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What did you think of it?
same thing as last time you asked, and I shan't repeat myself
Haven't seen a sonny boy thread on here in ages
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I loved it
I like it
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Visually, it was masterful
The music was amazing too
according to the archives there's 1-2 a month, give or take
AOTY, definitely.
Really? I thought Sonny Boy had been forgotten.
I like the artstyle, it’s like Cencoroll
All style, no substance
Post the monkey pasta
Style is substance, midwit.
Best anime of the decade, and unfortunately I can't see it getting dethroned any time soon.
Looked good, had some incredible music
Wasn't really sure I understood a lot of it, but I really liked Nyamazon episode
ultimately its about authenticity
>the ref refused to twist the rules of baseball because that would render the game a fake match
>the clones fighting every day over which one is the real one
>the ant tower where their whole society was built on a lie
nearly every episode in some way interrogates the question of if authenticity is inherently superior or not
What was Rajdhani's answer though?
By becoming a forest,maybe the entirety of the forest ecosystem,he became complete and still while still having moving parts.Maybe.
Yeah but how does that tie into authenticity
I didn't write it through that lens but maybe it's that life as a human isn't stable enough to be called complete/authentic.
Sounds like Buddhism pretty much
How does Nakata getting back tie to it? Ain't it a Ant Tower but in breadth?
MC is a cuck fucking loser. Gets none of the FMCS and gets cucked by the Indian (wh the long haired cat girl loves) and the demented fuck that was the teachers pet (who gets the happy go lucky girl)
Le deep
Mizuho and Raj were the best characters
MC was uninteresting
It wasn't terrible.
Monke episode was good, not sure about the rest.
I miss it
i dropped it halfway through
Shake hand.
pretentious bland babyshit. heavenly delusion is better and the protag is a fucking tranny
I agree. Just don’t give th e MC potneitls love interests if he’s gonna get cucked
Killed by the ending.
>you should accept being a subservient wagecuck, because uuhhh we need somebody to generate tax revenue alright?!?
Miss me with that shit.
Since mayoiga I stopped caring about what it's popular 'round here.
/v/ run everything, sadly, and artsy stuff, such as this, is pumped by retards or haters that exploit inflated expectation to trash discussion.
Ask again in a decade, thanks.
17 nukes
The people who like Sonny boy are probably never going to forget it. There is also always going to be new people going back and searching for the classics and the best anime has to offer, and I firmly believe Sonny boy is one of those.
beautiful. love the episodic adventure anime where each ep is a new world or setting like kino's journey, ergo proxy, vivy, gits, etc.
I absolutely loved this scene and how they portrayed death. In the last episode Nozomi died, and the next episode started with this and the music just hit me like a fucking rock. Skipping the news and grief and going straight to the funeral and attempting to move on was such a tasteful thing to do.
MC losing was the only good thing about this trashy Anime.
I still don't get how she died when it was said they couldn't and Hoshi had to invent a suicid-o-matic to do it.
The best show of the decade for me and one of my favorite shows ever. The fact that it could be made in modern time gives me hope for the future of anime.
Almost great but man it's frustrating how autistic Sonny Boy was.
He won, he just didn't realize it. Mizuho was the better character throughout the show.
The same way all those people died and became red crystals a few episodes prior.
eye candy with good atmosphere, enjoyable
There is also the thing about them all being copies.
It was, without a hint of reservation or irony, and for the complete lack of a better term, kino.
The plot of the episode was about finding a way to create death and kill War, and I think Asakaze killed War off and allowed Nozomi to actually die. I think Hoshi also created death where he was too, independent of Asakaze killing Nozomi off or the like.
It was AOTY until that infamous last episode buried it into irrelevancy.
boring shit
I did not understand what the fuck was happening but I enjoyed it
The ending drove home the point of the show. Nagara did not want the perfect, perfectly meaningless fantasy where he just gets the happy ending for free, he wanted to go back to reality.
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Getting a shitty job and looking the girl he liked with another dude wasn't necessary at all.
Good for abandoned classroom genre, didn't like the ending so much. desu I wish I paid more attention while watching it, now i don't have the interest to try it again.
the nozomi he loved/that loved him is gone
the new one gets to live in this new world
Nozomi did not love him, she took pity on him

There's like 3 including the original and this one. I think its one of the more rewatchable ones.
you're entitled to your opinion
If it happens for the average loser IRL, yes, it was necessary. Otherwise why would the plot point of accepting reality be so problematic?
anime fans are entitled and want to have the best ending ever or the anime is shit
The ending didn't need to be that crude tho, just show the dude having a job with a good boss or coworkers and hanging with the Aoi Yuuki girl like good friends.
Maybe the point was to show that his choice was retarded and "escapism" was the right choice. But hey,that running sequence was pretty nice.
