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Gigi won btw
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Moe won.
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NO! We've been over this.
Go ahead my friend, dump it on me.
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Reminder that Gokutards have been utterly mindbroken by their opponents to the point where:
>Tardkurats have spent THOUSANDS of tax payers' dollars on commissioning cuckold porn
>Tardkurats CONSTANTLY falseflag AND write content that deals with pedophilia, scat and gore
>Tardkurats SPAM entire threads with their low quality posts and copypastas
>Tardkurats are known to PARROT Jirenbros. Also constant use of RTH in attempts to flood the thread
>Tardkurats are (obviously) obsessed with Vegeta
>Tardkurats have been mindbroken so badly they even falsefalagged posted pony scat on more than one occasion
Tardkurats have utterly been dismantled by their opponents with their facts, logic, and witty, intelligent posts- leaving them a schizophrenic mess

>spam LITERAL moeshit walls of knowledge for months on end non stop
>spam that btw spam even in that horsefucking board
>spam HORSEHORSEHORSE at seeming random intervals for no reason
>are confirmed to be ALL spics
>ACTUAL moeshitters
>repeat, ACTUAL moeshitters
>haven't reared their faces in here since the "btw" spam started. Too busy falseflagging
>literally cry "n-not funny" (unironically, btw) everytime someone makes fun of their idol

And I could go on.
Tardkumoeshitters are basically non /dbs/ posters anymore. Just outcast moeshitters trying to troll and nuke the threads.
Not an opinion, btw. Everyone agrees on that.
>MOE Trek
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Get back to the kitchen and make me a sandwich you dumb whore.
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How is Cell being tortured in hell?
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Slow Internet on his cellphone.
by being forced to witness moe
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Yamcha's wife.
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So that's where everyone migrated.
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I will recieve a zenkai boost for visiting this link right?
Pikkon shoves barbed rods in his dickhole
Do it
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Pikachu vs Chi-Chi who wins?
Fine! But post some of the good stuff.
Even a hobo can defeat Chi-Chi
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I come baring a gift.
Thank you, TienWARDEN.
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As well as another one. Use them wisely, my scholars.
YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tienbrobtw.
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Where's my sandwich, cunt?
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>What is a Goku?
Goku/Shartku/Shitku, etc, all names and monikers given to a creature dedicated solely to one single purpose: dumping hot sinking ass and reeking like an absolute factory of eye-watering smells at every flabby fold. To say Shitkus are a simplistic species is an understatement of the highest degree: their interior has evolved to become solely and primarily dedicated to their rearend output. This results in a dumper so massive, so unbelievably heinous in its stench that the air often distorts around its jiggly, jello-like expanse. Thick bullet-sized droplets of sweat drizzle and ooze down this stinking ring at all times.

Just a single peek at his dumpster-destroying backside would have one shuddering, morbidly watching how that chocolate shitpipe wobbles like a sentient muddy innertube, flexing and opening wide before resuming its naturally plump, puckered state through a series of jiggles. A thick waft of hot stink often times forcing its way out the shitku's backdoor, announcing its presence whenever he's near.
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ten won. golu lost. pedocolo imprisoned.
Me showing Lum a picture of Goku's micropenis
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Imagine beating Pan until her bones are broken
And I dropped her down a chute and she slid into a claustrophobic sewer pipe where she got severely stuck and I turned a crank that causes water to flow into it, just enough that it kind of covers her face but she can still sort of breathe while getting water in her mouth and nose often, but she can't move or even wiggle or breathe and her lungs are hanging out but still functional and it's totally dark and there's no one around who can possibly hear her, and she starts panicking from the claustrophobia and crying out for help but no one will come and I'm sitting at home sipping tea with a pinkie raised

Total Pan Death
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Tienbros got really spooky all of a sudden
>keksuke is watching this from the corner
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Someone please talk
Why are you also showing it to a flying baby?
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Toyo's manga seems more popular than the original.
Don't fall for it.
Nah, you can gaslight all you want. Scholars haven't forgotten your ENTERRR moment.
Yeah, we love Toyo here.
good morning panbro
The PanLARD isn't posting Pan's ass and it's making me angry.
Yummyroo! I LOVE bait.
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I don’t know about all that, but I won >>268291124 and Vegeta is undefeated against Goku.
>The "scholar" falls for the obvious bait
Go back to school. You're 100 years too early to post here.
