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Now it is finally over after all these years, did you like it?
>up to interpretation ending
Kekek kyoani got scared of the yurifags
I hate Mayu so much guys
Yes, first anime in a while that I genuinely loved.
Great finale too.
how old is kumiko at the end?
late 20s
I don't care about a yuri or het ending. I just care about the band. And I think it was a very good ending for a band anime
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Rate season 3!
35 like me
Did they skip the NTR soli?
is it wrong for expecting more for a series finale? I cried when Kumiko confessed her fondness for Asuka and when her piece finally got name dropped. I'm not really feeling anything right now after watching this.
>No epilogue like Season 2 showing the Seniors graduating and the Kouhais playing one last song for them and saying their last goodbyes
Season 3 has been a rushed mess
>no confession scene
>shoe did nothing in the finale
>kumiko doesn't even wear the hairpin
>no ring
>kumiko still retains her family name
But she still has the hairpin and her still being Oumae doesn't rule out her and Shoe not being a couple. It simply means they're not married. They kept it ambiguous but it doesn't rule out them being a coupoe.
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This. Yuri won.
I enjoyed it a lot and thought it was a great final season for the series; miracle we got it at all, all things considered.
A comfy thread died for this schizo thread?
Like I've said. Open-ended ending. KumiRei can still happen.
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Can you guess them all?
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Kanade received the Hibike Euphonium from Kumiko btw
Future buchou confirmed
It was pretty clear in the novel but Kyoani did everything they can to avoid it, makes you wonder why they hate him so much, did Shoe even speak this episode?
>Takeda: Shuichi is special as well, but for Kumiko, Reina is depicted as a presence that is above him. Before Kumiko met her, he may have been her special guy, but now her relationship with Reina is eternal.
It's over. Kyoani fucking kneel to yurifags.
what do we think of the song? it has its moments but it's not really doing it for me
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Overall yes but the quality went down after Liz. Neither the movie, OVA or S3 ever reached the emotional highs of what came before.
so worth it
>makes you wonder why they hate him so much
They didn't want yuri fans or /a/nons to torch their studio.
Smile status: Renewed
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Absolutely disappointing.
Without Kumiko-buchou there would be no new Kitauji
Without Kumiko-buchou there would be no new Kitauji
Kumiko-buchou has toiled for Kitauiji
Kumiko-buchou of one mind saved Kitauji
She pointed to the national victory for the people
She has led Kitauji towards the gold
She supported the brass band for more than three years
She improved the people’s lives
She built the A-team
She practised meritocracy and brought many benefits
Without Kumiko-buchou there would be no new Kitauji
Without Kumiko-buchou there would be no new Kitauji
maybe 3-4 lines at most. I only remember him asking are you nervous or some shit like that
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And a hundred more will die!
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>Hibikek thread is the most autistic thread now
DBChads can't stop winning
made season 2 look better
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The expert of opening windows
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It should have been 2 cours. That was rushed as fuck, and it didn't help Kyoani has lost its touch though its understandable after the arson incident.
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Cakemiko a beauty
Shoeichi won btw
Yurifag meltdown in progress pls understan
how is she so pretty
I felt bad when they were burned down in 2019 but now i will pray for another schizo to burn it down for good again this time
>Reused plotlines and drama
>Solo drama with Mayu lasted half of the fucking season
>Everything feels rushed
>No SunFes performance
>No external performances like Takarajima at the Station
>Fucking epilogue is a slideshow
What the fuck are these anons doing rating this higher than anything but a 5/10
4/10, I thought it was a mess
I'm gonna miss you all fellow yuribros
we lost another fight..
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>timeskip has unfloofed the euphoniums
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true OTP
Michie didn't even age while Taki is most likely gone.
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It's okay yurifags, the author is currently writing the kind of degenerate slop you retards love.
Now rather than deen or jc staff creating meltdown over anons favorite manga being adapted it should be replaced to kyoanus alone. Atleast other two aren't too full of themselves, arrogant assholes.
Yuribros, it's so over...
it's not, it's explicitly het
Congrats, you just proved his point
Didn't she recently write a Pokemon yuri novel starring Juliana and Nemona?
age gap yuri is so hot
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So, as I'm sure you're all aware, GBC flopped.
I have a lot of thoughts about this show. But I'm trying to consider it just in the context of this season of anime. Was it better than JELLE?
Japanese twitter is praising the final episode across the board
Seems to have stuck the landing after the last episode. Sasuga kyoani
>author is the one who requested Kyoani to omit the end end
No, Kumiko is FukuKoumon which means Taki is still the main Koumon
Are they mostly yurifags or hetfags?
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The one single image that destroyed /u/.
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I love the detail of the fingers.
Unless it's animated by Kyoani I don't think it will pick up at all..
Shuuichi just gave her the hairpin back as token of appreciation for leading the band to victory.
I'm glad she finally came out of the closet.
>tips of the fingers are white from a tight grip
I love the little details
Shuuichi won bigly
Hetfag meltdown in progress pls understan
She recently got pregnant again lol
who knew we were staring at peak all along?
I'm gonna miss you all fellow hetcucks
we lost another fight..
Michie won
Open-ended ending, niggers. That's all. As for the episode itself it was disappointing 5/10.
This should be the last hibike thread, such garbage should never be allowed on this board
Nobody will read or buy this just because she allowed them to leave this series ambiguous. She wanted to write a yuri series but bitched out? And then she wanted to let an animator maker her series yuri but let them bitch out? Why, then, should I give a single shit bout her upcoming "true" yuri series? Fuck off.
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Imagine getting an unambiguous ending in the novel only to get rekt by Kyoani for yurifags' satisfactions. Being Shuiichi is suffering.
Japanese hate Shuichi as well, we're not alone.
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eupho domination
The best part was when Kumiko said "It's hibikein' time" and hibiked all over those euphoniums
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Where are the fanarts of milf Kumiko?
shoe won
and the other way around is reina going off to america to get pregnant
LN canon is also anime canon confirmed.
It's over.
Buckbroken hetfags are even worse than Shounen fags
it's over for japan
Chances of another schizo burning down this studio
Yurischizos have no balls
Shout out to all the anons that watched the Bento musical with Tomoyo
Hearing Shuuichi's voice full of joy caused Kumiko's own heart to swell. With the competition over, everyone was smiling and laughing. It truly made Kumiko incredibly happy. Still holding the certificate, Kumiko raised her heels and grabbed the towel hanging from Shuuichi's neck, pulling him close. Shuuichi's eyes widened, but Kumiko spoke first, before he had a chance to say anything.
"I like Shuuichi."
Shuuichi stared at Kumiko, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down. Kumiko released her grip and raised her head to meet his eyes.
"How about you?" she asked.
"You... you're always doing whatever you want!" exclaimed Shuuichi. He frantically searched for something in his pockets, pulling out the sunflower hair ornament which she had returned to him a year ago. "Here, this belongs to you, take it." The hair ornament glowed a brilliant white, reflecting the sunlight. Shuuichi turned his face away, clearly blushing. Kumiko took the hair ornament and affixed it to her hair.
"How about Shuuichi?" she asked again.
"I haven't heard your answer yet." Kumiko grinned mischievously and turned her head deliberately so that the hair ornament directly faced Shuuichi.
"If I didn't like you, why would I be carrying this thing everywhere?" Shuuichi declared defensively, running a hand through his hair.
"Don't laugh at me!" Still trying to hide his embarrassment, Shuuichi lightly kicked Kumiko in the leg. "Oi! Whoever was taking a photo with the flash, get back on the bus!"
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The one single image that destroyed /het/
Yurisisters btfo'd by a fucking hairpin
it's over...
my kumiko is no longer a cute dork but instead a well respected adult now.
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women moment
Kumiko turned to see everyone watching them through the bus windows. Hazuki and Midori, seated in the first row, both gave her a thumbs-up.
"Why you...!" Shuuichi, his face red all over, quickly dashed onto the bus. Kumiko could feel her own face burning. Shuuichi was already being surrounded by the other boys.
"Happy ending," remarked Reina nonchalantly, apparently not surprised in the least. Kumiko wiped her heated face on her sleeve and waved the certificate in the air.
"Super happy."
Reina's mouth trembled in a smile and she extended a hand toward Kumiko. "Let's go. We shouldn't hold up everyone else."
Kumiko took Reina's hand and boarded the bus. From Kumiko's point of view, Reina was special and always would be.
>Verification not required
They won. Kyoani retconned the het end so Kumirei will always be possible. Bravo Kyoani.
Where can I read the LN bros?
all girls are bi
>reina still in the US
>shoe is tapping that fluffy pussy every day
>they cut Shoe's confession and them dating so it's not a het end!
>however, that means that there's a possibility of Kumiko and Reina getting together even if it's offscreen, therefore it's a yuri end even if it's offscreen!
Isn't that a leap of logic? A het end must be onscreen to be considered canon, but a yuri end can be yuri even if it's offscreen or interpretation? Isn't that a double standard?
she's literally me...
the bento thing was 2deep4me
? they didn't have any meaningful interaction this episode. it's open ended lmao
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Honestly, it's for the best that Kyoani skipped this confession scene. It makes Shuu look like such a spineless bitch.
All girls are lesbian by nature
Yuri is default unless mentioned otherwise
I'm starting to think that you're a closet homosexual who's using Kumiko to mask your boner for Shuichi. Same goes with Majima and your "yuri slayer" harem
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I wanna be the very best, like no man ever was
To catch the fluff is my real test
To have her is my cause
I will trample upon their dreams
Shippers far and wide
Teach yuri fans to understand
They'll never live this down...