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I really enjoyed it but I'd be a little disappointed if it really is just a coming of age story
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fun threads
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I hate it. I don't like this show as a concept and it has unnecessarily ugly character designs. The characters lack shading and are flat looking. The hand painted studio pablo backgrounds are amazing though.
Great background art.
Hated the annoying genki girl.
That one episode aside (9 I think? Which was fantastic) it wasn't really anything amazing or memorable. Should have been two cour to flesh it out more.
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It is, and it's a beautiful well told one
dropped because they were off screening everything and it felt like I was missing episodes
Currently finished Episode 4 and so far I can see the themes of what they wanted to portray in each episode but I hear the plot is very hard to follow in the episodes after this. I only started watching it thanks to that toe music scene in episode 11.
pretentious. ok at best. terrible ending that undercuts all premises provoked.
Visually, however, was very nice.
someone please post the baseball pasta
A forest is nature, he chose to die by becoming nature.
Also fuck that principal.
It's art. All other opinions are wrong btw.
It's a baseball league here in the world of Monkey Mountain,
played by the great monkeys, which started when the first ball and bat
and the rules of the game were handed down to them.
In the Monkey League, a number of great players arose
from among the nameless monkeys,
whose faces and appearances all looked the same.
They included the legendary home run king,
who batted an unprecedented, record-breaking
80 home runs in one year, Steroid Monkey;
the one who bested the god of batting, Monkey River's career batting average
by two thousandths, the miracle hitting machine, Upper Monkey;
the greatest catcher of the Bigfoot era, Mister Monkey;
later, as manager, he would go on to break the record for most league wins,
with a legendary ten-season-long streak!
Then came the golden age of the M-League.
A miracle monkey came along
and shattered those previous legends one by one--
the monster, Monkey Blue!
This maverick of the league was the only one with blue hair,
who, despite weathering ugly discrimination and crafty persecution,
triumphed over them with overwhelming talent, ultimately becoming a hero,
and a symbol of hope for the monkeys!
Although a rookie, Blue put the brakes to the king, Steroid Monkey!
Breaking his bat as well as his heart, Blue drove him to retirement.
Then, with his mighty pitching arm,
Blue led the underdog team Monkey and Club to victory,
preventing Bigfoot's championship streak from reaching 11.
The public accepted this new hair color,
and there was no doubt in anybody's mind
that the era of Monkey Blue had begun! But then...
...that great tragedy, when a near-perfect game was foiled,
and a monkey was killed, took place!
I hope you enjoy it, don't worry about dissecting for now, the first view is always for entertainment, just take in the vibes and the visuals, the analysis can come later
Also that ep 11 song bit is one of my favorite parts of the show, glad it was a good advertisement
Based. The only episode I watched btw.
I like sci-fi.
Is the show sci-fi? There is very little technology or future stuff in it.
It's isekai. Honestly, the only non-mediocre isekai.
Indeed, it's isekai done right.
Show fails to drive home the point as to why the perfect fantasy would be "perfectly meaningless." What makes reality more meaningful? Or meaningful at all? Especially when reality consists of working a shit job and getting cucked. For instance, in Eva you can at least see why Shinji would reject Instrumentality, given that it entails turning everyone into orange juice. So maybe you'd feel inclined to give reality another shot before resorting to something drastic like that. But Nagara just comes across as a loser who is somehow content with being a loser.
What Raj valued most in the end was his own intellectual and spiritual pleasure. he rejected authenticity in favor of speedrunning enlightenment and becoming freed from desire.
The only problem in those shows are that the only one that loses everything is the MC, everyone else goes well off or is an onisciente asshole, one of the tropes i hate the most.
I want a show were everyone struggle.
most of the drifters killed themselves with the objectification gun because they ran out of reasons to live for. the rest turned into trees because they ran out of desires to fulfil beyond existing for its own sake
Do you want people to lie to you and tell you that reality is more meaningful or is at all? That you or anyone else is not a loser?

It is what it is, and Nagara is doing his best to move on in spite of that. He's now the guy that will try to save the birds left alone to die and is someone Nozomi would be interested in talking to, which is already much different than how he was in the beginning. Take the little victories and happy moments when you can, because nothing lasts forever.
no one important through
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too bad its too late. Only understanding that after high school is a disgrace.
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It's never too late anon, we're all gonna make it, don't be a fag
this "cuck" argument is lazy and unoriginal and shows you're not thinking for yourself
you're defaulting to some broad explanation of why you're not satisfied with the ending
sorry man, maybe it's time for you to grow up
I thought that it was good but I personally did not like it very much.
mizuho is such a best girl that she managed to mog the designated best girl of the series
eternal redeeming
It is one of the best anime ever made.
it takes real suffering to understand that life is, in fact, a blessing. only the truly unfortunate are subjected to that kind of pain as teenagers, and most them end up an heroing
She. Won. What did i think of it?
