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Ash is the better Lelouch.
>full blooded Britannian
>works in terrorism for the sake of his little brother
>10/10 boy
>son of the main villain
You cannot refute this.
Hes cool, but he doesn't have Lelouch's charisma. Not that Lelouch still has his charisma either.
Oh I meant by comparison with Sakuya.
Oh. Then its a poor comparison, Ash is more of Suzaku than a Lelouch. Some shades of Rolo mixed in with Sakuya using a fake sibling relationship.
I'm so glad I get to watch Code Geass weekly with you again, /a/
Is it just a guy forcing the Sakuya hate?
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Please, what I'm forcing is Ash appreciation.

Eh, Rollo liked Lelouch. Ash is closer to brainwashed Guilford post Suzaku betrayal.
I thought Ohgi was the Prime Minister of Japan. what the fuck is that piece of shit doing?
Wanting to save her body-double just isn't as compelling of a motive compared to Lelouch's wanting revenge for what his sister went through.
Hopefully dead, tortured for a long time by the Neo-Britannians.
He stepped down after a year. Didn't feel he was suited for the job. Hes also pursuing teaching because thats his real passion.
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>Cares for his brother
>Shy around women
>Picking up and caring for stray animals
Sorry Sakuya, it's not that I don't understand you, but you can't make me hate this cute cinnamon roll. I hope my boy can break free someday.
I see you are a distinguished anon of culture as well.
what's going on with the new CG series? Last I heard it was another shitty movie
I don't think you're supposed to hate Ash. Situation seems like its meant to be a bit more complicated.
I like how this anime basically proves that Charles was right, and the singularity is the only way to save humans from themselves. I kneel your Majesty, your wisdom and foresight astounds me.
First episode really did felt like a rerash of the original anime but Sakuya having a different personality than Lelouch can really make the whole thing go in a different direction
Also, fuck you to the people saying "you totally need to watch the movies bro"
Sakuya is mentioned by name 3 times in the Ressurection movie to absolutely no effect, this whole anime is obviously designed to be easily understood by newcomers
>t. Gendo Ikari
Gendo was always based too.
>Also, fuck you to the people saying "you totally need to watch the movies bro"
Its just retards pushing the "muh movie timeline" meme even though Banrise makes no meaningful distinction.

Re;surrection sucks, but its not some different canon. They made its manga version follow the TV series and keep Shirley dead for this very reason.
I just realised OP is tAtU song Ya soshla s uma....
>even though Banrise makes no meaningful distinction.
Its literally marketed as a sequel to Ressurection
A what?
It just doesn't hit the same as Colors for me.
Which is a sequel to the TV series
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I wanna see this beauty
>ITT anon discovers marketing how tatics works
Actually it's a 12 episodes series on Disney+ released in 4 installments of 3 episodes in japanese theaters.
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We all do.
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Stupid sexy Char.
He knows everything doesn't he? Why else would he send reinforcements to the prison and move Sakura around.
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Who is he a brother of?

Goddamn just how much fucking did Charles zi Britannia engage in?
And how many of his children are legit illegitimate?
Like the offspring of tramps that Charles picked up on the streets of what would have been detroit?
Or Chicago?
Or Los Angeles?
Ash was an orphan

>And how many of his children are legit illegitimate?
Only confirmed illegitimate child of Charles is Monica
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Not him but Monica? Absolute territory blonde girl? Damn I didn't know that.
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Got revealed last year in side content. She is surprisingly popular in Japan.
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Kek, I remember how high the expectations were for her when her design got unveilled and then she lasted about as long as the black Rounds knight.
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What beautiful bastard.
If I were king of the British Isles in that Universe, granted it is a constitutional monarchy,
I'd make her my queen consort.
Oh my goodness!
They made Kightmare frames piloted by AI!
Just like the Nephtys in ZOE 2.
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I think Sakuya is meant to pilot this thing somehow, whatever it is.
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Yeah, its Sakuya's
It can gattai
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Oh so it's like an exosuit for the frame.
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Well, its also a normal and transforming one
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And here's Haruka's future ace KMF
He's just as hot as lulu too
>and the singularity
That's not saving shit you retard, that's like going on a mass shooting and saying see look at all the people I saved while pointing at the corpses
Those are not even remotely comparable.
>full blooded Britannian
Lelouch is also a full blooded Britannian
>Which is a sequel to the TV series
Not according to Banrise
>Hey fucking retard you need to watch Code Geass Ressurection because this new series is a sequel it
>T-t-this clearly just marketing!
>Which is a sequel to the TV series
>Those are not even remotely comparable.
ego death is still death retard
>Wikipedia as a source
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Yes according to banrise
>ego death
That is not even what Charles wanted. Speedwatcher-kun.
Meanwhile, the new series is literally Ouroboros, the head bites the tail tier bs, where you can never escape the eternal war apparently.
The source is literally cited retard. You can't spout bullshit on wikipedia vs fanfom
>That is not even what Charles wanted
I know retard, but the other retard was talking about a singularity I was responding to his retarded praise of le singularity not Charles's plan.
God, the Zi-Apollo is so fucking cool.
>Wikipedia isn't user edited like Fandom!
O rly?
So tell me about Kallen's father appearing in Akito the Exiled then
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>It doesn't count because...it just doesn't, okay!?
Genesic Re;Code also says Re;surrection happens with the TV series. And that had actual alt timeline AUs shown.
Who is the pink girl?
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Gigi/G.G. from Genesic Re;Code
>Genesic Re;Code
A failed moba that's never going to be used seriously ever again

