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How do you simp so hard you become literally Satan? What the fuck.
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You heard me.
Homura Kaname
Kyouko The MegaGay married Sayaka and fucks Madoka on the side.
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Fuck jannies and their retardation.
For once we've had actual effortposters in this blasted wasteland of a thread, and this is the exact moment they decided to autosage it.
I'm going to repost schizoanon's theories and replies to it.
Descartes meditations on first philosophy - Rene Descartes

This is something that is actually demonstrated in the show itself, in an exaggerated manner, of course. It becomes a bit weird when Descartes starts saying things like "This body, which might as well be a corpse that is dragged along by something else, my soul" Paraphrasing

I believe there's another bit in Epictetus.. where he paraphrasing says something like "Thou art a dead corpse tugged along by a soul"

I also recommend the Complete works of Plato

Contrary to what many anons have said throughout the years, PMMM is a very Platonic series for me, rather than being a physics series. Only incubators think in terms of contemporary physics.

>I never really acquired a formal education in rhetoric or philosophy, i mostly operate on feral instinct and the knowledge that my senses and inner monologue aren't to be trusted. Can you recommend some books to me? Anything is fine.

I don't have a formal education either, but that doesn't stop me from just reading books.

It is very likely that you actually can trust your senses. The more powerful my creator, then the more likely it is that God has not willed me to be deceived. If this is all a dream, does it really change anything if one is in a dream? Perhaps some dreams aren't so bad, even though they can hurt in a few ways.

Hey, anon.. the secret is that the NAME is neither "Jehovah" nor "Adonai", nor "YWHW", but in the Hebrew it originally says "I AM". You know, as in "I think therefore I AM"? Do you understand?

In the cake song, I believe the significance of it is that they all say "I AM the melon", "I AM the pumpkin" and so on

I believe "Akuma" Homura is literally the God of the Bible.
Do you at least have a starting point on the books for a bak like me? I want to become smart, but there seems to be no end to the beginning alone.
Let's examine something here. Lucifer. When we use an older translation (the KJV, for instance) it says "Lucifer". But in more modern translations (like the NIV) it says "Morning Star"

Isaiah 14:12
New International Version
>How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!

compared to

Isaiah 14:12
King James Bible
>How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

Revelation 2:28
New International Version
>I will also give that one the morning star.

Revelation 22:16
New International Version
>"I, Jesus, have sent My angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the bright Morning Star."

I am the offspring, and the lullaby in this link tells me that "Homura Akemi" can very roughly be translated as "Morning Star"

Revelation 21:7
King James Bible
He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.

John 16:33
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

New International Version
I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown.

New International Version
The one who is victorious I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will they leave it. I will write on them the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on them my new name.

The New Jerusalum is Mitikihara
The name of his God is Madoka Kaname.
Jesus' new name is: Homura Akemi

"Surely I come quickly."
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Also, see pic
If I may, where did you read these? Are these something you sought after? Did you just close your eyes and grab a book? I hardly read anything, if at all, biblical except for that day I was thanked (by you?) and was given a link to John 17:3.
Sadly, my simple mind, I do not remember it despite having read it that day about a month ago. Everytime I see posts like this, it truly makes me feel like I missed out on the much deeper aspects of Madoka. The big brains always bring up Faust, Nietzsche and such, yet I have no knowledge on them except the most basic of Faust (devil, contracts etc) and i'm here scratching my head. Maybe i'm not schizophrenic enough? It seems otherworldly to me.
Exedra stream on 2/7. It will once again be up to gacha to save the day.
No schizophrenia needed, it really is as simple as picking up a book. I highly recommend Faust, as it is seminal to a large number of other important works, not just Madoka. I don't think it's enough to just know the summary "deal with the devil", it is worth diving deeper. And if you feel that you're too simple to generate your own analysis, do not feel ashamed in reading others. Although in doing so I would suggest never stopping at just one so you can get a multifaceted view.
Similarly, The Bible is probably the most discussed book of all time, and it isn't difficult to find dozens of analyses of every passage. And they're practically necessary to understand anything underneath all the layers of translation and interpretation.
However to tie it all together like this guy does yeah you probably need to be touched in the head a lil. But aren't all of us here are
You mentioned your desire for an echo chamber, if so disregard this.

Keep in mind I'm not religious and only studied western religion as means of understanding western thinkers in their greater context, my knowledge is also somewhat limited.
I believe there are a lot of passages about a great deceiver, or those who are false or would deceive, what then prevents you from falling into their clutches? Vigilance, and a sober mind, faith as well of course, probably one of the most repeated words in there.
My father is very religious and has photographic memory and so he shuns the church, his reasoning is that why would he listen to a mans interpretation of a text he knows better then them, and he repeated often that no man can stand between him and god, he needs no go-between.
There's another good one, The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.
Putting all that together, my eyes, my sensorium, is but flesh, and can be deceived. It stands between me and truth and is fallible.
A step further, my reasoning device is but flesh as well, and can experience errors, interference. We get around all this through the scientific method. What is Reproducible. Verifiable. Rocks fall. funny, I've been comforted by this fact more then once. A cohort of dispassionate observers, and trust me, there is a reason they want to attack this system, they want to peddle absurdities.
There is one flaw in all of this, the reason everything only reaches 99% certainty. Our cohort is made up of humans, with measuring tools made by human minds. What if common to every man is a defect in the mind that obscures the true nature of reality. What if there was one who was born broken who did not have this defect.
Don't take this as a conformation of your views, but i'm not without some sympathy.