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We already know.
He should spit an egg
How are you
What is PEDOcolo thinking of? How to kidnap and abuse children?
He's thinking of new transphobic insults to call Gigi.
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Videl thinks about Spopocock all day and all night
What a piece of shit.
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What a based individual!
>Gohan watched from the side as he tore Videl a new one
>BLOODTHIRSTku wanting to see a young girl get brutally raped
>his sons girl no less
Why is he like this?
Don't call my hero that.
Goku doesn't want Gohan to get cancelled
Kek Videl gets fucked by Goten while Gohan watches!
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Daily reminder.
Damn. I guess Toyo did really win.
gagged girls are so hot...
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could your hero's bitch ass beat LEANJITA?
Fuck this piece of shit
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Imagine the size difference
Her vagina must be permanently stretched out
>Roshi getting excited
Horny piece of shit.
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I didn't get much sleep, but I'm fine otherwise.
Why do cucks always say shit like "noooo don't hurt her" lol?
Only if the scat pics involve me.
Nothing like a late night fat fucking shit in the middle of a good dream.
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Happy to hear that enjoy the rest of your day panfriend
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>Dragon Ball silently has become the Sonic the Edgehog of Anime/Manga fandoms
>Uploading files from your IP range has been blocked due to abuse.
Guess my favorite Dragon Ball character just from the fact that I'm image-rangebanned.
Only Freeza was sent to hell, Cell got reborn as Goten just like Buu got reborn as Uub.
Gigi getting punched
I am black
I live in a favela
I love Dragon Ball
Goku is my hero btw
PunchBEHEMOTH's probably just sleeping right now
Got to take time off from punching trannies to rest...
You are alright.
I like this headcanon
My wife Chino?
Based Uub
Nah he's probably jerking it in /mlp/
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Sounds like something a Bejitabro would say.
Pikachu you SLUT
>No woman will ever do this to me
Bros i fear it was over before it began
You're not wrong.
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Good morning, Shitrenbros.
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No Lulu!
My wife Chino is so dumb.
Instead of continuing with Toyotaro's manga they should make an anime mini-season based around what Future Trunks had to keep his world safe in-between returning to fight the Androids and the arrival of Gayku Black
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Frieza is SO goddamn lucky.
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Go ahead. Lay one on me, scatbro! Yabba dabba doo, Andy loves his poo!
It's the official universal language
Heeter? I hardly know her
Is the Heroes manga worth a read?
>Dead franchise
>Dead topics
>Dead threads
Ban these threads already. These retard losers need to fuck off.
Anon just because there isn't a Bleach thread doesn't meant you can post about it here
Bleach won retard.
Mmm! Yum yums! It's time for dessert!
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Spanish is a disgusting language.
I just raped goku to death
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Kissing Enma Ai feet
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I am PROUD to be brown
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What did Toriyama mean by this?
>GROOMEDku and GROOMEDlin forced to crossdress for that old pedo.
No one would ever watch that.
That Master Roshi will do pretty much anything to see a woman in lewd clothing
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Mmm...mmm! Man, nothing like some fresh poop! Scooby Dooby Doo! Ruri loves poopy poo!
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Stop it, Ruri is a good girl.
I want either of these girls in my bed right now
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...had a little accident.
Link your wiki page NOW.
“Yes Unc” we all say in unison
The bleach wiki page. What?
He has to watch Krillin fuck and impregnate 18.
That's what Goku and Bejita told her when she soiled her diapers and changed theirs.
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I-I don't have one
>Cell's Edging Session 2
El Grande Padre stronk
Why was the scat image deleted? It didn’t hurt anyone.
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...to be fucked by our heroes.
Against the rules.
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Can you believe this is a calm aura? JIREN DAMN!
What if I work for a shit processing company
"Yes Unc", agree Goku and Bejita in unison as they proudly show off their freshly changed diapers, courtesy of their beloved diaper student, Ruri.
He is not calm tho
I am PROUD to be from INDIA
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2016 /dbs/
>"Goku technically lost to Vegeta twice you know?"
>"Eh, I dunno if I'd consider those actual losses. On the second one Goku stopped fighting too. And in the re-release ending Vegeta says one day he will defeat Goku."
>"Kek, It's true. Weird how Vegeta keeps talking about beating him and he already won."

