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Norn: a trad Christian girl in a world full of degeneracy and sin.
Volume 13 cover.
Best isekai ever made, it's a massacre for the all the shitter ones.
Except Vending Machine-san
And she runs off with a man that could be her great grandpa.
No, it isn't actually. That's inside the house.
Fuck Roxy
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Same positioning.
No one is perfect.
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Except Sylphie, she's perfect!
So, is there a goal in author's mind? Does the plot go somewhere? So far there's a lot of doing trivial things or reacting to curcumstances.
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Season 5 when.
Season 5 when..
Season 5 when...
Season 5 when....
Season 5 when.....
Season 5 when......
Season 5 when.......
What do you think life is about? Defeating the Demon Lord?
>another season of this subquality

No thank you, I'm out already. Was already forcing myself to finish this season so I'd rather not dissapoint myself even further
The plot started from vol 1 just that you nor the MC haven't realized yet about what's going on and what he's gotten himself involved into.
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*hits pipe*

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole. Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her. As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.
There are far better slices of life animes if this is aiming to be one.
What are you doing here then?
Oh yea just like you said during S1 but you're still here and you will be here in S3 as well when everyone will hail MT as literally anime of the decade.
When does Eris come back?
I'm gonna die alone.
Next season
Does she become Rudy's concubine too?
Towards the end of next cour unless they adapt her skipped chapters in an OVA or episode 0.
Asking if the plot is going somewhere.
Rate the season

8/10 - would have been a 9 without Rudeus cheating and everyone (except based Norn) being ok about it.
No husband, she's the boss and she's stronger too so might makes right
We don't ever see Norn and Cliff meet and talk, do we?
>wife gives birth
>midwife: "it's a girl"
>hits pipe
>welcome to our home, daughterwife
eris chads we're so fucking back
mecha chads we're eatin good
There is a non-chance of Rudy's mechas getting a moderoid in the future, what a time to be alive.
I just want to see the CEO smile in sakuga
That other man is the son of the man Rudeus respects the most.
I'll think on it more, but either a high 8 or low 9. Some episodes nailed it, but they didn't excel in a few key moments. I could have fucking done a better job with the roxy reunion, holy shit
>every single person will totally keep watching, j-just you wait
keep the cope to yourself
I wish this anime had more fights and exploring, the settings are too good to be wasted on slice of life dogshit :(
Next season has a fucking ton of fights.
You're still here. You will be here you can't stop MT after it got an anime adaption nothing can stop it.
What does the Gold Threads mean?
Nope it's not going anywhere. Bye.
I admire someone who holds onto their favorites.
good, fuck off. don't come back to shit up the threads next time.
No anon, even she has flaws.
Nothing wrong with that
Its over for the Roxyfagscum now we have to worry about that Erisfags never shutting up after their girl wins Rudeus's cock for good
yes but that scene is unimportant filler
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Yes, she's actually too cute and too wonderful.
Norn and Cliff should get together, they're the only decent people in that degenerate world
So, what is the best way to cover S3? in my opinion is
Cour 1 cover LN 13-14 and 15 (After Eris Marriage but before Orsted conversation) with a "EP0" centered in Eris (arriving to sword land and Nina PoV) and maybe short scenes between the events of LN 13-14 showing aubert and Reida
Cour 2 cover LN 15 (the Conversation with Orsted about his future plans) and 16-17. This cour may be shorter or try to cover some other past stuff (Like Ariel escape to Ranoa, Eris explaining to Rudy about auber and Reida (only if this was not covered in cour 1) add some SoL Stuf)
as alternative this also can be
cour 1
LN 13-14 (+ Eris chapters that can be 1-2 episodes) and ending with TP4 or after he read the Diary and send the letter to Eris (The first chapters of LN15)
Cour 2
LN 15 (1-2 Episodes of preparation and EP3 the battle) - 16-17

>Why not LN 18
18 break all the rhythm of LN 13-17 (All those volumes are connected), have a year time skip and have a cliffhanger with the events of LN 19 (Shirone), so works much better as S4 material
agreed on 8/10. some high highs but a few glaring hiccups. overall it's well made though. miles beyond any other isekai out there.
That's not what I meant and I think you knew that.
Pregnant, motherly Slyphie looks pretty cute. She normally looked like trash.
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Sorry but I don't like pushover pussies with no personality
its not fair i want a good wife like sylphie who allows me a second wife
All time pasta
>Its over for the Roxyfagscum
>now we have to worry about that Erisfags never shutting up after their girl wins Rudeus's cock for good
Don't worry, Erisfags will finish you off for good.
The moment eris walked off the series went to the shitter
Is that goose?
Sylphie should have blasted that migger out of the house
>Cour 1 cover LN 13-14 and 15 (After Eris Marriage but before Orsted conversation) with a "EP0" centered in Eris (arriving to sword land and Nina PoV) and maybe short scenes between the events of LN 13-14 showing aubert and Reida
>Cour 2 cover LN 15 (the Conversation with Orsted about his future plans) and 16-17. This cour may be shorter or try to cover some other past stuff (Like Ariel escape to Ranoa, Eris explaining to Rudy about auber and Reida (only if this was not covered in cour 1) add some SoL Stuf)

This one, but it ends right after Rudeus becomes DG's subordinate.
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What's the deal with the gold threads?! Someone answer the damn question!
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Her design was done dirty in the anime
dumb bitch
Post the pic of Rudy, Roxy, and Sylphie all saying "I consent" and Norn saying "I don't"
>erisfag cope
Man this scene was so good, I love Norn's seiyuu.
Cour 1 Vol. 13 - the start of Vol.15. The anime adapts the diary as it happens and the cour ends with Oldeus going back through time and warning Rudeus, the last part is Rudeus burning and burying Oldeus.
Cour 2 LN15-17.
what the fuck is a gold thread
Don't talk about Sylphie that way.
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starting season 2
arcs with sara were still good
very accurate
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I know, I just really like Sylphie. Didn't mean to make fun out of your post.
You're wrong.
Don't worry, we'll see her soon enough.
I wonder why didn't they do her OVA yet? They put Nina in that episode where Badigadi met with Rudeus. I thought it will be animated between the cours.
Look at the OP you idiot!
And there's our resident dooming Sylphietard right on queue to whine about the anime for the hundreth time, oooh why don't you shitfling with the Erisfags and Roxyfags like you always do whenever you post? Or maybe you'll spice things up by trying to antagonise Nornfags and Aishafags or one of the other groups?
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>I knew Rudy was gonna cheat on me while I was pregnant with a baby
Cuckphy is pathetic
It's jerry don't pay attention to it too much
You can't pretend to be mad all you want anon, but it's only going to get worse.
I do not see whatever you're seeing my dude
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Won't you listen to Bananas song?

