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>good art
>good fights
>characters are defined and have motives directly tied to the plot
>plot feels natural and is unfolding despite all of this, what is it about it that makes it still feel so unsatisfying to read?
>what is it about it that makes it still feel so unsatisfying to read?
>"Ooooh you cared about those guys and wanted to see more of them? Well they're DEAD now, because that's right, I'm a REAL writer ! I write stories with STAKES ! And people DIE in those!"
Too boring, dropped it once Chihiro got Char back from generic edgefuck type #749541-b everyone was claiming was the best villain since whatever kind of slop they typically consume
>what is it about it that makes it still feel so unsatisfying to read?
you're a grown man, the manga is made for children
>good art
Same face syndrome
>good fight
>muh i will revenge
Wow, how original
>so unsatisfying
Because it's bad manga

Not than offensive bad, just overhyped as shit
And whoever defends this and thinks it's the best thing Shonen Jump ever had, should be forced to hold their head under water until their dies.
Because it's a typical simple battle manga.
Dont forget sidelining the few girls that were introduced at the start in favor of absolute sausage fest and the nth baddie getting decimated by the super cool MC!
The art in the earlier chapters were genuinely so ugly it hurt my eyes. Also none of them have a real personality and the author keeps on creating side characters that ultimately don’t do anything, like the squad that faced the cloud sword guy or the policewoman and not Todo. A few years ago this would’ve been axed by now, but WSJ needs all the fodder it can get.
good, kgb is getting hate threads
>>Good art
Stopped reading there
>characters are defined and have motives directly tied to the plot
This bar is so low to clear it's painted on the ground. I thought the characters were bland but it is far more competently made than the average WSJ manga these years.
>>good art
>>good fights
>>characters are defined and have motives directly tied to the plot
>>plot feels natural and is unfolding despite all of this, what is it about it that makes it still feel so unsatisfying to read?
none of it is true, fuck off with your social media forced trash series
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>social media forced trash series

eleventh post best post, this is the best definitely of this slop
>>good art
I don't read this so I can't comment on the other points, but whenever I see pages from this series posted here, the character art looks abominable.
Character art isn't exceptional by any means. Whenever people praise Hakazono's art, it's mostly about composition and paneling.
>It has stylish art, but technically its far from perection. Flat faces and amateur background leveling are among the common criticisms. Character designs, designs of powers are mid at best as well. Author has much to learn.
>There are two top notch fights (vs Sojo 1, vs Sojo 2), two good fighs (vs Hiyuki, vs Farmer) and the bunch of meh unmemorable fights
>There are only three characters who received good treatment (MC and Hakuri, Sojo who is dead), the rest are either waiting for some love (Shiba, Hiyuki) or straight up irrelevant (Char, Hinao), or shit (Sazanami villains).
Plot feels natural but isnt great by any means.
>what is it about it that makes it still feel so unsatisfying to read?
It was satisfying during the first 20-21 chapters.
Then the combination of the
>meh characters (Sazanamis),
>lame action (lots of offscreening or filler action),
>character moments getting wasted (lots of offscreening),
>Blueballing (yes, offscreening or filler action)

did the job.
Im still reading it because main character and plot are interesting and drama is entertaining but as a battle shounen second 20 chapters heavily dropped in quality in comparison to the first 20 chapters.
Honestly, with how manga evolves, it fits WSJ less with each new chapter.
It would have fit some other magazine, more seinen oriented.
>Opened the bottle to celebrate the first actual KGB hate thread.

We made it bros.
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>this is the best definitely of this slop
The char arc made me drop it because it genuinely felt like a Weird Al esque parody of shonen manga. Also the characters were butt ugly and soulless.
>>what is it about it that makes it still feel so unsatisfying to read?
You're gonna back for more. Just like CSM part 2, JJK and so. Human mind will perceive you to follow it just by being mainstream internationally alone.
You know its good when you have all these neet ret/a/rds trying their hardest to tear it down
Character faces look indeed really bland and depthless
>trying their hardest
>Honestly, with how manga evolves, it fits WSJ less with each new chapter.
>It would have fit some other magazine, more seinen oriented.
?? Most criticism would have you think its the other way around. The hakuri stuff with all that muh potential, ability asspulls, lineage etc is way more in line with conventional battle shonen than the arc that precedes it
>Honestly, with how manga evolves, it fits WSJ less with each new chapter.
But enough about Namek Mexico, Asspull X Asspull, etc.
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You can tell it's a shitty manga because the people who defend it are just boring as fuck.
Like >>268295475
He's clearly seething that people don't universally praise his favourite slop, and yet the best banter he can come up with is "W-well /a/ just hates it because it's so good!". I mean what is this? It's like I just answered
>Well you only like it because it's popular