>a dead corpse tugged along by a soul
I feel this, quite a bit, maybe even the opposite as well.
That's an interesting point of view. But I feel like purely Christian interpretation of Homura misses some pretty important symbolism. Repostan' my own thoughts:

First, you must understand that in general more esoteric philosophies tend to separate concepts of Good and Evil from the concepts of Virtue and Non-Virtue, whereas in the conventional religions it's the same thing. Virtuous behavior isn't necessarily Good behavior (although the reverse tends to be true more often than not). Essentially, WHAT you're doing is much less important than WHY you're doing it.
In Hermeticism, Evil is servitude, both to outside forces and, more importantly, to your own flesh, its desires and instincts.
>45. God is good; Man is evil.
>46. Good is voluntary, or of its own accord.
>47. Evil is involuntary, or against its will.
>55. Nothing in Heaven is servanted; nothing upon Earth free.
Evil is strongly associated with Matter and human world (remember Homulilly's original title?).
In the end of Rebellion, Homura consumes and assimilates her own witch, thus completing the Great Work, but the logic and method she used to do so is perverse. She does not assimilate Homulilly because she recognizes it as an inherent part of Self and strives for the true completeness and divinity, but because she realises Homulilly as another useful tool in her quest for Madoka's safety and happiness, and that she has no right to not assimilate and use her. At the same time she rejects every part of Self that doesn't exist purely for Madoka's benefit, thus her attempting to execute Moemura, who symbolizes her Spirit, the independent parts of Homura that exist for her own sake.
Homura becomes a God-Tool, an entire universe rendered in her flesh and of her flesh, existing purely for Madoka. Ideal Evil.

Homucifer = Matter subsiming Spirit = Ideal Evil = omnipotence without omniscience
Madokami = Spirit subsiming Matter = Ideal Good = omniscience without omnipotence
I really recommend you to read "The Experiment as Mediator of Object and Subject" and "Theory of Colours" by Goethe, and just generally read more about Goethe's Urphenomenon.
Purely in the context of Madoka, this is an amazing essay about labyrinths and inherent interconnectedness of observer and observed phenomena: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52034200
>a dead corpse tugged along by a soul
to be as fair as I possibly can to kyubey, if removing the sould doesnt damage it spiritually/ dooms you to hell or whatever I dont see the big deal
I actually find it amazingly realistic and well-thought out how traditionally Buddhist Sayaka and Madoka see soul gems as a horrible atrocity, while Homura and Kyoko, who were raised with much more Christian sensibilities, had much more subdued reaction to the revelation, and adapted much easier to it.
I'm afraid I don't quite understand, why would that be horrifying to Buddhists but not Christians?
Christians believe into the duality of body and mind. They are explicitly separate objects, and the body is explicitly the less important of the two. Christian meguca might have a problem with her soul being condensed into a physical object, but the very fact that her body and soul are two separate objects is something she internalized long before she met Kyubey.
Buddhists believe into the oneness of body and soul. While body and soul are two separate phenomena, they are inherently inseparable in essence. In Buddhist meguca eyes, when her body and her soul become two separate objects she becomes fundamentally more incomplete and lesser than a normal human. Thus Sayaka's massive angst.
I see, thanks for the explanation. Seems like most westerners (including myself probably) totally missed this and didn't understand Sayaka's reaction.
Yeah i remember not understanding it the first time i watched madoka
I guess to the average westerner the closest thing would be your brain being in there instead
I think they all just need sex to set them straight
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This thread feels familiar.
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Schizoanon's theories are retarded
The production notes explicitly state Homuakuma's symbol is a lizard instead of a snake so people wouldn't think they were making references to the Bible or Christianity
Ultimate Madoka's a reference to a Bodhisattva or a being who reached enlightenment, while Homuakuma is likely the demon Mara, also from Buddhism, who tried to stop Buda from becoming enlightened and is a demon attached to the material world
The main philosophy present in Rebellion is Nietzsche's
Buddhists don't even believe in the existence of a soul, just in the transmutation of energy
Sayaka's reaction to seeing her soul out of her body is because she feels her body is now cold and disgusting, Homura is too jaded to give a fuck by that point and Kyouko is too tough to have the same reaction Sayaka had , but you can see how pissed off she's at Kyubey after finding out about it and doesn't want to see him whenever he appears
威張り 根暗  嘘吐き 冷血  我儘

悪口  鈍間  焼餅  怠け  見栄

臆病  間抜け 僻み  頑固  愛
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This interpretation is much better. Though the way I saw it, Homura tried to murder Moemura because she associated her with her weaknesses and fears, ignoring that Moemura is also the one who was loved by Madoka, was open about her feelings, worked with a team and had innocence and optimism. Thus killing Moemura would mean getting rid of all these sides of Homura as well
Madoka stopped her before she could do it, so that side of Homura is still buried deep inside her, and should make a return in Kaiten when homu makes peace with all her selves
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Since this thread is effortposting I'd like to make an analysis of the clara dolls and their descriptions using their original Japanese names
If anyone has a specific question about them let me know
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Realistically, what would it take for Kyouko to unlock her illusion magic again in the new movie?
I've been saying for a while that if there was someone she could transfer the blessing of her wish to instead of her father, she would probably be able to use her magic again. However; magireco has another way of doing it, where she meets people who were helped by her father's teachings and realizes that her wish did in fact help people and wasn't strictly negative, and she gets her powers back because of this realization.
The problem is, unlike Madoka and Homura, we don't have the specific wording of Kyouko's wish, since she was never shown formulating it. So theories are held back by that. Part of the reason why i think there should be a prequel movie.
You brought up magireco? You are the fake kyouko schizo.
Yes, I completely agree that Moemura most likely still exists within the depths of Devil Homura in the same way Madoka still existed within the depths of Law of Cycles, and could probably be extracted in a similar manner. I even wrote about it before, but couldn't fit it in that post due to character limit.
>zoomer says schizo again
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I wonder who's the schizo between the one being on topic and the one bringing up his schizo off topic conspiracy theories out of nowhere because he recognized a poster.
I unironically think reddit or twitter may be more your speed, honestly. The way this site is bluit just isn't for you. You should vacate, for your own good.
For me, anything but Madoka and Homu
>zoomer talks about reddit to try and fit in and says scizo twice again
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All i'm saying is, if the identity of the people who make the posts here matters so much to you, you really shouldn't be on an anonymous image board.
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I don't think an "extraction" is necessary. You don't need to break Homura apart for her moe side to come out, Madoka just needs to talk to her. In the anime and Rebellion all Madoka had to do was to talk softly to Homu to make her break down completely. It might be more complicated to make Homura come to her senses in Kaiten due to her being convinced that she's a monster who betrayed Madoka and will be hated by her, but still doable nonetheless. I guess a long conversation will happen to clear all the misunderstandings , because the thing that separates Homura and Madoka the most isn't even their shitty circumstances but their lack of proper communication
Nigger I was fucking with you. Why so serious?
> I believe "Akuma" Homura is literally the God of the Bible.
Would make sense, after all, christianity went out of its way to destroy ancient pagan religions. For all intents and purposes when it was created it was demonic, going against the order of the Gods.
abrahamic god and devil are just Loki shape shifting to play both sides anyway
Fucking jew
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i truly hate myself
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I think you are cool.
Homura will kiss Sayaka
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Did she truly lose it? Where did she get those little cutouts of her family when she was talking to Sayaka in the church?
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Why does Kyouko look positively devilish? Whoops wrong image.
Would Homura be the "I can fix her." type, or the "I want to make her worse." type?