Learn to speak Nip retard

So where was Kallen's Euro Britannia nobleman father in Akito the Exiled? Thats been there for literally years without correction
Did you know that Hokkaido is where tge protagonist of Genesic Re;Code was born, anon? What a fucking coincidence and not at all planned.
>Did you know that Hokkaido is where tge protagonist of Genesic Re;Code was born, anon?
Hokkaido existed before ReCode retard
Learn to read Nip retard
Ah yes, just an absolute coincidence that two works in the same universe have their protagonists born in the same place.

It also doesn't matter at all that Hokkaido had a village of Geass users When Norland and his confidants are doing research and experiments on Geass ti create Geass[/spoiler
Playing stupid doesn't help your case, anon
>Showing that he uses Google translate unironically and can't read Nip

Sakuya is Lelouch’s half-niece and received her Geass from him
Nice fanfic anon
>it took Sunrise three and a half years to make 12 episodes
So anon, why does ユーロ・ブリタニア (Euro Britannia's name for you, since you can't read Eleven) appear in Kallen's Japanese Wikipedia entry?
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I wouldn't come up with anything so dumb as the village that worshipped Gigi, anon
You cant read Nip anon
You are dodging, anon

Why does Kallen's Japanese Wikipedia have a section for Akito the Exiled that mentions Euro Britannia, anon?
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Sakuya Sumeragi wants you as a member of the Nameless Mercenaries on a mission to help everyone around Britannia and Japan to recapture their heterosexuality and prevent them from continuing to be subjected to "gayass cucks" jokes.
How do you turn her down without her suspecting that you're gay?
I say "Fuck off, Duel"
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Everytime I see Lelouch's Zero get up and I can't unsee Cobra Commander
You cant read Nip anon
I accept your concession, anon. You have no answer
You cant read Nip anon
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I want to sleep with her
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I can't take its name seriously though. It's literally just a french guy's pronunciation of "The Apollo".
Not to mention they should have picked a knight's name instead of going for incest vibes.
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Female Leouch?
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>without her suspecting that you're gay?
This is why I hate straight men and want nothing to do with them.
Is Tatu still a thing and do they know this anime stole their song?
it was a mistake to kill her off, what a waste.
I wouldn't single out Japan. People were talking about her over here, too. And she's a staple of the ryona community, Japanese or otherwise. And she'll always come up in discussions about wasted character designs in mecha shows; again, Japanese or otherwise.
so why are the Brittanians (or Neo-Britannia) so obsessed with Japan? the plot just seems to recycled including the cartoony violence against the Elevens.
Lelouch but with tits.
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Considering all they've done with her since in the side stuff, they definitely regret killing her off.

