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Predictions for s2 bros?
>24 eps.
Toei had great success with making this cgi look GOOD. They're gonna show off their massive schlong and double down
>we get the ICONIC yellow van for an indie tour across Japan
>Miura-san is no longer their agent, but she's still their #1 fan and is looking after the pets
>we'll get one filler episode that will be the cat, the snake, and the gecko having fun and playing in miura-chan's apartment while she's at work. No toges that episode, just the pets. It'll be fucking KINO
>short hair Soobs
>long hair Roops
>speaking of Rupa. They'll be a sadRoops episode that covers her backstory in full and EVERYONE is going to cry. I, personally, will never recover from it
>last concert is in Ninner's home town and her family is going to be front row
We're in for Kino the likes of which has never been seen before, bros
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Imagine the sex.
I'm going to shoot my load all over her glasses
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Not in her popcorn-scented mouth?
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I'm sure some of it will get in there
I have thick ropes and heavy volume
It's like a powerwasher
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Cute! Hina is cute!
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>Barely a day after the episode
>Thread is dead
What killed the hype?
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It's 5am dude, everyone's asleep
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It's 7.30pm actually...
Does Hina still love Nina?
Hina can't love
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It's more admiration than love I think, but yes
Hina won.
Nina lost.
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The show is over, we don't need any more threads
Don't you think this series should be released in 4K?
It's going to be DD centered
She'd have a weird fucking way of showing that then. If I reconnected with an old friend, I probably wouldn't make fun of the time they were bullied to the point of being suicidal as an opener
Why is there even a thread anyway
It's just banter, bro
you can render 3D in any resolution but Japan is now into rendering in 1080p and call it a day.
They're friends so it's ok
How much processing power (electricity) would rendering an entire season require for
A lot. Also Japan is still selling DVDs so it's just not worth it.
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>The confession?
Never happened.
>Momoka and Nina?
Platonic best friends.
Idolshit band that did nothing wrong.
Hothead gremlin that needed to take her pills and calm down.
>How did /gbc/ end?
Friendship route ending.
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>walking with the exaggerated swagger of a Japanese hedgehog
Memes aside, this would have the greatest impact on the visuals. The flat videogamey lighting is the worst part about the CG in this anime

Very little performance/rendering impact, but it would require the entire production workflow to be done in HDR, which I suspect the anime studios have neither software, nor technical knowledge for
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Imagine asking Nina for her autograph after a concert. I bet she couldn't stop grinning and bragging about it for a week afterwards.
This episode unfortunately confirmed that she's the Yaya.
It's over for Momoka when Nina gets an underage fan of her own
Momoka will find another impressionable kid to groom
"You know, I used to play in DiaDust anyways wanna go back to my place?"
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Imagine getting Rina's autograph after a concert...
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MomoChars Counterattack
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>The confession?
Partially redeemed.
>Momoka and Nina?
Secretly dating.
Idolshit band that did everything wrong.
Hot gremlin that Momoka loves.
>How did /bgc/ end?
With TogeToge stronger than ever.
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Assuming you're going for a Pixar-tier film a single frame could take you well over 24 hours to just render. But of course that's with the assumption that you're, well, going Pixar quality. Ray tracing, subsurface scattering, all the likes. And that's with a supercomputer/render farm instead of a normal desktop PC.
It wouldn't be too farfetched to imagine it taking well over a year to render an entire season. Two hundred and forty whole minutes or four hours as opposed to your average hour and a half minute animated film.
My wife Rina is so cute.
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why didn't subaru ever get the haircut shown in the ending?
>School hero not so tough after being bullied
Is that the Kawasaki 100 FES thing?
There is actually a lot of girls in the crowd. holy shit.
Because the ending is the epilogue
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we were robbed
Not canon thankfully
of her beautiful long hair
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Tell me about Rin. Why is she so sex?
It probably wouldn't be that much. Render farms are stupid big nowadays, I think something like this with its mostly 2D backgrounds would be a drop in the ocean.

I would eat my shorts if this wasn't somehow raytraced with offline lighting. The mostly uniform lighting is obviously deliberate outside of the concert scenes. But the flatness is almost certainly something they had to go out of their way to achieve with like hand-tweaked surface normals on the characters. But raytracing has been standard for like decades at this point.
What if Nina parried the rock? How would the story change?
Definitely the producer's favorite toy.
She looks like she'd be up to try anything with any number of partners at once
her face and manner are unintended but extremely erotic
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>I would eat my shorts if this wasn't somehow raytraced with offline lighting.
I know what ray traced lighting looks like. I've worked with it in Blender. I've autistically observed how vidya games do it. I know GBC doesn't have it.
Eat your shorts. Now.
>But raytracing has been standard for like decades at this point.
Only for very high budget films. On the lower end you're still gonna want to render your film like you would an older video game. Faked global illumination, faked reflected lights, you name it. It CAN get pretty close to that ray traced look, but it will never look as natural as actual ray tracing.
>mostly 2D backgrounds
I thought it was mostly 3d
so cute
The momoka effect.
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>it probably wouldn't be that much
Lol. Rendering at 4k means changing the definition of absolutely everything, from textures to shots, not to mention the compositing. Plus rendering would take 4x more time than for 1080.
Even if you have big rendering farms, one second of GBC is 24 images; those images can have between 5 and 25 layers, which means more or less 480 passes for one second. If everything is optimized it usually takes between 5 and 40 secs to render one pass, but it's generally not the case, and one pass can take up to 30 minutes for money shots.

Tldr; rendering at 4k is expensive as fuck and takes a lot of time compared to 1080p. Not worth the risk.
They did use mostly 3D backgrounds. They did not cheap out.
I think the only 3D backgrounds are the places where they play music.

