?

Notice how no one talks about One Punchman anymore
It hurts because it’s true
Lu Tian, Alan, Edward, Yumigahama (should've been the one fighting Kiozan instead of Ohma), Jose and Willem
>Katsu cloned a 13 year old murderfreak boy without knowing he would be a SS+ Judo master by his genes
I wonder if Sandro thought about that.
Shaddup fag
Kokuro and Jose.
>Let's replace the characters Koga has an actual dynamic with in exchange for the Superjobbers
One more Nezu win bro just one more Nezu win bro I promise just think about it bro
Missing Hayami Masaki in advance. Kenganverse is no place for based characters.
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Full Dragon Xia will return
I legitimately forgot about them, because they have just disappeared and Koga ghosted them for his new friends.
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He will be avenged
>the timeline is quite right
>the time
>the timing is right
>got the timing right
Perhaps in a different series where he's some shoujo love interest, never kengan.
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by all accounts Kimura manhandled him like a baby
Didn't Katsu get Meguro and Masaki's insanity all wrong and try to huisheng Meguros ramblings into Masakis ears to get a powerboost or something?
I don't think he did

Truth be told though, I miss the old burnt retard. Yea sure he was in clown shoes for much of his appearance in Kengan and all his plans fell through one way or another, each one becoming more retarded than the last. His last ditch plan being "I'm gonna blow up all the Worlds most important people" certainly was a plan
But he was the only one who consistently played into what makes Kengan a shady club of asshole CEOs, even if he was a retard about it.
You manhandle babies?
I said shaddup
BJJ sucks
I didn't know he was so controversial. I was just reading a list out.
A whole lineage of douchebags those Gracies. Makes sense the Kure family was modeled after them
I don't know if this is pasta, but it nonetheless describes what garbage this shit is.
Honestly, the page in OP is one of the most infuriating parts of Omega.
Even Raian tearing open Eddie wasn’t as bad as this because at least that had shock value and was memorable just for how absurd it was.
This is completely homosexual garbage.
>Meanwhile they’re just vaguely throwing ATATATATATAs
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>Meanwhile they’re just vaguely throwing ATATATATATAs
How is that not high level? Say whatever you will about choreography but throwing a ton of super fast attacks and reacting to each of them IS high level.
>He has never been in a high level exchange
Nah, that's lazy as fuck. Just as lazy as some shonen's "they disappeared entirely, we can't follow the fight anymore!".
Misasa and Hayami. If either of them get another chapter I'd be happy.
That doesn't refute anything. You're complaining about choreography but high speed and reacting to said high speed is itself high level.
That page was Sandro realizing he's been unnecessarily mean to Himuro ever since Ashura and it's basically Sandro giving him some desperate wank.
it's how lazily it's presented. anyone can make two characters stand in front of one another, make their limbs detached and their teleporting hands blurry and call that high level. get some higher standards, for fuck's sake
It would be nice if Himuro actually got to fight again wouldn't it? Who would he get matched up against?
Xia Yan
I wasn't talking about the shitty choreography you moron. I said that it *is* high level on principle. It's not that big a deal for that specific scene because it's just showing them off doing a quick spar. If anything them sparring didn't even need to be there.
How about you show really complex motions rather than really fast ones?
>15 chapters of Himuro holding the line against Yan, Fu, Gilbert and Shen at the same time
>Shen eventually kills him, then wipes off a few sweat driplets
>"Phew, I'm gonna need a beet after that one!"
>Anons clap and have sex with one another because of how brilliant Shen's characterization is
>Kaneda cries over Himuro's corpse
>"T-They killed him! Like he was some weak nobody! Like he was me!"
>Lolong puts his hand on Kaneda's shoulder reassuringly
>"It took the 'strongest in the world' to kill him. That's how you should remember Himuro Ryo."
>Kaneda cradles Himuro's head and gives him a chaste kiss on the lips.