Reddit gold duh
only eris is good, so I'm hyped for tp4
Are we supposed to ignore that Roxy just emotionally and physically raped a vulnerable married man and got away with it?
Imagine it the genders were reversed
Boobs too big and why is Soldat kissing Rudy?
>erisfags coping hard rn
The series went to the shitter at Demon Continent.
And tsunshits is just inherently obnoxious btw
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>Imagine it the genders were reversed
Male migger comforting Rudi? Hot.
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Snow white pubes with a streak of green
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Green>Blue>Gold(or Yellow)>Red>White
Everything makes sense except for the Gold/Yellow!
>Bad end Route
to be honest, they need to be a least 6 Episodes because have so much events ( Roxy is sick>travel to millis and RIP cliff death>RIP Roxy>Sylphy leave>RIP Sylphy>Eris is death>RIP the others (zanoba, aisha....) and Investigation of the ruins) because the rhythm is so fast and only work because Rudeus read a Diary, and many anime only is going to consider this a big ass pull (+ nobody want to see his favorite character death)
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And her great daddy is a hooligan.
I was wondering if some anons have IRL experiences with polygamy. My cousin was part of a polygamic relationship with a Saudi royal. She was an overseas worker in Saudi and some rich royal married her as a 3rd wife. And not gonna lie she's now fucking loaded as fuck. She even paid for my dad's surgery. Polygamy fucking saved my father
>The series went to the shitter at Demon Continent.
holy SHIIIIET taste
>And tsunshits is just inherently obnoxious btw
holy BEEEETA male taste
women are made for conquering
If they actually gave a shit about the series they're adapting, they would have made it the migurd symbol (three spears)
I assumed that meant Ariel. but it doesn't make sense to have green and also white separately.
lads it's been a while since i've read MT, when will the anime reach the Orsted rematch?
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Who cares, she's hot.
>The One Piece was Rudy's cock
Rudeus is such a scumbag I wouldn't be surprised if he fucked his braindead mother and his cuck wife defended if
Norn represents the death throes of Western morality. She denies life’s finest pleasures under the guise of preserving an obsolete ideal. But in reality she’s just jealous. She’s been proxy-cucked by the vitality of her brother.
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Fuck off, faggot. We're here to talk about MT, I'm not here to be friends with you. Don't get so touch-feely with me now
Next season.
>women are made for conquering
agreed sister Eris is so validating and empowering to women
Yikes, what a tastelet
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All she had to do was ask and she could join the harem too
How would you rate this episode?
I think the animation was on par with episode 1 and 3. Plus they adapted all the scenes very well
He's not that much of a scumbag. Incest is too degenerate even for him.
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You're here to talk about your femboy waifu and how BOO HOO SHE DIDN'T GET MOVIE QUALITY ANIMATION. The rest of us are here to talk about MT. kys
Was the novel as fast paced as the anime? I swear it felt like there was far more content before the Zenith rescue mission
Didn't these 2 ever met eachother when Roxy was staying and teaching Rudy in S1? It's been bothering me for a while now that they act like total strangers. What, did Rudy not even mentioned the other one to either of them when he was little? Wtf is this
How the fuck do you become an overseas worker in fucking KSA of all countries. Did your government fail you to give you a job locally
Anon... your cousin was a Dubai porta potty...
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He met Sylphie after Roxy left, speedwatcher-kun
Roxy's "love" was the biggest asspull
She finds a guy she met as a little kid, immediately falls in love and immediately seduces to fuck and immediately becomes his side ho all in like a week while she get none of these characteristics (loving him, being a whore, being bold enough to rape a man) as an established part of her character before?
Author-kun basically forced it unorganically
I’m from KSA and I’ve never met anyone with more than 1 wife. It’s actually extremely uncommon and frowned upon even it it’s technically allowed.
Yes she was and I'm grateful for it
>Fuck off, faggot. We're here to talk about MT
Lmao no you fucking aren't, do I need to tap all your posts by scanning through the archives? All you've done for the last 5+ threads is whine about the anime and start shit with other characterfags, so don't you come at me with that cringe lie that you somehow want to talk about the series when all you talk about is Sylphie.
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Mein sides.
At least if she was accepting it because she didnt have a broken family with an incoming child...
Is norn the only potential loyal wife
No a lot of things were skipped especially during their desert adventures.
Anime is frankly pretty badly adapted in S2 when it comes to cutting content however it still somehow manages to carry itself through rifujins writing despite the cut content.
ok fine, so I don't remember S1 that well but it's still weird that he never said anything about ther
Yeah like we all forgot what he did to his niece
Oh look, another speed watcher
Yeah, I don't know the specifics and I only knew about it when the relationship was over and she already got her part of the inheritance
you'll recall he wouldn't leave his yard until Roxy dragged him out for the final exam. I guess Roxy and Sylphie could've bumped into each other but she would've been really young
Norn really wants to f rudeus?
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Maybe, but the biggest difference between us is that I'm not seething at you for one bit, but you're here seething right at my face non-stop
Prove me wrong: you can't.
She's a whore but she was NOT madly in love with a fucking child and she wasn't fucking married men either
This is one of the few harems where the heroines don't meet each other until much later on so there's no competition between them.
Yes yes anon. You're very pretty.
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the fact that nobody here is talking ahow fucking wonderfull norm crying was when she finaly breaks down about paul's death is disqusting
Roxy anal
Lemme guess, pajeet?
stop coping sylphie...
>acts like a faggot constantly
>gets told to fuck off
kys. don't come back for S3.
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The good ending we were denied...
Only in the WN & he was masturbating not fucking her.
Ancient Dragon Tribe.
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Does she keep using the sword she got from the Miggers forever? I thought that was just some junk to get her by until she got back home, but even her adult illustrations have that sword on her butt.
it was decent. better than her previous performance.
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would rabu again
You don't get shit up the last 10+ threads with your waifuwarring/consolefagging nonsense and suddenly expect other posters to accept you.
Sylphie is such a cuck she probably helps rudeus to jerk off to norn
Is Eris taller than Dudi?
yes she keeps it forever. she'd be using that at the sword sanctum unless she's using a wooden sword.
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Zenith and norn bros.... They deserve a lot better
Raping migger poophole
I do like MT, that's why I complain about Season 2. Can you lay off my back now?
9 or 9.5, it was almost perfect
>oh boy I cant wait to come back to Rudy and show him how strong I've become. I bet he is waiting for me right now!
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Yes the Migger sword is one of the swords crafted by the legendary blacksmith who made all the legendary swords
It's supposed to be made from the same dragon K2 defeated in the past although its no gravity magic imbued one it's still pretty good
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And you have not given a single justification for your constant shitflinging with other characterfags, I'll lay off your back when you stop posting here.
So... how/when does he get his hand back?
Julian made all the magic swords btw
Kill yourself, retard. I don't give a shit about you, but you're the ones who can't help but seethe at me. Maybe you're the one who needs to fuck off for being a faggot?
>and suddenly expect other posters to accept you
Wat pfffttt
who are you
why do you do this
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Prosthetic hand his bros make for a while
Saint class regrowth from Orstead later
When Nanahoshi summons flex tape from her world.
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Yikes, I've been here longer than you. Your posts are particularly nothing out of ordinary, and doesn't bring anything to the table. All you've done is bitching at me. You're playing bitch at fucking 4CHAN, nigger
Best part of the episode
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>Mushoku Tensei
>Kaiju 8
>Solo Leveling
All the 3 got a new season announcement right away yet Frieren didn't.
That journey to Ended could be just a movie.
reddit post
End this with sylphie taking a knife and going to stab Roxy and it's perfection
>Yikes, I've been here longer than you
You quite clearly haven't.
>and doesn't bring anything to the table
Yet somehow you think your constant doom bitching does?
I only listen to the guitar riff on loop
the moment banana opens her mouth I turn it off
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Hope they animate a lot of cute shenanigans in the Greyrat household.
Don't be mean to Eris!
never ever, sorry frierenbro
He didn't fuck his niece.
And jerking off to his niece and then getting beaten up by his big brother who still was trying to help him is exactly why Rudes is now so anti-incest.
Sometimes, violence really is the answer after all to stop somebody from falling onto the false path.
Didn't watch any of those other shows but that must be rough
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last one i saved
How come Hitogami never made Roxy into an apostle and just had her do something that would get her killed?
You need king for regrowth.
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>Don't be mean to Eris!
I'm not, its the author.
my one friend group:
>Omg MT is a masterpiece!
>Peak writing, pure cinema!

my other friend group:
>MT is trash! Pure bs writing!
>Problematic! Women are conquests!

