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>point out shitty writing in shonen, a genre that's been popular for decades and has works that people consider a huge part of anime culture
>"shut the fuck up, you're not supposed to take it seriously, it's cool and badass and it's all that matters, it's not supposed to be high art anyway, I'm consuming slop and I'm proud of it"
>point out shitty writing in isekai, a genre that often has a lot of similar problems to shonen but only became really popular last decade
>people more or less agree and acknowledge it as shitty writing instead of jumping to its defense and telling you to fuck off for not being a consoomer

The age of the internet is great bros. People can actually voice their thoughts publicly online and don't have to pretend like shitty writing is good ackshually and put up with Mary Sue protagonists and retarded plots. The way shonen evolved to be perceived vs. the way isekai evolved to be perceived is proof of that. The only thing I'm concerned about is when, in a couple of decades, isekai becomes a large part of anime culture, more people are going to be attached to it and are going to be defending it unironically like shonenbabies do.
Isekai are made for people that already gave up on life.
Just get yourself killed by a truck and maybe in your next life you'll have a big dick and elf slaves to suck your cock.
Isekai MCs are way more OP than Shonen, and the whole genre looks sketchier, they are escapist fantasies for manchildren, where the MC has a harem of hot women.

Shonen are made for young boys to learn to never give up.

Shonen are manga adaptations and have better fight scenes, Isekai are from LN and should have better plots, but they really don't.
>bragging about how you only watch isekai 'ironically' and actually think its shit
Unironically, isekai protagonists have more variety when it comes to motivation compared to shounen protagonists.
Not much of a high bar.
>[demographic] vs [genre]
Should I have said shonenslop instead?
>shitty writing in shonen
It is for children. Let them read rule of cool shit instead of demanding some literary epic. Pointing out plotholes or weak characterization is for fags
Most of the people discussing shonen online are manchildren adults though
>I'm consuming slop and I'm proud of it
The mindset of every casual who watches dub and calls sub enjoyers "weebs."
proving my point
Anyone who is actually intelligent could argue that anything you point out as "shitty writing" is actually good writing when put into context. Cop-outs like "you shouldn't take it seriously" or "it's shit but I like shit" is for the unintelligent who can't defend what they like and bend the knee to popular opinion.
action will always be more engaging than light novel talkfests
And your point is gay, failed writer
>projection and ad hominem
>obsessively watching two popular genres just to whine about them on the internet
Even you must have something better to do.
There is nothing to discuss. If you actually read literature, you would understand that these objective quality rules to fiction writing dont detract. Stop viewing shit through a failed writer lens
What pisses me off is the subreddit r/seinen that mainly posts anime.
They're basically antithetical genres
Shounen is usually about a talented diamond-in-the-rough who faces hardship and rises to challenges as they grow stronger over time
Isekai is usually about a person dying and being given a new life on easy mode even though they didn't accomplish anything in their past life
Shonen is usually about a Mary Sue who's super special because they're just that tough and clever
Isekai is usually about a Mary Sue who's super special because they're just that tough and clever
The battle shounen genre is an inherently trash genre catered for little kids. It is the most stagnant and oversaturated genre in the market if not the worst thing to grace the animanga world right after isekai in terms of quality because there are MORE shitty battle shounen in quantity that they end up inundating the few good shounen. If a story or a conflict can be resolved simply by two meatheads screaming at each other and shooting punching harder, then it's obvious you're not even trying to put together a compelling plot.

Battle shounen is a genre aimed for 10 year old little kids, if you still find entertainment in these rubbish, then you're a manchild who refuses to grow up. HxH, the uncontested king of battle shounen, is the ONLY exception because Togashi is one of those rare manga artists who's an author first and foremost, so he tells a story FIRST and FOREMOST. Every sensible human being knows that it's miles ahead of every other battle shounen crap that's out there that NPCs eat up bar none. Literally the only good battle shounen that's still in print.

Besides HxH, you also have YYH (which is pretty much a proto-HxH) but that ended. JoJo? It stopped being a shounen since Stone Ocean ended. FMA? Ended too, and it was the last battle shounen that was genuinely good because just like Togashi, Arakawa is one of those rare manga artists who's an author FIRST and FOREMOST. She did a lot of research while making this manga. Talked to a lot of war veterans and researched alchemical traditions of both West and the East. She actually studied human behavior and it shows best during the Ishval flashback.