I dig the retconning of her into Charles illegitimate daughter.
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Phenomenal waifus this time around it can't be denied.
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>lulu's sexual chemistry with C2 is still off the charts
imperialists are obsessed with the notion that any piece of land ever conquered by their nation in the past, no matter how far back or how recent, is their birthright, and that fighting back is just proof you deserve to be conquered by them
Yes very lovely
Theres probably some other goal that Norland (The Char) is after there. Most of the Neo Britannia people feel like they're just being used by him.
She was supposed to be Kallen's love interest in early reveals.
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X to doubt. Code Geass baits the yurfriends and fujos, but at the end of the day, it's hyper-heterosexual. And we haven't even seen teasing. In some other series, that might not mean much, but Code Geass has always liked semi-breaking the first wall (as much as they can without interrupting the story) and giving winks and nudges.
Nips speculate that big titty and small mechanic girl are in love with each other.
So is Ash an only child or does he have a real brother?
>it's hyper-heterosexual.
The spin-off will break that trend apparently and CLAMP doesn't like to be called heterosexual lovers.
>spin-off will break that trend apparently
How so?
So everything after the original ending is just an attempt to milk the cashcow right?
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Obviously. Even R2 was only trying to recapture lightning in a bottle.
Unfortunately this bad bitch is so sexy I don't even care.
R2 was objectively better than R1 with how crazy everything went.
So This isn't Yuri? Is Bandai learning Lesson from G-Witch?
No it wasn't. Schneizel sucked dick as big bad and Charles went down too easily.
Isn't she Orpheus's love interest??

They can make her alive somehow.
Fucking glad I watched all the movies way back to get some context but yeah you don't really need to have watched them to enjoy this new series. Lots of great tits in this new show.
>Schneizel sucked dick
>as big bad
Just plain wrong.
Schneizel el Britannia, that's right, EL Britannia, he is mexican
Eh, I don't expect Ash to be treated any better than Guel but we shall see.
This >>268290064
>updates her socials on the way to her mission
This combo of nonchalant + competent is the best, not gonna lie.
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Thats fucking retarded. Its terminal yuribrain.
He isn't supposed to be the love interest anyway
Ash is Sakuya's love interest
Not Roze?
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How would the series gone if Lelouch was female but Suzaku remained male?
Yuri route with C.C
Will Roze be as big as the original show?
>Thats fucking retarded. Its terminal yuribrain.
Go back to your Hibike thread and celebrate your Shoe "victory" in anime.
Remember if you see two girls together in a picture you can ship them together as similair if you see two guys together or a girl and a boy too.
Nothing new, it's being done from prehistoric times.
>Shippers can't be retarded! Don't call shippers retarded!
You seem personally offended, so I'm guessing you are one of those terminal yuribrain people.
She doesn't even need her geass to control men.
>Ash is the better Lelouch.
>Eh, I don't expect Ash to be treated any better than Guel but we shall see.
dumb yurifags
this proves nothing
You can't reason with yurifags. They'll deny it up until the inevitable Sakuya/Ash ending
She looks like Lolush with wig ..
You're gay anon
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yuri threesome route
I think that's on purpose. Well, not Cobra Commander specifically, but Lelouch was designed to look like a typical leader of an evil organization IIRC.
Why did the New Brits set up shop in Japan of all places? A place that hates them specifically and will be trouble to occupy? Why not Australia or some place that's nostalgic about the old Britannia? Because the Elevens had the Ultimate Shield of Ultra-Protectiveness?
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He was designed to look like a king chess piece iirc, for the first design at least. Then they refined it from just a latex suit with a cape to an actual suit by going full 19th century like most of the Britannian cast (except for the jabot, which is more 17th, 18th, and 70s stuff).
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>why do the Russians try to conquer Ukrain right now? A place that hates them specifically and will be trouble to occupy?
Gee anon I wonder.
>A place that hates them specifically and will be trouble to occupy?
You say that as if the rest of the world doesn't hate them too. Shittanians are a plague.
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>here's that flat-chested male rebel leader I was telling you about
feels like she doesn't give a fuck about Hokkaido itself
Well, there's always America aka the britannian homeland.
North America is big, Alaska could have done it.
South America was britannian for a hundred years or so, by now it's likely completely britannized (might explain the brown Britannians).
There's probably a lot of people around who are still nostalgic about "the good old days with good old Charlie".
Also funny that the US of J had no military force capable of stopping a bunch of terrorists from taking over.
How he hides those badoonkers ? With gayass power?
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The predecessor was former Britannia territory, picked a fight with Britannia and the UFN as a distraction, then surrendered as their main force took over Hokkaido

