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Sorry to the usual dumpanon but I need to discuss the new chapter right now.
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This is the page of the week. Absolutely fucking great panel.
Thank you for the dump btw.
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End of dump.
I'm going to start posting that page everywhere.
I really hope Angvall just run away with them.
I wonder why the goat is also there. Did it join the strong one willingly or Julian somehow has absorbed it? I need to reread previous chapters.
Also with this chapter im fully glued to the manga.
This type of conflict between characters is always fun and entertaining.
some people called it last week, classic move right there.
I don't mind it either, I just really hope that Diana is actually pure and innocent, that the prophesied destruction comes from Julian protecting her at all cost. You know, self-fulfilling stuff.
Sex with Angvall
Fire Punch is fucking amazing
while the stuff representing the blessing of the sea is obvious, I think the goat specifically represents the pact itself
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>"How old are you, Julian?"
>"I don't know."
>"That's fine, I bet you're old enough! Haha!"
What did she mean by this?
The goat is the baby's pact/soul.
>oh btw, how old are you?

She is sly.
>guys literally only want one thing and it's fucking disgusting
If it's another To Your Eternity and author will be killing characters dear to mc through each arc...i'm so tired of good characters dying, they're a rare thing in modern manga, and just dispatching them instead of fleshing them out through the years is no good.
The GOAT returns!
wtf is up with the hands in this manga
Angvall's been faked out so many times now that by the rules of dramatic convention she has to survive the whole manga.
Hands were bigger in olden times before TV and internet.
Probably going to be killed by the twink when he comes.
oh I see, makes sense. Carry on then
Four of them going on the run with some end goal destination will be such a breath of fresh air. But you don't introduce a character who can pop people like ballons when you want to go that route. Will be happy to be wrong.
No prob mate, I was sleepy. Now I'll dump Deep Raputa, since it has a similar shocking twist.
And other famous last words
>it was the baby
what a TWEEEST
and now I see it had the baby had those glow eyes like Julian and the Goat
Can it be that blood bender dude won't be able to do shit because Diana is the avatar of water aspect or something and she overwrites his powers?
that or the whole morality is flipped
we had like three chapters in a row of everyone singing the king's praises but he's also over a century old and my money is that he's done a lot of human sacrifice just to prolong his lifespan
Dianna is actually pointing at the prophetess and trying to tell Julian "Kill her"
I want Black Philip to be our boy's instructor!
Cheeky little devil
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Julian's about to live deliciously
here's a thought
its been asked if julian can 'top up' his 100 lives by devouring the souls of his victims
but what if they were to also retain any powers they had in life
What if the goat is actually in the room, just invisible?
I wonder if the slaves could've fought back effectively against the ship guards if they really wanted to.
So what's the goat supposed to represent? I thought it was symbolic of the forest demon. Also, goddamn Angvall is hot
Female face design is simple but very nice so far
>Diana just pointing smiling at the priestess and Angvall
That would be an insane twist if she was possessed by not-Satan
I watched some horror movie in Spanish or something where a demon possessed an autistic kid and nobody could tell the difference.
Considering how autistic Spanish society seems that's not too surprising.
Julian will have to kill her and absorb her life. It will power him up but also SUFFERING. This will happen repeatedly throughout the series.
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Awwww yeah that's the stuff.
I think I saw that one too. Did the autismo eat his grandma?
Gorilla Angvall scares me.
Yeah, same movie. Nice.
Classic trope of child fated to kill the ruler, e.g. Krishna.
SAAAR, that motif is everywhere.
Goat was from the end of Chapter 3.
It's Diana's guardian.
She's destined to kill the king because Macbeth.
"From her mother's womb she was was untimely ripped."
What's prophecy again?
Gorilla Angvall arouses me.
>If it's another To Your Eternity and author will be killing characters dear to mc through each arc...
That's the weirdest complaint you could make about a manga focused on the passing of time
So Titty is buracku phirripu then?
Titi isn't in the cabin.
and there's the edge.