No it's raytraced. See this webm, look at Subaru's drum kit. There's a blinking cyan dot that's an aliasing artifact from a low ray sample count reflecting the stage light. You wouldn't get this kind of artifact if they were cheating the reflections in some other way.

You've worked with it in Blender because everyone who has touched 3D modeling software has used raytracing, because it's the standard thing for offline rendering. Video games are a terrible reference point because real-time raytracing is so different from normal raytracing. To the point where Nvidia has managed to mangle the vocabulary and now actual raytracing in video games is called "path tracing" and "raytracing" refers to cope-tracing.

Faking all of the lighting is a lot of extra work that you only need to do so that you can present your frame in real time. It's easier to not do this. Raytracing is not limited to realistic or naturalistic lighting. Toy Story does not look particularly natural but it was still raytraced. Since you worked with blender you should be very familiar with the roughness cutoff and so the way the reflections look across different instruments should be a dead giveaway.
can you tell if youtube PVs like this one were rendered in 4K or upscaled?
The bullies would turn it around and claim Nina was the one throwing rocks at them. Since it's the popular girls claiming it this time, the school would actually believe them and expell Nina, who also gets charged for assault and ends up with a criminal record.
Nothing about Hina changes, except that she might backstab Nina even more proactively. When the police ask her about her witness testimony, she lies and confirms the bullies' story. Telling the truth would be helpful to Nina after all, and helping people is morally wrong
No idea given the shitty quality of youtube 4k, but since the shots are from the episodes, it must be in 1080.
what is your fav togetoge song to play on guitar? mine is piercing the dawn of time the verse is so fun
That "my song" shit is still mega gay.
Does pixel-counting require finding an aliased edge?
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The bullying escalates until morale improves. The rest of the story doesn't change.
>Tomo's mom returns to be a cunt and demand her daughter to leave the band
>Rupa episode has Rupa loosing her cool for the first time since she joined Togetoge
>A lot of economic problems for the girls to keep the spectators on edge
>Subaru and maybe Tomo start doubting the future of the band
>Nina gets sick and momoka has to take care of her
>Miura is an active Togetoge fan girl and goes to all their performances and helps the band from the shadows of social media
>DD focused episode with Momoka reuniting with the other DD members just like Nina reunited with Hina in ep 13, but Momoka is far more reasonable and avoids a shit show (she is still cries a bit because of the reunion)
>full version


OK, this is way better. They should have used the second verse in the anime and a shorter ending.
How did this little goober win so hard at life?

She's honestly gotta be one of my favorite MCs in a long long time. Everything about her is so charming.
and extended version with that guitar and piano solos for the BD's is the only thing I am asking for.
>Togetoge makes it to the Budokan
>but they're the opener for DiDust
Oh nice, I was trying to find pics of this thing yesterday. I'm assuming there's no footage?
Unironically kino
I know what the fuck.
Every single shortened TV version song sucks.
I have seen one video of someone going to the FES, being unable to get tickets, and then recording the audio from like the park next to the venue. Properly scuffed, properly ROCK.
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since they already had in mind using the ED as and epilog that means 90 seconds less for their song.
Yeah, I listened to the full version a few hours after having watched the episode on Friday and I felt the same fucking way.

I mean, it's already so drastically different than the rest of their songs, so I feel like it's already starting with a handicap, but the full song is much better than what they used in the episode. I do really hope this song being like this was just a meta commentary thing like everyone seems to think. Even japs have been repeating the Momoka lost her edge line.
Then they could've cut the OP for the final episode.
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they added a new frame in the OP and they wanted to show it
Fucking Hina ruins everything is what you're saying.
>Fuck Hina
get in the line
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Fucking Hina in her fat ass!
What is Subaru thinking? I say "Not this shit again"
>Second season's first ep ends with this cliffhanger
oh no
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Villains whose motives are hard to find fault in and arguably better than the hero's
Momoka-san you fucking idiot.
Momoka-san would be a fun dad
That neighbor of hers and his golf club if you know what I mean.
Dating Nina really mad her too happy.
>cgi look good
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impressive casting
She got along too well with papa
That's what happens to musicians when they start dating...Nina ruined Momoka.
Well, having left the label, they're back on the struggle bus and Momoka can be at the proper level of calibrated misery.

Dating Nina got us Emptiness and Catharsis, the label gave us I'm Here. So I think it's the label that's the problem.
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True. E&C was amazing and they worked together on it. Plus Tomo.
NinaMomo is canon but you have to agree that NinaHina is very aesthetically pleasing.
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Fuck Nina
Hina is ugly
It could only be better if he were actually the sound engineer.
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Hina is cute and smells good!
confession next season
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I want to see a story about how Nina dated Momoka and cheated with Subaru and got pregnant unexpectedly but didn't know whose child it was. Then she gave birth to twins and did a paternity test and found out that the children were Subaru and Momoka.
Especially compared to Momoka. Old DiDust was better.
confession was this season, Anon.
Remember, in the car? And then fucking nothing happened.
I'm so mad I got baited twice this season
post the whole thing.
Friendly reminder this is all China's fault
But things did happen. Nina and Momoka got way closer together after the confession.
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Just applied for the TogeToge live
all of them got closer, no shit you see the most of that with the main characters

big if true, source?
>girl x bully
disgusting, unless it is sex
It was revealed to me in a dream.
No but seriously, GBC became really popular in China and I don't think this was an accident, Toei obviously knows the potential profits that exist in the biggest market of the world, and china is also known for censoring fucking everything (Gay stuff included)
While objectively I can't prove this is the case, It wouldn't be surprise me if the writers (not only for GBC but for many shows that featured similar "Yuribait" tones) wanted to actually write A Yuri relationship but they had to cut that off because of china's censorship policies
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china, don't look...
Hanada has a script credit for this too, so why's he such a pussy now?
I fucking hate boards of directors
Best of luck anon.
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Thanks. I only bought 1 copy of the BD so my chances probably aren't high, and Club Citta isn't that big a venue either
>I thought it was mostly 3d
I'm not sure if the 3D backgrounds were really limited to the concert scenes, but most of the backgrounds were probably AI-processed photos.
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Which version do you anons prefer? GOING STEADY or GING NANG BOYZ?

