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Gee Rudy! How Come Your Mom Lets You Have Two Wives?
Because said mother is a potato
kino episode, honestly. I really need to do something with my life.
>two wives
When does his husband show up?
Reminder you WILL cease to exist if you die in the SSW
>Oldeus will squeal in a girly voice
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Norn is jealous
HitoTARD lost
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Gee Rudy! How Come Your Moms Let You Have Two Wives?
Seething hitocuck
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Too many Hitocuck in previous thread
>A setting with actual eternal souls
You chose the wrong image
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No, Hitogami right now is winning. He has everything he needs lined up perfectly, thanks to Sylphie being his unwitting honey trap. Now he can send in the Rat.
>How Come Your Mom Lets You Have Two Wives?
His mom is a Milliscuck.
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Post the season 3 reveal next time in the OP you dumb faggot
I recall Roxy's dad toppling down a large monster, why is Roxy such a weak bitch?
The harem should have been Hilda, Zenith, Therese and Rokari
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"Roxy seems like the kind of girl who'll continuously cuck herself and stay in the concubine lane for eternity"

Man last thread really made you mad huh? I can't imagine what it can be light constantly making cringe posts like this.
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Sylphie Status? Concubine
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We just keep winning,
it still boggles my mind women are into that kind of stuff
Season 3 being confirmed before any kind of Eris OVA makes me a bit anxious.
A literal lifetime of insecurity starting in childhood when her parents thought she was inferior or incompetent because she lacked telepathy.
What are you talking about? I didn't participate in the last stride of the thread since I was watching the episode...
Insecure miggercuck
Sylphie is the best, Roxy is poop
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I want Rudy to get a deeper voice for fucks sake
>the absolute kinography that is volumes 13-17
I can't wait
what are those two going to do when Eris turns into an old hag?
this is a webm, that was a give you cuck
Sure that's very convincing
>Insecure miggercuck
Nice try, I love all the wives, but you Sylphie monofags are retarded.
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>eris vs saints
>eris vs auber
>eris vs nina vs isolde
>eris vs nina for king rank
>linia vs pursena
>atofe sneak attack
>atofe gank squad, perugius ENTER
>oldeus flashback
>rudy vs orsted
>eris vs orsted
>library labyrinth
>auber road ambush
>auber city ambush
>reida vs orsted
>auber vs eris, ghislaine and rudy
>ghislaine vs eris
How come the kino doesn't continue to Shirone arc? Even in my first read I felt like stopping at that volume
Would Aisha have defeated the Hydra if she were there?
It was a transitional arc based on Rudeus's schizo breakdown on whether Hitogami is up to something
You're just some extra-special autist who has to keep continuing the six-volumes-per-season strategy, despite everyone telling you that this doesn't work at all.
2/3. One more to go.
Announced to keep the hype going, but it will probably be 2 years in production maybe more. We should get and OVA announcement before then. At worst, we'll get an episode 0
I don't even know what it is that supposedly made me mad last thread, but you guys are malding at facts
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It appears my superiority has sparked some controversy
S3 won't be able to adapt more.
Because my favorite late MT vol is 21.
>eris time = peak time
Why is it like this?
What an obvious lie
>t. shit taste low T beta
Sure, keep telling yourself that while spamming the same old images.
Now I can finally watch season 1 and 2 of this
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I think it's partially V18 that breaks the rhythm. While it starts out with comedy fucking gold, pic related, it gets quickly sidetracked into irrelevance that feels like it's just marking time. I had the same feeling in Millis arc, except that arc should have been much shorter and Shirone war arc longer - it was literally a single fucking battle and then practically over. 18-23 were some real stumbles in the pacing and it never quite recovers.
Would all the Eris chapters fit into an OVA? I feel like they should allocate 2 episodes minimum to them.
>continue to Shirone arc?
the fuck you talking about
rudeus killing for the first time for zanoba and pax killing hinself after calling roxy's bullshit was absolute kino
but nothing beats zanoba pov chapter where he says he just wanted his family because he envies rudeus
because humans>elves and demons
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Sylphiebros, our wife gained a wife. She will be so happy to have a partner now
>"I-I totally wasn't here last thread!"
>Starts spamming about Roxy somehow being a cuck just like "another" poster did last thread
she's a slut who dumped Dudy the Dumbass and went to ride the cock carousel
world was falling apart. Teleportation incidents with literal batches of realms being sucked into one another to balance out the mana deficiency.

What Hitogami achieved was brilliant. Even after Laplace arrived in the united human world he mentioned that world felt like how it should've been now balanced and stable.
So fuck off you genocidal dragoncuck creep.
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Orsted, stop trying to insult her.
She is literally too dumb to fall for your insults.
I was there last thread, just not anymore on the final 100 bumps. So I don't even know what it is that made me mad, but you guys are really seething over my posts... Truth hurts, huh
Reminder the Oldeus stuff will be played straight best you can do is wait for the fanart of Julie totally seducing him and maybe some fanart of Oldeus raping current timeline Roxy and Sylphie.
>Rudy picks up two low born trash girls

That’s all there is to it. Eris would have never let Rudy take another wife if he started with her. Some noble churning through low born girls just makes him look like a trashy horn dog
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>captcha kyn00
I demand a wife
where's my state mandated erufu? i pay taxes ffs
>that permanent Biden stare on Zenith's face
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something off about rudy
his husband (Fitz) is there on the right of OP image >>268300003
Orsted insulting:
>"Oh yeah, Eris? Dudi sucks, and you are a big dum-dum. And you stink. And you had sexual intercourse with your master"

Why is he like this?
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Nobody is seething over your nonsense and I just find it funny how you're really trying so hard with these pitiful lies the truth is there's no concubine bs, there's no cuck stuff, just three wives and their husband and not a single thing you can do about it, you can keep shitting up these threads whining about Roxyfags but nothing will change, do us all a favour and show yourself the door or the rope.
women do not behave like that
>immersion broken
Would she be able to consent to sex if paul was alive? Like even a gesture of some kind? Can you learn telepathy to communicate with her or is it a an inherent genetic trait?
Millis was just boring, only thing notable was Rudy getting so mad he was going to nuke the entire fucking city if they didnt give his mom back.
Fitts is right there anon?
Pff yh right you mosaic bastard, I love how Rifujin tries to add some kind of reason to Hitogamis BS when in reality shes just a completely evil shitbag who murdered his own siblings for the lulz
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We Won
At least she wasn't in charge of a nation
Eris is the biggest Rudy simp of them all, anon.
I concede Roxyfags it looks like the bigamy might be good after all
>Eris would have never let Rudy take another wife if he started with her
At most, she wouldn't want them to call themselves their official wives, but she would absolutely not have a problem with Rudeus having concubines. Although she would prefer if his concubines were beastgirls.
But she would try to connect with Roxy because her parents gifted Eris that sword she uses. And she would connect with Sylphiette because she has beastperson ancestry.
It's nice to see how much these two got close so fast, if a bit hilarious considering what happened earlier in the episode.
So Orsted endgame is to impregnate hitocute?
Roxy went down on her, only possible explanation.
Dragon menace lies. One day you will pay for your crimes of genociding 4 worlds until the heroic human god stopped your nefarious plans in the dragon world.
White=Orsted or Hitogami?
Umm actually Zenith is seething deep inside. For the 3rd wife, she's literally seething so much she temporarily overcame her paralysis and repeatedly slap Rudeus lmao
>peasants have shit taste
as expected
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would you drink roxy's drink?
Cuckqueans do.
Eris was raised like a proper highborn girl so she knows that Rudeus fucking a mutt and a demon is irrelevant. Even a lowborn slut like Sara doesn't count. As long as he doesn't stick his dick in a noble girl.
I don't see what was there for the author to gain by adding this to his setting. Absolute nothingness after death is not interesting and rather nihilistic for a fantasy show.
All it took was a single month. This is the power of migger seduction on the greyrats.
Ariel pissing herself as she, Sylphie and Luke all die in the old timeline.
Had you not killed your own daughter none of this would have happened you mosaic bastard
How did she do it?
Based, Of course
Nah it's probably Ariel considering the content
Parental duty to correct your children being shitbags, transcends any barrier
Could it be Sara? The yellow does come before the Red.
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she looks skiny
is she eating well ?
Yeah. That's odd. There is no one with yellow hair in this anime. Yep. No one. No one that matters at least.
Just imagine how Roxy's offspring can affect Norn.
I think it's Sara, she does appear earlier than Eris in vol 13
Norn never disliked Roxy she disliked Rudeus being a horny retard backstabbing Sylphie
She's on cutting
Roxy is really good at sex, that includes pleasing girls given all the threesomes with Sylphie.
??? Eris is already an old hag
Kek that's pretty wholesome given her circumstances
>Norn manages the get the vile succubus out of the house
>Sylphie the cuckqueen stops her from leaving and asks her to have sex with rudy in front of her
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>be autistic virgin for 40 years
>become pro at sex overnight
How did she do it?
i mean when she's 80, the other two do not age
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>(It should've been me...)
So basically, Eris had the position one, but now will become the third because of her blunder? What a dumbass...
>For tens of thousands of years the six worlds lived in peace then some mosaic asshole thought "hey lets fuck that up shall we?"
>Angelic Sylphie
That's why Roxy tries so hard to pleasure her during threesomes, Sylphie is her Goddess.
Anon was right, this franchise truly is the Muslim fantasy.
where to wach it?
Yeah, it has a couple nice moments, but squishing the entire WAR ARC down to one battle (literally, one fight, he didn't even use magic armour, he lugged the entire thing there and then nothing, like a giant blueballing) and volume was fucking stupid on his part. If Rifujin was to rewrite anything with the anime vs the LNs I would want that arc to be expanded.

