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New TL chapter is up.
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kashiro is so erotic
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Ruri Yapping
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see Maeda's a bitch to everyone, not just Ruri
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End of chapter.
>my twintail is slightly uglified to not outshine Ruri AGAIN
so which happens first, tournament arc or she goes on the run after accidentally killing a mugger?
i love jks lying in bed so much bros
>Maeda is into Ruri
yuri confirmed
euuueueueeu somebody is jealous
Very smooth Maeda
>plot blocked
No more dragons this chapter?
>it's awesome because it's pointless
too deep for me
Finally someone did it
Whoa, they got the rights to a real McD's reference?
Ya cabron let's hammer the deets!
I can't wait to enjoy a thick and creamy McFlurry® and a juicy and savory Quarter Pounder® with Cheese today at my local McDonald's®!
Blonde in a tracksuit?
>No "x" butthole
Japan has fallen
I know complaining about the slang they use in this is pointless, but calling McDonald's Mickey D's is blatantly American.
Hah, gay.
>I have no enemies to battle

This is a dangerous flag Ruri, STOP !
thats a confession
The horns are cute.
Anyone know how Japanese slang works and if the girls are using it in the raws, they're kids after all it would be weirder if high schoolers didn't have casual Japanese
Whoa, she's a dragon girl?
Surely the story deals with her dragon powers all the time, right?
I bet she does cool stuff with them, too!
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Their sex must be amazing
whew, best girl finally returned.
I felt like I was in a drought.
This is it, this will the point where we transition to full shonen battle manga.
>Mickey D's
This is ridiculous
Maeda will take the dragon cock
Can't wait for the arrival of a tiger demihuman from the all-girl's school across town, who has a mysterious bone to pick with Ruri
That might have been something fairly important. Maybe there's some new dragon stuff soon since we've had none for a bit.
Who's the top?
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I can see it now, the epilogue to this will be a fully unlocked Ruri ruling over the world with Maeda as her sex slave.
Their sex with me?
Anon I want you to think very hard about the statement you just made and the chromosomes of the people involved
They powerbottom each other.
It's an imported fashion, called "Chav style".
Jackie would never call me "cabron".
Cannot visualize, please explain using stick figures.
Kashiro's sister is not what I was expecting desu.
Oh, nice to know this latest plot development had absolutely nothing to do with Ruri being a dragon. Super glad Ruri's dragon-ness is completely irrelevant, and has been for several chapters.

They should just rename the manga "Ruri JK" or something.
So it wasn't racism at all then. Peculiar. It's almost always racism, especially if you're an east asian.
It's a liminal fantasy series, the dragon stuff is just added spice.
Dragon booty
and then after ruri barely manages to degeat her, they have to team up against an angelic crane girl
>people don't hate me because I'm a dragon
>people hate me because I'm a fucking bitch
What a relief.
Ruri is saying cringe again
Imagine the smell
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why is she so cute holy shittttttttt
They really casually in the original too but this translation makes it feel like they're Americans. The original didn't feel like it's packed with as many zoomer expression as the author could think of. The translation feels like it's written in a way a boomer thinks zoomers talk like.
It's a slice of life you tards, and life isn't always magic fairy shit and being the special chosen one just because she's different, it's about the mundane high school girl life. Plus if ruri had a new dragon power every chapter she'd turn into unkillable God dragon queen that terrorizes the world with a horde of Yuri sex slaves in a battle tournament arc, and while that would be kino, that's not the manga I signed up for
>it's about the mundane high school girl life
Then what's it doing in my weekly shounen jump instead of fucking off to young jump
It's on Jump Plus now, you can stop reading it.
It's still in the digital version of the main weekly jump magazine
you can read it for free at J+ app
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translate it weebs
because the target audience is teen boys
Google can translate images now
>someone not hiding how they feel is good, except when it's Maeda apparently
I hate protagonist centered morality so much
>because the target audience is teen boys
it's targeting teenage girls too you retard.
Why are they looking at cat ass?
>Starting this time, I'll be using digital for my drafts. I'll try my best to make sure the final image remains the same (spirited)
Dumb doragon.