For me it's GING NANG BOYZ.
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Momoka should have convinced Subaru harder to be her roommate just to see her like this everyday
Was this shot necessary?
Nina NO!
Very yes.
I'm sure it'll be fine. It'll be like the anime and they'll only be able to fill a third of it.
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Cracking up at how Catharsis had like 350K+ views by this point the weekend it aired, but 運命の華 is currently sitting at picrel
I still think they did this song dirty by showing the short version on the final episode. The full version is actually really good and I think only slightly worse than Catharsis.
That's a lot more than 103 views.
>flopped in the show
>flopped irl
i kneel...
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Quite accurate, if I say so myself.
life imitates art
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I want to cum inside my sister so bad
This is pretty normal, catharsis is the standout, if they really thought hana would be their big song I think they would have cut the OP to extend it(should have done this anyway). What's really criminal though is it will still easily pass the ed and ronri.
>4'10" (147 cm).

What is the appeal?
I think the best part of I'm here and what makes it a satisfying song to use as a conclusion to the show is the lyrics anyways.
Fun-sized. She can bitch at you all she wants but she's still powerless.
Does anyone have the youtube links of the list of songs of the episodes?
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either >imagine or 2 for 1 combo deal if you take Rupa
There's a playlist with all their MVs, it starts with the anime songs first though.

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>cycle of sorrow still at 241000
Hina what happened it was going so well...
Ah so she's tsundere for Nana?
Do you think there's an aversion to having anime bands be too successful in the end, because it'd be really embarrassing if the real life counterpart didn't reach the fake in-universe numbers?
From that one interview that was posted here a few weeks ago, I think they're really hoping to have Togetoge be successful irl. In it they mention that they're kind of hoping to be able to have anime be a vehicle for jrock becoming as popular as kpop on an international level, since on its own it hasn't been able to do achieve any notable level of success outside of Japan.

Honestly think it's funny though because Asian and most notably Japanese shoegaze and mathrock is such a big thing in indie music circles in the West. Japanese psychdelia too - my normie music friends love Kikagaku Moyo.
A single pixel of that perspective from DD and this show would turn into a 100/10
Well they probably should've started with releasing the anime in the west if that was their aim. I don't think they were aiming internationally, everything to come out of that shareholder meeting seems like it was a surprise that they hit as well as they did overseas.
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>most porn is still niggers or ai slop
>own art still not nearly good enough to draw it myself
All I need is yuri. And smut.
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Nobody cares about your fanfiction. They need dicks.
rupa and nina certainly do
still on the fence on subaru
Futa dicks.
Just because you need to take one doesn't mean those characters should.
I'm fairly certain like most that the failure of international release was people not wanting to buy the license at all. So it's a failure on Western streaming services part if anything. I don't doubt they'll probably get it now that they've seen how popular the show is though.