2024 /dbs/
>"No Scoreb-ACK! Pathetic cope. Bejita never beat OUR HERO CHADku. Super Hero? NOT CANON."
>"Tardkufags still crying about decades old fights while Bejita gives his wife what she rightfully deserves."
The score? 7-1 btw.
Shut the fuck up with your headcanon, retarded pig.
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How are you?
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Anyone have that "esta noche" picture with Frieza and Bejita?
>r-retarded pig
You sound like a transsexual.
2024 sounds better when you put it like that
I am a Bejitabro >_<
Little heroes, big accidents. That should be the tagline for Dragon Ball Daipa.
Puar, turn into Bulma!
2024 sounds worse when you put it like that.
Gokubro btw.
Still my favorite Dragon Ball Z Movie Ending Theme.
The image search results that appear when searching the name of a certain character are VERY STRANGE. Almost like they've been intentionally manipulated.
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Why are Gokubros like this?
My dick can't tank the 2 of them at the same time.
How many times have you written "Bejitabro btw" in your life?
Nothing has changed.
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So who tops, Beerus or Quitela?
At least once.
I didn't need to know this existed, why did you do this to me anon? Why?
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Beerus 100%, the rat is a gamer and every gamer is submissive since game companies nowadays rape their costumers and gamers keep buying and even defending their abusive husbands.
Because I enjoy spreading misery.
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Now Gokubro would EVER say "Kekky Poo, even".
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No one cares about your shitty cuck art, seth.
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Why is the English fandom so soulless compared to the Spanish one?
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It looks like he re-used the stance for the beloved Android 18
>making fun of video games and their players because his fan fics aren't featured in them.
GTPedro... Toyotard...
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It's the same stance just without holding a sword&shield
Then she really liked the classic Bejita stance
Raping Shartku.

Yeah, it's out there. And there's no going back.
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Is Uub marrying Bra, Marron or Pan?
Uub is unironically a great character concept and design. Prove me wrong without being racist.
All 3 at the same time.
I'm awake and REQUIRE femboyly pics
Meant for >>268294740
Is Dragon Ball kino?
It's the most kino of all anime.
I know the guy who drew this.
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Before posting scat I've asked people if they were okay with it and the majority agreed.
>bro I am so FUCKING funny when I take the names of our BELOVED heroes and BASTARDIZE them with retarded shit jokes like Shartku lol can I be a le scholar yet when can we merge le halls with the dragonball subreddit all of my friends are on there haha
Shut the FUCK up, ZIP it
Oh my.
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She's so hot bros
This is the ultimate fusion!
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I need to fuck a boy
That wasn't "the majority", just you replying to yourself.
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Shut the FUCK up you disgusting browner-than-shit PIG.
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So i am supposed to believe this obivous caricature of a chinese kid and chinese martial arts was actually an alien all along?
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I...I liked that picture...it...it made me really hungry.
Why did SHITjitaPIGS post scat again?
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aiCHAD please come back
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They are still mindbroken by this scene.
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Post more like this
Nope. At the start people didn’t want it but it worked out in the end. I promise it wasn’t me samefagging. Hell some days ago everyone refused so I didn’t post it.
Why are you so angry?
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need more SPATSly
How many breads have you eaten in your life?
Paragus you lucky bastard...
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Everyday im french
Can you do one with jiren?
I NEED to fuck a boy...
Does anyone here wanna be my femboyly?
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It should have been me stranded with Nuly on Vampa...
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I would get Nuly pregnant. Fuck biology.
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What a bunch of faggots.
Fuck Nuly in his bussy and then he can become pregnant with a butt baby. Everyone wins.
Gigi, on the other hand, is a woman so it's straight to fuck her.
Need to suck on his pretty pink nipples...
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wife tier
A fellow Chad Chad Chadkusho scholar. Welcome.
Made for Straight CHAD HEROkubros
Made for FAGGOT sissies PIGjitasis
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Why did they animate it like this?

it looks so weak, it felt like Gogeta hadn't even fired his attack yet
Yusuke gets to fuck THIS?!!!
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>Hey it's me Goku, I heard your GPU is pretty strong so let's me fight it.
Kek, literally no one cares about that scene besides you.
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GT had awful animation with almost no impact or weight to anything.
I don't get what Big Bang Kamehameha is even supposed to be.
Nice projection Gokutranny.
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My hero beats the SHIT out of her
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I've seen these before, post something new.