I went into it thinking oh shit there's going to be an actual war, we might get an Asura kingdom length arc out of this. Instead no, one and done and that's it, let's go fuck around in Millis without any of the main support cast even.

The actual characters in V19 are some of the absolute best, but somehow the plot and narrative pacing ended up dogshit.
40 years of simulations. Forty years.
It's the lesbo fate kicking in.
>"Oh my god, what a cutie. Who did Rudy bring home now? God. I hope she is the second wife, I want to suck on her nipples and play with her clit all night."
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She learned from quite literally the best.
>How did she do it?
It helps when your best friend is a slutty sexy elf with literal hundreds of years of sex knowledge.
Unironically trained by Einalise
>Orsted uses Water God Style super counter stance
Eris breaks it by doing absolutely nothing
>Orsted uses North God Style insult
Eris is too dumb to understand what he's implying
>Orsted uses Sword God Style supertechnique
Eris chops his hand off
>Orsted uses his own supermartial arts where he makes a spinning kick and also grabs his hand in the air and heals himself and
That's where she now is in trouble.
Norn was incredible this episode.
having a threesome is haran because woman cannot touch nor see each other naked either

dont ask me is a backwards desert madeup bullshit rule
Fuck Rudeus for not plapping this cutiepie who truely did love him because she sticked with Oldeus after Sylphie, Norn, Zenith and Lillia abandoned him. I wonder that the fuck Oldeus was on to continue raping other women when he had cake VIRGIN Aisha always around him until the Millis incident. It makes Oldeus look even more disgusting for refusing to fuck Aisha.
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Sylphie was so cute this episode! She was like an angel!
Yea...you got that right, she was pretty incredible in bed for me as well.
No Sylphie was position one but got put on the back burner because of that retard Paul.
They should have made her hair either more white, instead of silver-greyish, because combined with the ear-rings, she looks like she's 30+, and not a teenage supermodel mom like in the light novel depictions.
>Shit moms going to be pissed I still haven't fucked Rudy yet
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She's doing great
but roxy raped him
Are souls a thing in Mushoku Tensei?
Does Paul at least react in the afterlife?
Roxy was position one but teleport fuckery and Hitocutie interference messed that up.
Innate talent.

And remember that Rudy on one of their early nights together said she can just lie back and let him do everything. After he spent all night eating her out. Her answer was that no, she wants to develop her own skills. That is the response you want out of a sex partner.
Sylphie does have some gay moments in V13 insisting on bringing Roxy with her and Rudy on dates. Also no way those two arent tongue wrestling each other in that home once Rudy and Eris croak.
So this what happens when an unstoppable autist meets an immovable autist? Impressive.
Souls do exist, but they're formed of mana when the body is formed, and that mana disperses after death.
Yes, the world is made up of mana, and souls are mana, so the shit you poop in the six-sided world is souls as well.
they summon his soul in the fight against rimiru, because the ring the deathgod used literaly wont work unless there is a soul to summon
Now you people know we call her migger homewrecker LOL
Aisha is a psychopath anon. I mean that in the medical definition.
It’s a Japanese series, which follows Japanese marriage customs before America forced them to give up polygamy. It wasn’t influenced by Islamic customs
It's actually crazy how shamelessly pathetic this show and its fans are.
Seriously, imagine going out into public and repeating the deranged fetish shit you say here to random people on the street.
Who still loves her oni-chan
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nah man, were gonna Goku this shit

but honestly, i hope he gets a deeper voice too...
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Yes all souls after people die get recycled into mana and are injected back in the six-sided world it's why the six-sided world is full of mana.
There is no afterlife ahahahahahaha
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Shirufi Maji Tenshi~
Psychopaths can love. But they are still psychopaths.
I'm happy they cut out the part about him thinking about beating the shit out of Norn in that moment.
They become suspiciously close. Sylphie and Roxy were lesbians for sure. They are Rudyssexual, the only man they are attracted to is Dudi. Eris is whoever-can-tank-my-punches-for-years-ssexual.
What polygmay? Only the japanese elites did that you stupid fuck.
>Psychopaths can love
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Please god just replace UchiYumi with Nobunaga Shimazaki or something
You just put the penis in the hole, how hard can it be?
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Norn is based as fuck. Rudeus and Roxy are both shit people.
Yes, it's sociopaths that are the issue, psychopaths can still form romantic relationships.
Norn is based but not for this but for actually accepting Roxy, you got filtered hard.
The only thing you can hope for at this point is that the dark future Rudeus is voiced by an old dude.
But unfortunately, it's Uchiyama for <50 year old Rudeus the rest of the series.
There are some psychopathic individuals who genuinely cannot harm a specific person but can slice your face open without hesitation.
pun intended?
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Transcending timelines...
>barging into someone else's relationship
Literally exactly what Sylphie did.
Roxy won.
Psychopaths don't love anyone besides themselfs
Hell I'd even take Sugita taking over
Best girl.
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Yes, but she looks so cute. She's a cute little elf mom, I love her!
I wouldn't get anything done with a wife like that. I would just smooch her over and over and over and over and over again!
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Aw man. That episode was great. Teared up the whole time. 10 out of 10.
Uchiyama gluck gluck is an gluck gluck amazing SLUURP gulp gulp VA, anon.
enough about the cuck shit how was the rudy visiting paul scene? please tell me it wasn't just a few seconds powerpoint
Canon Roxy is so lucky she had Sylphie with her super sexy green hair
It's the alpha attractor field
The title card hurt me
>lillia reaction to rudeus remembering everysingle word paul said to him in his 5th birthday
It was glossed over.
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Are you not allowed to accept shitty people or something? Nothing she said was wrong.
We wouldn't. We would do it while shooting the shit with our bros. Touch grass.
Yo wtf the animeonlies aren't supposed to know this yet
Go watch the episode, nigger. They just skipped it and they added a lesbian sex scene between Norn and the Migger because they thought it was more important
How is she one
That are sociopaths, not psychopaths
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Damn right they are
God shes so fucking perfect
They knew that Badi already met Ruijerd
To be fair they skipped so much shit with Bagidady that anime onlies probably forgot who he was
It's fucking hard to watch this anime being a 40-yo virgin loser who will never get into isekai like this. Even in the second episode of the first season, when chad father fucked her wife and roxy masturbated on this with some passion... Holy shit... It almost broke me. This is so fucking over for me now, pals...
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She's the Goddess of Love for a reason.
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I want to sylphsex elf elf elf, my beloved 1000 times a year.
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It transitioned to being game boxes midway the episode
Looks like they ran out of budget in the last spurt
You can go now
Elinalise should've formed a school and trained disciples in the Sex God style. Sex God could beat Sword/Water/North "Gods" any day.
I'm going to say this as respectfully as I can so people don't think I'm a hater but I'm disappointed by how easily Sylphy accepted Rudy cheating and polygamy. It's not necessarily out of character for her but her big character arc is getting over her meekness and insecurity.