There's a handful of self-contained battle shounen that actually tells a good story and you sometimes get rare gems like HxH or FMA, but it's a rarity. Every other battle shounen are disappointing/flawed, the Big 3, or a soulless Naruto clone (SnK, BnHA, BC, KnY, JJK, etc.).
>It is the most stagnant and oversaturated genre in the market
...if isekai didn't exist
This is your mindset
>Unironically, isekai protagonists have more variety
>"I'm loser worthless faggot 2815710895270198502918950310951 but now since I le reincarnated I'm da gigachad that every female in the near vicinity wants because.....THEY JUST DO, OKAY!?"
Yeah, okay.
>SAO is isekai
>All/most isekai are X but I can't think of a single example but they really are X, trust me, bros!
>I have not even an iota of comprehension ability and never watched, much less read, any isekai, but ecelebs told me that isekai... bad, therefore isekai bad
>isekaifags must refute my made-up strawman, but if they do, then they can't be trusted because they... actually dare defend isekai! But we know isekai can't possibly be good because... they just can't, OK?
>isekai is a genre
>isekai vs shounen
It's a bait thread that attracts even more bait, alright.
ok isekaifag
You can't even list two isekai MCs who are the same.
Compared to
>"I'm loser worthless faggot 281571089527019850291895031095147473835998 but now since I le believe in myself I'm da gigachad that every other character in the near vicinity wants to nakama because.....THEY JUST DO, OKAY!? Zoinks, I love eating!! But to become the best whatever the fuck and fight the evil organization team, I have to beat an EXAM?!?!?!
>Battle shonen: An orphan punches/katanas demons that eat humans to save his friends or family
>Romcom: set in a japanese school, features a withdrawn person with a quirk and a popular person taking interest in the former

It's all just minor variations of the same stories. But isekai is more varied and more interesting because it's a newer genre where less concepts have been explored.
It's literally fantasy with extra layers of infantile escapism.
>Wow I wanna be just like Goku when I grow up *becomes productive member of society and lifts some weights*
>I hate my life. Time to read a rehashed RPG fan fiction smut LN disguised as a fantasy epic *kills himself*
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Isekais are just moneyprinters for publishing firms
Kirito and Kazuma
there is literally no barrier of entry for isekai and adjacent web novels.
People can just go online and write whatever, the only thing really stopping them is themselves, ergo if people have issues with the writing the author can either take in that info or ignore it. You get a massive wave of pure schlock as a result, Japanese RPGs, Korean MMOs, Chinese Cultivation, there is nothing that can prevent them from writing.
Shonen manga usually has to go through a gamut of hurdles to survive, if the wide range of U19 titles in Jump isn’t a sign of it. Actively participating in keeping a series alive is a real thing, lest the axe come down on their head and end the series prematurely. There comes a defensiveness as a result, the amount of effort that goes into making a shonen manga greatly dwarfs the amount of effort that goes into a light novel/web novel, hence why the latter’s titles are often absurdly long and descriptive to ensure that they catch the eye of potential readers through explaining their entire premise just by skimming through databases.
Name a single good Isekai worth a second of anyone's time.
All of them are better than whatever you like.
Isekai is fun on paper but some loser MCs that do not even attempt to tackle their inner demons just leave a bad taste in your mouth. Shit like Mushoku Tensei that tries to somewhat redeem the MC also dont feel that earnest. At least battle shonen is about happy retards punching their roadblocks away
Goku isn't a productive member of society, and his fans are spics working dead-end jobs
>implying saving the earth is not productive
>implying blue collar spics are not productive
I want to hear this out
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This complaining reminds me of the 2000s when anything Japanese anime-related, on the gamecube or DS was conflated as 'kiddie' being bad and there wasnt enough "gun & realism". 20 years later all our shows insert subversive messages vilifying anyone who dares to starta family, not saving for the future, take substances to feel better, we have slop AAA games and a mount everest of indie shovelware. Any person who looks back and tries early 2000s anime/games are shocked by the essence still there. YET at the time all gaming journos trashed these games then. Shounen is ultimately harmless and tends to tell a good message that being a social, disciplined, and ambitious pays off. We need this message in media. By trashing shounen what would you rather have? Endless piles of Crime Dramas like American streaming services provide? Degeneracy and having the MC get intellectually owned by literal prostitutes? You guys live in a very cozy bubble, and don't understand how tainted the rest of popular media really is. We actually need to hold fast on predictability and positivity, to tradition. rekindle the techniques of the masters.
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for every good unique isekai MC, there are 5 isekai MCs who are the exact same.
>vilifying anyone who dares to starta family
You made this up to feel mad about
>it's good because it tells a good message
You are no different from the people you criticize, viewing fiction as propaganda of your values first and foremost.
Stuff like the protagonist saving the day through a generic asspull power-up can absolutely detract from enjoyment.
It's more likely your "pointing out the shitty writing" is just your own personal list of random grievances and "It didn't do what I wanted :(" so people didn't care about your opinion.
There are some very blatant issues in shonen people just take for granted because they were allowed to fester for long enough to become staples of the genre.
Do you ever think any how obnoxious it is trying to talk about a series with a bunch of autistic faggots like you huffing your own farts and trying to explain to everyone how it's bad, or badly written, or we need to be mad about this that or the other?