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This Broly AI spam is even worse than the tranny roach spam.
>n..no u
NEED him to sit on my face.
Gonna kidnap one of you and turn you into my personal femboyly
God, I wish that were me getting slapped by Yus...I mean, God I wish that were me slapping Keiko...'s ass.
Stupid, dumb, idiotic, and foolish
Need to go under that dress and take a big whiff of his girly balls
Is this /trash/ or /dbs/
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No, this is Patrick.
>QUEERbob FAGpant joke
You lost.
This isn’t even my final form.
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How did things get gayer than the literal gay porn being posted?
My virginity.
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You people would hate it if I posted actual fujoshit.
I wouldn't mind taking a cute /trash/ boy and making him into my /dbs/ femboy slut
..to Gigi.
It’s a marginal improvement
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I prefer women over trannies
Am I Bejita?
Favorite character?
I promise I won't hate you.
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Half of the population moved to the new halls at /m*p/
That's a child.
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You don't have what it takes when faced with REAL, MANLY homosexuality.
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Cute shota.
An incredibly sexy boy that I need to breed
What a fuarking slut. He desperately needs correction...
>Dragon balls fans are closeted faggots
Toriyama was smart with Daima.
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I thought you were joking but turns out it's real. What in the fuarkiest fuck is going on with everyone? >>41190942
Interesting post you linked. >>>/mlp/41190942
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holy sexo
Do w*men really?
Bring it on.
Real mainly homosexuality would be bara not fujoshi stuff since fujoshi stuff literally means stuff made by girls (fujoshi literally means rotten girls) while even the term bara comes from a gay magazine for males.
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Mmm! That last panel! I think I have a new fetish!
Need to rim his ass until his little penis starts leaking uncontrollably...
What a little sissy faggot. I bet this queer will cum his brains out when I rape him. Hands-free sissygasms while I hammer his prostate. What a homo.
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I could've worded my first post better in hindsight, yeah, but this site has a pretty big aversion to fujos so I like to use them to scare people.
Bara and hot old man gayshit is hot and aesthetically very pleasing. Like god damn DB has some good muscles, I can't describe the feeling it gives me but it's very primal and admiring.
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Why does she have handlebars?
>even fired his attack yet
That's the point, Omega Shenron was mogged simply by Big Bang Kamehameha's warm-up energy dissipation.
I don't get it, how can a penis be feminine?
You fuckers get one more day of this Pride Trooper propaganda. Or maybe not idk how many days June has desu
>nipple peek
Three days.
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the transphobia in these threads is genuinely horrifying
I would love nothing more than to torture you all to death.
I did not type desu
Just like vaginas with large clits are masculine
the transphobia in these threads is genuinely terrific
Real talk, I could easily heem any of you IRL
That's male nipple Jose.
Embarassing display of newfaggotry.
>newfag outs himself
Gentlemen... Escort this young one to the exit.
male nipple albeit though
I'll turn you into my cutie femboy. Keep you locked under my bed and feed you HRT. Keeping a log of your delicious developing ass and shrinking penis... God you'll learn how to love and please cocks
The widespread propagation of comically degenerate mental illness is slightly spooky
Then maybe these threads aren't for you? Good thing you're not being forced to view them.
Nothing degenerate about fucking a cute femboy. Bejitabro btw.
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>male nipple
Only in your stable diffusion model, m*eshitter.
Favorite character?
My nipples are exactly like that thoughever. Gokubro btw.
None, I never watched the show, i'm a raiding troon from discord.
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Lick my toes faggots I’m not new I just don’t spend enough time here to remember the rules
Do NOT post the full image, PEDOccoloSCUM.
>tfw you can watch from far above Gohan peeing
Why is your skin so disgustingly brown? Is it a disease?
Why not?
Will you really?
Do you guys loves Goku?
>not only a newfaggot but also a touristBITCH
Shut up already before I enslave your brown ass.
The only positive thing about the Femboy spam is that it scared the cancerous Nulybros away.
Yep and once you're all well and trained to please cocks, I'll let you have a bit more time out of the cage and you'll show me everything you've learned on your own like a good little onahole
I like Goku enough to lend my energy if he ever needs, but that's it.
>before I enslave your brown ass.
Oh no please anything but that~
That basically just means we traded a cancer on the left nut for a cancer in the right nut.