Kek but also kinda based
i'm telling you why someone would call that lazy and poorly presented after you attempted to justify it. not sure why you're getting so bloody defensive.
My pankration posters sense was tingling. I couldn't help but argue. I was caught in his "spiders web".
would be kinda okay with this
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*puts you in this hold*
How is the current state of the pankration meta?
You tell me. Probably would've fared okay in the early days of MMA. It would be funny to see a breakout Dagestan equivalent for Pankration in the UFC
I meant the sport, I thought it was still played but I guess not.
This and Himuro dresses like pic related
>Anons clap and have sex with one another because of how brilliant Shen's characterization is
No, the euros and burgers have big meetups.
Metaphorical claps and literal sex
Write any Baki character you wish humiliating and tearing down Shen.
>Doppo beats the shit out of Shen while calling him out for being a lazy fuck who didn't dedicate himself enough to training and therefore took the route of memory stuff so that he had all the time he wanted to learn stuff and could spend the rest of his time putzing about
Shen solos bakiverse though.
Yeah right
Here's how you describe a high level exchange
>Fighter A punches Fighter B in the face, grabs her head, and hurls her over the shoulder to the ground before kicking her across the room, right before Fighter B rushes back, feints out to go for a grapple, grabs Fighter A's gi, and knees her in the gut before landing an elbow to her jaw. All in the span of roughly 3 to 4 seconds.
It's not flailing your arms around. A truly high-level fight is an exceedingly complicated one
I think it'd be funny if Retsu put the work in on Shen since they are both the culmination of thousands of years of martial arts
Shen would have the fight of his life against Suedo. Suedo is literally Invincible, look at how he was introduced
Why would it have to be complicated?
Sandro expects me to believe Otakemaru trumps literally everything else you listed, combined, with ease
Heh... "that post" was always the weakest among us...
Because a high-level martial artist can play you like a fiddle
What is complexity but a lot of simple things bouncing off of one another?
They’re just sparring within one foot of one another. You can afford bigger, more overarching movements in an all out exchange of blows but I think the point of Himuchan and Rei’s spar was making complicated plays with limited room to work with. Unfortunately, Sandro and Daro were both phoning it in. If someone like Itagaki were writing then it would probably resemble whenever Doppo shits on Kato or something, where it’s a 3 page long sequence
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I feel like the best thing to do would be to show these complicated parries like picrel.
Where it's shown in a lot of detail but then we realize
>Oh shit this is taking only like 2 seconds
But there's nothing saying that would be a complicated exchange inherently. High level martial artists in real life won't do super high ultra giga deluxe complex manuevers.
The real problem is that Sandro decided to put this scene in the middle of the Inside Arc for some reason. Do we really need to see Himuro and Rei looking apathetic while Ryuki is missing and they're there to save him? Feels like it detracts from several things.
I guess they're counting Mukaku quivering in his shoes as a child while his entire clan was being slaughtered as the first time? For some fucking reason?
It’s absolutely insane how that uppercut sent Pickle flying even if it didn’t do any damage
I think the scene in a vacuum is less of an issue than how it's a reflection of Sandro's concept of "high level" fighting in general. Keeping a sequence like that simple is okay, but "flurry of blurry arms and another character informing us we should be impressed" is a favorite of Sandro's now. Just look at Lolong vs Ohma having a page like that literally every chapter along with the announcer freaking out.
>this was Yumi's last appearance
>vanishes into the void for two years like Nicolas does
How did Yumigahama even get Nicolas and Lu Tian to accompany him when we saw him the first time to confront Jose and his friends?
On the verge of death hahhahaha. Way to rub it in, Sandrovich
>ctrl+f "Justin"
>2 results
>ctrl+f "Hiraku"
>2 results
>ctrl+f "Julius"
>2 results
Is the purpose of this tournament literally just filler while Sandro tries to come up with new things to move the Worm plot along?