Ngl aside from Evangelion it's fun seeing one topic so divisive. It's like politics but not political.
>trying to help him
By killing him?
Spend time with the first group, they seem chill
>Yet somehow you think your constant doom bitching does?
I'm doing out of love of MT. You really think Season 2 which is below average and absolute trash must be accepted? "Accepted by fellow posters" my ass, Season 2 itself shouldn't be accepted. Atleast you faggots who cares about "thread-quality" bullshit, I care about the quality of the anime, and still talking about MT technically. Fucking idiots
out of character
She is too wise and too logical to actually immediatelly follow a mysterious man in her dreams, and would probably first investigate his origins, probably find out that he is the arch-enemy of the dragon folks and several of the demon kings who rule her birth continent, and then not bother with him.
I thought it would be a song that I only obsess about, but it seems like there are many other people who appreciate nana's beautiful voice here
it's practically political adjacent. it rubs social justice warriors all the wrong ways.
captcha: ONIONS RS
Fate too strong
The big brother was the one who tried to calm down his other siblings. Until he found out that Nipdeus betrayed him.
dammit filter
>hey silphs this my new bitch
>I love her because she fucked me while I was grieving my father's death and she looks like a child my sister's age

>Omg Rudy you're such a chad that's why I like about you, please spitroast me with your new kiddie wife wearing a strapon

Much realistic. Very well written.
in character
You don't recall the best part of the whole series? What the fuck is your problem?
the first group is my best buddies from college. The second group, whom I don't have that much interactions with anymore, is my fanfic writer buddies from Wattpad where I used to frequent as a kid, and yes they're mostly women
Sylphie is kind of a freak.
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even in real world some people would act the same
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are they women or are they "women"?
>being friends with women
>I bet he is waiting for me right now!
He is. He needs his third wife.
Is it possible for Ghislane or Ruijuerd to kill the Manatite Hydra? How without them being able to stop it from instantly regenerating?

Is there anyone else known to have slain a manatite hydra?
yeah within likelihood, although Ruijerd might have some trouble beheading it with a spear. also if they didn't have a mage to sear the heads I assume they'd have to get all 9 of them in just a few seconds before any regenerate.
It took some seconds to regen from what the anime showed.
Ghislane could have cut all the heads in a split second I bet.
No idea about Ruijerd since he is a spear user.
t. anime only
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Well, the manatite hydra were disintegrated when the great golden hero Aldebaraan, savior of mankind, fought against dastardly Kishirika Kishirisu, the great empress of the demon world.
Actually, it was Fighting God Badigadi, who had slain vile Demon Dragon God Laplace. .
As for slicing up the hydra, both Ghislaine and Ruijderd could do that without needing a special magic sword like Paul needed to. But they couldn't keep it dead, if they don't know about the fire trick.
What will be her bodycount before the reunion?
roxy says they were thought to have been annihilated during the second human-demon war so the only people from the story who were around back then would be kishirika badigadi atofe and laplace
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Sylphie is an angel!
I was looking for this picture.
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I honestly doubt anyone would ever think about sex when mourning his father's death
>mfw i'm eager to smash some fine 100 years old loli
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Lower than Rudy's, I'm sure.
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Instant loss, MIGGED
she's a strong independent woman and she needs to go live her life and discover herself, so probably about 20 or 30
Depends on how long the mourning and being depressed is.
The anime failed to make it clear that it was more than two weeks since Rudeus stopped eating, even when they showed him having sunken cheeks.
Most anime viewers do recognize that some time must have passed, but they don't understand that for example takes more than a month to travel back to the teleporter, with some believing that surely the team could have transported him even if he wasn't doing anything.
I expect that one artist Kevcrexx to give me Roxy/Norn threesome otherwise I be disappoint.
Orsted, your attempts to shame Eris by claiming she has laid with 20 or 30 men are useless.
She is too dumb to understand what you're even talking about.
I love my wife Eris
I can't fucking stand Rudeus. Especially his VA. Everything Rudeus does is cringe and childish. He never learns from his mistakes, he throws 5 year temper-tantrums over a misunderstanding. He doesn't give a shit about anything except his dick. Fucker doesn't deserve shit but has it handed to him on a silver platter, and he STILL cries woe is me. The author is a hack.
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Cuckqueen cope, Norn gets together with someone that will never cheat on her.
Roxy is so lucky...
literally ANN-forum comment copypaste.
They literally acknowledge their own moral wrongdoings in this very episode. What are you even babbling about? Did you even watch the episode?
>Especially his VA
at least we can agree there
I wonder if the consensus is the same if Roxy has dark skin.
Migger why are you stirring dumb shit from a dead thread?
I can trace this pasta to one redditor who is a confirmed diagnosed autist. Best to leave him alone, he's already suffering by seething so much
I dont know why but I find Norn marrying someone who is like 10ish (?) times older than her kind of hilarious.
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How long do you guys think Rudy waited to go for round 2 with Roxy out of respect for Sylphie? 1 whole day maybe?
I'm actually fucking jealous, the fuck did Roxy do to make Norn like this?
Yeah any cuck arguments fly out the window in this case, considering that it's a kid Rudy has known from birth from parents he respects
She would have anime-dark skin, aka, light tan.
However, light tanned characters are supposed to be active, because the tan symbolizes that they're constantly under the sun.
A lightly tanned Roxy would just be a mesugaki.
Why is nobody talking about the grave scene? It's the most important scene of this season.
It died like 2 minutes ago
>rudy clenching his fist
He wouldn't... right...?
An hour, maybe two.
It's the last opportunity to vent and seethe and kvetch and screech about how MT is problematic for the falseflagging shitposters, so best to ignore the ending and repeat shit that nobody cares anymore.
It's general rule of thumb to not drag shit in from other threads, only petty faggots looking to shitpost do that, I don't care what you were arguing about but leave it be.
Frieren have a major problem, and is that have long ass hiatus (HxH syndrome), right now only have material for a 2 cour season, so they need to wait or the time between a S2 and S3 may be too long
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>he hated her because she told the truth
>But they couldn't keep it dead, if they don't know about the fire trick.
So then they'd eventually lose or slip up.
Canonically, Rudeus only started having sex with Roxy a second time after Lucie was born.
If I was Rudeus I would've beat Norn half to death and then disowned her. Ungrateful little cunt.
wow, did you hate this season THAT much?
lmao haven't seen that pic before
Get his father killed?
He did
Cheat on his pregnant wife?
He did
Fuck a child old enough to be his mother? He did
holy fucking esl batman
dont you have any shame?
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They didn't. Roxy had to prove she really loved Rudy in front of Norn and Aisha, and that Migurd only knows one way to show affection.
If I was Rudeus I would've pinned Norn down, kissed her and then asked Aisha for help leaving Roxy and Sylphie to bond as I princess carry Norn upstairs with Aisha locking onto my arm.
Anon, honest question. Your wife comes back from a long trip pregnant and with a nigger. She kneels down to you in forgiveness and also your approval for the nigger to become her 2nd husband. You've already known this nigger before from your wife's childhood stories and you actually idolize him and consider him a role model because he's actually a pretty cool guy from your wife's stories. Would you accept him?