So boring, how come KGB got to speedrun the "unsufferable fanbase" meme? I swear MHA and Chainsaw Man actually had maybe six months to one year of good community before being taken over by the kind of autists who cry shitpost and /a/'s contrarianism to everything he doesn't like. Maybe it's because those two manga are almost dead already so the readers just moved on to KGB at around chapter 10.

In the end all they have is a future big hit manga and a skin so thin some of them probably actually reported OP's thread
cool it with reddit spacing.
We big boys now.
>he fell for obvious bait thread.
I think it won every /a/utist's hearts.
>reddit spacing
kagurabachi wins again
Didnt read, blind hater
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>So boring, how come KGB got to speedrun the "unsufferable fanbase" meme?
Didn't KGB had a big shilling(ironic) meme campaign in the western community about how it was going to be 'the next Morbius' or something like that? I'm pretty sure the same people who are behind stuff like the JJK memes probably latched onto it and that's why it's so awful from the get-go. I've read a bunch of anons trying to have normal discussion but they are flooded by retarded shitposting no matter what.
Its always the same song and dance with these virgins on /a/
Last 10 or so chapters it started to get boring. I hope it's just this arc because Hokazono is a newbie and the scope of the arc is too big for him but if the same tendencies continue in the next arc (mostly the constant offscreening, teasing and not delivering, speedrunning development/power progression on characters) then I'm dropping it.
Without them, KGB would be another axebait that get ignored and never went mainstream.
Am i the only who finds the abilities to be incredibly boring in this manga? If you look at the "top tier attacks" most of them are things you have already seen in other manga and do not really stand out. Even stuff like Isou thats supposed some powerful technique is just a fucking shock wave that two characters can spam. The MC is just slicing things with some visual flair every now and then but thats about it
Yeah. And mangaka seems allergic to having characters other than mc have proper fights anyways.
Isou is one of the most pathetic abilities I’ve seen in newgen manga for how hyped it is in universe. Literally a magical shove done by performing a hand motion that looks like you’re suffering from a carpal tunnel attack. I respect the author for not torturing us with a shitty power system and keeping it simple but cmon.
Go search 'the' on the archive, sort by oldest posts first, and tell me what you see
Holy newfag. Maybe you should go back then.
I would bet my life that I've been on this site longer than you have lol. You are trying way too hard.
Yeah, exactly my thoughts.
I like some of the abilities in terms of portrayal (for example, Shiba's teleportation looks cool, or Chihiro's Enten fish powers).
But the rest seriously lacking in visuals, variability, creativity and spectacle.
Especially the last 20 chapters. It was just a nothingburger of sorcery.
Like seriously, with Isou they could have go for more than just some direct invisible attack.
They could have go with making local earthquakes, hyperfocused eardrums exploding mini-Isou, shit like that. More creativity, more spectacle.
I was seriously disappointed when after all those beatings Hakuri finally was able to pull Isou, but instead of it looking all around amazing and catharthic, it looked like the fart.
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I have no idea why did he draw picrel and then backed off, never showing anything like that after, even when Soya was in grave danger or when Tenri was boosted by Datenseki.
Like what the fuck? Was that a fluke?
Yeah. It feels like the author put all his points in composition, scenery and paneling but completely forgot about the meat of battle shounen that are interesting abilities accompanied with individualistic and stylistic flavor. Dont get me wrong, the fish stuff is certainly cool and alll that but after almost 40 chapters, the novelty of even that is beginning to fade.
yeah, i dont disagree
the other related thing that annoys me is that Takeru made it so all powerful abilities are boiling down to who gets the bigger speed boost.
The most notable example was Tenri who ate Datenseki and got that Jellyfish aura.
Normal author would give him some cool new jellyfish theme powers. Like, poisonous or electric tentacle attacks, jellyfish body, some water based attack maybe.
Takeru went just with 'Now he is moving faster'.
Its just so lazy and lame its unreal.
And the same with other fights. No matter what sorcery you use, the guy with the best speed (i.e. blade users or teleportation guy) defines the winner.
>Normal author would give him some cool new jellyfish theme powers
Maybe you should read what happens when characters use stones instead of assuming he'd be getting jellyfish powers.
The most interesting ability was the one from that girl that created landscapes and earth from the ground like taliyah from league of legends but she's dead dead now
The characters are just boring to me. I still read it because I think it's the best newer Jump series but I wouldn't call it incredible. Just edgecore shit.
>author created false hype
>its reader's fault to follow it

go back to your contamination thread
>stones boost your powers
>the animal is just excess energy manifesting
>it's completely unrelated
Now explain how Chihiro's moveset is related to FUCKING GOLDFISH.
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You need to be 18 to post here.
Nue is better and i'm not even kidding