Misasa deserves to suffer
>jobs embarrassingly, Kenganvengers gas him up after he loses
>Lu Tian
>jobs embarrassingly, Kenganvengers gas him up after he loses
>fight gets interrupted in the middle of the climax, Kenganvengers gas Lolong up as this dangerous threat
Best I could do is have him one-tapped by Shen along with Hollis so Yumigahama looks even weaker and Raian looks even cooler because he's so much stronger than Hollis and definitely the rightful heir to the Kure Clan.
>I can't!!! He's too strong-
To win, evidently.
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>"you were too strong, that's why you lost"
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The script's point of force?
Sandro isn't holding it.
>Crispy Akoya cleanly beat a superman syndrome Wu before he could even activate Guihun
>Proceeds to nope out the manga and hasn't been heard from since
Chasing down the convicts
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>Shen: Blah blah blah I'm 6000 years old! : /
>Sukune flushes and sweats furiously: H-He's even older than ancient sumo?!
>Sukune: ... That's just fine for me ;)
>Shen reads the interprepositionquantumsuperposition of intent before Sukune's charge and jabs Sukune's face, causing a shockwave
>Sukune remains conscious and grabs Shen
>Shen holds down the point of force: Heh, you actually managed to grab me... Well done, but I would recommend working on your "timing" by a few microseconds and your "angle" by a few degrees to the-
>Sukune grabs Shen's ribs and lifts him so he can't exert a force to counter the point of force
>Shen: !?
>Sukune jumps and slams Shen into the ground
>Shen's legs and ass are the only things above ground
>Sukune rubs the blood off his nose: 6,000 years... And you still haven't done enough shiko
Baki going on the warpath against Metsudo because of Yumi’s sister.
Would it be in-character
I laughed
Building an even bigger, bulkier, and dumb looking suit of power armor to job in but survive against all odds.
>It actually works and lets him mow through everyone up until Shen kicks his ass
>It's revealed Akoya was picked up by Tomari and offered "augmentations"
>Shen is about to kill Koga to make Ryuki more murderous, making him a more suitable vessel for the "Tiger"
>Akoya kicks the nearest door down and walks in, making even Joji and Kuroki do a :o
>Cyborg Akoya
Make it happen
Shit I just realized something.
>Naidan making Ryuki more psychotic
>Shen trying to make Ohma more stoic and like him
They're trying to make Ohma as much like Shen as possible and Ryuki as much like the Tiger as possible
its funny cause they were basically inverted personalities at the start of their respective series
>They try to make Ohma a psychopath again so Shen can't use him as a vessel
Why is the Purgatory cast so much more endearing than the Kengan cast?
Because Sandro inadvertently turned them into underdogs even though that was clearly far from his intent
Because Sandro's a faggot
It’s genuinely depressing how the most irritating Purg fighter is now a regular cast member.
I fucking hate Lolong
The drool pouring from Akoya's face here is a nice touch, he's such a special boy.
Akoya is no doubt highly autistic
Naidan testing Ryuki's willingness to kill would have made perfect sense if it was for the purpose of Huisheng compatibility, but Sandro is a hack and doesn't plan anything ahead, so instead the plan turned out to be straight up bodyjacking and brain transplants so Ryuki having bloodlust shouldn't matter at all.
>Crispy Akoya cleanly beat a superman syndrome Wu before he could even activate Guihun
Don't forget, it was some sort of extended fight scene where Akoya just kept getting up over and over, but also so quick that Willem didn't use Guihun to maintain the upper hand, and quick enough to take place in the span of Gilbert walking out the door and saying hi to Niko.
>SFX: pots and pans flying around
>SFX: Trash can lid rolls and a cat scream
>Sounds like Willem is still playing around
>SFX: Willem writhing on the floor screaming in agony
It's also still hilarious how confused Gilbert is at the idea of actually finishing off one's opponent.
Seems like Bakifags cannoz cope with the fact a character stronger than Yujiro appeared.