Failed to leave a lasting impact.
Earns its spot on the joke ironic 3x3.
The hot teacher was wack AF (to the point that killed my boner) but I liked it. It's just two people escaping their boredom.
The rules of the worlds weren't always the same, were they?
I like it. Episode 8 was my favourite. Sometimes I wonder if it would work as a separate story, like a short movie. The "Our lives are only beginning. What lies ahead will take just a little bit longer" in the last episode made me feel more optimistic about life
i liked it in the beginning, but then you could feel that the people behind this anime had no vision for what to do with it, so I dropped it after ep 8
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Fucking loved it. I want to buy the BD but it would cost a gorillion dollars to import.
Sonny Boy's point is that there is no right answer. It's not about muh escapism. It portrays both options as viable.
It's not. Surface level interpretation
>>you should accept being a subservient wagecuck, because uuhhh we need somebody to generate tax revenue alright?!?
But whether you like it or not, that is a living reality for many people. Maybe you live in a cotton candy house or whatever, and if that is the case, then good for you. But for most people, seldom do we get what we want. The ending of Sonny Boy was much more poignant and well executed than RoE 3.0+1.0 while sharing the exact same themes.
My piss-stained pants can share the same themes as a pair that is dyed to look as if it was urinated on. Doesn't change the faux nature of the latter, or better yet, doesn't change the frail nature of the former.
>Show fails to drive home the point as to why the perfect fantasy would be "perfectly meaningless."
I agree with this criticism to some extent. But the reasons for this failing is something that most anons are not ready to discuss and would necessarily lead to controversial meta topics. This commonly affects most Japanese media, whether you're aware of the problem or not.

Having said that, I think the ending was still very well executed and needs to be understood in terms of the lived experienced of people who come from problematic families and the unprivileged. The show could've lied to you with a saccharine ending where the MC gets the girl and becomes the CEO of Japan, but the fact that it didn't speaks volumes about the artistic integrity of the anime.
It's pretty good and I really liked it.
In a sense it's basically just this generation's FLCL. The reason it's more somber is because this generation is getting fucked harder and is less optimistic than preteens in 2000.
Anyway, it's all about the ennui of growing up, friends drifitng apart, expectations and reality, shit like that.
The premise of the show itself is a really blatant allegory too and I'm surprised anime faggots are too retarded to even pick up on it: some of your peers suddenly having great talents and massive responsibilities, a place where all of your needs are met and where there are no consequences, leaving that place for different worlds where you have to fend for yourself and where death and failure are a factor, etc. etc.
Hell even the Monkey Baseball thing is just Shingo beating you over the head with a peer pressure and societal expectation metaphor.
You can also tell that people are ay too fucked in the head these days when they think the show sucks just because Nagara and Nozomi don't end up together in the new world. Reminds me of faggots that like the rebuild ending; just cause you did the obvious thing and took the first step doesn't mean the world will start bending over backwards to make you happy
I'm not sure what you're trying to communicate other than "I didn't like the ending therefore bad". People hated the original finale for NGE, they even hated EoE before warming up to it. I can assure you that will remember Sonny Boy and in time you will be able to appreciate what it did with the ending.
What I still don't get the point of are the war episode and the twins episode.
Everything else makes sense, or are simple metaphors, these two eps just feel like really impressionistic tone pieces: as if I'm watching a surrealist Carax, Brakhage, or Malick film.
I get that they're trying to say something about conflict but it kind of gets lost in the symbolism
Her performance is just too good.
>What I still don't get the point of are the war episode and the twins episode.
In very basic terms, it is about the all-consuming nature of conflict. War is simply the incarnation of this concept, but its effects are seen and felt throughout the story. War is as senseless as it is relentless, it is the infinite abyss where you can never reach the bottom, and it pits brother against brother in irrational primordial struggle.

I think the fact that there is some muddled symbolism benefits the story. Were it written too neatly, discussion and analysis would be boring. The director remains to this day extremely vague about several aspects of the anime, he isn't forcing any kind of interpretation orthodoxy on you. In contrast, Anno became much talkier about his own work and his inspirations and artistic intentions through the years, much to Evangelion's detriment.
>You can also tell that people are ay too fucked in the head these days when they think the show sucks just because Nagara and Nozomi don't end up together in the new world. Reminds me of faggots that like the rebuild ending; just cause you did the obvious thing and took the first step doesn't mean the world will start bending over backwards to make you happy
I can tell you how much I appreciate you bringing up this. I 100% agree. I've been saying for years that Sonny Boy is essentially RoE done right, but in many ways it is superior even to the original NGE/EoE.
>in time you will be able to appreciate what it did with the ending.
I never will. The ending was expected, is expected and will be expected. It's simply a fad and nothing more. With time, it will be seen for what it is - a cliche.