It's absolutely goddamn tiresome, and the fact that you're celebrating a culture a self-effacement where your genetic criticism is accepted really shows this.

The worst fans in any fanbase are Otters like you, and unfortunately the prevalence of manga as a free medium has cultivated an endless amount of faggots who really should have just dropped a series, but who tune in every week to shit up a thread about it, because they can't stand to see someone else enjoying something.

In short: Buy some rope.
And yet you can't legitimately specify even a single pair of "isekai MCs who are the exact same".
I don't know of any isekai by the name of "most isekai" or "all isekai" nor do I know of any isekai MCs who are called "all isekai MCs" or "most isekai MCs". So who is "the exact same" then?
It deflates tension but enjoyable asspulls can be pulled off and some authors like Araki tie it into the themes. Protags earning wins by the skin of their teeth is a formula that should be broken every once in awhile.
Bnha is the only "battle" shonen that you mentioned with a story.
Not that anon, are you being disingenuous on purpose? He didn't say anything is good because it has a message, he said it's important to have works that do teach lessons about how to be a functioning human. Stories are exceptionally powerful for social conditioning. Fiction in particular can leverage extreme situations that are memorable because they are combined with imaginative elements. There's a reason mankind remembers legendary versions of historical events and fictional heroes over time, but usually only two people will remember random acts of kindness, and typically those memories die with those people. The stories that teach or reinforce lessons double as a tool to perpetuate morals.

Now, by contrast, compare even some random shounen to a random American crime drama: in the former, the audience is probably going to be told to work hard, respect their friends, stand up for what's right, and be authentic to themselves; in the latter, the audience is told to work for the greater good via application of the law, have a witty response for everything said, and use evidence to solve problems. Neither of those are inherently bad. The shounen series is about making growth an adventure, whereas the crime drama is highlighting monotony and stress in adult life. The question I would ask is "which of these is more useful as a story?" My answer would be the shounen because it acts as a foundation and is more likely to have imaginative elements, whereas the crime drama is unrealistic and outclassed by actual true crime. One is inherently better suited to be told as a story, whereas one is a pale imitation of history.

Tl;dr: Fantastical fiction and history are the best versions of a story. Art that is not meant to convey a message is better served by a factual counterpart.
NTA, but you didn't refute the anon you replied to whatsoever. It's ultimately still the authors imposing their world-views on the audience. Whether you call it "propaganda" or "stories that teach or reinforce lessons [that] double as a tool to perpetuate morals" doesn't change that.
The shonen approach to solving problems is useless for the majority of things you are likely to face in the civilized adult world, because problems aren't usually solved by punching through them.
Hi I'm the bottle goblin anon, and you dont make sense. also youre second sentence reads like a weird 'gotcha' moment but if you were reading my post I didnt criticize anyone.

yes media is propaganda and i prefer the propaganda from the good old days. what's your point?

i cant really respond to this without sounding autistic but basically most shounen examples apply to any team based or collaborative environment if u played sports u wouldnt even write such a comment
>and, hola, by chapter 700, its revealed I am the super chosen one the overpowered savior of the world after all
applied to all battle shounen no exceptions
You know what he meant
Stop trying to shill this garbage maltranny.
Goku endangers other people because of his fight autism constantly.
Nobody cares about Fullreddit Malchemist
shounen MC's are overpowered because they are the chosen one
isekai MC's are overpowered because they either have the system on their side, or they exploit it
as well as the reason why shounen MC's are overpowered
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This doesn't make any sense. Isekai can be shounen as well.
>point out shitty writing in shonen, a genre
Every sensible person rubbed their foreheads and abstained from replying to OP as soon as they read this. Do better, anon-kun.
you are retarded, please leave this forum and go back to mal
>the cope
Is there actually something wrong with revealing that the protag has potential because of his bloodline etc? It is dumb to reveal it in a final fight like JJK but doesnt it make the series less contrived than a random teen training hard?
"shitty writing" is just a cope for people who got filtered.
SnK isn't a Naruto clone, it's an Eva clone
Most pre-2010 isekai
>capeshit Naruto
narou is a place where kadokawa farms writing from barely functional autistic teens, if you like any of it you should just be ground up into dog food
Just like to point out that Midoriya being a quirkless bullied faggot in a world full of superpowers and meeting the number one hero, who just so happens to be his personal hero, just revealing his power is inherited and then giving Midoriya his power so he can become the greatest hero ever is loser wish fulfillment.