Beside protagonist, nue is better than this ass in everything
>what is it about it that makes it still feel so unsatisfying to read?
I guess the revenge plot premise feels a bit aimless. I am not saying it should go the Fire Punch route but the writer needs to shake it up a bit. He brought the sorcerer back but all it showed is that Chihiro mellowed out
Dead goldfish were lying around when Enten was created. We don't know exactly how the sword creation process works, maybe it requires sacrifice or something. Maybe it's just visual flair that Kunishige puts in during the creation process.
... on opposite days
>super crazy strong antagonist who we’ve been waiting to see for the entire story appears
>he stands around like a sandbag getting pummeled by a half broken sword
Literally Hisoka, Orochimaru and Aizen.
>super crazy strong antagonist loses to [literal nuke]
Isn't that every antagonist in Naruto in general?
I feel like everytime there is a new SJ series it attracts a shitton of new fans that never read a manga before so they claim it was the greatest shit ever better than Shakespeare until you pick it up for the hype and realise it's just another generic modern garbage shounen and wonder why it was hyped to begin with.
I read it every week as a chore and don't find it that interesting. I'm surprised that so many people are praising it.

There are some good moments here and there, but overall it's flat and lacks depth.
I never read this because MC's perma-stupid look on the face put me off. I like emotionless and edgy characters usually, but even they change their mimics sometimes. In this series the mangaka might as well draw his face once and copy and paste it into every other panel and it would look the same, maybe he's actually doing that. MC doesn't even come off as serious, he rather looks stoned.
I'm still convinced people managed to gaslight themselves through the initial fake hype
>getting positive feedback and shilling means the series is good
>getting negative feedback and criticism means the series is good and people are just contrarian
Cope harder
When is this mangaka going to introduce a side character with a semblance of charm and intrigue to bounce off Chihiro. 40 chapters and Chiba is still a plank of wood
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Not enough CHADfuku.
I was curious about Sasuke type as a shonen mc for a while so it was an immediate hook, didn't know about the memes or hype until chapter 11 (I don't know how I managed to avoid it all). Manga was moving at lightning speed early on and every chapter ending at cliffhanger is good at hooking people in.
Now that manga has time to breathe that insane pacing is starting to lead to certain problems, and more people are starting to notice the flaws that were present since early on.
Shiba was fun in the first few chapters (and he is still fun for me desu) but he was really nerfed recently in the fun department. Hakuri is an even worse plank of wood, all of his interactions are just painfully boring, imagine if he is now Chihiro's permanent partner till the end of the manga.
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>Kicks the shit out of the MC
>Mindbreaks him
>Gets stabbed in the chest and arm sliced off
>Completely unfazed by any of this
>Just kicks the arm at him, spits in his face, and throws up a peace sign while looking smug
>Tries to bait him into wasting Kuregumo's remaining energy
>Didn't use any offensive sorcery at all
>EXITS after successfully trolling the MC
What the FUCK is his endgame?
yeah, Aizen used finger to accert dominance and it was immensely badass
Orochimaru show shit ton of jutsus and outskilled 95% of the shinobi in Part 1
Hishaku fag just stood there and got fucked, praising MC.
He has neither aura nor cool feats,
Hisoka vs Gon was just about a badge. There was no revenge plot
>is it about it that makes it still feel so unsatisfying to read?

constant fake hype
>chapter ends with the hypest moment
>you are getting ready to witness the coolest shit in the next chapter
>next chapter its just decent enough, way lower than the bar set by the hype in the previous chapter
this is what was happening for the last 15+ chapters
it got tiresome
New chapter just dropped and its just as kino as ever. Keep malding retards
Thanks for the bump retard.
>he says, obviously having no comeback.
... said the bitch, while crying.
Tu quoque? Tsk tsk tsk.

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