He's the man
Gotta tilt' em all
It's Kumiko and me
I know it's my destiny (He's the man)
Oh, Reina's her best friend
And KyoAni does it again (He's the man)
(Gotta tilt 'em all) A canon so true
Season Three will pull us through
You seethe at me and I'll teach you
He's the man! (Gotta tilt 'em all)
(Gotta tilt 'em all)
>open ended
I would've agreed if only they didn't show kumiko rocking that hairpin. This only permits one interpretation, that shoe confessed to her again and gave that hairpin to kumiko, and they both started having sex afterwards
So Shoe and Kumiko not interacting means it's open ended, but Reina still being in the US without reuniting with Kumiko is somehow not open ended?

That's... not how writing works dude.
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>Isn't that a double standard?
It's your average yurifag meltdown, just wait for eng subs to see double standard twitter carpet munchers going on suicide watch.
It's not that. Het lost because Kyoani retconned their unambiguous ending in the novel. Kyoani did it to avoid yurifags' wrath so yurifags are celebrating.
don't care. Mayu smiled and is happy is good enough for me. although I wanted her to talk more
Yuricucks LOST.
I actually like yuri myself but the way I see it, a Shoe end seems less ambiguous (albeit still unconfirmed) than a yuri end. The issue is really the hairpin: there's no good way to explain that away without at least some hint of Kumiko and Shoe ending up together in some way. If it weren't for the hairpin, then maybe they'd have a point. This isn't even a Lycoris scenario where people thinking Chisato liking Majima is canon are delusional.

But there's still no yuri end. Unless you mean that an ambiguous end is still a victory for them as long as it's not a het end?
cool interpretation, too bad kyoani didn't show us that.

open ended is open ended for everyone. i didnt even bring up reina in my previous posts lol
There's no ambiguity about their relationship status in the anime ending either. Hairpin says it all. There's no other way to interpret it. They just didn't show them together, to not risk another arson incident, this time by yurishits.
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luv me mayukumi, luv gettin gold together, simple as
A het end is assumed unless there's explicit yuri
At the same time, a yuri end can be assumed in the absence of explicit het
This is how it's always been, but the definition of "explicit" is always hazy. Especially since, recently, it's become trendy to avoid the topic of romance altogether as something uncomfortable outside of shows made just for that.
Personally, I think the idea of a yuri end died here, and everything past that has been just coping and stretching or ignoring the definition of this line. You simply can't have a proper yuri end when one of the main protags says this to a man and it's never addressed past that.
Then how can you explain the hairpin then? I'd actually like to hear a good explanation for it that doesn't involve Kumiko and Shoe being together in some way.
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>cool interpretation
Kyoani will show Reina with black spades tatoos, and you'll still be coping like this.
Listen, I'm the most delusional yurifag here and there is no way this is a win for yuri. She's carrying around the hairpin. Shuuichi is a cuck for life and he wouldn't want it any other way. The madlad did it.
would also have loved the photo that mayu took at the pool to be hiding in her desk or soemthing, but this is good too
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It's been a great ride with you all.
Thanks for everything.
I mean, just because Reina did have feelings for Taki doesn't rule out her being a lesbian in the future. There have been multiple cases of yuri girls that started out liking dudes but later falling for a chick.