>From this time on, I will use digital for my drafts.
>introduction. The final image will not change
>I'm coming (spirited) <Masayuki>
>©Masayuki Mato/Shueisha

He's coming (spirited).
So he wasn't using digital tools at all until now. And it seems he'll still do the inking with pen and paper.
>slice of life can't make use of non real world elements
Where do you retards come from, watch more anime
It's just a fancy term for either tribading or double or quadruple dildo.
Ackshually, next they'll fight a black turtle with deceptive strength. Then, they're forced to battle against a phoenix, the toughest opponent yet.
Then at the end, they're all forced to band together to defeat a golden dragon. For extra drama, it's actually Ruri's half sister or something.
Conceptualize the odor
I know the SOL is the point but I'm getting a bit bored of high school drama.
So we still agree that Ruri is a self centered bitch right?
>it's actually Ruri's half sister or something.
Ruri should have had a twin sibling, the sibling does the battle shounen while she does the slice of life.
Is this NTR?
shut up maeda
Fight society.
You mean Royal Cheese
>I have no enemies
Farmer Ruri soon
Burger King is better than Mc Donalds.
>she was eavesdropping yesterday
I love Ruri, the straightest Jump heroine that hates lesbians!
chicken nuggets are disgusting in both taste and texture
Ruri? More like yuri.
>shiota cover
>no shiota in chapter
false advertising
fuck you ruri
we were spared from that stupid ass hair
Someone finally childproofed Ruri.
See? She dislikes Ruri for what's inside. And that's always valid.
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>ruri can you pass me a light?
>Maeda visits Ruri
>the first thing she does is ask Ruri's mom about dragon dicks
Is it weird that I've kinda come to enjoy the stupid slang because it's funny to watch anons bitching about it? Maybe I should make it a drinking game.
>is it weird I enjoy when people are upset at things
Yes? The fact you even have to ask is just further proof how broken you are as a person nigga
What is the appeal of this manga even supposed to be
>Me. I'm the impaler.
>That has no right to be this funny.
It's...really not funny. That was stupid.
Man, thank heavens the manga reminded us again that Ruri's a half-dragon. Isn't it cool how instead of having Ruri do stuff with her powers, the manga just has people talk about it? Why show us how cool it is that Ruri's a half-dragon when you can just tell us how cool it is? Man, this is some top tier writing.
Imagine all the complaining and nagging she does before giving you the most soul sucking bj of your life?
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they're both in desperate need of a man
>Apparently slice-of-life can't incorporate fantastical elements
Oh, hi, Dragon Maid! Oh, hi, My Girlfriend is a T-Rex! Oh, hi, Spy x Family! Oh, hi, Skull Dragon's Precious Daughter!
I'm sorry, you were saying?
It was kinda funny. And they're teens, not old men, of course they're gonna laugh at anything and everything.
God, humor's gone down the shitter more than I thought if that's supposed to be funny. I know I wouldn't have laughed at that when I was a teen and I doubt anyone I went to school with would have either beyond maybe a, "Heh".
You have to remember its Japanese humor, puns are the peak of comedy there.
"ruri is literally me" basically jump's bocchi
the horn is stabbing her
there was no punchline in spanish, and here it is in jap
its caleb's headcanon
So, nothing. Understandable, have a nice day.
Doesn't surprise me, on his website he calls some of the manga he's translated shit and that he improves it
Being honest with people and not deceptive is totally different from being a no filter bitch.
Typical trannylator behavior.
Yep, culture vultures are a fucking plague and these faggots have insanely inflated egos. Total localizer death.
They'd better bang.
do you tards not understand what I'm talking about, i mean not every chapter is going to be about ruri being a dragon because there's other shit in her life thats just as or is more important than dragon stuff for ruri. Its set in reality, why would the slice of life not include shit from normal teenage jap life
shed need to childproof her during sex, only real chads like Yoshioka (TANKED her fire breath) can handle her
She's not saying the line "I'm the impaler" is funny, she's saying the erasers on the horns is funny. She says that in Japanese too and is holding back laughter.
Because that's all it's been. Why even have the dragon stuff there if all it's going to get is a passing mention? We get it! She's supposed to be a half-dragon! Stop talking about it and start doing stuff with it! That's what people are saying. If you're going to have something like this be a part of your story, then do something with it. Christ, have her fart fire or electricity or something! The problem is that the manga has done nothing to show that this dragon shit is necessary. It can easily be removed and nothing is worse for wear. If anything, the manga would actually be better off without it by this point.
>gatekeeping comedy
>my generation was better
kys retard who cares what kind of shit you were as a teen
I will still believe the author never went sick for years, and made a long hiatus because of the popularity pressure and hoped series get less known or less reputation in WSJ.
Aww! Don't like that your kind of humor isn't funny, zoomer? Yeah, because saying "sus" and "Amoogus" fifty million times is the absolute peak of comedy. Oh, wait, no. What do you brats like now? Skibidi Toilet? Go chew on a shotgun.
and it still sucks
Name something funny.
if i find out you laughed at something dumb as a baby, do I have your permission to shoot your brains across the floor?
>inb4 but why does me being a baby mean anything I didn't know any better than
I would love to be as stupid as you people it must be so nice to get to say dumb shit and wholeheartedly believe it
gatekeeping is good actually
>didn't take on assistants
>two breaks in the first six chapters
>recently revisted a game about terminal illness
I think he was sick
comedy i believe is not one of those where you should try to gatekeep people, thats cringe and it's purely for having a laugh. I believe you should gatekeep pseuds and people who want to gatekeep comedy for retarded reasons tho, that's always a net benefit
Because a baby and a teenager are the exact same thing. God, you Rurifags are retarded.
Dave Chapelle, Monty Python. That enough for you. I know you said something, but I thought I'd add a second something for extra credit.
What is it about this manga that makes people so mad?
the "comedy" from gayleb is cringe
They want it to be a battle shonen and the author keeps making a fool out of them with the fakeouts
this manga sucks and I'm a SoL afficionado
the oneshot was better
The zoomer lingo makes it awkward to read.
the oneshot ending was too strong, they probably push it to the chapter where the anime would end
Because it's a low-quality manga. It's not funny, it's not interesting, the dragon stuff is absolutely unnecessary, the fanbase is obnoxious, Ruri is a whiny, unlikable little brat who everyone kisses the ass of when she hasn't done anything to deserve it, the cast are all flat and zero-dimensional aside from Ruri and her mom, and even then, they at best come out to being only one dimensional. I like SOL manga, but this is exceptionally dull. SOL stories can still be fun, they can still present the audience with a cast of lively, dynamic characters and good humor. Ruri doesn't do any of that.
and it will sell 100k again
you didn't answer the question fucking pussy, do I have permission to shoot you if you've ever laughed at something dumb, even as a baby? and why not?
dead jks in their natural resting place
Well, trash sells. Twilight sold. Justin Bieber sold. So of course this sells. Because it's trash.
it has to be pseud seethe or something, I actually don't know how you read wholesome stuff and go straight to outrageposting
Go ahead. And I already told you, a teenager isn't a baby you retarded shit. God, please, put that shotgun in your mouth and pull the trigger. Please. For the good of all mankind.
>Kashiro re-pigtailed
>Start being worst character
>Turns into best character
My favorite type of characters
No, I genuinely do hate this manga. It could have been something worth a damn if it actually did something with its concept, but alas.
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inb4 mom wants Ruri to finally meet dad