Theres almost certainly more to the situation than we're being told.
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This unironically requires a canonically explanation before the series is over. They're HUGE.
i dont remember
did she die?
Yes it's a mixed feeling to like Sakuya when she has Lelouch face
Am I gay or straight?
She's his niece hence the resemblance
I'm literally a Guelsis, Guelauda flavoured.
She was the second Rounds to die in her KMF after Lelouch became emperor while saying >>268288893
That's why they made up this shit about wanting to kill Ash to avenge her father.
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Dude just watch the show will you.
most racist fucker gets geass'ed into fighting against his own
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Can Catherine's chocolate breasts save this thread from page 10? We shall see.
>that lulu
Damn he is horny
Kek he reminds me of that one official spread where he grabs CC's ass.
Eh, his face is less horny that I remembered.
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The game knew damn well what it was doing with fanservice. Not even just with C.C., like when it gave Lelouch those clone children with C.C., Kallen, Suzaku and Nunnally
>most racist fucker
I think he meant the prison staff. Warden worked pretty hard for Sakuya
>only has eyes for his progeny with Suzaku
Kek, we won
Kek, this is a masterpiece
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>biggest girl in the CG universe hasn't even stopped growing
It's imperative that we revisit mai hunni in Roze.
So now that we know Ash is a mere knight while Catherine is the white queen, does that mean Haruka will become the black queen?
Now that Kuroto is the only one in the terrorist cell who knows the truth, I wonder if he'll throw a wrench in Sakuya's plans. I don't think he'd take too kindly to Sakuya throwing the revolution under the bus to save a mere body double, for instance. If that time ever came. And, knowing geass, it will.
Well, specifically the girls wanted to meet their mothers. But there are events centered around Suzaku/Euphie

As someone who has followed both Geass games, devs on both don't feel very subtle in that they wish it was Lelouch/Harem end (C.C., Kallen, Shirley and Kaguya)
Black Queen is Narah. All the Einberg are chess pieces.

But Haruka vs Catherine is happening in Act 3 this week in JP.
Imagine building up your tactics and your custom kmf to counter a guy who humiliated you years ago and then that guy comes back out of nowhere and trivializes all your efforts like they were nothing, defeating you once again.
It's like there's an Ash shaped hole inside of this guy, and it shall never, ever resorb.
Really? So the black pieces aren't the japanese side?
Nope. The Einberg are divided into Schwarzritter and Weissritter, and each has a chess piece. The Kirkwaynes were both pawns, and Arnold was the Black Knight. There is no White King though (As far as we know at least)

Einberg are more or less the Neo Britannia equivalent of the Knights of the Round, except they are the ones running the show, since Norland, the Black King, is the real mastermind.
Ohh, well I guess he did die.

Huh, I see, so it's an official rank thing, not just nicknames. No wonder the Kirkwayne brothers wanted to climb ranks, kek.
>there is no White King though
That's Ash, 100%. The excalibur sword in the opening is meant for him. I bet Norland wants to marry him to Sakuya for extra misery and eugenics points.
That is indeed the popular theory on the missing White King title given Ash is Norland's adopted son.
Holy shit Norland is HUGE
Hahaha, I hope I'm right.
>we want to hire you to kill these guys, they killed my family and a lot of nipponjin, won't you help us?
>what do you think, nii-san ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
What a bitch.
>three good villain designs out of seven
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I question the necessity of this preview
>nips visible through shirt
Looks vital to me
I mean yeah they took Japan for 2 reasons really
1. To dab on Elevens
2. Because the shield is OP
Absolute kino.
Where can I get a story recap or summary of the plot of that game?
It sounds neat but it's dead
Code Gayass is an anime I'd like to forget.
>>full blooded Britannian
tf you think Lelouch is?
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I don't think anyone made a full summary of it, though some people talked about particular stories (Usually the events like the Emperor Nunnally AU, Karma Suzaku, Zero Shirley and clone kids from the future)

Its got cool stuff and not so cool. With the history bit, ancient China story was melodramatic but the Holmes one was actually pretty cool. Main story is kinda bland most of the time since its half exposition, took chapters too long to release, and most people probably won't care much about the new protagonist. Final battle chapter was cool though.
Maybe Lost Stories can salvage its plot when it finishes the obvious stuff (Nearly done with R2 and I doubt Re;surrection will take as long)
I wish I could cuddle with Sakuya
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I wish that I could call for Catherine and Sakura yuri for pure fanservice's sake without feeling like I'm associating myself with wokoids who hate heterosexual men, "conventional" beauty, and "traditional" gender roles.
Fucking retard
Giod, yuri is shit and wanting it should fill you with shame
There is no yuri in geass, everyone is straight.
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Sakura's imposter juices will redeem her, trust the plan.
I can't wait to see this slut get corrected.
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>That travel pillow
She's a little too good at playing as a massive fruit.
Did I miss something? Why do none of the new gen KMF have flight? Is the shield preventing it?