Nice falseflag bro.
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>Majimafag is a Pokefurryfag
You can't make this shit up
it's a shame they couldn't resolve their "conflict" early. I would love to have more scenes of these two together
Yurifags are gone. /u/ literally banned Hibike discussion tonight lmfao. It's just trolls
It's about expectations. Hibike having an unambiguous het end in the novels and the anime adaptation cutting it out = yuri wins. Yorukura having no relevant male characters and a kiss and confession while setting up further development but ending with just the two main girls getting back together and not having the promised development = yuri lost.
Serious question: if Shoe didn't end up with Kumiko and she rejected him, why is she carrying around the hairpin? Sure she isn't wearing it, but she still has it and is carrying it around with her. If she rejected him, she would have either thrown it away or kept it at home instead of bringing it with her to school.
>Shoecuck didn't even get a pussy
Based Reina winning the Kumibowl
>would also have loved the photo that mayu took at the pool to be hiding in her desk or soemthing
maybe mayu wasn't lying about it not developed properly. she has not lied a single time throughout the show
yeah, there were some novel readers that said that Mayu actually gets along and talks with everyone really well, but was just autistically hung up of the solo with kumiko, but hey, 13 episodes, what can you do?
>Kumiko is a 28 year old single hag
I don't think people actually expected there to be a het end in the anime? Shoe has been shat on and deemphasized since season 1 and it was clear that the anime wasn't going to adapt his relationship with Kumiko the same way. Even in Season 3 their relationship was barely shown at all. If anything, it would have been a surprise if she DID end up with him explicitly, because if he did, the buildup to support it just wasn't there.
Japan also views it as open-ended ending btw. Anything can still happen.
>If she rejected him, she would have either thrown it away
Bro you're forgetting something. Kumiko gave that hairpin back to shoe in the movie, and literally asks him to give it back to her after a year if he still loves her
Bro, he spent his entire high school life chasing after a girl who was too busy chasing after other girls and treated him like shit. He enjoys this.
>/u/ literally banned Hibike discussion tonight
[citation needed]
I get what you mean because the hairpin is significant in the novel for hetbros, but even the most important thing that was clear in the novel like the soli got retconned by the kyoani so anything that was offscreend can be up to interpretation. Shuuichi could have given it back to her while they remain friends. We didn't know how they felt after separating. The confession should be kept to make it unambiguous, or any line that would have suggested that they got back together, but Kyoani omitted it so..
non-open ending would be to divisive.
they dont want anothr arson
>There have been multiple cases of yuri girls that started out liking dudes but later falling for a chick.
And every single one of those is in a show designed to showcase exactly that. It's the central focus of the plot. Because to do that, it needs to be the whole story. Not just a sideshow, which is how all of the romance in this series has been framed. To call it romance is probably doing it a disservice. The idea of romance in hibike is kind of laughable - the plot goes out of its way to avoid it
What are you talking about? Their general is still up. It just barely gets any discussion as usual.
Kumiko returned it to shoe
in my weird headcanon, her self esteem issues may be why she's afraid of being on the other side of the camera, scared to "intrude" on the friendgroup that's already established, so she was happy to resign herself to wandering around agata des by herself, so there was part of me that thought that she kept that photo to herself and not "burden" kumiko and friends with the fact that she is an official part of the band, and has a real chance of taking someone's spot. time to learn some moonrunes and buy the novel i guess
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It begins.
I'm not even a hetfag or a Shoe shipper, the thing here is that it doesn't even have to be verbal or explicit. The fact she still has the hairpin is saying something. Yes it's true that it's an open ending and thus up to interpretation, but some interpretations are more plausible than others. Just because someone interprets the ending to be "Kumiko ended up with Reina but Reina was killed in a plane crash" doesn't mean it's plausible.
Which makes it all more suspicious she has it.
They just removed his scenes because Shuu is unimportant to the story. Nothing to do with fearing yurifags.
You are arguing with trolls anon
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The only plausible interpretation is that shoe confessed and gave it to her again after graduation. This is such an unambiguous situation.
It's not suspicious at all. There's a clear off-screen assumption that Shoe gave it back after they graduated with a confession which Kumiko accepted. As it was in the novels.
There's very little room for interpretation here.
>shoe returns the hairpin to kumiko and moves to america with reina
>kumiko and mayu live in the same apartment together
just fixed every shipper's problem by settling in the middle
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30+ employees were literally sent to hell five years ago for this?
But that still means that even if it wasn't explicit in the anime, it still strongly hints towards a (canon?) het end, which is something anons here are denying hard.
I agree with you but Kyoani definitely wanted to show it as open ended. Even in Gundam they didn't want the wrath of hetbros so there was no kiss between the girls but they did manage to show the rings and add a "sister in law" line, so there is only one interpretation that the girls did get married. Something like this was missing in the last episode of Hibike to convince people that they got back together especially when Kyoani made a point in the last few episodes that the not everything in the novel is canon in the anime version.
Could you seethe any harder?
It sucks that that could've been avoided if only they had followed relevant safety standards and built a fire exit.
So what does that mean then. They're saying that actually, there was a het end after all, but they didn't want to make it explicit because they know how popular KumiRei is and they'd probably torch the studio or do other shit if they committed to an explicit Shoe end?
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Guess it's a no brainer, but I'd guess the flash forward takes place in 2024
There's no actual yurichads here, just anti-yurifags false flagging and baiting each other
The thing about Yuri is that it doesn't have to win, it just has to not lose.
Call me when the new OVA about adult Kumiko comes out maybe in 5 years.
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I'm so glad Kumiko finally opened up to Mayu and share Sound! Euphonium with her and rest of the eupho members considering how special Asuka was to her
You know East Asians have been wearing masks in public long before the pandemic right?
well maybe it should have been 2 cours..
>it still strongly hints towards a (canon?) het end
We're on the same page
Arguing about this is stupid. It's just shitflinging between people who didn't read the novels or watch the movies, and people who did. The whole fiasco last episode was just to make people think it would go in a different direction, and the shot of the pin this episode is proof that it didn't. There's no other reasonable way to spin that (extremely minor) aspect of this series.
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And the acrylic screens?
Again, that's being double standards. It's like the old claim that yuri fans are incapable of shitposting and only anti-yuri anons can be shitposters, when Yorukura threads this season (especially for the finale) among other cases prove that claim wrong.
They probably didn't want to choose any ship so they kept it open ended, no one wins.
If kyoani didn't mean to hint at shoe x kumiko ending together why would they go out of their way to put that hairpin in that frame?
They just didn't depict it explicitly so as to not anger yurifags.
That means they used them in the past. I didn't say the pandemic didn't happen in their timeline, all I said is that they've been using masks even before COVID.
Ririka won
Well duh.
>Het end while pride month ends
Really brave of both KyoAni and Takeda to go up against LGBT. Takeda must have gotten a couple of death threats already
The question then is: why did they not want to anger them then? If they wanted to be faithful (which they weren't), yet were faithful enough to adapt those stuff in the movie, then why not go all the way?
ok you had me laughing for the first time
I am more interested in what happened to Reina and Taki in the meantime
S1 still remains superior in every way. Kneel.
>Het end
It's up to interpretation
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>anon realizes that commercial products are intended to reach the largest possible audience
I'm sorry but every show does this in one way or another. Commiting to something means sacrificing the portion of your audience (and revenue, and sales, and views and ratings) that doesn't want that.
That's true, but some interpretations are more likely or plausible than others.
>when Yorukura threads this season among other cases prove that claim wrong
The only people shitposting in the final episode of Yorukura threads were the people claiming that yurifags lost. Funny how a suppodesly "up-to-interpretation" ending in that series means yurifags lost but it's a heterosexual subtext ending in Hibike is good and canon.
If your mom sucks nigger dick, it doesn't mean she's plagiarizing you
Liz reference with Ririka
The burgers are waking up
>nips agreed it's open ended
>anons insist otherwise
at least nips understood kyoani's vision
They were saved from watching this travesty
>muh nips
don't caer
I can think for myself
>Taki makes Kumiko dress up as tubakun to encourage the students and help them win gold
You weren't there when the threads happened were you? I saw them happened in real time and there were several anons who were pissed about the ending. Not in a shitposting way, but rather in a "that's it?" sort of way. I mean, it's clear that Yorukura is a yuri show, even more unambiguously than Hibike (Hibike is at best yuribait, Yorukura was actually yuri given the kiss and confession), yet they got mad because the ending just resulted in friendship rather than romance. They weren't falseflaggers either, they were actual yuri fans who got pissed and explained why. It's true that there were some anti-yuri shitposters there making fun of the yuri fans (just like what they're doing now with Hibike), but actual pissed genuine yuri fans existed and they were loud.
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It's such a shame the yuri conversation thing is gonna drown out any talk about the actual show like lycoreco
I told you Japan ships KumiRei.
Yorukura threads were getting shitposted in the entire season and it wasn't by yurifags.
What is the logic behind believing this to be open ended?
you mean the montage?
Holy kek
I don't think it was that bad. It was a sentimental send-off and technically complete adaptation, even if it was rushed. I'm just glad they went all the way with it.
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So why should I care what they think?
I mean they aren't contradictory. The anime had an open end, which is true, but the hairpin strongly suggests (but does not confirm) that Kumiko and Shoe had/have some kind of relationship. Exactly what is up to interpretation, but that's the point. It's an open end so it's up to interpretation, it's just that some interpretations are more likely than others.
Hetbros are shitposting because they managed to lose here despite having a clear het end in the novel. Kek
If kyoani wanted it to be open ended they wouldn't have gone out of their way to include that hairpin in the shot given all those who've watched the movie knows what that implies
Complaining isn't shitposting
Nips historically have shit taste
That doesn't disprove what I said. I already said that there were anti-yuri fans shitposting about Yorukura and baiting it with het stuff. What I was saying is that it is true that there were actual yuri fans who were very upset about the ending to the point that they were arguably shitposting. Just because anti-yuri shitposters exist does not negate the existence of pro-yuri ones.
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Jesus shoe is a giant.
>there were several anons who were pissed about the ending
There were, but getting angry and complaining about any ending is not shitposting.