And before you try to defend her, stop. We all know full damn well she'd still be hot for Gretchen.
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Well, realistically, she would see Gretchen the same way she sees Law of Cycles: as a jailer imprisoning the "real" Madoka. She would do everything to reverse the witchification.
However, if she couldn't do anything and were forced to cope with her failure like at the end of the series, she would absolutely be "she's perfect as she is" type. She would engage in all sorts of mental gymnastics to convince herself that everything Gretchen does is the best possible outcome for everyone (and considering her wish at the end of third timeline and her general disregard towards the lives of unrelated humans, it's probably not even that far from her own worldview).
>and fucks Madoka on the side

And Mami
Doesn't she regain it in the Different Story, while she's fighting Mami?
He lives.

Sadly TDS isn't canon. It's a shame because it deserves animations like the drama cds.
Homura doesn’t take orders from Madoka, and she doesn’t care about protecting Madoka’s world view except at the end of episode 12 because she can’t protect Madoka herself anymore. But even about that she changed her mind in rebellion.
She wants Madoka to be safe and happy. Witches are in a constant state of cope and unhappiness. If she didn’t stand for Madokami’s fate she wouldn’t stand for her becoming a witch either. If she somehow lost the ability to rewind time, and if her wish didn’t allow her to save Madoka like it did in rebellion, she would most likely witch out instantly herself
There is that too but it’s a bit weird because it’s never explained why she regained it at that point but not in the series. I guess because she was determined to save Mami? She didn’t regain it against Octavia though even though illusion magic would surely have come in handy to stall her out or even try to convince her to come back to her senses. So really that’s probably just TDS being weird and absolutely wanting to have a Jojo moment at the end of the fight
>He lives.
sure but the past weeks have not been kind
well i guess it hasnt been that long even though it feels like its been a while
If you see me comin better step asid
alot of megucas didnt alot of them
one fist iron and the other of steel if the right one dont get you the left will
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Well what the hell happened to that
urobutchered that joke
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Well, yes. But if Homura could trick herself into protecting Madokami's world as a form of cope, why couldn't she trick herself into protecting Gretchen's world as a form of cope?
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Maybe at first, but if rebellion is to be believed, she would eventually stop that.
The two are also not mutually exclusive. Remember when Madoka and her talk about witching out together and wrecking everything? She could turn into a witch and her "task" as a witch would be to assist and protect Gretchen.
Sixteen megucas, what do ya get
mainly because gretchen would "save" her through death aswell
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Kyouko my wife. I don't need anyone else.
Original question assumed that she would be alive enough to engage with Grefchen romantically
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i dont like that the sun is allready setting
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Week end days go by so fast. I barely had time to do pokefirered stuff today
Yes the project i talked about a while ago is still not dead
Hopefully it'll improve.


Actually, i'm sure you thought of it, but if you didn't are you going to include witch runes?
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Maybe. For now i'm just doing general engine shit like adding the physical special split, fairy types, reworking moves/abilities/items. I'm still not sure what kind of project i'm gonna want to go for so i'm building a base that i would want to have no matter what i choose to do in the future
Speaking of magical girls who simp too hard, why did Sayaka insist on pursuing that bland douchebag who barely acknowledged her existence instead of realizing that Kyoko was the perfect wife for her?
They are a staple for Madoka. Even their soul gems when in ring form has their names written as such. You got me more excited now even though you're still far early.

She loved Kyousuke for a long time, far before she met Kyouko. He's probably cooler than what we see. You're still not wrong though. Kyousuke should have been better. We don't even know how often Hitomi visited him.
Because normal people don't do same sex romance.
>He's probably cooler than what we see.
Show, don't tell.

Shut the up, Hitomi. You also belong in the fuckin' bin.
>Anyone who isn't a faggot is Hitomi
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Reminder that Sayaka is just as homophobic as Hitomi. When Hitomi said girls can't love girls (which is true btw) Madoka said she sounded like Sayaka.
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liebe liebe liebe
Look here niggey, MadoHomu is superior, but it doesn't mean i'm going to be stupid about it. You are trolling anyway.
>captcha: AWAY
So much rabu!
man I wish I had never touched any of that stuff or even started smoking
not worth it
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homura is the best
Drinking is better
Does Homu really count as a simp though? She's not trying to get Madoka's affections, she just wants her to be happy and safe
If Madoka got a bf Homu probably wouldn't intervene
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drinking IS great
blow IS great
thats whats so insidious
its all awesome right up untill the point where it isnt
Her dedication is unrivaled.