Sorry anon, I just wanted him to know he's a dumbass for thinking the guy prostrating himself has nothing to apologize for. Time to move on.
not him but fuck off burger
So silphye just doesnt have any self respect?
manners, angloid
have some respect for your betters
don't bully the ESLs, you never know which ones are japanese
No (No translated to english is No)
pretty much
Realistically Eris should've slutted around a bit before reuniting with Rudy.
ahahahah, holy kek, nice instant seethe
I don't need your apology faggot, don't stir shit, it's that easy.
They would of course just free Zenith while the hydra was trashing around, and then escape.
Or they escape first, then find out that they need to burn its stump, and return with enough helpers to finish it off.
And Ruijerd might actually know about the hydra, since he is ten times as old as Roxy, and should know about all kinds of legends and beasties that the demonfolk elders talked about, especially since he was Demon God Laplace's warmaster.
If he cries after getting chastised by my little brother to get the fuck out of the house then maaaybe
yeah okay go mow my lawn beaner
Unfortunately she knows Rudy likes Roxy more than her so she would have lost Rudy if she refused
Ok, suck my balls nigger
how norn accept roxy so quickly
She's literally too autistic and angry. She has a very one track mind and the only guy she cares about is Rudeus.
I'd divorce my cheating wife and convince him to marry me instead
>Rudeus cheated on you but your so cute Fitz
>I understand completely
>Oh fuck you Luke!
>That being said it seems as though we rushed this Ariel
>So it seems perhaps divorce is on the table
>No! Rudeus loves me he would never really choose that woman over me after everything we have been through
>Im a guy so Ill say this guys do lots of thing without thinking things through he met this Roxy was it probably had a good time and hes thinking this girls real special to me but then you find out shes stringing you along with 10 other guys and its just like ok
>You should die somewhere Luke
>Sylphie in Asura we dont really like random chance so we make probabilities 100 percent if you know what I mean
>Just say the word Ill get an assassin to kill this Roxy person
>No we arent killing her
>Yes that assassin is
>No Rudy is smart he will know she was assassinated
>Hmmm how about making the death look convincing shes an adventurer right take her to a location and the assassin can cut her up in a fashion like a monster from that region
>Ariel you really scare me sometimes
>Commoners like you are kept snug with your morals while nobles like me must everything we can to stay in power
>No killing I just want her to be gone and thats it
>Well introduce me to her then
>Ariel do not misunderstand girls ask me to take the attention of another girl whos into a guy they like all the time in Ranoa
>But doesnt make you a loser
>No it doesnt because I fuck them
>So what your saying is
>If I seduce this Roxy she will lose all interest in that lame Rudeus
>Hey! Hes not lame and he kicked your ass remember!
>No idea what your talking about
>Very well then we'll go with Lukes idea so bring her in already
>Ok Ill get Roxy
>a few moments later
>Um Sylphie is Greyrat right in the head?
>This is a child, can a child even be wed to a commoner to begin with?
>I see thats why he likes you so much
>Luke Sylphie is certainly not child looking
"Realistic" people don't have the autism, determination, drive and true pure love to actually train for years to reach lightspeed and fight against the most powerful evil creature in the world who can easily kill and destroy everything with ease.
A Migger with lots of sexual experience thanks to her slutty best friend elf who has LITERALLY done everything involving sex and a Greyrat still growing up, you do the math.
Only if he fucks me too
damn, milfyfied Sylphie looks good.
She got migged, simple as. Roxy is good at techniques like that.
>>Solo Leveling
This slop is so generic I'm amazed enjoy it, it's no different from your average run of the mill isekai
Wow it's kind of fucked up if you put it that way. Am I just sexist?
Ok shitposter
And yet she still NTR's him later but everyone is fine with it because it's with two girls. Peak weeb hypocrisy.
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So when will these two find out that their poor crippled daughter is no longer a femcel?
oh you're right I just checked in 13 and he does say so
Erisfag animeonly here. Will her scenes be good?
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Even Dungeon Meshi got one... It's over Frierensissies.
Stop stirring shit anon
Around S3 cour 2 when Rudy and Roxy visit them with the infant Lara
Volume 22. So in only 3 years (in-universe).
Nice reference.
Roxy didn't do anything for herself though. Elinalise did everything. Norn voiced out her opinions, and Sylphie took action for her priorities.
This is why Roxy is a boring character, she's written like a trophy token with no will
No. Men and women aren't the same.
>autism, determination, drive and true pure love to actually train for years to reach lightspeed and fight against the most powerful evil creature in the world who can easily kill and destroy everything with ease.
if everyone was like that the world would be a better place
I'm not.
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Eris a shit
That's actually season 4, if not season 5 material. The
>we got married
interlude is at the end of volume 22.
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did you guys notice this detail? they added this in the anime. he was about to call her back but Sylphie barely beat him to it.
Why does he have to wait? Can't Sylphie just do oral/anal until she gives birth? No reason to stop the threesomes.
Ok I believe you
What was their reaction?
If I remember right roxy's dad didnt want rudy to be his son-in-law.
Thank you.
>one scene of STACY Eris already makes shitposters go into overdrive
Explain why you hate Eris.
You're welcome
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she missed her daddy
Madhouse doesn't do sequels(except ccs).
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But yea, maybe next time, just not post at all.
They like it but have trouble believing a human would be attracted to a disabled migger
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So which studio is picking up season 2? Mappa?
Now that’s it’s over, how would you guys rate season 2 as a whole compared to season 1
kek at that pic.
don't worry she gets minor comeuppance in like 10 years.
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I don't.
Sylphie >>> Eris >> Roxy.
You should take your advice
Shit girlfriend
Shit wife
Only redeeming quality is that she has a nice body
Gives birth to Ars aka the worst Greyrat
Jobs to a heart attack
Well, they didn't recognized Rudeus, just like Roxy didn't recognize him when he got taller and older.
Then did the typical
>is our daughter good enough for you?
>who the heck are you?
stuff, but also talking to their granddaughter and being proud of her for being so talkative.
That's when Roxy and Rudeus find out that Lara's not just a "quiet" child, but has inherited the telepathic abilities of her mother's race, instead of being disabled like her mom.
s2 is like only half as good as s1
first season is just too amazing
S1 9.5
S2 8.5
LN readers, does Rudy get any taller or is he going to be a manlet for life?
>*Ariel kicks him in the shin*
>As for you, little girl you wanna be a grown up that bad huh
>Im 50
>*Ariel and Luke just stare open eyed*
>A demon huh? I have no prejudice for your kind but still how do you look that young Im so jealous hey wanna switch bodies think of how long I could rule Asura I had what you had
>A wife that will take forever to look old I see Rudeus is on to something
>Im quarter elf it will take a while before i even have wrinkles Luke you asshole!
>Even then she still looks like a child so its quite messed up dont you agree Roxy
>Am I allowed to speak? A pleasure to meet your majesty I am sorry someone as low as me is wasting your time
>Hoh this one sure knows how to speak to a royal unlike that husband of yours Sylphie
>Dont you find it strange?
>No Im not like you so I cant really how it odd
>Well that fair, ignoring that she looks like a child shes cute and the head of the university knows her meaning shes smart, you know what means right Fitz?
>Shes better than you basically
>Ariel I
>No Ms Greyrat is a much greater person than I
>The point is you are competition for my Fitz so it would be good if you stopped being that
>Hey Roxy what do you think of me?
>Well you are gorgeous but I dont feel what I feel from Rudy from you
>*Luke winces* Are you saying that lame Rudeus is better than me?
>Sigh Fitz Ill let you handle this however you can Ill with you with whatever choice you make ok