>they got mad because the ending just resulted in friendship rather than romance
Do you have proof of this? Sounds more like your interpretation of the ending to me.
In LycoReco's case, I didn't care because it wasn't good anyway
>strongly suggests (but does not confirm)
How does it not confirm
Did you even watch the movie
Ambiguity implies there's two or more competing interpretation. There's no other plausible explanation in this case.
Give it a year or so and we'll be able to talk about the show without all of that. Maybe. I like to think that Hibike has more fans who care about stuff beyond pairings than Lycoreco does
>actual yuri fans who were very upset about the ending to the point that they were arguably shitposting
Criticizing an ending isn't shitposting.
>Sounds more like your interpretation of the ending to me.
That's what the angry anons were saying. I'm paraphrasing here but they were mad that they didn't commit to the yuri after the kiss and confession.
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>win gold in your first year of band
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I can't believe she got away for being a bitch
To be fair, LycoReco does have many fans who like it outside of the yuri. It's just that with yuri being such a dominant genre on /a/ it's hard to find people who are ambivalent about it here. If you want to discuss LycoReco for reasons outside of the yuri, /a/ isn't the best place to do so because on /a/, most of its fans are yuri fans, and there are also anti-yuri shitposters out to bait said fans.
Takeda can easily write a novel where Reina returns from America, and reunites and ends up with sensei Kumiko.
Fuck this idiot
Ririkas birthday today
That actually sucks. They'll blame themselves for not being as good as their senapais if they don't win in the next two years.
And that's their interpretation of the ending. Funny how "up-to-interpretation" endings only seem count when it goes against yuri for you.
I can somehow understand that yuri friendly anime like Jelly or GBC need to keep it subtext level and not show confessions or kissing between the girls in the finale (hell even yuri Sasakoi adaptation decided to cut out the yuri kissing festival scene in it for some reason), but why the hell an anime based on heterosexual ending novel is afraid of showing the main girl kissing her boyfriend at the end of the series?
WTF is this take?
I can understand yuribaiting in subtext but why to even now create heterobaiting show?
>hetfags is celebrating an "up to interpretation" ending
Lmao the bar was so low, huh?
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Hard times create strong buchous
Strong buchous create good times
Good times create weak buchous
Weak buchous create hard times
There's only one interpretation
>nooooo don't interpret it so you win!
I will and I have
This. They did Shuuichi damn dirty.
Yuri fans were also celebrating an "up to interpretation ending" earlier because they didn't show an onscreen confession earlier? Double standards much?