The interview I'm talking about was released prior to the show airing and they specifically mention aiming for an international audience. For Japan though, sometimes international audience just means SEA and doesn't include the West at all though.
But Nina was the one that wrote the lyrics for Emptiness and Catharsis.
I don't think there's that much of a difference in the lyrics between the two songs.
Well any season 2 is bound to have more Diamond Dust stuff.
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This could actually be an episode.
Imagine a young fangirl goes up to Momoka just like Nina did in episode 1, and Momoka treats her just like she did Nina in episode 1.
The jealousy would be off the charts. You could even have a callback to ep1 were Nina comes into her house and the fan freaks out and asks if they're dating.
I want this a lot.
NTR isn't fun...
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Their sex levels are off the charts.
The threat of it leading to moments where they reassure each other that they're the only ones for each other are very sweet though. Imagine a jealous and clingy Momoka-san because Nina is getting recognized and approached by fangirls in public too much.
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>have been just saving all gbc art into one folder
>2.6k files that I now need to sort
this, ntr sucks, but the characters avoiding or completely shutting down ntr is always kino (just don't waste too much time on it, a few minutes is cool, a whole episode is too much)
it's their job description pretty much
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Someone write this.
Nina would freak out first
Will this become the next love live?
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New pairing just dropped
Where are the standees?
Why do only Hina and Ai look comfortable posing?
Nana misses Momoka, Rin hates idolshit but loves money.
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>steals your heart
>won't give it back
Can it be the good parts of Love Live instead?
Aqours died so TogeToge could live...
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nina would force herself to stay calm (stiff face, sweat drops) and then get all pissy later
>band is eating together the day after
>nina is acting annoyed and curt, momoka teases her about being jealous
>nina angrily gets up walks out of the room
>momoka laughs but then rupa gives her a look
>she gets what's going on and walks after nina
>hugs her from behind and says "you ARE special to me"
>this all happens in the span of 5 minutes because gbc is megakino, while other shows would milk several episodes of fake drama out of it
Woah, Aqours died?
Can the Aqours fanbase get into GBC and draw kino yuri doujins
>Aquors fanbase
>having good taste
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>steals your virginity
>gives it back
h-hot... but how...
she's THAT talented
Momobros.. how do we recover from this??
look, I don't wanna be the one to say it, but if she wants to succeed maybe she could have a little breakup arc with her new gf... get that edge back in her music...
BASED much?
why do so many artists want to make Subaru gay or jealous of Nina with anyone? She's the straightest one in the band.
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The duality of man
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NinaSuba is mostly shipped by men who don't understand anything about romance and want their favorite girl to fuck the hedgehog for some reason.
They're just fapbait now
NinaSoob was a big ship before the Momoka Sweep of '08, that's were most of it comes from.
Also she's the token straight surrounded by fags, so she's just really good fodder for jealousy content.
I hate you. I'm angry at the mere thought.
Which DD have you fapped to the most?
A lot feel bad for Subaru and want her to join Nina and Momoka in a 3p. it's weird.
I think it's because Nina and Subaru have such a nice dynamic. Even if I don't see it as romantic.
NinaSuba had zero romantic chemistry even before ep 8. NinaMomo always had tension, people just wanted to ignore it because of Momoka's age.
I'm going to repress myself bros
>nice dynamic
a nice sister dynamic
Their dynamic is great, but it screams normal friendship.
Some people just like shipping people who are friends. Nina and Subaru have good friendship chemistry. That's why.
They are both too out of character even for something that's supposed to be hot. I'm sorry but Subaru is too straight.
>She's the straightest one in the band
So she's still gay. But her ship with Nina feels pretty harmless. They have a bro dynamic, they get physical with each other a lot and I imagine many fan artists like the mix of their aesthetics, too.
But that doesn't mean they want to fuck each other...Also I don't like some of these artists turning Subaru into a yandere.
>artists turning Subaru into a yandere
i rarely see that
post examples
She's not gay though. Out of all of them her and Tomo seem to be the less gay.
Subaru is gay until proven otherwise.
NTA but I think they are talking about the NinaSuba cheating fics or art that's been popping up.
>But that doesn't mean they want to fuck each other...
Well duh, it's just a ship, the artists know they don't actually want to fuck each other, they're just fantasizing about it happening.
Well first of all post the art. Second of all, aren't yurifags supposed to be notorious for thinking girls are romantically interested because they're standing near each other? If anything the restraint people show in this thread is weird.
She talks about boys with Tomo in ep 11.
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>Tomo seem to be the less gay
I'm not a yurifag. I only ship NinaMomo because it's the only one that makes sense. Anything with the other members baffles me.
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the two literally talk about boys in ep 11.
is this another sobsplease headcanon?
What I don't understand is how hard it is for you to understand the concept of shippers shipping two characters together.
>talk about boys
You mean the one line where where Subaru tries to tease Tomo about a band she likes? By that standard Nina and Momoka are straighter than them.
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Tomo is so gay that she left her parents when she saw her mom cheating on women with a man
This confused me, because the band was called "Something something sisters" but Subaru teased Tomo saying they (the band) were "Ikemen" so either is a band of women that for some reason Subaru called Ikemen (something usually reserved for handsome men) or they are a boys band that have Sisters in their name for some reason...
Is "Barton Sisters" actually the name of a male band?
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This Hina looks a bit off...
Women who are attractive to other women are sometimes called ikemen in Japan. Or it could be a boy band. We just don't know.
What about RupaTomo?
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If Momoka is an ikemen, is Rupa one as well?
Maybe some people would consider her to be one but I don't know if I'd say she is. Rupa's style and personality is too overtly feminine.
Maybe. She pulls mad pussy.
Is Momoka an ikemen>>268308236
but that's what lesbians like...
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Imagine asking for a 4 some with momoka and Subaru after the concert.
That is blatantly untrue.
One and only time I've masturbated to the toges, also my first time masturbating to Futa...
Nina has a dick?
I don't think I've seen a single futa Nina.
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She drew a couple. can also find it on pixiv.
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You know for some reason I assumed that I didn't have all that much fanart saved but I have over 3200 images in my folder.
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I don't get it either. She's the bro who has to deal with being relationship counselor for Ninamomo.

I'm a yurifag myself, but it's kinda crazy how other yurifags start foaming at the mouth if you call her the token straight girl of the group and like... sorry but I can't see her as anything but that. Honestly feel like it just makes her existence funnier if that's the case.
If you mean this >>268307944 we don't actually know if that's a male or female band. Subaru just calls them ikemen and that can literally apply to both men and women.
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you might be a regular yurifags but some of those niggas are yuritarded and for them 2 female characters existing within the same universe is enough to ship, regardless of how reality proves them wrong
I don't see a problem with people doing that as long as they tolerate people who don't like their ship.
The band was called "Barthon Sisters" or something like that, unless we are talking about an Okama band they are likely just a girls Band
>as long as they tolerate people who don't like their ship.
ah well you see here lies the problem
to them, saying "nah it doesn't work man" is a personal attack
and god forbid you mention the dreaded "straight" word
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I guess by your logic Twisted Sister was made up of women.
This is exactly why I don't post on /u/ despite loving yuri.
Nah by his logic Twisted Sister is an Okama band (and they are).
wise decision
>just the ears
nah we need to go further

Nina's wild.
I don't think Momoka would want to wear a bunny suit.
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I can imagine Tomo being less so gay and more so just into Rupa specifically
She doesn't feel like she's into women, she just happened to land in the lap of a hot futa hafu who makes her feel safe, loved and accepted
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I don't think Nina is gonna give her that choice
Because it’s hot
In a kinda fucked up and sad way, Rupa might just be subconsciously a substitute for Tomo's actual mother who seems to be not on best terms with her
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Marry Miura-san.
she can't even manage one band, no way she could manage having a family
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>this all happens in the span of 5 minutes because gbc is megakino, while other shows would milk several episodes of fake drama out of it
This is something I really love about GBC. It feels like they sort shit out more organically than most shows.