So stop and fight the vice. It's better than the alternative.
That guy would be retroactively dead in an instant.
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booze is impossible to "quit" anyways but I am trying to drink less often and less in total
cigarettes have to go if possible completely because I like my heart beating
the shit i eat probably contributed just as much
living unhealthy is way too easy im eating poison and drinking poison every day
seems like almost everything is bad for your heart now that im more conscious about it, just stopping smoking alone isnt gonna fix anything when im stuffing my throat with garbage that somehow passed as food
its a headache
I feel so weak for saying this but staying sober is hard
getting home and getting fucked up was my motivation for work, apart from homura offcourse
homura wouldnt hurt a friend of madoka unless he intends to harm
its not in her character
That's still progress. It's better than nothing. Always avoid processed food.

Surprise Vert!
>seems like almost everything is bad for your heart now that im more conscious about it
Everyone's arteries are full of microscopic dust from car brakes and tires anyways, just enjoy yourself a little and avoid obvious garbage
Some steak and eggs won't kill you
It’s mostly memes. Although some probably believe it unironically.
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‘Processing’ isn't some magic that makes things bad. There are some specific processed foods that are bad:
- Preserved meats (bacon, ham, hotdogs, most sausages, deli meats), whether it's industrially or traditionally prepared. Turns out smoking is bad for you, even when it's meat.
- Sugary drinks, even when they're natural sugars (i.e. fruit juice)
- Most packaged baked goods. (This is the one probably IS something to do with industrial processing)

Anyway, Sayaka is only teasing when she says she's going to marry Madoka, and her dislike for Homura has absolutely nothing to do with jealousy. That's what she tells herself.
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normally i would agree with you but i dont want to lay any barriers into the way of healing
i want to feel healthy again
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If only there was some substance to alchemy, the world could use a panacea
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comfy homura
>Anyway, Sayaka is only teasing when she says she's going to marry Madoka, and her dislike for Homura has absolutely nothing to do with jealousy. That's what she tells herself.
perfectly normal friend activities.
just besties
I didn't mean to generalize it like that. Milk, for example, has to be processed in the factories they come from. It really is necessary in those conditions cows are in. You can, however, drink raw milk from a healthy, grassfed cow and get the fullest benefits you can't get from homo and pasteurized milk.

Strip away your current barriers. The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Homura made those steps and so can you.

Is it not?
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how do you even find the time to cook healthy after work
i am amazed at the time usage some people have
making the most out of every hour is a nice skill
>Livin after Walpurgisnight
>Rocking to the dawn
Preparing and cleaning is the real bitch. Doing the prep work for 5 meals at once is faster than doing the prep work for one meal 5 times because of the time saved on cleaning. Same thing with cooking 5 meals at once and saving the leftovers, vs cooking one meal 5 times.
Elaina threads made it abundantly clear to me simp was a word we needed in the english language.
Though for me prepping becomes faster the more you do it. I assume cleaning is also a part of the process of cooking. Y'know, clean as you go. Leftovers is also good and sometimes the food comes out tastier. Lasagna, in my opinion, tastes better the next day. Eventually, the fatigue from work is the harder part to manage. Something relaxing like a warm shower helps lots. We /ck/ here?
Post best girl. NOW
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The best.
I want to, but I can't.
This is just the same girl dressing up in different outfits and wigs.
I don't know, man. Yakimochi looks very different.
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cute and sexy and gracious at the same time
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cute and sexy and gracious at the same time
But enough about Kyouko. Now for Homura. Cute and sexy and gracious at the same time.
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I try to be meduka as much as I can but I'm homu most of the time
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well meet again
dont know where
dont know when
but i know well meet again some sunny day
If no Kaiten news this weekend, the next industry event we might anticipate news at is the Aniplex Online Fest in September.
*next weekend, fuck
>Theory of Colours
>Response to Newtonian optics
>Get out of the lab, Touch Grass

for the fucking ages, lol
Newton was king autismo, you can't get any better then that. I heard in a documentary that he had a fap schedule as well.
Though i've herd his physics studies were secondary to his studies in the occult, but his papers burned up in a fire, herd there was some surviving documents, would like to see some of that.

I know what your trying to say, yes through trial and error you can understand the deeper idiosyncrasies of the human mind and touch upon a deeper truth in an indirect way. Still, I've seen to many guys who go off the deep end to believe in my delusions fully. Rather I think they are shadows of the inner workings of mind, mummers of deeper longings iv'e repressed, fears, regrets given monstrous form and let loose upon my waking consciousness. Not physical, mundane space is mundane thank fucking god, but emotional and spiritual space. Emotion hardly follows logic, how often am i jealous or angry at someone i like and i just feel horrible, not because the feeling of jealousy but because such petty feeling are so hard to clear out of my head, even when i know it's petty.

Being a moron must be such a blessing.
>Being a moron must be such a blessing.
It. Fucking. Is.
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only if your dumb and oblivious.
being dumb but realizing how much you suck at everything is not fun
>Being a moron must be such a blessing
Sentience is fucking gay, I curse God every day for not making me a dipshit animal
Apple no...
And your out here being nice to everyone...
I'm such scum.

Right? I could be chucking cinderblocks out of a train car for a living in Pakistan, happy as can be.
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so go do that?
whats stopping you?
If you’d had breakfast yesterday, what would you have had
Not being an idiot, knowing i need more meaningful employment in my life.
The need for intellectual stimulation.
Something with a future, something that doesn't destroy my body.
Who's going to take care of my parents.
Who's going to take care of the family's finances.
How will i get a girlfriend, can I?
The need for meaning.
The need for joy.
The need for safety.
Can't speak Urdo.
Not pakastani
Islam check fail.
I honestly can't tell if I need a PhD to understand this thread or if I should fap harder
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Stop using our heroes for your threads.
knowledge of your limitations isn't ignorance, It's knowledge. To have the humility to admit what you don't know is the first step to learning something new. There's different types of intelligence too. I bet there's something your good at, your just being humble.
Here's the thing. I am dumb. With the internet in my hand I can choose to rectify that, but I choose not to. Knowledge is limitless, but your life isn't. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy reading every smart posts in these threads. It's like a caveman looking at a flying saucer, it's fascinating. I much rather live content with my feeble intelligence than to worry about it. I think living like Tomohisa isn't all too bad.

