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Live @ Live
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Latla seething is always a treat.
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this new kururu is making me feel things
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>She made a deal with the devil (of sorts) Alright, that's more interesting
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No anon those feelings aren't really meant for her, resist
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I need to kidnap kururu >>268303590
Latla took proof of Rip misbehaving, oh, he's in trouble now!
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Author's comment.
Man this was kinda a really shitty, rushed finale.
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As pointed out by someone in the spoilers thread, Julia is carrying a piece of glass to put between Fuuko and the other singers, so they don't actually touch.

You can see her struggling if you look in the background of the panels like in the one at the bottom right of >>268303123
Ah I see
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This week's bonus.
Extra story for bottom left panel.
>Gina: Julia. Do you have a moment?
>Julia: Ah!! You!!
>G: I'm the Union's 2nd seat and Boss's right-hand woman, Gina-chan. It's been a hot minute.
>G: You're going on stage, right? Can trust you with this?
>J: !? What is it?

>G: Here.
>J: ? I don't see anything?
>G: Look closer.
>J: ?

>G: I made a sheet of Unchange air.
>J: Amazing!! It's barely visible!!

>G: Use it to prevent Fuuko-chan from touching other members. It should last about 30 mins.
>G: I'll leave it up to you. Break a leg!!
>J: Roger, No 2!!
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Porque no los dos?
Another one off the list. Now there's just Tatiana, Bunny, and Ruin.

Tatiana is still very popular so Tozuka might rush her early, but I think she'd fit in well as the last Union member to join. Would be a nice callback to how she was Fuuko's first friend after joining.
I love these little moments that Tozuka puts in the background, also who is it helping her through Move in >>268303123?
Oh nvm it's Gina >>268304429
It felt like it needed 1 more chapter before this to kind of lay down how/why Kururu was in contact with Soul. I assumed he was just juicing her powers from the sidelines, but all in all that seemed pretty consensual and that felt strange
I thought it's only a deal (i receive Unchaste, you receive my help kind of thing), but she actually "borrowed a substantial portion of his Soul". It veers into selling her soul to the devil.
Curious on how they will deal with it.
I hope that they Q&A her in the next chap in order to fill this hole with a flashback. It ended way too fast.
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>joke on spoiler thread that Julia was playing Great Value Gina
>Gina was literally involved and it was true
Feels bad that her sister wasn't here to also rip him a new one... poor girl I already forgot her name
Did Fuuko just eat the soul of her unborn 101 self?
>Making Sean sits next to the idiot couple
Poor guy
Kururu kururus
Soul keeps fucking up, hope it's not smooth sailing all the way or he'll look an Inspector Gadget villain
What killed the hype?
Idol arcs?
Fuuko low-diff every fight or problem away.
The cast js getting more fleshed out, but each point of conflict just feels pointless since our cast always wins unanimously.
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I love this series and wanna see it go all the way, but there's no sugarcoating it, this arc just kinda felt like filler, especially after coming off two great Master Rule fights.