Also, the same is true for Naruto. Except he just finds out he was jesus christ.

And the same is true for Bleach. Since he finds out he is actually part of every bloodline ever and is just a gigachad

I think One Piss and DBZ are one of the few that aren't isekai tier wish fulfillment, since Luffy was a strong chad since the beginning and so was Goku.
you stupid motherfucker you don't even understand the nature of this shit
any isekai you ever heard of was already creaming the 0.1% best jap wattpad retard ramble stories of a year's worth of narou output
didn't read
I'm not saying Bleach is well written or anything like that, but Ichigo was never a loser even in chapter 1.
His opening scene is him cracking heads.
I see this faggot everywhere whenever I peek this board; he's an underage redditor that really loves NPC favorites such as FMA, HxH and JoJo and is trying to peddle the narrative that they're high art because he's one of those autistic midwits ashamed to enjoy shounen and wants to look intelligent to other autistic midwits by pretending his reddit-tier picks are actually sophisticated shounen not like the others.
that's what i didn't like about bleach - as soon as a new bloodline power got written in he just had to have it
if we're talking about an anime for kids, i'm sure they fucking loved it so i give it a pass.
isekai is anime for working/non-working adults so rightfully the bar should be raised and bad writing should be pointed out as such
As opposed to isekai-consuming hikikomori subhumans that don't even have jobs?
Sorry. I guess I worded that badly. Ichigo was 100% not a loser. But Ichigo just finding out he has every power ever because he is actually the super duper special hybrid is a form of wish fulfillment. Same as a normal guy finding out he is the chosen one.
>I'm not saying Bleach is well written or anything like that
No need for this timid preface when making a factual correction to that retard.
Narnia ?
yes funnily enough the isekai shit you see in anime/manga/LN is the shit that made it out of syosetsu. think about the hundreds, possibly thousands of horribly written blogs which were deemed too shit to see the light of day
>because problems aren't usually solved by punching through them.
This is sub-80 IQ levels of media illiteracy and you sound retarded. Conflicts are indeed resolved through fighting in these series but if the shounen is good enough then almost always will there be subtext behind those fights for actual thematic execution. Some just do it effectively like Saint Seiya, Bleach and FMA where they're used as character pieces while others are much more unga-bunga and hyperfixate on the superficial aspects of power scaling and the power system like Dragon Ball, One Piece and HxH.
>there be subtext behind those fights for actual thematic execution
could you elaborate on what this means?
It's only dumb if the protagonist was pitched as some underdog or something
>Expecting a hunterfag to know what he's talking about.
Lol, kill yourself malfag.
why are readers of shonen-media so insecure? is because deep down they know they are reading slop with no depth?
You're all retards.
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>majority of shounen
cool fights, eye catching animation
>majority of isekai
cummerbait slop for low IQ retards, animation is often below average, there are some good tittles like Mushoku or Re;Zero tho
JoJo has its flaws, but you're biologically and mentally unable to identify them. All you can do is parrot what you're told is "badly written" because you cannot even comprehend what bad writing is because all you ever consume are bad shounen like SnK/MHA/KnY/JJK/etc. I only read good shounen (like HxH, YYH, FMA and JoJo up to Stone Ocean) so unlike you, I can very easily tell garbage from miles away and I stay away from them like the plague they are, because battle shounen is to manga like isekai is to light novels. FMA is on a league of its own because the author actually put some thought into their story that doesn't revolve around fightfaggotry and HxH is the uncontested king of battle shounen.