>I hate that it isn't a generic battle shonen
smelly ruri
Ruri is 100% straight, hates lesbians, and her dream is to marry a man become a housewife and have a bunch of kids!
damn you really are willing to die over being a hypocrite then admit you're defending a stupid hill. A baby and a teenager are different because of how their brain develops and how they process shit and the amount of experiences they have in the world, much like a teenager and a grown man (im assuming thats you) and a grown man and a old one. Elitism is cringe brainlet stuff, what the fuck does going, hah you like young adult stuff i've read paradise lost, accomplish other than gay dick measuring contests? kys quickly fucking tranny, YWNBAM
Nope. Instead it's a generic SOL Minus the humor and good characters.
But why does that make people angry? I honestly don't get it. When I find an unfunny, low-quality manga with an obnoxious fanbase, I go read a different one.
>the fanbase is obnoxious,
Honestly >>268314455
the way any criticism is met with the mindlessly parroting but "muh battle shonen strawman" is just unreal
Uhh...are you okay? Your brain seems to be short-circuiting. How am I a hypocrite? I didn't say anything hypocritical. I think you need to open a dictionary and read what that word means. Also, where the hell did I make any elitist comments? I literally said I like Dave Chapelle and Monty Python and last I checked, neither of those are exactly high-brow humor. Unlike you, I know a lot of the things I find funny aren't high-brow, but I can acknowledge that. You're over here, acting like a FOTM manga is some brilliant work of art. And please, kill yourself first. Ruritranny. YWNBAM and your favorite manga will never be good.
>Start being worst character
What made her the worst character in your opinion?
>the fanbase is obnoxious
That's you. You're the one shitting the threads right now.
Yeah. Why is it that even constructive criticism is met with "Oh, you want it to be a battleshonen" strawman arguments? I've never seen anyone who is critical of this manga say that. Even when you point out that you enjoy SOL manga, it's the same "battleshonen" strawman. I do like SOL manga, this just isn't one of them.
We'll never know. It's like crazy ex-girlfriend behavior but for manga.
Last I checked, I'm pretty sure I'm not a fan, but thanks for trying.
People for whatever reason go into something they don't like and read it thinking its bad the whole time, then go into a thread and shit it up with their seethe when they see other people like it. It's like they're addicted or something and they hate that they're forced to read it or something, its weird
I remember I had a convo with some anon in another thread about their seethe
>anon seethes
>I tell them you have full choice and ability to not see it this way and not get mad about something like this
>I choose to seethe
some people really can't be helped
ruri anime by jc
So you're a troll coming into the thread for something you don't like just to talk shit about it, got it.
>It's like they're addicted
Yeah, to negativity.
>no you must only go into your own circlejerk bubbles
Grow up you faggots
>Lamenting her lack of enemies
Hey, it's an open topic on a public message board, pal.
>it's actually foreshadowing
Ruri battle tournament arc confirmed
They should have called it "Horny JK". I'd read that manga.
the premise of the manga was so good, but now the plot is getting boring, just a SOL without any depth and fun
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Honestly this. I really liked most of the series, but in the latest couple of chapters, I find myself thinking, why should I care about these characters?
I don't really like how they are talking directly about Ruri's personality and her being a dragon, it feels cheesy and shallow. >>268299914
I'd be more interested to learn what these characters' personalities are like indirectly through their interactions.
Mickey Deez Nuts. It's supposed to be called WacDonalds over there.
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let's see what you can do, /a/
>Being honest with people and not deceptive is totally different from being a no filter bitch.
Maeda DID have a filter, Ruri literally asked her to turn it off and lay it on her.