Shit that requires time to process takes that time, but never too long to the point it becomes annoying.
Shit that would normally be sorted out fast is done with quickly, but not so fast that you can't appreciate it.
Shit that is more individual and personal gets sorted out without every character needing to directly address it (like Tomo's issues or Nina's bullying, where only some relevant characters really talk to them about it).

Not everything needs a resolution either, some stuff is just presented to help you understand the characters, and that's great.
Poor Miura performed Naked dogeza against the DD producers and still got nothing out of it...
Eh, nothing fucked up about that. It's normal for people to get into relationships that fill the lacks of their childhood. It can get fucked up sometimes but in this case it feels like Tomo is just getting unconditional support/love from her indian [found family/wife] instead of from her mother.
She needs a backup plan after her career is fucked from the Togetoge fallout.
People don't usually think that sort of stuff is fucked up in the sense that it's morally wrong, so much as it's not really healthy.
Miura is working at Yoshinoya now.
What will the S2 Tomo's mom episode be like?
I'm saying I don't think it's unhealthy in this case. Your childhood shapes who you are as a person, it's normal it will affect your choice in partners.
Sometimes it can lead to harmful fixations or dependencies, but that doesn't seem like the case here, and Rupa does everything in her power for Tomo to open up to people other than her.
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Marry Momoka instead
Roopa has a voluptuous body
How did she break her phone, bros?
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she's a drunk
take a guess
She did what Nina did in episode 13 but actually spiked it because she was drunk.
You don't have to shove your relationship on our faces...
>Starts with Tomo being the first toge to notice the band is stagnating after a semi decent period of indie activities, this time she speaks up her mind with the rest of the band but Nina shuts her off because "hurry we need to prove we are right, hurr" or something retarded like that.
>ENTER Tomom who just arrives at goes "Tomo what the fuck are you doing wasting your time here? You are literally better than all these bitches combined, Diamond Dust? Girl you are a national talent, stop playing alongside this ants and return to do Hibike euphorbium shit (or whatever)"
>Tomo gets angry but then her mom points out how her band is already stagnating and rotting, and if she doesn't want to end up as a loser for the rest of her life she should just stop being so childish and forget about the infidelity thing, Tomo can't refute this
>A few Nina's meltdowns later we get a scene were both (Nina and Tomo) realize they share a similar desire to prove they did the right thing (defending the bullied girl and leaving her mom after she outed herself as a slut)
>Epic Togetoge song written by Nina and Tomo about their feelings, her mom is impressed and Tomo tells her to go suck Ojisan Dick because she isn't going anywhere
If you want to add more edge/drama make Tomom threaten Tomo with (somehow) reporting Rupa to the police as a kidnaper or something like that (or make her racist against Rupa)
And instead of Tomo telling her mother to GTFO she just says she would rather kill herself than leave Togetoge, and if she takes her away she will be taking a future corpse.
Imagine eating Rupa's ass curry
I apologize for ever doubting Miura-sama...
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Never realized that the abused salaryman has been here from the very start.
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Salarybros, we will win in season 2 for sure.
It's like a pathetic version of G-Man.
Yes she does, Nina needs to shove her relationship in my face as much as possible please.
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What is Nina's face supposed to convey?
Her thoughts right there are roughly
>teehee she's so beautiful and charming and brave and I can't wait to have these fingers inside me later
>we seem to be very good friends
She was already thinking about the post-performance high induced sex they were gonna have.
Subaru is gay for Tomo's hebi
Momoka-san! Momoka-san!
Momoka sex
Clumsy Momoka.
Momokasex is just the background noise of Nina's thoughts.
>short hair Soobs but her hair eventually grows back
Please. I love her hime cut long hair with a big ahoge.
How many times has Momoka's roommate walked in on them by now?
0 he's usually out and they are at practice when he gets back.
Hina and Anon are similar now that I think about it
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But Hina is ugly.
So I kn ow they said they were gonna do more songs. Are they also going to do more MVs?
They're both crap singers.
I look nothing like Hina though.
I'm nothing like Hina.
Shut up.
>I'll make sure we are remembered as roommates in the future
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Please translate it.
Especially on the inside. Anon's actually a good person, even though she's vain and shallow. I don't think Anon would abandon a friend like that.
I could see this. If short hair Subaru was actually going to be a thing it's doubtful they would have spoiled it in an ED.
Baka mitai Nina
Nonsense. Hina has a beautiful voice.
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why are you reaching out to Momoka-san?
this doesn't concern you, Nina
happy to meet you, Momoka, I'm Hina
you're getting boorish
hah, made you look!
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Realistically (or at least using the same realism as the anime employed) could the Toges have their cake and eat it too?
Like, can they actually be successful while also avoid the sellout path? And if yes, can they reach DD levels of popularity and keep their principles intact?
How many times did Hina watch What to Raise?
I am literally Hina
>Like, can they actually be successful while also avoid the sellout path?
>And if yes, can they reach DD levels of popularity and keep their principles intact?
Realistically, no.
I think one of the few failings of the anime is how standard fare j-rock Togetoge's music really is. If they had a harder edge to them and were more punk or shoegaze or mathrock or something, then I think it'd sell the hard battle plotline a little better. We honestly have to deal with a little suspension of disbelief when it comes to their music vs nuDD's.

That said, ignoring that fact, they could definitely avoid the sell out path and become successful. I just think it was also a little silly to want to steal literal DD fans when they're just idolpigs vs. them creating their own fanbase which if given the chance, could absolutely grow as big as DD levels and since they're not idolshit, a cool plotline to use in future continuations of the story is legitimately having them get popular overseas as a way to show they've grown to be better than DD.
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It's an awkward question with an awkward answer.
The entertainment business is basically a mix of networking, marketing, a hint of skill, and more than anything gambling. There's a lot of chance involved, and by sticking go their principles so hard the Toges are limiting their scope in all areas reducing their odds of winning, basically they're betting it all on Black 13.