>not realizing that's the same (singular) Nulybro
I'm heading towards one of our colonies for a while. Bye.
So that's how you get rid of characterfags you don't like? Excuse me for a while, I'm going to learn how to prompt and create dozens of femboy Jiren images.
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I like nuts.
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You're two thought lines too late.
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Looks like a rejected Star Wars character.
Why does Marron have the same eyes as Goku?
Twi'lek lookin ass.
I agree, Jiren's design doesn't quite fit the Dragon Ball universe.
Make him with this outfit and pose
They are planning something awful in secret.
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>when you eat the ball that kills you if you are pink
>dick root
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>Ball Goku swallowed
Red won
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Alright. Time to settle it.
or -
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>when you get raped by mankasa's enormous roidclit but she overdoses on her steroids
oh no..
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I don't care.
Don't tell me futas exist IRL?
I am about to cream my wall just by looking at femboy images.
Need to hold onto those thighs while my tongue rapes his...
Google what testosterone does to the female genitalia.
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Why are so many of you fucking gay?
Well they kinda do, one hyena species has the females have pseudo-penises
Stop posting homo-erotics images. What would your hero think of such a behavior?
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>implying PEDOku has morals
My hero is Grandpa Gohan. He would approve.
>lol that's dumb and funny
At least it's entertaining. Do you want the usual diaper duo cuck spam?
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Diaper duo is the heart and soul of dbs, all others should fuck off. If you're not a Gokutaco or a Bejitachad, get the FUCK out.
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Holy macaroni.
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>still reposting his AI slop
Fucking hell. Only the Super manga can bring some balance into our halls.
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>JOBjitaRAT talking down to his superiors
Traply > the SHARTnga, albeit
>More gay shit.
>Projecting onto a random character
Diaper duo is sovl. It's our culture.
The let's start it! Bejita is a cuck! I will make a bl*cked Bejita edit soon.
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>literal fag prefers his fag shit over the CHADnga
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>random character
>literally molested goku with his balls
Sasuga Bejitacuck.
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Bring me Goku, I want saiyan cock for my birthday
She doesn't look like this...
Shame this artist is a blacked cuck, he draws great bimbos.
Don't say it loud, the Tienfag might get excited.
Stroking to femboyly images rn
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>considers the people who hate him and post his face + dox as his "friends"
how does one become this pathetic?
>Trying to force it
You don't get the first thing about the beauty of the Diaper duo.
>Taking a throaway joke as cold hard "evidence"
>Still exaggerating it
GROOMEDku needs to be saved
Man, SS3 is so cool.
..to 12 year olds.
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> degw3qm-
Looks like Goku is doing the grooming in that picture.
Jiren and Bejita.
FUCK the rest.
>>Taking a throaway joke as cold hard "evidence"
It was literally confirmed in an interview.
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That's HORRIBLE. No wonder people are racist.
The more I look at femboyly, the more I wanna be him...
SSJ9K won
>comes back and wins
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I concede.
Not canon.
Favorite type of pizza?
Broky couldn't bring Sluprza down in 60 minutes. Jiren did it in 4 seconds.
I'm not italian
>replying to it
Shut the fuck up, mongrel.
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The aichad is the best poster here.
No lies detected.
pesto and margherita
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>Gogeta "Beast go for the flank, I'll handle what Vegito couldn't."
>Beast "Hmph. Don't order me around, don't forget i'm your superior."
>Gogeta "Yes Broly, you ARE helping, good boy..."
... Said the 2D pedophile newfaggot, already in the last throes of his FOTW garbage shtick.
My favorite video is the Alice the Tiger girl one,what a cute little slut rawring at cock in her tiger costume...
Cheese pizza is fire. I hate its association with CSAM.
We'll just go through each of the cast a week then :)
Can't wait for femboyhan...
Holy epic awesomesauce amazeballs.
>One-shots them
It's a Gokutranny. No one EVER posts about that character besides Gokutrannies. It's safe to say they are the most mindbroken characterfags.
Dumb fucking cartoon masturbator.
Veggie Supreme.
Gigi spam was started by the Belgian btw.
>fanfic shit from a tracing artist who cancelled his manga
Yes we
We fucking love femboys and feminine cock. You don't? Then go back to /mlp/
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So I've always wondered, what exactly are these shockwaves emitted when someone is powering up?
Is it gravity? Pressure? Sound? What's causing it?