>shut up maeda
We literally saw in the manga that Maeda was right.
maybe nips need to make ruri 1m sellers.
the battle shounen toddlers meltdown in this thread will be fun.
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Kill yourself
mouth fetish dragon
She looks like a fucking Yukkuri
>but calling McDonald's Mickey D's is blatantly American
Funny enough they just use マック (Mac) for it in the raws, which is as normal as can be. Not sure why the forced Mickey D's
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>Making such a huge deal about Kashiro's pigtails
>Questioning Ruri's dragon powers
>Addressing that there won't be any battles, enemies to fight etc.
This chapter sure feels like addressing fan feedback.
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>look at someone like they're walking garbage and snap at them never to talk to you
>having a filter
Clearly these match.
>no enemies to battle
battle shonenbros, we're getting close to victory
>look at someone like they're walking garbage
That's just you projecting your own insecurities
That is just being able to read expressions.
Because it is also a slang contraction for McDonalds.
No anon the expression was no were near as strong as you describe quit being a little bitch
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That is a walking garbage face.
She made another later on too.
You need help that face is tame as shit
her enemy will be a dragon hunter that wants to kill her dad but we need to wait 20ish chapters for that first
cover reveal next week?
dragon girl has cute teeth
>nothing happens the manga
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show me what you got anons
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and thats a good thing
If she's acting this cranky now, what'll be in sixty years?
Ruri Chorogon.
imagine a threesome....
>anime sidemouth vs irl propermouth
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Me touching the horns.
Yoshioka could tank it
She's not even looking at Ruri, stop being as insecire as that egoist dragon.
I know people seethe over the translation but I think it's really funny. It reminds me of Serenity.
It reminds me of this
>That has no right to be this funny.
nobody talks like that
May I ask why is there someone from here posting coprophillic fantasies while larping as this girl in /dbs/?
The Impalerrr
what the fuck am I reading
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>the impaler
>from here
Lol. It's probably someone from the wsj threads and they just picked ruri to troll as a moefag.
>asking why schizos do things
If I had an easy answer, I'd instantly be a world renowned psychologist
series ended up too mundane not magic enough lame. Ruri should trip and stab someone already to heighten the stakes
>calling McDonald's Mickey D's is blatantly American.
Calling an American brand an American nickname for said brand, oh no?
Dragon drool....
She's about to go down the Batman route and create her own villains
>back from hiatus
Meta commentary arc confirmed
The shorthaired one ran to Chav-oneesan before Kashiro even noticed her, she must like her a lot.
I want ridiculous shounen shit but only in flashbacks to how Ruri's parents met
>Japan has fallen
We just got shuumatsu train which had a much more detailed and indeed oversized dog butt
>when you realize you confessed to your crush and had your first lunch date in front of your friends and didn't notice
Dumi Dragon
Blushi Dragon
Ruri perks up when Maeda proposes another lunch date
Kashiro supports their relationship
Maeda confesses her love for Ruri's dragon side after all
Ruri is relieved her crush doesn't hate her for it after all