I knew beforehand that Julian and Diana's life was gonna be ruined eventually, but not in such a stupid way.
>Fire punch awkward face
Way too obvious that's what was going to happen
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>fire punch invented ambi-valent expressions
Oh no the bad guy is LE BABU?!! Who could've ever seen this coming!
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"Wawah" will save them.
Rajeesh please. This is clearly based on the baby Jesus story. Julian has the Jesus haircut, the king and the murder plot is based on King Herod trying to murder baby Jesus. And if it wasn't obvious from all of that, the couple that takes of care of Diana are literally called Joseph and Mary.
The devil's child, indeed.
Cute family
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i'm getting massive jp shitpost vibes from these faces
Titis, need them more
For the sake of Diana, Angvall must die. This is the way it must be.
he's going to fucking kill her, isn't he? julian's power is outrageous
>only one of Julian's eyes glows
Isn't he blind on the right?
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Wait till we learn that Julian or Dianna can burn through his 100 lives to heal other people or something. Author doesn't ignore scars, Julian''s eye for example, yet Angvall looks exactly the same after, what we can assume, shattering her face or at least damaging it enough for it to bleed all over.
I guess I thought Sea God repaired it with the whole pact thing, didn't think his vision was still impaired characters with missing /damaged eyes but don't patch it up are cool though
I would also bet on it being blind but I'm still kinda hoping that it means that Julian is oly the guardian (1 glowing eye) to the true blessed/vessel of Sea Goddess (two eyes).
And the goat is there because why the fuck not. I hope that it won't mean that mommy fucked a devil before getting on the slave ship
She has the baby fever
She wants to be filled with the glop of hundred people!
Giving Diana siblings!
Unless that was her blessing or something
A child for each Titi's Titi! heh
I don't think so, at least not out of ulterior motives as the Sea Goddess demanded the death of one with a pure heart. I could see this being something like Rosemary's Baby tho.
Sufferingbros. . .
We're so back
>If you only knew how bad it was going to be
>Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?
BIG hands
Titi gives good sister vibes for MC
So when I Arkos coming back into the picture and will he be an ally or an enemy? His powers are water based so it's possible he was also blessed by the sea demon.
Bro Arkos is a bored psychopath who likes drinking the distilled water from his enemies, once they realize Julian is above their paygrade he's gonna come a-running just to get that 1v1
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The series might be full of tropes but I am enjoying every chapter. Fills that Berserk niche pretty well and while the art isn't all that good it has that soul to it.
Yep, I expected it ever since the ominous goat showed up.
We're toast. Angval dies this arc.
it was practically overdue, Angvall surviving the forest demon punching out 95% of her blood was insane.

She'll probably die to Arkos and Julian will flip out from losing his second mom/big sister.
Starting with twins!!!
We Kirby now?
>Chair clatters
I think the water guy is going to show up and kill her to "help out".
Welp she sure as shit now condemned her king
Not to mention how just about EVERYONE comes back and gets to participate in To Your Eternity
Have you read To Your Eternity. There has been like maybe a handful of permanent deaths of charcters dear to Fushi. Most of the main supporting cast have volunteered to be immortal with him
>we had like three chapters in a row of everyone singing the king's praises but he's also over a century old and my money is that he's done a lot of human sacrifice just to prolong his lifespan
We saw the king and saw that he's a lot less kind than we've been told. We've also seen the abject cruelty and sadism of one of the king's best soldiers
Depends on how large the crew was even if they were armed. It wasn't uncommon for slaves to rebel and even win during the Atlantic Slave Trade but we're talking several hundred men and women of prime age vs dozens while here it's 101 (one of which is a pregnant woman) of varying ages vs dozens
By the time this baby can walk around and do his thing, the king would be so old he'd be on death's door anyway
Huge Angvall arms.
Cute family. Now here comes the gutpunch

>Black Philip bleats maliciously next to them
Diana, now is not the time to be cute.
The goat seems to primarily be interested in Diana. It's likely the reason to begin with why she's the "harbinger of doom" the prophecy foretells.
>Diana turns out to ACTUALLY be pure evil
Would be an amazing twist if true.
me on the left
Arkos is fucking completely nuts. No way he's on their side outside of maybe doing it for his own amusement.
madarchod, sanjay I can see krishna sirs sign everywhere in this manga sirs
given the many inverted christ parallells it was probably an immaculate conception
in a more conventional manga he'd be the ally that's an unrepetant bastard when first introduced that gets softened into just a callous jerk after being defeated.
in this case I thinknif he dors somehow become an ally it'll be because julian kicks his ass so hard he begs to become his servant in exchange for his life being spared, and plans to backstab at the earlirst chance, but the dark powers that be make that a binding vow he physically can't go back on
Thanks. Julian did win as an ultra condensed version of their combined strengths, so it's interesting to think about. I think the manga's starting to show that he has more powers than "just" the 101 Man Strength though, if I'm understanding correctly.
Please Author-san, let Angvall survive to be a grandma.
I'm glad the author agrees with me that Titi is a love interest.
You really cursed yourself like that Julian...
Be nice to him, he didn't know.
The goat is the baby
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Just like my war movies when the nice guy of the squad takes out a picture of his sweetheart back home
Julian probably can't reup on souls unless he sacrifices them to the ocean yea?
What's the moral thing to do here?
It looks like Angval doesn't know about all the super powers and shit. So maybe at this point it's to flee with Julian.