I don't have an issue with the idea of having a harem itself but, to me, it feels too close to wish fulfillment in the execution. Just to give perspective, if this was the other way around where Sylphy cheated, wanted multiple husbands, and Rudeus accepted it then everyone would be calling this a trashy NTR story.

I would rather have it where Sylphy's first instinct is an outburst that Rudy broke his promise about staying faithful and it could be this big emotional scene where no one has ever seen her like that before. Yes, I understand that polygamy is more socially acceptable in their world and Sylphy said earlier that she would be okay with a mistress. But that doesn't mean she has to be okay with it (Zenith wasn't when Paul did it). Emotions aren't rational and her saying she is okay with it is different from it actually happening in front of her.

It could have led to a harem later on but I just feel it could have been great character development for Sylphy and Rudy and it could settle what some people don't like about this writing decision.
literally what norn did with rujerd.
Roxy was first, then eris. If anything sylphie was last. She understands this which is why she lets roxy take her rightful place as #1.
Rifujin is having a meltdown
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>t. high test, high IQ based and redpilled individual
>I did it my way
What a gigachad
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The message is that you don't have to be Isekaid to change. The most opportune time is now, this moment. Oops that TP4's message my bad
I think you need to go back to whatever hugbox you came from anon.
I skimmed over your post when I saw the unnesccary spacing, either you're retarded or you copied this from reddit.


>hey Ruijerd, remember how you and your gang kept stabbing me for three months just because I thought Laplace was an extremist shit and too obsessed with killing all the humans?
>man, that was fun times
>>sir Badi, I do not wish to reminisce about those days
>but it was fun
>you all took turns penetrating me over and over again
>>yes, you kept laughing like a madman
>also, you kept all yelling how you would totally live and die for Laplace, despite me telling you all that he's bad news
>>you were right
>>but please, shut up
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I don't like this migger charlie. It's smug aura mocks me
>that part of Norn letting go of Rudy in the background
>No u
Nice response except Roxy and Rudy aren't shitty people, if you think that way you got filtered, no further discussion needed.
Holy fuck, this was perfect.
Blame Rifujin Norn is saying what Sylphie is supposed to be saying
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How can I say no, when you're asking so nicely?
>please tell me it wasn't just a few seconds powerpoint
it felt like half of the episode
rudeus sat down in front of paul's grave and gave the best speech in the whole series
they even included my favorite line in the whole series
>im just a kid pretending to be an adult because i had memories of a previous life
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Enjoy your happy life Rudy
Banana should have been #2
i think Norn said everything everyone was thinking, what else was there to say?
okay but not children, if she looks too young to healthily birth a child I am not interested
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Speedwatcher-kun, Sylphie knows the kind of household Rudy was raised in (a polygamic one) so she has already taken it into account. Learn to read between the lines. Don't take anything you see at face value.
>bind choose trannies and yuri over a good s2 adaptation
doomchads won at the end...
>Only two kids
What a tragedy, fuck Rifujin and his Lara boner
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>i think Norn said everything everyone was thinking, what else was there to say?
>everyone was thinking
Not "everyone" thinks like you.
>literally just the last attempt from Hitogami at getting a reaction from Rudeus before he never sees him again
if Rifujin was a nihilistic cuck then he wouldn't write that "Eris is waiting for you"
Why would Sylphiette say that, knowing that the father of her husband had two wives, and her best male friend kept bragging how he slept with all the big-breasted girls in the university, and her husband keeps having nonstop sex with her?
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I agree with you actually. It would be an easily recognizable development for Rudy had he stayed faithful to Sylphie, and just let Roxy be a mistake. It would also be better that way to Sylphie since in spite of it all, she wants her partner to only look at her in marriage deep inside
But hey, it is what it is. And Rifujin is a hack, you're better off holding onto your own opinions
If Rudy tried that Sylphie would have had the same reaction as Norn. She's only open to Roxy because she sees herself in Roxy, while banana is this outside threat she doesn't understand.
>no tease of the rat at the ending scene
Huh, I guess that was too much to ask for. At least we got S3
I forget, did the gang meet Perugius by this point? Or was Sylphie relieved for a different reason?
In V14 she is very happy its only her and Rudeus since Peruautist bans demons from his sky castle, but their alone time got ruined by Banana dying of MANA aids.
Holy kek imagine replying with a reddit tier one liner and unironically complaining about getting no u'd instead of an actual reply.
Anyways it seems you are too immature to understand that people can do shitty things and get forgiven for it, but that doesn't erase what they did. Maybe grow up a bit.
The rats infected with the disease would die after two weeks.
>invents the see through velvets so that your woman is still technically covered from the eyes of other women so they're not committing a sin
Not yet, that's next cour.
She was just always bothered about her green hair. They don't meet the super racist until later.
And you would be better off never sharing your "opinion" again.
>He thinks women care about reason
Anon she would use gaslightning to say why Millis crap doesnt apply to her and Rudeus
She was bullied because her hair was green anon
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Don't be so prickly, relax
It really shows that the author never interacted with women
She herself goes racist in V23 wondering if it was right for Sieg to even be born.
I know i will be insulted to hell for this but this is a reason i had a hard time getting attached to Sylphy as a character. I know they live in a world where polygamy is not out of question but she almost feels too ''convenient''. She is in love with Rudy, has always been in love with Rudy and kept that childhood crush all the way to adulthood despite not seeing him for so many years and even after everything she experienced and never showed any attraction to anyone else so she can be in love with Rudy again when they reunited. She is in love with him and yet has practically no problem, jealousy or desire to keep him for herself even after HE declared he will not have anyone else. It feels wrong that it is NORN that tries to defend Sylphy's honor in the marriage after she got cheated on while she is pregnant with a baby.
Like at times she feels like she is created to be Rudeus' first wife so he can have his most likely three girl harem without a problem since Sylphy will accept them and now since Roxy is the second wife who interrupted and got accepted she has no face to oppose if Eris ever returns.
Just tell her she's a fellow japanese
what do you mean he still hasn't told her wife about the isekai?
That line came from Sylphie who knows nothing about the nothing after death.
Just like all of us. So?
But you literally gave a reddit reply with that hugbox nonsense.
>Anyways it seems you are too immature to understand that people can do shitty things and get forgiven for it, but that doesn't erase what they did. Maybe grow up a bit.
That's not what you were talking about in your original post and that projection is wild.
>Only the japanese elites did that you stupid fuck.
not really, if you were rich enough or lived in a remote enough place that nobody would question you, you could still do it
She's literally introduced in the show being bullied for her green hair
Sometimes the correct path has thorns in its side
To be fair, most women are too stupid and too emotional to interact with.
Norn got all the grievances Sylphy might have wanted to say out. If not for her blowing up Sylphy might not have had as easy of a time thinking things through calmly.
Did Rudeus lose his arm forever? O does someone cast a ultra healing spell on him later on?
People know what they want and publishing houses know it.
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imouto is having a hard day
only a new daddy can fix her
>if you were rich enough
Yes japanese elites
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>I agree with you actually. It would be an easily recognizable development for Rudy had he stayed faithful to Sylphie, and just let Roxy be a mistake.
Monofags deserve to go to the deepest layer of hell.
Sylphie's quiet seething that entire novel about Rudy seeming to care more about Nanahoshi than her was fantastic.
and I take her word on that over the one from a seething broken man
Norn's VA was so on point on this episode
The latter
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>Yeah, I understand... I just have to accept it.
>birth scene
I dont remember much but this rare as fuck in anime
Come to think about it. Elinalise said that monogamy is an outdated tradition. Did polygamy happen to be non-taboo because of the wars and the low population growth that they needed to reproduce fast in the aftermath of the Laplace War?
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Stupid beautiful elf. Why must she be so pretty, and cute and wonderful?
Rudy loses his arm 3 times in the entire series.
the president fix his arm latter
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At least japs have brain
>I know i will be insulted to hell
Don't worry, you won't be. You're still part of the Mushotribe.
Why is the schizo copy paste posting from Reddit now?
>I know i will be insulted to hell for this
I've seen your same points spammed on these threads already, all I can do is yawn now but if another anon wants to insult you then they are more than welcome to.
Hitogami is a god so he knows what hes saying since shes like idk 500,000 years old or something
im literally crying
Why is
written like a
This franchise really does filter it's viewers.
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They will keep seething for the next 10 years and I'm ok with it
I told you to go to your hugbox because you write like a bitch.
>That's not what you were talking about in your original post
Man I know you're not very bright but it can't be this hard to connect "people can be forgiven for doing shitty things but that doesn't change what they did" and "Rudeus and Roxy are shit people for what they did". Even the characters themselves have more self-awareness than you do.
He gets his natural arm back later but he does get a cool prosthetic in the meantime, one he continues using even after getting his real arm back.
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I guess there's no helping it, she must be the cutest elf there is!
As usual, haters will pretend they didn't see that
>she does appear earlier than Eris in vol 13
LN only?
He spends sometime without a arm, because healing magic is only taught up to advanced thanks to Millis monopolizing healing magic. But these happen:

He gets a prosthetic made by Zanoba, as a result of his research with the doll
and later on... Someone with really powerful fixes it for him with their healing magic It's Orsted
MT does a lot of things other shows rarely do.
Opinion discarded.
>Elinalise said that monogamy is an outdated tradition.
No anon thats Rostelina just being a gaslighting whore, monogamy is the norm all over the human continent outside of the nobles using polygamy for more political leverage like MILF Ariel does
>LN only?
No shit, retard. Sara only exists in the LN.
Not the meeting part, but the fact that they're traveling somewhere
That's what I theorized back then.
But the actual answer is simply that people don't give a fucking shit what other people do, as long as it's not bothering them. It's not like the Asurans have marriage certificates for peasants anyway, and neither would the poorer northern nations.
The only people that have more than a wife are rich people, and rich people tend to own land, so it's important to know which rich people are bound together.
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You and me both anon. You and me both. But it's a good cry.
The prosthetic arm doesnt even feel pain, so it was way better than a shitty organic arm
uh, everyone in the room, in the anime... why are you trying to bring this into the real world?
What do they mean by this
>because you write like a bitch.
But enough about yourself.
Season 3 will go nuts
That season 3 is the reason they bothered making the anime.
she aged like 10 years in a few months
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I kneel
My problem with it is that it felt like Rudeus was trying to adopt a stray dog.
>Going all out
Are they really, or are they going to give it to yet another subpar staff
>uh, everyone in the room, in the anime
AAHAHAHAH, lmao no fucking way lmao, you seriously think the likes of Aisha and Lilia were thinking what Norn was thinking? You think Lilia gave a single fuck about Rudy's declaration to make Roxy his second wife?
Its implied that elves are gorgeous on average yet we dont see half elf mutts all over the place. Elves also live in the great forest on the other side of the Millis continent rather than straight up control the other side since they are ridiculously superior to all other races in MT.
I want to nibble on them ears!
It's the lighting.
When she's in sunlight, she does look young.
When she's in a darker environment, she already looks like a 40+ year old hag that she's supposed to be at the age of 70.
Conclusion: Anime Sylphiette should only ever be shown at daytime, outside the house.
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Why pregnant women are so attractive?
>nooooo stop criticizing Rudeus and Roxy
Remember kids, forgiveness != moral justification.
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Both of these were copied directly from reddit btw.
Season 3 will honki dasu. Surely they won't spend the budget on gacha games and yuri anime so season 3 gets a puppetshow.
This is a true harem, not the usual shit """"harem""""" isekai drop
Why people are getting mad at a character that ACTUALLY comitt to his wives?
Its halal
Thats exactly what Shitxy is
the belly charms me to bap it
We're coded for it
Without season 3 there was no point to making an MT anime.
S3 is the prime reason we're all here and we're almost there.
I think these next few threads will be the last dying cries of Monofags, we already have one schizo just copying nonsense from reddit (atleast I think they are)
desu he shouldn't have stop at 3
>dies from cringe the episode
i can't watch it
It didn't hit me how tiny Roxy was until she was side by side to Sylphy.
And it better be. If it's handled with care like with S1 then it's all good.
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Well said!
>It's not necessarily out of character for her but her big character arc is getting over her meekness and insecurity.
Her getting over that is what allows her to be confident enough to accept roxy
if she wasnt she would have let her keep walking while she sat in silence
I think Sylphiette has given me a pregnant woman fetish. Also why does she feel so womanly? Like every time she spoke my ear twitched and opened up so I could list to her voice better. Her voice felt more mature, and her constant motherly aura together with her pregnant belly was slowly making me feel things. What is going on?
On the Millis continent, the beastfolks are the dominant demihumans, and allied to elves, dwarves and halflings in order to keep the rascist Millishian humans in check.
Because in the end, numbers and physical strength >>>> being pretty and long-lived for centuries.
I don't think Roxy is supposed to be THIS small but it does wonders for my dick
Who are you quoting?
uh oh westsissies not like this
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We're just now getting out of the prologue. Now the real story starts!
With the fast pace the anime is going at, I assume season 3 has Turning Point 4 and 5?
We know, Sylphiefag.
Elves are also better at mana than humans, and Badigadi also implies there used to be an entire faction of Elf OP sword autist on that continent Laplace's spergout destroyed
Go back
>don't tear up at Mitty dying and Nanachi crying over it
>do tear up at Nanachi eating good food for the first time
>don't tear up at Paul dying and Norn crying over it
>do tear up at Rudy holding his first child
What does this say about me?
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Same anon, same. It's just too beatiful
They're not.
ah, i see what your saying, but i think the original point was lost... oh well /endconvo
This, there were several lined up
His sisters, the beastgirls, Ariel, Nanahoshi... I feel like there were also more
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Who was this again?
goddamn, Mylphiette so hot
Man you really want to keep this reply chain going huh?
She's perfect
We're all getting older.
Some dumb dog
Rudeus's penis did this?
Your point was dumb in the first place but atleast you realised your mistake.
why the long face?
Well, if the Fighting God and the Demon Dragon God blew up each other and killed all the awesome elves, then it's no wonder the elves never recovered and managed to be the dominant demihumans.
forever alone and will never hold your own kid
Roxie is a fucking whore. Shouls have been gang raped by the monsters of the dungeron where Zenith was trapped.
Damn, look at that child.
The way she just stands there is so sexy.
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Our future Queen.
A feral mutt
A shame because she's also the least impressive child.
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Why are you bringing that up for, all I asked was who you are quoting since that was never what I was saying, all I said was you got filtered and that somehow offended you.
She is 150cm. Sylphie is 155cm. So, the anime fucked up.
The dick breaker
She does look like a pointy-eared Rudy-baby indeed.
Rudy's husband
The prude who takes Rudy away from his hot threesomes with his elf and migger wives and would rather fuck dogs (and cats)
Cute cuckquenn
It would be fine if they at least knew each other well
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Mushoku Tensei is so peak I'm gonna watch the whole thing again.
>6 more
Does Rudy have a secret child we don't know about?
Worst fucking child who ruins Rudy's relationship with half his children. She literally wrecks his family life almost single-handedly.
Beastkin are dumb as shit, look at where they live, they dont have actual fortified cities like humans or demons so any intelligent species could enslave and kill them off. Elves are immortal they simply dont die meaning they have all the time in the world to work on their magic and sword autism making them unstoppable.
now mix it the Paul and Zenith webm
the best girl
nice picture
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Hello my child. I welcome you with open arms. I, the Preggers King, present to you the greatest (mostly) vanilla, non-hyperpreg, non-body deformation, non-endcard-only pregnant sex doujins that exist on the website:

Have as well the best preg animation yet. By the drawer of the best pregnant bellies in the game, Nyanpyoun. https://files.catbox.moe/2jzhxv.mp4
Realistically, Sylphie should be 160 cm, Roxy 149 cm, Eris 175 cm, and Rudeus 185 cm. Sylphie should have a normal height, Roxy should be way shorter, Eris should be tall for a woman but no amazonian height like Ghislaine and Rudeus should be a tall chad.
I thought "hugbox" was what offended you enough to keep this reply chain going despite having no more arguments to give. Do you not know how to let things go?
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Are you talking about Sieg?
The one and only true disciple of North God Kalman III?
The hero that smashes evil, the Ally of Justice?
The Black Knight of the Order of Dragon Knights?
The 5th of the Greatest Powers Under the Heavens?
Spawn of the Magic King, Subordinate of the Great Dragon God, Rudeus Grayrat?
Child of the Great Saint magician Silent Fitz, protector of her grace the Queen Ariel Anemoi Asura?
Son of the Grand King Ranked Water Mage of the demon continent, Roxy Migurdia?
The adopted progeny of the Sword God Style King, the Mad Dog of Sharia, Eris Greyrat?
He who inherits the essence of the Demon God, the Laplace Factor?
The conqueror of the dark tribes?
The one baptized by the slayer of Laplace, Armored Dragon King Perugius himself?
Wielder of the sword that reveals itself under the moon, Moonlight Darksword!?
The Death God-North Style Emperor Shota Sieghart Saladin Rudeus Grayrat!?
I think I already made it clear hugbox didn't bother me and it seems like you're projecting since I haven't seen you made a single worthwhile argument.
Ghislaine is like 7 feet tall
Ahh... you must be talking about Her Majesty Queen Ariel's child who happens to coincidentally have the same name as the esteemed Magic King Rudeus Greyrat! It's all a coincidence!
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Rudy is 175cm, that IS tall Chad for Japan. Eris is 170cm. Sylphie is the literal average, boring same, and Roxy is just a slight womanlet.
I want to fuck Lucy

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they managed fit everything in, it almost perfectly followed the LN
doomniggers on suicide watch
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>Ghislaine is like 7 feet tall
She's big but not that big
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literally the equivalent of that painting of some dutch dude handing the keys to belgium to the spanish.
fucking kino.
You can have the fatty, I'll have Lara
>The Norn Training that was like Paul training after he was betrayed by Rudeus
>The birth scene was almost like Rudeus birth in EP1
>The final image that was like LN13 cover
Kino EP
Problem is, the humans invented the great sword autism schools, and the demons (really a multitude of several races just called that) and the humans improved on magic (and then nuked the world so everything has to start at 0 again).
In a setting where there's actual unironic immortal demonfolks with superpowers, reincarnating arsehole dragon niggerfolks who cause all kinds of apocalypses, an actual twerking jerk dude who tells people to do crazy shit, elves are just one of many races in the six-sided world.
And that sucks balls. It's an alien world, where the people greatly resemble europeans, so the heights should go as tall as I said. Just make Ghislaine 190 cm and Ruijerd close to 2 meters and we are good. The characters should be imposing heights
Finally seeing it! It was a really good episode!
I can say I was satisfied with this one.
Actually I've made plenty of great arguments like forgiveness not being moral justification or how even the characters themselves have the self-awareness to understand what they did was wrong. You keep making bot posts like "you can go now" because you disagree but don't have the eloquence to actually voice your thoughts.
In fact, why are you even still replying to me?
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0 days since someone posted a Lucy R-18 images in pixiv
Rudeus is the authority and is supposed to not need a permission from Sylphie to get a second wife and shut down any attempts to object (they ovulate when being told to shut up).
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All good things come to those who wait.
Uhhhh why is that child so sexy? Hellooooooo?
Hopefully they finally get a male VA for Rudeus holy shit I'm tired of the girly voice.
Those aren't good arguments though, not as if I believe you to be an honest poster.
So about that...
Sorry bud >>268302400
next cour
captcha: VAAGX
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Please adapt only volume 13-17 in 24 episodes!
Please postpone a volume and do better 5 of them!
Do not come out before 2028!
around the second half of S3 Cour1
Showing her a big pregnant belly is going to be the end of S3C2
Is having a dwarf daughter the ultimate bliss?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more blissful than having a dwarf daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years so she can inevitably go into the high arts. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her grand or technical literature, making her practice her dexterity, making sure she had a healthy booze-heavy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her minds gains a ravenous hunger for artistic knowledge and dexterous skill. All complimented and exemplified by her equally ravenous thirst for life's nectar (alcohol).

Raised the perfect girl? Great. You benefit yourself and the world. If you're lucky, a great dragon general who loves the arts will see her worth as you do and dotes on her with his knowledge. He gets to educate her thirsty mind every night. You get to see the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her being merged with the loving tutoring of a fellow man who can appreciate your pride and joy.

As a man who has a dwarf daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl to shower you and the world in her arts. All discussed over drinks you share from any age she wishes to drink; for a dwarf it not even being child abuse. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL bliss. Think about it logically.