Por que no los dos?

It's why I will read Faust...eventually. Though i'm not particularly religious, I did enjoy reading that afformentioned John 17:3 page which I had the honor of anon copy pasting from last thread.
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you could also watch faust, it is a musical afterall
the 60s play is done very well, shame they only did part 1
It is? Interesting. As you said, only one part is done so reading is inevitable.
well I did find a recording of the second part from the early 2000s, but the character was totally different
id recommend reading either way, but its a fun watch too
Apple is already here.
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Would kyouko schizo be against Kyouko x Kyouko because it's technically yuri?
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Kaiten ending leaked
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I'll do both, but I currently have other fish to fry.

It's selfcest. Personally, i'd find it hot. It also means more fun time activities.

Kaiten sure looks different from what I remember
Well it's a legend that's been adapted buy many over the years, the most famous of which is Goethe's which is a play. I wouldn't really call it a musical by nature, some adaptations may be.
Weird, do you not have a fap schedule?
his was like once every month, I herd that in like 2005 and I couldn't believe it but now there's no fap religions so it's not even weird.
Things have been getting weird, garden variety schizos are quaint now...
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What i told you...
I thought you hated apple.
everyone loves apple,
even that one schizo
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It's why I haven't replied to him. I didn't notice his name when he posted the 16 megucas, but it was too late to delete my post.
I don't
I do
I love apple.
That was a Tennessee Ernie Ford reference most seemed to miss and I could only find an image of 14 megucas
strange how you have not told him to fuck off.
Why would i do that? I love apple
Is it schizo time again
isn't it always
Hey, this is kinda fun
Liars. Impostors. Look what you must to have a fraction of my power. muy triste
So many fakes. yo onions la unica verdad
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Things got funny pretty quickly. I'm sorry, real madokAnon.
It could also be said that Homura ultimately desires to be the Megahomu loved by Madoka in an idyllic version of magical girldom. This can be seen by her Labyrinth playing out as a fan disk-like version of the series and her Labyrinth-self (which may or may not be Ai) defaulting to Megahomu before paranoia sets in.
Kyouko fighting Octavia was suicide by cop under the guise of saving Sayaka's soul. That's probably why.

Any official work under the mainline franchise is canonical by default. TDS is not a first-order work, that's the thing.
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Was Madoka really happy with throwing her life and childhood away? Perfectly free from regret as Madokami?
The consequences of the interplay of protection, admiration, and desire are important to Faust (to which MadoMagi owes a fair bit) and Homura. Rebellion also paints Ultimadoka as the Eternal Feminine, which is what Gretchen became after, dying, then ascending in the Goethe version.
I will not elaborate further.
Understanding that to err is human helps with that.
No, listen to her character song see you tomorrow
There's also the scene when reaches out to witch homu and her arm is full of scars
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Well I really am at my wits end I stabbed myself in the chest lightly to maybe get rid of the pressure?
not sure if that can do any good but if there is a pressure build up that cant go anywhere that cant be good either
pressure needs to go somewhere
You know I just realized, I get the Gretchen connection but what's the significance/connection of Kriemhild?
what show is that screenshot?
Lil baby shinbo's first kino
you should go to a doctor
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OKtavia. With a k. Regardless, Kyouko wanted to try.

Hey, HEY, slow down! No l, seriously, don't harm yourself! Go get that checked!
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I went and they did their test and told me im not dying of a heart attack so
maybe its not my heart maybe some vein in my chest is blocked or something so making some way in there might help
worth a shot i allready feel absolutely miserable anyways
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And did you get that checked?
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>vegeta is his hero
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Sounds like both of you need to be taught a lesson.
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im sure a stroke or something would have shown up aswell
hey im still hereso
but i dont want to live feeling liket his forever
maybe this will help in some way or maybe not atleast i did something
at the very least feeling pain in my chest and seeing blood feels right somehow
hope this will do some good somehow, its a reach i know
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Uh, I can't stop you from doing what you want, but at least make it to Kaiten.
im not killing myself anon its just a few light prick wounds nothing serious
i value my life and my time with homura i wont throw that away, certainly not after feeling like i was going to die
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You truly worry me. I'm serious.
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well its been real shit for me in every way recently
im sure there are alot of people who have it worse then me but its pretty bad
i want homuras sweet embrace
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it could always be worse
not acknowledging the good things is not right
i love you homura
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homura is a fine girl
She is quite literally the Devil.
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Nodded off. G'night Homu anon. May you find the brightest light.

Looks like an angel to me.
FUCK Sayacuck
SIMP Meduka
its bother some how nice apple is. he does not know who the doomer is but is trying hard like a woman to save him. not that theres nothing bad about it. just saying.
homuras hands was behind this
She was not happy but she had no regrets
>Shuu is sold out
Sasuga our homegrown girl, the Pride of Austalian Weebs.

Sasuga Shizuka's VA.
Sasuga top School Idol Shit.
Sasuga Indeed
I'm so glad I had some top tier internet so I could see her, witness her and be in her presence.