Tardkurats are truly the worst fucking rats around. They never post about their Kissless hero, probably because there's nothing good to post about him, or because they know that they will immediately get picked on.
It can't be said that they simply aren't here , because as soon as you make fun of the diaperboy, you instantly hear "GOKUGOKUGOKU" coming from the toilet. So they ARE here. All the time.
But what do they post about? Most likely the bulk of the bottom of the barrel garbage you see nowadays.
Meatlovers with BBQ sauce
Offtopic garbage. My guys? Send the pedophile tourist DOWN.
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>he is starting
It's a dragon ball character, dawg.
>malding about Gokuchads
Yup, it's HIM.
Imagine being this obsessed that you post a ghost reply 2 days later, kekoo!
Isn't it fucking OBVIOUS?
Did I give you permission to reply to me, ANT? HUH? LEARN your place.
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>SHITjitaPIGS are squealing again
What happened?
Jiren lost.
no, that's why i asked
an explosion of their chi being emitted from their bodies
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Goku's wife needs kissing
>immediately proves me right by screeching out of his rat nest
>hallmark schizophrenia
See, everyone? What was this rat doing all throughout the thread? Probably posting moeshit if not proven otherwise.
We are on 4chan, I can do whatever I want, dawg.
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He was put through a humiliation exhibition by the gods
His victory was never a possibility
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Post more Sexyhan.
You are on the den of CHADGON CHALL CHADPER, tourist mongoloid. Abide by the decorum or ABSCOND expeditiously. Have I made myself clear?
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You see Gokubros post about their hero all the time, meanwhile you never see TURDjitaHOGS post about their pathetic balding midget jobber cuck, instead they just spend all day posting and thinking about Goku.
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if it was chi, wouldn't it be glowing like chi attacks and chi auras are?
>he says as he seethes about Bejita
>asking a powerless tourist moeshitter that can only repost other people's images to do anything
Kek, you pathetic pedophile rat. DOOR.
>No one EVER posts about that character
>the brown SWINE is admitting that SHITjita has no fans
Yeah, I am not going to do that. Sorry dawg.
>ESL pedophile calls "cringe" what he cannot understand
Should have read a dictionary instead of Japanese comics, retard.
Shartren is SSB tier.
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>mindbroken PIG
>Goku appears in the foreground
Cute bulge.
>apologizing like a little BITCH
GOOD girl.
>lolicon garbage
My guys... BEHEAD.
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>is literally behind Bejitard
Do they teach you nothing at your 3rd world school, BROWNjitaMANOLO?
i answered your question i dont spoonfeed any further
Whatever you say dawg. Gotta do what you gotta do.
Fuckable little bitch.
>baiting it so we can G it
BABABASED Jirenscholar.
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oh ok
thanks in any case, you're a real one
>>lolicon garbage
That's a cute little boy albeit.
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Do not insult my hero.
The filename? Mindbroken PIG.
Who shows up in the vast majority of the webm, especially in the beginning?
>AI shart
Your hero? Bejitard.
Hot as fuark.
>please master continue your reign of these Halls, I'm all for it
I know, my most precious jester. I KNOW.
Gokubro here. I am about to post something interesting in the next thread.
Do we prefer TRAPly or SHOTAhan?
Same thing.
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Both, Traply throating my cock, shotahan rimming my asshole
Wtf are you talking about dawg?
Can SHITjitaPIGS do anything else besides falseflagging and being brown?
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Tenshinhan? A Hero in these Halls.
These Japs chinks should stop inserting their subhuman fetishes onto their media if they intend to ship it worldwide.
Otherwise you got these weebs glorifying this ridiculous garbage.
He won. RTHly ran.
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TenKINGS are known wardens of these halls, but just like the Majin Elite they show up when they're needed the most, when the thread is in absolute CHAOS.
No lies detected.
>you will never have sexy pics of your hero to wank it to
These last couple of days have been absolute WINS for GODlyGODS.
Tien is too ugly to jerk off to, even if you make him a femboy or a woman. Absolute L character.
Sad but true.
You are a degenerate by default. You will NEVER accomplish anything in the Halls of Virtues, catalog-crawling pedophile. You will be GONE in a week.
its up
>seething this hard, because I called his hero FUGLY
Stay mad AND weak, gaylord
>offtopic pedophile garbage
Cute bulge.

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