>People hated the original finale for NGE, they even hated EoE
That's the thing about trying to 'maturize' stuff for children, you need adults to explain it to them.
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I love Mizuho
>The ending was expected, is expected and will be expected.
Something being unexpected is not necessarily good. And something being expected is not necessarily bad.
I while I do not know just how "expected" the ending was, given the extent of the backlash that still perplexes me to this day, I think that is a rather moot point. It tied it's themes nicely and executed the finale deftly, there was no more reason to linger on nor was there much narrative fat to trim. Even if you believe it to be "cliche", this kind of bold execution is very, very, very hard to find in anime.
The way that I think about it is not that raj rejected authenticity in favour of spiritual and intellectual pursuits, but that those pursuits are what he considered to be the most fundamentally authentic to himself. Much of buddhist and hindu philosophy considers the distinction between the mind and the material when discussing what is real or authentic.
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And what about Yamabiko turning into dog?
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You are 30 years old anon, your life is ending, not beginning.
Faggot demoralization poster. Kill yourself
The life expectancy in your country must be pretty terrible.
Dogs eat dog soup.
Jokes aside, my personal interpretation is that it relates to loyalty. A dog might also be a symbol of war.
In no place in the world 30 years old is beginning life, show like this are for teenagers, by your age shit like this should be nostalgic not revelating.
It's not the ending either.
this was my favourite anime ever
I am impressed how people manage to watch and get something out shows like these. It only makes me sad.
It's an aesthetic experience first and foremost. Visual and musical composition, atmosphere, those things are the most important for anime, no matter what pseuds say
The themes and message are secondary
And why is that?
NTA but by the time you hit 30 you're already past your physical prime, the signs of aging on your face are showing, and have achieved pretty much everything you wanted.
A 30 year old's life is indistinguishable from what it is for a 40 year old, 50 year old, and so on until the retirement.
It might as well be the end.
Mfs stealing youtuber review now. Can't form your own opnion.
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This anon is neither a sunflower nor a dandelion.
Who knows. I read some people that were " comforted " by it, can't understand this time of feeling coming from this show, or more bittersweet shows like this.
Naw, 30 still is part of physical prime, the end of it. And a 30 years old life is not indistinguishable from 40, 50. By 10 to 10 years you life will get exponentially worse, especially in the health departament, the only period different is 0 to 10 to 20 in where you get better and better.
Truth, the only thing any type of media gives me is sadness, can't get nothing even from happy stories or songs.
What the actual fuck is going on?
We need to get to the bottom of this.
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It's a baseball league here in the world of Monkey Mountain,
played by the great monkeys, which started when the first ball and bat
and the rules of the game were handed down to them.
In the Monkey League, a number of great players arose
from among the nameless monkeys,
whose faces and appearances all looked the same.
They included the legendary home run king,
who batted an unprecedented, record-breaking
80 home runs in one year, Steroid Monkey;
the one who bested the god of batting, Monkey River's career batting average
by two thousandths, the miracle hitting machine, Upper Monkey;
the greatest catcher of the Bigfoot era, Mister Monkey;
later, as manager, he would go on to break the record for most league wins,
with a legendary ten-season-long streak!
Then came the golden age of the M-League.
A miracle monkey came along
and shattered those previous legends one by one--
the monster, Monkey Blue!
This maverick of the league was the only one with blue hair,
who, despite weathering ugly discrimination and crafty persecution,
triumphed over them with overwhelming talent, ultimately becoming a hero,
and a symbol of hope for the monkeys!
Although a rookie, Blue put the brakes to the king, Steroid Monkey!
Breaking his bat as well as his heart, Blue drove him to retirement.
Then, with his mighty pitching arm,
Blue led the underdog team Monkey and Club to victory,
preventing Bigfoot's championship streak from reaching 11.
The public accepted this new hair color,
and there was no doubt in anybody's mind
that the era of Monkey Blue had begun! But then...
...that great tragedy, when a near-perfect game was foiled,
and a monkey was killed, took place!
how can someone live a few thousand years of solitude, and still come out of it exactly how they were before? still remembering others, knowing how to speak, social etiquette, and hold them in the same regard as before.
radjdani should've seen his friends as mere test subjects, after millenia of doing science.
You're trying to make sense of incredibly abstracted storytelling. These things are not supposed to make sense in a logical manner, they merely convey emotional meaning. Sonny Boy resists those kinds of interpretations, it is not interested in relaying you the intricacies of Mizuho's tax policy or whatever. It exists so that it can be experienced by the heart.
lol commercial failure for faux-intellectual chuunis
>in relaying you the intricacies of Mizuho's tax policy or whatever.
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I've seen all the video essays of this show already, not once have I seen shit similar to that post
he was simply more human than you

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