I can feel my knees shaking.
It wants to kneeL

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homus power is objectively the best anyways
since there was never a limit for timestop shown and she can always go back aslong as she has magic its near unbeatable, depending if you count quitting the batte and retrying as "winning"
Now the only question is what should I ask her.
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i love lizard homu!
Waa. Her Italian pronunciation is pretty good.
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im still standing!
I hope they all show up in the new game. I will never forget /ourgirls/. /ourgirls/ I need to see and hear all of them again. All of them including:


>Looks like an angel to me.
Yeah, a fallen angel.
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cosplay da yo
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The limit is the fact that if she keeps time stopped for too long she will waste magical energy and her soul gem will darken
Sorry /dbs/ bro your yurishit has been SURPASSED.
Homuanon stop doing weird things
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Why did Kyouko dye her hair blonde?
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homura is too perfect to exist in this world
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is that actually shown apart from the PSP game?
for some of the things she does she has stopped time for quite a while
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hora mite yo
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>thought you hated apple.
> I haven't replied to him.
>Apple post image being the victim
You are not victim of anything, i don't hate you.
Do you feel bad when i tell you to not reply me?
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Define "happy".
Either way, Madokami isn't fundamentally happy, she's fundamentally optimistic. Hopeful. She's positive things will get better regardless of her current levels of happiness, which are shaping up to be very substandard even if she finds her work intrinsically rewarding and enjoyable.
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What is it with people from these threads and thinking other posters hate them. Imagine hating on internet randos when you can hate on the people in power instead


-Anju ANCHAN Inami
-Shuka SHUKASHUU Saito
-Kanako KING Kobayashi
-Aika AIKYAN Kobayashi
-Ai 'Furirin' Furihata
-Arisa BUU BUU DESU WA Komiya
-Aina AINYAN Suzuki
This is real and me >>268294555
>Broken spanish in just 5 words...
I will not laugh at you.Guys, your plan is backfiring at this point.
Happens in homura imagination.
This, when i hate someone i act way worse.
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>Perfect trip in the real trip
Even gods support the real one.
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the face of disgust and rejecting
It rains on June 30. Rain that flows to the beaches of Numazu. These angels will soon depart.
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so tired
Onee last time, should I see them one last time? I wasn't there to see them on the greatest stage yet next to Idolmaster.
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it hurts it hurts im tired
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homus soldier
fight for homura
dont hesitate
Will I ever see them again?

It is all fading away.
i am besieged
we can do it homura!
This is a shit day.
sure is
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i am homura
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shes perfect
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her smile can turn any bleak scene into a hopefull dreamworld
At least I still have her
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Homu soles
tasty feet
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liebe liebe
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they are perfect together
no one can stop her
god im fucking losing it
oh well still better then that dreadfull feeling of impending death from a few weeks ago anything is better
wouldnt wish it on my worst enemy
its not gonna get like that again i did atleast some things right
small victory ill take it
hope im not jinxing it
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it will all be well again one day
What a good call.
homura is more important then any 3d
she is a shining star in an empty dark sky
Important maybe, would I worship her as I do these many many cute girls out there in the real world? No.
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>worshipping disgusting lying whores
all show girls put on an act, you have never met these people as they really are
go to the doctor and tell them your actual symptoms and their duration and how badly they're affecting you
Solar beam
...my cock
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>he worships degenerate 3DPDs
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ill give it some more time i doubt theyd find anything new if they didnt find anything last time if I go now again with the same symptoms and fresh knife cuts on my chest theyll just sink im insane and put me in a psych ward or something and i really dont need that
I really do manage to shoot myself in the foot with every decision I make
but anon, that's all anime girls
>Buddhists believe into the oneness of body and soul.
How does this tie into reincarnation?
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homura is uniquely pretty, altough she has one or two lookalikes
I hate every tripfag
homura is a cool girl
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i am unworthy of her perfection
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I want to stick my dick in crazy.
after or before marriage
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wuff wuff wuff
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i am always ready to serve at homuras side if she has any need for me
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your perfect come here
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adorable w
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how can she be that perfect
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Before AND after.
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I want to stick a spear in you.
>>268296981 >>268297486
Why would I not worship angels descend on high. Their songs, their voices. They command me to kneel.

The real world is full of beauty, and they are beauty incarnate. Like Aphrodite.
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Are they grafted?
The Hinatazaka girls who acted as PMHQ in the Musical/Stageplay. One of them has recently made debut as a VA and am eagerly looking forward to where she girls.

And yes, most of pictured also did gravure thus pleasing their fans.

They came back for their own mobage when it collaborated with Madoka. I hope we do another collab with these cuties.
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Cosplayers are my weakness. This Kyouko is so cute
this world is too imperfect for someone like homura to be in it
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You excitement is rubbing onto me. I hardly pay attention to VAs unless I recognise them elsewhere. Towa Hershel a qt. Also, I think I heard somewhere that most VAs has done gravure at least once.
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3 5 4 2 1
Madoka and Homura looks peculiar, but they had fun and that's all that matters.
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i'm the real, answer this >>268294555
I will not insult you in the next minutes.
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Yes and no. I'm annoying so you do have the right. O' you have the right.
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>Yes and no
hahahaha. Escaping from problems is your favorite past time? I have seen people like you before, i didn't expect to find someone like you here.
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It's not that. You tell me to not reply so i'm like "Damn, oh well" and carry on. Take that as you will. I almost broke fate by having you reply to me. Remember that?
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tough tough tough
So what made Apple-chan come back to these threads? I remember her saying she’d only become active again when Kevin comes back, yet here she is.
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You constantly have me look at that filename. Sometime ago it had 1362891719733 as the filename. The same as the one !HOMUhad.

Michael Jackson or Prince. HEE!
Can anyone explain me the meaning of the phone and the multiple Homuras?
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I never said i never going to reply you, i said that only you were not allowed to reply me. you still did it above, the others are fake madokAnons, you already know how they are.
>Take that as you will.
If i take this as i will, you could regret it.
Those were from the magireco stage play:
Homura's earcuff seems to have the ability of turning into a phone, the phone's function is unknown so far but given the earcuff is meant to be used as a tool for Homura to receive information that her familiars gather about the current world, the phone might be an advanced version of it
There was a detailed discussion about the multiple Homuras theory in a recent past thread , I'm personally on the opinion that there are only 2 Homus as the poster suggests but another anon thought there are 3, the homu with the umbrella seems to be the antagonist and given the title of the movie she's probably linked to Walpurgisnacht
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I could regret it, but is regret not common in Madoka Magica?
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is SHE gone?
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>Yes and no is an answer
You are a comedian, apple-chan.
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I try to be.
>Yes and no
>take that as you will
i can be 99% certain now that you are a woman.
Ok clown, i will release you, you are able to reply me. But remember clowns are not kings for me.
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On the surface level, Kyubey was locked in the homurape dungeon, so Homura now has to contract magical girls herself, and instead of appearing before them, she just reads them terms and conditions over the phone.
On the more deeper level, I hope that the phone symbolizes communication, and that Homura and Madoka would finally talk to each other instead of trying to read each other's minds and failing miserably at it.
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I dindu nuffin!!! i dindu nuffin !! i dindu nuffin
i was a good boy. Why you mad? i was a good boy...
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So cute.