Realistically they can make it big, superstardom even, if they happen to get lucky. That is a completely real-life outcome, but there's no real way of making it FEEL realistic, or rather, earned, in the context of a narrative (because it isn't).
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I might be completely out of touch, but getting signed to a big label and stuff feels very old fashioned to me. Granted I know nothing about J rock or the Japanese music industry in general, but I feel like for the music I do listen to, the big names got their start opening for someone else, release through independent music labels, and become internet famous.

But at the end of the day it really seems that making it in music requires some combination of connections and serendipity. Which was why Miura already being a fan of Momoka and old Diamond Dust felt reasonable. So at this point, I don't really know what realistically happens besides lucking out and getting internet famous.
And it's not like they get many rolls at the table considering they're all broke outcasts without much of a support network.
It really depends on what they meant by going solo.
They could always sign on to an indie label which would give them much more creative freedom, but the flipside of that would be that they wouldn't get the resources towards marketing etc that a big label would provide.
Reminder that HinaNina won and Momoka gets the cuck chair.
idk what they'd do in the anime but in the current socioeconomic situation in japan for something like this i think it might be doable but the path is really fucking narrow and RNG-based if it's anything like trying to do other forms of independent art i.e. illustrations/comics/animation/etc. in order to actually have a situation where plenty of independent art is "viable" there needs to be some considerable top-level change in societal structure itself in such a way that enables much more flat-level organization and ownership of one's own work. don't know if the anime would ever touch on any of that tbdesu
Do indie labels pay salaries or is it just royalties?
Economic nightmare mode aside, self-publishing stuff has never been easier, so at least there's that. Internet is (sadly) srs bsns and you can make enough money to sustain yourself, it's not like the old days where everyone pirated everything and artists were entirely dependent on live shows. Or the old days where the means of distribution were basically locked down to the point where it was impossible to make a living wage without getting lucky and getting noticed.
Doubting her how?
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for sure, it's why i say it's doable, and it feels doable in a way that it wasn't before for all those reasons, but still a long way to go in order to move the needle even just a tiny bit more
>indie label
Isn't that contradictory?
Yes. But it is a thing and it has a specific definition. It's any label that isn't Universal Music Group, Sony Music Entertainment, or Warner Music Group, or a subsidiary of them.
DIY punk Togetoge for season 2
I would love for a soulless record label agency stooge to talk about the realities of Togetoge's economic situation.

How much money do bands make in the live house circuit anyway? And how much do they get paid for festivals? And what is the process of getting into festivals and shows and stuff if you don't have a record label or a bigger artist handling stuff for you? What is the legal entity representing an indie band? Does Momoka need to register Togetoge as an LLC? Will Nina have to learn how to do the bands' accounting?
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What principles? They make the same J-rock music as DiDust and even dress like idols on stage
Subaru will.
>even dress like idols on stage
I wouldn't go this far.
Look just pretend that Momoka has a unique sound, alright? Do it for Nina.
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Momoka is so lucky
Rupa is luckier.
I think they sound different. Diamond Dust is more generic j-rock while TogeToge is more like vocaloid j-rock. Also I'd say that their outfits aren't like idol outfits since they're all completely different and highly personalized. Idols usually have uniforms.
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You mean Hina? Yeah, Momoka was just a phase.
Momoka fell off...
There's nothing wrong with dressing like idols. It's cute.
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so violent
This is why the very concept for the final 2 episodes kinda fall flat on their face. TogeToge make some very safe music, that is already based off Diamond Dust, and yet they not only feel the need to declare public war on them, but also quit an incredibly patient and altruistic agency?
Nina can smell Subaru's exposed stinky armpits from there.
Hey, I was in this crowd
I don't think Void and Catharsis was that safe.>>268319163
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Don't get me wrong, they're both good songs, but they're not special.

Void is carried by the super emotional out of breath singing Nina does and Catharsis is carried by its energy, but the problem is that the whole instrumental side of the GBC project kind of sucks right now. The guitars are way too screachy and lack impact, the drums are barely existant, the keyboard should have never been added, and there's a lot of strange fills that only detract from the emotional build up of the songs, and this goes for both DD and TogeToge stuff we have so far. Rina's voice work is carrying the entire project music wise rn.
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I mean ultimately, TogeToge comes down to their ethos. They bleed rock ethos. The fact that this is an anime and has Universal Music Japan behind it with some band that was made for the show means we're never gonna get anything actually too out there.

I don't follow vocaloid music, but I guess for a Western audience vocaloid-inspired rock (which is what TT is and how the anime/music staff thought up what Momoka's music would be) is already kind of different so it works for some people.

Ultimately, TT vs nu-DD is just a battle of aesthetics if we're being real here. Thematically of course its more a battle of authenticity.
Well I wasn't
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>the keyboard should have never been added
>Rina's voice work is carrying the entire project music wise

I couldn't agree more with both these statements. It's awesome that she also ended up being really great at voice acting, but man, her voice is so great for music. I hope whatever she ends up doing after this whole project is over and they can't milk it anymore turns out well for her.
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when are we getting an arc where nina is cancelled after the ojisan comes forward about her constant abuse?
The keyboard is required for the feel they're going for, which is vocaloid inspired.
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I really liked that Tomo, Rupa and Subaru were looking down at the light thing in this sequence, but once it got to Momoka and Nina they were staring straight ahead (at each other).
After the arc where Rupa gets arrested for DUI manslaughter
Negated by Rupa's gajin bullying by salarymen. They can't be canceled.
would you even like Nina if she were mentally stable?
mentally stable people dont have hedgehog rage spikes or very short pigtails or girlfriends
But they're not using it in a way that gives it any reason to exist. Listen to some of the best artists that use vocaloid and the way they do their keyboard parts are always super purposeful to the song. For TogeToge its just sound to fill space that does not even fill space properly.
Cute couple!
Yes. Maybe.
Nina w/o mental issues = her sister. The answer is yes.
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Physically abusive relationship
Emotionally abusive relationship
Pure vanilla
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>For TogeToge its just sound to fill space that does not even fill space properly.
Now Tomo is sad.
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Tomo is amazing, and I don't doubt she's a good piano player, but she needs to be in a band that was actually made by someone that cares about mix spacing in music.
Highest IQ post itt
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Does anyone know if anyone's taken a try at translating the little bit we have of the BD2 song?