Not that I am really complaining because ground battles are way better but from the lore I would like to know.
Probably the heat guided missles makes them too dangerous or something.
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Yeah, it affects sakuradite processes, which is the superconductor that makes a lot of their tech possible. Most people probably didn't pick up on this, but everything uses energy filler batters for electrical power in the series, not just KMF. Even vehicles.

Here though, they're actually using oil instead, which means that they have to use some alternatives to make things easier. Things like flight use a lot more power so its not good to use them. These KMF probably have to be really energy efficient.
how tf is she hiding those tits as Roze
>He's unaware of how terrifying binder tech actually is
There are no breasts that can't be hidden in our world much less the code geass world
I'm looking forward to seeing more of Sakuya's tits
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It's the mystery I'll continue watching for. Along with her.
Flight packs introduced in r2 were supposed to be super-new/expensive tech only the Rounds had, or something like that
Then everyone could fly
It was gundam leaking in to geass
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Guys I think Roze is cuter than femLelouch
I'm waiting for ep 3 so I can marathon 3 eps at once but good to know Ash is the love interest
So you're a huge faggot, got it.
Kek Lelouch grabbing ass is real lmao
ok homo..
Does anyone have the full set of Lost Stories pics?
I couldn't find them on the Panda, some are on the boorus.
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Check Zerochan. It's where I found pretty much all of the ones I wanted.
So there is someone out there who appreciates him.
My fellow fujos ignore him completely and I don't think yumes are any different.

Oh I see. I recommend you leave the thread then.
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Or Danbooru
>There is no yuri in geass, everyone is straight.
Maybe the table is a he in his language.
Neither of those pics depict Sakuya.
>Maybe the table is a he in his language.
The table is an actual she.
French isn't the only language in the world you bolosse. Tables can go transgender between languages.
So how tall is Roze?

Everyone in CG is ultra tall but she looks kinda small
How can you even differentiate them?

Or Sakuya is flatter than Sakura?
I mean according to the wiki Lelouch is 5'10. They just look tall as fuck because they're lanky looking. Gino is over 6 foot. I think the tallest in the original anime is either Charles or Bismarck. But to answer your question she looks to be about the height of C.C.
So, whta's the canon timeline?
Movies>Resurrection>Roze ?
Or is there some manga I am supposed to read/
That's it. If anyone tries to tell you otherwise they're wrong
I mean there's other stuff like Akito and Oz if you want but they're just side material. I personally liked both despite their flaws but I know a lot of people aren't fond of Akito. I don't think many people have read Oz in the first place so I've never really heard any reception on it.
>canon timeline
TV series>Akito>Oz
>Alternate timeline
>Misc bullshit (canonical status no confirmed)
Renya>Lancelot and Guren>Re;Code>Lost Stories
Can I just go
They want to kill off as many people as they can (on both sides, those are the same people genetically) to replace them with brown migrants from former Soviet republics because those people are dumber and easier to control.
If you've already seen the TV series years ago there's no reason to watch the recap movies other than knowing how Lelouch survives but yes you do have to see Ressurection to make sense of Roze espeically with all the new spoilers coming out and the fact that Lelouch shows up in the next episode. n
Simple: Sakuya has 1 outfit so far. Two if you count the maid one in the next ep.
>yes you do have to see Ressurection to make sense of Roze espeically with all the new spoilers coming out
What the fuck, no you don't.
Yes you do. Do no listen to this faggot
Lelouch having a vital role in Roze automatically means you do need to watch Ressurection. This isn't even an argument.
Why is anyone watching this shit? Real Code Geass ended 16 years ago. The rest is just pissing on its legacy.
More geass can work, just not from the kyoukai senki writer.
Everybody knows Lelouch survived at this point. You said it yourself: there is no point unless you want to know how.
How would you know someone pissed on your couch if you never go into the living room? Akito sucked but Roze is fine.
Why would I watch it? The original was a complete story. Anything coming after it just screws with that. Why would I choose to ruin it for myself?
Why not? It's not about Lelouch anyway
I like the world building, the girls and its mecha
Where were Lelouch, Shirley and Suzaku when their illegitimate twin daughters born from their accident threesome needed them?
>Ash is the better Lelouch.
What in the actual fuck are you smoking? Ash is the Suzaku of this story. He is last name is quite literally PHOENIX.
You don't know that, you just assume it ruins it.
Thanks for the bump, see >>268266211
>Everybody knows Lelouch survived at this point
He's dead in the TV canon retard. They needed to current an entirely new canon to bring him back
It cannot continue without cheapening the ending.

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