The MaeRuri romance is developing nicely in YuriDragon
>falls asleep thinking about Maeda's words AGAIN
>hair down Kashiro
>ponytail Kashiro exposing nape
>pigtail Kashiro after hiatus
She's too powerful
I'll be honest. I don't remember any of their names.
Another promising manga ruined by yurishit.
Lizard brain
the punchline in this arc definitely ruri will be forced to be the dragon mascot of the sport festival and breath some fire.
The finale will be Ruri relighting the Olympic flame when it goes out the next time Japan hosts it in a several decades
I mean it fits.
these are teenage girls in modern comteporay setting, ofc they would use slangs.
John will -> John'll
Shiota wll -> Shiota'll
Dislike others for no good reason.
I mean she explained her dislike of Ruri.

Ironically enough Ruri herself is more judgmental.
Maeda canonically doesn't mind the danger
what chapter could this be on if it never got a hiatus?
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like on chapter 60?
it started on 2022
this isn't a confession this is
>you are my very specific fetish and I will say it out loud in public
the word confession doesn't do justice to how emotionally lewd this is
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YES finally!
this thread reeks of twitter, tiktok, gen alpha, and rotting meat
Yeah and they're all coming from you.
aaahhhh fr, lil bro is bussing oomfie! uwu im just a little chungus! its the relatability for me
>typical dragon ball thread
steamy ruri socks..
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dragon elves
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I've read like 10 chapters through these threads and it feels like nothing has happened except cute girls talking, but I come back because it's a very easy read and the facial expressions game is on-point
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autistic dragon elves
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I kneel
SoL is indeed not for adhd battle shounen toddlers.
We warned you from chapter 1....
I dropped this after the sports place with her mum.
Is this still heavily popular in japan? I actually really wish for a german serialization so I can pick it up
This needs shrike bird impaling its prey on her horns
If you connect her horns with a wire and she releases electricity, does she short?
she wills short your house electrical wiring, baka.
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>not Laios
well, he is not a girl, so I understand you.
Teaching Ruri how to use her horns to intercept radio transmissions!
No I mean just connect her + horn and - horn with a short wire. Not to a socket.
I knew it, VP-chan is dragging the two officially into the student council
Why haven't millennials all committed mass suicide yet?
>Why haven't millennials all committed mass suicide yet?
because they're lacking the crazy high rates of mental illness found in gen z and gen alpha
Please understand, they get off on being raped into cultural irrelevancy.
If she learns how to emit high voltage AC current from her horns, she could easily be the class radio
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Is Caleb Cook the best localizer in the industry?
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Running a pirate radio station off of Ruri!
no such thing in this manga
scale acne arc when
Mom found out what happens to female dragons during that time of the month and wanted to let Ruri know as it's coming up soon.
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ZAMN, we cookin' with Caleb Cook fr
>Maeda and Kashiro have similar ear piercings but on the opposite ears
What did they mean by that?
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>hammered out the deets
It means Ruri better get used to using that dragon tongue on her besties
That's just Marcille after hearing the mandrake scream.
it will be announced after kagurabachi's
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>Ruri! Vile Ruri!
>O terror incarnate!
>Curse you Ruri!
>I hereby vow! You will rue this day!
>Mark my words! You too shall know fear! Uaaaargh!
I need a better drawing of Kashiro's sister than that
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lovin' the wholesome keanu chungus localization
what's with that mouth on the side of her cheek? KEK
you can just report people like that, you know?
yeah anime sidemouth
it's funny
Ruri didn't change out of her clothes and went to school with the same uniform
How does that work actually, do people usually own multiple uniforms or do they wear the same one throughout the week and only wash it on weekends?
Imagine the smell of the girl's changing room for Friday's PE class.
they own multiple uniforms
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That was fun
Extremely based
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the author really enjoy the slow mode lmao.
the average series will introduce new dragons or hybrids by chapter 7-10.
I guess sell 300k first volume and axe immunity make the author can do whatever he wants.
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Why would you do this for free ?