I wonder how Lolong would be received if they cut all the tryhard moments like Carlos feeling sorry for Kengan and the Kuroki incident.
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Silva's hype promo was the funniest thing simply because of how underwhelming it was. People didn't even take notice of it when it dropped.
>Kazzy had to go to Brazil for him
>More Gracie wank
>More Metsudo wank
>More Kure wank
>His feat is... beating some money debtors
>Kazzy is panicked because of this
And the funniest thing about it? His fight only exists to show that Koga learned the Niko style.
Like father like son eh?
This fight had one of the worst Niko moments in the series too, with a fucking improperly used technique able to just crush a man's arm to splinters with your fingers like you're Julius or something.
What the fuck did Eddie mean by this
That he planned on suicide by Kure to take the Wu clan as a zoomer. No other two ways about it.
It's still so funny to me how Sandro goes out of his way to counter copium theories, like how people went with "S-surely Eddie got himself killed on purpose to clear the way for Gilbert" and then Sandro went and said in his bio that dying was unexpected.
>Maybe Willem let Akoya win to betray the worm and get out
>He actually just lost to crispy Akoya and died to Raian a couple weeks later
There's literally no winning with the guy.
Nah he experimented and discovered a new technique
Akoya hadn't showed up in ages prior to that. It's not too egregious.
In the same sense that my urine is a new beverage
I heard that it’s quite popular with baki fans
Why the constant heat directed towards Baki out of nowhere? I don't start fights about Tenkaichi in Kengan, but you and some other anons keep bringing that up in here. I know most of us read both, but damn, if I wanted to read Baki or Dragon Ball discussions, this just reminds me of how boring Kengan is now that people don't even want to talk about it in its own threads.
Success breeds jealousy.
That moment in Koga vs Silva is even worse in hindsight.
Because the last two matches between a striker and a grappler basically boiled down to "grappler facetanks hits and tries to get in", it feels even more like Sandro is writing in excuses for why he won't be choreographing his fights with some actual wrestling or ground game.
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>Offering piss to others
You'll never make it in the wild.

He'd principle the shit out of Gayjiro.
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Jobs to Yumigahama.
Hysterically insightful!
I could probably beat Shen. Big dog would disintegrate him with a sneeze according to my calculations, whereby Yujiro is equivalent to 100,000 supernovae
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The only Shen we need.
>along with the announcer freaking out.
Just take that out and those kinds of scenes would be a lot more tolerable. Why not just have the narrator do the hyping instead of having Koga play cheerleader?
What if Bear Grylls was a Kengan fighter?
Sandro is a complete retard, so Boar Grill’s fighting style would be taking punches to the mouth over and over again, then a flashback where he studied bats and how they suck blood, and he’s been sucking his opponent’s blood every time his fist made contact with his mouth until most of his blood is pooled in his fist so he gets light headed. His fist is bleeding because of punching Boar’s teeth bare knuckle and he passes out, hemorrhaging through his fist
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Shingeki no Kyojin genuinely had a better send-off with the outrage. OPM collapsed in on itself after the Monster Association Arc ended, with the only meaningful thing to look forward to in the manga adaptation being how it will screw over Amai Mask's character arc.
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sup >what killed the hype?fags
Moving onto the next manga like locusts?
Is the original Japanese for hard slam and mountain breaker by any chance tetsuzanko and yamazuki?
>Kanoh let's fight
Why is Agito like this?
I've been posting in the Kengan Omega threads since 2019 when it began? Not sure what's the point of bringing this up.
You just know the start of the next chapter will either be a flashback or a cutaway to Ohma bumming with Shen and Kuroki while talking about how Agito has "evolved", and that the end of next chapter will be Julius managing to damage Agito before an ominous zoom in on his face.
What pooped the party?
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Sean dying and Willem getting humiliated.
Morning bros, do we finally have an answer for if were getting a break or not this week?
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>omega on break
>rahen on break
my wednesd/a/y is over...