Besides, no one here is even celebrating except for shitposters.
How is it?
If this was a yuri novel that got downplayed to "up to interpretation" in the anime, i'd be so fucking disappointed. I'm not sure how can you be happy about this.
Pretty good. A solid finale. Provided you're not a freak who has an unhealthy devotion to a given romantic pairing for our MC
I guess you didn't watch the movie who gives context to the hairpin?
did I miss it or the soli part was skipped?
>didn't show up to the performance since it would hurt her pride and SEETHE over Kumiko winning gold
ASSuka bros....
Hibike has a significant yuri fanbase and I assume showing an actual Shoe end would have angered a lot of people and caused major bad will. Yuri fans can be a lot more rabid than het fans. Assuming that the hairpin was intended to be wink-wink proof that Kumiko and Shoe ended up together, it was probably intended as a compromise. It signaled that, yes, Kumiko and Shoe got together, but they left open just enough stuff (like Kumiko still being an Oumae and not actually showing them getting back together onscreen) to make the ending ambiguous enough to placate the yuri fans.
There's no ambiguity. Hairpin only permits one interpretation.
low effort nostalgia bait cashing in the 9 years of goodwill the series has accumulated -- in other words -- perfect, wouldn't change a thing
Shuuichi slayed the yuri, simple as that.
>Yuri fans were also celebrating an "up to interpretation ending" earlier because they didn't show an onscreen confession earlier? Double standards much?
Yeah wake me up when we see Kumiko walking with Shoe both wearing wedding rings and Shuichi family calling Kumiko sister-in-law.
There I dare you.
KyoAni found a way to bait both yurifags and also heterofags who liked the novel with this retarded adaptation.
Yuri always win.
No he did not.
It wasn't skipped, they even had a brutal shot of Kumiko being visually overshadowed by Mayu while she was playing. It was a significant movement in the piece if you were paying attention
You must have missed the last thread
It was still downplayed to an interpretation, I mean why remove the confession scene that would seal the het end? Shitposters won't have any shot to shitpost if they kept that.
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Absolute Kino.
What i want to know is how did that awful piece manage to win gold? I had no problems with muh realism of kumiko not winning the soli but this piece in particular was not even good
You're coping. Go find other shit to ruin with homosexuality. Kyoani kills the fag in their home month
Having a different surname doesn't prove anything, you don't date someone and change your surname lol And for married couple not always women take the husband's family name but the husband can take the wife's family name.
If the pwoer of yuri fandom i nJapan was so great as you try to point to then we would actually get a fkiss in finale both for Jelly and GBC there anon.
Don't make me laugh no one does things for yurifags niche market,e specially not downplaying heterosexual ending novel to be now ambigious one.
If anything waifufags are to blame who want to see their gfs pure and not connected to boys or girls romantically than yurifags.
Ririka's Oboe kouhai is cute
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How does Kumiko draw such straight lines? Is it all her practice with Reina's nose?
Kyoani is based for making it open ended actually.
And the rings in Gundam only had one interpretation, yet that doesn't seem to count for some non-yuirfags.
Is that Kumiko's handwriting? it's so stiff
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The movie got a lot of flak from yurishitters
No wonder kyoani chickened out
Put it this way. Based on how the novel turned out, the hairpin suggests (but does not outright confirm) that Kumiko and Shuichi became a couple. However, Kumiko is still an Oumae, which suggests that if (and that's a big if) they are indeed together, they aren't married yet. That's what I meant by "leaving the door open." If she wasn't an Oumae anymore, that would close the door, but keeping her as Oumae at least leaves the possibility of her still being unmarried and thus in theory either not being with Shoe or the possibility of her leaving Shoe in the future, even if that's somewhat absurd or unlikely.
>timeskip kumiko looking fondly at her Euphonium, still being played in the band she now helps teach
Why the hell did that get me emotional
We are talking about Japan here, no in Japan woman, if her houshold is not of some powerful family heiritage line in the past or belonging to some company/conglomerate and Kumiko isn't, would always choose husband name.
Gundam yuri end was confirmed by the director.
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If you didn't watch the bento you're not a tru UFO
I didn't watch G-Witch and stayed away from it, but wedding rings and calling each other in-laws does strongly point to a yuri end no matter how much Guelfags or whoever chimp out. However the same can't really be said here.
Because you actually care about what the show is about. It moved me too.
Correct, but non-yurifags shitposted for months how it didn't count because of what Bandai said before the director explicitly re-confirmed it.
The thing is they've already set that hairpin thing in the movie. >>268292555
Kumiko asks shoe to give that pin after a year unless his feelings for her changes
*former euphonium
I can't see why it's only bad if anti-yuri fans shitpost and make lies about the nature of anime relationships, but when yuri fans do the same they get a pass. Sure, if a clearly yuri end happened and shitposters deny it, then mock the shitposters all you want. But if it's the opposite, where the yuri either got explicitly deconfirmed or it's too ambiguous to tell, then why can't pro-yuri shitposters get the same treatment?
I was already in tears in the opening scene when not only Mayu-chan but even Kanade-chan said that she wanted to play the Hibike Euphonium.
>suggests (but does not outright confirm
Why doesn't it confirm you dumb shitposter
Kumiko falls in love with Taki sensei and marries him, but there is no way she can tell Reina about this.
After returning to Japan, Reina is completely unaware of this and continues to date Taki sensei for about 10 years.
You are using a lot of IFs but the only thing is that the ending align with the novel's ending in the way that she has the same hairpin that he gave her in the movie.
There is not much to think about, only shippers are coping (or trolling).
We talking about the story here, and the only big change was Kumiko losing her soli.
And if you want to talk about IFs maybe listen to the actors who played the character.
Kumiko likes it straight
Because they don't outright explicitly say in the anime "Kumiko and Shuuchi became a couple after Kumiko returned his feelings. The End."?
>kyoani resorted to hetbaiting
Poor Shuuichi
The final episode should have been a one-hour special.
It's all NHK Educational TV's fault.
Oumae Shoe1
>where the yuri either got explicitly deconfirmed or it's too ambiguous to tell, then why can't pro-yuri shitposters get the same treatment?
I have no issues with either of those things. But that isn't the case with a lot of series. Any yuri subtext, no matter if it's incredibly strong, is pointed to as yurifags losing.
It's because they removed the confession scene, nips are mad because of this also.
This thread has been going around in circles, yet people who deny the Shoe end still haven't given a good explanation as to why she'd have the hairpin again if they didn't end up together. Again, I'm not even a shipper and I don't even like Shoe, but if them being a couple doesn't explain why she has the hairpin, then what does?
I missed the stream and subs/raws not out yet. Did they play music this time?
Last week was the actual final episode and this week was just a summary.
>nips are mad because of this also.
The thread told me that they were celebrating the ambiguous end? Someone here is lying.
im a public school band fag that absolutely did not win any awards, but pieces are judged by how well they play the piece (reading the score as they play, and general musicality like tuning, dynamics, togetherness, not how much they actually like it. Mizore may be the best student kitauji ever had, but a lust charged solo isn't enough when your other sections can't play together or if you don't have a seira student to carry you

that scene really showed how much kumiko has grown. I would have still been jealous, and ghost fingered with solo alongside my one and only, so props to kumiko for sitting back and enjoying the moment
KyoAni has almost completely restored the animation, but is full instrument performance still too much?
Or is it something to look forward to in the movie version?
The hairpin pretty much confirms it because it doesn't allow any other plausible interpretation considering how they set it up in the movie. they didn't explicitly show it but pretty much confirmed it.
nips agreed that it's open ended, no one is celebrating actually but some are mad because important details like the confession was omitted.
So did Kumiko replace Taki and he's now a jobless bum?
Hazuki being a bro till the end.
If they didn't want to confirm it they wilde have included that hairpin in the shot, retard.
I genuinely think she'd be an awful teacher
Who are these Nips, please show us what they say.
Was she supposed to be wearing the hairpin in her hair or wear a ring on her finger according to the novel? Dunno how this is ambiguous.
If that is the case, then why are anons still insisting that there was a yuri end or at least that Shoe lost?
she doesn't have the guts to be strict to students unless she forms an emotional bond with them first. she will absolutely get caught with a student in the first year on the job
>full performance and confession in movie
Sasuga kyoanus
Did the novel say what happened to Hazuki and Sapphire 10 years later?
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Cute Chieri and Knuckles moment
go to x dude
Shuuichi and Kumiko are a couple, they kiss each other and hold hands.
Holy shit good eye.
Open ended implies ambiguity, two or more competing interpretation around the same collection of facts. That kumiko asked shoe to present that hairpin again to her after a year if he still feels like getting into a relationship with her is fact#1 and that grown up kumiko possesses that hairpin is fact#2. These two facts only allow one conclusion. There's zero ambiguity about whether shoe ended up with kumiko or not. The only ambiguity is in details as to how they ended up.
This was trash, time to read the novels
Teachers can't wear kids accessory (and japanese school are pretty strict about the dress code) so she's keeping it with her.
Anons are retarded
No, now you post it here to spread the Nips' words. People need to know.
They're dating right?
>Shoe's friend got more action than him
That's just your interpretation but maybe the director will confirm it someday, for now it's an open ended ending.
Shitposting, that's it
It's just a circle of baiting right now, it's best just to ignore it
I will do it later after work, I'm just using my phone now and i will compile them later.
You fucking troll kill yourself. Those two facts aren't my interpretation and those two facts lead to one logical conclusion which your Yuri brain is too dumb to infer.
Shuuichi plays for anime and Vidya game OSTs for a living
>Up to interpretation ending for suikumi
>If Taki-sensei was the advisor and Kumiko was the vice advisor, Reina would go crazy with jealousy.
Meh. I don't have any particularly good feelings about the final season. 11 and 12 were relatively good episodes, but I barely remember anything else. I wanted to like Mayu, but she's done nothing to redeem her malicious and unnerving vibe since her first appearance. Nothing about the drama was particularly striking, it only bordered on being grating to watch, especially Reina's behavior. S1 and S2 were good, Liz was good. Every Hibike iteration since Chikai has just been all hot air about nothing to me.

