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Who is your favorite big boobs character?
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Too many.
Big breasts are useless, I would swap with flat Anons in a heartbeat if I could
You should have a favorite big boobs character for every series you watch if you are a straight man.
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what makes breasts so attractive
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megumin sisters, we are being attacked by these cows
what's our response?
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The imaginary juice inside them.
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the sand in them
Useless lumps.
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My lovely corpse wife Wiz! Lich of Cute!
>what's our response?
sex sex sex
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Make flats submit
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If an anime girls boobs aren't at the least this big, she's basically flat.
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Filled with hopes and dreams.
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My waifu, Alexis Rhodes.
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Boobs threads are lowkey high quality compared to the rest of the 'log.
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Shounen have some nice tits.
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Obligatory nodocchi post
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Post tits or gtfo
Yunyun's yunyuns > Wiz's wizs
she's 14
Out of 10!
Zamn! 14 year olds look like THAT!?
I don't believe it I'm gonna need more proof
What's the perfect boobs to body ratio?
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feel like it's getting time for an update to the chart
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I am forgotten...
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What a shame, the anime had an original ending even.
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>What's the perfect boobs to body ratio?
Boobs wider than the torso but narrower than arms at rest at the side.
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The Queen
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See, this is the picture of a 14 year old CHILD. Case closed.
I never even figured what anime was she from
You expect me to pick just one?
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breast girl
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Based breeding sow
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Boobs bigger than my head

Loathe as I am to acknowledge her existence, the redhead from DxD has it just right.
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There's something appealing about the simple life, the life of a farmer.
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Love her little smile there. Would she opt for that, though? She's already a big girl.
Damn what’s her leg routine?
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My autistic big titty witch wife
when will the goblins get her
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I love a lot of big boobs characters, so that's difficult to answer
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>big titty witch wife
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Seeing professor ivy for the first time make me into a man
When Kagyu wants to crash the series with no survivors.
What does the chain do?
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this is fake news
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They are rich ladies. Of course they will enjoy some vanity of getting bigger breasts.
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why is there so few porn of her?
>the anime had an original ending even.
what, really? I'm reading the manga and I quite like it, did the anime really get axed?
Based and centaurpilled
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Yes, it's not like it got axed but if you watch the OG ending it seems they don't have any plans for a second season.
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manga and anime were drawn too well so only a little porn was made when you can just go consume the real thing for lewdness
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Mee :3
your mom
All of them.
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Casuals, the lot of you.
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Rare instance of a girl being so busty artists end up drawing her smaller than she really is rather than the other way around.
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>12.5-13 meters tall
You call THAT big?
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Yeah, it also happens a lot with passionlip.
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Who is right?
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what do you call this archetype
KyoAni sameface
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Misaki the blonde sex goddess
Awfully nice of the bad guy to leave her tits alone.
Probably just makes it easier to grab her.
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Yun = Wiz > Aqua's saggers > everyone else
the madwoman must be studied
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Ignore the flattie in the background.
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The far right? Aki Nijou. The blonde one next to her is Shizuka Marikawa from High School Of The Dead
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That one, thanks. I've had Maken-ki on my list to read/watch forever, so I'll bump it up.
May as well rewatch HotD while I'm at it lel
She fucks dogs
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I wish I were a dog.
Incredibly based and accurate.
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File deleted.
This series is beyond kino btw
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Carmilla is like 70% ass, but her boobs are not to be taken lightly.
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Bleach has too many to choose from.
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Booba reward please
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That's what all her rewards have been.
It is my dream for Lip to be in an ecchi animation and her tits immediately get sucked
Why was that deleted?
That's a shemale.
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Demonstrably untrue.
I swear her tits were shrunken 2x for this shot.
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I'm saying to keep em coming. Shame the anime was so short
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Not quite by half but they definitely look smaller.
Maybe she secretly uses a push-up bra under her uniform robe.
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>She really thought she could pass as a JK
not only would such an event kill us all but it'd kill goblin slayer too
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She knew damn well nobody would believe she was a real teenage highschool girl.
She just also knew that nobody was gonna turn down the chance to ogle her in that uniform by calling her out and telling her to leave.
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I don't think much learning was going on in class
Keigo x Rangiku
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The male students had never been so attentive as the day Rangiku enrolled in their school.
Too bad it just wasn't towards anything the teachers were trying to teach.
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Going braless in a thin white uniform on a hot day
Action milf.
>only one Tsunade pic
How soon you forget your roots.
Holstein Samurai
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Her rack is great but she had so little actual fanservice
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>No hard nipples
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All non-canon shit had to work overtime to keep her in people's heads.
She'll make a good mother for hung shotas
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I love that dog.
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Are all busty samurai made for shota?
What was it?
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Not all of them but being a milf means you are close to motherhood.
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>being a milf means you are close to motherhood.
The abbreviation "milf" literally includes the word "mother". It's not being close to motherhood, motherhood is a requirement.
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Christmas Cakey
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I must correct myself, the proper term is "acronym" but I couldn't think of it at the time.
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Nothing like a school uniform made for paizuri
Delicious fluffy and soft cake.