1 week later

>Rudeus comes back to the house
>So did you make your choice Rudeus?
>I choose none of your options
>Hehehehhe wrong answer asshole *wind magics his head off*
>Rudeus wakes up in the inn room
>I keep having that same nightmare Sylphie wouldnt kill me like that right sniff
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She's more popular than Roxy
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she's retarded and traumatized rudy
animation wise it's a downgrade, there's no denying that. But storywise it's getting better which is all that matter in the end, nufags are too spoiled nowadays with animation carrying the show
in the LN art at this point he's a whole head and shoulders taller than Sylphie.
my assumption is he'll get to around Paul's height later, maybe over the course of next season.
>Skipped aisha roasting Norn
>depicted aisha and Norn as best friends
Lmao im glad we are done with this hot garbage
Shes so stupid that I feel disgust towards her, dumb people shouldnt have human rights sorry.
I don't get what you mean? I was referring to you bringing up nonsense with your boyfriend from the other friend and now you're doing the same thing with me, is the last word really that important to you?
Overall, obviously worse than season 1, with some real low-quality episodes that mostly happened around the end of the first cour of season 2 (which was so bad because the director for it didn't want to work on the university arc).
But the second cour of season 2 was overall great, even although episode 23 was too quick and too short.
Bros, I think I'm dropping this shit, I just can't handle all this polygamy shit, just doesn't make sense and feel unnatural in the world and the characters up until now, sylphy I can kinda believe you that she would accept polygamy because how much of a wet towel paper of a personality she has but roxy? Eris? this doesn't make sense to me. Am I too much of a trad chad? i'm not even fucking christian. It's just that every time I try to rationalize how this "makes sense" in the world building I just imagine the creator being the degenerate fuck that he is and just inserting his fantasies into the story (admittedly as every writer does).
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As an adaptation:
Season 1 is a 7/10 at best, cour 1 was consistently 7/10, cour 2 ranges 4/10-6/10/.
Season 2 is a 2/10 at best, it's honestly trash. But nothing you could do about it now.
Holy shit can you give it a rest already?
See you for season 3.
hey faggot why don't YOU be the one to stop replying?
Norn is so annoying. Aisha is much better, and cuter as well.
Sheesh, did you need to reply twice?
As an adaption it really is trash.
But around 8.5/10 if I were an anime only/
Cope. The anime is now objectively a shit adaptation, even changing dynamics of characters and skipping vital scenes.
>just doesn't make sense and feel unnatural in the world and the characters up until now
You literally saw it in the first few episodes with the whole Paul and Lilia drama. It's something that's accepted in this setting especially among Asura nobles who are well known degenerates.
>>Solo Leveling
I binge read this to about chapter 150 yesterday. My god is this fucking boring, wow he's so fucking strong it's another doo-joo-duwang saving the world oh look it's the fucking monarchs and the rulers fighting who the fuck are they? Ughh
Imagine your relative comes to you, and you notice that they suddenly are missing a limb.
Ok ok, but, I'll still see you for the season 3 threads.
>>268308727 (You) (You)
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Frieren's the best anime of all time on MAL. Madhouse's to be an asylum to not give it a sequel.
Thank god we got 12 episodes of I can't fap and I must reee.
>That's when Roxy and Rudeus find out that Lara's not just a "quiet" child
But Roxy knew when other migurds were telepathing at her, wouldn't she notice Lara trying to talk to her?
>136 votes
wow its literally nothing
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cry more faggot
Lmao, talk about petty, I really had my doubts but yea, you're literally just shitposting, fucking look at you doing exactly what you were accusing me off, keeping a reply chain alive.
6/10 and I’m being generous
Most scenes dont hit as hard as the LN, just the last episode, the Norn rant didn’t feel nearly as impactful, like a fart in the wind.
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>hey oniichan, need a hand?
I just treat Rudeus' family situation like a freakshow akin to those deranged American reality shows, but with cooler action scenes
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They hate her cause they ain't her
>Rudy was wearing that same bloody coat for weeks/months
Can you call me pretty too and maybe...hold hands with me?
this made me laugh so much, there is just no reason why he wouldn't clean his clothes or just get a new jacket. the ONLY reason he didn't do it was so Norn could more easily see that he, in fact, loss his arm LMAO
Why did you reply to me twice?
shit mom who beats the fuck out of her husband and kids
Perhaps the telepathing that human-migurd hybrids do like Lara is not as painful and obvnoxious for pureblooded (but disabled) migurds like Roxy.
We will see how the anime will depict that, which will be around a decade or so, hahaha.
I didn't shitposter-kun, only the second reply is mine.
I imagine he wouldn't throw it away, however leaving it unwashed seems like an weird anime detail.
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I love red eyes
>Hey Nanahoshi can I speak with you for a moment?
>Sure thing Rudeus whats up
>Um I have an issue
>Oh you need teleportation maps I got you covered just one se
>Its not that
>Oh then what is it?
>Well I uh Im marrried to Sylphie you know
>Yes I was at the wedding cute wife it made me jealous I want to be like that with Akito one day
>Yes um I cheated on her
>*Nanahoshis happy expression turns sour*
>You scum
>Look I
>This is no laughing matter thats is your wife your sworn to be commited to her!
>Why are you riled up?
>Rudeus she may be a woman from anothre world but shes still a girl like me so i cant understand how she feels and your modern guy you should know better
>Well the girl I cheated on I was thinking about making her my second wife
>Second wife? Your a modern guy we have monogamy back in our world! Polygamy is primtiive and disgusting. As said before you should know better!
>So what should I do?
>Be your wife dummy
>But what about the other girl
>Sylphie got to first the other girl will just have to accept that
>Heheheh girls from my world sure are cruel compared to these ones
>They are oppressed doormats who know how great female freedom really is it makes me sick to know so many girls here cant amount to anything than some creep's baby factory
I give it a 9 based on the same reasoning.
probably ep 9-10[/spoiler] or cour 1 of S3
Ruijerd is over 500 years old, he's more like 20x her age.
If you read 150 chapters in 1 day it can't be that boring dumbass
Ok anon do you have any closing statements?
I heard the reason why S3 was greenlit so early is because the harem themes attracted another Saudi oil prince who now wants to pour resources to see the whole story animated in great quality
>do you think we could ask them to enter their home?
>>sshh, they're having a nice bonding moment
>no, seriously, it's cold out here
>>I know, but let the boy have this moment
Ok...? Starting to regret replying to you in the first place, you clearly have issues that you yourself do not acknowledge.
At least someone isn't a faggot.
When does the soundtrack for this cour release? I really want that song from the end of the episode
where is this video from?
hopefully it won't take 2 years for season 3 to come out
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Only when they're paired with white hair
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Erischads keep winning
>I-I shouldn't intrude upon that family
>>chin up, girl
>>soon, you'll be calling me grandma as well
Remember to thank this anon's cousin >>268306145
Please start samefagging better. Maybe write one post on your phone so you can send them around the same time.
Real life is trash writing bros. Why does polygamy exist in real life? It's so unnatural and doesn't make sense at all. Fuck God is a hack
2 is the minimum unless they seriously upsize and have 100 animators on it
He's been wearing it all that time without washing. Imagine the smell.
Season 1: 9/10
Season 2 7.5/10
Oh you really are a schizo.
why? can't 9 months or so off keep the ball rolling if they don't lay off all the contractors
>Why does polygamy exist in real life?
It's very rare. Just another kind of degeneracy.
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I will have to disagree. White hair is hit or miss but red is always top tier, regardless of the hair style. Black hair-red eyes is a great combination too. Even better if the hair is longer.
As a mormon this anime really speaks to me.
W-what do you mean with
>we're all here
, big brother?
Where's dad? D-did he go buy some beer for your triumphant return?
>If I remember right roxy's dad didnt want rudy to be his son-in-law.
why not
>You literally saw it in the first few episodes with the whole Paul and Lilia drama
yes, I understood that is a thing that happens in the world of mushoku, it's the characters involved and the way it was handled that doesn't make sense to me. Rudeus cheats on his wife? of course he would fucking do. she acepts to be parts of a harem of 3 wives? doesn't make sense to me, why would roxy or eris accept that? and all living in the same house? I even read that women can have multiple husbands, but you already know that won't happen.
yeah this is what I was thinking I should do, just ignore the romance and take it as a joke or as a look into the mind of the average japanese degenerate LN writer
I think he was worried about Rudy fucking his wiffe.
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>why you hate Eris
I don't hate Eris but she's my least favorite of the 3 wives, the other 2 are devoted and cute while Eris is a feminist bitch.
Eris is also the reason why we had the ED arc while Shiromama saved us from that garbage.
The other 2 love Rudeus more than Eris to boot.
Depends on the place. Islamic countries have more chances of having polygamic relationships. Afghanistan has too.
You will reply to this post
what about polyamorous people? are they degenerates and heckin invalid?
we need another mormon program for your kind
sylphoid-doomer keeps replying to himself.
no reason it was just the protective dad not wanting to give away his daughter thing
To be fair he would be super faithful because he's just as conservative. Plus he stays young looking when she gets older
>Islamic countries have more chances of having polygamic relationships.
You should look the actual stats. It's below 0.3% even in rural areas. The only place where it's common is subsaharan Africa which says a lot.
No because I don't feel like giving you anymore (you)s get help anon.
Then why did she even come back. Sara would've been a better third wife.
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Ok schizo
I agree 8/10
Here's what we all inherited from him.
The best thing is a magic sword that costs 1 copper coin.
there are some birds that mate for life, right? it isn't unnatural, at least there is both of those things in nature.
She used to be so sexy, why did they ruin her...
Nah, I was geninuely replying to them because bringing up shit from other threads directly is always dumb but I never considered they may be the sylphoid-doomer, now that you've pointed it out that does make sense.
Even when it's allowed it's very rare
someone is mad
I hope they explain what the sword does next season
stop replying to me you freak
Oh no, dad is now a box?
silphy > eris > roxy to me

