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What exactly happened?

Back in the 80s, 90s and 2000s(to a certain extent), it was common to see main characters exhibiting strength, independence, manliness and more important, actual character. Yet in the last 10-15 years, there has been a significant uptick in weak little doormat main characters, usually in some boring unoriginal fantasy setting as a fish out of water.

>durrrr it's because they are for self-inserting, they aren't actually supposed to be interestingggg
This argument does not add up. Why would anyone want to project themselves into the ordinary rather than the extrordinary?
Like who would you rather be, Kenshiro or some ordinary high school boy with average grades who just wants to live a normal life? I mean really...

I get that part of the reason is to put more of the focus on the girls because that's what seems to sell, but is it too much to ask for just a little bit of variety? Like do 98% of main characters have to be totally forgettable? I know some of you bozos might try to claim the guy from Redo the Healer or the one from Mahouka or one of those Demon King characters off the assembly line qualify as "based" but if we are to be intellectually honest, they're really not for a variety of reasons.
This thread is already up with a more interesting OP
There have been really cool and unique MCs in the last 10 years though. This pic is so dishonest lol.
Can someone do a reverse cherrypicking of this?
Your idea of "cool" is very obviously different to the kind of cool that applies to a character like Kenshiro or Jotaro. You just don't get it.
You can screech cherrypicking all you like, but it is a simple fact that older anime had a greater proportion of manly MCs relative to anime from the last 10 years.
outdated graph. some of those protagonists on the "now" category are over 15 years old
But the image says "anime" and there are manga and even visual novel images, are you retarded?
>but it is a simple fact that older anime had a greater proportion of manly MCs relative
Post your evidence. How many of all old anime have you watched and how many of them them had manly mcs? I can't believe you without proof.
>greater proportion
excel sheet or gtfo
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I get it. Sword is just as cool as these two. Maybe if more people watched the good stuff, this place wouldn't be keep discussing the same few series, but what can be done.
>oreimo was made 3 years after gits sac
???? How are they in "then" and "now"?
>But the image says "anime" and there are manga and even visual novel images, are you retarded?
I genuinely cannot believe how big of an idiot you are.
Continue getting strung up on minute details like the pea-brained little idiot you are.
No, a moron like you simply isn't worth the effort. Anyone with a functioning brain can make that deduction just by taking a quick glance through the seasonal charts.
>I get it
Kek you are so dumb. No wonder you are low IQ, your african mother has probably dropped you when you were little.
Majority of the MC's on the right are from romcom other than Deku, Subaru (Subaru isn't really a fighter anyways) and Maou (who is conviniently in his human disguise) while those from the left are from action oriented series.

If you were honest, you'd have used MC's from toon oriented stores on the right too.
Both types are shit and Kenshiro was boring
>oreimo was made 3 years after gits sac
Way to be entirely disingenuous. The original LN was released in 2008 and the original Ghost in the Shell was released in 1989.
Cope however you like, you're still a complete and utter moron at the end of the day.
I genuinely cannot believe how big of an idiot you are.
Continue getting strung up on minute details like the pea-brained little idiot you are.
>it is a simple fact that older anime had a greater proportion of manly MCs relative to anime from the last 10 years.
And in the 80s and 90s, there were fewer shows produced annually than there are seasonally today. Not too hard to tip scales that have virtually nothing on them.
>hahaha you are coping
>cries in his bed because his parents will neve be able to buy him proper clothing
It's rough being african.
Based. Op got destroyed.
>Majority of the MC's on the right are from romcom
Which begs the question: why are there such a high proportion of romcoms in modern anime relative to the good old days?

Or perhaps more importantly, why must all modern romcoms have doormat MCs? Back in the early 2000s there was a manga(and anime) called School Rumble which was a huge hit, and the most popular character by far was the male lead. Why? Because he was strong, fun, interesting and most importantly, exhibited an actual personality.

I could just as easily remake this chart with the right side filled with generic blobs from fantasy/isekai MCs. The point still stands.
Nah, you are just retarded.
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>And in the 80s and 90s, there were fewer shows produced annually than there are seasonally today
Yes, and?
What does this have to do with modern anime having a disproportionally higher volume of boring bottle of milk MCs?
I kneel
7th post best post.
OP sisters…
How many more times are you going to reply to your own post? At this point I already know you're some low-IQ monkey.
>everyone that disagrees with me is the same person
Kek you are so mad
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>OP reading this be like
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name 5 of them. I'll wait
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/m/ took all the chad MCs
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There are very few based people on this planet but you are one of them.
honestly the amount of wimp modern MCs from 2010s source material becomes less bad if you remove the LNs and romcoms from the list. There is still plenty of determined, douchy, suave, anti-hero, insane, retard, pacifist MCs
>There is still plenty of determined, douchy, suave, anti-hero, insane, retard, pacifist MCs
And yet most of them come across as trying too hard, or lacking any real texture to their character.