If she knew about these fucking demons then probably should kill Julian. Just cause it's risky.
Apologize with her body
raputa is better
Wtf is la puta?
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It's not blood bender, it's water bender.
That guy have the blessing of water.
While julian have the blessing of the sea.
Also diana, as the manga stated, is far worse than julian.
And with goat imagery, she's probably the devil's spawn.
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>Wtf is la puta?
deep raputa, another J+ manga that got released a few weeks after centuria, they're from the same batch. it's about a yandere ia trying to monopolize an elementary student
Kill priestess and go to another continent with baby, musclewife and teenwife
She's just a baby
Evil baby?
You know the entire story has that Funger energy. So I wouldn't be surprised if it turned into something like that.
She's also seen and experienced firsthand what the forest nigga could do. Now imagine if the priestess, who has never been wrong, freaks the FUCK out about the babby, claims it's going to turn out into another one of those demons and demands its immediate execution posthaste.
Either way, Angvall's completely and utterly screwed no matter what she chooses. She either disobeys the order and turns traitor against the country and king she is extremely devoted to, or she executes her orders and kills the very thing she swore to protect in the first place as a knight not to mention Julian will most beat the shit out of her with the force of a hundred retards if she so much as tries to hurt Diana. It's a very bad day to be Angvall.
>be a priestess
>make prophecies
>prophecies always come true
>make a prophecy that the king is going to get killed
>try to fight against said prophecy even though your prophecies still have 100% accuracy
Is the priestess retarded?
Sadly Angval probably going to say "Julian hand over Diana" then probably pursue him for 1 chapter before maybe having a small clash and finally changing her mind/revealing that she wanted them to escape and that's when her head will explode from the water guy.

At least that to me, would be the most cliche thing.
oh wait you mean fear and hunger
funger this dick in yo mouth
You forgot Angval telling and/or Titi telling Julian to "Live" while prompting him to escape shortly before water guy explodes their skulls from off-screen.
but then Julian puts Diana on his back like in Beelzebub and he taps into her full power, which is so terrifying it leaves waterboy paralyzed as Julian escapes to another island in a single leap
Refuse to kill the baby and let fate run its course.
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>make prophecies
Has there ever been a war story manga like that?
It's whore in Spanish.
I just noticed that baby eyes glow too
Or slut
It's obvious these two are going to die.
>Julian slays the hordes of people. good or bad, to protect Diana
>Suffers cause of that
>Diana grew up and turns out to be an actual evil entity
>She thanks Julian for being such a good protector for her and goes on wiping out cities
>Julian stands here alone realizing that his whole destiny was to raise and protect the villain
>He goes on the journey to fix the mistake and kill Diana

Chances of that happening?
Reminds me of Kazuma in Konosuba insulting people whenever they throw flags like that
Timeskip is certain. No way Diana stays a baby.
I would say very likely, and it would most definitely be kino.
>Presuming one of the two girls dies and Julian runs away with Diana

Although Angvall has a lot of red flags, i think she will live long enough.
She got more focus from the author and although one would say it was done so her death would feel worse, she fits the role of a person for Julian to bounce off better than Titi, who is just that - fragile and kind girl.
This whole dramatic sequence, i think, will bring the long lasting conflict between Julian and Angvall regardless of what she choose to do, and the story will follow them slowly resolving it. Maybe even becoming more than just friends.
Titi on other hand will probably become the lamb to kill for a gut punch. Julian doesnt need another Diana (but mature) to hang with two of them. The muscule mommy with troubled past, clash of moral compass and duty, on other hand, would be an interesting partner for Julian to communicate.
I don't want Diana to be evil. She's a baby.
>still hasn't tapped that
>probably won't ever have a chance again
what a fag
Does the prophet have an actual track record of predicting disasters or do I have to just trust her bro?
Well she's at the right hand of the king.
As the anon said, she's the right hand of the king and he ruled for longer than normal people have lifspan so there is something going on to protect him.
Probably not. It would be too easy if the Sea let him do that.
Oof, have they been exhibiting this aura ever since they entered the contract?
Obviously not, otherwise the villagers would try to shank them immedietelly. It is something that only spiritually attuned people can see.
So this is what Kassadin saw, huh? Would make sense if the blessed/demons can see the aura/source of others powers.
Yea, it certainly would make sense.
Kotomine Kirei route.
You have to raise her and observe her actions and how she comprehends those actions herself, only afterwards can you determine if she is "Evil".
>Angvall actually survives and becomes Julian's nemesis who keeps hunting him down throughout the rest of the manga
Shit man, that would actually be a really interesting development. Both of them are like family by this point and Angvall watched both Julian and Diana grow for a while, so the drama and tension from both of them being permanently at odds and fighting each other every once in a while would be pretty great. But still, I get the feeling that regardless of what she chooses, Angvall is going to die by the end of this arc.

I wouldn't mind if Diana is actually evil but Julian does his best to try to raise her into a good person. It'd be interesting since Julian also has a somewhat warped sense of morality from his slave upbringing and is only now learning how people should normally act.
Based, I wish we got more characters like Kirei. It would fit here for sure.
Please don't do anything.

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