Are you mentally ill ?
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Cute Ritsu
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No one cared about her until she grew the horns
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Look at how plain she was
She should do restaurant reviews where every thumbnail is the food impaled on her horns.
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The real dragon power was the friends we made along the way.
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She's in my stroke zone.
>no enemies to battle

why does this manga do this?
Teasing shounenfags
I could read 500 chapters of this
First is the Ruri get to known others demi-humans. Then fight against a human heater demihuman superpowerful

Then the Government Purge arc.

Then the Dragon Conquest arc
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>a human heater demihuman
It'd be pretty funny if the plot kept trying to introduce shonen elements, but Ruri keeps lazily dodging responsibilities and keeps it SoL.
The katana umbrella continues to sleep....
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The facial expressions are amazing
>you wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid
I'm getting a feeling this could end up like the Robot Wife manga. Conceptually and artistically appealing, but gets distracted and goes off on tangents while losing the original charm.
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Maeda's personal heaterwife
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Rude lizard
What was she going to tell her?
as long as it retains novelty
Ruri Idol
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>plot development? POSTPONED
Still noting about that katana brolly??
it was a real umbrella
I see, to that's how you make successful SoL in jump.
you need to bait readers to think it can turn into battle anytime. Bucket is failing to do that.
I blame KHR.
Thank you for posting.
With all that running around, I had expected her to sprout some serious dragon-y wings, and take to the skies.
That would be terribly inconvenient in a confined space like a train station
This kaiju is about to go off.
All the more dramatic!
And that is before we come to the insta-shredded clothes issues.
I want more boys dammit!
you will get a tiger boy
honestly I agree
I started off really interested in this series, but lately it's been just plain boring. Girls talk about random crap with the occasional "btw Ruri has horns"
I don't want a battle shonen, I just want a series about a cute girl getting into misadventures because of her dragon powers.
Ruri wouldn't have been able to fly even if she had sprouted wings, she didn't have control over the other dragon powers at first either.
>10 chapters about judo team tryouts or whatever
>"oh btw what's with the ears?"
>"I'm half tiger"
>"wow cool, anyway, how about that judo"
>10 more chapters with no mention of tigers
Ruri cute!
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>least obvious /u/ falseflag
>she wasn't racist agains't dragons
>no bath
But her mom's been selling her bathwater to make ends meet. Don't be selfish, Ruri.
name their band
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uhhh imagine dragons?
Dragon Mouth
4 Non Blondes
>conflict? not in my slice-of-snorefest manga!
thank you
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>Help! I need a dragon
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>it's awesome because they're so pointless
Unironically this, and for whatever reason this makes people seethe about, why isn't it more special she's a dragon, why is this dragon manga so boring
imagine if it becomes another lesbian band show
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why does this keep happening?
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the current point of the manga is ruri is still lone dragon. its also unrealistic if she suddenly find another 10 hybrids so soon.
but battle shounen toddlers can't take that and want it go x-men full mutant hybrid route asap.
But it becomes funny because the other SoL in wsj goes x-men route at chapter 2 yet the battle toddlers already said its boring at chapter 5.
are the battle shonen toddlers in the room with us right now?
This is /a/. They're always in the room.
Yep >>268396827
yeah there's a few in the thread
I expect that to happen some time. But maybe the author is saving it for the future and an even bigger moment.
Otherwise, that was the perfect time to throw wings in there. When Ruri is freaking out and rushing and scared of 'letting people down'. A childish conflict, but one that would be fittingly huge for a girl of her age.
If part time jobs are allowed in their schools, what sort of job would Ruri have?
Don't scare them, man! Battleshonen toddlers are the invisible enemies that live in their heads rent free! If you bring them up, they might go into hyster...well, further hysterics.
That was all I ever wanted from this series. She doesn't need to fight a worldending threat or some evil from the past. She just needs to do something fun or interesting. Talking about the dragon stuff instead of showing it is boring and diminishes what could be a fun and cool idea to work with. I agree that her getting into misadventures with her powers would make this manga a lot more enjoyable, but I have my doubts that kind of thing will ever happen.
grilling takoyaki

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