one last Julie for me? Thanks Bind. See you in 3 years
Next season, first cour.
Gives birth in season 4, first cour.
Nearer the end of V13. It's a few months in story from after they get back to Sharia. So for S3, assuming that cour 1 covers V13-14, expect her to be pregnant by episode 8, although she won't suspect until episode 12.
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a-are screenshots from old episodes alright?
Finding pregnant women attractive and breeding hot is literally what we're hardwired to do as living beings.
wow uhh, thanks
No we're stuck with feminine trap Rudeus voice until he's 90 years old.
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Jaegerbombs with Julie! Jaegerbombs with Julie and it isn't even child abuse! Teaching her how to microsolder a motherboard afterwards! Then more Jaegerbombs! With Julie!
This episode was 10/10 legit. Will rewatch it a few times.
Good ep despite 80% of the season being poorly adapted due to the lack of screentime
Ars is the one who split up the family.
Yellow is Rudy, in Shirotaka's flowers he is represented as yellow
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Man, I am not a doomfag, but the animation really fluctuated in this episode
You fucking what? 17 is the climax of Asura.
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can someone please post a link to the ep? you guys keep saying its good
I assume cour 1 will either include 15 or get about halfway into it
But enough about Sylphie.
Mfw my pregnant wife married me knowing I would cheat on her and get a second girl.
>no argument
Look. You did it again. You replied without actually replying but just to keep the reply chain is going. Sorry but I'm not the dishonest one here. Please get some self-awareness.
You're welcome. I apologize for the presence of the less-than vanilla pieces. Art too good. If those artists had any vanilla pregnant works they'd be there instead.
Cour 1 needs to include the scene where it shows the assassins murdering almost all of Ariel's entourage, in order to show why Pilemon switches over the Grabel.
Right before they go to Perugius' castle. So depending on how S3 is adapted for passage of time, you can expect us to quite possibly be able to point to the exact moment she is impregnated.
Nah not really, Rudy is the only one strongly opposed to that situation.
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In 5
God I love Sylphie so much
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>I saw my chance and I took it
No. Lurk for a year before posting again
About a third of the way through next season.
Nah Vol 18 is the breathtaker SoL Volume. It makes the most sense to do 13-17.
God I really don't care about Sylphie at all
I'm not keeping anything "going" I'm explaining why your arguments don't work.
Saw this cutie in today's episode. We need a frame of baby Lucy giving as a "5" asap
Volume 18 is set many months after the events of volume 17, and goes right towards the Shirone failure arc.
We know, Rudy.
season 3 is literaly the peak of the entire series
Look, you did it again. Nothing to say but another reply.
I imagined Norn was much louder when going on her "muh Millis" rant than she was in today's episode
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we are hitting levels of cringe previously thought only possible with re:zero.
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there's so much shit in 13-17 and 17 is such a climax I'd be surprised if they don't stop there. plus they need some extra time to do all the Eris shit that was happening in side chapters up to this point.
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Don't forget the good times we had.
Nice coping. KonoSuba's female characters are way closer to being like proper women and they have nothing to do with reality.
You're not even reading what I'm posting, or maybe you are but you don't like what I have to say.
>didn't include Geese calling Sylphie perfect aside from her slutty grandma
>10/10 episode to 5/10 episode to 10/10 episode again
Someone pull up who directed these
Volume 14-Volume 17 is the best stretch of books in the series.
Someone have all this guy's MT stuff? Post em.
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Right in my fucking feels
God I love this series.
if you going to include 16 in that you should include 13 too
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Sylphie is so wonderful I might die.
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women are so complicated bros...
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everyone point and laugh
The face of a PROUD KEK
Alright shitposter-kun. Let's break this down into chunks so you can't dodge the issue.
1. Do you think forgiveness provides moral justification for an action? Explain why. (5 marks)
Has anyone already made a "Proud to be a cuck!" edit?
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i stoped saving them midway throught this season so someone is going ot have to pic it up so ican save them
Volume 16 has my favorite SoL chapter in the entire series so no.
>help me my fellow Mushotribals
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after this episode you need to give it to her that she is actually smart and doesn't lose her temper easily
With an attitude like that you really aren't worth engaging with.
This but unironically. Roxy is literally like a common whore.
>Who is this lost sassy child
She doesn't have anything to get mad about.
Guess that means I win, shitposter-kun. Mushoku Tensei confirmed indisputably the best isekai ever made.
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I can't even make fun of Sylphie after this ep she was the MVP in that situation for sure.
her fans are still faggots though
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Norn is the only normal person in that house of psychos and cuckqueens
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DILATE, concubine-negros
I still think Ars should have come with rudy and eris' first time. It would make a certain plotpoint much better
Your last 5 posts have had less substance than a popped balloon. Let's try again.
1. Do you think forgiveness provides moral justification for an action? Explain why. (5 marks)
>no Dillo scene in the bed
Its shit.
She's not though a common whore wouldn't choose to be with the man she loves, she would sleep around with all the guys.
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you can call me whatever you want, as long as you post more cute momelf
*best anime ever made
White Mamma and Blue Mamma obtained!
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What did Sylphy mean by this?
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but she is Miliscuck
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She shot back! Roxy is NOTHING!
Why are you telling yourself to dilate?
she's a self-hating grigger
>Season 1 released over 3 years ago
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well sucks to be you gayboy you are one of us now
Nah. The pedo drama and how the protagonist has to handle it when he has that past sin as well is such kino, that's what made the producers want to create an anime for MT in the first place.
I can't really fathom what your point is now.
Foreshadowing for Chadhart Saladin.
1/10 comeback, might as well not reply
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no, she's still second best girl
Anons, even better. I have them ALL
1. Do you think forgiveness provides moral justification for an action? Explain why. (5 marks)
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Her fans may be rotten but she's pretty great if you ignore them.
The march of time carries on...
>Norn, I'm home!
>Our dad died protecting me because despite me being the most OP human on earth I fucked around and made him find out
>Alsomyoure a weakling but take this sword anyway
>Also mom is catatonic and basically a vegetable and she'll never recover
>Dad's mistress can be your new mom now because I'm too negligent to raise you myself
>Also my old teacher that I fucked on the way while you took care of my pregnant childhood friend wife
>And I'm marrying her too because fuck Millis and no I don't care your life went down the shitter due to your dad doing the same
She should've stabbed him and it'd be justified
1. Do you think Sylphie is the best? Explain why. (5 marks)
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>despite me being the most OP human on earth
Honestly, when I read the whole thing in the LN I thought Norn hated Roxy, but the anime made it seem like she was madder at Rudeus and her remarks at Roxy were more... light?
Well I do agree you should stop posting here.
What other isekai should I watch?
No, Sylphie is the worst out of 3.
>happily embraces being a cuck
Same, I still love Sylphie a lot but not her fags.
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Cuz she's Sylphie. Yep, I think I aced that
Norn said nothing wrong. Good series but I hate how the world bends over the make Rudeus' actions seem justified.
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nice colection anon
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No because unfortunately she shares a show with Roxy
>Also why does she feel so womanly