i love them all i just raby silphy more

eris is pure love but she is dumb,
roxy is a horrible mother and a horrible teacher but she is cute as fuck and i lover her too
Based Sheik. I'll refrain from shit talking the Quran until Season 3 is over. Unless he wants to also fund seasons 4 and 5
>why would roxy or eris accept that? and all living in the same house?
Why not? Why would they give a shit
I'm more curious about what they think about their daughter being a homewrecker
Long haired Sylphie is pretty sexo not gonna lie
he gave them 10 years worth of money
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fucking based
no being sad about ded papa allowed in this thread
It's rare because we live in modern times now. It's not that hard to interpolate the stats when we go back further in time, until the societal level matches closely that of MT
either bait or read the novel
What does Rudy even do as a "job"?
Just adventurer bucks?
Not me, doofus
>waifuwars in a series where mc gets all three
Get a room
Screenshot doko
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So, how long until the next season?
only one (Roxy) can be best girl.
They skipped that, but he's loaded from selling all the loot from the labyrinth now
Is there a different time progression for Earth and the Rudyworld? Like 10 years in Rudyworld is just a week on Earth or something.
literally the reason I hate harems. It's just the faggot writer not wanting to choose one
>In harems we al win :)
pussy shit
>mom's a veggie
>dad's a dustie
>brother's a cripply
>sister's a meanie
>step-mom's a goodie
>Its been 3 months and Rudeus still hasnt come back yet its making my heart weep and our daughter too isnt ath right Lucy
>*baby sounds*
>Oni-chan frequents an iin here in this part of Sharia I can verify that he has taken zero women in his time there Sylphie
>Thank you Aisha
>What about Roxy?
>Sigh in the time we spent together she did some serious self reflection and decided that being an adventurer isnt a worthwhile pursuit so shes busy applying to be an instructor at Ranoa University
>Oh then things are looking up for her huh
>I just miss my Rudeus so much *sobs*
>I can tell oni-chan how you feel
>No he might masturbate to that I need him to suffer

>Oh man Im running out money to pay for rooms at this inn Im gonna be homeless soon wait where does Nanahoshi live oh right shes still mad at me because I cheated on Sylphie oops
>You know I told Cliff that too and he just froze and wont talk to me, I understand hes a religious guy I stepped over his principles I deserve this
>Could I maybe bunk with Zanoba? Well Julie seemed very happy that she was gonna live with me for some reason but Zanoba can get really yhhhhhh
>So homeless it is ah just like old times eh
>Well I better find a nice spot to make a earth hut and call it a day Rudeus the homeless oh how I have fallen
>Ah Im so hungry Im seeing a beautiful woman walk up to me with white hair and elf ears and oh
>Hello there Sylphie its really you right Im not going insane from hunger right
>Oh Rudeus I had no idea I did this to you Im so sorry baby *kisses him on the cheek and lips*
>You smell good
>I know I smell good come let go home now you have a baby to raise but what about Roxy?
>Huh! What about her! After all this time you!
>Oh no I killed the moment
>Stay out of here I change my mind, fuck you! After 3 months you still havent made your choice yet. *she breaks down into tears* Im disappointed
>Sylphie I
>Heres your decision its me ok Its me! Its me! Roxy doesnt need you anymore!
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You call anything sex or love related degeneracy because you don't get any. You're a moralfag cuck and will most likely look at your life with regret when you make it to old age.
that's theorized but never shown
Having just read through your reply chain from last thread I do have to wander, why did you turn your brain off? You were making good points last thread so why throw that all away?
I felt so bad for her bros... she should've castrated Rudeus on the spot
naruto had it worse
This. Also for some reason you get known as a cultist if you have more than one wife
Why is her hair so long already? There's no way it's already that long, right?
Time travel stuff makes it that nobody knows how time functions on both sides.
Nanahoshi's boyfriend was summoned, died, then the chick who summoned him tried to create a miracle that would save him, so Nanahoshi got teleported to the past, but couldn't manifest, which is why the fat Japanese man's soul could enter the space-time cracks left behind by trying to summon Nanahoshi's boyfriend, which leads to the fat man being reborn as Rudeus, which leads to Nanahoshi to manifest, then Rudeus loses everything and time-travels back to tell Rudeus that Rudeus must not follow the path of Rudeus, then Rudeus dies, and Rudeus is confused, and then learns that his new boss is a timetraveler, and then nobody knows what will happen.
Kill yourself faggot.
Literally just go back to any of the countless series that don't have a harem end then.
From how much you pieces of shit complain, you would think every other anime had an actual harem end.
When most shit is some retard sexless MC with a """harem""" in name only or ones that ends up with a single girl.
you are both manchildren. just stop replying. either one of you could stop this annoying pointless conversation at any point.
At least four years have currently passed.
Of course her hair would regrow to her original length.
Have you ever tried honestly arguing with a shitposter? You'll understand when you do.
I'm the opposite, so many authors pussy OUT of a harem ending. So it's refreshing when someone actually goes through with it.
>TikTok watermark
>Where is this video from???
That was my first reply to this nonsense, I'm just confused why this anon suddenly lowered themselves to acting like the very poster they were replying to.
Waaaahhhh, I don't want to kill the demo- I mean, I don't want dad to be dead!
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Sylphiette won every poll I saw yet only Roxy and Eris have spin-offs. Polls don't mean shit and Roxy is best girl by far.
based for not knowing what tiktok is actually
>Have you ever tried honestly arguing with a shitposter?
I have, which is why I knew when to stop when it became obvious I wasn't getting meaningful responses.
in medivel europe they had concubines, basically lovers, it was still cheating, the wife didn't have to agree or anything, they didnt necessarily live in the same house and certainly you couldn't marry multiple people, you are just talking shit.
That's because Sylphie became the main heroine this season. Eris dominated polls like that last season. Animeonlies will be enthralled by whatever's in front of them at the moment.
Did Rudeus win?
I lacked the sword in my heart, until it was too late.
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yeah, he did
I can still smell his sweat inside those gloves.
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how do you think rudeus would react if any of his "wives" wanted to get another husband? would be pretty funny. what if one of his daughters becomes part of another guys harem? it would literaly be this >>268305108
Good news, Aisha.
You get to have the tiny sword that is useless against butter, but useful against diamond.
The orsted fight won't look half as good as you imagined it btw
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norn loves demons
It will look even better.
>She got a job at Ranoa she can support herself your just an emotional crouch thats it
>My master doesnt need me?
>Sigh come on lets go home its been so long since we went on a date
>But master
>*Sylphie begins huffing and puffing*
>We see the sky above get cloudy and wind begins blowing around both of them
>If you cant choose me then I dont know what do anymore
>Sylphie forms a T pose while the wind picks up then a lightning bolt strikes her
>Rudeus sees the electricity surge through her and boil her eyes and make her spasm in a very painful manner before she falls to the ground DEAD
>Sylphie you didnt
>You didnt
>Rudeus holds up Syphies dead body desperating chanting out healing magic but it does nothing
>You kill
>No I didnt want this to happen no Sylphie please come back Syphie no!
>Rudeus runs back to hise house carrying Sylphie corpse in a princess carry banging on the door
>Is that Sylphie? Let me see oni-chan shes not responding at all. Mom come quickly this an emergency
>Lilliia rushes out seeing Sylphie then puts on a dead expression
>Master Rudeus Ms Sylphiette is dead
>No thats cant be true Lillia it cant it cant!
>Im sorry theres nothing we can do
>Just then Roxy comes home
>Hey Sylphie I got the job dont worry I thought about it and you know what I dont need to have sex with Rudy at all just being a part of a family is good enough for me so you win
>Huh? Whats going on?
>Sylphie has died says Lillia
>Died? But how?
>It looks like eletrocution earlier I heard thunder but there was no rain meaning it had to be magic
>But theres no incantation that does short scale lightning bolts so the only explanation is
>She did it
>Was she just practicing a spell huh Rudeus? Tell me Rudeus!
>She...She completely lost it when I refuse to choose between the two of you and she used her magic to kill herself with the lightning
>*Every single female gasps in shock*
>Oh my
>Guess there was another girl that crazy for my oni-chan
It will if QKawa is the EP Director again.
S3 will have better fights since all their star animators won't be spending half their time on one episode
They'll ignore the fact that she chose Ariel over her husband.
Rudy is a piece of shit worse than Paul
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Just because I feel miserable, doesn't mean you have to be as well, lil sis.
the years have not been kind to lillia
Personally I think this is a little "plot hole".
Sylphie should had at least seem Roxy from a distance in the Village. Makes no sense for Sylphie do not know Roxy, after all she is a "demon" that gained the villagers respect, something that should caught Sylphie's attention.
arrgggghh, I'm very upset at what you just wrote aaarrrrggghhhh
Between Eris and Sylphie, which one is the biggest cuck?
Only case of polygamy in modern times i'm aware of was the creator of wonder woman. From what I remember, he had one wife, and one "partner" which was pretty much his wife as well, he had kids with both of them and they still lived together and took care of their kids after the dude died.
You know the answer.
>Norn in the LN: actually throwing a tantrum and fuming that her dad died while rudeus got a second wife, after being shut down she barges to her room in a burst of rage
>Norn in the anime: do some high pitched complaining, immediately caves in and becomes an NPC bitch by simply being told no.
How do you fuck up a scene this badly?
It's not a plot hole, she was just too young to remember
Truly, it's hard for tanks to draw all the aggro when the dps never listens.
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>she barges to her room in a burst of rage
And then she still said that she doesn't actually hate her brother, and she wants to have a training session with him.
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Reminder that Eris loves Rudeus the most.
Sorry that you have to cope, Sylphiefags.
>after being shut down she barges to her room in a burst of rage
No she doesn't
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she's been neutered
she is still a cuck
Outrageoids who wanted Norn to tear Rudeus a new one got utterly humiliated and BTFO'd so hard, they now misrepreseent what really happened.
big boobs because they found an ancient Kishirika statue in a cave, it was made when she was a milf, you should read the novels
>the baby is a girl
In the trash she goes
>oh, I see
>he wants to divorce me because he found somebody even flatter than me
Oh yeah forgot about that
Yes, there's a plot, a great one.
And Sylphy should have been in love with any superstar magic teacher, good thing that all of the scholars at the academy were incompetent and couldn't hold a candle to muh rudeus.
The Machikado Mazoku
I mean Norn shacks up with a guy who is still hung up on his dead wife.
You’d actually be surprised how a few months can make a difference.
Don't hate on Lucy
Sylphie here is a pure Stacy, mommy look is too good.
and overlord
you're "judging" a sort of fixed paul
without rudy born zenith maybe left him, along with troubles besides family or some shit
When the story really start.
Don't worry, 3 more will come
Jesus she looks so plain compared to MILF Sylphie.
Cope nigger. Anime is the one that misrepresented and skipped Aisha standing up for Rudeus.
>Why Rudeus? Why did you let her do it? You could have restrained her
>I..I... Roxy
>She loved you Rudeus she really did far more than I do
>But Master you love me
>Its a recent kind of love its not like hers I heard from her that you two knew eachother from childhood I probably passed her house one time, once I head that I knew I was destroying something precious
>Master I
>STOP CALLING ME MASTER! Your wife is dead! Why are you still acting so respectful to me!
>Roxy I..
>i did this I made this sweet young girl end her life because I took something away from her something she worked hard for Im so selfish
>No Roxy you arent your a great person
>Dont you mean Sylphie is a great person?
>She is She was
>Was? Your already putting her aside like that?
>No I just cant this is I dont know
>I cant stay here anymore Ilm leaving
>But Master
>Rudeus dont ever contact me again seeing you will make you remember Syphiette and that will make you unable to function in life
>Dont follow me its over Rudeus Im sorry but I just cant ok
>Roxy you..
>Your leaving?-Aisha
>*Roxy sobs* Yes thank you for everything and goodbye we will never meet again because Im quittng as an adventurer
>But what will you do Master?
>I dont know Rudy Ill just find somewhere to cry I suppose
>You can cry on my shoulder
>Your a monster! Your wife is dead and your thinking of that?
>No master i
>Its over Rudeus goodbye! Thank you so much Aisha, Lillia, Lady Zenith, Norn when she arrives and of course to you Paul Greyrat rest in peace
>*Rudeus watches in shock was Roxy picks up her things and leaves the house*