Of all the characters, why was Lu Tian the only one who got brought back so he could be fed to Akoya to show off how much of a weak piece of shit Akoya was, struggling to defeat a master martial artist with a physique that could grant him the ability to wield 96% Guihun AND Formless?
Good to know that he actually has enough solid ground to stand on to threaten Wakatsuki I guess.
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Taking away all of Lolong's tryhard moments would also mean taking away his entire dynamic with Terashi where the latter just overreacts to everything the former does, and that dynamic is genuinely more interesting than Raian and Ohma's dynamic somehow even though only one person in that has a personality and the other guy wasn't even written yet.
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>All that time without a break
>Suddenly a break not long after
It can always get worse
Let Daro and Sandro rest. Maybe with all this time, Daro's CPU can generate more beautiful pixels and Sandro can come up with a new "not-a-technique" for Julius to use to overcome Agito's Limpness!
>he beat up some mooks whom we have no way of accurately assessing their strength!?
>what an unfathomable fighter you are, Silva...
I mean that goes for everyone else before they've gotten into an onscreen fight. You don't say that about Saw or Kuroki when having their first fights.
>Sandro tries to frame the Kenganvengers and Shen (honorary Kenganvenger) in a heinous light
>Shen gets flak for trying to speed up the brainwashing process of Huisheng (100% natural unlike artificial brains)
>Goat just compares a no-killing tournament to a Gu Ritual
>You don't say that about Saw or Kuroki when having their first fights.
We saw Kuroki punching holes in steel before his fight.
We never see Silva actually fighting those people, or the gang actually jumping him on the way to the airport when Sandro would have actually bothered showing it on page in Asura. We just get a page of a vague statement where the only information we get about them is about fight money.
But Saw had no reference. Himuro didn't either outside of like you said, beating guys who had no point of reference. Mokichi either. I'm just saying it's fairly common so it's not really like Silva is egregious.
>But Saw had no reference.
Saw had a flashback of someone smashing his skull in with a hammer.
>Himuro didn't either outside of like you said
Himuro had a scene with Ohma where he hints he was from the same place as he was, and we judge him based off of what we know from Ohma. Making Kaneda's victory in turn quite a feat in spite of how much we joke about Himuro.
>Mokichi either
Mokichi befriended a powerful head of a large assassin clan who has been shown to crack concrete with sheer force of rage.
Every single fighter had build-up outside of the GIGAjobbers that Hassad one-shotted, or the guys Jerry was mowing through. Even Haratoku had pages dedicated to how good of a police officer he was or something.
Didn't mean to respond.
Mokichi befriending Erioh isn't a feat of strength and they didn't bond over anything to do with fighting. Himuro being from the Inside doesn't mean anything as the Inside has many different people. The most you have is Saw but that was only explained after he already fucked Karo's hand from his punch.
Xia Ji got hit the hardest by this honestly. Sandro takes it for granted that people will just automatically root for the protagonist because they're the protagonists and so doesn't bother putting us into Koga's mind because surely we're already in a very similar headspace right?
I see what the misunderstanding is now.
My overarching point is that Sandro used to show more than he told.
Silva is a close friend of Koga, who is about to fight him in the first tournament Koga has allegedly participated in, and yet the way he is written feels like an early Asura jobber. The fact that his lack of feats is justified through being compared to people like Himuro at all speaks volumes about how Sandro writes his new characters. The less said about Justin and Hiraku, the better.
Where does Akoya even get the engineers for this shit?
This. Sandro misunderstands underdog narratives
He does it himself
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This page says it all.
The sheer "disconnect" Sandro has from his readers. This fucking page.
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Are they even meant to be the underdogs there? Koga has absolute power over Xia, he's cornered and can't run and then he just beats him to shit.
FUCK. I remember he took a break before the Julius vs Toa fight too, and at least the art was really good in the following chapter, I hope it will be the same for this fight since Juliu's samoan tattoes look ridiculous.
I don’t get it.