>be university student
>princess starts going to school here
>she has two bodyguards
>one's your typical chad and the other is some twink
>hear rumors of a new kid that came to school
>beat up some delinquets
>starts getting close to the twink
>lol what a fag
>suddenly the twink starts acting more girly
>the twink's hair gets longer
>then he starts growing a baby
bros did that new kid force feminize a twink??
You can watch whatever you want but you won't get the same experience just go read the LNs right now and from vol 1.
Anime is shit.
LN is king.
That got me good...
Also, Sylphy's reaction towards Norn's crying
konosuba, thats it
oh and grimgar of fantasy and ash
and thats it
Norn should have pinned Rudy down, stripped him and raped him, if he's going to be a degenerate then she should be one herself by embracing the fact she's Zenith's daughter.
Why do Roxybros hate Sylphiebros so much, but have no gripe with Erisbros, if Erisbros and Sylphiebros are good with each other?
Yikes, 0pts
It's better for Rudeus to be right, than for jew-loving christcuckoids and their fantasy counterpart to be right.
If she was the first wife how do you think she would react to Sylphie and Roxy come in as 2nd and 3rd wives?
I almost converted to Sylphism upon seeing her pregnant with long hair
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Read honzuki
I'll bite into your dumb narrative, "Sylphiebros" are the ones who go around picking fights with other characterfags, Roxyfags have no issue with Erisfags because Erisfags don't shit up the threads, it's not rocket science.
Almost converted to Sylphillis
Roxy never fucked anyone except the Rudeman
Sylphie easily the biggest wife material and most homely while being sex incarnate.
Aisha still had no hesitation cutting all ties with everyone just to be with her shota fuckboi
This is the canonical rating
Roxy > JC Eris > Roxy > Eris >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rest
It is all pretty close between the 3 to be honest.
Now this is one dumb fucking way to ruin a character. She can either be remembered as a salty cuck or a goddess of love. The reason why she's literally the best girl in the entire series is because rufujin made the right choice and wrote her to be the latter
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>Norn BTFOs Roxy with facts and logic
>Sylphie: "No wait, you HAVE to fuck Rudy in front of me!"
>2nd and 3rd wives
She cant count that high so its fine
there are no other isekai like MT. Re:Zero is the only one that's slightly respectable, all others are trash at the same artistic level as a reality show or a telenovela.
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She just wouldn't want them to call themselves wives, but aside from, genuinely doesn't care who Rudeus fucks, and would encourage him to fuck beastgirls, so that they would give birth to cute beastbabies that Eris could cuddle-hug.
1. Shes Sylphie
2.Shes Sylphie
3.Shes Sylphie
4.Shes Sylphie
5.Shes Sylphie
1. Adorable and naughty
3. Deadly silent caster
4. Best body
5. Prettiest hair
Why doesn't Rudy have beast kids? It's surprising.
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Seconding this
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>Re:Zero is the only one that's slightly respectable
There's not a single respectable thing about Re:Zero, a series where it's "main heroine" spends 8 fucking arcs acting like a retard and letting everyone else solve her problems all the while her romantic "relationship" with the main character makes zero fucking progress.
Ghislaine is the best, who are we kidding?
Norn is the only good person with good sense in the entire family.
>Y-you don't understand, she's the one who raped me while I was grieving despite knowing I had a pregnant wife at home, she's a good girl, stop being so harsh on her you meanie!
That's not a reasonable pitch.
Yh no reread V23 Eris is on Rudeus like a bloodhound whenever he is around Sara
Re:zero is the most boring show I’ve ever watched
Spider (was almost better than Slime but shat the bed with the humanshit)
SAO, first half the first season
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>filthy LNigger unable to contain himself from spoiling the series in a thread dedicated to the anime
It is reasonable and besides she had a threesome with Rudy later so she embraced her true Greyrat nature.
> Eris
> 80
Alice in wonderland
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Sylphie is the main girl, that's normal.
I'm only into MT because of Sylphie though, I honestly couldn't give a damn about Roxy and Eris, even in my first read.
MT is pretty decent as a series, but that's while acknowledging it's flawed
Must sad to be tasteless like you
That nigga on the right looking zesty as hell
>main girl
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Roxyschizo lost.
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I like Sylphie the most because:
1. She has a wonderful, angelic heart.
2. She's brave, but gentle and loving tomboy, who everyone cannot help but love.
3. She's very motherly and good to others, despite the fact she was quiet and awkward growing up, and it's cute and makes me want to protect her forever.
4. She is very pretty, and cute and adorable and wonderful looking.
5. She's an awesome voiceless casting healing mage who can do awesome wizzardry and everyone respects her power.
Sara shouldve joined the harem.
>I'm only into MT because of Sylphie though, I honestly couldn't give a damn about Roxy and Eris,
Yes yes, you keep reminding everyone of this every single fucking thread, if you only care about Sylphie just go to pixiv and fap to all her art, don't keep coming here with that half-assed line.
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okay but not a (real) isekai
kill yourself
only good answer
>The boogeyman I made up in my head lost!
I hope one day you take your meds before someone provides a more permanent solution.
it's over
and I don't mean that in the doomer way, i mean the season is, like, done.
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Sara didn't exist in the WN until the LNs got released. Too much would have to have been changed.
>if you only care about Sylphie just go to pixiv and fap to all her art
Don't get me wrong, I do that too. And I still like MT, I just find Roxy and Eris meh however. Their characters is not enough for me, basically
garbage taste
I am a retard who can't read my own posts before posting. I only realized after you quoted me.
Roxy > JC Eris > Sylphie > Eris >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rest
This is what I meant.
Since time is a thing it is basically Roxy > Sylphie > Eris
okay you get 5 points
Hmm, I think I have you figured out now.
Sylphoid-doomer, stop being such a repetitive boring shitter.
I get everything but the Gold?
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I think that Sylphy and Roxy are about even, both have interesting but not annoying traits. Eris has lots of annoying traits, but that makes her more unique, so sometimes I like her a lot, sometimes I hate her a lot, which averages to some value a little bit below than Green and Blue, to me at least.

But Banana >
Seethe more loser. Seethe
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>And I still like MT, I just find Roxy and Eris meh however.
Yes,I think every poster gets that by now, since whenever you post you just have to mention that, Eris is my favourite girl but you don't see me constantly reminding every poster of this now do you?
He can hardly contain himself after witnessing the cuckenning in video form.
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I find girls who are just nice and meek boring personally.
I wish Eris had married him first
Bitch migger would have her shit pushed in if she tried this nonsense on her
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Sylphie is better than all of the versions of Roxy and Eris. Sylphie from childhood to Redundancy is perfect.
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too hot
too cold
just right
Banana has black hair
do you think sylvaril spits in rudy's food when he's staying in the floating fortress?
Took you long enough. I figured out you were a shitposter half an hour ago.
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>mmmm yummy skyfolk spit. now I've tasted the spit of girls of every race.
Sylphie is far from being just meek and nice tho, her character is multifaceted, but you won't even see that. Thus, your opinion is invalid
I've got nothing to seethe about, Roxy won, Sylphie won and you lost, keep repeating your same boring ass posts like the lonely faggot you are.
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I like Sylphie the most, Eris right after, and Roxy the least out of main 3. But I also like Ghislaine very much, and Linia and Pursena.
You recon Eris would let Sylphie in on the action if she married Rudy first? Looking how well they get along later on, I'd say it's definitely possible. If anything if it was Eris who was the head wife, she'd just go "Rudy is Rudy. And he's so awesome, he can have as many wifes as he wants to."
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They actually skipped the part about Roxy being supposedly pregnant
Would that be too strong argument and they wanted to emphasize that Sylphie would accept Roxy as a second wife without additional bonds like the fact that Rudy impregnated her?
You're projecting, I already know you're the one shitposting here which is why I called you dishonest.
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>dutch dude handing the keys to belgium to the spanish.
it's funny because that painting is about Breda
but like 12 years later the dutch reconquered breda and it has been dutch ever since
Before somebody gets mad - I'm not asking abour Roxy getting in, because that's literally canon event in the Rudy born alive timeline.
This is a legitimate post.
they skipped Elinalise tricking him last ep so they couldn't retroactively add it now
1. Do you think forgiveness provides moral justification for an action? Explain why. (5 marks)
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Worry not for I would fuck all of them.
Go play in traffic.
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Eris grew up in a noble household and doesn't give a shit about him having more wives. She tried to bring him a concubine on a whim.
Why are you still pretending to care about this? You think I haven't seen through you already?
These are all really cute
>on a whim
she wanted to watch
1. Do you think forgiveness provides moral justification for an action? Explain why. (5 marks)
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People can't forget Eris is a Greyrat.
I think it is pretty well established that Greyrats are sexpests.
Nice spam.
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Your threads are kinda cringe, bro. Atleast this one is, no offense. But couldn't you just type out "SEASON 3 CONFIRMED. YAY!!!" or something like that
That way you can even get it across people much easier
Uuuuhhhh why is that child in the middle so fucking sexy? Heeellooooo, Japan, wtf?
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she is like that 90% of the time just like i said. sylphyfags have the shittiest taste
1. Do you think forgiveness provides moral justification for an action? Explain why. (5 marks)

The shitposter trembles in fear when invited to an actual discussion.
Banana's are yellow
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Probably because rifujin didnt write how common harems are and how weird milisians are for refusing that.
Thats why norn keeps running her mouth about it being a sin while her second mom and half sister are right there and yet no one points out that she's saying that her sister and the woman who raised her shouldnt exist. Norn's just retarded.
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Won't you listen to Bananas song?