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God she's gorgeous
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Milky and creamy
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She's beautiful
A whole school of paizuri masters
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(K) and (L)
Muv-Luv Alternative anime
don't bother
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My adorable wife Nashiko.
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Yoko's fat bikini tits
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How am I supposed to sleep after seeing this
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I'd illegally cross the border between their countries if you know what I mean.
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After a nice strong orgasm obviously.
Just imagine resting your face against El's chest while she pets your head
If you were blindfolded would you be able to tell the difference between the two?
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>If you were blindfolded would you be able to tell the difference between the two?
Kay would be softer but El would be warmer.
Paizuri perrrrrfetcion.
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Kay's technique is probably relentless while El takes it more slow and savory
Weapons of (M)ass destruction
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Perfect for paizuri and marriage.
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>Kay's soft but aggressive paizuri vs Els slow and warm paizuri
Either way, what truly matters is that my dick would stand no chance.
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All a man can do is grab her suspenders and hold on tight
Udders round enough to breastfeed a bunch of shotas.
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Wolf, anon. I admit it's hard to keep track on things around her.
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She really is best girl.
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Fujiko Mine.
Amagi Brilliant Park? Whoa, you can see the blonde's nipple bumps.
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How have we not touched on this gem yet?
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They might get smothered
They will be fine happy too, to move their hips against her chest as they plead her to have another round with such charming bosom
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The gif is edited m8.
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and you're a jew
Idunno, hence why I ask.
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Whichever corporate exec insisted on robbing us of the anatomically correct fortified suits should've been dragged out into the street and curbstomped.
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I want more seasons of this show.
Do flatties have rights?
The only rights they have is "to be mogged by busty ladies".
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If they do, they shouldn't
Misaki's huge tits
Misaki's thigh highs
Misaki's sexy smile
Misaki's bright eyes
Misaki's blonde hair
Misaki's gloves
Misaki is all around pure sex
The right to suffer
Pretty blonde.
Pretty blondes with huge tits are the best
Really needs a continuation image.
Elle is French.
trust me, you could tell.
no saki what is this?
based thread
breast thread!
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Brased thread?
breasted thread?
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Bread thread?
Kirika Misono from Eiken, the anime deisgner and director created gold out of that lackluster manga
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There are many Hex Maniacs, the busty version everyone knows is merely the version of that trainer class that the fanbase collectively created.
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milky tomboy cow udders... hot bouncy tomboy milkies and fertile hips and get pregnant make strong progeny cute and hot cow lady exploding my head with strong tommy mommy thighs (Furious ejaculation Feeling) cute tummy hhhhh ToT
>young bratty girl
yeah, no. that's a mom body
I would join her familia...
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Don't make me say it..
titcows are a dime a dozen these days and I never think too much of any of them, but the ones stuck in my memory are kurumu from R+V and the red-haired girl the MC was pining for in this anime
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Needs more latina girls in anime.
I'm so glad that she gets paired a lot with shotas, in the 4komas.
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Where are the banana tropedos?
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Roach is sex!
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Sex with her breasts
Paizuri fiend
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Too bad it's anal.
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Banana spider tits.
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At least she's being manhandled like she should be
That's true.
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The smuggest paizuri possible
Followed by being folded like a chair
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Misaki is made for aggressive cock draining paizuri
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She's got 3 different options for rapid breast growth on top of her natural genes and growth from being massaged constantly.
Her tits are gonna be like T cups at least
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Tenderized titties
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Fuck, it would be impossible to last after 10 seconds of Misaki's smug T cup paizuri
Easily. Paizuri is pretty lame and unstimulating.
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Still looking graceful and dainty despite having 15lb udders hanging off her petite chest.
Massive pink areolae, plump nipples, and creamy pale white breast stuffed in a JC uniform
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Imagine how many more girls at Tokiwadai would stare at Misaki's JC uniform if she had even bigger tits.
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I like ruriko
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Dinner plates
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I like them huge but not monstrous - anything beyond girls from HotD or Maken-ki is where I'd draw a line, yeah these are already massively unrealistic but we're talking anime aesthetics here.
Anyway have some fun with tittymons
>these are already massively unrealistic
Objectively wrong.
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I love her so much
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A whole bin of J cup bras for free and she chose none
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>forgotten girl
>forgotten show
>no more open chest sweaters
We've went weird route
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How do they not fall out
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Tight bikini tie
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They're larping as Spaniards, not Latin Americans.
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What's with the flags?
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Wet boobs
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Why not
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>I like them huge but not monstrous
Unfortunately, /a/ has become a bottle-baby board.
>bottle-baby board.
what does this mean
Some people have coined this term "baby bottling" to refer to only giving people what they want.
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People denied breasts as infants become obsessed with enormous ones later on in life.
>>268314157 is an idiot.
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>if you like boobs you must have been neglected
I think you're retarded!
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When DDDs get called too small, it's the boobies reading the thread who are messed up, anon.
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My nigga
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>no meat ITT
I fucking love tits.
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Freezing was a mine of tits but that author is a faggot who can't finish a series for shit so it's just the sexy girls and their boobs.
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Who is mogging who?
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yeah I'll just trust something you pulled out of your ass

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