Honestly after all the wank Lolong received, watching Ohma beat the ever loving shit out of him was strangely cathartic. It was like watching Coldsteel fight the actual Sonic
Anon, he nearly fucking died learning Demonsbane
Thanks anon, made my evening
As long as he doesn't switch between emoting like a retard and trying to be a stoicfag every chapter this is a direct improvement.
The rules
>No attack rushes or motion blur
>No named techniques
Enough said
>No motion blur
Why the fuck not?
Why yes?
Wait, was Lolong the only count out loss? I don't remember the others getting this treatment.
yeah, im pretty sure in the other fights the red deemed the fighter "not able to fight anymore" and ended the match
Motion blur adds a sense of speed, agility and impact. Take Jack uppercutting Pickle and remove it and it's way less exhilarating. You're taking the wrong lessons.
Man, the more I remember and actually review the purg fights, the more I hate it. At least these threads made it fun.
Lu Tian and Lolong were the Purgatory fighters I expected to see the absolute best fights from going into the tourney
How fucking wrong I was
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Sandro hates his villains. He only writes them so he can watch them suffer. The equivalent of coming up with a fake person in your head and owning her with arguments while you're in the shower.
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That reminds me of Misasa vs Monke. He planted him, the match commentator said so, he then wondered if that useless referee Alisa was going to call the match and only then she went ''Oh shit true that was like my job apart of just looking pretty and standing around'', and finally called the match. Slower reactions than a moldy piece of cheese.
Id adds to how she's, oddly enough, incompetent only when Purgatory benefits from that. Here Yumigahama was directly under the spotlight and Misasa was about to get kicked out, if she took one more second to call the match (which he would probably without the comment interference) Misasa could have lost.
Or like when Nicolas broke the rules 3 times and Akoya obeyed them, but only cancelled the match after the later disobeyed too. Or how apparently purgatory fighters can use masks, which protects them from eyepokes, but earpieces with kengers are a no-no. Or...
Probably just an inusual ammount of consequences, right? No bias at all, surely not.
Even in defeat Lolong has plot armor
Because it's a lazy way to convey impact
reading this and absolute KEK at the "adam is 8th fang" theory
it should've been Arashiyama and his STANDO, not fucking Gaolang the jobber of Thailand. Carlos is too good for Gaolang, he should've been more neutral considering he was likely chill with Arashiyama as well.
>sandro was ntr'd by a chinese prettyboy theory
Xia Ji is white
How the fuck else do you do it then? And how is it "lazy"?
Show a series of readable motions
By doing what? You fucking show an example RIGHT now. And WHAT makes it lazy?
Like what Jack did to Pickle but remove the garbage motion blur
It’s flashy and conveys explosiveness. It’s not used to substitute impact
If you want to portray an explosive impact, draw someone's face getting smashed in
>Remove all that makes it look cool
You're a fucking moron. Enjoy your garbage comic.
Because it's lazy and a way people avoid drawing a fist connecting
You have not explained how it's lazy you fucking nincompoop.
>Instead of drawing a fist and arm I'll draw a whited-out smear
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It isn't a problem most of the time. Motion blur also does not always conceal the fist. Sometimes it's because the position shouldn't show the fist at all. You have no clue what you're talking about.
Jack's a fucking monster for taking this guy out
He's Sandroverse Chinese which are mostly tall model guys
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Another example
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Sandroverse chinx are the rightful descendants of the Indo Europeans, explaining Lu Tian's unmistakably Odinic countenance and Shen Wulong's undeniably Germanic physiognomy
Yeah, I remember genuinely seething at this abomination of a page.
Why did it make you seethe? Just so I can read your response, of course.
Makes me want to vomit
Remember how truly awful that fight was:
>that stupid "hehehe I dodge" preamble
>that awful "microdosing Advance" DBZ shit
>the premonition
>Kure techniques
>Kure clan technique: COPY
And finally Sandro gives us this fucking page as if the end of this trashfire was some huge climax ? If I could I'd crush that hack's hand and face.