Meanwhile in the Void space
>Well this is interesting ahahahahahahhaha I win HAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHA

Back to Rudeus household
>Rudeus has fallen into a depressive state and cant even speak anymore and just is on the floor like a corpse
>Aisha and Lillia are very concerned with him with Aisha actually crying for her big brother to get better
you know why she didn't. everybody hails the story as realistic, but things like this that would make the self insert protagonist look bad won't fly.
god veggie zenith is so hot
Eris asserts dominance and becomes the husband. Slyphie is top bitch. As long as she's number 1 cuck, all is good
Nobody would consider her slutting around when she literally writes how much she loves Rudeus and wants to train to have superpowers to protect Rudeus and has been protected constantly for years by Rudeus to be realistic, though.
In fact, it would be considered absolutely utterly contrary to what she said and what she thinks and what she intends.
Not even bad westerner fanfiction-writers would do that.
you mean the guy, who said "forgive Eris for being retard, she is better than Sylphie"? Would Norn accept Rudeus if he dropped Sylphie for Eris? I don't think so, and she would probably catch a few punches from the retarded redhead.
Fuck off retard
Ruidjerd deserves better.
Because it'd be out of character for her. She's an angry giga autist and the entire reason she's even training so hard in the first place is for Rudeus. Not to mention everyone around her is utterly terrified of her because acts like a wild animal. How much sense would it make if she just started riding some random guy's cock?
>Not even bad westerner fanfiction-writers would do that.
oh they would, westerners think it's a battle of cheating, who cheats, more. Meanwhile everyone who isn't leftist faggot knows men can love multiple women but women can only love 1 man and cheating should be punished by death.
>Not even bad westerner fanfiction-writers would do that.

Lmao. I've seen shit like this in actual books, my guy. This is why I say MT is just a overrall good fantasy story, because the 90% of fantasy stories, adding up both eastern and western one, are complete garbage.
so you are telling me this retarded autistic girl would simply walk into a harem just like that?
He was right btw
She doesn"t even wash herself, bro, no one is touching her.
Ruijerd and his race of brocolli haired freaks should be enslaved and their women treated as relief prostitutes for chad human men
>I'm devastated because my father died, I'm heading to the same void again
>I don't have the energy to move forward once more but my hussy shishou fucking me snapped me out of it
>Oops, conveniently forgot I have a pregnant wife that I love and is waiting for me to return
Why is the writing so dogshit?
She is told that he has a harem because he thought she dumped him, and she knows and acknowledges it that her letter must have really sucked a lot.
Then she stops giving a shit about it anyway because Rudeus is gonna do that for which she has prepared those 5 whole years (starting round 2 of the death match against the dragon nigger), and only that matters to her.
>Not even bad westerner fanfiction-writers
I dropped Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn because the main heroine NTR'd the protagonist. I don't know if this is a western thing but isn't the point of a love interest supposed to be that you want your readers to root for them to get together?
the degenerates will jsut ignore this shit and call the story realistic
>actually all the girls would love to be part of a harem and live in the same fucking house, you see....
they can't make it make sense.
Why are you replying to yourself, nigger?
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>It's okay Rudy you're a pervert so I accept a second wife
>Thank Hitogami you think like this Sylphy
>Nanahoshi please come here
>WHAT?! You bastard! I'm gonna kill you and that bitch
>We cant tell Norn it will interfere in her studies-Aisha
>I agree it will be a problem if both of them end up like this-Lillia
>But what are we gonna do for money if oni-chan never brightens up-Aisha
>Im certain Master Rudeus will make it through this-Lillia

>Sylphie commited suicide because of me Im sorry I did this to your grandchild
>Lise? Sylphie is?
>Goodbye you will never see me again
>Wait Roxy! Whats going on with Sylphie?