I never said such a thing.
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Anyways if some madokAnon did something bad, that madokAnon was a fake madokAnon.
at least those fake madokAnon are useful for me now
There are chemical options to counteract the cold turkey symptoms these days. Look them up, AA thinks they're immoral so they aren't publicized.

Don't quit cold turkey, it can kill you.
can you two just fuck already?
fake news madoka only like braids homura
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Wrong! Madoka will have her homuharem ending
Maitake is canon.
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Even Homustache?
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I'm no doctor but it sounds to me like panic attacks, which can mimic heart attacks, and they should have checked for that.
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Maitake hivemind
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my homura is so perfect
hmmm i have no doubt that this is playing a role, the first days after i od i had some panic attacks always at night,
very horrible never had that before then either
id take it over permanent actual damage
im not a doctor i just have my unreliable feelings telling me something still aint right
i had never felt so afraid and alone before that night
im glad im still here with homu atleast that would have been a sad sad death
homura protects
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Hmm... Damn rat...!!! Seducing a teenage girl...
# # Despair correction is needed... #
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He made it to another day.

well i dont see why id die now, i coulda have died then but im atleast some what better now
hopefully these mistakes wont haunt me forever
things aint great but they could be worse i could be lying on my floor rotting right now if i had gotten less lucky
homura protects
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definetely going to see kaiten, even though it cannot possibly be as good as the main show anyways
thats just the nature of sequels
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I found an old thread with a bunch of Kyouko x Anon pics. Kino. As usual KyoukoGODS are the most based anons
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i like seeing madoka and homura in peace together, it would be a nice ending
no wraiths no witches
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Hail Homu! I have faith Kaiten will impress.
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Agreed, Madoka belongs to Kenshiro only.
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I really hope it delivers, I'm having a rough year and that would definitely lighten me up
Based Vegeta
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Trust in homu
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It's nice.

Would I lie?

Don't you have your daily dose to take?
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Who the FUARK is vegeta?
the monkey in the OP image
What? That’s Bejita from CHADgon CHADll. I think you got it mixed up for another yurishit. There is no character named Vegeta
Honestly, it's pretty coldhearted and shitty if Madoka has zero romantic feelings for Homura and turns her down after everything they've gone through together.
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would you like to know more?
Would you force yourself in a gay relationship because some dude is obsessed with you?
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if someeone went through time again and again to try and save you it would be cruel not to atleast consider his feelings
girl on girl love is more appropriate anyways
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The clown has returned.

Homura deserves to be happy with Madoka
My crush Apple-chan has returned. I haven't seen you for years.
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you can also platonically love a friend, or so ive been told
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Yes, you can. Don't believe the lie that girls can't love girls. This is told by that glowing one.
Nah girl on girl is just as disgusting. And from Madoka’s perspective it would be the exact same.
Good thing Homura’s feelings for Madoka being romantic is all fanon garbage so this problem won’t arise.
The last time I saw you around was 2018 or something. I don't visit /a/ much. Would you date me if I wrote you a 20 page love letter?
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This newchad is a bit sus
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I have a bad feeling on who he is.
Just a random anon who used to lurk these threads. Did you used to have a stalker or orbiter or something?
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Pretty sus, dude. Only two people were like this.
I dunno what I just walked into, but don't go blaming those past people. I'm a random guy.
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when you look in the mirror and thats you isnt that kind of weird?
do magical girls have reflections?
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I have reasons to believe. One of them was obssessed, but always had to include Kevin-kun. The other wanted me directly, ironically or not.

They're not vampires.
Sayaka sees a monster but sure the others have reflections, they're lichs not vampires.
Well, be less sexy if you don't want orbiters?
workday again...
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Guys can't have guy orbiters.

At least you'll get paid.
Correct but irrelevant here
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its still gonna be a while before i can get a new car but im looking forward to it
hope i wont wreck it this time
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Remain sober when behind the wheels.
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ride into the sunset with homu!
Who was the the anon you hated the most? Can you tell me why?
Why didn't you just date those two guys?
Harem ending for Apple-chan!
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living is hard
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One, i'm a guy. Two, they were !Akemi and Lawnchair.
Lawnchair... I had a crush on him too.
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live for homu!
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Fight! Cling to life!
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Personally i love looking in the mirror and seeing the body that i'm building for and will offer to my wife Kyouko. She deserves the BEST.
>implying you or anyone here works out
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I am purposefully secretive about my personal life but one thing i don't do is lie about it.
>I am purposefully secretive about my personal life but one thing i don't do is lie about it.
I will eat you while you are sleeping.
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Aren't muscles considered gay in Japan?
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I won't do shit bitch, i know sleep talk.

Sounds like low T nip cope.
I also can't see a culture that actually believe this surviving very long, so it's probably false.
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>I won't do shit bitch
*You won't. I will.
kyouko isn't sending her best
Don't stay awake at 3:00 am. You have less than 3 hours to sleep.
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do people actually like seeing themselfs in a mirror?
i dont like it very much
Yes, because I'm actually handsome, unlike most of you troglodytes.
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Yes she is.
I'm her best.

I always keep between 6 and 8 hours of sleep. I try to make it closer to 8 but sometimes i have shit i want to do before going to sleep.

If you're satisfied with the way you look you'll like seeing yourself, obviously.
If you aren't, that's always something that can change at least to an extent.
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Vanity is not good. That being said, don't be so down. I'm sure everyone here looks good.