2.5/10, extra half point because it was fun to sperg about the outfits in Ep 11.
Kyoani hates Shuuichi for some unknown reasons.
Let's commission Yamada to do a Kumiko love story.
Taki accepted Reina's confession and in America with her
this, she was being pushed into confessing in the credits.
Mayu doesn't deserve it
It's for Kanada only
Didn't Reina only go there for a short time to study?
She's just 副顧問 and taki is 顧問
I wouldn't even be surprised if she ends up cheating on shoe with taki
KyoAni needs to officially commission Science SARU.
another hetbait classic
I thought Michie was the Koumon before
What was her position in the band again?
>"I'm Kumiko Oumae, the vice-advisor."
>"I'm Noboru Oumae, the advisor."
>"I'm Shuichi Kato, the driver."
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>for a short time to study?
Music school is +10 years
what the fuck
Lol don't think they do, they made the movie and did the whole thing with the hairpin, if they hated him they wouldn't feature things like >>268293074 they probably just wanted to highlight Kumiko friendship with the girls, with an highlight on Reina and thought was more interesting especially changing that part of Kumiko losing the soli.
So you need to be very rich huh
I'm gonna miss this gremlin the most.
Our bro shoe1 finally got a gf after 10 years
What about you anons? Did you find your SO in these years?
They can do jobs and shit related to music inbetween but that's just how long it takes.
the most important antagonist in the series has finally been defeated, mizore can rest in peace
my SO is anon-tachi in these threads
I'm very satisfied with my right hand thank you very much.
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I'm trying. My previous ex asked me if I'm okay with open relationships and I dumped her ass for that.
Or be the best of the best to get a full-ride.
But probably mostly just be rich
That's funny. I didn't see him in the epilogue. You must be snort too much coke, anon
>that oversized bikini on kumiko
stop with the mogging...
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happy birthday new buchyou!!
They should've shelved the Mayu plotline.
>1st years in Crescent Moon Dance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBF1gWvEERk
>2 Percussionists
>1 Trumpet
>2 Trombones
>1 Euphonium
>1 French Horn
>1 Tenor Sax
>1 Contrabass
>1 Alto Sax
>2 Flutes
>3 Clarinets
>Total: 15 1st years
>1st years in Liz and the Blue Bird https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LL9l6gCrZFY
>3 Percussionists
>1 Trumpet
>1 French Horn
>1 Euphonium
>1 Bass Clarinet
>2 Bari Saxes
>1 Tuba
>1 Contrabass
>2 Bassoonists
>2 Alto Saxes
>1 Flute
>5 Clarinets
>Total: 21 Total 1st years
Holy shit, you can see the talent disparity compared to last year in the difference with how many 1st years they had to employ into the competition team
Taki and Kumiko are a perfect match. Let's publish an NTR book for Comiket.
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Wait the last photo with Mayu didn't get brought up at ALL?

What the fuck is the point of Mayu's character development?
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we have these..
I got married two years ago and we're doing great.
Her being in that photo IS the character development.
>But muh interpretation
Japan is inhaling a lot of copium if they think that hairpin is nothing implicating. It's het ending no matter what
What is Oeuf a la Neige? Also goodness she's quite tall.
Where is this from?
Taki and Kumi opening their arms to hug each other
Didn't think I'd feel nothing at the end of one my favorite series but here we are.
Yuribros dont look!
Mayu plotline was useless, simple as.
Fuck off faggot
Kek, I am not quite sure if you're funposting at this point, if youre gullible or if youre straight up retarded. They insist because either one of these (or multiple of them) apply
1) they wanted a yuri ending, didnt get it, so the ending being "open to interpretation" is the only alternative they have to acknowledging the dreaded hetero relationship ending
2) they troll and deliberately make it sound like they didnt what was done here (like, the argument that the confession was left out is really silly cause how would you realistically have included that anyway? there was no time and itd have taken at least a couple minutes)
3) they are straight up too dumb to read and understanding basic visual cues, which is my prefered reading of these events because with age ive come to terms with the average person a) being straight up too dumb to do the former, b) or even if they arent too dumb will argue in bad faith. The hairpin even twinkles, attention is supposed to be directed towards it.

As other Anons have said there is no ambiguity here. The conclusion is merely condensed. Let me put it this way: If you are an anime studio and you have to choose between

>animate a confession (viewers now know they are together) -> timeskip -> show hairpin (viewers now know they are together)
>timeskip -> show hairpin (viewers now know they are together)
Why would you pick the former? Both elements convey the same information, and the latter can be integrated into a scene youve going to animate anyway. It's the cost effective and efficient approach to doing this all while respecting your audience's intelligence. Albeit I agree that they shouldn't have done this cause Kyoto Animation fans aren't intelligent.
S1 music still remains superior

Shuuichi and Kumiko are a perfect match. Let's publish a lovey-dovey vanilla book for Comiket.
They had to maintain plausible deniability to prevent another yurishitter attack.
The first season was so perfect bros...
As a yurifag, I agree that it's a heterosexual ending. Just like Jellyfish this season had a yuri ending.
>confession omittted
>date omitted
>almost no screen time the whole season for shoe
what a victory!
One more for Shuu1, supporting her since day 1 like a true childhood friend.

subsplease is late.
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>there are people in here who have chained their personality to a Japanese melodramatic soap opera show with a HETERO ENDING for the past 10 or so years
Wonder if they put it into their CV. "Was a Believer"
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Or that he offered that hairpin as a symbol not of love, but of their long-standing friendship (which is why she doesn't wear it in her hair), and left it with her as a memento, since he decided to leave the country (or Kyoto, or Kansai) as well.

I can't say that's right, but you can't for certain say it's wrong, either.
We can cause no teacher would be allowed to wear a sunflower hairpin in school, especially in Japan.
[SubsPlease] Hibike! Euphonium S3 - 13 (1080p) [230618C3].mkv
Neck yourself, retard
Anon please stop this is embarrassing levels of cope
Get in here!
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And she carries it to work daily to remind herself of how she is still friends with him.
Twitter lesbians melty later today
Good night fuckers.
The arsonist schizo wasn't a yurishitter.
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Shoeitchy did nothing and won.
Open-ending/interpretation faggots are the incels of anime
Kumiko literally asked shoe to give it back to her again only if he feels like dating her again after a year. It has already been established what giving it back to kumiko implies. Shoe is not an autist like you.
He was a homofag, pretty close desu
Won what? Nothing? Good
Anonymous you're describing the directors of these anime.
Bro, give up. It's over. Shuu is pounding that pussy.
I can already see the absolute yurifag meltdown when the Hibike love story movie will be announced.