Days later
>Oni-chan I made breakfast all for you, aw your not moving your mouth let me help you out, since your being a bad oni-chan and not chewing your food I chewed it for you now say aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh
>Good boy now you need to drink just hold still while I put this tube down your throat thats right oni-chan drink up all that water hope you get better oni-chan *kiss on the cheek*
>Im home!
>Why is it so quiet here? I mean quieter?
>Oh Sylphie you know this-Norn
>Wheres Sylphie? And I think Roxy should still be here too
>Wait where big brother?
>Whats going on-Norn
>Go back to school you dont need to be here anymore-Aisha
>Huh whats with that?-Norn
>I want to talk with Sylphie-Norn
>Sylphie isnt here right now-Aisha
>Oh well Ill wait for her then-Norn
>Just go back to school already Norn-Aisha
>Your sick you know that Aisha-Norn
>Oni-chan is suffering right now! He doesnt need your crying to make him worst!-Aisha
>What? Why is Rudeus suffering? I bet Sylphie gave a stern talking to-Norn
>Just go away you silly child-Aisha
>No I wanna see Rudeus myself-Norn
>Aisha, let her see him-Lillia
>But mom she so stupid and emotional-Aisha
>Aisha she needs to see him-Lillia
>*they go the bedroom*
>I know Sylphie straighened you out but thats no reason to act like this-Norn
>Um Rudeus-Norn
>Why isnt he responding?-Norn
>Did Sylphie hit in the head too hard?-Norn
>Norn I want to stay calm-Aisha
>Sylphie is dead-Aisha
>*Norn slumps to her knees*
Samefaggers are just desperate to seem like they're not the minority.
>people don't agree with my retarded statement
>must be a self replying faggot
Why didn't you drop it in the first season? There is Elinalise the massive whore which gets most sex scenes in the show, getting railed by a bunch of randoms.
His own father is a cheater that ends up with two wives.
Why is it when Rudeus does it, it's suddenly wrong? You didn't question Zenith, but question Eris and Roxy?
H-heretic! Unbeliever!
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>Please calm down Sylphy
>Fuck off you cheating bastard
Just joking. Ruijerd and his race are my miggas
>Skipped Elinalise lying to sylphie that Roxy is pregant
And the studio bind deepthroaters will tell that everything is fine
>There is Elinalise the massive whore which gets most sex scenes in the show, getting railed by a bunch of randoms
she is just a bitch, it makes sense, I don't see anything out of ordinary there.
>His own father is a cheater that ends up with two wives
Yeah, paulo cheated his wife got mad and she decided to stay with him, I thought, because she has children and didn't want to make life difficult to them or something of that sort.
>Rudeus just starts a harem and all this characters jsut accept it and willingly form part of his harem
silphy is the only one that I can believe would accept being part of a harem, unwillingly or not. Eris is the worst one. how that retarded animal like girl would simply go with it?. It's not a morality thing, it just don't buy it, it doesn't help that the writing has been so shit about it. Anon gave an example here >>268310706
Nah, the lying part was always dumb, and it's better that they removed it.
This way, the marriage and love thing is earnest, and not simply a trick.
Good lord, why are there always retards who think that this was a good scene?
Sheesh Perugius make up your mind already…
Is having a dwarf daughter the ultimate bliss?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more blissful than having a dwarf daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years so she can inevitably go into the high arts. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her grand or technical literature, making her practice her dexterity, making sure she had a healthy booze-heavy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her minds gains a ravenous hunger for artistic knowledge and dexterous skill. All complimented and exemplified by her equally ravenous thirst for life's nectar (alcohol).

Raised the perfect girl? Great. You benefit yourself and the world. If you're lucky, a great dragon general who loves the arts will see her worth as you do and dotes on her with his knowledge. He gets to educate her thirsty mind every night. You get to see the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her being merged with the loving tutoring of a fellow man who can appreciate your pride and joy.

As a man who has a dwarf daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl to shower you and the world in her arts. All discussed over drinks you share from any age she wishes to drink; for a dwarf it not even being child abuse. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL bliss. Think about it logically.
Jaegerbombs with Julie! Jaegerbombs with Julie and it isn't even child abuse! Teaching her how to microsolder a motherboard afterwards! Then more Jaegerbombs! With Julie!
They get money after Geese sold what he collected from the hydra.
threads are so fast on air day jeeze
>its better to remove stuff that is canon and change the story that has been intentionally left by the author in both WN and LN
the state of the studio bind drones shiteaters.
The author himself decided that that stuff be changed.
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>Am I too much of a trad chad?
Did you just call yourself a chad?
BTW Roxy and Sylphy are good but Eris is trash.
>animal like girl
Just like Linia and Pursena that recognized Rudy as the leader of the pack?
It's weird that you question writing of Rudeus only now, when it was shit from the start. The whole purpose of ED is that he wouldn't fuck any girl before meeting Sylphie again. How is that not a shit writing?
The whole plot isn't that progress/adventure that ends up in a harem, it's that plot was built around the idea of Rudeus having a harem of those selected girls from the start. So naturally it will have shit writing and asspulls to make it towards the destination(harem). Rudeus getting caught off guard twice in a row leading to his father's death is a dogshit writing too.
>No way but daddy and mom no this cant-Norn
>See? Mom I told you she would act like this!-Aisha
>How did she die?-Norn
>Oh you know an accident-Aisha
>An accident a mistake of ones own doing-Aisha
>I dont understand-Norn
>So Rudeus is like this because she died?-Norn
>Well that and Roxy dumped him-Aisha
>Huh she did after Sylphie died thats so mean-Norn
>Sigh your so dumb Roxy feels incredible guilt at what happened so isnt associating with us anymore so she can still think calmly-Aisha
>So she can just have fun with Rudeus and leave like that huh I knew it she was a whore!-Norn
>Say whatever you want-Aisha

Days later
>So you drove your wife to suicide eh Rudeus, you know back in our world you would consider the height of garbage-Nanahoshi
>Boss really did a number on Fitz eh-Linia
>Didnt know Fitz was that hardcore romantic-Pursena
>Master/ please get up look at what Julie has made isnt it beautiful doesnt it fill you with energy?-Zanoba
>Rudeus I dont know what to say I just dont know-Cliff
>Get your but already Rudeus!-Norn
>Hey dont hit oni-chan like that-Aisha

>In Rudeus mind
>Flashbacks of his times with Sylphie are seen everywhere
>I killed her
>I killed her
>Its all my fault
>Im so selfish
>Im so sorry
>Im so sorry
>Id do anything to stop you from doing that
>Roxy.... no why am I thinking of her
>I messed up so bad this time

Days later

>Fitz commited suicide
>*Luke gasps in shock*
>I see.......ok playtime is over then
>But Ariel-sama
>Fitz mission was to recruit Rudeus Greyrat but since thats no longer possible we will follow through on the uprising instead
>I understand
>Notify the university that we will be indefinitely ending our tuition here after all none of us will ever leave the borders of Asura again
>Although if I do win Id like to make a statue of Sylphie shes done so much for me
>And what about Rudeus
>Dead to us Ill ensure he gets no privileges from his Greyrat for the rest of time
No he didn’t. You’re farting uncontrollably.
Yes he did, and you were wrong. Sucks for you that the author himself doesn't share your opinion.
She's literally too retarded for that. She doesn't even know how to bathe
No he didn’t. I guess all those farts are the result of you losing continence from being fucked in your ass so many times sodomite.
Eris had the eldest son and Roxy a miracle child plus Sylphie had the CHAD, the only cuck here is the archer girl
this image makes sense now-
Been a while since I've seen a poster this dumb.
I need to kiss her.
Need to wait 10 more years, ruijerd.

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