I feel like I've listened to the clip more than I have "I'm here".

Preorders are low as shit
Barely any fanart on pixiv
The west doesn't even know about it because no subs...
2ch hates it...
>Preorders are low as shit
Why do people keep lying like this?
It's called shitposting, I think.
Shitposting used to have a little bit of substance to it. 10-15 years ago you'd never see people shitpost, for example, Monogatari series with "preorders are low, SHAFT is finished!"
>Preorders are low as shit
Want me to make a Stalker BD/DVD sales thread so you can get utterly BTFO by GBC's massive sales and other sales schizos?
5ch salesfags are unironically saying GBC will most likely be the best selling anime of 2024 unless Deer anime or any other dark house show appears out of nowhere.
Btw GBC BD prediction is +10k
i liked the last episode of season 1 and am looking forward to season 2.
i hope the mobage is very, very far in the future
What's that book with the bird cover art?
What's up? Ninacoin is looking great
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Are you sure it will be more than Mahoako?
Quick, Toei is here! Give them names for season 2!
btw is there a site or something to check current sales stats?
That's exactly what 5ch salesfags are saying. Many spring anime BDs were out since June 26th and GBC BD numbers already BTFO'd Bunny girl senpai movie BDs.
Here's the daily Oricon ranking if you're interested. GBC is #1 right now
We're getting actual numbers this Thursday or Friday probably.
GBC S2 or movie is unironically coming soon.
Yuri without the DV is like a day without sunshine.
Girls Band Aho
it needs to be GBA
Momoka-san and Nina's week-long winter rendez-vous
Girls Band Cry: Girl Band Festival
>GBC S2 or movie is unironically coming soon.
look, i miss the girls already too but it takes time to make a show
they can announce a s2 now but it wont come out for 2 years at least
as for a movie, it'll be a churned out quick recap and we dont want that
Would you guys take a recap movie if they did full song performances instead of half like in the show?
>GBC S2 or movie is unironically coming soon
Though, it should be said that doing well doesn't translate exactly to getting more content. Nor does doing poorly mean you won't get anything else. Plenty of shows that sold poorly got s2s, and plenty of shows that sold well never did. It's about what the committee thinks will help them the most, in the end. They care much less about how well a show's BDs sell compsred to how much more the manga or whatever other money making venture they're focusing on COULD sell in the future. It's a small difference but a nuance salesfags completely ignore.
I might actually watch that, but I wouldn't be happy about it.
Bocchi S2 first.
what about something similar like BanG Dream! FILM LIVE?
just a short movie that is just performances
Just do a beach episode OVA with lesbian sex.
I think considering all the factors, the BD's selling well for this show would point towards a season 2 more confidently than most shows. It's a 3DCG show, so it's easy to reuse assets. There's no manga to rely on for sales, all they've got is merch and the music. It's a multimedia project that a lot of time and money has been invested in, so it'd be a waste to stop at season 1 if anything too.
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>Bocchi S2 first
If they made a movie that was just a 1.5 hour concert of TogeToge in a single concert venue having Nina deliver cringe dialogue for 5 minutes before every song performance, I'd watch the hell out of that and love every second of it.
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It's an original show which is very popular right now. If anything, Toei is well known for milking their cashcows whenever they can. They can easily write any original shit about the GBC girls doing jackshit while shilling their new songs and people will still coomsoom, go to theaters or buy any OVA/ONA/merch.
Now IMAGINE if a 3DCG show sells more than your recent popular 2D show (shows like OnK, Frieren, G-Witch, DM, MahoAko, etc) Toei just won't miss this chance and (You) know it
Canon couple.
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I think specifically because it's a multimedia project gives us a higher chance of a S2. Sure, it would take a bit to actually come to fruition, but they can do something similar to what they did with this season - they spent a whole year releasing music before the show started. They could release new songs in the time it takes for this hypothetical new season to air and that would in turn hype up the show. It would already have a backing versus the Togeari album/songs just being a shot in the dark as to who would listen to them and like them enough to then have watched S1.

I would fucking love this.
>They could release new songs in the time it takes for this hypothetical new season to air and that would in turn hype up the show.
They are going to be releasing more music regardless, so you don't even have to worry about that, they've already said it's a guarantee. I'd expect more new songs and more new music videos over the next year or so.
For once Japan didn't have shit taste.
Toei seemed a lot more prepared for this than Cloverworks. Maybe in no small part due to the success of Bocchi in the first place.
Forgotten FOTM. Now neck yourself
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I want to raise Subaru as my loving daughter. Shower her with love, affection, and protection as a father could. She'll hold fond memories of us playing and living together as a family.
Hey now, I posted the bocchi as a joke
See the filemame
Probably because Toei WANTS this to become big. The team that made Bocchi The Rock just wanted to adapt the manga without any expectations of its success.
Also completely incidental information, but TogeToge's merch sold out first at Kawasaki 100 Fes, compared to bands like sumika and Shishamo. Of course it could be a stock question, but by the time the festivsal ended the sumika and Shishamo shops still had about half their goods. (Togetoge sold out completely before the concert even started.)
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Tweet from Natsu