>The prosthetic arm doesnt even feel pain
But what about the Phantom Pain™?
You don't want an actual discussion though and there's that unnesccary spacing again.
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>harem wives are the ones constantly cucking eachother and always wishing they were the only one
>for some reason polyfag “people” call Norn a millis”””cuck””” when she’s the one who gets a man all to herself
The whole blowing up about the second wife thing was in the end simply an alternate venue for Norn to yell out her frustration and anger about Paul's death.
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last one of season 1
they should've kept tomboy hair Eris
Language is civilization!
He basically is, oldeus could level cities, he had to be retroactively nerfed with his laplace factor because if he could use touki he legitimately could be near orsted level
Cope, my taste in anime is God-tier
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Slyphie was too mature about it she should have cried a little
the camera panned away and Norn distracted everyone from Slyphie's initial reaction. Its entirely possible she had a negative reaction at first but Norn's argument helped her sort out her feelings. Slyphie even says "she got thrown for a loop" at first
Even your "bros" in real life would think you're pathetic as fuck.
And if you wouldn't say something to random people, you are clearly ashamed of it and know it's bad.
this but the opposite
your taste is antichrist tier
Fuck Lara
Rrudeus and Roxy aren't shit people though and Norn wasn't really against them, read between the lines she was just venting her frustrations over Pa/ul and Zenith essentially being a vegetable.
1. Do you think forgiveness provides moral justification for an action? Explain why. (5 marks)

Since you're struggling so much, let me provide a sample answer to get the ball rolling.
Forgiveness is an action involving the feelings of the wronged against those who have wronged them. In other words, it regards the emotional axis of an action rather than any moral one. Both forgiveness and acceptance involve a person moving on from the negative feelings they initially felt, but this is independent of the morality of the action itself. An easy example of this would be someone who forgives a killer for murdering their parents. This forgiveness does not condone the murder, nor does it change its moral abhorrence. It simply represents the emotional reconciliation of both parties.
wow, Norn's VA went nuclear this episode
Reminder that poly shit is core leftist ideology and anyone who supports it is exactly the same as a shill blue haired feminist on twitter.

You are even more like them if you can't stand seeing people shit on what you like, and insist that you should get a safe space.
You keep spamming the same point and you still don't understand.
There is no such thing as "Reddit spacing", !Akemi. You will never fit in here.
Hey man, been awhile, how you been?
I never mentioned "reddit spacing" though, I said the spacing was unnesccary......are you the same poster or someone else?
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>dishonest shitposter still has no reply
You can't make this shit up. The question is still waiting for you anon.

1. Do you think forgiveness provides moral justification for an action? Explain why. (5 marks)
>Dishonest shitposter
You just gave away your identity bumpslut and you expect me to take you seriously?
>Forgiveness is an action involving the feelings of the wronged against those who have wronged them. In other words, it regards the emotional axis of an action rather than any moral one. Both forgiveness and acceptance involve a person moving on from the negative feelings they initially felt, but this is independent of the morality of the action itself. An easy example of this would be someone who forgives a killer for murdering their parents. This forgiveness does not condone the murder, nor does it change its moral abhorrence. It simply represents the emotional reconciliation of both parties.
Sorry anon, "nuh uh" isn't an answer. Let's try again.

1. Do you think forgiveness provides moral justification for an action? Explain why. (5 marks)
Keep spamming I guess.
I'm completely blanking on the 2nd migger child. Did she not have a redundancy chapter?
yeah Edward was his son too
she knows it gives her leverage over rudy and roxy is too much of a pussy to cause any trouble
The shitposter cries out in pain as he makes another reply without answering. Shameful display.
I didn't read the thread but just from the energy behind the posting here, I predict that most of you are fighting amongst yourself between two factions
>the ones who are worried that this will no longer be popular, because Westerners will be offended at polygamy
>the ones who think that this will still be popular
Either way, both of you care about popularity
The only shitposter here is you, as you have just proven by giving away your identity by mentioning that tripcode crap.
I do, ever since it appeared in the ED I've been obsessed with this song
oh fucking hell why are you here
Nope, the only shitposter is the one who desperately tries to dodge discussion. You lost the moral high ground a long time ago. Still can't stop replying though lmao.
I haven't dodged anything, I made myself clear from the start, you're the one who suddenly started acted like you care for this series.
>I haven't dodged anything
1. Do you think forgiveness provides moral justification for an action? Explain why. (5 marks)

I already gave my answer. I'm discussing the morality of characters for an anime I'm currently watching. Did shitposter-kun think I was attacking the show itself or something? Is that why you're still replying to me with these 0 substance posts?
Yea I'm not convinced you're actually watching the show, my posts still have more substance, class, strength and dexterity than yours.
It's just so funny how easy it is to pick out your posts. You're easily the dumbest person to ever life. And have literal porn brain rot.
>my posts still have more substance, class, strength and dexterity than yours
Nah you can't even answer a basic question
1. Do you think forgiveness provides moral justification for an action? Explain why. (5 marks)

You can't explain why you think what Rudeus and Roxy did was morally ok despite the characters themselves admitting it was a bad thing. Your last hope is to pretend I'm not watching a show so many seasons in while giving no actual arguments. You are just a dishonest shitposter at the end of the day.
Ack which of the three girls is your favorite?
I don't know who you are, nor do I care to know about whatever spat you have with that other poster you replied to.
The only person dishonest is you, you are the one who brought up that tripcode bullshit,
What tripcode? Do you mistake me for someone else? Now answer the question.
1. Do you think forgiveness provides moral justification for an action? Explain why. (5 marks)
If you can't even discuss Mushoku Tensei, why are you even here shitposter-kun?
I can discuss MT just fine but not with someone I have already seen through.
You can't discuss anything because you are a dishonest shitposter.
It's funny how you only started parroting "dishonest shitposter" after I called you that.
I found out you were projecting the moment I tried to give you a concrete question and you spammed buzzwords while refusing to answer.
that's the guy who gets mad when you talk about how Yuuta is so lucky he gets to plap Rikka
If you had read my posts properly from the start we wouldn't be here, you got filtered, that's all I said and somehow that bothered you.
Man it really blows my mind how I can type an entire paragraph explaining my viewpoint on why I think Rudeus and Roxy aren't good people, yet this kike is still trying to call me a shitposter while refusing to either refute anything or provide their own argument.
Do you genuinely not understand that you are just a shitposter at this point?
Roxy and Rudeus are good people, that's the part you have never understood, projecting by calling me a shitposter won't change that fact.
By the way you got the order of events wrong. You said I got filtered, I replied with "Are you not allowed to accept shitty people or something? Nothing she said was wrong."
Then you got mad and told be to go. I think I insulted you a few too many times after that because now you just can't let it go, even with 0 arguments to give.
In fact, reexamining the reply chain you never actually gave me an argument. You just gave your opinion with no reasoning behind it.
I never got mad though?
You have no points but still want to reply to keep the chain going. I can tell you're seething bro. At least defend yourself with arguments instead of buzzwords.
If japs are making posts like that then does that mean that a bunch of japs are aping out over this?
Literally everyone who doesn't love Mushoku Tensei is a shitposter.
I have nothing to seethe about though, you're the one who keeps insisting but has nothing to show for it.
Let's set things straight here. I'm calling you a shitposter because you only reply in buzzwords without actually discussing the anime. You're calling me a shitposter because I have an opinion that you disagree with but at least took the time to explain. They're two very different things.
Everyone who doesn't want to see Lara rape Sieg is a shitposter
what exactly is your idea of a buzzword? Because as far as I can see, you're the only one who's been doing that.
I think Rudeus and Roxy both did a very shitty thing and that doesn't change even if they were forgiven for it. Do you literally have nothing to say to this?
As explained already they didn't do anything shitty, there was nothing to forgive, if you wanted a serious debate you wouldn't spam the same nonsense point and constantly use buzzwords.

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