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Why is that so Omega feels soulless?
imo the main reason is the massive downgraded art
How would you have done Ohma vs Lolong?
Lmao no. The dead stay dead. Nice try though.
lolong should be 6'6'' and 300 pounds to start with
So who should've fought Lolong?
No change it’s fine as is.
>Lolong doesn't use Silat
>Instead, he uses a military style that's more of a collection of the best. Boxing footwork/punches, BJJ ground grappling, Taekwondo kicks, Karate defense, Judo throws, and so on.
>Ohma doesn't use any sort of Advance or Kure Techniques, instead just gets to show what the completed Niko Style is like when he's at his best.
>Unfortunately, it's not enough, every Kata and Niko technique gets negated by Lolong just being better. Water Kata is negated by Lolong being a better grappler, Adamantine Kata gets negated by Lolong's punches being ungodly painful, Redirection gets completely turned on him and his arm gets dislocated when he goes limp, Flame Kata is straight up outsped by Lolong's hits.
>Ohma loses horribly in the span of a chapter and is reprimanded by everyone for it.
>Koga starts insulting him because deep-down he looked up to him and is disappointed in him doing so poorly
>The only one who doesn't turn their back on Ohma is Kazzy.
>Ohma actually becomes kinda miserable because not only has he let all of his friends down, all of his training and suffering was for nothing when put against Lolong, and he can't think of a way to 1v1 beat a guy who's just him but better
Boom, Lolong lives up to the hype and we get actual character development for Ohma.
Lolong's Invisible Elbow throws Ohma's timing off and does this to his Ironbreaker
>>Ohma loses horribly in the span of a chapter and is reprimanded by everyone for it.
>>Koga starts insulting him because deep-down he looked up to him and is disappointed in him doing so poorly
>>The only one who doesn't turn their back on Ohma is Kazzy.
>>Ohma actually becomes kinda miserable because not only has he let all of his friends down, all of his training and suffering was for nothing when put against Lolong, and he can't think of a way to 1v1 beat a guy who's just him but better
All of this is unbelievably corny and out of character for both Koga and especially Ohma. Ohma never held any kind of grudge against Kuroki when he lost. Stop posting this garbage.
If Omega just became an Ohma humiliation ritual from this point onwards, would we like it or hate it more?
The point isn’t that Ohma holds a grudge. He’s upset because
>Everything was riding on him winning, and therefore he has let all of his friends down
>He genuinely can’t think of a way to beat Lolong and that’s what makes him so upset. How the hell do you beat someone who’s you but superior?
>Bring back character
>Make him look like a joke
That'd be even worse.
None of them would act like that. He's not a sulker.
How would Ohma behave in a situation where he let everyone down by not being good enough? IE his own weakness meant that more people than just him suffered for it
How does Okubo suffer from Purgatory winning? It was a business dispute, not a personal one. Purgatory already pays better than Kengan does and even has better safety regulations. If you want to talk suffering then Purgatory is the better option clear as day. It's also just not that type of manga either.
Combatives instead of silat already makes him 100x cooler
I meant that his friend’s business went under as a result of him losing.
Meaning that he’s now the pariah of the whole Kengan Association, to the point that people even start calling him “The Fuckup” instead of “The Asura”
Put Ohma at an extremely low point in his life, therefore making it easier for Shen to gaslight him
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Lolong uses crocodile-jutsu instead of another silatfag. His final move is the death roll, where he grapples his opponent while on the ground and crushes him in a mixture of bites and joint breaks while rolling around. He has also this move called Gator Bite where he pins a limb between his arms and a knee and crushes it like pic related. Extra points if after doing it Ohma tries bone comsuntion but suddently feels a great pain: the arm is shattered, he can't relocate the joint back because the bone is still broken by the GB.
That's fucking horrible LMAO
That’s actually incredible and I love it

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