The good shounen out there are the ones that aren't made for easily impressionable kids. But the shounen that appeals to underages like (You) like MHA and KnY are indeed meant for little kids (and 20+ year old manchildren who still have a child-like mentality and refuses to grow up).
Shonen is the broadest category of them all and has by far the largest number of manga titles.
Isekai is a very well defined cookie cutter copy and paste subgenre.
Shounen is slop at its worst, peak at its best. Meanwhile there isn't a single good modern isekai because it has one of the lowest quality bars of any genre.
Battle shounen is the single worst thing to grace the manga world along with isekai, and so, battle shounen are very easy to tell what's good and what's not because there are more bad ones than good ones, and for the ones that are good are: HxH, FMA, and JoJo up to Stone Ocean. Which goes to show how much the quality of that subgenre sucks. HxH is the undisputed king of battle shounen and FMA is the last good battle shounen in shounen history. Beyond battle shounen, Ashita no Joe is the absolute peak and the best what that demographic has to offer, but it's not a battle shounen.

The people who hates FMA can never name a single better battle shounen than FMA (besides HxH/YYH/JoJo). All the FMA bitchers loves Naruto clones like SnK/MHA/KnY/JJK/etc.

The titles I mentioned are the best what this subgenre has to offer, with HxH standing atop the pyramid. JoJo's BT and DiU are next in the pillar, then comes YYH only because of everything after Chapter Black is mediocre. FMA is the last genuinely good one, and it's also the one that makes the Hispanics seethe the most.

Other JoJo parts are flawed (GW and SO) but they're still leagues ahead of other battle shounen bar none. PB is the only JoJo part that's subpar and that's because it's the first part.

The "best" the Big 3 have to offer are average at best but overall they're all subpar manga, and that's if I pretend spin-offs like Boruto doesn't exist. After them, comes other battle shounen like Dragon Ball (which wouldn't exist without 101 Dalmatians, that doesn't make 101 Dalmatians a top quality battle shounen).

Then finally, is a special place in hell reserved for SnK/MHA/KnY/JJK and all the other corporate produced soulless slop shounen/Naruto adjacents.

Good shounen and bad shounen are like night and day.
No, subtext is a natural part of storytelling. But you don't seem to understand what that entails: if you wanna tell a story about specific virtues, do you really always have to put them in the coat of "training to get good at a specific generic martial art"? This framing has a pretty limited scope and eventually becomes a hammer that turns everything in the story into a nail.
He means "Goku wins because he trains, Frieza loses because he complains". There's some truth behind this but like I said you can contain a pretty limited pool of subtexts in this framework. YYH is smarter than most shonen but even that eventually falls into this pitfall. How do you refute a guy who hates humanity for their sins and advocates for demons by punching him? Well you don't, you literally prove him right by having to be retconned into being a demon to stand a chance at beating him. Because humans actually do suck I guess?
Not reading this but Fullreddit MALchemist is awful and HxH is just straight garbage. Naruto is much better than both. End your life immediately.
what you mean, one word missing confuse u that much? see that proves ur low iq lol. learn reading comprehension haha. Fucking English Only Phaggot
Naruto could make 1000 Shadow clones in the first few chapters of the series. He was never weak in terms of power. This is literal bullshit, he was always strong but didn't have the right tools i.e. a teacher that could help him out.
>Is there actually something wrong with revealing that the protag has potential because of his bloodline etc?
Yes, because shonen is usually supposed to be about how hard work pays. A reveal like this always undermines that message.
>majority of shounen
>eye catching animation
That's factually not true. Most of the time the animation of any televized production is going to be mediocre with maybe 3 minutes worth of sakuga throughout 100 episodes. That's just how TV budgets work.
NTA but BT is much closer to your average retarded shonen than SO or even GW. It doesn't deserve that much dicksucking just because it has a witty likable MC.
ok you kinda right but still gotta remember that
>dragon ball
>old hxh
exists, those were animated pretty good considering they were long shounenslops, there is also plenty of seasonal shit like SNK, BNHA, Jujutsu Kaisen and some other shit that gets quality adaptations
Zero no tsukaima.
Every shounen is better than FMA. Fullreddit Malchemist is a generic and bland story that no one remembers.
>Isekai is fun on paper but some loser MCs that do not even attempt to tackle their inner demons just leave a bad taste in your mouth. Shit like Mushoku Tensei that tries to somewhat redeem the MC also dont feel that earnest.
That self hate is not healthy anon.
I hear valid criticisms towards shounen all the time, meanwhile the 99.99% of criticisms towards isekai are just people pointing out things they don't like.
>i-is that an overpowered MC? OMG I'M LOSING MY HEAD AAAAAHHHHHH
Missing someone complaining about isekai having too many trees.
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>FMA is on a league of its own because the author actually put some thought into their story
>FMA is the last genuinely good one
You have nothing to back this up. FMA is a flop and didn't even influence anything. It's not even above a 6/10
>muh influence
Has nothing to do with the quality of the story itself.
Truly great stories do inspire other people. But FMA has no merit in the "mih quality" side of things anyway.
>truly great stories
Such as...
Of course shounen has shit writing. The intended demographic is children who are too dumb to notice, but it got colonized by fujos constantly pushing BL homoshit.
Isekai didn't used to be just self-insert powerfantasy, but modern jap publishers made it so. Nu-Isekai is also full of shitty writing, but sometimes you have an author who can tell a really baller powerfantasy instead of being a 'monkey see, monkey copypasta' retard filling in a fukken madlibs template.
>It's literally fantasy with extra layers of infantile escapism.
And the transplanted protagonist is breaking immersion.
I cannot completely shed my 21st century mindset when consuming media, but I honestly prefer to empathize with an axe-wielding barbarian or a literal demon than with a transplanted loser.
>Mary Sue