I'm investing hard in Warcoin.
I hope War arc get us some cool Billy, Creed and Tella action.
Ahh... Now that's the classic Unpace of UU in action right there. An incredibly shitty finale to a strong setup.
Seriously, I can't imagine writing a story for over 200 chapters and still struggling to figure out how to stick landings. Thought we were long done with this kind of rushing, the Language fight was borderline perfect.
Heh, Sick, Beast and Language ended fine. This was just a little nugget of borderline SoL.
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Julia helping Fuuko kidnap people. Amazing.
Feels just like in 100, when Juiz had her people kidnap Negators.
boring ass arc master rule when
Tozuka will cook next week
Still a couple more chapters, there's still two more quests and probably a wrap up for Kururu.
So he brought Fuuko's parents back to do absolutely nothing with that? I expected at least a last goodbye or something, something with more emotion than just ending the arc like that
>this arc just kinda felt like filler
manga has no filler
>Kururu: huh.gif
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The only good thing about this arc is Soul taking an active role.
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>manga has no filler
It's amazing how integral Sean became considering he was a one-note villain who was dispatched by Andy instantly
>not putting feng both in edgelord and carrying
Unburn was very dissapointing despite being the most hyped for him
that's soul controlling her anon. You being into that is slightly gay
untrue considering they got kururu
Correct. The source material, by definition, cannot have filler. Pacing, quality and "opinions" don't matter.
The anime boost period is over. We're now back to the normal post count.
Plus non-battle arc is too boring for the general /a/udience.
I'm almost certain that we'll have Tatiana vs Summer round 2, so that may draw in some crowd.
>tats vs summer round 2
What were the quests again? Other than vs Beast and Language
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Burn may become an ally, who knows. We could us some more UMAs friends like Move and Clothy.
>kururu's character development will be her going from idol to rock/metal to finally settle with babymetal
Should have forced a defeat of one of the seats into this. This just felt pointless.
Fillers are used in adaptions context. In your example, it's more like padding.
Ah, how could it'd be to get Burn and Unburn as a team.
>that's the only relevant thing Julia has done after her arc
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And by could I meant cool.
Did you forget about Julia fucking with Beats' strings?
She'll have her time vs Justice at, idk, the next next set of quests?
Still waiting for UNbalance, UNdefinition, UNknown and UNhealthy. All negators are destined to teamed up I believe.
Unknown is stuck to whoever picks the G-liner, so don't count on it >>268319878
Since Sean was covering his ears, and they taped Kururu's mouth, it seems Unchaste's activation condition now is just singing instead of posing?
Shit tier list, every character is good. Also Nico is the most based man in the observable universe
The chance to reveal the first two seems lower and lower every day.
Lucy did appear on a cover page recently, so Tozuka hasn't forgot about her. Maybe someday.
Unknown is impossible since Fuuko prevented his tragedy. She and Tatiana were fans of To me, From you last loop though, so there's probably a chance to see his mangaka career soon.
The arc was rushed cause Nips hated it. It was bottom 3 in the rankings each week. We really need to get back to Andy soon so we dont get rushed Axed and get better rankings
There's a ranking? Weekly even? How does that work? I don't imagine readers have the patient to vote every single week.
There’s ranking in every WSJ thread every week on Sunday (north american time).
No actually it was much earlier than that, around Wednesday or Thursday.
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holy fucking newfag
Yeah. This soul vessel breaking thing is a bit of a mess imo.
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I don't blame anyone for not knowing or not caring, those threads are some diluted /v/ cancer
>The arc was rushed cause Nips hated it.
Most of the recruitment arcs are short and fast paced, the hell are you talking about? The only reason I think people think this is rushed is because Kururu only really showed up last chapter.
yeah, but anyone who read bakuman should know how jump works
Will we know what it is that he's sending?
They mentioned he's an author, it's probably a manuscript he was running late on delivering
Aren't they wondering what she was doing?
The public? They thought it was a weird dance
My man, they're required to have at least 3 chapters in the back, that's a well-known fact. And a few weeks ago, Tozuka decided to take a break instead of fucking up his schedule. If they hated 208, he would've only been made aware once he was working on 211.
At best we could say he slashed the parent's plot in favour of going straight to dealing with Kururu's recruitment/development. Anything else is pure conjecture.
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I'm of the idea that while Fuucko's parents were left behind this isn't the end of the Kururu arc, there's too much hanging threads about her
>How come she got Unchaste in a different way?
We have seen the only way to avoid tragedies from happening is either triggering them and stopping them right away (Gina, Chikara, Rip and Latla), causing them under a different context (Shen, Billy, Void) or dealing with the aftermath because the tragedy is too personal or slow burning (Sean, Ichico). But there was nothing of the sort for Unchaste, her tragedy was supposed to be being "loved too much" by her public and making it impossible for her to be an idol, but that never happened in loop 101, no one had any idea when or how she got her negation or if there was even a tragedy or if Soul forced it to happen as part of the deal. Which brings me to another point

>Wouldn't a MR forcing a negator to activate be against the rules of the game?
Is that even possible if they're not part of a quest? We have seen UMAs acting outside of quests and they can even have their own lives outside of them like Spring, but can they manipulate the game like Soul did?
Tozuka likes to throw a curve ball and explain it a few chapters later, I wouldn't be surprised if the union gains new insight from whatever happened here
Since it's confirmed it's Unchange air instead of glass, the audience didn't actually see what she was holding.
>against the rules of the game?
since where you under the impression master rule CHEAT hasn't already been secretly added
It's Latla and Leila. Feels like such a waste of potential to not have them both there chastising him.
>Is two not enough for you!?
It was confirmed? I don't remember.
From bonus.
they did?
sex with idols
Is the chapter title a Live A Live reference?
love that series, but don't think so.
I wonder how they'll recruit Bunny.
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"Hey kid, do you want to go on an adventure?"

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