I don't know man. All I see is a screen.
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were really looking forward to that erp huh?
I'm almost a monster. I never liked mirror or photos(I have 0 photos). Every part of my body is ugly, i'm not kidding.
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Just go to the /vg/ thread, it's full of that.
Naw i'm good, I only do that with someone i love.
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Don't worry about your mortal shell. Your beautiful soul is most important.
Why did you post the head of a literalwho on a lawn chair?
I have the soul of kyubey, madoka is my facade.
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But Kyubey is soulless.
I'm glad apple is here, my first instinct is to encourage self harm...
Same, I'm sure it's dysmorphia but, dosent change the fact that's what i see.
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>my first instinct is to encourage self harm...
Lack of Christian values
Blood flowing down the skin can feel of nice i have to admit
>I'm sure it's dysmorphia
Pretty sure is not mental because i accepted my fate since childhood when i was naive, it's genetics. All my lineage is fucked up. So i'm ok scaring woman you would say... watching their faces of disgust is a guilty pleasure for me
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No, its sticky.
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It's true, you can only be sure wether you are ugly when you see how others react. It's not mental i'm sure.
Yes, that same face, i have a received those faces a lot, thanks
I'm generally pretty happy with how I look but I consider myself lucky in that regard.

At any rate, beauty fades. Nobody who lives for any real length of time is going to stay good looking, so even if someone likes how they look that's a reality that they will have to face eventually. I think the only thing beauty is really important for is finding a partner. There are other upsides of course but a lot of it is bonus stuff and none of them are critical.
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Now madoka magica, i love madoka so much is unreal.
Purgatorio my friend, why does god handout death sentences to children? guaranteed lifetimes of pain.
Why would he test a child so...
At least with Buddhism you can get a retry.
Self flagellation is christian tradition.

I have a diamond scalpel for certain detail work, I needed some blood for something so I sliced the back of my hand, and it was scary. minimal pain, maximum euphoria. I looked in the mirror and my eyes were completely dilated. I was like 'put scalpel away... now...'
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You know how little I react towards anyones looks?

Woah, dude. Easy there.
>You know how little I react towards anyones looks?
I'm ESL, i don't understand
>it's genetics
Continue the ogre bloodline.
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If I were to meet everyone in these threads, I wouldn't react based on appearance. I might be apprehensive off something else, however.
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yall are a bunch of weirdos.
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Says the one thinking TRADWIFEko is going to love them for vanity. Oyasumi.
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I never would want to meet you, because the moment you see me, i know you would change your attitude towards me. You could say i'm taking advantage of my secret looks thanks to internet.
I know, some truths are dangerous for deranged minds.
If you go cut yourself your not going to impress me, it's on the same level as shitting in your pants in my mind.
>inb4 diaper fetishists

I think to people I look somewhat normal on the outside, but they're repulsed once they get to know me.
And it makes me upset, because they'll go talk to someone else and laugh about how someone should go die.
I don't think anyone should have to die, even if we disagree or you did some bad things.

But, it's whatever. I like Gretchen, just the idea that Madoka would choose of her own accord to act selfishly for her happiness,
Lucifer is the name for the planet Venus in latin and that word is never used to refer to Satan or any demon/devil entity. It is used satirically to mock an ancient babylonian king.
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No, i'd be more scared of you trying something to me.

Why would I be worried about who you are? You might need a friend if anything.
>No, i'd be more scared of you trying something to me.
So wise decision, i would not trust anyone from here.
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It's not even that. I'm a tripfag. Why woudn't anyone want to stab me? Hell, Kevin-kun managed to avoid getting beat when he was in a meet-up and got discovered.
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I know, i should stop.
I probably have a bounty on me at this point.
maybe i'm a fool for thinking this place is worth fighting for.
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Your life is worth saving. Don't let nobody, not even yourself tell you otherwise Wa...Megaman.
I was right then. good night.
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Only because i'm annoying. Otherwise, what i've read, they were fairly normal. g'knight.
From main or magi?
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could someone explain what the tall moehomus represent?
yeah but why 4?
Homura is not satan.
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Deliverance for you for sure!
Now there's nothing you can do!
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She won her way into hour hearts.
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your gunna break me...
I guess thats fine
You guys shit these threads up so hard with your enormous shitposts. I wish you'd just post gore instead.
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I don't know what that is.
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are (you) ready?
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I read that as 30 minutes. I wish I got into MagiReco.
Hilarious crossover potential
Everywhere i search seems to indicate japanese woman arent keen on muscles. They prefer lean men
I just want to know what the game even is
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A shining light
Get a load of this not schizo.
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Love love homura
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I'm sorry...
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Good night.
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Neet anons should be glad
I didn’t say that what she wants, I said that’s what she deserves
Women everywhere say that
In reality they call pretty boys cute but date chads
there's only 2 weirdos here
Inb4 Madoka lust spam to bump limit
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Kamihama bitch!
>>268263080 >>268270859
>>268272470 >>268272869
>>268273146 >>268285591
>>268286803 >>268294668
>>268304762 >>268310674
>>268311196 >>268316364
>>268315777 >>268314982
>>268316519 >>268317063
Reminder that everyone in the world hates you, !Akemi.
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Starker Stahl
Starker Wille
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Strange picture, Anko is a girl.
Kanon (Kyouko x Anon) is a canon pairing. You’re a crack shipper for not supporting it. You’re degrading Kyouko’s character and working against her happiness by separating her from her beloved Anon.
Your life is such a joke. How do you live like this?
By having my wife Kyouko by my side
I haven't even sean madoka yet
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These Kamihama whores are a different tier of soul-sucking.
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Two whores for the price of one!
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The Kyouko part of AKB-030 unlocked so many things on me
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You gotta tell these niggers about philosophy comics. They're not gonna read a book.
>stopping 6 pics away from image limit
Come on now
I feel like I'm missing something very important here...

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