Shimamura Music's collab ends today! Be sure to get your own cleaning Tomo-chan acrylic! If you take a picture with her before you eat, it'll magically make your food more yummy!
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What was the merch?
Toei knows GBC is popular in China but they don't have any official streams there. How will they monetize it?
wonder if they'll ever go back and adress the racism bit with rupa
its just in that one scene
>Girls Band Cry
why does it mean?
What do you mean address it? What are they supposed to do? Sing Albi the Racist Dragon?
i dunno, delve more deeply into it.
maybe in a future rupa episode
You wouldn't get it.
Nina writes a song decrying the evils of racism and claims diversity is what will save Japan.
They'll make Tomo's mom a racist. And she'll try to force Tomo to come back home because she doesn't want her living with a filthy foreigner. To resolve the problem Rupa will have to seduce Tomo's mom.
its a good thing Subaru is from money so she can take care of Nina and their child. Momoka on the other hand, will be visited by CPS.
>Devil May Cry
>Devilman CryBaby
why does it mean?
saving the declining birthrate by having sex with sexy brown japanese women
It's a spinoff of Girls' Frontline
I want a season 2 but I also want them to take 3 fucking years if necessary, maybe more.
More than any other show this year I loved GBC because of its writing, I'm willing to wait until my 50s if necessary but please don't fuck up the writing in a potential season 2.
has anyone made a crossover fan art of this?
because the word play is constantly on my head
I would like if they use that element to showcase a more vulnerable side of Rupa. She is always the one supporting others and keeping her cool, even when she is emotionally shaken she either goes away to isolate herself or tries to project her feelings onto others.
It would be sweet if Something happened that made Rupa snap and Tomo (or Nina) had to be the one trying to cheer her up
Didn't that become Dolls Frontline because they fucked up the trademark or something?
I don't think a S2 needs to be as heavy as S1, but for sure I would feel much better if Hanada returned as writer. He seems to have enjoyed working on this enough, so hopefully that's something that can happen.
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I just want a drinking episode with rupa, mmk, and DD w/o hina. I ate yoshinoya and bought the bds, where is the s2 announcement toei.
Just in Japan because an ex-friend's company sniped the trademark
Is Subaru va still dead?
everyone has had at least one episode focused on their issues and overcoming their pesonal struggles while we only got some hints and implications of rupas problems
we got the loss of her parents, isolating herself and being discriminated
they can make some decent episodes with that
They should bring him back but with a contract stipulation that he has to pay the yuri off.
Did she say nigger?
No, she lives, just posted something about the final episode late.
I feel like writing is not the bottleneck that takes up the most time.
some private recordings were revealed about her reaction to finding out gay people are a thing
"This Is TogeToge" the mockumentary.
God that'd be fucking amazing.
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Instantly my favorite Togetoge song.
Feels like a fusion of edgy VocaP music with JRock, very different from their anime discography.
zero monster...
>5 minutes of Nina venting followed by a song
This is bando anime distilled into its purest form, if Toei makes this my soul is theirs.
It is a good pick. The MV's nice too.
Some cool psychadelic urban fantasy stuff and maybe light yuri vibes.
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If you ever got the chance to shoot Nina on stage would you?
>Tomo has Rupa
>Momo has Nina
>Soobs has...no one...
Subaru has Nina if/when Momoka fumbles the bag.
Soobs has ME
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>Momo has Nina
You DO know that Mine is going to steal Nina from Momoka right?
It's fucking obvious, look at her face. She's a predator.
Is Momoka's long tongue one of the band's selling points?
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Tomo loves Subaru since she is a clone of her granny.
why'd they put the whammy in the middle of the strings?
we can all agree that EP8 was the most emotional?
Family stuff just wrecks me
The family stuff was episode 10. Episode 8 was the lesbian drama.
Oh yeah thats what I meant
They're both 10/10 but episode 8 is my favorite. Because it has more Momoka and I can't get enough Momoka.
It's seiron monster.
The answer better not be "gacha game."
It's gonna be a fucking gacha game, isn't it?
It's what happened when Nina dropped it in the first ep.
You can make whole thing a bit cheaper if you do that cause it's close to the middle so the load is distributed a bit more evenly.
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Isn't her Psychderythm supposed to be some super fancy model that only gets a few made every few years?
how can I make a game that looks like GBC?
I've never seen a game with facial animations like GBC, even the new Guilty Gear doesn't look as good
I'd say it's pretty likely. With this genre of anime it's practically expected.
I think it's just that color was a limited run.
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do it toei
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I think they do this kind of trick in closeups where the model deforms based on the camera perspective. But a lot of it seems kind of traditional.
I don't know, it was all sold out before I got there
Damn. How was the show? Were they good live?
>mobile game project
>they made 2D live models for it
it is all but certain
Nina spending her entire paycheck on the latest 5* Momoka gatcha
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Nice face, but that guitar...
A nice modest chest
Not too big but not too small
Hina sucks.
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>how can I make a game that looks like GBC?
They all work on the same fundamentals
>I've never seen a game with facial animations like GBC, even the new Guilty Gear doesn't look as good
See this video https://youtu.be/lbEHq9uUp6g
And take a good look at the face rig.
It's a lot of manual, pixar-tier animation.
They were really good, yeah. Shishamo was technically the main event, so Togetoge finished in pretty much half an hour which was a shamd. But they played all the music well, even without Soob, sadly. Nina is also tiny in person. Pretty much just like you'd imagine. And she does the Nina voice really well in person too. The 11s in front of me were impressed
Makes sense for supporting the local scene. I'm envious.
literally me....

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