There is a reason a character like Kenshiro remains such a memorable character to this day with an endless supply of homages.


Without speaking even a single line of dialogue, this scene alone makes him infinitely more memorable than all of the assembly line slop being produced today.
Thread ended here
It is extremely obvious you are samefag replying to yourself in an effort to cope and compensate for being rekt and rightly labeled an idiot.

Just swallow your pride and move on. There is no need to further embarrass yourself.
>everyone is laughing at him
>*snif* you are replying to your self
Nice projection buddy.
>>durrrr it's because they are for self-inserting, they aren't actually supposed to be interestingggg
>This argument does not add up. Why would anyone want to project themselves into the ordinary rather than the extrordinary?
>Like who would you rather be, Kenshiro or some ordinary high school boy with average grades who just wants to live a normal life? I mean really...
People want to be themselves (because who the fuck else are they gonna be) in extraordinary circumstances. Who is easier to relate to? An average guy like yourself, or fucking kenshiro? You're so fucking dumb OP.
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Even as a Kenshirofag I have to say that you have destroyed op.
>People want to be themselves
So where are the fat, greasy-haired loser main characters? This demographic makes up a large portion of the anime market.

>Who is easier to relate to? An average guy like yourself, or fucking kenshiro?
You act like Kenshiro doesn't have relatable qualities which is yet another falsehood. If a character isn't relatable in some way, they won't even be remotely memorable.

You are a complete idiot with no idea. Next.
Sorry, but Rentarou is based and you are gay.
This doesn't really say much coming from an idiot like yourself.
>So where are the fat, greasy-haired loser main characters? This demographic makes up a large portion of the anime market.
Japan's obesity rate in infamously low, you would know this if you weren't fucking retarded. The average anime viewer is slim and black haired with little muscle. Like majority of anime MCs now.

>If a character isn't relatable in some way, they won't even be remotely memorable.
>Says the whiny homosexual on /aye/
kys nerd
Plenty of fat people through the streets of akihabara you literal moron. And fat or no is irrelevant because otaku are largely perceived as undesirable, awkward, anti-social and weird. Generic do-nothing main characters do not reflect the average anime MC at all you laughable idiot.
>idiot idiot idiot
I think OP broke down. Someone call an ambulance.
yeah keyword there you even said it yourself idiot, just because you're a dumbass that falls for stereotyping doesn't mean it's true
also otaku aren't the only ones that watch anime anyway retardo
Brutal OP beatdown.
Except it is true, idiot. Again, the average anime MC does not reflect the average otaku. No amount of cope on your end will change this you incredibly stupid moron.
okay retard keep believing that and being confused by reality then i dont care
>hurr durr why are things the way they are this doesn't make any sense what's going on i dont understand
>because x y and z you fucking retard
>nooooooooooo you idiot idiot idiot idiot i wont accept thaaaaat
>still in denial
Still a complete and utter idiot.
You've lost. Move on moron.
Easier to self insert into since the world has been sadly getting more depressing in a lot of peoples eyes.
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For me, it's the 70s.
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the falldown of delinquent culture in japan happened. You can literally pinpoint the exact moment where delinquents started to decay with the ascension of the hikkikomori problem spiraling out of control.
this thread again..
Shitty character design.
every single one of them has Wataru Takagi's voice, apart from maybe the MC
Real men don’t need to outsource their masculinity to television characters.
>outsource their masculinity
This phrase doesn't make sense. Stop trying to sound intelligent you moron.
80-90s MC used to take a lot of inspiration from american cinema, 2010s and beyond are mostly meant to represent your average japanese teen
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This is a thing which afflicts western animation as well. The entire world is undergoing a spiritual decline and naturally things are less masculine and life-affirming as a result.
A lot of them took inspiration from delinquent jap stuff.
History and culture works in cycles. We'll be cycling back to more masculine times in a bit.
yeah, but we won't live to see it nigga
There where always a high number of garbage romcoms dumbass, it's just that no one remembers them because they where garbage.
No you're an idiot. There is a far greater proportion of shit MCs in modern anime compared to older anime. That is literally the point of this thread.

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