Yet another in a long line of terms that lost all meaning
Mary Sue: a character favored by the plot to the point of the story becoming unenjoyable. Aka most shounen babby protags. How's that for meaning?
>Yes, because shonen is usually supposed to be about how hard work pays.
Based on the two fightin' shonen you read

Shonen isn't a genre, it's a demographic and it covers many genres.
Now and There Here and Now
to name two
Fighting shonen is usually about how hard work pays. It's also usually what has chosen protagonists with special genetics.

Mary Sue is a term used to describe a fictional character, usually female, who is seen as too perfect and almost boring for lack of flaws, originally written as an idealized version of an author in fanfiction.
Average battle shonen writing is shit but isekai is even worse. Battle shonen settings have way more variety than the genre that's supposed to be about an other world. Isekai settings are just a dragon quest rip off.
Battle shonen usually also have a large side cast so people have multiple characters they can pick as their favorite. Isekai casts are just the self-insert MC and his harem.
And how is this different from
>a character favored by the plot to the point of the story becoming unenjoyable

Try to actually think about the words you read instead of throwing out empty definitions.
Because it's a term created specifically to describe fanfic characters for one.
Pedantic bullshit. Language is flexible and terms evolve all the time. It can apply to more than just fanfic characters.
>Isekai settings are just a dragon quest rip off
People who say that usually just repeat non-sense from ecelebs and in most cases never played any DQ games themselves.
You don't deserve recs
YouTube recently recommended me some nigger live streamer that went to Japan and acted obnoxious there, his name was "Somali something". I watched a few clips and it occured to me: this is a high-test, extraverted person who doesn't care what others think of him, isn't deterred by conflict, proactively decides what he's doing with his life, tries to approach everyone and strike up a conversation with them. And he's a loud obnoxious nigger yelling at Japanese about Hiroshima and getting punched after annoying a Yakuza member. I was watching all that and thinking: isn't this basically the type of behavior a typical shonen MC is promoting? Be loud, low-brow, happy-go-lucky, not give a shit about public judgement, do your thing. THIS is how all the most iconic shonen protagonists act, isn't it? Goku, Yusuke, Naruto, Luffy, Joseph Joestar. THIS is what shonen is promoting.
Isekai Oji san
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Certainly not FMA
You just missed the part where shonen mc's actually do help people, beat villains and develop self-discipline to grow stronger.
Anyone can be a villain if you convince yourself they are and start a public fight with them. This is what shonen morality is more likely to inspire.
I accept your concession.
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>same post from a few week ago
>word for word
It's the frenchBITCH!!
>doesn't even try to deny it
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SAO isn't isekai. It's not even narou-kei.
>the worst thing to grace the animanga world
1-3 page twitter/pixiv web comics are far worse
>get btfo'd
>make thread complaining about it
why are OPs eternal faggots like this?
Bad shonens deserves all the criticisms they get.
I think that the isekai are far more hated since the writing usually is even more sloppier and the protagonists most of the times ends up being absolute gary stues in a featureless and undercooked world except for those sporadically good isekai that, in an storm of crap, are as rare as trouffles.
I my opinion, basically the isekai are in the same situation of popularity and excessive numbers the schools battle-ecchi used to be in the early 2000s
op lives in bizarro world
this dude can't even spell voila
Reminder that Kirito lost the vast majority of his battles and you're still sperging out over him 15 years later.

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