Let's fucking go
Oh so they're the incels. Okay
>Kumiko got Shu's hairpin
>literally nothing from Reina
I AM LAFFIN. You faggots deserve all of this.
And? It set precedent that Kyoto Animation fans are mentally ill. The next one could be a yurifag (aka mentally ill).
If Abe was still alive, you can bet your ass we'd be seeing Kumiko pregnant with Shuuichi's child at the end.
>m-m-muh hairpin!
Just shove one up your ass, hetfags
Fuck off.
>Kumiko: Once club activities are over next year. and if you still want to date me. Please give it back to me
Sorry yuributa.
>Class with Mizore, Asuka and Reina did not win the fucking Gold
How much of a jobber the previous years were? How the fuck did this year even win the gold when the previous seniors had more talent?
Bros this can't be the end. Kyoani has to do more Hibike right? I love the characters and setting so much. They need money to rebuild don't they? What else do they have.
What is your counter then?
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Good thing that faggot is dead
yurikeks lost again, 4/4 defeats this season.
Other schools underperformed
Plottwist: She already WAS. The girl wtih the Eupho at the end? Yep, youve guessed it. It's mama's little girl. Even the haircolor matches.
>open for interpretation ending
>hetcucks think they won because of a hairpin
lol lmao
>Motomu got more action than Shuu1
I just can't imagine kumiko having heterosexual sex life
Can you guys imagine her with shuuichi's dick in her mouth? It just feels wrong and inappropriate.
Wow, almost like WINNING A COMPETITION relies on how good you are COMPARED to everybody else. Now Anon, perhaps you can get how this works. If a group of players who are a 9/10 lose because the competition is a 10/10, under which circumstances could, in another year, a group that is a 7/10 win first prize?

I believe in you! You can do this.
Was Asuka even that good?
hetkeks lost again, 4/4 defeats this season.
okinawa trip would print money for them, so they always have that up their sleeves if denmoku isn't as successful
I can't believe "anime original ending" schizos were right. But the most crazy part is how catastrophic this going to be for faggots who pushed Shoe as a yurislayer and kept shitposting with Eupho in yuri threads for a fucking decade. You already can see their crazy damage control. The "pin cope" will join the ranks of legendary laughingstock along with "Kai will win in the movie".
She was a genius.
Anon, I know porn can annihilated your neurons but sucking your partners cock is not some insanely common thing among couples.... There are a lot of insanely chaste couples still out there.
Oh right I forgot to type cope before think and ing after think
I'd rather watch this actual good season over those overrated garbages of Jobless Reincarnation S2 and Demon Slayer S4.
You sound like a fucking moron, please don't ever reply to me again.
>flat as a board at 17
>has tits at 27
Japan really needs to understand how female anatomy works. Unless Kumiko had a kid or gained weight, she should still be flat
>I love Taki-sensei
Damn Reina got one-upped
Whose grave is this
Kaibro? Are you ok??
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>Sees a girl
>Immediately thinks about someone's dick
Don't worry faggot, it's still pride month
Sure. Get a trip so I can filter you.
Is this hetero yet ?
this haafu is just too attractive
Always has been (astronaut space meme inserted)
I can imagine reina sleeping around with blacks in the US
I don't know of any 7-year olds who graduated from high school
Because they have a full strength second year cohort now. Can't believe Nozomi faced no consequences for the bullshit she pulled.
She had a kid. Shoe's kid
Anon, look at this post here >>268293561 and compare the amount of 1st years to this year as seen here >>268292882

The band this year basically won off of a higher amount of experienced seniors overall
>me watching that bento kids show before the episode aired
I wanna protect Sapphire's smile.
Kanade force fed her under instructions from Goto
From the moment I played the video, I was already holding back my tears
thank god asuka didn't show up, would have ruined the mood
Maybe boomers were like that. But kumiko is neither a boomer nor religious conservative. It would be really offensive if you don't even want to suck the cock of your lover.
>most of the performance consists of flashbacks
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I hereby pronounce you Husband and Wife.
Winner of the Kumikobowl.
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still best girls
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>Shuuichi's dick
Hetfags literally are hetFAGS
Yuuko is an alcoholic confirmed
Kita girls arent even in relationships until college. Odds are they are insanely chaste and would never do such filthy things. Japanese college is not like American college. Kumiko doesnt strike me like a blowjob girl. Neither do any of the other Kita girl bar perhaps Reina.
That's obviously a yurinigger seething about het ending
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>Hetfags clinging onto this shit series because GBC and Jellyfish live rent-free in their heads

The pic that started it all
yuribros need to be doing a lot of forgetting at the moment.
Damn, there are people who finished those shows? Nina is so unlikeable I thought they wouldn't even bother to make all 12 episodes of it but instead cancel it in advance. Shocking.
Oh he actually got to say something!
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>Hello darkness my old friend
>unfloofs your euphos
I hate NTR
and this is literally NTR music edtion
Where are they going to get their air from?
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Honestly? I dont like this ShuuKumiko ending. Id have preferred for Shuu to plow Mayu and Kumiko to end up a loveless alcoholic. She doesnt deserve happiness.
The band barely made up the 50 members needed for a competition at that time. All you had to was not be complete garbage and you would have passed the audition (Team Monaka had like 8 members iirc). If the second years didn't walk out the year before, they would've probably won nationals
Who's this?
>didn't age a day
How much was the timeskip? 10 years?
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>3dslop already trying to start shit with HetGAWDS and hibikeGAWDS because their pos is already being forgotten
>hey mom, can you film my second confession attempt with my hot teacher and raison d'etre, with sound please, i wan't to head the exact frame where my heart breaks
>suddenly boobs
>still in Murrica
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Shoe1 is so lucky.
>hey oumae sensei, why are you wearing pads? we found photos back when you were in school, so we know you're faking them
Damn look at that stride!
Her body is reacting to the intake of male semen.
by her clone even
That green hair girl have such cute eyes.
Does this count as a win? The guy got like 2 lines this ep lmao.
Literally wagging the pin in yurifag's faces
>Chikao got to hug her girlfriend while Shuuichi got nothing
>getting ready to harrass and molest a new batch of cute band students
wow, Kumiko really loves her job
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Assuming Kumiko graduated in 2016 and because we see remains of COVID stuff for the orchestra in the epilogue, I'd say 5-7 years.
She's pregnant, it's over
Michie has been there for 50 years actually
>hi, we saw you from across the bar, and we really like your vibe...
I'm giving it an 8/10. Would've been a 10/10 if they didn't ruin episode 12.
Feel like the voice actor was trying to make her sound too much like an adult by intentionally making her voice deeper.
It looks well drawn but I am not enticed at all about watching it, it feels like Kyoani has stopped challenging themselves a long time ago, plus doing so much Yuri bait without actually committing to something either way, feels like an attempt to please as many as they can like the most basic Hollywood/Hallmark trash.

It feels like they cannot escape their safe spot, just working with stories they own so they can make as much money as they can.
Ahem. Post hag Kumi feet.
I'm giving it an 4/10. Would've been a 6/10 if they made a good show.
is she wearing a skirt?
I can't tell
Maybe they lost the actual band performance in the blaze. With that in mind, I'll give this a season a 6/10.
You literally see her legs, anon.
That was so unsatisfying. S1 and S2 ended stronger.
>it feels like Kyoani has stopped challenging themselves a long time ago
Bro, what? Kyoto Animation? Challenging itself? What dimension are you from? The most challenging and out there things they made are Liz and their two most hated shows (Phantomworld and Amagi). And even those aren't comparable to actually pushing yourself.

Kyoto Animation has always made bait for Otaku and (otaku) women. FMP, Haruhi, Hyouka etc were nothing else. Lowest common denominator slop shows meant to appeal to a lowest common denominator audience.
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I'll remember episode 12 for the rest of my life, Really enjoyable.

S3 was worth it for this part alone.
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Who became the next bucho? Don't tell me it was that bitch Kanade.
Me. I'll be handing the torch to Kumikos and Shuu1's daughter once she inevitably arrives to take over.
Mayu went to America to have hot solos with Reina while Kumiko is busy looking after Taki's kids.
these last few episodes were simply phenomenal, what a strong finish for this series. hazuki really grew on me in season 3
>What dimension are you from?
One in which I was hoped to be proved wrong.
>5-7 years
And Reina is STILL in america? Does she even intent to return?
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Do you think pirate-chan put her pubes in there?
was that the hairpin kumiko gave back to shuuichi at the end?
so they got together after all huh
>be slop studio that makes pretty shows
>lose most of your creative staff in a fire
>remain slop studio that makes slightly less pretty shows
Dunno what you expected or had hoped for. the circumstances have made it impossible for the studio to realistically ever be anything else.
You can't go back once you go black
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Is this not a confession?
That's friendship hairpin
BBC anon, it's too good. She got over her little crush.
Shoe1 has zero personality. You might as well just replace his scenes with paint drying.
This entire season felt super pointless.
No character development, nothing interesting or worth mentioning happened at all.

The most enjoyable part was seeing grown up Asuka and the flashbacks to previous seasons.
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>lots of flashbacks
>Kumiko sharing her special song
>Sapphire still loves curry
>saw an actual music performance
>cute and funny Yuuko and Natsuki moments, plus Haruka looking delicious
>happy Mayu
>adult Kumiko is confident and happy and teaching music
>Shuichi wins
10/10 ending
That's not really an argument cause they are in charge of the show they could give him a personality if they felt like it lmao. Why are you acting like they have no influence on how a character turns out? You do realize these characters arent real. That they can be whatever the studio wants them to be, right, Anon?
I'm retarded, I just realized this was a photo bomb on the executives. Kek
Probably got addicted to bbc
Happens to the best of us
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You retards just keep proving that you're the biggest faggots in this board. At least CGDCTGAWDS and YuriGAWDS don't cause het vs yuri bullshittery
this is literally where the season peaked. hibike is nothing without the OG 3rd years
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If they're gonna edit in a personality for him, might as well make him a talking dog to make it more interesting.
Finale was 6/10, I would rather have the full performance rather than the flashback montage.
The season was 8/10, I would rate it 7/10 at best, but ep12 saved it.
Out of nowhere harp girl is cute af btw.
can confirm this is the true ending
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Treefags, how much time has passed according to this?
They obviously fingerblast Mayu
Was expecting teacher the moment she helped the marimba girl. Too bad for Shoe a student then fucks Kumiko sensei.
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This is all I needed
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Haruka is very cute.
Useless hags.
what is the age gap between taki and reina again?
Outside of Kumiko, Asuka didn't really make an impact to the kouhais. Makes sense she didn't come back.
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>this is the only time we see her eyes
bravo kyoani
God I love Haruka so much I'm so glad I married her.
A bit under 20 years.
that new glasses girl just makes me think she's like another version of asuka
Dude will be in his 40s-50s when Reina shows up out of nowhere and confesses. Imagine the pure bewilderment he's going to experience.
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Im not a forestry expert, but from my knowledge around 3-5 years.

Personally, I watched season 1 when it first came out and watched it with /a/ in 2015. It's now "current year" and I'm 29. I personally liked the ending, Kumiko becoming a teacher at the same school and Reina moving to the USA, I kinda wished they did a little more with romance with Shu and Kumiko but you know what It's not the end of the world. I'm just glad that the journey is over & I'm glad I was here for the ride.
>reina comes back
>taki is dead
>3-5 years
Sounds about right. I doubt going to university and becoming an assistant advisor takes any longer.
That being said, how does teaching work in japan? I take it she also teaches normal lessons besides being a club advisor right?
>Reina still in America
>Kumiko now working with Taki every day
It's over for Reina.
What was Reina dad's reputation if she's trying to surpass him? Been too long for all these details, I don't remember some of the various older scenes in the ep.
a setup for kanade and motomu would have been a bit amusing
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Felt a bit rushed and generic. Other than the previous ep the whole season was kinda weak. S2 was the best. Liz was something uniquely ethereal. Can't remember the rest. Remember the floof.
>no taki sensei, i know you feel lonely, but we can't!
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This victory was amazing.
Mirei cute
Shoop in "Shuuichi's wife" on the certificate and "Kumikobowl" on the side of the trophy.
>grown up Asuka
It's literally been 2 years.
>don't say who's next president
Sort of bleh.
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why were the other 2 featured as main girls? they were useless
>tfw you will never be taki and get to fuck reina
why live
>tfw you will never be taki and get to fuck Kumiko
yea been thinking that for a while
>Reina will be watching american porn to get some ideas when fucking Taki-sensei.
Ahahaha Kumiko can't into soli.
>wanting a teacher who didn't even soli
I shiggy diggy.
looking up at mama's mamas while she steps on you
A certain artist that made lewds died like two(?) years ago and didn't get to see the end. RIP.
Fuck KumiShoe, fuck KumiRei, true OTP revealed
>kumiko got tricked into becoming a teacher
their keikaku succeeded
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Shuuichi showing up at the training camp or visiting the club
and Kumiko-sensei nonchalantly saying
"Hai, watashi no kareshi desu".
Cute and would be fun to see the students' reactions
The remembrance scene looks weird without her being soli. Like Mayu is being shown but there's memories unattached to her then shows Kumiko and Reina.
Is Kumiko gonna bring in Hazuki and Midori to help out as well?
Taki x Kumiko
Shoe x Reina
All the bad memories were shown during the soli.

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